Study of the qualitative characteristics of grain suspensions and their use in food production Ekaterina Viktorovna Gorbyleva. New cavitation technology Application of cavitation water in the food industry

The phenomena of cavitation are known in hydrodynamics as phenomena that destroy the structures of hydraulic machines, ships, and pipelines. Cavitation can occur in a liquid during flow turbulence, as well as when the liquid is irradiated by an ultrasonic field excited by ultrasound emitters. These methods of producing a cavitation field have been used to solve technological problems in industry. These are problems of dispersion of materials, mixing of immiscible liquids, emulsification. But due to the high cost of equipment and the strength characteristics of the emitters, these technologies have not become widespread in Russian industry.
The proposed solution to these technological problems is based on continuous hydraulic machines to create a cavitation field in a fluid flow. Unlike traditional methods of obtaining a cavitation field using ultrasonic devices and hydrodynamic whistles, these hydraulic machines make it possible to obtain a cavitation field in any liquid, with various physical parameters and with specified frequency characteristics. This expands the geography of application of these machines for their use in industrial processes. These machines, conventionally called “cavitators” by the developer, can be used in such industries as the food industry to produce liquid food products (for example: mayonnaise, juices, vegetable oils, dairy products, feed additives, animal feed, etc.); such as the chemical industry (production of paints and varnishes), obtaining fertilizers for agriculture; in the construction industry (for enriching clay, improving the quality of concrete, obtaining new building materials from conventional packages).
Some studies have also been carried out on the cavitation effect of these machines when used as heat pumps. The production of thermal energy is based on the release of energy when the intermolecular bonds of a liquid are broken during its passage through the navigation field. Full-scale research in this matter may result in a new generation of heating units that will have autonomy and a wide range of applications for heating small buildings and structures remote from heating mains and even electrical lines.
In terms of energy, these machines were used to produce new types of fuel: artificial fuel oil, briquetted fuel with environmentally friendly binders from natural peat, as well as in technologies for the use of conventional fuels (oil, diesel oil, fuel oil) to save the consumption of these fuels by 25- 30% of existing expenses.

  • The use of a cavitator for the production of juices, ketchups from vegetables and fruits, berries that contain small seeds that are difficult to separate when making the product. The cavitator allows you to produce juices from berries such as raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, processing the berries without separating the seeds, which are dispersed to a particle size of 5 microns and are the foam component in the products.
  • The use of a cavitator in the technology of producing vegetable oils makes it possible to increase oil yield and equipment productivity. This technology makes it possible to obtain oil from any oil-containing plant structures, as well as to obtain foamy feed additives for farm animals.
  • Technological line for the preparation of mayonnaise.
  • Technological line for the production of oil and feed additives from spruce branches of coniferous trees.
  • Cavitation installations make it possible to obtain new types of feed from peat and grain processing waste.
  • From peat, with the help of cavitators, it is also possible to obtain complete fertilizers for agricultural producers from vegetables and grain crops, these are the so-called “humates”.
    II. Energy
  • Production of liquid fuel from coal production waste and peat. The fuel can serve as a substitute for fuel oil. (Peat-coal fuel).
  • Technological line for the production of peat-sawdust briquettes and building materials.
  • Production of sorbents for petroleum products.
  • There are preliminary studies on the use of cavitators for the production of motor fuels and oils from crude oil without cracking directly at non-industrial wells.
  • The use of cavitators for autonomous heating of premises as a low-power coolant heater up to 100 kW.
    III. Construction
  • The technology for producing paint and varnish material of improved quality due to the fine dispersion of fillers and dyes is being tested.
  • Technological line for the production of drying oil, dispersion and water-based paints.
  • The use of cavitators to produce new building materials may be promising:
    - concretes and mortars of increased strength;
    - enrichment of clays for brick production.
  • Cavitators can be used to clean metals and parts from rust, scale, etc.
  • Cavitators can be used as mixers of components that do not mix under normal conditions and to obtain homogeneous structures in the food and chemical industries.
    IV. Other
  • A unit for generating steam using electricity has been developed. The steam unit can be used for the production of feed, building materials, sterilization, etc.
  • Wastewater treatment to produce fuel from sedimentary materials. Water purification from oil products.


UDC 664:621.929.9 V.I. Lobanov,

V.V. Trushnikov


In sausage and meat canning production, after grinding the raw material, it is mixed with the ingredients of the recipes to obtain homogeneous systems. The need for this operation may also arise when mixing various components, for kneading raw materials to a certain consistency, in the process of preparing emulsions and solutions, to ensure a homogeneous state of the product for a certain time, in cases where it is necessary to intensify heat and mass transfer processes.

In the meat industry, mechanical mixing is most widespread, used as the main (in the production of sausages, stuffed canned food and semi-finished products) or accompanying (in the production of salted and smoked meat products, edible and technical fats, glue, gelatin, blood processing) operations.

Mixers, minced meat mixers, minced meat mixers, etc. are used for mixing. The first two groups of machines are classified as batch equipment. Mixers can be either continuous or intermittent.

Having examined the designs of domestic and foreign mixers, we came to the conclusion that they all have significant drawbacks - sticking of materials

rial on the working bodies during the mixing process (adhesion) and low productivity.

At the department of MPSP, an attempt was made to create a continuous minced meat mixer with self-cleaning working bodies (patent application No. 2006116842) for small-capacity workshops, which can be used both in low-capacity meat processing plants and in modular sausage shops (type MKTs-300K or modular sausage shop workshop of the CONVICE company) and large subsidiary farms, which is important for this stage of economic development of our country, when up to 60% of all livestock products on the market are provided by subsidiary farms.

