How to cook beef in the oven. Tender, soft and juicy beef baked in the oven in foil

Piece of beef weighing 1 kilogram oven in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Bake a piece of beef weighing half a kilo in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for an hour.
In a convection oven bake half a kilo of beef at 200 degrees.
In a slow cooker bake half a kilo of beef using the “Stewing” or “Baking” mode.

How to bake a piece of beef

1. Cut off large fatty pieces and films from beef; Do not remove small layers of fat, because they will help tenderize the meat.
2. Rinse the beef under cold water and dry with a paper towel.
3. To make the meat soft, juicy, and with a piquant taste, the beef can be kept in a marinade before baking. Or, if there is not enough time for marinating, then salt and pepper the beef and stuff it with garlic and leave at room temperature for half an hour.
4. For the crust, you can fry a piece of beef in a hot frying pan, poured with vegetable oil (3-4 tablespoons) - 3 minutes on each side.
5. Wrap a piece of beef in 2 layers of foil so as to prevent the juice from leaking.

How to bake in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, place the beef on a baking sheet and place in the oven on the middle shelf.
2. Reduce the oven temperature to 200 degrees and bake the beef for 2 hours.
3. Optional: if you want baked beef with a crust, but the meat was not fried before baking, you can unroll the foil, pour the resulting beef juice over the beef meat and put it back in the oven without foil for - minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

1. Wrap the fried beef in foil and place on the middle rack of a preheated air fryer.
2. Bake beef in foil in an air fryer at a temperature of 200 degrees, or for minutes at 250 degrees and another at a temperature of 170 degrees.

1. Place the beef in foil on the bottom of the multicooker.
2. Bake the beef for 2 hours on the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode.

Roasting beef pieces

Beef preparation
1. Defrost beef (1 kilogram), rinse, dry and cut into pieces with a side of 1.5-2 centimeters.
2. Place the beef in a bowl, mix with the marinade and leave for 1 hour.
3. If there is no time to marinate, sprinkle the beef with salt and pepper and mix well.
4. When baking, you can place tomato slices, canned pineapples, herbs, and cheese to taste on top of the beef.

Roasting beef in the oven
1. Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil or butter.
2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 5 minutes.
3. Place the baking sheet with the beef on the middle rack of the oven.
4. Bake the beef.

Baking beef in a slow cooker
1. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl.
2. Set the multicooker to the “Frying” mode and heat the oil.
3. Place beef in heated oil and fry, stirring.
4. Reset the multicooker to the “Baking” mode, pour in a quarter glass of water and bake the meat.

Roasting beef in an air fryer
1. Grease the air fryer grate with oil and place the beef. If the beef is in danger of falling between the bars of the grill, line the grill with foil.
2. Preheat the air fryer to 205 degrees for 10 minutes.
3. Bake beef in an air fryer.

Secrets of tender beef

1. Choose juicy pieces, slightly “fat”. The fat should be fine; when baked, it will melt and give its juice to the beef. Neck, loin, ribs, marbled beef (delicacy) are best suited. Beef thighs and shoulder are suitable for roast.
2. If you use a piece of beef that is known to be dry for baking, bake the beef with vegetables: the vegetables will be saturated with meat broth and release juice to the meat, which will prevent it from becoming hard.
3. Beef can be soaked in milk for 12 hours - then any piece of beef will be softer.

Beef marinades in the sleeve

for 1 kilogram of beef

1) soy marinade for roasting beef in a sleeve: 2 onions, chopped in a mixer, a tablespoon of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper, a teaspoon of sweet paprika and salt; marinate, cook at 180 degrees.

2) green marinade for roasting beef: 4 heads of garlic, 50 grams of parsley, 1 teaspoon of pepper mixture; marinate for 2 hours, cook for 2 hours at 180 degrees.

3) mustard marinade for baking: 5 tablespoons mustard, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, pepper to taste; marinate, cook at 220 degrees, then at 180 degrees.

4) salty-sweet marinade for cooking baked beef: 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons salt, half a teaspoon of paprika, a teaspoon of dry mustard, 2 generous pinches of ground black pepper, 2 generous pinches of oregano, 2 generous pinches of thyme. Marinate beef before roasting; cook at 200 degrees.

Marinades for baking in foil

1) lemon marinade for beef: a quarter cup of oil and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice; rub the beef with sauce and marinate before baking -.

2) soy marinade for roasting beef: mix half a glass of soy sauce with 5 cloves of chopped garlic, coat with the mixture; marinate beef.

3) vinegar marinade for roasting beef: 100 milliliters of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, half a glass of ketchup, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of sugar; marinate the beef until baking - hours.

4) mint marinade for roasting beef: 50 grams of mint, half a glass of sunflower oil, 4 tablespoons of mustard, juice of 1 lemon; marinate beef.

5) spicy marinade for roasting beef: 1/6 teaspoon each pepper, paprika, coriander, garlic, 1 finely chopped onion, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons mustard, 2 tablespoons tkemali, 1 grated kiwi; marinate.

6) mustard-honey marinade for baking beef in foil: 2 teaspoons mustard, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 clove garlic, 2 tablespoons sunflower oil, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, ground black pepper and salt to taste. Marinate portions of beef before baking, bake in foil at 180 degrees, then remove the foil and bake.

To decorate, you can stuff the beef meat with pieces of raw carrots, prunes, and garlic before baking.

Foil or sleeve?

To ensure that the meat is baked in its own juices, and the beef juice does not evaporate or leak out, you can use a sleeve made of special polyethylene, which is tied on both sides or on top. A sleeve is more reliable than foil because the sleeve is not as brittle as foil. The sleeve is especially good when a very thick or very thin sauce is used for the marinade. To ensure that the juice evenly saturates the meat, you should place the sleeve with the meat in a deep oven-safe dish.

Meat baked in the oven as a whole piece is an incredibly tasty dish! There are many different options for preparing it, and each method gives the meat unique shades of taste and aroma. Baking meat takes time, so in most national cuisines, housewives do it for holiday feasts. Hot, freshly prepared meat is simply a masterpiece, but even when cold, this dish is simply beyond competition as a cold appetizer, a component for sandwiches and salads.

MYASNOV offers you several tips and principles, using which you will get a brilliant result: tender, aromatic meat of your favorite degree of roasting with or without a crust.

