How to pour pancakes into a frying pan. Recipe for delicious thin pancakes. Flavorful pancakes with milk

Previously, pancakes were baked in ovens, but today the recipe is much simpler and takes a minimum of time. a lot, but how to choose the best one and how to fry pancakes in a frying pan?

How to properly fry pancakes in a frying pan

To be able to cook pancakes according to any of the proposed recipes, you need to know the technology itself.

To do this you should:

  1. Make classic dough (according to recipe 1).
  2. Heat a frying pan with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour in the dough by the ladle when the pan is hot and the oil begins to bubble.
  3. Twist the handle of the pan in your hands to even out the dough on the base.
  4. Fry the pancake until golden brown, on average 20-25 seconds on one side.
  5. Prepare a plate of pancakes from all the batter. If desired, you can grease them together with butter so that they do not stick together.

You can reheat the pancakes either in the oven, so that they look as if they were just cooked, or in the microwave. As a first option, you can bake them for 10 minutes with sour cream and cottage cheese, and when heated in the microwave you can get a quick warm breakfast. You can add a little imagination here and try these pancakes with different fillings!

Universal pancakes in a frying pan (recipe 1)

Need to:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Water (can be replaced with milk, kefir)
  • Salt and sugar

This recipe produces very thin and even pancakes that do not bubble or tear when flipped.

The main thing is to knead the right dough, which will be discussed below. The base of any pancake is a delicious batter that sets quickly and cooks evenly.


  1. Prepare the base for pancakes - one glass and a couple of spoons of flour on top, dilute with water or milk with two glasses. Be sure to sift the flour.
  2. Add two eggs to the dry mass and beat the mass well.
  3. If cooking with water, you should strictly adhere to the recipe. If you choose milk or kefir, then you should add a little water, depending on the consistency. Pancakes made with milk alone can burn, and sour milk is quite thick, so it first needs to be diluted with water.
  4. Sugar should not be abused. Not only will the pancakes be very sweet, but then they will also start to burn a lot. Of course, this will affect the final result. Therefore, three tablespoons of sugar is the maximum, but it is best to take 1-2 tablespoons per small pinch of salt.
  5. If desired, you can add half a teaspoon of soda to the dough to make the pancakes more fluffy and soft.
  6. Be sure to add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it to avoid overdrying. You shouldn’t pour more, otherwise the pancakes will be too greasy. It should be taken into account that vegetable oil will also be needed for frying.
  7. It is equally important to warm the frying pan well, but not to heat it to the limit. The best way to check this is to fill with water and drain it immediately. Place the wet frying pan on the fire. When the water has evaporated, quickly pour a thin layer of vegetable oil and pour in the dough for the first pancake.
  8. Bake pancakes on each side for 15-20 seconds. Watch their color. It is best to follow the same principle for all pancakes so that they do not differ much in frying.

Milk pancakes

Need to:

  • Milk
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sugar and salt

Pancakes made with milk turn out even more tender and flavorful than those made with water. They are more elastic and resilient, and the dough of such pancakes has a pleasant color and ideal consistency.

Preparation consists of:

  1. Knead the batter from 2 eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, 2.5 cups of milk, 1.5 cups of flour, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. If the consistency of the pancakes is like liquid sour cream, the recipe was a success; if it is a bit thick, you can add a few tablespoons of water.
  2. Adding vegetable oil to the dough is necessary to prevent the pancakes from burning. It will also be used for frying, but in smaller quantities, which should be taken into account when heating the pan.
  3. Pancakes can be served with yogurt, honey or simple homemade jam. You can use any variations or even add different toppings!

If the pancakes burn or shrink, then you need to dilute the dough a little with water. Also, the reason why this happens may be an excessive amount of sugar in the dough. Next time it's better to put less.

Pancakes on the water

Many people think that pancakes on water are not as tasty. Of course, the dough is not so elastic and aromatic, but if you don’t have milk or kefir on hand, then this cooking option may be ideal. It is also worth noting the low calorie content of this dish. Even after eating a stack of these pancakes, you don’t have to be afraid that in the evening they will affect your waist.


  • Sugar and salt
  • Vegetable and butter
  • Salt and soda

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Take 2 eggs, dilute in 250 ml of boiled water and beat.
  2. Add two tablespoons of sugar (to reduce calories, one spoon is better).
  3. Add a teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar.
  4. Add 250 g of flour, stirring.
  5. Add a pinch of salt.
  6. Stir until all lumps are broken.
  7. For better results, you can then strain the dough.
  8. Pour it onto a hot frying pan, gradually leveling it over the base.
  9. You can fry in either butter or vegetable oil.