The proposed mixer for viscous materials consists of a body 1 (Fig. 1), made on a frame 2, in which working bodies 3 are installed, each of which consists of a shaft 4 with two working blades 5, made along the length of the working body along a helical line with an angle lift within the range of 0°30"-0°50", while the screw of one working element is twisted clockwise, and the other - counterclockwise. The drive 6 of the working bodies 3 is designed so that the bodies are synchronized with each other. The design is equipped with a loading tray 7 and an unloading tray 8.

Rice. 1. Diagram of the proposed mixer

After grinding in a meat grinder, the minced meat enters the loading tray 8 and falls under specially designed working parts 3, rotating towards each other at the same angular speeds (along a crossed path), which self-clean during operation due to the specific shape of their cross-section. In the mixer, the minced meat is actively mixed by working bodies 3 with blades 5 made along a helical line, ground due to the gap between the shafts 4 and moves along the working bodies to the unloading tray 7. The forward movement of the material is ensured

a helix formed by a uniform displacement of the section of the working body along its entire length by a certain angle a. The rotation of the working bodies is carried out by means of drive 6.

The proposed shape of the working bodies was taken from German patent No. 1199737, where two blades rotate at constant speeds towards each other along intersecting trajectories. To construct the profile of the working parts of the proposed mixer, we use the diagram (Fig. 2), where the interaxial distance is selected so that the working bodies engage at an angle of 45°.

Rice. 2. Scheme for constructing the profile of the working bodies

Based on the above proposal, we can write

R+g = R-42, (1)

where R is the radius of the working body, m; r - radius of the working body shaft, m.

In order to define the SL curve, you need to know how the angle b and the distance OK change depending on the angle a. Thus, we will define a curve in the polar coordinate system with an angle b and a radius of curvature p = OK when the parent angle a changes from 45 to 0°. So, let's connect the angle b and a.

From triangle NPK:

NK = R - sinа; (2)

ON = r42 - NP = R(4l - cos a) (h)

From triangle ONK:

t in NK R sin а sin а

ON R (J2 - cos а) (42 - cos а)


Let us connect the radius of curvature p to the angles b and a:

from triangle ONK:

on = r(V2 - cos a)

OK cos to cos to (6)

Thus, a curve in the polar coordinate system is given by the following system of equations:

r (V2 - cos a)

Considering that the boxes for supplying cold air are installed discretely, the process of drying the material is repeated several times and intensified, which is the achievement of the intended technical result.

Analysis of drum dryers

Ho/yudiO bozduh

Rice. Proposed drum dryer layout

The proposed dryer (Fig.) consists of a housing 1, inside of which a lifting-blade nozzle 3 is installed, and a stationary casing 2 is attached to the console of the housing 1, on which a pipe 4 is installed for supplying hot air. Along the circumference of the pipe 4 there are longitudinal-radial windows 5, and at the ends of the housing 1 there is a pipe for loading material 6, an unloading chamber 7 with pipes for removing hot air 8 and discharging material 9. On the housing 1 under a fixed casing 2 several boxes 10 are installed in series with inlet pipe 11 and outlet pipes 12 for supplying cold air. The lifting blade nozzle 3 has a special drive.

The drum dryer works as follows. The source material enters housing 1 through pipe 6. When the lifting-blade nozzle 3 rotates, its blades capture the material and lift it. Falling off the blades, the material forms longitudinal jets that penetrate the heat flows passing through the pipe 4 and the longitudinal-radial windows 5. Moisture is removed from the outer surface of the material. Then the material moves along the body 1 to the outlet due to the tilt of the drum and the speed of the heat flow. At the moment the material moves along the inner surface of the body, it enters the fastening zone of the boxes 10, through which cold air is supplied. Cold air is supplied

through supply pipes 11, cools locally part of the housing 1 and is discharged through pipes 12. In contact with the cooled part of the housing, the surface of the material is cooled, while its middle remains heated. The moisture present in the material will tend from the center to the periphery. Then, when passing through the area of ​​the casings, the material will again appear on the hot surface of the housing, and the air flow of the coolant will remove moisture from the surface of the material. This process is repeated several times (depending on the number of boxes 10). Then the bulk material enters the unloading chamber 7, where it is separated from the coolant and removed from the drum dryer.

An experimental installation for drying grain and other bulk materials is currently being manufactured.


1. Energy-saving grain drying / N.I. Malin. M.: KolosS, 2004. 240 p.

2. Grain drying and grain dryers / A.P. Gerzhoy, V.F. Samochetov. 3rd ed. M.: KolosS, 1958. 255 p.

3. Wheat and assessment of its quality / ed. and with a preface. Doctor of Biology science prof. N.P. Kuzmina and honorable scientist of the RSFSR prof. L.N. Lyubarsky; lane from English Ph.D. biol. Sciences K.M. Selivanova and I.N. Silver. M.: KolosS, 1967. 496 p.

UDC 664.7 V.V. Gorshkov,

A.S. Pokutnev



Currently, the issue of expanding the range of bakery products remains relevant. The primary role is to increase the taste and nutritional properties of bread while maintaining its low price. This is achieved by improving baking technology by changing the parameters of grain preparation, the degree and method of grinding it, diversifying the recipe by including other grains and other components during kneading, improving the technology of loosening the dough and the conditions for baking bread.

One of the possible options for modernizing the grain grinding stage is the use of cavitation grinding mills. This eliminates the need to repeatedly pass grain through grinders and then separate it into fractions. At the same time, due to the fact that wet grinding occurs in the cavitation mill, there is no harmful dust factor in the grain preparation shop. As a result, a homogenized suspension of crushed grain is supplied to the baked goods.

Research methodology

The purpose of the research was to study the possibility of producing grain bread based on a grain suspension obtained in a Petrakov dispersant.

