How to properly make herring salad under a fur coat. Herring under a fur coat (classic). Photo gallery: how to decorate a ready-made salad - methods of decoration and serving

Classic herring under a fur coat is a very tasty and simple salad that can be prepared for any holiday, if served beautifully, or for an ordinary family dinner, served in a more simplified form.

You can decorate a Herring under a fur coat very beautifully. Thanks to its clear multi-colored layers, it also looks beautiful when served in portions, when each portion is prepared in a special form in a layer-by-layer manner. You can lay out a fur coat in the form of a beautiful roll - today we will consider this option. Well, the most common serving of “Shuba” is in a heap on a round or oval dish - for an ordinary, non-festive table.

Cooking Herring under a fur coat according to the classic recipe

To prepare Herring under a fur coat we will need the following ingredients:

First, let's prepare everything necessary for our “fur coat” - peel 1 salted herring from the bones, boil 2 beets in a small amount of water, 2-3 pcs. potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 eggs - for decoration.

Now let's prepare the onions. So that onions don’t frighten us with their bitterness, let’s pickle them. Finely chop the onion into cubes (or half rings - whichever you prefer).

Pour boiling water and add a spoonful of vinegar. Some people also add a spoonful of sugar, but this is not for everyone. Try it!

Cut the salted herring into small cubes.

Grate the cooled potatoes and carrots on a coarse grater.

We'll do the same with beets.

Separate the yolk from the whites and grate on a fine grater.

We will not put the salad in an ordinary mound, but in a mold and arrange it like a cake. If you don’t have a ready-made sliding form, it doesn’t matter. You can roll one out of regular foil - first we roll up a long strip in several layers, and then we twist it into a ring on a plate.

The classic sequence of layers in a herring under a fur coat

Carefully place a layer of herring on the very bottom.

We “pack” pickled onions on top. We don't add mayonnaise yet.

We spread a layer of potatoes on the onion, add a little salt, and then add mayonnaise.

Add carrots, add a little salt, and more mayonnaise.

We do the same with beets.

Now it’s best to put our “Fur Fur Coat” in the refrigerator so that the layers are well formed and strengthened and soaked. Leave for 2-3 hours, first wrap with cling film.

Now you can decorate! Place the egg white in a ring along the outside. Yolk - in the middle. Decorate with sprigs of greenery and remove the foil.

Voila! The classic Herring under a fur coat is ready - you can enjoy the taste you love and know from childhood!

If you want a slightly different taste of traditional Shuba, I suggest preparing Herring under a fur coat with a slightly different set of products, without, however, deviating very far from the original.

Recipe for Herring under a fur coat with an apple (without carrots and without potatoes)

I wrote in the photo above that you will need one beet. But, since we don’t have carrots and potatoes in this recipe, it’s better to take more beets, 2 pieces will be just right...

Boil beets and eggs. Cut the herring into cubes. We marinate the onion as in the previous recipe.

Grate the apple and lightly season it with lemon juice - so that the apple does not darken in the salad, and to add additional sourness. Squeeze out excess liquid with a spoon and drain.

Three beets on a coarse grater and also remove excess liquid if any has formed.

Mix grated beets with mayonnaise, and lightly salt and pepper.

This recipe is different in that we will be making multiple layers of each ingredient, just making them thinner. It is preferable to divide each of our components into approximately 3 parts.

First, place a thin layer of herring and a layer of onion on top of it.

Place a layer of apple on top of the onion.

Place the prepared beets in a mayonnaise dressing on top.

Place a layer of eggs (three whole eggs, yolk and white) and coat with mayonnaise.

We repeat the same sequence of layers 2 more times. Due to thin, repeating layers, our Fur Coat will come out tender and juicy. Leave the top layer pure egg. However, some people do not like to put eggs in the Herring under a fur coat in principle - you can easily do without them.

I like this type of salad too. But you can try and make a rose like this from beet petals.