If it is, then the dough is too liquid - you need to add flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Pancakes with kefir and starch

Need to:

  • Kefir
  • Starch
  • Salt and sugar

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with kefir and starch:

  1. For the recipe you need to prepare 400 g of kefir, 2 chicken eggs and half a glass of flour mixed with 100 g of starch.
  2. Separately, knead the dry ingredients, add two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and soda on the tip of a knife.
  3. Immediately add 50 g of butter at room temperature to the mixture, gradually kneading it with the bulk.
  4. Beat eggs with sugar in a separate bowl, add salt, kefir and soda.
  5. Gradually add the dry mass, stirring constantly.
  6. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil when the mass is already well mixed (it is better to reduce it to one spoon so that the dough is not very high in calories and fat).
  7. These pancakes cook very quickly, you need to constantly monitor the degree of frying.

Do not pour a lot of batter, otherwise the pancakes will turn out thick and will not fry as well.

Yeast pancakes in a frying pan

Pancakes made with yeast are a rarity these days, because it is much easier to knead the batter according to the classic recipe. But is it really that tasty? After testing this recipe, you can definitely answer this question!

You will need for cooking:

  • Yeast
  • Milk
  • Sugar and salt
  • Vegetable oil

Previously, these were the pancakes that were baked in ovens. They turn out fluffy, but require more time, because you need to wait until the dough rises.

How to cook:

  1. Half the milk (about 400 ml) should be mixed with 10 g of yeast.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and 75 g of flour.
  3. The dough should be quite liquid. It needs to be given time to brew in a warm place.
  4. Cover the dough tightly with cling film.
  5. After 20 minutes, you can open the dough and continue working with it.
  6. Beat in two eggs and mix well.
  7. Gradually add another one and a half cups of flour and pour another 450 ml of milk.
  8. It is better to gradually add flour, alternating it with pouring milk. This will help avoid lumps in the dough and also ensure uniformity.
  9. Leave the dough again for a while, literally 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
  10. After this you can use medium heat.

You need to use yeast, lubricate it with butter. This way they will be even juicier!

Non-stick pancakes (video)

Simple and delicious pancakes (video)

Each recipe is interesting in its own way; any housewife can bake such pancakes if she follows the given recipes. Of course, it is better to cook in a pancake pan, the diameter of which will allow you to bake pancakes of the ideal size. But even if you don’t have such a frying pan at home, you can cook in any one with a not very thick bottom.

Pancakes are one of the symbols of Russian cuisine, especially important for the ancient Slavs. Sour (yeast) and unleavened pancakes were most widespread among the Slavic peoples; moreover, only the cuisine Slavic countries contain recipes for yeast-based pancakes.

In Rus', such products, mainly made from sour dough, appeared thanks to the Varangians in the 9th century. Main ingredients there were milk, eggs, sugar, various types of flour.

Most often they were baked on the most famous holiday of the East Slavic calendar - Maslenitsa. Here they didn’t skimp on ingredients; they cooked pancakes with milk or yogurt, topped them with butter, sour cream, honey, and treated passers-by and family members. Traditionally, pancakes were baked in a Russian oven, heated or with small dry birch branches and firewood. Thanks to such an oven, each pancake was covered with uniform heat, due to which holes appeared in the thickness of the dough, the surface became ruddy, and the pancake itself turned out to be very juicy and baked.

Today, of course, they are not baked in Russian ovens; ordinary frying pans are increasingly used for this purpose, but are cooked on electric and gas stoves. Rarely does a housewife have special cooking devices - pancake makers. Their surface heats up evenly, you can bake pancakes without using oil, and you can make them of different thicknesses. Well, how to fry pancakes correctly?

Before frying the pancake, you need to knead the dough correctly. To do this, it is best to use a deep enamel pan or bowl with high sides, in which you can calmly stir the dough. If you add yeast, then the container must be at least three times larger in volume than the volume of the finished dough, taking into account the fermentation process.

  1. The liquid - whey, water, milk or kefir - must be heated. If you are preparing yeast dough, heat the liquid to a maximum temperature of 42-45 degrees, otherwise the yeast will spoil at a higher temperature. Even if you don't use baking powder, you still need to warm the milk or water a little so that the sugar and salt dissolve more easily.

  2. Too many eggs make the pancake very dense, but if they are missing, the dough may tear when trying to turn the pancake to the other side during frying. It is optimal to take about 2 chicken eggs per half liter of liquid.

