How to cook delicious millet porridge using water. Millet porridge - the best recipes. How to cook millet porridge

The benefits of porridge are known to every person. They are prepared for children and adults, and are used in dietary nutrition as a source of useful and necessary substances for humans. One of the most delicious is porridge made from millet. In order to get not just a nutritious, but a tasty and aromatic dish, you will need to learn a few simple rules. They will allow you to serve a product that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Despite the fact that preparing dishes from cereals is not a complicated procedure, not every housewife knows how to properly cook millet porridge so that it turns out crumbly. Some people prefer to cook millet porridge in, but this device is not always available in the kitchen, so everyone needs to know the basic rules.

The secrets of successful porridge lie subject to several important conditions.

  • The cereal must be fresh, then the porridge will not have a bitter taste (you need to look at the expiration date of the product).
  • Millet must be rinsed well before cooking (changing 2-3 water until the sediment becomes clear).
  • In order to ensure that bitterness is avoided, you need to pour boiling water over the millet or fry it for a few seconds on a hot dry stove.
  • No soaking is required, saving time.

It is not difficult to adjust the consistency of the porridge - 1 part millet and 3 parts water or milk will allow you to prepare a porridge that is ideal in thickness.

If you want to get crumbly, then the amount of liquid should be reduced to 2 parts, and viscosity is achieved by increasing the water to 4 glasses.

The same rules apply if you decide to cook porridge not in a regular pan, but in Redmond or Polaris. Liquid milk porridge is an ideal option for baby food. It is important to know how long the cereal is cooked so that it does not burn. For porridge, the cooking time is 30 minutes.

Here you should know one more secret - it is best to keep the container on heat for 20 minutes, and then remove it from the stove for the remaining time, close the lid and let it brew. Using the same principle, you can prepare rice and millet porridge.

In order to diversify the usual way of serving the dish, you can serve it with potatoes. This recipe will delight you with its unusual taste and high nutritional value.

To prepare it required:

  • cereal – ¾ cup (180 g);
  • potatoes – 2-4 pcs (depending on the size of the tubers);
  • water – 400 ml;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking process includes several steps.

  1. The millet is washed until the water is clear.
  2. The potatoes are cut into cubes (you will need to peel them first).
  3. The container for subsequent preparation should contain water (you can preheat it so that it is warm), add millet, potatoes, and salt to it.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Afterwards, remove the container from heating and leave the porridge to steep for 1 hour (do not remove the lid).
  6. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil.

Before serving, combine it and the main workpiece. In order for the dish to turn out liquid, the amount of water will need to be increased to 800 ml. Excess liquid is drained, hence the name of the porridge - drain. It is difficult to prepare such a dish in a Redmond or any other multicooker, just like in. This should be taken into account. Later you can bake the millet porridge in the oven.

There are other cooking options that allow you to cook millet porridge with pumpkin or fruit, use milk to increase nutritional value or water (a recipe applicable in dietetics).

It’s tasty and unusual to cook millet with apples. In this case, the porridge is prepared according to the classic recipe in a ratio of 1:3, fresh apples are used as a filler - 2-4 pcs. Cooking time is 30 minutes. It is important to remember here that 10 minutes before the end of cooking you need to add butter, salt and sugar - the amount of all ingredients is selected to taste.

Millet porridge will also be good with other fruit fillings - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pears or peach. Gourmets even use fresh or mango.

The addition of pumpkin is a classic when it comes to millet milk porridge. This recipe uses the pulp of the vegetable, cut into small cubes. The pumpkin should be cooked until soft (but not completely). Water is poured into the same container, brought to a boil, and then millet is placed.

Cook using classical technology - the proportions are selected based on whether the porridge should be crumbly or viscous. After stopping cooking, the best option is to let it brew for about an hour.

An unusual but very tasty recipe - millet porridge with beans and mushrooms. It is prepared using classical technology; canned beans and mushrooms are used as filling.

Thus, there are many options and methods for preparing porridge from millet cereals. You can make rice-millet or cereal with various fillings - vegetable or fruit. The choice is up to the hostess.