Well, if we are already talking about decorating Herring under a fur coat, then I suggest you carefully consider the following recipe.

The good thing about it is that its taste will fully correspond to the traditional classic recipe for Herring under a fur coat, but the new, original look of this salad will be guaranteed to amaze your guests and household members!

Original recipe for Herring under a fur coat in the form of a roll.

Since our salad has a festive design, we will be preparing it in larger quantities than usual. We will need as many as 4 beets, because this layer will be the largest - it will cover our entire roll with a thick “beet coat”.

This is the impressive set of products we will need. And also a piece of cling film to form the roll itself.

The peculiarity of laying out the layers in this recipe is determined by the fact that at the end we must roll all our layers into a roll. Therefore, the layer that will be on the outside of the roll (beets) will be slightly larger in area than the next one. And each subsequent one is a little less than the previous one. But don’t be alarmed, there is nothing complicated or scary here, everything can be seen in our step-by-step photographs.

Let's prepare the herring - clean it from the bones, cut it, mix it with chopped onion. And add a couple of tablespoons of unrefined (fragrant) vegetable oil to the herring and onion.

Grind beets, carrots, potatoes and eggs on a fine grater. Squeeze out excess liquid from the beets - we want a thick, dry consistency.

We place our first, largest layer - beetroot - on a piece of cling film. Salt it a little and add mayonnaise. Pay attention to the photo - we distribute the mayonnaise almost reaching the edge of the beet layer.

Place a carrot layer plus mayonnaise on the beets. Place the carrots so that they move slightly away from the edge (about a centimeter).

Place finely grated potatoes in the third layer. And also salt it lightly, add mayonnaise. This layer is also smaller in area than the previous one.

The eggs are our next layer. Plus mayonnaise.

Place the mixture of herring with onions and mayonnaise in the last (and smallest in area) layer.

Now comes the most important stage - rolling, in fact, the roll itself. It’s not difficult, but you’ll still have to show some skill and dexterity :)

So, together with the film, we take one edge of our future roll and wrap it in the middle. We carefully remove the film from the top of the roll, but leave it on the sides - we will need to correct it more than once.

Now we take the opposite edge of the roll and twist it upward in the same way, trying to ensure that the beetroot layer completely covers our roll. But even if something doesn’t quite work out, don’t worry, we will then turn our roll over with the “welding seam” down on the plate, and the flaws will not be visible.

We form a roll through the film with our hands, squeezing the edges, compacting and giving more beautiful and regular shapes.

Now you need to carefully transfer the roll in film onto a plate so that the seam is at the bottom. The film can be removed.

We cut off the edges of the roll to make it even neater and more beautiful.

Let's take on the decoration. We put mayonnaise in a regular plastic bag, cut off a corner and get a pastry bag for our “cream” - mayonnaise. We draw stripes like this - in one direction, and then in the other, to make a beautiful mesh.

We put a dot in the center of the cell - it’s already elegant. Now we will also decorate with additional parsley or dill leaves.

And now we place the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to brew, soak and prepare for the holiday :)

I hope you can easily find the most delicious recipe for Herring under a fur coat - both for a regular and a festive table!

Herring under a fur coat is as interesting and traditional a dish in Russia as Olivier salad. These dishes are prepared in every family from the same ingredients, but the taste is different for everyone. This is understandable because everyone has their own tricks in preparing these dishes.

What should it be? the right herring under a fur coat? Most likely you will not find people who will have a clear opinion on this issue.

Therefore, my advice: try different options and you will definitely find the recipe for this delicious salad that will make you say that this is how the right herring under a fur coat is prepared.

Well, in the meantime, I’m sharing my recipe for my favorite salad.

My signature recipe for herring under a fur coat.

Ingredients: herring – 2 pcs., potatoes – 5 pcs. medium size, eggs – 4 pcs., beets – 2 pcs. medium size, onion - 1 head, mayonnaise.