  3. It is better to dilute pancakes with milk slightly with water, then they will turn out fluffier and easier to rise.

  4. As a leavening agent, you can use dry or fresh pressed yeast, soda, a special baking powder, or add nothing at all. In the latter case, you can make the thinnest plastic pancakes possible.

  5. Fat must also always be added to the dough, otherwise the pancakes will stick to the pan. This can be any odorless vegetable oil, as well as melted margarine, cooking fats, and butter. For half a liter of liquid, adding 2-3 tablespoons of fat is enough. You can add 1 tablespoon of butter to pancakes made with milk.

It is not necessary to knead the pancake dough for a long time; it is enough to combine all the components well. After kneading, cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth or gauze so that it has access to air. Yeast dough rests for at least half an hour; regular dough or baking soda should sit for about 10-15 minutes before frying the pancakes.

A good frying pan is the main key to the success of baking pancakes from absolutely any dough. In ancient times, pancakes were always baked in a real Russian oven. Today you can hardly find one like this, although it is the Russian oven that creates optimal conditions for the good flow of pancake dough and heats the products uniform heat, does not leave uncooked parts and lumps.

Before frying the pancake, the pan must be washed and wiped with a napkin. Modern housewives use the following types of pans to make pancakes:

  1. Teflon frying pans are equipped with a special non-stick coating, for example, ceramic, due to which the pancakes do not stick, even the first one, which is usually “lumpy”. It is allowed to turn pancakes in such a frying pan only with silicone or wooden spatulas, so as not to scratch the coating. If you are the lucky owner of a Teflon frying pan with a heating indicator in the form of a red circle in the center of the bottom, then you are even luckier. Such a frying pan will accurately indicate when it is evenly heated.

  2. Perhaps every housewife has cast iron frying pans in her family. Among their advantages are the uniform degree of heating of the entire surface and long-term heat retention. The downside is that frying pancakes in a cast iron frying pan for quite a long time, distributing the dough over the frying pan, your hand may simply get tired, since cast iron products weigh quite a lot.

The choice of frying pan determines at what heat to fry the pancakes. The thinner the bottom, the faster the dough will bake. How long to fry a pancake also depends on the diameter of the burner.

Some housewives use You can even use a microwave for frying pancakes, but the pancakes in it are not so juicy and often do not have a golden brown crust. In addition, pancakes can be fried in a special electric device - a pancake maker. This device is a housing with a heating element and a small tray with low sides into which the dough is poured. The pancake maker allows you to avoid using oil at all when frying pancakes; it cooks them very quickly and cooks evenly on both sides.

It is optimal to choose a frying pan with small sides located at an obtuse angle to the bottom. This will give you the opportunity to carefully pry the pancake, turn it over and not tear it.

What oil to fry pancakes in is very important. Butter in pancake dough necessary Be sure to add, otherwise the finished pancake will turn out very dry and will lose its fluffiness. The bulk of pancake recipes contain vegetable oil, not only sunflower, but also corn, olive and other refined oils. Alternatively, you can use melted, cooled butter, shortening or quality margarine.

Before frying pancakes, warm the oil to room temperature. The standard portion of oil per half liter of liquid is 2 tablespoons. Refined must be used so that the dough does not have a characteristic odor.

In addition to butter, you can use a piece of fresh lard

, usually used either salted or fresh without spices. Also lubricate the pan in a small amount, otherwise it may not have a very pleasant aroma when heated.

To save a portion of oil, you can use a long-proven method - peel one medium potato, cut it in half, and prick it on a fork with the cut side down. Then dip this cut in vegetable oil and grease the surface of the frying pan with it. Grease the frying pan with lard in the same way - prick it on a fork and turn it over periodically.

It is not advisable to use too much oil when frying. Once you have coated the surface with oil and it is well heated, spread it around the pan in a circular motion and pour out the excess.

  1. The pancake batter must be poured into a very well-heated frying pan, pre-greased, strictly in the center. After this, tilt the pan and use circular movements to spread the dough into an even layer. The holes can be closed with small drops of dough.

  2. If a lot of bubbles form during the frying process, it means there is not enough flour in the dough. Add a little at a time so that the pancakes do not come out too thick and undercooked. One large bubble in the center can simply be carefully pierced with a fork, being careful not to scratch the surface of the pan.

  3. If the pancake breaks when you try to turn it over to the other side, it means you made the dough too liquid. Add a little flour and one egg. It is the egg that makes the pancake dough plastic, and the finished products - dense and nervous.