Many of us know that porridge is the “second bread”, because it is prepared from grains and cereals and has been an integral part of the people’s diet since ancient times. It seems to be a simple, uncomplicated dish, but even the most ordinary millet porridge in water contains a huge amount of fiber, which stimulates the digestive system, vitamins and minerals. By the way, millet is superior to cereals such as barley and rice in terms of protein. In addition, porridge, as a dietary product, can and even should be fed to children, teaching them to this dish from a very early age.

You can serve millet porridge as a side dish for lunch or dinner, or for dessert or breakfast if you add dried fruits, nuts, sugar or honey.

How to cook millet in water?

Before asking the question “how to cook millet,” it would be good to rinse the grain first. And you should wash it thoroughly, because millet can be very dirty. You should fill it with cold water until the water becomes clear, then you can steam it with boiling water. If you do not steam the cereal, then crumbly millet porridge in water may not work, because the grain must be swollen. Plus, it is better to cook millet in a container with a thick bottom, to avoid burning, and with a small amount of water, only then the porridge will turn out crumbly.

Millet porridge with water - recipe

Each cereal has its own proportions so that the porridge is a success. Millet is cooked in water at a ratio of 1:2, i.e. For one part of millet you need to take two parts of water. But, you can use more water if you like thinner millet porridge; in this case, determine the proportions “by eye”, depending on the consistency you need.


  • millet cereal – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • butter - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


Fill the millet with water and cook over low heat. When the water boils, add salt, cover with a lid and cook until the water has completely evaporated. If the water evaporates quickly during the cooking process and the porridge is not ready yet, then add boiling water. Add a piece of butter to the prepared millet porridge in water, stir and serve. Yes, and don’t skimp on the butter, because it’s not without reason that they say “you can’t spoil porridge with butter”!

As you can see, the basic recipe for delicious millet porridge is quite easy; then you can add your own “zest” by imagining and experimenting with various additives.

Millet porridge with raisins

For children, there is nothing healthier for breakfast than porridge. But how to accustom them to this healthy dish, which is not loved by all children? Add sweet additives - raisins, dried apricots, nuts, honey, apple, pumpkin. In addition to the fact that all fruit ingredients are delicious, they are also healthy for children, and adults will not refuse such an amazing dish as millet porridge in water with raisins or dried apricots.


  • millet cereal – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon - to taste.


We wash the millet well, add water, when the water boils, add salt and cook until almost done. Soak the raisins in water or cold tea, dry them, add to the cooked porridge along with sugar and cinnamon and put in the oven for about 15 minutes. Done – a delicious breakfast is on your table!

You can prepare millet porridge with dried apricots. Dried apricots also need to be soaked for 15-20 minutes in water to swell, and then cut into small pieces. By the way, instead of sugar, honey is perfect, especially since it is simply a salvation for diabetics, not to mention its beneficial properties for all other gourmets. Millet porridge with honey is an excellent breakfast that will charge you with vivacity and energy for the whole day.

Millet cereals have many beneficial properties, but today they are not as popular as other cereals for preparing porridges, since if cooked incorrectly they can taste bitter, burn and stick together, so in this article we will figure out how to cook millet correctly and for how long in a saucepan and in a slow cooker, with water and milk.

How to prepare millet cereals for cooking so that they do not stick together and become bitter?

  1. We inspect and manually select foreign grains and debris from the millet, if any.
  2. Millet must be washed several times (up to 5 times) with warm water before cooking in order to completely wash away all dust, small specks, and also wash off the film from the grains, due to which they can then stick together and become bitter.
  3. Before the main cooking, you can add water to the cereal and bring it to a boil, then drain all the water and rinse the millet again through a sieve with warm water.

What is the required ratio of water and millet when cooking millet porridge?

The choice of the proportion of millet cereal and water depends on what kind of porridge you want to get as a result - crumbly, more viscous or liquid:

  1. Ratios of water and millet for crumbly millet porridge= 1 glass of millet + 2.5 glasses of water;
  2. The ratio of water and millet for viscous millet porridge= 1 glass of millet + 3 glasses of water;
  3. The ratio of water and millet for liquid millet porridge= 1 cup millet + 4 cups water.

