How to make herring under a fur coat layers. How to cook herring under a fur coat according to the classic recipe. “Herring under a fur coat” with cheese

Hello everyone, dear readers of the Maidens.

New Year is coming soon and one of the hot topics is how to cook herring under a fur coat. It should 100% be on the New Year's table! Just like other New Year's snacks!

Just like the famous Olivier salad, this salad is a must-have attribute of the New Year holidays for many.

I will tell you the recipe for a delicious fur coat that my mother prepared for us since childhood. This dish, according to the traditional recipe, is perhaps the most delicious and there is no need to go crazy with it, like some people make herring under a fur coat with an apple or cheese, in my opinion this is complete nonsense. So, let's begin.

What we need for the fur coat recipe:

  • Salted herring - 2 pieces or 500 grams, but it all depends on the volume. You can take fillet or whole herring, whichever you prefer;
  • Potatoes - 5 medium pieces;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 large;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Beets - 2 large;
  • Mayonnaise.

The amount of ingredients for herring under a fur coat depends on the scale of the holiday and the dishes in which you will cook it. It is best to take a large and deep semicircular salad bowl. Since we will be boiling most of the ingredients, we will talk about this separately.

How long to cook vegetables for salad

We will boil all the ingredients, except herring and onions, and then grate them on a coarse grater.

  • Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water for 10 minutes so that it is softer and does not have a strong smell.
  • The potatoes take about 30 minutes to cook, but for some they will be large, for others small, and the cooking time depends on this. In the process, pierce with a fork or knife to determine its condition.
  • Carrots - also 30-40 minutes.
  • Beets - cook for a long time, about 2 hours, if the beets are large, then maybe longer.
  • Although eggs are not vegetables, we cook them too, for about 10 minutes, very hard.

    Potatoes and carrots can be boiled together, beets separately, eggs also separately.

    When everything is ready, drain the water and cool the vegetables.

    To make eggs easy to peel, immediately after boiling, hold them under running cold water and leave for 5 minutes.

    To cool vegetables faster, place them on a balcony or loggia.

    Preparing all ingredients for herring under a fur coat

    Before you begin the process of preparing a fur coat, you need to prepare everything. Let's break it down point by point again.

    • Herring - just cut it into cubes; if you took a whole fish, then clean it first.
    • Finely chop the onion, pour boiling water over it, and after 10 minutes drain the water.
    • Potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs - three on a coarse grater and put everything on different plates.
    • Mayonnaise - it will serve as an impregnation between layers. To make it spread easily, I will tell you one trick.

    Take a little boiled hot milk and mix with mayonnaise so that the consistency is like sour cream and then the mayonnaise will be easy to spread and the impregnation of the fur coat will be more tender!

    The process of preparing herring under a fur coat - layers

    We will lay out the fur coat in layers; this type of salad turns out much tastier. Moreover, we will have herring under a fur coat in 2 layers.

    Stages of forming salad layers step by step

    Take a large, deep salad bowl and grease the bottom with a small amount of vegetable oil.

  • Lay out the potatoes as the first layer, take half of the total amount. Distribute evenly over the entire surface.
  • Lubricate with mayonnaise, not so that the vegetables float, evenly, but coat completely.
  • Then we lay out the herring - also half and distribute it in the same way.
  • Onion - spread half of the volume on top throughout the herring.
  • Coat with mayonnaise.
  • Carrots - also 1/2 part.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • The egg is half of everything.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Beets - also half.
  • We also coat it with mayonnaise.
  • Then we repeat all the layers from the beginning again. Potatoes, mayonnaise, herring, onions, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, egg, mayonnaise, beets and mayonnaise on top.

    At this point, the process of preparing a two-layer herring is almost complete. Now all that remains is to put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours so that all our ingredients are soaked. It will turn out to be just an awesome fur coat.

    Herring under a fur coat in one layer

    Sometimes you don't want to bother with two layers of salad preparation. And you can do everything in one. The order of things is the same, just don’t divide the ingredients into 2 parts, but lay them out in the same order in one layer. There is certainly a difference in the sensations during the eating process, but when you don’t have time, you don’t have to worry about two layers of fur coat.

    The form in which the dish is served can be different and depends on the flight of fancy of the cook.

    Here is a great classic recipe for herring under a fur coat. Use it and I'm sure you won't regret it at all.

    Thank you for your attention and see you again!

    Hello, dear hostesses and owners. Warm greetings from my virtual kitchen! 🌞

    Over its rich history, the classic salad recipe has acquired additions and variations, and no one remembers how the layers were originally arranged and whether it is still necessary or not to put eggs in a traditional salad.

    It’s good that my grandmother was a cook in a real Soviet canteen, and then in a kindergarten. Many recipes of that time came to me in their original form, herring is no exception. Gradually, I added modern, new ones to traditional recipes. This is how this article came about.

    In my opinion, all the additional ingredients make the “fur coat” even tastier and more interesting. I have a positive attitude towards this and will not prove that only the classic version has the right to exist, only bores do this. 😉 I’d rather collect all the recipes in one place, and you choose to your taste!

