How to properly store radishes: useful tips. Radishes for the winter - simple and tasty recipes

IN summer time radishes are always in the spotlight, and thanks to them you can make the most various salads. But what about in winter? This delicious vegetable It is quite possible to prepare it for the winter season. For example, by preparing delicious pickled radishes. Are there any benefits left in such a vegetable? How to pickle radishes correctly? All tips and secrets are already waiting for you in our material.

Properties of the vegetable

The crispy and juicy root vegetable conceals great benefit. Radishes are a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a person to maintain good health. This vegetable is perfect for those who want to keep their figure slim: calorie content of this product V fresh is only fourteen kilocalories per hundred grams.

This vegetable contains a large number of dietary fiber, which helps improve digestion. In addition, radishes contain vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and prevent seasonal diseases. The vegetable also contains other vitamins, for example, group B, which have a beneficial effect on work nervous system. In addition, it contains other useful substances: vitamin PP, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, chromium, etc.

Regular use radish has a positive effect on health, improves heart function, increases appetite, reduces swelling, removes bile and is an excellent remedy for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Beneficial features of this vegetable have a positive effect on both female and male body. Regular consumption of the root vegetable helps the fair half of humanity improve the condition of their skin, prevent the appearance and development of cancer cells in the mammary glands, and normalize many processes in the body, including digestive ones.

The vitamins and minerals contained in radishes help to fully bear a child during pregnancy, feeding the fetus with vital substances and eliminating toxicosis. Alimentary fiber vegetables help cope with overweight. For men, this vegetable helps not only strengthen cardiovascular system, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, but also helps to overcome chronic fatigue, obesity and gout.

In order for a vegetable to only benefit the body, you need to follow some rules and recommendations for its consumption.

  • The daily norm of eaten root vegetables should not exceed one hundred and fifty grams. Excessive use vegetables can lead to stomach problems, cause diarrhea or mild poisoning.
  • You should not eat radishes on an empty stomach, otherwise cramps and stomach pain may occur.
  • People with diseases such as ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis should never consume this root vegetable. It is also not recommended to eat this vegetable in case of individual intolerance.

Can it be frozen?

Many fans of this useful summer vegetable want to keep it fresh so that they can pamper themselves in the winter delicious salads. The best way The best way to keep radishes fresh is to freeze them. You need to freeze vegetables following some rules.

Freezing this vegetable is only possible if the home freezer has a quick, blast freezing function or can be set to a temperature of minus thirty degrees. In another case, the vegetable will slowly freeze, begin to release juice and eventually become covered with ice. And in winter, after defrosting, such a root crop will thaw and lose all its taste qualities, integrity and density.

If you have the opportunity to properly freeze the product, then follow these instructions:

  • Before freezing, all root vegetables must be carefully sorted and washed with cold water;
  • the roots need to be cut off and the root vegetables themselves dried;
  • small specimens can be frozen whole, large ones are better divided into slices;
  • prepared vegetables should be left for twenty minutes in freezer for quick freezing;
  • as soon as they set, you can put them in a bag or container for storage and leave them until winter at normal freezer temperatures.

It is worth mentioning that vegetables can be stored in this form for no more than three months. After this time, he will gradually begin to lose his taste and useful qualities.

Therefore, we suggest paying attention to pickled radishes, which retain most of their beneficial qualities. We have several interesting and original recipes for winter preparations.


Pickled radish is excellent preparation for the winter, which will delight you and pleasantly surprise your guests with its unusual taste. For the first recipe, it is better to choose an early and small variety of root vegetable, which has more soft taste and has not yet acquired strong bitterness.

So, we take: two hundred grams of radishes, a couple of cloves fresh garlic, one Bay leaf, a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, two hundred milligrams of water, a few peppercorns, a tablespoon of vinegar (no more than three percent), a little dill. We thoroughly wash the root crop, removing dust, dirt and cutting off both ends. Leave the small radishes whole, cut the garlic into thin slices. Place garlic, bay leaf and pepper on the bottom of the prepared jar. Place radishes on top, topping them with dill sprigs. Do not bring it to the very neck. Fill with boiling water and leave covered for five minutes.