Note: depending on which millet is chosen for cooking, the result depends (whether it will be boiled or crumbly). Millet with a rich yellow color (has undergone additional cleaning and steam treatment) will be better boiled and the porridge from it will be viscous and not crumbly.

How long does it take to cook millet?

Depending on the chosen cooking method (in a saucepan on the stove, in a double boiler or a slow cooker), millet cereal can be cooked from 20 minutes to 1 hour:

  1. Cooking time for millet in a saucepan to obtain crumbly porridge is 20-25 minutes, for viscous porridge and thinner porridge 30-35 minutes.
  2. Cooking time for millet in a double boiler is 45-50 minutes.
  3. Cooking time for millet in a slow cooker is 40-60 minutes.

Also, the speed of cooking millet groats is affected by the fact that it is cooked only in water or also in milk (millet milk porridge).

How many times does millet expand when cooked?

Millet tends to greatly increase in volume during cooking, so before cooking it is necessary to take this fact into account and choose larger cooking utensils, and not use very much millet.

On average, when cooked, millet increases 5-6 times its original volume.

How to properly cook millet in a saucepan on the stove?

The simplest and most popular way to cook millet porridge, both with milk and water, is to simply cook it in a saucepan on the stove, since not every home has a multicooker or a double boiler. Let us further consider in more detail separately how and how much to cook millet in water in a saucepan and how to properly cook millet milk porridge in a saucepan.

How to cook crumbly millet porridge in water in a saucepan on the stove?

  1. Choose a larger pan (considering that millet greatly increases in volume after cooking);
  2. Pour the required volume of water into the pan based on the proportions indicated above (depending on what kind of porridge you want to cook: liquid, viscous or crumbly) and bring to a boil over high heat;
  3. While the water is boiling, prepare the millet for cooking by washing it;
  4. After the water boils, add the washed millet cereal to the pan with boiling water and turn the heat down to low, while covering the pan with a lid;
  5. Cook the millet for 20 minutes (for crumbly porridge) or 30 minutes for a more viscous one;
  6. Add salt to taste and sugar if desired, as well as butter. If necessary, add a little more water (if all has boiled away) and cook the millet porridge for another 10 minutes until tender;
  7. Turn off the heat and set the porridge on a non-hot stand and, without removing the lid, let the porridge “simmer” for another 10-15 minutes.

Note: when cooking millet, it is necessary to add preheated water (brought to a boil), and not cold.

How to cook millet porridge with milk in a saucepan?

Cooking millet porridge in milk in a saucepan is the same as in water (described above), the only difference is that in step 6, instead of water, after 20 minutes of cooking, heated milk is added (2 cups, if a glass of millet cereal is being cooked). Also, if millet porridge is cooked with milk for a child, the amount of milk can be increased to make the porridge more liquid or viscous, and honey can be added instead of sugar.

How to cook millet porridge in a slow cooker?

Cooking millet in a multicooker is more convenient, since there is no need to constantly monitor the process of cooking the cereal; just add all the ingredients in the required proportions, specify the cooking time and calmly go about your business. Below we will look in more detail at how to cook millet in water and milk separately in a slow cooker.

How to cook millet in water in a slow cooker?

  1. Place the prepared millet (peeled and washed) in a slow cooker;
  2. Add water to the multicooker in the proportion (1 part cereal + 4 parts water);
  3. Immediately add salt to taste to the cereal;
  4. Turn on the multicooker and cook the porridge for 40-45 minutes in the “Porridge” mode (“Stewing”, depending on the model of your multicooker);
  5. At the end of cooking, add a piece of butter to the millet porridge and leave it for another 10 minutes in the “Warming” mode.

How to cook millet porridge with milk in a slow cooker?

Cooking millet groats in a slow cooker with milk is not much different from cooking millet with water, the only difference is adding liquid at the very beginning: add 1 cup of millet + 1 cup of water + 2 cups of milk and cook the porridge in the same way as in water (in the recipe higher).