Chemical analysis of grain and suspension was carried out in the laboratory of the Altai State Agrarian University in terms of moisture content, gluten and glassiness. The quality of the resulting bread was determined at the Testing Center for Food Products and Raw Materials of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Technical University" according to organoleptic indicators - shape, surface, crumb, porosity, smell, taste, color and physico-chemical - humidity, acidity

tightness, foreign inclusions, signs of disease and mold, crunch from mineral impurities. Based on the research results, a calculation was made of the economic efficiency of the production of wheat bread based on a grain suspension obtained by cavitation dispersion.

Research results

To conduct the experiment, it was necessary to use whole, unhulled wheat grain and drinking water in a ratio of 1:2.

For the research, a prototype of a rotary-type cavitation heat generator with an electric motor power of 11 kW, a liquid flow rate of 0.15-0.5 l/s and a pressure of 0.2-0.4 MPa was used.

A dough was obtained from a grain suspension by adding 35% flour. Kneading was done manually until the dough had a homogeneous consistency.

Fermentation of the dough lasted two hours with kneading twice, which was done manually. The first warm-up was done after 40 minutes. after the start of fermentation, the second - after another 40 minutes. (1 hour 20 minutes after the start of fermentation). Cutting was carried out mechanically into standard shapes. The proofing time was 50 minutes. at a temperature of 40°C. Baking duration - 25 minutes. at a temperature of 240°C.

To set up the experiment, wheat with weak baking properties was taken. Grain with such characteristics was not chosen by chance. This made it possible to evaluate the minimum possible quality of raw materials in the production of bread and reduce costs to a minimum. In this case, the baking properties of the dough are leveled by adding flour to it. Indicators, characteristics

affecting the quality of the initial grain are given in Table 1.

As evidenced by the data presented in Table 1, the analyzed grain samples had average quality indicators: in terms of protein and gluten they corresponded to weak varieties of wheat, and in terms of glassiness they corresponded to strong varieties. Medium grades in terms of technical properties are suitable for producing baking flour without adding improvers.

A recipe was developed to obtain bread. The difference in the recipe is that it is based not on 100 kg of flour, but on 100 kg of mixture. This is due to the fact that the basis of the dough is not flour, but its mixture with a grain suspension. The suspension was obtained from whole grains without the use of flour. The mixture included 65% grain suspension and 35% 1st grade wheat flour. For 100 kg of the mixture, 0.9 kg of “Extra” table salt was added and

0.3 kg of yeast.

An organoleptic analysis carried out after baking showed that the finished product had a characteristic shape

for molded, corresponded to the bread mold in which the baking was done; surface - without large cracks or tears; crumb - baked and elastic; porosity - developed without voids and compactions; taste and smell - characteristic of this type of product; Brown color.

The assessment of physicochemical parameters is given in Table 2.

The results given in Table 2 show that in terms of physical and chemical indicators, the resulting bread corresponds to: in terms of moisture - Darnitsky, in terms of acidity and porosity - 1st grade white bread.

The economic effect of introducing the technology was assessed by reducing the cost of bread and was determined taking into account the costs of the dispersion process and saving money on raw materials. For comparison, bread made from first grade wheat flour was taken. Data on the economic efficiency of the production of wheat bread based on a grain suspension obtained by cavitation dispersion are presented in Table 3.

Table 1

Assessment of wheat grain quality, %

Indicator Experimental sample Weak wheat varieties Strong wheat varieties

Humidity 14.23 - -

Protein,% 11.49 9-12 14

Gluten 20.59 Up to 20 28

Vitreousness 59 Up to 40 40-60

table 2

Physico-chemical indicators of grain bread

Indicator Test result GOST 26983-86 “Darnitsky bread” GOST 26984-86 “Stolichny bread” GOST 26987-86 “White bread from 1st grade wheat flour”

Humidity, % no more than 48.0±0.71 48.5 47 45

Acidity, degrees no more than 2.0±0.36 8 8 3

Porosity, % not less than 68.0±1.0 59 65 68

Foreign inclusions Not detected - - -

Signs of disease and mold Not detected - - -

Crunch from mineral impurities Not felt - - -

Table 3

Economic effect of bread production per 1 ton

Production cost items Product

bread made from 1st grade flour (basic version) grain bread (design version)

1. General production and general economic expenses, rub. 7570 7809

2. Raw materials, rub. 6713 4335

3. Total costs for the production of 1 ton of bread, rub. 14283 12114

4. Economic effect, rub. - 2139

Cost savings occur due to a reduction in the cost of raw materials due to the replacement of part of the flour with a grain suspension. From Table 3 it follows that the economic effect per 1 ton of finished products (bread) will be 2139 rubles.

The data obtained allow us to recommend the use of hydrodynamic cavitation at the grinding stage in the production of wheat bread based on grain suspension, which will eliminate the need to repeatedly pass grain through grinders, followed by sifting into fractions, eliminate losses from the formation of mill dust and obtain an economic effect of 2139 rubles/t.


1. GOST 5667-65. Bread and bakery products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods, methods for determining organoleptic characteristics and weight of products.

2. Romanov A.S. Examination of bread and bakery products. Quality and safety: textbook. allowance / A.S. Romanov, N.I. Davydenko, L.N. Shatnyuk, I.V. Matveeva, V.M. Po-Znyakovsky; under. total ed. V.M. Poznyakovsky. Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. publishing house, 2005. 278 p.

3. GOST 26983-86. Darnitsky bread. Enter. 01.12.86 to 01.01.92. M.: Publishing house of standards, 1986. 6 p.

4. GOST 26987-86. White bread made from premium, first and second grade wheat flour. Technical conditions.

The method relates to the production of animal feed. The method involves moistening, grinding and enzymatic hydrolysis of grain, with the ratio of grain to water being 1:1, water temperature 35-40°C, and the enzymes used are -amylase 1.0-1.5 units/g starch and xylanase 1-2 units/g cellulose. The method makes it possible to obtain a product containing easily digestible carbohydrates. 1 table

Currently, livestock production uses molasses obtained from sugar production waste. This molasses, obtained by acid hydrolysis, contains 80% dry matter and has a high concentration of glucose.