After this, pour the water into a separate pan and set to boil. Add all the remaining ingredients to the jar, namely sugar, vinegar and salt. Then fill with boiling, drained water and twist.

You can prepare it this way and large root vegetables, cutting them into pieces. Preservation will be ready for consumption in just five days.

Home-canned radishes are always delicious. We offer you another simple recipe that will allow you to quickly pickle even a large harvest. You can pickle whole radishes this way, but it is better to cut them into medium-thick slices. The peculiarity of this method is that everything needs to be placed in jars in layers.

For cooking you will need: radishes, garlic, dill, bay leaf, black peppercorns. Place pepper, bay leaf and a little dill on the bottom, then slices of root vegetables, garlic cut into thin slices, and dill again. Re-layer so that the last layer is dill. For one liter jar Two bay leaves and five peppercorns will be enough. Next, pour boiling marinade over everything and close.

For the above the recipe will do the most common marinade. It’s easy to prepare: for one liter of water you will need two tablespoons of sugar and the same amount coarse salt. You also need to add (after pouring the marinade) a tablespoon of vinegar into each liter jar. Vinegar should be table vinegar - not concentrate.

A vegetable such as radish can not only be pickled, but also salted whole.

We offer you the recipe instant cooking delicious radishes.

For a kilogram of root vegetables we take: four large cloves of garlic, a medium bunch of dill, a couple of bay leaves, five to six peas allspice. For the marinade, per liter of water we take: two tablespoons of salt and acetic acid, a quarter of a small spoon of coriander seeds. Cut the vegetable into slices, finely chop the remaining ingredients. Place the radish slices with the garlic-dill mixture, then pour in the marinade.

We make the marinade as follows: as soon as the water boils, dissolve the salt in it and add the seeds, bay leaves and pepper. Cook everything together for exactly five minutes, remove from heat and pour in the vegetables, then pour vinegar on top and close with a lid. After three days, the salad can be served.

Here's another quick and delicious recipe.

Take: ten medium root vegetables, one hundred milligrams each clean water And apple cider vinegar, five teaspoons of sugar, one teaspoon of salt. We cut each vegetable exactly into two parts and put it in a jar. Place all the remaining ingredients in a small saucepan, along with the vinegar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let it cool for about ten minutes and pour it over our prepared vegetables. After an hour, you will be able to enjoy the unusually tasty radishes.

By the way, if you add literally a tablespoon of tequila to the marinade at the end, the vegetables will taste even better and become crispier.

If you want to surprise your family with pickled radishes, we suggest trying the following recipe.

We take: twenty medium-sized root vegetables, a large bunch of any herbs (you can use dill, basil or parsley), a medium bunch of green onions, one head of garlic. First, prepare the brine: add a large spoonful of coarse salt, literally five grams of dry basil and the same amount of cumin to a liter of clean water. If desired, you can add a little red pepper for those who like it spicier. As soon as the brine boils, wait two minutes and turn it off.

We love this red-pinkish root vegetable for its juicy spicy taste, crispy pulp, a lot of vitamins and useful substances. Radishes often serve as a reminder of the beginning of summer and warm days. But not everyone knows that you can enjoy your favorite root vegetable during the cold season. I will present to you all the features of radish storage.

The nuances of storing root vegetables

The shelf life of radishes directly depends on the variety. Early ripening varieties do not differ in keeping quality and “live” no more than a week, but autumn varieties under properly created storage conditions they can last until early spring.

Since radishes are an unpretentious vegetable, you can store them in several ways. At room temperature- the vegetable does not fade for several days, so if you plan to eat it in the near future, then you hardly need to worry about freshness.

  • In a refrigerator- radishes last longer: from a week to 4, depending on the storage method.
  • Cellar- an ideal place for winter “resting” of vegetables. Right organized storage and the right variety will allow you to enjoy root vegetables for several months.

In a refrigerator

There are two ways to store radishes in the refrigerator:

  • dry storage;
  • "wet" storage.

At the same time, you should not freeze vegetables, but it is better to give preference to a special box for vegetables: there is optimal humidity and temperature conditions.

