How to take banana kvass. Useful properties of banana kvass. Banana kvass with rye crusts

You can make delicious, invigorating kvass from almost any food product. Banana kvass is very tasty, which can be infused with both sweet pulp and banana skins. Moreover, Academician Bolotov proposed a miracle recipe for a drink made from banana skins, which is considered healing.

According to Bolotov, kvass made from banana skins contains the hormone tryptophan, which is essential for the body, which is capable of removing toxins. In folk medicine, the drink is considered a powerful means of preventing cancer, strengthening the immune system, and healing stomach ailments. In ordinary life, it is used as ordinary bread kvass, quenching thirst or seasoning okroshka.

Banana kvass - general principles of preparation

Banana kvass is prepared in the same way as any other type of this drink: the crushed ingredients are mixed with an acidifying component (whey, yeast, sour cream, etc.) and poured with water.

To prepare banana kvass, additional ingredients are used: peels of oranges, lemons, rye crackers, tea leaves or coffee. This is done to improve the aroma and appearance of the finished product.

Classic healing kvass from banana skins according to Bolotov is prepared with homemade sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15%. If you don't have it, a store-bought product will do. Water is taken purified or boiled and settled. You can use spring water.

As for banana skins, they should be yellow or greenish in color, but always without rot or black spots. Since during transportation fruits are treated with chemical solutions and wax, before eating they must be washed from the outside with a brush with the addition of dishwashing detergent and rinsed with plenty of hot water.

Since mold appears on the surface during the preparation of Bolotovsky kvass, it is most convenient to use plastic bottles or glass jars for infusion. This way, the area of ​​mold formation is minimal, and it will be easier to strain the kvass. And such containers take up less space. This is important, since the drink must “leave” for at least two to three weeks.

The basis for feeding lactic acid bacteria is sugar. Therefore, after the first draining, you need to add a little sugar to the resulting starter and add water again. You can use the first starter for several weeks, or even a month.

Banana kvass according to Bolotov

Traditional Bolotovsky kvass turns out to be quite sour. This must be taken into account when trying the drink for the first time. The formation of mold on the surface should not be embarrassing: this is a normal process, indicating the viability of beneficial bacteria. If the drink is cloudy at first, it will become clear after fermentation is complete.


Skins from four ripe bananas;

Two teaspoons of sour cream;

A glass of white sugar;

Three liters of clean water or cooled boiling water.

Cooking method:

    Remove the pulp from the prepared bananas, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator.

    Rinse the peel again with running water and cut into small cubes.

    Prepare a piece of gauze, place banana peel slices in it, tie it and lower it to the bottom of the jar.

    Dilute sour cream in a small amount of water and pour into a jar.

    Add sugar.

    Fill everything with water.

    Cover the neck of the jar with a gauze napkin folded in 3 layers and place in a quiet place at room temperature.

    The infusion period is three weeks. Any mold that forms should be carefully removed with a spoon.

    Strain the finished kvass from banana skins according to Bolotov, cool in the refrigerator or cellar.

Mature banana kvass with whey

After the first portion of medicinal kvass on banana peel is ready, you can use it to prepare new portions of the mature drink. This can be done as long as the fermentation process continues and the taste remains rich. As soon as it weakens, the starter is thrown away and a new portion of kvass is prepared on fresh banana peels. It is not necessary to use whey: mature kvass can also be filled with water.


A liter of ready-made kvass from banana skins according to Bolotov;

A liter of whey or plain water;

One hundred grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

    Pour a liter of liquid from a bottle of ready-made kvass.

    Dissolve a portion of sugar in a liter of whey (or water).

    Pour the sweet whey into the prepared kvass and stir.

    Infuse the resulting portion of kvass for two days.

    Strain, cool and take according to the scheme proposed by the healer Bolotov, or just like that.

Banana kvass with orange peels

To obtain a new taste of banana kvass, citrus peels are added to it. The drink made with orange zest is especially aromatic. It tastes similar to homemade kombucha, but thicker and more invigorating.


Peel of three bananas;

Half an orange;

A tablespoon of homemade or store-bought sour cream;

A glass of sugar;

Three liters of water.

Cooking method:

    Cut the washed, healthy peel into small slices and place in a jar for fermentation.

    Peel the orange and cut half into small cubes.

    Throw the orange “flavor” into the jar with the banana peel.

    Sprinkle a measured amount of granulated sugar on top.

    Pour in water, stir and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    When the sugar grains dissolve, add sour cream and stir.

    Cover the container with gauze and put it in a dark cabinet for 17 days.

    Check the drink periodically to remove mold.