    Herring under a fur coat - classic layers and their sequence

    A beautiful, juicy traditional version without eggs (they started adding them a little later). Came to me from childhood, and remains my favorite.

    It is also suitable for those who are allergic to chicken eggs or who simply do not like them.


    • 1 herring fillet.
    • Red salad onion - 1 piece small.
    • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
    • Boiled beets - 1 large piece.
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Greens for serving.
  • Herring with mayonnaise.
  • Onions with mayonnaise.
  • Potatoes with a mesh of mayonnaise.
  • Carrots with mayonnaise.
  • Beetroot with mayonnaise.
  • Decor.
  • So, pre-boil the vegetables (except for onions, of course). For potatoes and carrots, 20-25 minutes of cooking is usually enough, but beets take longer - 40-45 minutes for a medium-sized beetroot. If the vegetables can be easily pierced with a knife during cooking, then they are ready.

    We take them out and cool them under cold water, or wait until they cool down on their own. I usually do this, cook it in advance so that I can make a salad the next day, because on a holiday there is not always time to cook it.

    Try to select as many bones as possible from the herring. Herring is a very bony fish, its bones are as thin as a cobweb, but then you can feel them in the finished dish, and this can be unpleasant, so you will have to try hard when cleaning and slicing. I myself really don’t like this activity, but there’s nothing to be done.

    We cut the fish into small cubes (I came across some skinny and tortured fish today, at least it would be enough for a layer! 🤔).

    It’s very convenient to use this sliding form; it seems like it was created for puff salads. The layers lay down very evenly and the result is a perfect circle. This is much more difficult to do on a plate.

    In the traditional Soviet version, the herring is always the first layer. The idea of ​​putting it on potatoes appeared much later.

    And it was connected with the fact that when taking a portion from a large tray in a catering canteen, the fish all the time crumbled and ended up mostly in the tray, and not on the consumer’s plate. Therefore, at home, many began to stick to laying herring in a second layer on top of the potatoes. This is actually more convenient.

    And it doesn't affect the taste at all. You remember the rule that the amount does not change if you change places? So, it also applies to salads. In general, I am showing a classic recipe, and you can, if you wish, swap the layers of potatoes and herring yourself.

    The weight of my fish is something like 400 grams. This was enough for 1 layer for a small 16 cm mold.

    My second layer is onion, it is also mixed with a drop of mayonnaise. In fact, when you mix it right away, it allows you to avoid creating a “mayonnaise grid” and, as a result, there is a minimum of mayonnaise in the finished dish.

    There shouldn't be a lot of onions. Under no circumstances should the layer be thick, otherwise it will overwhelm all the ingredients with its taste.

    I took red, lettuce onions. They are softer than regular white onions. If you don’t have red and want to take white, then at least scald it with boiling water or marinate it in water with vinegar (1:1) so that it is not so harsh.

    I spread it in a thin layer on the fish.

    The next layer is potatoes, grated on a coarse grater. It does not need to be mixed with mayonnaise in advance because it will form a thick puree. To prevent this from happening, lay out a layer and make a mayonnaise grid on top.

    This is easy to do if you cut off a corner of the pack and squeeze it through a small hole.

    Another advantage when you mix it with mayonnaise in advance is that the salad does not need to sit and soak - it is ready to eat right away.

    Grate the beets in the same way on a coarse grater and mix with the ointment. Apply the last bright layer. Beauty!

    You see, it immediately turns out red and elegant, you don’t need to wait for it to soak.

    I remove the sliding form very carefully so as not to damage my work. All that remains is to somehow arrange it beautifully.

    For example, this net, similar to a fisherman’s net. Before the herring had time to wear its coat, I caught it and will treat the guests. 😄

    To make it completely elegant, I decorate it with dill and cilantro, and a sprig of rosemary, which is so similar in shape to pine needles. It turns out juicy and aromatic!

    Can be served immediately or refrigerated until the special occasion.

    Traditional recipe for herring under a fur coat with egg

    Especially for those who believe that a herring under a fur coat simply cannot exist without an egg. It's really very tasty.


    • Herring fillet - 2 pcs.
    • Potatoes - 3 medium pieces.
    • Beets - 2 medium pieces.
    • Carrots - 2 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 piece small.
    • Apple - 1 large piece.
  • Fish.
  • Potato.
  • Apple.
  • Egg.
  • Carrot.
  • Beet.
  • Decoration: 1 yolk + cream cheese, 2 eggs + parsley.
  • By the time of cooking, all vegetables should be boiled until tender. This time I took a regular white onion, chopped it and pre-marinated it in a mixture of water and vinegar (1:1) so that it would not be so hot.

    For cooking, I will use a springform pan with a diameter of 27 cm. I immediately mix the fish with a small amount of mayonnaise, let it be juicier. And immediately spread the onion on top in a thin layer.

    Coarsely grated potatoes are next on the list, and I cover them with a mayonnaise mesh.

    The next layer - I also grate the carrots on a coarse grater and coat them. It seems to me that when you grate it on a coarse one, it tastes better.

    And beets complete our “coat”, also large. I level this layer as much as possible and coat it well.

    It turns out this light pink color. A little more time will pass, the salad should brew and then the mayonnaise will become a rich, bright pink color.