The use of beet molasses as animal feed is widely known. Due to the high caloric content of these products, their use in feed is constantly increasing. However, molasses is a viscous liquid, making it difficult to process. When adding it to feed, it has to be heated. In addition, molasses contains very little nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium and does not meet the protein needs of farm animals.

Therefore, in the last 20 years, molasses obtained from grain or starch by enzymatic hydrolysis has been used in livestock farming.

Currently, enzymatic hydrolysis of starch-containing materials is carried out with pre-treatment of raw materials at high pressure of 4-5 kgf/cm 2 for 120 minutes.

With such pretreatment of grains, swelling, gelatinization, destruction of starch grains and weakening of the bond between cellulose molecules occur, some of the cellulases and amylases become soluble, resulting in an increase in the surface area accessible to enzymes and a significant increase in the hydrolyzability of the material.

The disadvantages of this method include high temperatures and duration of processing, which lead to the destruction of xylose with the formation of furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural and degradation of some sugars. There is also a method of preparing food, for example according to A.S. No. 707560, which involves moistening the grain in the presence of amylase, and then flattening, tempering and drying the finished product. With this method, only up to 20% of the initial starch content is converted into dextrin and up to 8-10% into reducing sugars (such as maltose, glucose).

A similar method of processing grain for feed is proposed (A.S. No. 869745), which involves processing grain similarly to A.S. 707560, but differs in that after tempering, the flattened grain is additionally treated with the enzyme preparation glucavamorin in an amount of 2.5-3.0% by weight of starch for 20-30 minutes. In this case, the percentage of reducing sugars in the product increases to 20.0-21.3%.

We offer a qualitatively new product with easily digestible carbohydrates - wheat (rye) molasses, obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis.

Feed molasses is a product of incomplete hydrolysis of starch and cellulose (hemicellulose and fiber). It contains glucose, maltose, tri- and tetrasaccharides and dextrins of various molecular weights, proteins and vitamins, minerals, i.e. everything that wheat, rye and barley are rich in.

Feed molasses can also be a flavoring additive, because... contains glucose, which is necessary when raising young farm animals.

Taste, sweetness, viscosity, hygroscopicity, osmotic pressure, fermentability of hydrolysates depend on the relative amounts of the above first four groups of carbohydrates and generally depend on the degree of hydrolysis of starch and cellulose.

For the hydrolysis of cellulose and starch, complex enzyme preparations were used: amylosubtilin G18X, celloviridin G18X, xylanase, glucavamorin G3X.

We also offer a new method of processing grain (rye, wheat) and producing feed molasses using cavitation with the simultaneous action of an enzyme complex.

The grain processing method takes place in a special cavitator apparatus, which is a rotating container with a perforated drum, in which a cavitation process occurs, based on high-intensity hydrodynamic vibrations in a liquid medium, accompanied by 2 types of phenomena:



with the formation of a large number of cavitation bubbles-cavities. In cavitation bubbles, strong heating of gases and vapors occurs, which occurs as a result of their adiabatic compression during cavitation collapse of the bubbles. In cavitation bubbles, the power of acoustic vibrations of the liquid is concentrated and cavitating radiation changes the physical and chemical properties of the substance located nearby (in this case, the substance is crushed to the molecular level).

Example 1: The grain is first coarsely crushed in a feed crusher with a particle size of no more than 2-4 mm, then mixed fractionally with water supplied to the cavitator. The ratio of grain and water is 1:1 parts by weight, respectively. Water temperature 35-40°C. The residence time of the grain suspension and water in the cavitator is no more than 2 seconds. The cavitator is connected to a device in which pH and temperature are maintained using automatic regulation. The volume of the reaction mixture in the apparatus depends on the power of the cavitator and ranges from 0.5 to 5 m 3 .

After feeding half the amount of grain, a complex of enzymes is fed into the cavitator: bacterial amylase 1.0-1.5 units/g starch and xylanase 1-2 units/g cellulose.

During cavitation, the temperature of the reaction mass is maintained within 43-50°C and pH 6.2-6.4. The pH of the mixture is maintained with hydrochloric acid or soda ash. After 30-40 minutes of cavitation, a liquefied fine suspension with grain particle sizes of no more than 7 microns is heated to the gelatinization temperature of wheat starch of 62-65 ° C and maintained for 30 minutes at this temperature without cavitation. Then the clustered mass is again introduced into cavitation mode for a duration of 30-40 minutes. The cavitation process is stopped by an iodine test, the product is sent for saccharification to a larger container with a mixing device. To further saccharify the reaction mass, add glucavamorin G3X at the rate of 3 units/g starch. The saccharification process is carried out at a temperature of 55-58°C and pH 5.5-6.0. Bacterial amylase 1.0-1.5 units/g starch and xylanase 1-2 units/g cellulose; during cavitation the temperature of the reaction mass is maintained 43-50°C and pH 6.2-6.4, and further saccharification of the resulting mixture is carried out with glucavamorin GZH at the rate of 3 units/g starch at a temperature of 55-58°C and pH 5.5-6.0.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Gorbyleva Ekaterina Viktorovna. Study of the qualitative characteristics of grain suspensions and their use in food production: dissertation... Candidate of Technical Sciences: 05.18.15 / Gorbyleva Ekaterina Viktorovna; [Place of protection: Kemer. technol. Institute of Food Industry]. - Kemerovo, 2008. - 175 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 09-5/1247