  4. Pancakes may stick to the surface of the pan due to poor coating or uneven heating. Make sure that the fire is located clearly in the center of the pan. If you cook in a cast iron frying pan, before frying you can calcine it with salt, then wipe it dry, then grease it with vegetable oil and start frying.

  5. For turning over it is optimal to use silicone wide blade. You need to turn the pancake over when its surface is not shiny and the edges are already slightly browned.

  6. If the pancake breaks when you turn it over, it means there is too much flour in the batter and not enough milk or eggs.

It is better not to store the finished pancakes, but to serve them immediately. But you can freeze them, including the fillings, and then reheat them in the microwave.

You don't have to wait until Maslenitsa to bake a variety of pancakes. You can fry them today, for example, for dinner. Or in the morning, for breakfast. , read on.

Pancakes are baked with water, milk, kefir, yeast, with or without eggs, with wheat flour and buckwheat. Pancakes can be made fluffy, thin, lacy or solid, like the sun. There are countless cooking options. Choose any one.

Pancakes - food preparation

Pancakes do not require special preparation. The ingredients are mixed and fried. The only thing to improve the taste is that it is recommended to sift the flour before baking. And if the recipe includes yeast, the milk must be heated before adding it to the dough. Just not too much (maximum up to 37C - body temperature), otherwise the yeast will die.

Pancakes with milk

It is the pancakes mixed with milk that are considered the most authentic and traditional. They bake quickly, in one or two minutes. And if there is any excess dough left, you can store it in the refrigerator so that you can fry piping hot, fresh pancakes for dinner. The frying pan must be lubricated with vegetable oil every once in a while.

The recipe contains baking powder. You can cook it without baking powder, but it is what makes the pancakes fluffy. Baking powder can be replaced with half a teaspoon of baking soda, diluted with a few drops of vinegar (6%) or lemon juice.

Ingredients: 2 cups wheat flour, milk - 3 cups, three eggs, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp (for dough), salt - ½ tsp, granulated sugar - 1 tbsp (for sweet pancakes - 3 tbsp .), baking powder - ¾ teaspoon.

Cooking method

Mix eggs, sugar, baking powder, salt, flour and half a glass of milk in a bowl. Mix the mass. To do this, you can use household appliances - a mixer or blender. The dough will be quite thick and homogeneous. This is done to avoid the appearance of lumps.

And then dilute the mass with milk, adding it in a thin stream and stirring. The consistency should be similar to liquid sour cream or kefir. At the end, add vegetable oil and mix well.

Pancakes with kefir

Kefir pancakes have a whole army of fans. After all, they have a unique taste - kefir gives the dough sourness, and together with the butter that is used to lubricate the cake, you get a unique and piquant taste. Pancakes prepared according to this recipe come out fluffy and delicate.

They can be eaten with jam, condensed milk, mushrooms, and caviar. If you like sweet pancakes, you can add two or three tablespoons of sugar to the dough. It is convenient to grease the pan with half an onion. It is placed on a fork and dipped in vegetable oil.

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of kefir, ¼ teaspoon each of salt and soda, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, flour, ½ cup of boiling water.

Cooking method

Mix eggs, salt and kefir in a saucepan. Heat on the stove to body temperature, approximately 36C. Add flour until the mixture becomes slightly thick (like pancakes). Dilute baking soda in half a glass of boiling water (boiling water) and add to the dough, mix. Then add vegetable oil and you can start frying. The finished pancakes are greased with butter and can be sprinkled with sugar or sour cream.

Traditionally, pancakes are baked with milk, kefir, yogurt or whey. But it turns out that you can bake pancakes with regular water. And sometimes they turn out thinner, crispier and tasty. Because there is one secret - the whites and yolks are beaten separately, and only then mixed in the dough. These pancakes are ideal for stuffing with meat, liver, cottage cheese, eggs and onions.

Ingredients: wheat flour – 0.3-0.4 kg, 3 eggs, 0.5 liters of water, 2 tbsp. sand sugar and vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Mix the ingredients except water to form a thick and homogeneous mass, and then slowly pour in the liquid and stir to avoid lumps. Now you can grease the pan with oil and bake the pancakes.

Thin pancakes

How tender and incredibly tasty they are, these thin pancakes. It’s not always possible to cook them. If you put more flour, they will come out thick, if less, they will tear when turned over or gather into an accordion.

And the secret is simple: in order for the pancakes to turn out thin and turn over well, you need not to skimp on the eggs, but mix the dough thoroughly and let it sit a little so that the gluten in the flour swells. If you think there may be too much dough, reduce the amount of ingredients by two or three times.