    It's time to decorate. Another traditional decoration option is flowers made from eggs. It takes a little practice, but overall they are not difficult to make, and they turn out very cute and tender.

    It takes a long time to explain how to make them; it’s much better to watch the video right away:

    In order to make the center of the flowers, I decided to use a mixture of mashed yolk and cream cheese, approximately 1:1. I just mash the yolk with a fork, add a spoonful of cream cheese and mix with a fork.

    The result is a homogeneous paste-like mass, from which it is easy to mold anything. I take some and roll into balls, placing them in the center of each flower.

    You can also make the middle from carrots, or drip it with ketchup. I could have added paprika to my mixture, then the centers would have turned out orange.

    It turns out unusual and beautiful! When the salad is soaked, it will be even more beautiful. But, unfortunately, it was eaten before this happened, so I could not capture this moment for history. 😊

    Herring under a fur coat with an apple - classic recipe + layers

    Why not? And this combination takes place, and has already firmly entered the list of variations of this salad.

    The pleasant sourness of the apple goes well with fish and vegetables and harmoniously complements the composition.


    • Lightly salted herring.
    • Beetroot - 1 pc.
    • Carrots - 1 large piece.
    • Sour apple - 1 pc.
    • Onion - 1/2 turnip.
    • Vinegar + water for marinade
    • Mayonnaise.
  • Sliced ​​herring.
  • Pickled onion.
  • Potato.
  • Grated apple.
  • Grated carrots.
  • Grated beets.
  • Grated egg + decoration.
  • This time I had herring from a pack, it was already cut into pieces. Well, somehow I was lazy, and I didn’t cut it, so I laid it out. Now, looking ahead, I can say that it was still necessary to cut it into small pieces, because it was not very convenient to eat.

    I finely chopped the onion and marinated it in a mixture of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1:1 + 1 tsp. sugar for 5 minutes. Then I drained the water and squeezed it out.

    I like how pickled onions behave in this salad; its sourness is felt well. But, since we also have a sour apple (I have the Semerenko variety), someone may think that there is too much acid. Although, for my taste, this is not so and it turns out crazy delicious.

    Therefore, if you are afraid or do not really welcome vinegar, then you can simply scald the onions with boiling water. But I definitely wouldn’t recommend leaving it fresh; the taste is too strong.

    So, we put the herring in, then we cover it with a thin mesh of mayonnaise and lay out the pickled onions. Next comes the potatoes. This time I cut it into cubes, which is also possible.

    I cover the potatoes with mayonnaise mesh.

    I remove the skin from a sour apple. And I rub it on a coarse grater. Something like this.

    I put it on top of the potatoes. I have a variety that contains a lot of iron, so the apple chips begin to darken quickly. It's okay, it's normal. Distribute it and add a little more mayonnaise.

    The next layer is grated carrots, I had them very large, so 1 piece was enough.

    I grated the beets in advance and mixed them with mayonnaise, distributing it evenly over the salad.

    And here’s an interesting trick: the grated egg is placed last and remains fluffy. Many people do this, the fur coat turns out even more luxurious!

    Even the herring has a fur coat, but I don’t! (c) 😄

    Before grating the beets, I cut a couple of strips from them in a thin layer using a vegetable peeler. And, having folded them in a spiral, and ruffled them a little, cutting them here and there, I built such a beautiful, richly colored “rose”. I added parsley leaves to it.

    It turned out like a cake, very elegant and solemn. I add a little more mayonnaise for decoration and put the salad in the refrigerator to soak.

    The recipe is very good. Don't be intimidated by the presence of an apple, be sure to try it!

    Lazy herring under a fur coat

    This is the name of this interesting snack option, which is made very quickly and simply. And it turns out elegant and delicious.


    • Hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Pickled onion - 1/4 onion.
    • Herring - 6 slices.
    • Beets - 1/3 part.
    • Mayonnaise - 1/2 tbsp. l.
    • Greens for serving - optional.

    I don’t have a lot of snacks, so if you want to cook more, increase the number of ingredients accordingly.

    First, boil the eggs until hard-boiled (cook for 10 minutes after boiling). Cool in cold water and remove the shells.

    Cut the eggs in half, remove the yolks into a separate bowl.

    You will need to crumble the yolks with a fork, add finely grated beets and pickled onions (I showed how to pickle onions in the recipe with an apple, see just above). And mix everything together.

    The mixture can be added to taste and pepper. Its color depends on the amount of beets; the more beets, the darker and brighter the color of the spread will be.

    Take the mixture with a knife or fork and place it in the center of each egg half. Don't be greedy, put in more.

    And put a piece of herring on top of the filling.

    To make it completely elegant and festive, I pinch off the top of the green salad and place it in the center of the composition. Super!

    So my lazy fur coat is ready. Of course, its taste is different from the classic version, but it also goes very well. Try it! 😊

    Herring salad under a fur coat in the shape of a fish

    Here’s an option for serving it in the shape of a fish (children will love eating it and decorating it with mayonnaise).