So, the main conditions for success when roasting meat are:

choosing a suitable piece of quality meat, convenient dishes, choosing a temperature and cooking time that is suitable specifically for your piece of meat, taking into account the characteristics of your oven.

Everything else - spices, herbs, marinade, filling, gravy - are matters of personal taste, and we will also briefly talk about these nuances. Experiment with each experience of roasting meat, try something new, write down your observations - and you will discover your favorite combinations!

How to choose meat?

Soft parts of the carcass are suitable for baking in the oven, but not flat ones, and voluminous parts - flat ones are better fried in a frying pan or grill in the form of steaks. Large, soft pieces with little internal fat bake best.

If you prefer beef, for baking in the oven MYASNOV recommends that you choose the meat of young bulls, namely roast beef - the thick edge of the back muscle, located closer to the neck. The meat of young bulls is high-quality beef up to 3 years old. Young bulls' meat is softer and juicier than that of an adult animal, and it cooks faster. And unlike veal, the meat of young bulls has already accumulated all the useful substances necessary for adequate human nutrition.

If you want to bake pork, choose ham fillet. This is his inner, most tender part. It is preferable to use bacon pork - lean, tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon, which is considered the most valuable.

Are you planning to cook baked lamb? Choose a leg. Thanks to its softness and tenderness, it is simply an ideal cut for baking.

It is important that the selected piece of meat does not contain films, veins, or excess fat (a small amount will not hurt), that is, the meat must be cut conscientiously and with high quality. Otherwise, you will have to do quite complex and painstaking work to prepare the piece for baking.

Culinary cutting of MYASNOV involves professional cutting of the carcass and careful processing of each piece, so neat pieces, cleared of bones, sinews, cartilage and films, arrive on store shelves. All you have to do is choose what you want to cook and strictly follow the recipe.

If you have questions about choosing meat, consult with the seller, pay attention to the information indicated on the price tags and information posters, and you will certainly select the perfect piece for baking!

What kind of dish is best to bake meat in?

Cast iron pans are ideal for this purpose: they are characterized by excellent thermal conductivity and uniform heating. It is advisable that they have a non-stick coating. Try to choose heavy dishes with a thick bottom and sides 3-5 cm high. It is convenient when you have several baking trays of different sizes in order to select the optimal dishes for a specific piece of meat. In a baking tray that is too small, the meat will not fit completely, and the boiling juice will pour out over the edge, and on a huge baking sheet, the juice of a small piece will spread and burn, and a good gravy based on it will no longer be possible.

Preparing meat for roasting

Wash the meat, let the water drain, and dry the meat with paper towels. Rub coarse salt and spices into the surface of the piece, coat it with olive oil. If the meat is lean (for example, beef), it is advisable to add additional fat to it so that the meat remains tender during baking and does not dry out. To do this, create an artificial fat layer by “wrapping” the meat with slices of lard, bacon, or stuffing the meat with pieces of lard.

Dry, lean meat can also be baked in foil, a plastic “sleeve”, dough, grape leaves - that is, in an airtight environment where the piece will “languish” in its own juice. But we will consider in detail the basic version of baking - meat in a baking sheet.

Should you marinate meat before baking? It's a matter of taste. Many people believe that marinating meat is necessary to tenderize it - this is a myth. The meat will be soft if you choose the right piece and maintain the optimal temperature. You should marinate meat if you want to give it a certain taste and aroma. To do this, place the prepared (that is, washed, dried, grated with salt, spices, lard, etc.) meat in a marinade prepared to your taste for about one day (the exact time depends on the recipe). After this, remove the meat from the marinade and bake.

Meat is an excellent material for realizing culinary fantasies! By experimenting with fillings, sauces, marinades, and also combining different types of meat, you can create different rolls and bake them in the oven. To do this, take a piece of meat whose shape allows you to roll it into a roll. Salt, spread one side with mustard or sauce to your taste, lay out the filling (it can be anything - mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits, cheese, cereals, vegetables, herbs), roll it up and tie it with a rope. Further steps are the same as when roasting meat in a piece.

Do you want to cook something like this, but don’t have time for culinary delights? Take advantage of MYASNOV's offer - baked meat with various fillings, for example, marbled beef roll with French mushroom sauce, Italian meat polpettone with ham and cheese, pork and beef roll with spinach and suluguni Rolls are made by hand at MYASNOV's own factory from selected raw materials. All you have to do is choose a dish to your taste and bake it in the oven according to the recommendations on our website.

...So, the product is prepared, and we come to the main thing: heat treatment of meat - in our case, this is baking in the oven. The main thing here is to maintain the optimal heating temperature and determine the time required for baking.

Temperature and time

To choose the optimal temperature and baking time, you need to decide what result you want to get: meat with a crispy crust or without a crust, with a tender surface? Depending on this, baking will be either high-temperature and relatively fast, or low-temperature and, accordingly, longer.

High temperature method

In this case, the meat is placed in an oven preheated to 210-230 °C and cooked for 10-30 minutes (depending on the size of the piece) until a characteristic crust appears, which “seals” the meat juices inside the piece and gives a delicious taste to the dish. The exact temperature also depends on the size of the meat. If you are cooking a piece weighing up to 1 kg and with little external fat, preheat the oven to 210 °C. For cuts weighing more than 1 kg, you need to preheat the oven to 220-230 °C.

After 10-30 minutes, you need to reduce the oven temperature to 160-170 °C. To cool the oven faster, open the door for 30-60 seconds. The time for simmering meat at this temperature may vary depending on the size of the piece and what degree of doneness you want to achieve.

At a temperature of 160-170 °C for a piece of meat weighing less than 5 kg for every 500 g you will need:

For meat weighing more than 5 kg for every 500 g at a temperature of 160-170 °C you will need:

* The degree of doneness “rare” does not mean that the meat contains blood. There is almost no blood in cut meat, there is only juice, the red color of which is given by the protein myoglobin. Only 2 types of meat can be undercooked, that is, consumed “rarely”, beef and lamb. Pork and veal must be cooked completely.