    Strain the finished kvass and cool.

Banana kvass from pulp

You can make simple traditional kvass from banana pulp, which will bring great pleasure on hot days. It is better to use overripe bananas: their pulp is more fragrant and soft.


One and a half kilograms of ripe bananas;

A tablespoon of dry yeast (or 15 grams of fresh);

Three liters of boiled water;

One hundred grams of sugar (optional).

Cooking method:

    Remove the skin from the bananas and mash the pulp with a fork.

    Boil water and cool.

    When it becomes warm, dissolve the yeast.

    If you need sweet kvass, add sugar. Those who don't like sweet drinks can skip the sugar altogether.

    Place banana puree in the fermentation bowl.

    Pour yeast water over the bananas so that two-thirds of the container remains free.

    Cover the container with a gauze or woven napkin and put it in a warm place for a day.

    Strain the resulting drink through a sieve or filter through cheesecloth.

    Pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator or cellar to infuse for two days.

Banana kvass with rye crusts

Another version of kvass made from banana pulp with the addition of rye crackers and honey. A tasty, invigorating drink - a real salvation in the summer heat.


Two ripe bananas;

Two hundred grams of rye bread;

A quarter spoon of dry yeast;

A tablespoon of honey;

Two liters of water.

Cooking method:

    Make puree from banana pulp.

    Cut the rye bread into small cubes and dry in the oven.

    Boil and cool water.

    In a warm season, dissolve the yeast and dissolve the honey.

    Place the banana puree in a three-liter fermentation jar.

    Throw in the crackers.

    Pour in honey-yeast water.

    Infuse for two days in a warm place.

    Strain, cool and enjoy the spicy taste.

Banana kvass with oranges and mint

Mint lovers can prepare kvass from banana peels, orange peels and fresh aromatic herbs. Fantastic refreshing taste plus undoubted benefits!


Peel from four bananas;

Half a glass of sugar;


A bunch of fresh mint;

Three tablespoons of sour cream;

Three liters of water.

Cooking method:

    Wash banana and orange skins thoroughly and cut into small pieces.

    Wash the mint and tie a bunch with thread.

    Place the crusts and mint in a three-liter jar.

    Cover everything with sugar.

    Fill the jar with water up to the hanger.

    Add sour cream and stir.

    Cover the neck of the three-liter bottle with a gauze napkin.

    Place in a warm place.

    As mold appears, remove it with a spoon.

    As soon as the grounds of kvass sink to the bottom, the drink is ready.

    It needs to be strained, poured into more convenient plastic bottles and cooled.

    Banana-based kvass should be stored in a cool, dark place. In urban environments, this is a refrigerator. For treatment purposes, Bolotovsky kvass from banana peels is drunk 150 ml half an hour before main meals, that is, three times a day.

    If you are preparing yeast kvass, be sure to leave at least two-thirds of the container for yeast fermentation. Otherwise, the drink will “run away” and everything will have to be redone.

    To give whitish banana kvass a pleasant color, you can add a little fresh strong brew or a teaspoon of coffee dissolved in boiling water to the finished, already strained drink.

    If kvass ferments in Bolotov, it will become hot and sour. This drink should not be consumed.

    Each serving of kvass on banana peels will have its own taste. This is fine. If you are no longer satisfied with the richness of the drink, you need to prepare it using a new portion of peel.

    You can use banana pulp to make banana chips. It is cut into thin slices, laid out on baking paper and dried in the oven at 50 degrees until cooked. To ensure air flow, the oven door must be opened.

    There should be no mold on the surface of the finished, properly prepared banana peel kvass. The color of the drink is transparent, there is little sediment. If you throw a pinch of sugar (or salt) into it, the drink should foam slightly.

    Good kvass can be slightly intoxicating. There is no need to be alarmed, but children, pregnant and lactating women should not drink too much of the drink.

Tryptophan is produced during the fermentation process of banana peels. This substance is an amino acid that plays an important role in the human body. Lack of tryptophan becomes the main cause of depression, constant tension, insomnia and frequent headaches. A special property of tryptophan is the ability to remove and reject infected cells.

The author of the banana kvass recipe was the famous academician B.V. Bolotov. The scientist spent several years studying bananas and their effects on the human body.

Regular banana consumption has a strengthening effect on both the immune system and the functioning of systems in general. Vigor and resistance to various infectious diseases appear, fatigue and lethargy disappear.

Banana kvass for weight loss

Banana kvass is quite often included in complex diets. This is primarily due to the fact that the acids that are formed in kvass directly affect the human digestive system. In addition, the drink contains a minimal amount and quickly quenches thirst.

