How to store dried plums. How to choose and store dried fruits correctly: can they be kept in the refrigerator, washed and frozen? How to preserve beneficial properties

Dried fruits have always been considered an important vitamin supplement to the diet, especially in winter, when the amount of fresh fruits and berries is kept to a minimum. You should not single out the healthier fruit among dried fruits, because each of them is good in its own way.

The benefits of prunes

  • Prunes are rich in vitamins B1, B2, P, C, A, and also contain potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium.
  • It contains glucose, sucrose, pectin, citric, malic and oxalic acid, tannins.
  • These dried fruits are useful for anemia and vitamin deficiency.
  • If you eat several plums a day, your digestion will improve and constipation will stop tormenting you.
  • Prunes are used in cooking, adding them not only to baked goods and compotes, but also to meat dishes.

Since prunes are not sold in any store, they go to the market or to a large supermarket to buy them. Therefore, they try to buy more of it at once, so as not to waste time searching for it. But after the purchase, the housewife has a question: how to store these fruits so that they do not dry out or become moldy.

How to store prunes at room temperature

Prunes, like any dried fruit, keep well at room temperature. The main thing is that the conditions in the room are suitable for this.

  • Prunes are stored in a cool place without access to light.
  • The room should not be damp.
  • Food and other substances with odors (herbs, household chemicals, pickles) should not be kept near dried fruits, as prunes easily absorb their aroma.
  • You also need to be sure that it will not be favored by insects - moths or ants.

If the conditions are suitable, then prunes can be stored in paper bags or cotton bags. To make the material inaccessible to insects, the bags are soaked in a concentrated saline solution, lightly squeezed and dried well. They look like they are starched.

Prunes are sorted, removing untrustworthy fruits. If dried fruits are not dried enough, they are dried. Then they are put into bags, tied and sent for storage. In such containers, dried fruits receive the optimal amount of fresh air and do not suffocate.

If there are a lot of prunes, then they are stored in special wooden boxes.

If the room is humid, then prunes are stored in a hermetically sealed container. This could be a glass jar or a plastic food container.

  • Prunes are sorted, removing fruits that have even a slight defect.
  • Then they are further dried in a low-heat oven for half an hour.
  • Cool well.
  • The jar and lid are thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried.
  • Dried fruits are placed in containers and hermetically sealed.
  • Put away for storage.
  • The contents of the jar are periodically checked in order to notice in time that the fruit has begun to deteriorate and remove it.

How to store prunes in the refrigerator

If the room is not suitable for storing dried fruits due to high humidity or temperature, then they are stored in the refrigerator.

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Some housewives use zip-lock bags for this purpose.

  • Prunes are sorted and, if necessary, dried.
  • Place in bags.
  • The clasp is closed, leaving a small hole for ventilation.
  • The package is placed on the refrigerator door.

But this method has disadvantages. Firstly, the air humidity in the refrigerator is often high. Secondly, there are a lot of products that have a smell (sausage, cheese, ready-made dishes). And therefore, through the hole in the bag, prunes easily absorb not only the smell, but also excess moisture.

But if the bag is closed tightly, condensation will accumulate on its inner walls, and the prunes may become moldy. To prevent this from happening, it is regularly checked, removing spoiled fruits. If dried fruits are wet, they must be dried and then stored again.

Prunes are stored better in a glass container placed in the refrigerator. To do this, it is dried and then placed in a jar. Close tightly. But if the fruits are fleshy and moist, then it is advisable to eat them as early as possible, since they do not store well.

Bottom line

  • Prunes are stored in paper bags, canvas bags, glass jars at room temperature in a dry, dark, well-ventilated area.
  • In the refrigerator, prunes can be stored in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid, periodically checking its quality.
  • It is not advisable to use plastic bags, as the prunes in them quickly disappear.
  • You need to buy prunes in small quantities so that they can be eaten in the near future.

Everyone knows prunes, but few people know about all their beneficial properties. Polyphenols contained in dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Antioxidants improve immunity, promote rejuvenation and help prevent cancer. Prunes are useful for constipation, as a source of potassium and other vitamins and microelements.