  1. Boil eggs and vegetables. This can be done even the day before the day you plan to prepare the salad.
  2. The most difficult thing in preparing this dish is peeling the herring. But if you know how to do it correctly, then 5 minutes will be enough for you to get a clean fillet.

If for some reason you don’t want to bother with fish at all, then you can use preserves. We cut the herring fillet or preserves into small cubes, although you don’t have to cut the preserves if you’re really lazy.

  1. Put the salad in the refrigerator for several hours, and ideally it is better to let it stand for 12 hours. Then you will definitely get the right herring under a fur coat.

P.S. And for those who, like me, love this salad very much, I have a small gift - options for its festive decoration. By the way, friends, New Year is coming! So when planning your menu, don’t forget about the herring under your fur coat!

Herring under a fur coat is a traditional, beloved salad that often decorates the table both on holidays and on weekdays. There are many options for preparing it, many housewives prepare a salad with an egg, some add an apple, there are recipes for preparing it with cheese, the taste does not get any worse, and Herring under a fur coat acquires more and more new flavor colors.

Today we will talk about the classic options for preparing this salad, and at the end of the article you will find options for beautifully decorating the Fur coat so that the salad will decorate the New Year's table and take pride of place next to it! Let's not waste time, let's start preparing...

Salad “Herring under a fur coat” is a people’s favorite; it is loved for its ease of preparation, for its unsurpassed combination of flavors, and for the interchangeability of ingredients. However, questions often arise about the correct sequence of layers, in what order should they be laid? To answer these questions, we will prepare a dish in which the layers will go in order, so let's begin...

Required ingredients:

  • Lightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs. (medium size)
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. First we need to prepare the ingredients - vegetables and eggs, wash, boil and peel.
  2. Chop the onion into small pieces.

3. Place the onion in a deep container and pour boiling water over it. We do these actions so that all the bitterness goes away. The onion tastes very good.

4. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and transfer them to a separate plate, as well as the subsequent salad ingredients.

Important! The potatoes must be cool, otherwise they will not grate well.

5. Carrots, also grated on a coarse grater, put in a separate plate

6. Then rub the eggs together with the yolks.

7. To decorate the salad, I make a preparation of beets, cutting a thin, long ribbon in a circle. We will form roses from this ribbon.

9. When all the vegetables are chopped, I begin to cut up the herring - strip it of entrails, bones and skin. I won’t focus on this step, but if you are interested, you can watch a short video on how to quickly debone fillet herring:

10. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes

Then we proceed to the formation of our Fur Coat, where you can trace the correct sequence, so the layers are in order:

1st layer - herring

2nd layer - onion

Squeeze the onion from the liquid and place it on top of the herring. Then I make a mayonnaise mesh, for convenience I use a cooking bag, in my opinion this is faster and uses less mayonnaise.

Important! If you don't have a cooking bag, you can replace it with an empty packet of milk or sour cream.

3rd layer potatoes

In this version, I also put a layer of herring and onions on top of the potatoes and grease them with mayonnaise so that we get a tall salad. When I put the salad in a salad bowl, I place the herring in one first layer.

4th layer - carrots

5th layer - beets

Then grease with mayonnaise and begin to beautifully decorate the salad. We will decorate with roses, which we will form from beet ribbons that we prepared in advance. Twist each ribbon in a circle, thereby forming a rosebud. When our bud is wrapped, we put it in the salad.

Then we make a mayonnaise net for beauty and decorate our buds with parsley, imitating green leaves.

This is what we got, a festive salad. I think it will take its rightful place on the holiday table, don’t you?

Herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe

We will prepare this salad according to the traditional recipe; it is especially in demand during the New Year holidays, as it is classified as a winter salad. It is very easy to prepare from simple and affordable ingredients, which are laid out in layers. A great salad for a holiday table!

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables and eggs until tender, give them time to cool completely.

2. Separate the herring from the bones and skin, cut into small cubes.

You can buy herring fillets ready-made, peeled, which will significantly reduce your cooking time. But it will be better and tastier if you prepare a salad from fresh fish.