Ingredients: 1 liter of full-fat milk, 4 cups of wheat flour, 5 eggs, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable and melted butter (for dough), 1 teaspoon of salt (without a slide), granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method

The preparation method is very simple - mix all the ingredients thoroughly, preferably using a mixer. Lastly, add the oil and mix with a spoon. Before frying, the frying pan is heated and greased with vegetable oil. If the dough will be kneaded by hand, then, to avoid lumps, it should be kneaded with one glass of milk, adding all the ingredients (except butter).

The mass will turn out thick, stir it until smooth and pour in the remaining milk in a thin stream. Each new batch of liquid must be mixed well until smooth. Then the oil is introduced.

Sour pancakes

Some prefer sweet pancakes, others thin or spongy. This recipe is for lovers of sour pancakes. And it turns out there are a lot of them. And no wonder, because pancakes made with sour milk turn out fluffy, rosy, unusually tasty, sweet and sour.

It is better to serve them with sour cream, melted butter or honey. By the way, sour pancakes can also be stuffed, for example, with cottage cheese or minced meat with fried onions.

The recipe includes baking soda. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar; there is enough acid in milk.

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of sour milk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, starch and granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon each of soda and salt, 3 eggs, 8 tbsp. spoons with a small hill of wheat flour.

Cooking method

Grind eggs with salt, sugar, add milk and add soda. Mix.

In another bowl, mix flour with starch. Gradually pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour and stir continuously to prevent lumps from forming. At the end, add vegetable oil and fry the pancakes.

Here they are - real Russian pancakes, made with yeast. Probably the most delicious of all. Yeast pancakes are best served with caviar. But even with sour cream it will be very, very good. And in general, they can be served with absolutely any filling. The pancakes turn out tender, lacy, airy, and delicious. And how beautiful! And, most importantly, they melt in your mouth.

Ingredients: wheat flour – 300g, milk – ½ liter (or 300ml milk + 200ml water), 7g dry yeast (or 20g fresh), 5 tbsp (70g) refined vegetable oil (odorless), 2-3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar (60g), 3 eggs, salt - 1 teaspoon (without slide).

Cooking method

Grind the eggs with sugar and salt and beat well, preferably with a mixer. Add yeast, vegetable oil and half the warm milk. Stir the mixture and slowly pour it into the flour, stirring continuously. Pour in the remaining milk and keep warm.

After about an hour, the mass will double. It must be stirred to release the carbon dioxide bubbles. After the mass has risen a second time, do NOT disturb it any more. The dough is fried like this, right with bubbles (this is important), carefully scooping it with a ladle from the very top. Before frying, the frying pan should be hot and greased with a thin layer of oil.

Pancakes with meat (with minced meat)

Meat is one of the most delicious fillings for pancakes. To fill them, you need to bake pancakes according to any of the above recipes. But the filling itself and the cooking method are very original and not similar to traditional ones, because... The pancake is filled with raw minced meat.

Ingredients: raw minced meat, salt, 1-2 eggs, one onion, dill.

Cooking method

Season the minced meat with chopped onion, salt and dill. Add and beat in a little water (a couple of tablespoons), this will make the filling juicier.

Beat eggs in a deep plate, add salt.

Cut the pancake into two parts. Place a little minced meat on the edge of each half, like on a small cutlet, and press it down so that it becomes flatter. Then wrap the pancake with minced meat in a triangle envelope, dip it in the egg and fry on both sides. The heat must be set to medium, closer to low, so that the pancake becomes golden in color and the filling has time to fry.

  • If you have prepared a lot of dough, use two frying pans to speed up the frying process. This way things will go much faster.
  • To knead the pancake mass without lumps, the liquid is poured into the flour, and not vice versa.
  • If the pancakes turn out to be hard, you need to coat them with butter, place them in a deep bowl and cover with a lid to soften them.
  • It is convenient to grease the frying pan with a small piece of lard, pricked on a fork, or half a potato soaked in oil.
  • If you planned to get openwork pancakes, but they come out as a solid sheet, the situation can be corrected by adding regular sparkling mineral water to the dough.
  • Ready-made pancakes can be frozen. Arrange them in piles and pack them in a bag. Then next time you won’t have to bake them – it will be enough to just defrost and stuff them.