Dried plums can be found on store shelves regardless of the season. You can choose a quality product based on its appearance: it should be black, moderately shiny, fairly elastic and fleshy. It is believed that when storing prunes with pits, they retain the maximum amount of beneficial properties. The brown color of the fruit is a sure sign of a violation of the drying technology.

Dried fruits can be purchased for future use or prepared independently, but in both cases the question arises of how to store prunes at home for a long time.

Storing prunes at room temperature

Dried fruits can be stored in a regular kitchen cabinet, observing a number of simple conditions:

  • the product should be protected from direct sunlight;
  • the humidity in the storage area should not be too high;
  • the storage container must protect against insects;
  • It is better to place aromatic seasonings and other products with strong odors separately from dried fruits.

Ideal for storing prunes, paper bags or linen bags. The fabric can be further processed to make dried fruits inaccessible to insects. To do this, prepare a concentrated salt solution, soak the bag in it for a short time, and then dry it.

Before storage, the fruits are sorted, spoiled ones are removed and, if necessary, dried. Paper or linen containers are filled and tied. When stored this way, prunes “breathe” and can remain for up to 6 months, retaining their beneficial properties.

It is advisable to store a small amount of fruit in bags. If you put too many prunes in a linen or paper container, they can quickly cake and spoil. To preserve a large harvest, use wooden boxes that are placed in a dry, dark and ventilated room.

If kitchen conditions do not allow prunes to be protected from moisture and insects, it is better to use airtight containers. However, you need to remember that dried fruits need access to air, so periodically the stocks will have to be opened and ventilated, simultaneously removing spoiled specimens. Plastic or glass jars with sealed lids are suitable as containers (the containers are first thoroughly washed, treated with boiling water and dried).

Storing prunes in the refrigerator

The shelf life of prunes in the refrigerator is one year; this is much longer than at room temperature. However, this method also has disadvantages. The refrigerator constantly experiences temperature changes when the door is opened. As a result, condensation may occur in storage containers, causing dried fruits to rot. Fragrant products can transfer their odors to prunes, which will adversely affect their quality.

Glass containers with sealed lids can provide better protection against condensation and odors. However, they need to be opened from time to time and sorted through the contents. Ziploc bags are also suitable for storing dried fruit in the refrigerator - with the difference that there will be a greater risk of condensation in a tightly sealed bag. If opened slightly, the package will not be able to protect supplies from foreign odors.


If you know how to properly store prunes, you can provide yourself with a constant source of valuable vitamins and microelements. Whether it is added to baked goods, used in stewing meat, or eaten instead of fruit for dessert, excellent taste and health benefits are guaranteed.

Text: Natalia Mironova

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We can talk about the benefits of dried fruits for a long time, so when visiting a supermarket or vegetable market, people pick up as many of them as possible.

It is difficult to eat a large amount of this candy substitute in one day, which means you should take care of suitable conditions for storing them.

Prunes do not require special conditions, but some nuances should still be observed.

Dried fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, highly nutritious and do not contain too many calories. Store-bought dried fruits are dried using chemicals; the expiration date and storage conditions of such a product must be indicated on the packaging.

However, some fruits sold by weight in markets are naturally dried. Such dried fruits, subject to certain rules, can be stored at home for up to 12 months.

The composition of dried fruits is much richer than that of frozen ones. If dried fruits lie for a long time in an unsuitable place, they will lose a significant part of their valuable composition. In addition, they will deteriorate much faster than required. It would be a shame to send delicious supplies to the trash bin.

How to choose good prunes for storage

For obvious reasons, priority should not be given to factory-made prunes. If it is not possible to make dried fruits at home, choosing purchased ones requires a serious approach:

  1. Attention should be paid to fruits in transparent packaging; this is the only way to evaluate their appearance. If public access to the delicacy is open, you need to keep in mind that at home such a purchase will have to be processed more carefully by soaking the dried plum in water with the addition of baking soda. This will destroy harmful substances and disinfect the product.
  2. Shiny goodies look attractive, but preference should be given to fruits with a matte, even shade. If the prunes are shiny, they have been treated with glycerin. But glycerin is not as dangerous as lipids of unknown origin, which can be dangerous to eat.
  3. Prunes should not be completely dry. A good dried fruit will be slightly soft to the touch and springy.
  4. Incorrect processing will give a brown tint. Most likely, such a product was scalded with boiling water before drying. This is done to increase shelf life and for antiseptic purposes. Such a purchase will taste bitter; in addition, scalded fruits are much inferior in vitamins to properly processed prunes.
  5. High-quality dried fruit retains its shape - after pressing there are no dents left on the surface, so it makes sense to take the first specimen you come across from the total mass and check it by lightly pressing it with your finger.
  6. On sale you can find peeled, pitted prunes. It is convenient to eat, and this delicacy is safe for small children. But there are much fewer vitamins in boneless prunes than in a product in which everything is in place.
  7. It is very easy to check the presence of chemicals after purchase. It is enough to soak the prunes in warm water and evaluate their appearance after 30 minutes. A high-quality natural product will lose color, but dried fruit stuffed with chemicals will not show any changes.

Several types of dried fruits cannot be stored together, since different fruits require different moisture indexes.

Where to store prunes at room temperature at home

Rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, P, as well as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium, the fruit can be successfully stored at 20 to 25°C at home. However, temperature is not the only criterion required. Prunes can be preserved in several ways for the winter:

  • In a tightly closed container.

Both a ceramic container and a glass jar are suitable. To do this, the best fruits without scratches, dents or other defects are selected.

The jar is disinfected by dousing it with boiling water and then wiped dry. The prunes are placed in a container and closed tightly, and then the jar is placed in a cool, dark place.

Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and storage of wet fruits. Remaining water is favorable for the formation of mold. You can preserve prunes in this way for up to 5-6 months, the main thing is to periodically look into the jar and separate spoiled specimens;

  • In fabric bags.

The bags should be soaked in saline solution and dried. Then the prunes are placed inside and the bags are tied tightly. This method ensures longer storage than in a jar (up to 1 year), because the fabric material allows dried fruits to breathe.

But if there is a possibility of insect or rodent infestation (especially in country houses), it is better to choose the first storage option. In addition, this method is not suitable for rooms with high humidity levels;

  • Large quantities of prunes can be stored in wooden boxes.

To do this, dried fruits are sorted and placed in a container, covered with a thick cloth on top, and the box is placed in a dark place. As with a fabric bag, only a dry and dark place, without frequent changes in humidity levels, is suitable. With periodic inspection, the contents of the box can be stored for 8-12 months.

Other products, especially those with a strong odor, should not be stored in the place where dried fruits are located. It is strictly forbidden to keep the fruits next to household chemicals and herbs, since in such conditions prunes will acquire their rich aroma in just a month.

To keep the delicacy longer, you can pre-dry it in a low-heat oven (no more than 45 °C) for about 30 minutes.

How to properly store prunes in the refrigerator

There are 2 ways to store dried plums in the refrigerator compartment:

  • In a bag with a special clasp.

The washed and dried product is placed in a bag with small holes made in advance, zipped up and placed on a shelf. This type of storage has a couple of caveats. Firstly, because of the holes in the bag, prunes absorb the smell of all the products in the refrigerator.

If you don’t make holes, condensation will quickly form inside the plastic bag and the supplies will become moldy. Secondly, the humidity inside refrigerators is usually high (unless it is a model with a no frost system), which means that dried fruits in such a place will not last more than 1 month;

  • Plastic containers

It is advisable to use tightly closed plastic containers or jars. This way the sweets will be protected from foreign odors and moisture. And yet, even in them, the fruits will need to be sorted periodically.

How long can you store dried prunes at home?

Dried prunes contain much more moisture, so they cannot be preserved for a long time. Typically, such plums are laid out in small portions in plastic or glass containers and tightly closed.

As soon as condensation appears, the prunes are taken out, dried and placed back. If you're lucky, the dried delicacy will remain fresh for up to a month.

Prunes are not only a useful substitute for sweets. It is used in cooking and added to both compotes and baked goods, as well as meat dishes. Despite its wide range of uses, eating this dried fruit in large quantities is not recommended. Excessive consumption may cause digestive upset.

Tasty and healthy prunes are an amazing delicacy that has various healing properties. It contains a large amount of minerals and nutrients necessary for health.