Is it possible to freeze radishes for the winter? Since the root vegetable is known for its ability to absorb and release moisture, after freezing the radish will not only lose its shape and elasticity, but will lose all water and will look like a root floating in melted liquid.

The instructions below contain detailed description Ways to keep radishes fresh in the refrigerator:

Image Description

Method 1: in a package
  • The harvested crop or freshly purchased fruits are processed from the tops (it is important not to cut them off at the root, but to leave a “tail” of 2–3 cm);
  • roots are not cut;
  • the turnips are placed in a plastic bag (it can be slightly wetted) and left for storage;
  • the bag does not tie - for better ventilation, you can tie the bag and make several holes in it.
Method 2: in a jar of water

This option allows the radish to remain fresh for up to one or two months, but at the same time it quickly loses its usefulness:

  • cooled boiled water is poured into the jar;
  • radishes are lightly wiped with a cloth, but not washed;
  • cut the tops and place them in a jar of water;
  • the jar is tightly closed and put away for storage;
  • Boiled water is changed every 4–5 days.

Method 3: with tops
  • the freshly harvested crop is collected in a bunch and cleared of soil (it is important not to wash the turnips, but only shake off excess soil);
  • the bundle can be placed in a moistened bag or container with water;
  • The tops should be moistened periodically, so the radishes will last about a week.

Method 4: Dried Radishes

You can prepare a dish not only from fresh, but also from dried vegetables:

  • the chopped vegetable is boiled for several minutes in boiling salted water;
  • the resulting workpiece is dried in the oven;
  • dried radishes are packaged in bags or fabric bags and stored in the vegetable department for up to several months.

Damaged root vegetables (with cracks, bites, signs of rot, etc.) are stored much shorter, so they should be removed from the total mass before storing.

In the cellar

There is only one way to store radishes in the cellar: in special boxes using sand or sawdust. The box is suitable either plastic or wooden (you can make it yourself).

Procurement process:

  • the harvested crop is processed from the tops (do not forget to leave small “tails”, as in the photo below);
  • You should not wash the radishes, you can only lightly shake or wipe them;
  • slightly damp sand or sawdust is poured onto the bottom of the box;
  • a layer of root vegetables is laid out;
  • a layer of sawdust or sand (distributed so that the turnips are completely covered);
  • again a layer of radishes, etc.;
  • the last layer should be sand (sawdust).

During storage, you should periodically maintain the moisture in the sand and remove rotting vegetables, then the turnips will last as long as possible.


You can enjoy crispy radishes or dishes with them in winter, autumn and even early spring. To do this, you just need to fulfill the storage conditions and choose the right variety. The cost of efforts with seasonal harvesting: winter treats and surprise your guests fresh vegetables on the table, and that costs a lot.

The video in this article demonstrates the features of storing radishes to maintain freshness for as long as possible. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

If the refrigerator has a function to lower the temperature to the desired level, before freezing radishes for the winter, you should properly prepare the vegetable. To do this you need to select a product home origin– radishes grown in large farms often contain unnecessary chemical substances, which can degenerate into components hazardous to health during storage.

Important! Radishes should only be frozen for the winter from late harvests. These are the varieties that stand up well low temperatures, preserving the structure and taste of the root crop.

On the eve of freezing, the beds should be thoroughly watered in the late evening to saturate the root crop with moisture as much as possible. It is better to plan radish harvesting early in the morning, until Sun rays did not warm the earth.

Further work should proceed as follows:

1. Cut off the tops.
2. Rinse the radishes under the tap.
3. Cut off the spine.
4. Dry the root vegetables on a napkin.
5. Cut in half.
6. Blow with a cold hairdryer for at least 10 minutes.
7. Place in ziplock bags.
8. Place the workpiece in the freezer.

Before use, remove frozen radishes from the chamber and allow them to thaw at room temperature.

Some housewives try to freeze radishes in crushed form for the winter in order to add cubes later savory product in salads or okroshka. However, the quality of such a product after defrosting is very questionable and not everyone will like it.