No. 1: Be sure to sift pancake flour, even if you are sure that it is absolutely clean - sifting loosens the flour with air, and then the dough becomes soft and fluffy. You need to sift the flour immediately at the time of preparing the pancakes, but not ahead of time. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 2: When preparing pancakes, you can only use fresh eggs, and before adding the eggs to the dough, they must be beaten well. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 3: Salt and sugar for making pancakes and pancakes... dissolve, stirring, in a separate bowl, then you need to strain the liquid through a sieve so that pieces of undissolved salt and grains of sugar do not get into the dough and spoil its structure. And only the already strained liquid with sugar and salt dissolved in it is poured into the pancake dough. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 4: Often pancakes do not turn out because the sequence and a certain order of actions when preparing pancakes are not followed. In order for the pancakes to turn out “correctly” - tasty and beautiful, you should never pour freshly sifted flour into the liquid mixture!

First, you need to mix the liquid ingredients of the pancake dough in one pan (at the same time, do not forget that we dissolve salt and sugar separately and then filter), then you need to pour the required amount of sifted flour into another pan, and then, in a thin stream, slowly, continuously While stirring the dough, you need to pour the liquid consistency into the pan with flour. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 5: To make truly delicious pancakes, it is worth knowing that the egg yolks for the batter are prepared separately from the egg whites. Not all sugar and salt should be diluted with water, but only part of them, or only salt should be dissolved in water. Both the yolks and whites must be beaten or simply ground very well with sugar.

It is advisable to beat the whites well with a mixer. After this, the yolks mashed with sugar are first (!) added to the pancake dough, the dough is mixed, beaten a little, and only then whipped whites are added to the pancake dough! This is how the dough for delicious pancakes is prepared. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 6: A good recipe for making pancakes and pancakes involves adding a certain amount of butter or vegetable oil to the pancake batter. Just add it to the dough after adding flour and the final kneading of the dough - at the very end. Otherwise, the dough will turn out dense, too elastic and tasteless. And you need to add oil - in moderation, but no more. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 7: To bake sweet pancakes, you can add more sugar to the dough (to get thin pale pancakes you need less sugar, but due to too much sugar the pancakes can burn), and when adding soda to the dough, you must take a little of it and put it out liquid citric acid, previously dissolved in water, or you can extinguish the soda with acetic acid in the ratio of a quarter teaspoon of soda and a couple of drops of vinegar (the soda must be completely dissolved).

The most delicious yeast pancakes are obtained if the dough is mixed with milk, and the fluffiest ones are obtained if the yeast dough is mixed with water. Yeast pancake dough cannot be mixed like regular unleavened pancake dough. For yeast pancakes to turn out well, it is advisable that the dough rises 2-3 times.

If the dough has not “fermented”, the pancakes will be dense and tasteless, and if the yeast dough has fermented, then they will be inexpressive, pale and with an unpleasant sourness. When preparing pancakes with sour milk or kefir, soda must be quenched with acid in a separate bowl and added to the pancake batter immediately before adding flour. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 8: To make delicious pancakes and pancakes, it is advisable to beat the pancake batter a little, but not too much. To prepare yeast pancakes, it is important to be able to catch the moment when the dough has already risen, but has not yet “fallen” - then they need to be baked. The secret of making delicious pancakes

No. 9: To obtain rosy, delicious pancakes and pancakes, you need to thoroughly heat an iron frying pan, preferably with a thin bottom, or a cast-iron frying pan with a thick bottom, or an ordinary modern frying pan with a non-stick coating.

It is advisable to thoroughly heat the pancake pan over high heat before baking pancakes, or even better, heat it with coarse table salt, shaking it regularly in the pan. After calcining the pan with salt, you do not need to wash it - just wipe it with a clean, dry cloth.

It is important that only pancakes are cooked in the pancake pan, and that it is stored in a separate, clean place, because washing the pancake pan is not advisable. Some people prefer to grease the pan with lard the old fashioned way - but this is not an acquired taste.

It is best to grease the bottom of the frying pan with butter, but if it is in short supply, then refined sunflower oil will do. You can turn the pancakes with a fork, a special elongated fork-pot holder from the cutlery set, or a wooden spatula. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 10: You need to pour the batter into the frying pan with a small ladle - and you need to pour a little batter so that the pancakes do not turn out too thick and clumsy. When pouring the dough into the frying pan, hold the ladle in one hand and the frying pan in the other. Moreover, the dough must be poured onto the hot surface of the frying pan quickly, and turning the frying pan back and forth so that the dough is quickly and evenly distributed over the surface of the frying pan.