Chapter 1. Literature Review 9

1.1 Analysis of existing types and means of grinding 9

1.2. Cavitation theory 17

1.2.1 Definition of the phenomenon of cavitation 17

1.2.2 Types of cavitation 19

1.2.3 Occurrence of cavitation 21

1.2.4 Practical application of cavitation 23

1.3 Characteristics of the wheat grain used in the work 26

1.4 Ways to increase the nutritional value of grain foods 30

1.4.1 Milk as a means of increasing the nutritional value of grain processing products 30

1.4.2 Soaking grain as a way to increase the biological and nutritional value of food 34

1.5 Conclusion of the literature review 36

Chapter 2. Objects and methods of research 39

2.1. Objects of study 39

2.2 Research methods 40

2.3 Statistical processing of experimental data 45

Chapter 3. Research results and discussion 47

3.1 Determining the method of preparing grain for cavitation grinding 47

3.2 Obtaining grain suspensions. Determination of initial temperature, sampling intervals 49

3.3 Organoleptic evaluation of the resulting suspensions 54

3.4 Change in temperature of grain suspensions during cavitation 54

3.5 Study of the effect of cavitation treatment on acidity 58

3.6 Study of the carbohydrate complex 59

3.7 Determination of protein content 64

3.8 Determination of lipid content 67

3.9 Study of the effect of cavitation treatment on the content of vitamin E69

3.10 Study of the effect of cavitation treatment on the content of macroelements 70

3.11 Study of the effect of cavitation treatment on the microflora of grain suspensions 72

3.12 Study of the stability of the grain product during storage 75

3.13 Preliminary determination of optimal modes of cavitation grain grinding 82

3.14 Assessment of safety indicators of grain suspensions 83

Chapter 4. Examples of possible practical use of grain suspensions 87

4.1 Use of water-grain suspension in baking 88

4.1.1 Development of a grain bread recipe 88

4.1.2 Laboratory baking results. Organoleptic and physico-chemical assessment of finished products 91

4.1.3 Production testing of bread production technology using a water-grain suspension 95

4.1.4. Economic efficiency 98 Description of the enterprise 98 Investment plan 98 Production plan 101 Financial plan 109

4.2 Using milk-grain suspension for preparing pancakes and pancakes 112

4.2.1 Development of recipes for grain pancakes and pancakes 112

4.2.2 Laboratory baking results. Organoleptic and physicochemical assessment 113

4.2.3 Industrial approval 119

4.2.4 Cost-effectiveness 122

Conclusions 125

List of used literature 127

Applications 146

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the problem.

The problem of healthy human nutrition is one of the most important tasks of our time. Grain processed products perfectly meet the requirements of complete nutrition. In this regard, there is a need to create a wide range of new grain products that allow rational use of all valuable natural components while significantly reducing production costs.

That is why in the practice of grain processing production, considerable attention is paid to the introduction of progressive techniques and high-performance equipment in order to increase the efficiency of using grain during its processing.

One of the promising technologies that provides significant intensification of production processes and opens up wide opportunities for expanding the range of grain, bakery and other types of products is cavitation processing of raw materials, which makes it possible to obtain grain suspensions - products with a certain set of physicochemical and organoleptic properties.

The proposed technology is based on a physical phenomenon - cavitation, which is generated either by ultrasound (acoustic) or hydraulic pulses (rotational). Acoustic cavitation units are already used in various sectors of the food industry. To date, the greatest practical results in this direction have been achieved by Doctor of Technical Sciences. S.D. Shestakov.

However, recently, to disperse raw materials, they are beginning to use a more powerful disintegrating agent - hydraulic pulse rotary generators, which have shown high efficiency in laboratory tests.

In general, the dispersion of solid particles in hydraulic pulse rotary generators is accompanied by hydraulic shock action,

cavitation erosion and abrasion in the annular gap between the rotor and stator. However, the mechanism of the complex effect of hydropulse cavitation on food raw materials has not been sufficiently studied.

Based on the above, it is relevant to study the influence of hydropulse cavitation treatment on the organoleptic and physicochemical properties of grain products.

Target And research objectives.

The purpose of this research was to study the qualitative characteristics of grain suspensions and their use in food production.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

determine the initial temperature, the ratio of solid and liquid components before cavitation grinding and the maximum possible duration of hydropulse cavitation processing of wheat grain;

to investigate the influence of the duration of hydropulse cavitation grinding on the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of grain suspensions;

study microbiological indicators of grain suspensions;

determine the ability of grain suspensions to be stored;

evaluate the safety indicators of grain suspensions;

develop recipes and technologies for food products using grain suspensions. Provide a commodity assessment of finished products;

based on all the above studies, determine the optimal parameters for hydropulse cavitation treatment of wheat grain;

conduct pilot testing of a new grain product and evaluate the economic efficiency of the proposed technologies.

Scientific novelty.

The feasibility of hydropulse cavitation grinding of wheat grain in order to obtain grain suspensions as a semi-finished product in food production has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed.

The influence of the duration of hydraulic pulse

cavitation effects on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of wheat grain processing products.

For the first time, the influence of hydropulse cavitation treatment on the microflora of processed grain raw materials has been revealed.

An assessment of the safety indicators of grain suspensions obtained by the method of hydropulse cavitation grain grinding was carried out.

The optimal parameters for obtaining a grain semi-finished product for baking using the method of hydropulse cavitation grinding of wheat grain have been determined.

For the first time, the possibility of using a suspension of sprouted wheat grain, obtained by the method of hydropulse cavitation grinding, in the production of grain bread has been shown.

For the first time, a technology has been developed for preparing grain pancakes and pancakes based on a milk-grain suspension obtained by hydropulse cavitation processing of grain with milk.

Practical significance of the work.

Based on the research, practical recommendations have been developed for the production of grain suspensions using the hydropulse cavitation grinding method and their storage.