    Somehow she turned out fat and pot-bellied, probably with calves! 😄


    • Boiled potatoes in their jackets - 2 pcs.
    • Red salad onion - 1/2 small onion.
    • Carrots - 2 pcs.
    • Beets - 2 medium pieces.
    • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
    • Lettuce, herbs and olives/olives for.
  • Potato.
  • Herring.
  • Egg.
  • Carrot.
  • Beet.
  • Decor: lettuce leaves, black olives/greens.
  • So, how to make a sea mistress in a luxurious fur coat. Vegetables (not counting onions) need to be boiled in advance. Cook the eggs until hard-boiled for 10 minutes after the water boils. And when they are ready, fill them with cold water to make it easier to clean later.

    Grate the potatoes coarsely and place them on a dish, giving them the shape of a fish. Cover with a mesh of mayonnaise.

    The second very thin layer is onion, pre-mixed with mayonnaise.

    Place herring and mayonnaise on top of it. It is quite difficult to lay out layers and maintain the intended shape. The pieces try to roll off, but I return them and press them down with a spoon.

    The next layer is grated boiled eggs. It is also better to mix them with mayonnaise in advance, it will be easier to form a layer.

    What a pity that a good thought comes later, I had to suffer a little.

    I cover my figure with a thin layer, and at the same time adjust the shape in the process.

    I do the same with the beetroot layer. Using a fine grater with mayonnaise, cover the salad.

    It just dawned on me that my fish turned out to be similar in shape to, you know, there are those “fish” crackers. One to one! Well, okay, I'm an artist, I see it that way! 😀

    All that remains is to decorate with mayonnaise painting. You can trust this to your kids, they will really like it!

    That's it, tasty and simple, with respect for tradition, but at the same time with a creative approach.

    Rolled herring under a fur coat

    I also really like it when this salad is made into a roll. It’s beautiful and the presentation is convenient, it’s a very festive option, see for yourself.

    I will write a brief description, ingredients and step-by-step preparation under the video to make it more convenient for you:


    • Herring fillet - 2 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 small piece.
    • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Carrots - 2-3 boiled pieces.
    • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Beets - 1 large piece.
    • Mayonnaise.

    Brief step-by-step preparation:

  • Cover the board with cling film and wrap the edges.
  • Three layers of beets are grated and smoothed over the entire surface.
  • Grated carrots in a second layer on top of the beets, distribute, pat down and mayonnaise.
  • Top with grated boiled egg until half done.
  • Grate the potatoes the same way, halfway through, and salt them.
  • Place onions on top of potatoes.
  • Place pieces of herring in a narrow strip in the middle of the potatoes.
  • Coat with mayonnaise.
  • Wrap the roll and put it in the refrigerator for soaking.
  • Bon appetit!
  • Jelly herring under a fur coat

    Recently, it has become fashionable to change traditional recipes and add a twist to them. Our herring also did not escape this fate, so let me present you with a version of this salad using gelatin.


    • Herring fillet in oil - 250 gr.
    • Boiled potatoes - 3 medium pieces.
    • Beetroot - 1 pc. average.
    • Carrots - 1 pc. average.
    • Onion - 1/2 small onion.
    • Mayonnaise - 350 gr.
    • Gelatin - 20 gr.
    • Cold boiled water - 100 ml.
    • Boiled egg - 1 pc.
  • Beet.
  • Half a potato.
  • Herring with onions.
  • The second half of the potatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • Garnish with grated egg white and yolk on top of the beets.
  • You will need a baking dish similar to this. Although you can just take a deep round cup or any other shape. A very popular option is the shape in the shape of a fish, it looks great.

    Well, I have this option. I lubricate the walls with vegetable oil so that the cling film does not stick, but slides and at the same time it can be easily adjusted or removed. And I line the film on the bottom of the mold and along the edges.

    I pour the gelatin with cooled boiled water according to the instructions and leave it to swell. This happens fairly quickly, 5 minutes is usually enough, although it depends on your gelatin.

    While I was preparing the gelatin, I prepared all the ingredients. When I start assembling the salad, I won’t have time to grate anything because I need to work with gelatin quickly, it tends to harden.

    I grate beets, carrots, potatoes on a coarse grater (at your discretion, you can use a fine grater), cut the fish into small pieces, mix with finely chopped red onions. I squeeze the mayonnaise into a separate container. Phew, I'm ready for the fun part! 😎

    I take a basin of suitable size, pour a little boiling water into it and place the dishes with the swollen gelatin there. It has absorbed all the water and at first glance it seems that there is very little of it.

    But as it heats up, with constant stirring, it begins to melt and completely turns into a translucent liquid. This means the gelatin is ready.

    We put the mayonnaise in the same bowl with boiling water and pour the melted gelatin into it. Stir until smooth. You should get this kind of liquid gelling mayonnaise.

    Throughout the entire work, it should stand in a basin with warm water, this will prevent it from freezing and will help us work normally and not rush.

    Now do you understand why I distributed all the ingredients into different containers? To make it more convenient, immediately mix them with jelly mayonnaise.

    According to the original recipe, we must add 4 tablespoons of jelly to each ingredient and mix. Along the way, I ended up with 5-6 spoons, 4 was somehow not enough (I’ll say in advance that this consumption was enough and there was even some left over).