In addition to the data from the tables above, it is necessary to take into account several more factors that affect the cooking time of meat in the oven:

If you know that your oven does not warm up to the required temperature, but you want to get meat with a crust, you can do the following. Before putting the meat in the oven, you need to fry it in a very hot frying pan until evenly golden and crispy. To do this, take a frying pan of a suitable size and heat the fat in it - vegetable or butter or melted pieces of lard. When the fat in the pan begins to sizzle, place the meat, dried with a paper towel, in the pan and fry it on all sides over high heat for 2 minutes on each side. After this, place the meat in the oven and cook until cooked at a temperature of about 160 °C.

Low temperature method

Many people believe that meat cooked at lower temperatures is much juicier. If you want tender, melt-in-your-mouth crustless meat, choose the low-temperature method. In this case, the meat should be baked at a temperature from 120 to 160 °C (lower than 120 °C is possible, but not every oven supports this temperature). The lower the oven temperature, the longer the meat should bake. It is impossible to indicate the exact time here, but you can use one of the suggested methods for checking the readiness of meat.

How to check the doneness of meat

The most accurate way to check readiness is to measure the internal temperature of the meat with a special cooking thermometer.

The internal temperature at various stages of cooking is as follows:

Keep in mind that even after the oven is turned off, the temperature inside the meat will continue to rise. Therefore, turn off the oven when there are a few °C left before the desired temperature inside the meat is reached. If you want the piece to reach 71°C, turn the oven down to 65°C.

If you don't have a food thermometer, use the following method: pierce the meat in several places with a knife or culinary needle. The readiness of a dish can be determined by the color of the juice that flows out of the meat when cut. If the juice released is cloudy or reddish, the meat is still raw. If the juice is clear, the meat is well cooked. Do not pierce the meat often, otherwise it will lose all its juices, which will have a bad effect on its taste.

Finishing touches

After you take the meat out of the oven, let it rest: place it on a preheated plate (you can do this by running it in hot water and wiping it dry), cover with foil and place in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the meat will continue to cook due to residual heat, and the juices will be evenly distributed throughout the piece.

And from the meat juice and fat remaining on the baking sheet, you can make a delicious gravy. Add a little wine, water or broth to the pan and place on low heat on the stove or in the oven at 180°Cx. Wait for the liquid in the pan to boil and add 1 teaspoon of flour: scatter it evenly, stir with a spatula and cook to the desired consistency. You can add vegetables and herbs to the gravy to suit your taste - onions, garlic, carrots, thyme, rosemary... In this case, it is better that the vegetables are baked together with the meat, and when preparing the gravy they can be gently mashed with a spatula. Before serving the meat, strain the gravy through a sieve into a small saucepan and cook for a few minutes.

Important nuances

When roasting meat, especially if you are using a high-temperature method, it is important to be sure that your oven maintains the required temperature and is not “cheating” on you. If possible, use a special thermometer to check the temperature in the oven. In this case, it may turn out that in order to achieve the optimal 220 °C, the oven regulator must be set to 210 or 230 °C.

Never put meat in an oven that is not heated to the required temperature - all the juice will leak out of it. If during baking you feel like the crust on the meat is about to burn, cover the meat with a sheet of foil. There are several classic meat and spice combinations that you can use to achieve brilliant results:

Beef - ground black pepper.

Pork - cumin, ground black pepper, allspice, garlic.

Lamb - rosemary, garlic.

Beef is truly universal for preparing meat dishes, of which there are a great variety. In addition to its excellent taste, it has enormous nutritional value and is also one of the main sources of iron necessary for health. Beef retains most of its nutrients when roasted..

Beef baked in the oven - how to bake it correctly Time for baking beef in the oven At what temperature to bake beef in the oven Beef for baking, which part is suitable How to bake juicy beef in the oven Marinade for baking beef in the oven, what to make it from How to marinate beef for baking in oven (marinating rules) Sauce for baking beef How to deliciously bake beef in the oven (cooking secrets) Beef in mustard, baked in the oven Beef baked in the oven with potatoes Beef baked with vegetables in the oven Beef baked in the oven with cheese Beef with prunes , baked in the oven Beef in pieces, baked in the oven Beef on the bone, baked in the oven Beef cutlets, baked in the oven Beef, baked in the oven in foil in a piece How much to bake beef in the oven in foil Beef baked in the oven in a sleeve in a piece How much to bake beef in the oven in the sleeve How to bake marbled beef in the oven Pros and cons of the product Miratorg (beef for baking) What is the calorie content of beef baked in the oven

Beef baked in the oven - how to bake it correctly

To bake beef deliciously, you need to choose and prepare it correctly. Only fresh and young beef is suitable for this purpose.. Its age can be determined by its appearance and color. A quality product should have a normal smell and a rich pink color.

Be careful! You should avoid buying meat that has a grayish tint, yellow streaks or an unpleasant odor.

First of all, the meat needs to be washed well and blotted with a paper towel. The baking dish can be a baking tray, a wire rack, or a special form made of fireproof glass, ceramics or cast iron. Also suitable for this purpose are devices such as foil and a sleeve.

Baking time for beef in the oven

Cooking time always depends on the size of the piece and the preparation of the meat. It is recommended to bake 1 kg of beef for 1.5-2 hours, 500 g - 1-1.5 hours.

At what temperature should you bake beef in the oven?

Depending on the volume of the piece of meat, baking temperature varies from 180 C to 200 C. It is better to first preheat the oven to a temperature of 220 C, put the meat in it and after 15 minutes. reduce to 200 C.

Beef for baking, which part is suitable

An important factor in preparing a delicious beef dish is the correct choice of the appropriate part for baking. To this end You should give preference to tenderloin, brisket, thick or thin edge. These are soft and tender parts that can be baked either as a whole piece or as steaks.

How to bake juicy beef in the oven

Beef meat is not very fatty, and this property has disadvantages for baking. Sometimes it turns out a bit dry. Beef baked in the oven will be juicier if you use foil or a sleeve, as well as pre-keeping it in the marinade.

Marinade for baking beef in the oven, what to make it from

Marinade is a special sauce with spices, the main purpose of which is to make the meat soft and flavorful. Typically, all meat marinades have an acidic base. Ingredients can be water, kefir, lemon juice and vinegar. Spices, soy sauce, salt, onion, garlic, mustard, etc. are added to the base. Only the ratio of ingredients varies.

Beef baked in the oven will require significantly less time for complete baking if the meat is pre-marinated.