Examples of possible practical use of grain suspensions obtained by hydropulse cavitation grinding for the production of various bakery products are shown: a suspension of sprouted wheat grain - for the production of grain bread, a milk-grain suspension - for the preparation of grain pancakes and pancakes.

The developed method for producing bread successfully passed production testing in the bakery of the private enterprise “Toropchina N.M.”; method of preparing grain pancakes - in the canteen of Altai State Technical University "Diet +".

The expected economic effect from the introduction of grain bread will be 155,450 rubles. in year. The expected economic effect from the introduction of grain pancakes is 8505 rubles. in year.

A draft regulatory documentation has been developed for grain bread.

Approbation of work. The results of the work were reported at the 62nd scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Horizons of Education” in 2004, at the 64th scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Horizons of Education” in 2006. There are 10 publications, including 3 conference reports, 7 articles.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, a literature review, a description of objects and research methods, the results of discussion and their analysis, a description of examples of possible practical use of grain suspensions in baking, conclusions, a bibliographic list of 222 titles, including 5 foreign ones, and 6 appendices. The work is presented on 145 pages of typewritten test, contains 23 figures and 40 tables.

Milk as a means of increasing the nutritional value of grain products

In world practice, work on the creation of bakery products characterized by a high content of biologically active substances is becoming increasingly widespread. In the theory and practice of baking, two directions have been identified to increase the biological value of food products made from grain.

One of these areas is the enrichment of products with raw materials containing large amounts of protein, mineral elements, and vitamins. It is realized by creating bread enriched with dairy products, soy concentrates, fishmeal, vitamins, etc.

The second direction is to use all the potential inherent in grain by nature, since during varietal grinding a significant part of the grain’s beneficial substances is lost.

Milk and its processed products are valuable protein- and sugar-containing raw materials. In the process of preparing cream from milk, skimmed milk is formed as a result of separation. A by-product of butter production from cream is buttermilk. During the production of cheeses, cottage cheese and casein, whey is formed. All of the listed products can be used in baking, both in their natural form and after special processing.

One of the most deficient components in the diet is calcium. Bread is a limited source of calcium. In this regard, dairy products are used to increase the calcium content in it.

Milk is a complex polydisperse system. The dispersed phases of milk, making up 11... 15%, are in the ionic-molecular (mineral salts, lactose), colloidal (proteins, calcium phosphate) and coarse (fat) state. The dispersion medium is water (85...89%)). The approximate content of some components in cow's milk is presented in table 1.1.

The chemical composition of milk is not constant. It depends on the lactation period of animals, breed of livestock, feeding conditions and other factors. The quantity and composition of fat undergoes the greatest changes. During the period of mass calving in cows (March-April), milk has a low fat and protein content, and in October-November it is at its maximum.

Fat in the form of balls with a diameter of 1 to 20 microns (the main amount is 2...3 microns in diameter) forms an emulsion in uncooled milk, and in cooled milk a dispersion with partially hardened fat. Milk fat is represented mainly by mixed triglycerides, of which there are more than 3000. Triglycerides are formed by residues of more than 150 saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Accompanying milk fat are fat-like substances: phospholipids and sterols. Phospholipids are esters of glycerol, high molecular weight fatty acids and phosphoric acid. Unlike triglycerides, they do not contain low molecular weight saturated fatty acids, but are dominated by polyunsaturated acids. The most common in milk are lecithin and cephalin.

Milk proteins (3.05...3.85%) are heterogeneous in composition, content, physicochemical properties and biological value. There are two groups of proteins in milk that have different properties: casein and whey proteins. The first group, when milk is acidified to pH 4.6 at 20C, precipitates, the other, under the same conditions, remains in the whey.

Casein, which accounts for 78 to 85% of the total protein content in milk, is found in the form of colloidal particles, or micelles; Whey proteins are present in milk in a dissolved state, their amount ranges from 15 to 22% (approximately 12% albumin and 6% globulin). Fractions of casein and whey proteins differ in molecular weight, amino acid content, isoelectric point (IEP), composition and structure.

The elemental composition of milk proteins is as follows (%): carbon - 52...53; hydrogen - 7, oxygen - 23, nitrogen - 15.4...15.8, sulfur - 0.7...1.7; Casein also contains 0.8% phosphorus.

Milk carbohydrates are represented by milk sugar (lactose), a disaccharide consisting of glucose and galactose molecules, as well as simple sugars (glucose, galactose), phosphorus esters of glucose, galactose, fructose.

Milk sugar is contained in milk in dissolved form in a- and jB-forms, and the a-form is characterized by less solubility than the /?-form. Both forms can change from one to another. Milk sugar is approximately five times less sweet than sucrose, but its nutritional value is not inferior to the latter and is almost completely absorbed by the body.

Minerals are represented in milk as salts of organic and inorganic acids. The predominant salts are calcium (content 100...140 mg%) and phosphorus (95...105 mg%). In addition, milk contains microelements: manganese, copper, cobalt, iodine, zinc, tin, molybdenum, vanadium, silver, etc. The content of vitamins in milk depends on the breed of animal, lactation period and other factors.

Statistical processing of experimental data

To obtain a mathematical model of the process under study, taking into account changes in several factors influencing the process, methods of mathematical experimental planning were used.

To implement one of the directions, it was necessary to first germinate the wheat grain. Therefore, initially, in the course of these studies, the optimal method of preparing wheat grain was determined. At the same time, the following requirements were imposed on this process: the method of preparing grain should not have a negative impact on its nutritional and biological value; the method should be simple and not particularly time-consuming; its implementation should not require complex expensive equipment and additional personnel, so that, if necessary, any enterprise can carry out germination with minimal re-equipment and minimal financial costs.