    I mix the beets with the gelling mayonnaise and stir well. The order of the layers in this recipe is interesting, they will not just go topsy-turvy and we will have the beets first, but in general the whole order is different from the traditional one. This was done to make the salad visually more beautiful, you’ll see for yourself later.

    So, I put the beets on the bottom, level them with a spoon, and compact them if possible. By analogy, I do the same with potatoes. We don’t take it all at once, but divide it in half. The first half goes to beets.

    The next layer is fish with onions and a gelling base. I also level it and compact it with a spoon.

    Then comes the second half of the potatoes, and the list of layers is completed by grated carrots and jelly. I cover it with another piece of cling film on top, further level it with my hands, and place a cutting board on top to ensure even pressure.

    And I put it in the refrigerator overnight. Or at least 4 hours. Tomorrow we'll see what happened.

    So, the next day I carefully take out my herring ingot onto a large glass dish. The mold is silicone and it comes out of it very easily.

    The first feeling is complete delight at how bright and elegant it is! Look: a herring in the center, a bright cap and a beautiful carrot-orange base, this arrangement of layers fully justifies itself.

    I decorate with grated egg white and yolk, slices of shaped cucumber, parsley and dill.

    This option is incredibly beautiful, it is easy to cut into slices of the desired size - convenient! And of course, the taste... It is quite traditional “herring-fur coat” in my opinion, you practically don’t feel that it is jelly.

    This is still our favorite herring, only in a new way. Great recipe! 😍

    Cake-salad herring under a fur coat in a new way

    It is no coincidence that I placed this option at the very end. A rather labor-intensive recipe that requires two circular springform pans of different diameters.

    Well, the result is correspondingly delicious, look, there is a bright and beautiful beet mousse on top, and inside is our favorite salad.

    It all looks like a fruit and berry cake, gorgeous of course, but you have to work hard. Although, if you cook in the evening and let it sit overnight, you can do everything in time and surprise your guests!


    • Herring fillet - 1 pc.
    • Boiled potatoes in their jackets - 3 pcs.
    • Large carrots - 1 pc.
    • Onion - 1 small piece.
    • Beets 3-4 large pieces.
    • Gelatin - 20 gr.
  • Potato.
  • Herring.
  • Beet.
  • Carrot.
  • Beetroot jelly mousse.
  • First, we need two round springform baking pans of different diameters. And look, what a thing: we take the bottom from a large mold, and the walls from a small one. And we begin to lay out layers of salad.

    All ingredients for this option are cut into cubes. This way the taste will be better, I tried grating it, but for some reason it seemed tastier to me in cubes. All layers will need to be lightly pressed with a spoon so that they fit more tightly.

    The first layer is potatoes with a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

    Then diced herring.

    Next onion and again a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

    We will put some of the beets inside the salad. We cut into cubes in the same way as the other ingredients and lay out in a thin layer.

    On top of it is a layer of carrots and again a little mayonnaise. In this form, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours to “set.”

    Do you see that there is about 1.5 cm of space left around? We will now pour beet mousse into it.

    To make it, soak gelatin in cold boiled water; when it swells, heat it in a water bath until it completely dissolves and disperses. Peel the boiled beets and puree in a blender until mushy, add salt and add gelatin. Stir the mousse well. And pour it into the free space around the salad and a little higher so that it completely covers it.

    Gently shake the pan for two minutes so that the mousse is better distributed and covers the filling more evenly. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

    During this time, the gelatin will completely harden. Remove the mold ring.

    Then carefully remove the parchment paper. It turns out just great!

    It really looks like a cake. We do not remove it from the pallet. All that remains is to decorate with mayonnaise and herbs.

    Guests will be simply stunned when they discover that their favorite salad is inside the “cake”! 😍

    These are the recipes, dear friends. Take note for your feast, choose. Herring is always a win-win option and table decoration!

    In general, I have a huge selection of salads on my website, at least take a look here: I hope your holiday will be unforgettable. Bon appetit, cook with pleasure.

    Not a single festive or New Year's table is complete without the traditional classic salad “Herring under a fur coat”.
    On our website you can find many popular recipes for preparing Herring under a fur coat, with step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the process:

    Each housewife prepares “Shuba” according to her own signature recipe. But, as they say: “As many housewives as there are recipes.” Therefore, even such a simple classic salad can be prepared in numerous and varied ways: from classic to truly exotic!
    In this section you will find the best and proven recipes for “Herring under a fur coat” with step-by-step photographs and a detailed description of the cooking process from our wonderful chefs. Our hostesses will share with you their secrets and tips for preparing this holiday salad.
    You can cook herring under a fur coat in different ways. Some housewives prefer the classic version, where only vegetables are used: beets, potatoes, carrots, onions and the herring itself. Sometimes eggs are added to a classic fur coat.
    Other salad options require a wide variety of different additives or an original method of preparation.
    As additives for herring under a fur coat, you can use: apples, cheese, butter, garlic, pickled cucumbers, pickled mushrooms, pomegranate seeds, pineapples and avocados. Sometimes salmon or other red fish are put in the fur coat instead of herring.
    There are also many ways to serve the salad: from the classic serving in a salad bowl to serving in glasses, in a serving ring, in the form of a roll or in the form of sushi. There are even sandwich options based on herring under a fur coat.
    If you like a lighter version of herring under a fur coat, you can prepare the salad without onions, this will make it more tender and will appeal to those who do not like onions in salads. The addition of cheese or grated butter will also add tenderness to the salad.
    Or, conversely, for greater piquancy, you can marinate the onions in vinegar or lemon juice, or add pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, and garlic instead of onions.
    Now a few words about “exotic” combinations. Apple, pineapple and pomegranates will add juiciness to the salad. Adding avocado will make the salad softer and more tender.
    Replacing the main ingredient – ​​herring with salmon – will elevate the salad and give it a new twist on the traditional recipe. Although, it is often said about this combination that it is difficult to guess the replacement, because The salmon here tastes like the same herring. But I think that for those who for some reason do not eat or simply do not like herring, salmon will be an excellent replacement option.
    Despite such a variety of possible ingredients for the salad, the preparation method is similar for all options. Vegetables for the salad (beets, potatoes and carrots) need to be boiled until tender, peeled and grated, and the onion cut into small cubes. If the herring is too salty, you can first soak it in water or milk and carefully remove the seeds (so that they do not spoil the pleasure while tasting the salad). You can use tweezers to remove small seeds. The fillet must also be skinned. And finally, cut the herring into small cubes and mix it with the onion. I would also like to add a few words about choosing a herring for a fur coat: it is advisable to take large and fatty herring - the tastier the herring itself, the tastier the finished salad will be. But for a quick option, you can use ready-made filleted herring - preserves.
    When you have prepared all the ingredients, all that remains is to lay them out in layers on a dish. You can pre-season each ingredient (except herring) with mayonnaise, salt and freshly ground pepper, or you can grease the layers with mayonnaise directly on the dish. The layers can be placed on a plate in different sequences, but most often a layer of potatoes is placed at the bottom of the salad bowl. Next, the layers alternate approximately like this: after the potatoes there is a layer of herring with onions, then carrots (or some additional ingredient if you are not preparing a classic version), and the last layer is always a layer of beets.
    The finished salad should be covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator to brew for several hours. It is convenient to prepare fur coat on the eve of the celebration; this is one of those salads whose taste will only improve with prolonged soaking.
    It is better to decorate the salad immediately before serving. In this case, the products will not get stale and the salad will have a beautiful festive look and great taste!

    Now you can easily prepare delicious and original Herring under a fur coat at home!

    I think there is hardly a single person in our country who has not tried and does not know what kind of salad this is - “Herring under a fur coat”. I'm just sure that this popular layered beet and herring salad is the main favorite on most New Year's holiday tables. Why New Year's Eve? Yes, because this salad was traditionally considered “winter”, since it contained long-lasting vegetables, which were present all year round in Soviet-era stores and in the bins of summer residents. And although nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with salads made from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in winter, nevertheless, herring under a fur coat remains a favorite holiday salad for most children and adults.

    Today I want to present a classic recipe for herring under a fur coat, which, in my opinion, is the most delicious and balanced. The sequence of layers in this salad is not so important and everyone chooses it to their own taste, the main thing is that the beets and mayonnaise are at the very top. I used to think that the herring should always be the bottom layer, however, in this case, when putting the salad on the plate, some of the most valuable ingredient is lost, so now I prefer to put the potatoes on the bottom, which creates a stronger base for subsequent layers.

    Ideally, for herring under a fur coat, you should take a whole herring and fillet it yourself, since in this case the fillet turns out to be more juicy, fatty and, accordingly, tasty. But since this is a rather labor-intensive process, for which there is not always enough time and effort, sometimes it is quite possible to use ready-made fillets purchased in a store. When choosing herring fillets in a store, you should give preference to whole fillets rather than pieces in oil, since for such products, selected herring of the best quality is usually taken.

    Layers of herring salad under a fur coat are usually laid out in a deep form or salad bowl and served in this form. But for a festive feast, you can make a more beautiful and elegant design in the form of a chic layer cake, which will become a real decoration for the upcoming celebration. By following these simple and detailed instructions, you can easily prepare the most delicious, tender and juicy salad “Herring under a fur coat”, which will whet the appetite and amaze the imagination of your guests!

    Useful information How to cook herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe for herring under a fur coat step by step with photos, sequence of layers in order


    • 300 g herring fillet
    • 2 medium beets (500 g)
    • 3 medium potatoes (500 g)
    • 2 medium carrots (400 g)
    • 6 eggs
    • 1/2 small onion
    • 120 g mayonnaise


    1. To prepare the salad “Herring under a fur coat” according to the classic recipe, you must first boil all the necessary vegetables. To do this, thoroughly wash the potatoes, carrots and beets without peeling them and place them in a deep saucepan. Pour cold water over the vegetables, bring to a boil over medium heat and cook until tender.