How to marinate beef for baking in the oven (marinating rules)

A piece of beef is completely immersed in the marinade and aged from an hour to a day., it all depends on the specific dish. The marinated meat is saturated with the aroma of seasonings, becomes soft and almost immediately ready for baking.

Beef roasting sauce

Properly baked beef is certainly one of the most delicious delicacies. But if you add sauce to it, you can achieve excellent taste harmony. It not only adds piquancy, but exquisitely highlights the taste of meat. Beef is quite lean, so it desperately needs a good sauce., which will add sharpness and brightness.

Interesting fact! Sauces were invented by the French, the legislators of all culinary delights. This happened in the 17th century. Today, all national cuisines of the world are replete with a colossal number of different sauces and gravies.

The choice is a matter of taste. You can choose from existing sauces, or you can add some imagination.

This article offers a recipe for onion sauce for roasting beef:

Sauté 2 onions, cut into half rings, and 3-4 cloves of grated garlic in vegetable oil until golden. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. flour, stirring continuously. Add 1.5 cups of broth, which can be replaced with water if desired. Stir everything, and an excellent sauce is ready, which will give the meat an incomparable taste. The sauce can be coated and baked in any way. With its help, beef acquires the desired softness, juiciness and aroma. It is advisable to stuff the beef before baking. What it is? You need to make small cuts on the surface of the meat, inserting pieces of garlic, carrots, lard, bay leaves, etc. into them. This procedure will make the dish not only tasty and aromatic, but also beautiful. If the beef is baked openly, it can be covered with a lard skin, attaching with toothpicks. First, the lard needs to be cut a little. During the cooking process, it will melt and soak the beef. In 15 min. Before cooking, the skin must be removed so that the meat browns.
When roasting beef in foil For a good taste you need to add a little butter or sour cream to the meat. A tightly closed foil or sleeve prevents the meat from getting a crust. To make it appear, shortly before the meat is cooked, the foil (or sleeve) should be cut. You can sprinkle the meat with grated cheese 10 minutes before the end of the process. The cheese crust will add a special taste to the finished dish. Before wrapping the beef in foil for baking, it is advisable to rub it with spices taste. Basil, rosemary and oregano herbs work well for beef. In this case, the meat will be saturated with aromas and acquire a special taste. to contents

Beef in mustard, baked in the oven

This option is quite simple. Preparing the products takes approximately 15 minutes. Crush 4 cloves of garlic with a small amount of black pepper (1.5 tsp) and salt (1 tsp). Rub 1 kg of beef pulp with the mixture and carefully pierce it with a fork or thin knife in several places.

Shake a glass of vegetable oil with mustard (150 g). Coat the meat completely with this mixture and, transferring it to a shallow form, put in the oven, where bake for 1.5 hours at 200 C. Lightly garnish with herbs and serve. The result will be very pleasing with its excellent taste.

Beef baked in the oven with potatoes

Another easy-to-prepare option is perfect for a quick dinner. Cut 500 g of beef pulp into steaks and beat a little with a hammer. Peel 5-6 medium potatoes and 2 onions. Cut the potatoes into slices and the onion into rings.

Coat a baking sheet with 2 tbsp. butter, place the steaks on it and season with salt and pepper. Place onion rings in an even layer on the meat, top with a layer of potato slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, closing the edges tightly.

Baked beef in the oven with potatoes will be tastier if you lay a layer of young zucchini, cut into circles, on top.

Place in the oven and bake at 180 C for about an hour. This dish should be served hot. The main convenience is the absence of additional hassle with preparing a side dish.

Beef baked with vegetables in the oven

The recipe does not require a separate side dish, since it will be vegetables baked with meat. Cut 500 g of beef pulp into steaks. 1 tbsp. dilute vegetable oil with 2 tbsp. soy sauce and 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar in a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp there. honey, and stir the entire solution thoroughly.

Place grated garlic and meat pieces into the prepared marinade. Marinate for 2 hours. Separately prepare the vegetable stew: cut 1 medium carrot into circles, 1 onion and 1 sweet pepper into half rings. Fry all vegetables well in oil for 10 minutes, season with salt and pepper.

After transferring the vegetables into the pan, quickly fry the marinated meat in the same pan. After a little pepper, place it on top of the vegetables. Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. at 180 C. This versatile recipe can be used for both a weekday dinner and a holiday one.

Beef baked in the oven with cheese

A very simple and valuable recipe that produces amazingly tasty beef. Although the cooking process lasts more than two hours, the preparation of the products itself does not take much time. Rub a 500-gram piece of beef fillet with salt and pepper (1 tsp each).

Cut 2 garlic cloves into circles. Stuff the meat with them, making long transverse cuts with a knife. Place the beef in a deep pan. Dilute 1 tbsp in a separate container. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. sour cream and 2 cups of cold boiled water. Pour the mixture into a baking tray, adding a bay leaf.

Bake in the oven for 2 hours at 200 C. Just before it's ready, add 50g of grated cheese on top of the meat. It is better to serve the dish hot. The cheese crust gives the beef a beautiful, festive look and unique aroma. Sliced ​​pieces of meat can be poured with the resulting sauce.

Beef with prunes, baked in the oven

This recipe has an original taste. This dish is best prepared for a festive table; it will create a sensation among the guests. Rinse prunes (about 30 pcs.) and pour boiling water over them. Prepare mustard sauce from 4 tbsp. mustard and 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, sprinkled with salt and pepper to taste.

In a piece of beef pulp (1 kg), make transverse cuts into which carefully insert the prunes. Coat the meat with mustard sauce and wrap tightly in foil. Place in the refrigerator, and after an hour - in the oven. Maintain for 1.5 hours at 200 C. This wonderful and aromatic dish will delight your guests.

Beef pieces baked in the oven

This recipe is more suitable as a second course for lunch and does not take much time. Cut 700 g of beef pulp into pieces and beat with a hammer. Season with salt and pepper. Pour a little oil into a baking tray and place the prepared meat on it, spreading 1 tsp on each piece. mayonnaise.

Cut 4 onions into rings and sprinkle over the meat. Finely chop 2 medium tomatoes and 4 cloves of garlic, pour in 2 tbsp. tomato paste and stir. Cover the meat with the resulting mixture and sprinkle a little grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven at 200 C for 1 hour. You can prepare any side dish for the dish.