Storing vegetables in the cellar

Juicy vegetables with a large percentage of water in their composition are not suitable for storage until the new harvest. Naturally, radishes that have been in the cellar for several weeks will not be fresh - they are very demanding on storage conditions, the air humidity in such a room should be up to 80%. In this case, strong ventilation and the absence of pathogenic bacteria on the walls of the cellar are required.

You can extend the period of consumption of fresh radishes until the first winter months if you put the prepared root vegetables in boxes filled with wet river sand and placed vertically on top of each other. At the same time, to increase the humidity in the basement or cellar, you will have to regularly water the floors.

How to store the first harvest

You can extend the life of a juicy root vegetable purchased at the market if you keep the radishes in a bag at a temperature of -2 degrees in the vegetable tray of the refrigerator. In this case, the bag should not be tightly closed so that condensation does not accumulate inside. You should also transfer the vegetables with paper napkins, which will avoid rotting and mold. From time to time, wet paper should be replaced with fresh paper.

Important! Before storing, early or mid-season radishes must be washed and dried; wet vegetables should not be placed in a bag.

Thus, it will be possible to extend the period of consumption of root vegetables by a week. The root vegetable feels good in a jar of water placed in the refrigerator. To do this you need:

1. Trim the tops and tails.
2. Wash the vegetable thoroughly in running water and dry.
3. Place in a container of a suitable size and fill with boiled, cooled water.
4. Close the jar with a tight lid and place in the refrigerator.

With this storage method, radishes will retain their taste a little longer - they can be consumed within two weeks without risk to health.

Options for canning radishes

If you can’t use fresh vegetables during the winter, you can cook them interesting snack, bright and unusual. It is popular in Asian countries, Mexico and Thailand.

Ingredients of the marinade:

200 ml drinking water– you can use boiled or filtered;
200 ml table vinegar 9%;
0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar;
1 tsp. table salt;
spices - to taste. You can use clove buds, allspice and black peppercorns, and dry rosemary.


1. Wash root vegetables, remove tops and tails, and dry.
2. Cut the radishes into quarters, circles - whatever you like. Small fruits look good when served if they are cut crosswise from the tail side.
3. Place the vegetable preparations in a sterilized canning container and pour in the boiled marinade.
4. Cover metal lids, soak in a water bath for 15 minutes (for half-liter containers).
5. Remove from the sterilizer and roll up.

Cool upside down and covered until room temperature, put away for storage.

The composition of the filling can be varied at your discretion - if you replace some of the sugar and salt soy sauce, add ginger root, cut into large shavings, you get a Japanese variety of snack.

When used as flavor additive hot pepper And tomato slices, the pickled vegetable will take on a Mexican flavor. If you add red onion slices to rosemary and black peppercorns, the appetizer will be European.

Beer snack

You can surprise lovers of a foamy, intoxicating drink with chips made from bright root vegetables, seasoned ground spices or fine table salt.


1. Cut the washed radish into slices, 0.5 cm thick.
2. Boil in boiling brine for no more than a minute.
3. Dip into ice water and place in a colander.
4. Sprinkle with your favorite spices, place in the oven on a wire rack or an inverted baking sheet covered with parchment.
5. Dry until ready at 50 degrees.

It is better to store such preparations in hermetically sealed jars or containers. Double ones are also suitable. paper bags with a tight tie.

Radish is a seasonal vegetable. Everyone knows this. Juicy, slightly spicy, crispy. How to store radishes? To enjoy the taste of spring in winter, there are several ways.

What varieties of radishes can be stored until spring?

Not every variety of radish is suitable for long-term storage. Spring, early ripening ones will turn into rags in a month, despite the efforts made. But the autumn, late-ripening ones last well until February.

Advice. Choose varieties with large cone-shaped roots for planting. Large round turnips are not suitable. Most often they are hollow, what good are they?

Where can you store radishes?

Root crops can be stored in a cellar or basement. There is the most suitable temperature (+2-4°C) and air humidity close to ideal (85-90%). Plus there is almost always good ventilation, which is also a kind of plus - there will be less putrefactive bacteria flying around.

Required condition: Preliminary processing premises with a sulfur bomb, then thoroughly ventilate.