Unlike plums, prunes are less demanding for storage, but they still have their own characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to properly organize the storage of this dried fruit at home so that it retains its beneficial properties and taste for as long as possible.

Preparing prunes for storage

To ensure that preserved prunes do not lose their taste, they should be properly prepared. First of all, choose the container in which the fruits will be stored. The ideal solution is glass and metal options, as well as paper bags and sacks of natural materials, such as cotton or linen.

In addition, you can use special plastic containers and bags designed for storing food. When using glass jars and metal containers, they must first be washed and disinfected with hot water.

The place where prunes will be stored should be dry, cool and dark. It is best to choose a place that will be ventilated from time to time.

Prunes should be chosen responsibly and carefully. Choose whole fruits, separating spoiled dried fruits with defects. If prunes are damp, they must be dried, otherwise the service life of the product will be significantly reduced.

Sun-dried prunes cannot be stored in ordinary plastic bags, as the fruits will quickly spoil or become sticky. The shelf life of prunes at home is no more than 12 months, provided that all storage rules have been followed. Dried prunes have the longest shelf life, so if you plan to keep them in this form, it is better to completely dry the fruits first.

Dried options should be purchased to be used immediately for cooking, and not stored for a long time. At home, these fruits can be dried in the oven at a minimum temperature.

It is rare to find completely dried prunes on sale today. The fact is that when dried, it loses its mass, so it is not profitable for sellers to sell it in dry form. Dried prunes can be stored in the refrigerator, strictly observing storage conditions, otherwise they will become unsuitable for further use.

Home storage rules

One of the most important factors that influences the shelf life of prunes is the choice of storage location. Among the most optimal places in the house where you can store this product are the following:

  • Dry and cool place. It is best to give preference to the pantry and storage cabinets in the kitchen. The main advantage of such places is that the prunes will be stored at room temperature.
  • In a refrigerator. Dried prunes are usually stored in cool conditions, but dried versions can also be stored there. A refrigerator will be very useful in cases where the room is characterized by high humidity, which is unacceptable for storing dried fruit.
  • In the freezer. This method cannot be called popular and effective, but some people resort to it in practice.

It should be noted that prunes can absorb odors, so you need to take this circumstance into account when choosing a location.

Features of storage at room temperature

Storing prunes at room temperature is the most popular method. It allows you to preserve the taste of the product and its beneficial properties. If you use high-quality glass or ceramic jars, you can ensure the safety of dried fruits for 6 months or more.

If the prunes are not sufficiently dried, they must be completely dried so that the product does not spoil quickly. After this, select good fruits that are free from defects and put them in storage containers. You can use paper bags if suitable boxes are not available. Store prunes in a dark and dry place for storage.

The use of paper bags is optimal because food there breathes and can be stored for a long time. However, from time to time you need to check them for spoiled fruits.

Refrigerator storage rules

The refrigerator is the second most popular place to store this product. The procedure looks like this:

  • From the total amount of prunes, spoilage fruits must be removed, after which the dried fruits are divided into small portions.
  • Select a container for storage. Given the coolness in the refrigerator, it is best to use glass containers or zip bags. It is better to avoid plastic food containers.
  • Dried fruits are placed in the refrigerator. If there is a special area for fresh fruit, you need to use it. There is no need to close the container completely so that the prunes have access to fresh air. You can close the container tightly only if other foods that have a strong odor are also stored in the refrigerator.
  • A couple of times a month you need to check the jar for spoiled fruits and condensation inside. If there is condensation, it must be removed, and the dried fruits should be transferred to a clean container.

The refrigerator is an ideal solution if you plan to store dried prunes. The peculiarities of the product are such that without refrigeration it will deteriorate.

Freezer storage

You can store prunes in the freezer, but this is not always necessary. The fact is that this dried fruit is already a finished product that can be stored for a long time without deep freezing. If prunes are frozen, this will certainly affect their taste properties, as well as their vitamin composition.

Prunes can be stored for about one year, so there is no point in putting them in the freezer. Some people freeze prunes in the freezer if they plan to use them in dishes and drinks where the product will be cooked. This allows you to ensure the preservation of the beneficial qualities of dried fruit.