Beef on the bone, baked in the oven

This option is prepared quickly, easily, does not require any special culinary tricks, and the result is an incredibly tasty dish. In this case, entrecote on the bone is required (4 pieces, 300 g each). Coat each steak with olive oil (1 tsp), season with salt and pepper. For 30 min. leave it in the kitchen.

Place foil on a baking sheet and place steaks. It is best to bake under the top grill at the highest temperature. 5 minutes. on one side and 4 min. with another. Next, remove the meat and let it stand for 5 minutes, and you can safely serve it with a side dish.

Beef cutlets baked in the oven

The recipe for baked beef cutlets will bring joy to any housewife. Simplicity, economy, no lengthy preparation, and at the same time, maximum taste and benefit. Cut 500 g of beef into pieces and grind in a meat grinder with 1 onion.

Add 1 egg, salt, pepper and fresh herbs to taste. For juiciness, the minced meat can be supplemented with 1 tbsp. sour cream. Place foil on a baking sheet and place the formed cutlets on it. Cover them tightly with another sheet of foil. 45 min. bake at 180 C.

Shortly before the meat is ready, remove the top sheet so that a crust appears on the cutlets. Remove from oven, let cool 5 minutes. and serve with any side dish.

Beef baked in the oven in foil in pieces

This option cooks faster than usual. This recipe is suitable for both an everyday table and a festive one. You will need 1 kg of beef pulp. Cut 1 carrot and 10 garlic cloves into circles.

Carefully stuff the meat with them, after making long cuts in it. Rub it thoroughly with salt and pepper, and try to wrap it tightly in foil. Place in the oven at 200 C for 1 hour.

How long to bake beef in the oven in foil

Using foil significantly reduces cooking time. The meat cooks quite quickly inside. Therefore, at a temperature of 200 C the process can take only 1 hour.

Beef baked in a sleeve in a piece

It is better to marinate the beef in the evening so that you can start cooking in the morning. 2 tbsp. salt and 1 tsp. pour granulated sugar into 1 liter of water. Add 2 tbsp there. l. lemon juice. Place a piece of beef weighing 800 g into the resulting marinade.

The solution should completely cover it. Throw in 1 bay leaf and 4 peppercorns. Place some weight on top and marinate for 12 hours. In the morning, first prepare the sauce by stirring 2 tbsp in a separate bowl. l. mustard with 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Sprinkle all this with 1 tsp. pepper Coat the finished piece of beef with this mixture. Cut 8 cloves of garlic into circles. Carefully stuff the meat with them and leave for 45 minutes. in the kitchen. Next, put it in the sleeve and add half a glass of warm water. Bake at 180 C.

After some time, the water in the sleeve will boil, this will be a sign that it is time to reduce the temperature to 150 C. Leave in the oven for another 1.5 hours. At the end of the process, keep the meat in the switched off oven. After 20 min. you can take it out and serve it hot.

How long to bake beef in the oven in the sleeve

The baking time for beef using a sleeve varies between 1-1.5 hours. And this entirely depends on the size of the piece of beef. To speed up the process, a small amount of water is added to the sleeve.

The use of such devices as foil with a sleeve in culinary business has a number of advantages:

The meat is cooked in its own juices and without the use of oil; The meat is cooked perfectly comes out soft and quite juicy; The nutritional value of such meat is higher than that prepared by other methods; Clean baking tray and oven. All the fat remains in the foil or in the sleeve; Time cooking time is reduced.

Which of the two methods is preferable? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on what kind of dish is being prepared. Some housewives prefer to bake in a sleeve due to convenience. The sleeve does not tear and, unlike foil, does not stick to the meat.

Others prefer foil. It is believed that the meat tastes better because of the crust. And the sleeve, in their opinion, does not always close tightly, and there is a risk of dirtying the oven. In general, these preferences are very individual.

How to bake marbled beef in the oven

Marbled beef represents the best cuts of tenderloin, which has muscle fat layers in the form of a marble pattern. The price category of such meat is significantly higher than others. It is quite simple to prepare, but takes time.

The end result is a luxurious dish that will take first place on the holiday table. Tie 2.5 kg of marbled beef on ribs using kitchen thread to prevent loss of shape.

Besides the cut, there are other best parts presented in this diagram.

Brush it with olive oil (about 4 tbsp), sprinkle evenly with 1 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. pepper Mix the herbs of oregano, rosemary and basil. 1 tsp Sprinkle this mixture on top. Place the meat in the pan, ribs down, and bake for 20 minutes. keep in the oven at 200 C.

Then remove and cover tightly with a layer of foil. Bake at 160 C for another 2 hours. At the end of the process, remove the meat, let it stand for 15 minutes, then serve hot and sliced.

Pros and cons of the product Miratorg (beef for baking)

Miratorg offers a semi-finished product - marinated beef in baking bags. This is very convenient because it does not require any preparation time.

Striploin steak Miratorg from marbled beef.

The marinade completely saturates the meat with aromatic spices, and the housewife can only bake the finished product directly in the package and get a wonderful dish. In our busy lives, the opportunity to whip up such a nourishing, tasty and, moreover, beautiful dinner is simply a gift.

What is the calorie content of beef baked in the oven?

Oven-baked beef retains all the valuable nutrients while Beef meat contains a small amount of calories: from 106 to 180 kcal per 100 g of product. Of course, if you add any sauce (especially fatty sauce) to the meat, the energy value will increase.

Roasting beef is a fairly simple and quick method that has many advantages, the main one of which is the excellent taste of the resulting dishes. And it is not necessary to be a great master or have extensive experience in cooking. Even a beginner can bake beef in the oven.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Watch a video on how to properly prepare beef baked in the oven:

From this video you will learn how to bake beef in a sleeve:

All the best to you and successful culinary experiments!

Beef in foil in the oven is a wonderful, surprising and amazingly tasty dish, both for a festive feast and for everyday use. There are a huge number of cooking recipes. We present to your attention the most interesting and appetizing ones.

Beef is an integral component in the diet after poultry. It contains a large number of useful microelements, and per hundred grams of meat there are 18 g of proteins. Baked beef is considered a very healthy food, since during such heat treatment many beneficial properties and qualities are not lost.

You can use different types of meat ingredients: be it chops, steaks, whole pieces of meat, finely chopped pieces, minced meat, etc. The method of cooking in foil is notable for the fact that the dishes are juicy, aromatic, low-fat and nutritious.