Advice. To increase humidity, water is sprayed from a spray bottle or simply placed in several filled open containers.

It is possible to store turnips in the refrigerator, on a vegetable shelf. To do this, wash and cut radishes are placed in a plastic bag or plastic container, place a paper towel or napkin on top and close tightly. You can safely enjoy juicy root vegetables for 8-10 days.

Advice. Radishes intensively evaporate internal moisture, it condenses and rotting may begin. To avoid such a nuisance, the paper towel should be periodically replaced with a dry one.

Preparing turnips

Everyone knows how important preliminary preparation is. You can’t just take a radish, dump it in a heap and hope that “it will do.” It won't do. You will end up with a stinking sticky mass or a bunch of dried roots.

  1. An indispensable condition is to collect root vegetables only in the morning, preferably as soon as the sun comes out. In the fall, it no longer bakes as much, so the radishes will not wither quickly.
  2. It is recommended to thoroughly water the bed the night before, so the turnips will be saturated with moisture and will remain juicy longer.
  3. It is better to carefully unscrew the radish tops. Are there any doubts? Then cut it off with scissors.
  4. The roots are untouchable! Absolutely.

It would seem completely simple recommendations... and the hands are so eager to immediately cut off the excess with the usual movement. It's worth a stop, because it's a supply for the winter. Surprising relatives you know with a fresh radish salad in February is worth abstaining.

Advice. Root vegetables should not be washed before storing. You can wipe it with a soft cloth or cloth. Just without fanaticism, just a little. Or it’s better to just carefully shake it off the ground.

How to properly stash supplies

Radish is an unpretentious lady. It does not require special processing, dancing with tambourines or other rituals. A separate shelf or drawer is enough for her. Wet sand will serve as a cushion. Not raw! A thick bag will also work.

Lay in layers: first sand, then turnips, sand again and so on until the top. It is advisable to place no more than 5 kg in one container, otherwise the lower root crops may burst from the weight of the upper ones. The box or package is not covered with anything.

Now all that remains is to periodically dive into the cellar to enjoy crispy radishes.

Advice. Be sure to monitor the moisture content of the sand. If it dries out, be sure to moisten it slightly.

Another way is to use clay. Why was the separate shelf mentioned above? For the radishes! The turnips are carefully dipped into a clay mash, the excess is allowed to drain off, and the top layer is allowed to dry. Then carefully lay them out on the shelf in two layers. The storage has been bookmarked.

Advice. For better preservation, chalk is added to the mash. 100 g per 10 kg of clay. This eliminates the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

If there is no cellar

What should city residents who do not have their own basement or cellar do? Radishes do not last long in the refrigerator, 4-5 weeks at most. Try freezing? You don’t even have to try, after defrosting you end up with outright nonsense: a ball of rag with a puddle of thawed water.

But there is still a way out. Well, who said that radishes can only be stored fresh? It makes amazing-tasting homemade preparations. Marinated, she is practically the queen of the table! What about the world famous radish chips? Nobody forbids you to make them at home yourself.

Advice. Before making new preparations or twists for the winter, you must first make a small portion, then try it. In winter, it will be a pity for the time, effort and products spent if the marinade or salad is not to your taste.

  1. Instead of sand, you can use sawdust for storage. Slightly moistened, they release phytoncides and essential substances. This helps to store radishes longer.
  2. The greens from the turnip are broken off, leaving a tail of 2-3 cm.
  3. Radishes should be stored for storage no earlier than the end of September. Therefore, late-ripening varieties should be planted in early to mid-August.
  4. Before laying, it is advisable to monitor the weather forecast. If frost is expected, you need to hurry. Frozen turnips will not lie.
  5. Any mechanical damage to root crops is excluded. Damaged radishes are carefully discarded.
  6. To extend the shelf life in the refrigerator to 6-8 weeks, you need to place the washed radishes in a container with clean boiled water. Every 3-4 days it is replaced with a new one. True, this storage method involves significant loss useful minerals and vitamins.
  7. Regular preventive inspection of radish plantings will help avoid many problems. By promptly removing spoiled, wilted, dried out or rotting root crops, you can help the rest survive until spring.