Properly cooked millet porridge is a tasty, nutritious, and most importantly, healthy dish. This porridge is “accommodating” (sounds great in tandem with any tasty additive) and is versatile (suitable for preparing main, sweet dishes and side dishes). So how to cook millet correctly so that this cereal becomes one of your favorites in your home diet?

How to cook millet - learning to choose the right grain

Millet dishes will turn out to have the correct consistency and good taste if you follow these rules:

  • Choose cereals according to the future dish, that is, if you are planning to cook a delicious porridge, choose bright yellow millet; if you are making a casserole, choose pale millet.
  • Pay attention to the packaging times for cereals. Millet is a product that quickly loses its taste due to its high fat content. If the millet is old or the storage conditions were not met correctly, the cereal becomes rancid (this can be easily eliminated if you pour boiling water over the millet, or dry-fry it in a frying pan) and an unpleasant odor.

How to cook millet - cooking tricks

There are some tricks, knowing which you will prepare universal porridge. It can subsequently be supplemented with any ingredient (cottage cheese, honey, meat, dried fruits, pumpkin, fruits, fried lard, onions, etc.):

  • Before cooking, millet must be sorted, cleaned of all kinds of foreign inclusions, and thoroughly rinsed several times until it is clean with clean water.
  • You need to cook the cereal in a fairly deep container (during cooking, the volume of millet increases 3-5 times), over low heat.
  • To prepare crumbly porridge, keep the proportions of millet to water 1:2, for viscous porridge - 1:4.
  • Millet porridge will be ready in about 30 - 40 minutes, after the water boils.

How to cook millet - traditional cooking method

You can eat millet porridge prepared in the traditional way both as an independent dish and as the main ingredient for, for example, milk porridge. In order to cook millet porridge, prepare the cereal, place it in a saucepan and add water in the standard ratio (1:4). Cook over medium heat, covered, until tender, 20-30 minutes. After that, add salt, add oil and keep on the stove for another 10 minutes. If necessary, add water during cooking.

How to cook millet - cook in pots

Wheat porridge cooked in pots has an unsurpassed delicate taste and aroma. To cook cereals, use deep pots (note that millet increases 5 times during cooking). Place the required amount of millet in a pot, immediately add salt and oil. Fill with water according to the already known proportion (1:4) and leave to simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to cook millet - cook in the microwave

  • prepare the cereal;
  • place it in a sufficiently deep container;
  • pour millet with water in a ratio of 1:4;
  • turn on the microwave oven at maximum power;
  • Boil the cereal for 5 minutes. After stopping the process, add salt to the porridge, stir it with a fork (loosening it) and boil for another 3-5 minutes;
  • Season the dish with oil, stir it again and leave to steep under the lid for 5-8 minutes.

How to cook millet - milk porridge

Millet porridge cooked with milk is a worthy competitor to milk porridges cooked with other cereals.

To get delicious milk millet porridge, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of millet, sorted and thoroughly washed to clean water;
  • 2 glasses of milk and water;
  • butter (1-2 tbsp.);
  • salt, sugar to taste.

This dish is very easy to prepare. To do this, you will need to drain the water from the millet cereal that has already been boiled in water, add the remaining ingredients and the required amount of milk. Place the container with porridge in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Despite all the usefulness of millet, do not forget that it has its contraindications. Do not get carried away with eating millet dishes if you suffer from high stomach acidity or a tendency to constipation. Enjoy “sunny” porridge regularly and in moderation, then this product will bring maximum benefits to your body.

Millet porridge is undeservedly bored at the back of our kitchens and is far from taking first place in the preparation of various dishes. It is inferior to pasta, potatoes, rice and buckwheat in its presence on the Russian menu. But in vain.

Just a hundred years ago it was very popular; its popularity among the Slavs dates back several centuries.

Porridge was brought to Europe from China, which is considered its homeland.

Today millet porridge is very popular in India, Africa, and China. In short, wherever there are problems with water, there is poor soil.

In Western Europe, millet porridge is gaining crazy popularity not only due to its nutritional and beneficial properties. Nowadays, the percentage of people with a “disease of civilization”, namely gluten intolerance, is increasing. For such people, it becomes the basis of the diet and a basic product.