It is important that you can cook with the addition of various vegetables, sauces, marinades, vary the ingredients so that in the end you get a new, unique dish with a unique taste every time.

How long to bake beef?

Cooking time in foil depends on factors such as: size of pieces of meat, temperature, additional ingredients. At high temperatures (250 degrees), 1 kilogram of beef will bake for about 1-1.5 hours. At a temperature of 150-160 degrees, the holding time of the product in the oven will increase to 2 hours.

The readiness of the baked food can be determined by the edges of the foil sheets, which begin to turn black from the burning meat juice.

You can also pierce a piece with a knife - the juice flowing out at the puncture site should be transparent and colorless.

What benefits or harms does beef stewed in foil have?

Baking has always been a priority when it comes to diets and healthy eating. With this method of heat treatment, the addition of fats is not required - the products are cooked in their own juice.

If you bake beef in foil, the beneficial properties, moisture and taste of the original product are preserved as much as possible. This diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight and build muscle.

Do not forget that eating meat is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenum and liver, since digesting meat products creates a large load on the stomach and digestive system.

Appetizing beef, baked in a marinade.

If you want to treat your guests to an atypical and delicious dish, then you can bake the beef in the oven in a piece in foil. Guests at any holiday will enjoy this dish because it looks unusual and also has a wonderful, excellent taste!

So, for preparation you will need:

  • Chilled veal fillet 1 kg.
  • 4 things. clove of garlic
  • Seasonings: paprika, oregano, rosemary, ground black pepper,
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice 4-5 teaspoons
  • Soy sauce 50 ml.
  • Olive oil 50 gr.

Baking technology.

Rinse the meat, remove the films, dry with a paper towel, rub with a mixture of seasonings and salt.

Crush the garlic with a garlic press, mix with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and ground pepper. Coat the fillets well with the sauce and leave to marinate for about 1-1.5 hours at room temperature.

Peel the carrots and cut into thin half-circles.

Make cuts on a piece of meat, tuck carrot slices and garlic into them.

Loosely wrap our workpiece in a metallized sheet and place in the oven for 1 hour. Baking temperature 200-220 degrees.

How to cook a unique steak?

Steak is an atypical dish for Russian cuisine; often many housewives do not undertake to cook it at home, considering it a rather complicated process. However, we hasten to assure you that it will not be difficult!

And although it is more correct to cook a steak over an open fire, nevertheless, a beef steak in the oven in foil turns out fantastically tasty!

What you will need for this:

  • Beef pulp 1 kg
  • Tomatoes 4 pieces
  • Vegetable oil 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, black pepper, basil, rosemary (to taste)

Wash the pulp, let dry and cut into pieces 2 cm thick across the grain.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the meat for 10 minutes.

In a small container, combine salt, spices and oil, and grease the pieces with the resulting sauce. For convenience, you can use a brush.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices.

Place foil on a baking sheet, grease with vegetable fat, place steaks, and place tomato slices on top. Carefully wrap everything so that liquid does not leak out and bake at 200C for 30 minutes.

Beef on the bone in the oven in foil can be prepared according to the recipe described above. The only point is that the entrecotes do not need to be pre-fried in a frying pan, but this will increase the baking time in the oven - you need to cook for about 1 hour.

Amazing veal with potatoes, mushrooms and herbs

Meat baked in foil is very tasty! And if you add mushrooms and potatoes, and decorate with spices, the dish will sparkle with new bright colors, and, undoubtedly, will not leave anyone indifferent!

  • Veal pulp 1 kilogram
  • Potatoes 14 pieces
  • Carrots 2 pieces
  • Onion 2 pieces
  • Champignons 400 gr.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sour cream 75 gr.
  • Hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Table vinegar 15 gr.
  • Salt, pepper, ground coriander
  • Large bell pepper 1 pc.


Peel the pulp from the films, remove the veins, cut into slices 2-3 cm thick.

Peel potatoes, mushrooms and carrots and cut into cubes.

Remove the core and seeds of the pepper and cut into thin strips.

In a small bowl, combine vinegar, salt, spices and sour cream, mix the resulting sauce with pieces of beef pulp and let it brew for 1 hour.

Line a heat-resistant glass or ceramic container with a foil sheet, lay out all the products, and sprinkle chopped white onion rings on top. Cover with another sheet and bake in the oven at 200C for one hour.

Vegetables and veal are delicious!

If you are on a diet or just a big fan of vegetables, this recipe is quite suitable for you. Beef meat, together with vegetables, is perfectly absorbed by the body, promotes weight loss and enriches the body with fiber and vitamins.

Required ingredients:

  • Beef neck or tenderloin 300 gr.
  • 4 small zucchini
  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 100 gr. Low-fat sour cream
  • Salt, pepper, herbs

Cut the tenderloin into small cubes.

Cut the potatoes and zucchini into slices, chop the onion and grate the carrots on a medium grater.

Mix all the products and place in a bowl, season with sour cream, spices and salt, leave to set in the refrigerator for two hours.

Cover a heat-resistant dish with a metallized sheet, place the food on it, cover with another sheet and bake for one hour at 180C.

Finely chop the greens and decorate the dish before serving.

A wonderful appetizer of minced meat and zucchini

This dish is quite easy to prepare and is perfect for a festive table as an appetizer. To prepare we will need:

  • Ground beef 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 40 gr.
  • Zucchini 2 pieces
  • 1 tomato
  • Boiled rice 50 gr.
  • Salt pepper
  • Flour 2 tbsp. spoons
  • 1 small onion
  • Gouda cheese 50 grams

Finely chop the onion and fry with minced meat until half cooked in a frying pan.

Peel the zucchini, cut into rings 3 centimeters wide, and carefully remove the core. Roll the zucchini rings in flour and lightly fry in sunflower or olive oil.

Mix boiled rice with minced meat, place the resulting filling in the middle of the zucchini.

Remove the skin from the tomato, cut into rings and place on minced meat and rice.

Lubricate the tomatoes with mayonnaise and transfer the snacks into a ceramic form, cover with foil so that there is free space between the snack and the sheet. Bake in the oven at 160C for 40 minutes. After the time has passed, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 10 minutes without covering the pan.

Before serving, garnish the appetizers with parsley leaves.