3. Then cut the onion into small cubes.

3. The salad will look like a cake, for this I take a flat dish and a cooking ring and immediately

I grate the potatoes on a coarse grater.

4. Distribute the potatoes evenly over the ring and make a mayonnaise mesh on top

Important! To make the salad airy and tender, I don’t press the potatoes on top

5. Place a layer of herring on top of the potatoes, chopped onion on top of the herring and make a mayonnaise mesh on top.

6. Then comes a layer of carrots + a mesh of mayonnaise

8. The final layer is beets. We also grate it on a coarse grater, distributing it evenly over the surface, coat it with mayonnaise and put the salad in the refrigerator for several hours so that it is properly soaked.

9. After time has passed, we take our Fur Coat out of the refrigerator, turning the ring a little back and forth so that it can be easily removed without damaging the salad.

10. Decorate the salad with carrot buds and parsley stalks. This is such a beauty we have! I'm sure the guests will be delighted!

Bon appetit!

Delicious salad under a fur coat with egg

Today, few people can be surprised by this dish, but nevertheless I will try, since this recipe has its own trick, which you will learn about in the recipe. So, read more carefully and you will get perhaps the most delicious salad that will be swept off the table in a matter of minutes!

We will need:

  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Beets (small) - 5 pcs.
  • Potatoes (medium size) - 5 pcs.
  • Carrots (large) - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the vegetables - first boil them, then peel them, boil the eggs and peel them. We cut the herring, removing the inside, fins, skin and all the bones.

2. Then we need to marinate the chopped onion. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to cold water and mix well, the water should become slightly sour.

3. Add onion to our water with vinegar and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Just during this time we will cut the remaining vegetables.

4. Cut the eggs into small cubes and place them on a plate.

5. Grate half the potatoes on a coarse grater. I rub directly into the mold in which our salad will be served, about one finger high. This will be the first layer, lightly sprinkle the potatoes with salt and grease with mayonnaise.

6. The next layer is carrots. Three on a grater, level and sprinkle pickled onions on top, after squeezing out excess liquid. Then grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

7. The next layer is herring, cut into long strips. We carefully place our fish piece by piece to form a uniform layer of herring, sprinkle with onions and grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

9. Coarsely grate the remaining potatoes on top of the eggs, sprinkling with a small amount of pickled onions, then lightly crush the salad and coat with mayonnaise.

10. The final layer is beets. Grate on a coarse grater, lightly sprinkle with salt and coat well with mayonnaise.

This is how our salad came out:

Place in the refrigerator for a few hours to soak the salad and serve!

Bon appetit!

Video on how to cook Shuba according to a new recipe

A classic salad with an unusual twist, all because gelatin is used in this recipe. Well, how intrigued are you? Then watch the detailed video recipe...

Have you already prepared this salad with gelatin? If yes, please write in the comments your opinion on this recipe, did you like Shuba in this version?

Original design of salad in the form of a roll

A familiar and beloved taste from childhood, but in an original presentation! Will decorate the holiday table and pleasantly surprise guests! It’s also easy to cut into portions, which is very convenient!

We will need:

  • beets - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking technology:

  1. To prepare the salad, we need to boil all the vegetables, then peel them. Boil the eggs hard and peel them. The herring needs to be drained, removing all the bones, skin and entrails.
  2. Next, take a cutting board and wrap it in cling film, tucking the edges under the board so that it doesn’t move. Then grate the beets coarsely and level them evenly over all surfaces.

3. Then grate the carrots on top of the beets, spreading them over the surface, pressing lightly and greasing them with mayonnaise.

4. Grate the eggs and place them to the middle of the surface.

5. We also grate the potatoes on a large grater, laying them halfway and lightly pressing them down so that the salad is denser and does not fall apart when forming the roll. I sprinkle the potatoes with a pinch of salt.