Millet porridge is rich in phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, vitamins PP, E, microelements manganese, iron and copper.

Potassium normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Sulfur is a source of beauty, responsible for the condition of nails, hair, and skin. This is especially important for women.

This porridge is cheap, which goes against its nutritional value and usefulness.

Porridge has unique properties for alkalizing the body, especially after consuming dairy products, as well as coffee, potatoes, meat, and white bread, which contribute to oxidation of the body. After all, it is in an acidic body that cancer cells originate and develop. Porridge promotes prevention and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Those who have constant problems with fungal diseases should also pay attention to millet porridge. After all, fungus is also a sign of “acidification” of the body.

Those who have frequent runny noses and wet coughs should also increase their consumption. Porridge helps remove mucus from the body and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Vegetarians have long accepted this porridge as one of their staple foods, because they are supporters of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. And millet porridge, like no other product, meets these criteria. That is why It is best to cook millet porridge in water, preserving its alkaline properties.

She is indispensable during Lent. You can prepare it without oil and serve it with vegetable salad.

How to choose and prepare cereals for cooking?

It is better to buy cereals in transparent packs. The grains must be whole, yellow, without spots or darkening. The cereal should have a slight milky smell. Rotted grains with a stale smell can be used if you wash the cereal and heat it in a frying pan. The smell and rancid taste will almost go away, but the beneficial substances will also go away.

When choosing cereals in the store, you should also pay attention to the fact that they come in two colors: pale yellow and rich yellow.

A pale yellow color indicates that the cereal is cleared of shell and film and is polished. It is lower in calories, but also, due to purification, does not contain fiber, which removes harmful substances.

Cereals with a rich yellow color are called “dranets”. The grain here is not polished and the cereal retains all the beneficial substances. It is heavier on the stomach, however, and its healing properties are higher. For inflammatory processes and colds, it is prescribed.

Before cooking, the cereal must be sorted and cleared of small debris. Then rinse in cold water so many times that clean water remains after rinsing.

Next, you can prepare the porridge according to several recipes - with and without steaming. In this case, it is better to use thick-walled dishes or cauldrons. This way the porridge will open up better. The main thing when preparing millet is to make it crumbly. There are some secrets for this, which we will consider below.

Millet porridge in water with steaming (with preparation)

Pour one glass of washed millet cereal with 3 glasses of boiling water and leave to steam for 20-30 minutes. The porridge will steam, take on water and cook faster. The grain will also remove the bitterness that is sometimes present there. Next, drain the water and pour the porridge into about 3 cups of boiling water. The proportions of millet to water when steaming are 1: 3. Immediately add salt to taste. Reduce the heat, cover the pan and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring the porridge occasionally with a wooden spoon.

When the porridge has absorbed almost all the water, you can add about 30-40 g of butter and gently mix the cereal. The base is ready. It can be served with meat, poultry, vegetables, and mushrooms. You can also add raisins, honey, nuts.

Millet porridge in water without steaming

Pour the washed cereal (1 cup) into a cauldron with cold water (4 cups), add salt (0.5-1 tablespoons, depending on preference) and put on medium heat. The proportions of millet to water are 1: 4. After boiling, reduce the heat. Cooking time is about 20-30 minutes under a closed lid over low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After 20 minutes, add butter, the water from the porridge should almost all evaporate. Mix everything. If desired, you can season the porridge with beaten egg. Let the porridge simmer with the oil for about 5 more minutes. A nutritious and healthy side dish is ready.

Vegetarian millet porridge with mushrooms

Cook millet porridge according to any of the above recipes. Fry one onion in a frying pan until slightly golden brown. Add about 0.5 kg of sliced ​​champignons and about one small carrot, grated on a fine grater, to the mushrooms and fry the mushrooms and carrots until done. Next, mix the porridge with mushrooms, onions and carrots. Add a pinch of dried tomatoes, dried basil and dried garlic. Add everything to taste and simmer in a cauldron for about 5 minutes. If necessary, add a little warm water. Then turn off the heat and let the porridge brew. Ready! Maximum benefits with minimum calories.