    Advice! It is advisable to cook beets separately from other vegetables, since their cooking time is usually longer, and in addition, it can color the vegetables red. Potatoes and carrots need to be cooked for about 40 - 50 minutes after the water boils, while beets can be cooked for 1 to 2 hours depending on their size. The readiness of the vegetables must be checked with a sharp knife - it should enter the middle of the fruit easily and without cracking.

    2. Boil the eggs in boiling water for 10 minutes, then add cold water and leave for 10 - 15 minutes to make them easier to peel.

    3. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater.

    4. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.

    It is not necessary to wash the grater before each new ingredient, since there is nothing to worry about if one component of the salad becomes slightly “contaminated” by another. The main thing is to leave the beets for last, otherwise they will stain both the grater and the other salad ingredients.

    5. Peel the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater.
    6. Peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater.

    7. Peel the onion and chop it very finely.

    Advice! For preparing salads, it is better to use red or white lettuce onions, which have a not very strong and slightly sweet taste. It is advisable to scald ordinary onions with boiling water or marinate for 10 - 15 minutes in a weak solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons of any 9% vinegar per 100 ml of water).

    8. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes and you can start assembling the salad.

    9. Herring under a fur coat can be served in any deep salad bowl or baking dish, but today I will show you how to put this salad on a dish in the form of a delicious multi-layer cake. To do this, we need a round ring from a springform baking dish with a diameter of 22–24 cm without a bottom, which must be fastened with a lock, placed on a flat dish and lightly greased from the inside with vegetable oil.

    10. Place grated potatoes on the bottom of this structure, lightly compact them, add salt and grease with mayonnaise.

    You don’t need to spread the mayonnaise with a spoon, but simply apply it in the form of a fine mesh over the entire surface. To do this, you need to take a pastry bag with a thin nozzle or use mayonnaise in a small bag, cutting off one corner of it.

    11. Place chopped herring on a layer of potatoes.

    12. Evenly distribute the chopped onion over the herring.

    13. Next, put the grated carrots, lightly salt them and grease with mayonnaise.

    14. Place grated eggs on the carrots and lightly salt them.

    15. Place grated beets on the last layer of salad, lightly salt them and grease with mayonnaise.

    16. Keep the herring under the fur coat in the refrigerator for at least 2 - 3 hours so that the salad is thoroughly soaked, after which you can unfasten and carefully remove the ring.

    Before serving, the herring under a fur coat in the form of a cake can be decorated according to your taste and imagination. I garnished it with green onions and finely grated egg white.
    The holiday salad “Herring under a Fur Coat”, familiar from childhood and everyone’s favorite, is ready according to the classic recipe!

    When preparing dishes, you want them to be not only tasty, but also pleasing to the eye with their beauty. The most common salad on the holiday table is herring under a fur coat. When creating a menu, this dish comes first on the list.

    Every housewife at least once in her life has faced the question of how to correctly and in what order to lay out the layers in this traditional dish? Over the years, many changes have been made to this recipe and new ingredients have been added. But the very first, classic recipe for cooking herring under a fur coat still remains tasty and desirable on the table.

    • herring fillet – 900 g;
    • egg – 6 pcs.;
    • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • beetroot – 6 pcs.;
    • carrots – 3 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise – 200 ml.
    Cooking method:
  • If you have a herring carcass, cut off the head and remove the entrails. Rinse with cold water. Cut lengthwise. Remove the backbone and all bones. If the fillet is ready, start cooking immediately.
  • Cut the fish into small cubes. This will be the first layer.
  • For the second layer, boil the potatoes in their skins. Cool; cold vegetables are easier to peel. Take a large grater and grate.
  • Boil the eggs for ten minutes over low heat. If you turn the heat on high, the eggs may crack.
  • Drain the water. Pour in cold liquid and cool. This makes the eggs easier to peel.
  • Grate. This is the third layer.
  • Carrots can be cooked together with potatoes, just keep in mind that their cooking time is about fifteen minutes longer. Therefore, get the potatoes earlier. Boil with the skin on. After cooking, cool and peel. Grate on a large grater. In the salad, the vegetable is the fourth layer.
  • Burak is boiled in its skin. Its cooking time is twice that of other vegetables. Check readiness with a knife. If the tool easily and softly enters the pulp, then the vegetable is cooked. Cool, peel, grate. The filling for the fifth layer is ready.
  • When forming a salad, lay out the layers strictly in order, greasing with mayonnaise. Decorate the top layer with sauce by drawing a mesh.
  • Classic herring under a fur coat - how to arrange the layers?

    Herring salad under a fur coat appeared on New Year's Eve and quickly gained popularity. Despite its rich history, it still remains the most desired delicacy not only on the New Year's table, but also at all family holidays. While preparing the dish, a festive mood is created. Every housewife has her own cooking secret. Prepared with carrots and apples. Change the order of layers. But the most favorite is the classic recipe for herring under a fur coat, assembled in layers.

    • onions – 3 pcs.;
    • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
    • egg – 6 pcs.;
    • herring fillet – 600 g;
    • beetroot – 6 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise – 100 g.

    The main thing is to arrange the layers correctly, the taste and appearance of the dish depends on this.