Storage in paper bags and bags

If you do not have glass and metal containers for storing prunes, then you should use canvas bags, which have been popular for many years. However, such a storage space can only be used if there are no moths, ants or other insects in the room. Clean fabric bags are soaked in a salt solution, then dried and filled with dried fruits. Similarly, fill paper bags, close them tightly and leave to dry.

A distinctive feature of fabric and paper is that they allow prunes to breathe, so they do not become moldy and do not lose their properties during storage.

Close attention should be paid to the place where the bag or package will be stored. There should not be any strong-smelling products, such as coffee or fragrances. Sometimes, even with proper storage, prunes spoil. This is due to the fact that before drying it is treated with various substances that reduce the shelf life of the product.

Thus, storing prunes at home is a simple task if you approach it responsibly. The most important thing is to properly prepare for the procedure and strictly follow the recommendations.

For tips on storing dried fruits, see the following video.

  • Shelf life: 1 year
  • Best before date: 1 year
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 year
  • Freezer life: not indicated

Many people enjoy dried fruits. They are not only tasty, but also healthy. Prunes are not the last among dried fruits. It is a plum that has been dried along with the pit and skin. The final result depends on what drying technology the manufacturer used. There are three types in total. The first of them is drying the fruit in the sun, where it dries quickly. But in this case, rapid hardening is possible. To avoid this and preserve all the beneficial properties of prunes, you need to dry them in the shade. Drying with chemicals is also possible. Fruits are treated with gas and dyes. This is as important to know as the shelf life of prunes.

Dried prunes are very useful. It is recommended to be taken by people who have stomach problems. This dried fruit will help relieve constipation. In addition, it can be used to increase performance and normalize blood pressure. Since ancient times, prunes have been known for their antibacterial activity. It was used as a meat preservative. The usefulness of dried fruit is due to the fact that it contains fiber, vitamins and macroelements. With its help, the body can replenish missing nutrients and also get rid of excess cholesterol. Those suffering from rheumatism and kidney disease are encouraged to drink compote made from fresh and dried plums. In order for dried fruit to have a beneficial effect on the body, you need to know its expiration date.

But some people shouldn’t overuse prunes. Diabetics and women after childbirth should avoid it. The baby may become upset with breast milk.

To choose high-quality dried fruits, you should not focus only on their beautiful appearance. Glossy and perfect prunes are not worth buying. Since it may be like this due to chemical treatment. The fruit must be dry and not brittle. Depending on what you buy prunes for, you can buy dry or fleshy fruit. It is better to purchase the latter if it will be consumed immediately. The shelf life of dry prunes is much longer.

You can dry prunes yourself. This will be more useful since it is not always known how the fruit was processed. To do this, you need to purchase plums and dry them. You need to choose a good variety, the fruits should be ripe and dark, they should have more pulp, not juice. Large fruits will be more fleshy.

To remove waxy deposits from plums, it is necessary to blanch. It is made from a soda solution into which plums are added for a couple of seconds. Their readiness can be assessed by the cracks on the peel. There are three ways in which you can dry plums. The first method suggests drying the fruits in three stages, at temperatures of 45-60-80 degrees. Each stage lasts from 4 to 5 hours. Between them, the fruits need to be removed and cooled for a couple of hours. To preserve more nutrients, it is worth drying the fruits using the second method. This will take several days. The plums are placed on a tray with paper and placed in direct sunlight. The third method combines the first two. If the fruits do not dry out due to bad weather, then they will dry perfectly in the oven. As a result, the plums should be firm and not crack.

Glass, metal or plastic containers are more suitable for storing prunes. Before putting prunes in a dish, it should be thoroughly processed. Glassware can be washed and rinsed with boiling water. Then it should be dried well. Prunes should be placed in the selected container and covered tightly with a lid. The shelf life of prunes in a cool, dry place is from 6 months to a year. Dried fruits can also be stored in the refrigerator in a paper bag or glass container that is hermetically sealed. The shelf life of prunes in the refrigerator is up to 12 months. It is best to store dried fruits in the refrigerator on a shelf in the door. The presence of moisture must be checked at least once a week. If it is, then the prunes need to be dried again. The dishes must also be processed again. The shelf life of prunes depends on where they are stored. These should be places with minimal humidity.