5. Distribute finely chopped onion on top of the potatoes.

6. Then cut the herring fillet into small cubes.

7. Place the herring in the middle of the potatoes in a small strip.

8. Cover the surface of the potatoes and herring with mayonnaise

9. Now we face the most important step - wrapping our salad in a roll. We start wrapping from the edge to which all the products are closest.

10. Press on all sides, forming an even round shape.

Important! Gently close the edges of the roll, placing one on top of the other.

11. Place the roll in the refrigerator for several hours so that it is well soaked without removing the film.

12. Before serving, carefully remove the cling film so as not to damage the integrity of the roll. We make chaotic thin lines from mayonnaise, decorate with parsley and add pomegranate seeds for beauty.

Our incredibly beautiful and very tasty roll is ready!

Guests and relatives will be delighted with the unusual presentation of the classic salad Herring under a fur coat, so hostesses, get ready for praise, the salad will not go unnoticed. Checked!

Bon appetit!

Recipe for Herring under a fur coat without eggs

Many people add apples and eggs to Shuba; I suggest watching a video recipe for making a salad without adding these ingredients. Do you prepare this traditional salad without eggs, or do you still add eggs to the recipe?

That's all for me! Until new publications!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

On New Year's Eve, I always remember the same picture from childhood: my mother suddenly turned into a sorceress and performed a real miracle before my eyes. Like the fairy from the fairy tale about Cinderella, who turned a simple pumpkin into a carriage, my mother creates something special in our kitchen from the most ordinary products.

The salted herring has already been laid out on the board, which always seemed to me a boring and monotonous product. But the boiled beets modestly expose their brown round sides from the pan. A boiled carrot rests nearby, unrecognizable under its darkened skin. The usual pungent smell comes from already peeled onions. A simple, everyday picture... However, I wait with bated breath.

Now all these products will be cut, crushed and transformed by mother’s neat and dexterous hands. And then I will again witness the magic. Mom will take a strange and beautiful elongated dish and conjure a culinary masterpiece on it, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off and take your nose away. The herring will fall to the bottom in pieces on a yellow potato bed and hide under several clothes, so different and elegant that it will take your breath away. And in the end, mom will cover everything with a purple robe, worthy of a king in its splendor.

Can you guess what dish I'm talking about? Of course, about the legendary herring under a fur coat. Years go by, children grow up, but people's love for Shuba does not become obsolete. So I, too, every year create this magic from the most seemingly simple products for my loved ones. Now I will tell you all the secrets of my favorite New Year's herring.

Herring under a fur coat has always been a folk dish. Therefore, there are as many variations of this salad as there are people in our country. In Soviet times, it was difficult to get food; we had to make do with what was available. It was easy to get vegetables and herring, and this is how the main components of the legendary salad came together. Each time, another cook brought something of his own to it, again based on the products that he was able to get hold of during that difficult time.

We will not go through all the numerous recipes. Let's focus on the most classic and proven ones:

I’ll tell you one small but very important secret: the correct sequence of layers plays an important role in a fur coat. In order for the salad to fully reveal its flavor bouquet, it is always necessary to alternate more neutral products with more piquant ones.
Now let’s look at this fur coat law in more detail.

Classic salad recipe “Herring under a fur coat”

The ingredients for this salad will undoubtedly be found in every home. However, since we are preparing a dish for the New Year, let's buy the best and highest quality.

  • one big fat herring
  • one large beet
  • two medium sized carrots
  • one medium onion
  • three eggs
  • high fat mayonnaise (classic, provencal)

Important - all products must be at the same temperature; you cannot make a salad from vegetables that have not cooled down.

First, of course, we need herring. Don’t be lazy, choose the freshest and, most importantly, the fattest one. Herring, like fish itself, is a bit dry, so the higher its fat content, the tastier the salad.
So, carefully cut our fish into small identical pieces. Take your time, everything should look beautiful. Be sure to remove all the seeds as you go, including the smallest ones! One such bone, accidentally caught in the fillet, can ruin your guests’ entire impression of your salad.