As an analysis of the literature data has shown, traditionally, to carry out dispersion in order to obtain a grain mass, the grain is soaked for 6-48 hours, which is accompanied by the initial germination of the grain. The main direction of biochemical processes in a germinating grain is the intensive hydrolysis of high-molecular compounds deposited in the endosperm and their transformation into a soluble state, available for supply to the developing sprout.

However, the formation of nutrients that increase the nutritional value of sprouted grains does not occur immediately. The initial stage of germination (latent germination, or fermentation) is accompanied by a decrease in low molecular weight substances consumed by the growing embryo. Thus, when soaked for 12 hours, the sugar content in the grain is reduced by almost 1.5 times, and the dextrin content by approximately 1.7 times. The vitamin C content in the initial stages of germination decreases by almost 1.5 times. But experiments show that after 12 hours of soaking the grain, the content of sugars and dextrins in the studied samples began to increase.

Consequently, the next stage of grain germination is accompanied by the accumulation of low molecular weight substances, including vitamins, due to an increase in enzymatic activity leading to the hydrolysis of high molecular weight compounds. However, soaking for too long (more than a day) leads to intensive development of bacterial microflora, mold, and the appearance of a sharp sour odor. Therefore, after analyzing all the information, the following parameters for grain preparation were adopted: soaking duration - 24 hours; soaking water temperature - 25C.

Such soaking ensures the initial germination of grain with the formation of nutrients and does not significantly increase the microflora of the grain. 3.2 Obtaining grain suspensions. Determination of initial temperature, sampling intervals

The primary objective of the experimental research was to determine the possible duration of cavitation treatment of grain and to identify sampling intervals for further laboratory research. To solve this problem, trial experiments were carried out to obtain grain suspensions.

Cavitation processing of grain was carried out on the basis of the Tekhnokompleks LLC enterprise, located at Barnaul, Karaganda street, building 6.

At the moment the rotor opening is blocked by the side walls of the stator, a sharp increase in pressure occurs along the entire length of the cylindrical openings of the rotor (direct hydraulic shock), which enhances the “collapse” of cavitation bubbles in zone A.

In zone B, the intensive “collapse” of cavitation bubbles is facilitated by constant excess pressure. As already discussed in section 1.1, the closure of cavitation bubbles contributes to the destruction of the grain.

The grinding process was carried out in recirculation mode. The ratio of solid and liquid parts was 1:2. An increase in the solid fraction in the mixture is impossible due to the technical features of the cavitation unit. Increasing the liquid phase is impractical from the point of view of the nutritional value of the resulting product.

To carry out the experiments, ordinary cold tap water was used, the temperature of which was 20C. Changing the initial temperature is impractical, since it requires additional material investments and time spent on heating or cooling, which will significantly lengthen the technological process and increase the cost of the final product. Experimental studies have shown that the possible duration of cavitation treatment of wheat grain is 5 minutes for water-grain and milk-grain suspensions and 5.5 minutes for a suspension of sprouted wheat grain. In this case, the final temperature of the grain suspensions reached 60-65C.

Further processing of the grain is impossible, since during cavitation grinding the viscosity of the product increases significantly, which by the end of the process acquires the consistency of dough, as a result of which the suction pipe of the installation is not able to draw in the mixture being processed and the process stops.

Study of the effect of cavitation treatment on acidity

Change in the acidity of grain suspensions during cavitation Analyzing the results, we can conclude that as a result of cavitation, the acidity of products during the first minute of cavitation treatment increases sharply compared to the initial value by 2 - 2.5 times. But further along the process it decreases to 1.6 degrees for a water-grain suspension, to 2.1 degrees for a suspension of sprouted wheat grains and to 2.4 degrees for a milk-grain suspension.

This can be explained by the fact that the occurrence of cavitation is accompanied by the generation of free radicals OH-, NCb-, N-, as well as the final products of their recombinations H2C2, HNCb, HN03, which acidify the environment. But since as a result of the pulsation and collapse of one cavitation bubble, approximately 310 pairs of radicals are formed, mainly OH-, and the hydrogen formed during the process partially evaporates, as the process progresses, the number of hydroxyl groups increases, which leads to an alkalization of the environment and the acidity decreases.

Carbohydrates are the main energy resources concentrated in the endosperm cells of the caryopsis. In terms of the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, products made from grain rank first among other human foods. The importance of carbohydrates in the technological process of grain processing and, especially, when using grain in the process of dough preparation is very high.

In this work, we investigated the effect of hydropulse cavitation treatment on the change in the carbohydrate complex of wheat grain. To assess the changes occurring, the content of starch, dextrins, sucrose and reducing sugars was determined.

Starch plays the most significant role in the process of kneading dough and baking bread. The results of the studies, presented in Figure 3.5, indicate that hydropulse cavitation treatment of grain contributes to the destruction of the starch contained in it.

The maximum reduction in the amount of starch is observed in a suspension of sprouted wheat grains. This is due to the fact that as a result of germination, the action of grain enzymes sharply increases, and the process of dissolving complex substances deposited in the endosperm begins with the formation of simpler ones. Accordingly, starch is converted into dextrins and maltose. Therefore, even before submitting the sprouted grain for cavitation treatment, the starch content in it was 6-8% lower compared to the original wheat grain, and the mass fraction of dextrins was higher.

The content of sucrose in grain is insignificant, and glucose and fructose in grain that is normally ripened and stored in conditions of low humidity is negligible. It increases significantly only during germination. Therefore, the significant increase in sugars in suspensions during the cavitation process was especially important. The results of these changes are presented in Figures 3.7 and 3.8. 1.2 and 3 4 5

Change in sucrose content The content of reducing sugars increased especially significantly during the cavitation process: 5-7 times compared to the initial values, while the amount of sucrose increased only 1.2-1.5 times. Firstly, this is because reducing sugars are the end product of starch hydrolysis. Secondly, in parallel with the decomposition of starch, when heated in the presence of a small amount of food acids, hydrolysis of sucrose itself occurs with the formation of reducing sugars (glucose, fructose).