How to store radishes? How convenient. Fresh or pickled - does it really matter? Pamper yourself and your loved ones with vitamins in winter or surprise them with a seasonal delicacy - wow! There are benefits for the body and an increase in self-esteem, look, they say, how I can do it!

Video: how to keep radishes fresh

Radishes are one of the first spring vegetables. Many gardeners in our country prefer to grow it on their plots, knowing about the obvious benefits of the vegetable. It contains many vitamins and other elements. If it is not possible to enjoy young radishes in the spring, you can harvest root crops in the fall. Today we will tell you how to keep radishes fresh and crispy so that you can enjoy this vegetable all winter long.

Proper preparation harvest will allow radishes to remain not only tasty, but also healthy. Save it after preliminary preparation according to proven recommendations, which will be discussed a little later. As the crop grows, it should be provided with abundant watering. Then the radishes will definitely grow juicy. It is best to schedule cleaning in the morning. During this period, the root crops do not yet have time to become very hot from the sun. When sorting radishes, only leave for storage ripe vegetables without rot, with whole skin.

If it is expected long-term storage radish, it is recommended to sow it on August 1–5, which is relevant for the Middle Zone. If cultivation is carried out under the condition of late sowing, then harvesting can be done after 6–8 weeks. You should also focus on the length and appearance root vegetable Vegetables with a diameter of about 2 cm with a strong and crispy skin are considered mature.

Many housewives are interested in how radishes should be stored correctly? If it lies along with the tops, then the green part must be moistened from time to time. In the refrigerator, the vegetable should be untied. plastic bag. It is best to break off the tops rather than cut them. If the harvest is rich, it is recommended to leave vegetables for storage in wooden boxes, pouring river sand or sawdust there. Vegetables should only be kept dry. To prevent root vegetables from losing their juiciness, they should not be stored for too long. The best radishes are medium-sized radishes that are grown in your own garden and not bought in a store.

Storage in a basement or cellar

How to store radishes in a basement or cellar? Optimal temperature considered 0–1 degree Celsius. Humidity level is about 90–95%. You can spill water on the floor. Storage is carried out in tight boxes with a capacity of up to 20 kg. It is necessary to fill it with peat or sand. This is followed by a layer of ash or dry chalk. It is permissible to lay out the vegetables on racks and sprinkle them with wet sand. It is recommended to mix it with lime or chalk at the rate of 1 kg of lime per 50 kg of sand. Sawdust can also be used instead of sand.

The claying method, in which root vegetables are dipped in a prepared clay mash and placed in boxes with slots, is rarely used today. It is also permissible to leave radishes to overwinter in dense plastic bags volume up to 50 kg. They don't need to be tied. Bags should be placed vertically on special racks. You can cover the bottom of the box with film and place the crop there. Then stack the boxes one on top of the other.

Cold storage

Before placing them in the refrigerator, you need to cut off the tops of vegetables, then wash them with water and dry them. Then the root vegetables are placed in plastic bags that do not need to be tied.

Under such conditions, radishes belonging to an early variety can last in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week. Mid-season varieties Can be stored for up to 2 weeks.

Radishes can also be kept in a plastic bag moistened with water or two liter jar with 2 tablespoons of liquid poured there. In this case, the jar is closed, the bag is tied, and the container is placed in the refrigerator. To prevent condensation from appearing in the bag, you need to place a couple of paper napkins there. If you pour boiled water at room temperature over the vegetables and close the lid tightly, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


It is not possible to freeze radishes at home. Since temperatures range from –18 to –24, it deteriorates and loses its beneficial qualities. For high-quality freezing, special equipment is required in which it is possible to carry out the so-called blast freezing. What does it mean to have a temperature reading of -40 degrees? Pre-cleaned and chopped root vegetables are blown with air for 10 minutes. Then the moisture is not able to crystallize and cause spoilage of your favorite vegetable. Therefore, it immediately becomes hard, maintaining its original appearance and taste characteristics.

Video “How to preserve radishes for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to properly store radishes at home.