How to quickly pit herring

I used to not like preparing this salad because of the long fuss with the fish, while you clean it, while you pick out all the small bones. But everything can be done quickly and simply. See how to quickly and correctly cut herring for salad.

Next, boil large beets and a couple of medium-sized carrots. Don't be lazy to try the vegetables first. It is important for us that the beets must be sweet. Confidently put unsweetened specimens aside - they will not make a tasty fur coat. It’s most convenient to boil the vegetables the day before preparing our New Year’s dish - this way they will cool down well and even if the beets are bitter, you will have time to boil new ones.

Boil potatoes in their skins in salted water.

Peel carrots, beets and potatoes. It’s more convenient for me to grate them directly into the salad bowl. But you can immediately grate all the vegetables on a coarse grater.

Finely chop one peeled medium onion. It is best to take white sweet onions.

If you happen to have a bitter onion, just marinate it in half and half vinegar and water. After 10 minutes, drain the vinegar, place the onion in a sieve and let it drain well.

Boil three hard-boiled eggs. Grate two of them on a coarse grater, set one aside for now - we will need it to decorate the finished salad.

Remove the jar of mayonnaise from the refrigerator. No, low-calorie is not suitable here at all. Only classic high-fat mayonnaise can emphasize and enhance the taste of fur coat layers.

Well, we have prepared the necessary products, now we will assemble our salad.

Sequence of layers of salad “herring under a fur coat” with egg

Usually for Shuba salad they use a long elongated dish, popularly called a herring. If you don’t have one, a regular round one with high sides will do. You can also prepare a salad in a round form for the holiday table; to do this, just take a springform cake pan or you can cut off the bottom of a plastic container.

Before you start layering the salad, lightly coat the bottom and sides of the dish with vegetable oil. This will make it easier to arrange the salad into portioned plates later.

Our first layer is always boiled potatoes. It creates a good foundation for the salad, holding pieces of herring on itself, preventing them from falling out when laid out into portions.
So, place one grated potato on the bottom of the salad bowl in an even layer.

Lightly brush the top with mayonnaise.

Place the herring on top of the potato layer.

Sprinkle onions on top.

Now it’s the turn of the boiled carrots.

Cover everything a little with mayonnaise again.

Sprinkle with a second portion of grated potatoes and brush with mayonnaise. Top with chopped eggs.

Spread with mayonnaise again and complete this wonderful design with a thick layer of grated beets.

Decorate the surface with mayonnaise according to your imagination. I usually just spread it on and then decorate the finished salad.

The prepared dish cannot be served immediately, it must be well soaked, for this we put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

If you prepared the salad in a round form, then before serving it must be removed. This is easy to do - just roll it a little to the side and carefully lift it up.

But we still have one more egg left. Separate the white from the yolk and grate them separately.
Sprinkle the beet coat on top: in the center with crushed yolk, along the edges with white. Or just one grated protein. Beauty!

You need to decorate the top of the salad right before serving, otherwise everything will be colored by the beets.

Is it necessary to salt the layers of herring under the fur coat?

This question arises quite often among housewives. It’s better not to add salt - the herring itself is already quite salty, and the mayonnaise is also salty. Usually it is enough to boil the potatoes in salted water (as with regular cooking). But if everyone in your family loves salt and the fish you come across is lightly salted, you can salt the vegetable layers, those that are not next to the pieces of fish.

Herring under a fur coat with an apple

For those who prefer less high-calorie and more savory dishes, there is another version of the classic shuba, with a very refreshing and interesting taste. Yes, yes, a good old apple will replace one layer of potatoes in this salad.

Let's prepare the necessary products:

  • One and a half carcasses of herring.
  • One large apple. Be sure to choose a hard, hard fruit; soft varieties of apples are not suitable here, since, being cut into pieces, they do not hold their shape well.
  • One large boiled beet.
  • A couple of boiled carrots.
  • One boiled medium potato in its jacket.
  • Medium head of onion.
  • Two or three hard-boiled eggs.
  • Mayonnaise. We remember that we only take classic Provençal, we don’t take anything light or piquant.