When choosing meat for baking, many people prefer veal. This will make the dish juicier and softer.

Spices play an important role in baking in foil. Thanks to herbs and spices, beef dishes acquire a refined, refined taste. The most commonly used are: rosemary, oregano, parsley, basil, ground black and red pepper, cumin, coriander and others.

Handle the foil carefully, do not allow holes or cuts to form, as juice may leak out through them, and the dish will turn out bland or dry.

If you are afraid that the beef will dry out when baking, make cuts in the pieces and add lard before putting them in the oven.

The most popular and delicious marinades for beef

  1. Most Popular soy-garlic marinade. It is easy to prepare and gives beef dishes a special, spicy taste. Compound:
  • Soy sauce 50 ml
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • Salt, ground red and black pepper
  • Olive oil
  • White onion 1 pc.

Finely chop the onion and garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients. It is recommended to marinate beef in this sauce for about 2 hours.

  1. The next marinade consists exclusively of herbs. It is more often called “dry” and is used by rubbing the meat ingredient. All ingredients are taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon:
  • Ground black pepper
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Sweet paprika

Beef cooked with this marinade has a spicy, spicy-sweet original taste.

  1. Marinade based on kefir.
  • Kefir 450 ml.
  • 2 onions
  • Sunflower oil 75 ml.
  • Herbes de Provence spices 2 teaspoons
  • Salt pepper

You can marinate meat in this sauce for 1 to 12 hours, which is very convenient! For example, you can marinate beef before leaving for work, and in the evening treat yourself and your loved ones to a wonderful dinner!

  1. This sauce is quite piquant and spicy. Perfectly soaks meat. For preparation you need:
  • Tomato paste 75 gr.
  • Soy sauce 50 ml
  • Spices “Khmeli-suneli” 3-4 gr.
  • Salt pepper

If you set yourself the task of getting a whole piece of baked beef, then solving it is very simple. It is enough to pre-marinate the meat (choose the marinade to your taste), stuff it with garlic and, placing it in a sleeve or food foil, bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 0 C until the beef becomes soft. From such meat you can eventually make slices for the holiday table or hearty sandwiches for a quick snack. Although tasty, it is simple.

But from the same piece of beef you can prepare an independent full-fledged dish for lunch or dinner. Additional ingredients will help with this: carrots, onions, bell peppers. You will also need a marinade of soy sauce, honey, rice vinegar, mustard, olive oil and garlic. Thanks to it, the beef will become softer and juicier.

To marinate the meat faster and require less baking time, it should be cut into thin pieces. To maintain juiciness, the slices should definitely be kept in a dry frying pan for 30 seconds on both sides. All products are then laid out in layers in a mold and baked in the oven. For baking, it is best to use a cast iron cauldron or frying pan. The final stage of preparation will be adding chopped basil, cilantro and grated hard cheese.

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes / Yield: 2 servings

Recipe Ingredients

To prepare delicious oven-baked beef, you will need:

  • beef 500 grams
  • bell pepper 1 piece
  • 1 carrot
  • onion 1 piece
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mustard 1 tbsp. spoon
  • soy sauce 5 tbsp. spoons
  • rice vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons
  • honey 1 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic 4 cloves
  • sprig of basil
  • bunch of cilantro
  • hard cheese 100 grams
  • salt to taste.

How to bake beef in the oven

We cut a piece of meat along the muscle fibers into thin pieces 4-5 cm wide. The thinner the beef slices are, the less time it will take to heat them. Just be careful not to overdo it so that the meat ends up as thick as rice paper.

Prepare the marinade. In a bowl, mix soy sauce, mustard, honey, a tablespoon of olive oil, rice vinegar and add finely chopped garlic. There is no need to add salt yet, as soy sauce has a characteristic salty taste. It is better to bring the dish “to condition” at the very end, when it is ready, after tasting it first.

Place the pieces of beef into the marinade, mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes.

Peel carrots and onions, remove seeds from bell peppers. Rinse the vegetables with water and dry with a paper towel. Cut the onion into half rings, the bell pepper into strips, and cut the carrots into pieces with a curly knife.

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the onions and carrots. Fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally over medium heat for five minutes.

Then add the bell pepper into strips and fry the vegetables all together for another two minutes.

Place the pieces of meat from the marinade in a dry, hot frying pan.

Cook the beef for half a minute on each side, turning the heat on the stove to the highest possible level. This preliminary heat treatment before baking beef in the oven is required in order to seal the capillaries in the meat and thereby maintain its juiciness.

Place a layer of fried vegetables in a baking container (this can be a cast iron dish or a 1 liter frying pan).

Layer all the pieces of fried beef on top.

Wash the basil and cilantro with water, dry and cut into very small pieces. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.

After 20 minutes, remove the dish from the oven, sprinkle herbs and grated cheese on top and return it back to the oven for 5-10 minutes.

This beef baked in the oven can be served as a separate dish or complemented with any side dish to your taste.

For a large family celebration or just a delicious lunch, you can cook a juicy large piece of beef in the oven. Such meat turns out to be aromatic, tender and healthier than fried meat.

If you cut already baked beef into thin layers, you can use it to make sandwiches and delicious salads. Knowing the basic principles of cooking beef in the oven, you can make a holiday out of any meal.

Beef baked in the oven - food preparation

For baking, a fresh (not frozen) piece of young beef is suitable, soft enough and without an unpleasant or foreign odor. It is the correctly chosen meat that will be half the guarantee that the dish will turn out delicious.

Before starting cooking, the piece of beef should be thoroughly rinsed and dried using a paper towel. In order for the meat to finish, it is coated with a pre-prepared marinade, in which it is kept for at least two hours in a cool place.

Beef in the oven - preparing dishes

A sleeve, foil or parchment are best for roasting beef. You can also use a special dish with a lid designed for the oven - a glass or ceramic pan. You may also need a baking sheet.


Recipe 1: Beef baked in foil

Tender and flavorful meat prepared according to this recipe will become your signature dish. Everything ingenious is simple - the expression perfectly suits beef baked in foil.


- beef meat – 1-1.5 kg;
- carrots – 1 pc.;
- garlic – 6 cloves;
- soy sauce – 2 tbsp. false;
- black pepper and salt.