Fry the pancakes over good, but not excessive, heat for 30 seconds - one side of the pancake. When turning the pancake, it should easily separate from the surface of the pan, and you need to determine the moment when the pancake can already be turned over by the following signs - the appearance of bubbles in the baked pancake and the edges of the pancake acquiring a brownish tint. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 11: Baked pancakes should be placed on one plate, suitable in diameter, and the layers between the pancakes should be greased with butter, and the top of the pancake mound should be covered with a clean towel so that the pancakes breathe, but do not cool down. The secret to making delicious pancakes

No. 12: Pancakes can be formed into triangles, wrapped in tubes or handkerchiefs. Pancakes can and should be stuffed with different fillings and minced meats - mushrooms with onions, minced meat with onions, stuffing with chopped herbs and eggs, sweet cottage cheese with raisins.

Following the simple rules for preparing delicious pancakes, the Maslenitsa holiday will delight you and your loved ones with only the most delicious and beautiful pancake “suns”. And may all your pancakes on Maslenitsa be delicious and not a single one “lumpy”!

Pancakes are a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. Among the ancient Slavs, pancakes were obviously a ritual food; they are an indispensable attribute of the Maslenitsa holiday. Nowadays, pancakes are practically no longer perceived as ritual food, and took their place in the everyday Russian diet.

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its secrets.

1. Milk and water need to be poured into the flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for preparing pancake dough without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour in all the rest of the liquid according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, do not pour flour into the bowl immediately - pour out part of the dough, add flour, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

1. To ensure that the pancake is even and of equal thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads all over surfaces.

2. The brownness of the pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But don’t overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, the pancake will burn and not become golden brown.

1. The first pancake, the one that should always be lumpy, has its own important role. After tasting it, you will be able to determine whether you need to add sugar, salt, flour or milk to the dough for the correct consistency.

2. When placing pancakes on a plate, wipe each one with butter - the pancakes will be juicy, not dry.

4. To prevent hard pancakes from becoming dry and soft, they can be stored in a saucepan under a lid, coated with butter.

1. If you want to make fluffy pancakes, spongy, loose, good absorbent sour cream or condensed milk, make them with yeast or yogurt/kefir.

2. Flour should be sifted not in advance, but in

the moment the dough is prepared - this will make it more fluffy.

4. If the pancake dough has not risen enough, all is not lost; you can correct the situation by gradually adding warm milk and without ceasing to stir the dough.

5. Before adding the whites, they must be thoroughly beaten. When the dough has risen, you need to add the egg whites, let the dough rise again and then bake the pancakes.

6. You need to pour the oil into the finished and risen dough. At the same time, proteins which you added earlier to the dough must already be well mixed with the dough, otherwise, when they come into contact with the oil, the proteins will settle, the dough will become denser, and the pancakes will become thicker and more viscous. Airy and thin translucent pancakes will no longer be possible from this dough.

7. You need to bake pancakes when the dough has already risen, but has not yet settled - seize the moment. It is better to take the dough with a spoon from above, without stirring. Otherwise the dough may settle.

8. You need to turn the pancakes from one side to the other when the edges have dried out and the middle is covered with “pimples.”

1. The pan for pancakes should be separate. It is better not to use it for frying other dishes.

3. If you have a Teflon frying pan and pancakes stick to it, try “brewing” the finished dough by adding a little boiling liquid to it.

4. If there are traces on the cast iron frying pan previous baked goods, it is better not to wash it, but to wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth and salt.

5. Immediately before baking, add a little sunflower oil to the dough, about one or two tablespoons.

6. Do not pour oil into the frying pan, but grease it every two or three pancakes. It is very convenient to grease the frying pan with half a small potato, placed on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil.

7. Pancakes may stick due to sour milk. The dough can be corrected as follows: add a little flour, sprinkle a little soda, pour boiling water over it, stir and continue baking.

1. Before making the first pancake, good heat the frying pan, and then just turn down the heat - not at all " seized“It’s more difficult to turn the pancake on the top side.

2. Before flipping the pancake, run a knife around the circumference of the pan. Then the pancake will turn over easily, and no “parts” of it will remain in the pan.

3. If the pancakes turn out unbaked, do not turn over when the edges are dry, or tear, it means there is not enough flour, do not be greedy, add more.

1. To prevent the pancakes from tearing, let the dough “rise”, then the gluten in the flour will have time to “manifest” itself.
2. Add an egg, just remember that the more eggs in the dough, the tougher the pancakes.

2. If during the frying process you notice that what you get is not what you wanted, dilute the dough with carbonated water, beer, kumiss - depending on the main taste.