The main part of grain sugars is the trisaccharide raffinose, glucodifructose and glucofructans, which are easily hydrolyzed oligosaccharides of various molecular weights. Apparently, it was they who, during hydrolysis during cavitation, provided an increase in the amount of sucrose.

The increased sugar content in the milk-cereal suspension compared to water-cereal products was apparently influenced by the sugars contained in the milk itself.

Thus, cavitation treatment of wheat grain causes significant positive changes in the structure of its carbohydrate complex. The significance of this fact is due to the fact that with traditional grain dispersion, the degree of grain grinding does not ensure the proper intensity of sugar and gas formation during dough fermentation. To improve the quality of grain dough, it is proposed to add sugar, phosphatide concentrates, surfactants (lecithin, fat sugars). It can be assumed that the use of this technology in bread baking will allow intensive fermentation of the dough without the introduction of additional additives, but only due to the grain’s own sugars. 3.7 Determination of protein content

As you know, about 25-30% of the total protein needs of the human body are covered by grain processing products. At the same time, it is the protein fractions that determine the technological properties of grain processing products and the ability to produce high-quality bread and pasta. It is understandable, therefore, that the study of grain proteins during cavitation is one of the most important tasks.

Studies on the effect of acoustic cavitation treatment on the content of total protein, conducted by S.D. Shestakov, indicate its increase. According to his theory, when cavitation-activated water interacts with a crushed mass containing animal or plant protein, an intense hydration reaction occurs - the connection of water molecules with a biopolymer, the cessation of its independent existence and its transformation into part of this protein. According to Academician V.I. Vernadsky Water bound in this way becomes an integral part of proteins, that is, it naturally increases their mass, since it combines with them through the action of mechanisms similar to those that take place in living nature during the process of their synthesis.

Since studies on the effect of hydraulic pulse cavitation on the protein content in grain suspensions have not been previously carried out, it was necessary to determine the extent of this effect. To do this, the protein content in selected samples of the grain product was determined using standard methods. The results of the determinations are presented in Figure 3.9.

Production testing of bread production technology using a water-grain suspension

The results of complex studies on the use of a water-grain suspension from sprouted wheat grain as a recipe component for bread showed that its use makes it possible to obtain bakery products with high nutritional value, with good organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics.

Production tests of the proposed technology were carried out in the bakery of the private enterprise "Toropchina N.M." (Appendix 4)

The assessment of the organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the finished bread, presented in Table 4.5, was carried out according to standard methods given in Chapter 2.

On the basis of the existing bakery, private enterprise "Toropchina N.M.", located at Altai Territory, Pervomaisky district, village. Logovskoye, st. Titova, house 6a, the production of grain bread based on a water-grain suspension is being organized.

The bakery produces bread from first-grade wheat flour, sliced ​​loaves, and bakery trifles. The bakery's productivity is 900 kg/day of bakery products. The area of ​​this bakery allows for a line for the production of grain bread. Raw materials - flour is supplied by LLC "Melnitsa", located in the village of Sorochiy Log, grain - by SEC "Bugrov and Ananyin".

The grain bread will be sold in the store at the bakery and in a number of stores located nearby. There are no significant competitors to grain bread, since there are no enterprises producing similar products.

Bakery private enterprise "Toropchina N.M." During its work, it compensated for its initial cost. The residual value is 270 thousand rubles. The production of grain bread accounts for one-sixth of the bakery's output. Thus, the grain bread production line accounts for one sixth of the cost of the building. This amounts to 45 thousand rubles. To produce grain bread based on a water-grain suspension, it is necessary to purchase the following technological equipment: a cavitation unit for grinding organic materials (Petrakov dispersant), a Binatone MGR-900 dispersant, a soaking bath. The rest of the equipment is at the enterprise and can be used in the production of grain bread.

Depreciation is calculated in accordance with the useful life of the fixed asset. Buildings and structures belong to depreciation group 6 with a useful life of 10 to 15 years, since the building is not new. The useful life of the building is 12 years. The equipment belongs to depreciation group 5 with a useful life of 7 to 10 years.

To prepare grain pancakes and pancakes, it was proposed to replace milk and flour with a milk-grain suspension. The calculation of the recipe for grain products was based on the amount of milk of 1040 g for pancakes and 481 g for pancakes. Since cavitation treatment of wheat grain with milk is carried out in a 1:2 ratio, the grains were taken in half as much, that is, 520g for pancakes and 240g for pancakes. The rest of the raw materials were taken in the same quantities as in the original recipe. However, the humidity of the dough for pancakes and pancakes should be 65-75%. Therefore, if necessary, it is possible to add a small amount of flour to obtain the dough of optimal consistency. The amount of additive was calculated based on the moisture content of the raw materials. Thus, the recipe for grain pancakes and pancakes is as follows.

The suspension, yeast and sugar were dosed onto the dough, the dough was kneaded and placed in a thermostat for 90 minutes at a temperature of 32 C for fermentation. After the fermentation time of the dough had passed, all the remaining raw materials according to the recipe were added to it and the dough was kneaded.

Next, we baked pancakes and pancakes. Pancakes and pancakes were baked on a laboratory stove, in a frying pan at an average temperature of 270 C. The baking time for one pancake was on average 1.5 minutes, the baking time for one pancake was 3 minutes.

As a result of baking, we discovered that it was impossible to make pancakes from the last suspension. When you pour the dough in these suspensions into a frying pan, it foams, spreads, sticks, and cannot be removed from the frying pan.