Proceed with the products as in the previous recipe.

  • Cut the salted herring into neat small pieces, remembering to remove all possible seeds.
  • Peel the carrots and beets and grate them separately on a coarse grater.
  • Do the same with potatoes.
  • Chop the onion as finely as possible.
  • Finely chop the eggs too.
  • Peel and core the apple. Now carefully cut the apples into small and thin strips.

Tip: Resist the temptation to grate the apples. With this method of processing, the fruits will produce a lot of juice, which will negatively affect the taste and consistency of the finished salad. We need the fur coat not to delaminate, and its ingredients not to fall apart at the slightest touch.

Now that we have prepared all the ingredients, let's start preparing the salad.

Layers of salad “herring under a fur coat” with apples in order

Place a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the pan.

We place pieces of herring on this potato bed.

Sprinkle onions on top and cover with a layer of mayonnaise.

Place apple slices on top.

Now it’s the turn of the chopped egg layer.

Lubricate it with mayonnaise again, not too much, just a little bit. As you can see, we coat the layers one at a time, so the salad will not be so greasy.

Add a layer of boiled carrots.

And finally, we cover everything with a coat of beetroot and again grease it with mayonnaise.

Decorate the salad to your liking with eggs, mayonnaise and any greens.

Rolled herring under a fur coat

If, nevertheless, you are absolutely full of desire to surprise your guests with something more original on a festive evening, but do not want to part with the familiar and dear herring under a fur coat, here is another version of this dish that can amaze all eaters. Let’s make a reservation right away: you’ll have to tinker with this salad. But your reputation as a first-class housewife will be guaranteed.

There are two options for preparing this roll - with and without gelatin. With gelatin, the taste is slightly different, as the consistency of the salad changes. When cut into pieces it does not crumble or break. A simple roll has the same taste as a regular fur coat, just a different form of salad. Since our article today is about the classic method of cooking, let’s look at a simple recipe.

For this dish prepare:

  • One large boiled beet.
  • A couple of boiled carrots.
  • A couple of large boiled potatoes.
  • One medium onion.
  • One and a half carcasses of herring.
  • A jar of good mayonnaise.
  • A couple of boiled eggs.

Well, let's get started.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

Grate the beets, potatoes, carrots and eggs on a coarse grater.

Cut the herring into small equal pieces. For this salad, cut the fish smaller than for a classic fur coat.

Finely chop the onion.

Tip: to make the salad look even more interesting and elegant, replace the onions with green onions (finely chop a bunch).

Now take the cling film and fold it in several layers in the form of a large canvas. Lay the canvas on a table or board.

Spread a layer of beets evenly over the film.

And coat it all with mayonnaise.

Cover with a layer of eggs. As you can see, we place the eggs closer to one of the edges of our workpiece.

Now it’s the turn of the potato layer.

Place a layer of finely chopped onion and herring on the potatoes.

Cover them with a layer of mayonnaise.

Attention! Each subsequent layer should be slightly smaller than the previous one; it is necessary to spread the mass, slightly retreating from the edges of the underlying base. Otherwise, when forming the roll, those layers that end up in the middle will flow out and the dish will turn out ugly.

Now, very carefully, lifting the edges of the film, roll the mass into a roll.

Very carefully, so as not to damage the complex structure, refrigerate for 6 hours.

Then carefully remove the film and decorate to your liking.

Before serving, cut into portions with a sharp knife. Yummy!

These are my recipes for a salad that is familiar to everyone and has already become a New Year’s classic. Isn’t it true that your feet carry you to the kitchen as soon as possible to prepare your favorite delicious fur coat? Don't deny yourself this pleasure! Even if the holiday has not yet arrived, training will not hurt anyone, and your family will definitely appreciate your efforts.