1. Use a Teflon pan.

2. Do not add vegetable oil to the pancake dough, and when the frying pan is warm, prick a piece of fresh lard onto a fork and wipe the hot frying pan with it before each new pancake. Then they turn out almost dry.

In order not to deny yourself the pleasure of your loved one, not to blame for the pancakes you eat and, most importantly, not to gain weight, there are several recommendations.

How can you reduce the calorie content of pancakes?

  1. Unfortunately, you cannot completely avoid using oil in pancakes, because it is what prevents the pancakes from sticking to the pan and sticking together when you put them on a plate. But the amount of oil can be reduced slightly. To do this, simply add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough and fry the pancakes in a dry, well-heated frying pan, preferably cast iron or Teflon-coated. This way, the pancakes will turn out much less greasy and heavy.

  2. To prepare the dough, do not use whole eggs, but only whites. The main thing is to beat them properly.

  3. It is better to take milk with a low fat content (0.5%, 1.5%), or replace it half with water, and ideally, give up milk altogether. If you take mineral water instead of ordinary water, the pancakes will turn out fluffy and by air.

  4. Use coarse flour, preferably buckwheat or rye, it contains less carbohydrates, but is rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements.

  5. You can add grated apples, pears, pumpkin or zucchini to the dough. Pancakes will become less caloric.

  6. Eat ready-made pancakes not with butter or sour cream, but rather with fruit or berry jam.

- The oldest pancake recipe in English dates back to the 15th century.

The world record for the largest pancake was set in Rochdale in 1994. The pancake was 15 meters in diameter, weighed three tons and two million calories.

The World's Largest Pancake Breakfast is held annually in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Hundreds of volunteers take part in the event, and since 1999, more than 71,233 meals have been served to more than 40,000 people. If all these pancakes are stacked, it will be higher than 3.5 km.

Ralf Lau from Leipzig set a world record for throwing pancakes into the air - he threw it 416 times in two minutes. And Mike Kutsakre ran a marathon, constantly throwing a pancake, for 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

how to fry pancakes

Before we begin the process of preparing the most delicious, ancient and authentic Russian delicacy, we will first learn how to fry pancakes.
It doesn’t matter what kind of pancakes you want to bake - whether it’s dough for thin pancakes or dough for yeast pancakes, there are some general rules.

How to fry pancakes - Cookware

An ordinary Soviet one with a thick bottom or cast iron will do. You can buy a special frying pan.

If your frying pan has not yet fried pancakes, then you first need to heat it with any fat for 10-15 minutes. Drain off the fat and immediately wipe the frying pan with a cloth and salt.

Frying brush

Before frying pancakes, prepare a shaving brush. Our grandmothers used a simple stick with a wrapped cloth. Someone a piece of pork lard. You can take half an onion or raw potato, string them on a fork, dip them in oil and grease the pan.

Cooking brush for pancakes

Small ladle for pancake dough

How to fry pancakes - Products

how to fry pancakes - products

Half milk and water (or kefir and water)
Vegetable oil
Sugar and salt to taste
Butter for greasing pancakes

As needed:
Eggs, soda, yeast

How to fry pancakes - Technology

We have prepared the dishes and food, now let's get down to the main thing.

Knead the dough until it resembles liquid sour cream.

Heat the frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil, or a mixture of melted pork fat and vegetable oil. But the most convenient way is with a piece of bacon placed on a fork.

Pour enough dough into a hot frying pan so that it rolls out in a thin layer across the frying pan when you quickly turn it in your hands. Usually this is about half a ladle.

Be sure to open the window while cooking, because frying pancakes in smoke is harmful.

Fry the pancake over medium heat on one side until the dough has thickened on top and the bottom turns golden or light brown. Turn over with a spatula and fry on the other side.

Brush the pancake with melted butter using a pastry brush.

How to fry filled pancakes

how to fry pancakes - ways to wrap pancakes

Do you want pancakes with mushrooms or pancakes with cottage cheese?
There are different fillings and all are very tasty:

cottage cheese
ground meat
ham and cheese
fish (canned)
red fish

You can use any fruit, berries, jam.

The filled pancake is wrapped in an envelope, a triangle (in half and in half again) or a tube. You can lightly fry on both sides in butter.

How to fry pancakes with seasoning

Sprinkle a heated, greased frying pan with any thinly sliced ​​or grated seasoning:

green onions
onions mushrooms
Bell pepper
berries and fruits

Then pour the dough and bake the pancakes as usual.

Now you know how to fry pancakes and you will delight yourself, your family, and guests with this joyful dish.

On what fire to fry pancakes step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.