Cooking method

Rub the prepared beef with black pepper and salt. Next, you need to marinate it for a couple of hours in this mixture: add chopped garlic to soy sauce. You can also use another marinade made from lemon juice and olive oil.

Then the meat is stuffed with garlic and slices of raw carrots. To do this, you need to make small longitudinal cuts in the beef, into which you insert pieces of vegetables.

A piece of meat prepared in this way must be wrapped in 2 layers of foil, bending the edges well so that the juice does not leak out. Preheat the oven to 220°C and place the beef in it, after placing it on a baking sheet. Bake for about 2 hours, then remove the meat from the foil and continue baking it for another 10-15 minutes. until an appetizing crust appears.

Recipe 2: Oven-baked beef with bacon

For this dish, it is best to use ham, tenderloin or shoulder. Mustard with spices and water are used. The beef is especially juicy because it's surrounded by bacon.


- 1 kg of beef;
- 300 gr. bacon;
- 5 tea. lie ready mustard;
- 1 tea. lie dry basil;
- 1 tea. lie paprika;
- 1 tea. lie khmeli-suneli mixtures;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- ½ teaspoon lie ground black pepper;
- 1 tea. lie salt.

Cooking method

Stuff the prepared piece of meat with garlic, cut into strips. Then apply mustard, salt and spices to it evenly. Place the beef in a deep bowl and add a small amount of water. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 3 hours.

Cut the bacon into long, thin strips (the thinner the better), season it with salt, paprika and pepper. Place in the refrigerator.

Line the pan with foil so that the shiny side is on the outside and place the marinated meat on it. Bacon should be placed in even rows on the beef, making a tight “lid” over the meat. Cover everything on top with foil, seal well and bake in the oven at 220°C for an hour.

Recipe 3: Beef in the oven in the sleeve

The appearance of a baking sleeve has greatly simplified the life of housewives, helping them cook juicy and tender meat without much effort. Pre-marinated beef prepared in this way will truly amaze your guests with its exquisite taste.


- 800 gr. beef pulp;
- 1 onion;

- 1 tea. lie paprika;
- 3 table. lie soy sauce;
- 1 pinch of ground black pepper.

Cooking method

Chop the onion into half rings. Cut the meat across the grain into small pieces and beat a little. In a deep bowl, combine beef, onion, soy sauce, olive oil and spices, mix everything well and set aside to marinate for an hour at room temperature.

Place the marinated beef in a cooking sleeve, fasten it on the sides and bake in the oven at 200°C for 45 minutes to an hour. You can serve this dish with vegetables or rice as a side dish.

Recipe 4: Beef in the oven on a baking sheet

- 800 gr. beef pulp;
- 3 onions;
- 1 table. lie olive oil;
- 50 gr. lard
- 1 pinch of ground black pepper.

Cooking method

Place a layer of chopped onion on a baking sheet. Stuff a piece of beef with pieces of lard and place on the onion. Bake in the oven. While cooking, frequently baste the piece of meat with the juices that are released.

Recipe 5: Beef in the oven with cheese in French

- 1 kg. beef meat

- 200-250 g cheese
- 1 glass of milk
- 2 onions
- 3 tbsp. mayonnaise
- a bunch of green onions
- salt pepper.

Cooking method

Preheat the oven to 180 C degrees.
Cut the meat across the grain into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Lightly beat the pieces of meat and place them in a baking dish in one layer. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and sprinkle evenly on top of the meat. Sprinkle chopped green onions on top of the half rings. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle the meat on top of the onion.
Mix milk with 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix well. Pour this milk and mayonnaise over the cheese and onions. Place the meat in the preheated oven for 1 hour.

Recipe 6: Beef in the oven with wine

- 1 kg lean beef, diced

- 2 glasses of red wine
- 50 g butter
- 2 cups chopped champignons
- 2 onions
- 2 carrots
- 3 tbsp. chopped parsley
- 1 tbsp flour
- 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
- 1 clove of garlic, minced
- 1 bay leaf, 1/2 tsp. dried thyme
- 1 tsp. salt

Cooking method
In a small bowl, combine flour, salt and ground black pepper. Dip the beef cubes in this mixture.
Melt the butter in a large skillet over high heat. Add beef and brown well on all sides. Place in a 2 liter baking dish.

Place the pan on the heat again and add finely chopped onion, carrots and garlic. Simmer for 5 - 10 minutes or until the onion is tender. Add wine, bay leaf, parsley, thyme and mushroom liquid. Pour everything over the meat.
Bake, covered with a lid or foil at 180 C for about 2.5 hours. Remove the lid, add the mushrooms (and a little water if needed) and bake for another 30 minutes. Good served with rice.

Recipe 7: Beef in the oven with vegetables

1.5 kg quality beef top thigh (or rib)

2 medium onions

2 carrots

2 celery sticks

1 garlic bulb

1 small bunch fresh thyme, rosemary, bay or sage, or a mixture of herbs

Olive oil

Sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Cooking method

Remove beef from refrigerator 30 minutes before roasting. You can tie the beef with string to give it shape.
Preheat the oven to 240°C. Wash the vegetables and chop them. It is better not to peel the garlic and put it in cloves.

Place all the vegetables, garlic and herbs in a large roasting tray and drizzle with olive oil.

Drizzle the beef with olive oil and season with salt and pepper, rubbing it along the entire length of the meat.

Place beef on top of vegetables.

Preparation: Place the meat in a deep baking tray in an oven preheated to 240°C. Reduce heat immediately to 200°C and cook for 1 hour for medium rare.

You can cook the meat 5 to 10 minutes earlier or 10 to 15 minutes longer depending on your preference for doneness.

If you are making fried potatoes and vegetables as a side dish, then place them in the last 45 minutes of cooking the meat.

Turn the beef over halfway through cooking and if the vegetables look dry, add a little water to the tray to stop them from drying out.

When the beef is cooked, remove the tray from the oven and cover the meat on a board with a layer of foil and a towel for 15 minutes and set aside while you make your sauce for the meat.

To get juicy meat, it only needs to be placed in a hot oven. The resulting crust will not allow the juice to leak out. When the beef begins to brown, reduce the heat. An hour before cooking, remove the meat from the refrigerator.

If you come across a fatty piece of meat, then rub it with dry mustard powder. This will not only neutralize excess fat, but will also give the beef a piquant taste.