  • The first layer is always fish, which is cut into small pieces. Place it in a thin layer on a large dish.
  • The second layer is onion. Add pre-chopped onions and marinated in hot water for ten minutes to the salad.
  • The potatoes are placed in a third layer. First, the vegetable is boiled in its jacket. Cool, remove the peel, grate on a coarse grater.
  • The top of the potatoes is poured with the oil left over from the fillet and greased with mayonnaise.
  • The fourth layer is carrots, boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled and grated on a coarse grater.
  • The next fifth layer is the egg. Boil hard. Cool in cold water, peel the shell and pass through an egg slicer.
  • Pour mayonnaise on top.
  • The sixth layer is the main ingredient of this dish - beetroot. This is what gives it an unforgettable taste and appearance. Boil until soft, after cooling, peel and grate.
  • Finally, gently rub the mayonnaise with a spoon, forming beautiful rounded sides.
  • What to prepare the salad in and how to serve herring under a fur coat?

    It is beautiful to serve the dish in a transparent salad bowl. In this design of the herring under the fur coat, all the layers are visible, arranged in order.

    You can serve the appetizer in portions. To do this, it is convenient to use a cooking ring. If it is not available, take a mineral water bottle and cut out a ring.

    During cooking, press the food firmly to make it easier to remove from the portion ring.

    To create a beautiful salad, resourceful housewives use a springform cake pan. The location of all layers is clearly visible. On the festive table it takes on the appearance of a cake and decorates the table. The salad, laid out on a dish in the form of a rectangle or square, looks original.

    Herring under a fur coat, prepared according to the classic recipe with an egg and rolled into a roll, will certainly delight your guests. For this design option, all products are collected on cling film and arranged in reverse order. This means that the first layer will be beetroot. Herring, unlike the classic version, does not need to be distributed over the entire surface, but the entire portion should be placed only in the center. Then, gently pressing with your hands, roll into a roll shape. Without removing the film, let it brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After which they remove the film and decorate the festive table with a beautiful dish.

    A less common option is to serve in large red wine glasses. This portioned version looks amazing. All layers are clearly visible, causing an appetite and a desire to try the colorful dish as soon as possible.

    How to decorate a herring under a fur coat

    The classic way to decorate a dish is mayonnaise applied in a net over a layer of beetroot. Sometimes they are decorated with grated egg or chopped herbs. Use tomatoes, cucumbers, onion rings or olives. There are many options to give a beautiful, unique look to a familiar dish. Of course, you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is worth it.

    For decoration, you can use regular cookie cutters. Cut out animals from any food, delighting the children.

    Mayonnaise is used to draw a trunk, pieces of olives add the image of a birch tree, and parsley serves as leaves. Using caviar and mayonnaise, you get very beautiful fish. You can imitate a real aquarium by adding dill algae.

    If you have a silicone cake mold with a beautiful design, for example, a rose or a bear, use it, you won’t regret it. When you turn the salad onto a plate, it will take on the shape and look like a cake.

    It is very easy to shape the fish. Make the scales from beetroot, onions and carrots cut into rings.

    Flowers are made from boiled beetroot and carrots, placed on a mesh drawn with mayonnaise. Parsley leaves are ideal for flower foliage. For the New Year, decorate beautifully with a clock on which the hands point to twelve o'clock. To do this, spread the mayonnaise evenly over the beetroot layer. Cut out Roman numerals and arrows from boiled carrots. Place them in the correct order. This dish is placed in the center of the festive table. You should not draw numbers and arrows with mayonnaise, because they will definitely turn beetroot red.

    In order for herring under a fur coat, prepared according to the classic recipe in layers, to be tasty, you need to know some points:
  • Choose strong potatoes that do not become watery during cooking. Incorrectly selected potatoes will turn into mashed potatoes and spoil the taste of the dish. Many people boil peeled potatoes - this is wrong, you should only cook them in their skins.
  • Burak, which has white veins in its cross-section, is not suitable for salad. Also, do not use forage grades. The ideal beetroot is burgundy in color and has a sweet taste. You should opt for medium-sized fruits.
  • Carrots should be sweet, without bitterness. Medium size, fresh and firm.
  • If possible, purchase eggs from farmers. They differ in appearance from store-bought eggs, with a rich-colored yolk that will decorate the salad with its appearance.
  • Choose fatty, lightly salted herring. Salted fish will oversalt the appetizer.
  • Fatty mayonnaise is used. With a low percentage of fat, mayonnaise is too liquid, it will not be able to saturate the layers well.
  • Onions are always soaked in water or pickled. This softens the harsh onion taste. Always placed above the herring.
  • There is no need to cut the ingredients into cubes; grated ones give a mild taste to the salad and are well soaked.
  • If you use ready-made lightly salted herring fillets, do not throw away the oil, pour it on top of the potatoes and get a rich and delicate taste.
  • To add a piquant taste with a slight sourness, add an apple and grate it on a coarse grater. A finely grated apple releases a lot of juice and can ruin the dish.
  • Before starting to form the salad, grease the plate with sunflower oil.
  • Coat the layers well with mayonnaise, otherwise the salad will be dry.
  • Do not use herring if it has a yellowish tint or foreign odors, which means the fish was not stored properly and may have been spoiled.
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