The main contraindications to consuming banana kvass is the presence of transplanted organs.

It is noteworthy that kvass made from banana peels has virtually no contraindications. You can use it in unlimited quantities. With the regular inclusion of this drink in the diet, the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and useful elements, which contributes to better absorption of food and normalization of metabolism.

Banana kvass against cancer

Numerous studies have proven that banana kvass contains many components that can fight the occurrence of cancer cells. The drink is recommended as a medicinal composition during the early stages of cancer and as a preventive measure. In addition, kvass is an effective means of removing waste and toxins from the body.

To prevent cancer, special kvass with an effervescent consistency is prepared. During the fermentation process, a sufficient amount of mucopolysaccharides and vitamins is released. It is these substances that significantly cleanse the body and eliminate diseased cells that cause cancer. In addition, tryptophan plays a major role in this process.

Method for preparing banana kvass

To make banana kvass, you need a minimum amount of ingredients - peel, sour cream, sugar and water. Banana peels are crushed, mixed with sugar and poured with several liters of cold boiled water, depending on the proportions taken. For sourdough, regular sour cream is used. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of bananas. The peel should be fairly firm, without dark spots or black spots.

Today we will prepare a wonderful medicinal drink - banana kvass according to Bolotov. Banana peels are used to make kvass.

The prepared drink is rich in tryptophan, which is very beneficial for our health, it helps strengthen the immune system and fights many ailments.

Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov says that banana kvass is a very effective preventative against cancer!

According to the academician, based on his research, banana peel kvass contains the amino acid tryptophan.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid for the health of our body. A lack of this amino acid causes headaches, depression, insomnia, depression, nervous tension and attention disorders in humans. Tryptophan protects our body from harmful environmental influences and from stressful conditions.

One of the simple and affordable ways to obtain the amino acid tryptophan is to prepare kvass from banana peels. This kvass, in combination with proper nutrition, has a very good therapeutic and preventive effect on our body and strengthens the immune system.

What are the benefits of kvass according to Bolotov’s recipe?

The healing drink can be used to treat the initial stages of cancer, helps in the prevention and prevention of cancer, promotes weight loss and weight normalization, normalizes metabolism and improves the health of the body as a whole.

Banana peel kvass: recipe

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Chopped banana peel - 3 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Sour cream - 1 tablespoon.


Bananas for making kvass must be taken without damage and with a bright yellow color. Bananas must be washed well before peeling them to prepare the peel for kvass.

The water for making kvass must be clean, preferably spring water.

We use unpasteurized, homemade sour cream so that its fat content does not exceed 15%.

Preparing kvass

  1. Wash the bananas thoroughly, dry them, and remove peels and damage. Then cut the banana peel into small pieces - we need 3 cups of chopped peel.
  2. Boil and cool clean water (it is best if the water is spring water).
  3. Pour banana peels into a well-washed three-liter jar and add a glass of sugar. Then fill with water, almost to the very top.
  4. When the sugar in the jar is completely dissolved, add sour cream. Before adding, stir sour cream in a small amount of water (80-90 ml).
  5. Cover the jar with clean gauze folded in two layers. We keep the bottle of kvass for two weeks, at room temperature, but not in the light. During aging, it is imperative to remove mold that forms on the surface of the drink.

When the kvass has finished aging, strain it through cheesecloth and put it in a cool place.

Banana kvass is ready.

How to drink kvass

The medicinal value of this drink lies in the content of mucopolysaccharides and tryptophan, which are formed during the fermentation of banana peels.

This is important to know!

A person needs 0.25 grams of tryptophan per day. If the body does not receive this norm, then the person may develop diabetes, tuberculosis, or even cancer. Mucopolysaccharides act as a natural lubricant for our body.

In order for kvass to help significantly improve your health, you need to monitor the quality of the drink you drink.

Here are the most basic signs of quality kvass:

  1. The drink should foam a little when you add a small pinch of sugar or salt.
  2. There should be no mold on the surface of the kvass, and there should be no strong sediment in the drink itself.
  3. If mold forms, it must be removed regularly, and we get rid of the sediment by filtering and pouring the liquid into another bottle.
  4. Good, high-quality kvass should be a little intoxicating.

If you are not satisfied with the taste of the drink, you can prepare it with the addition of rye bread or orange peel.


Banana kvass should not be drunk by people who have had organ transplants. Drinking a drink may contribute to their rejection.

Now you know how to prepare banana kvass according to Bolotov and what benefits this wonderful drink has for our body.

Be healthy!

Acidification of the body as a method of treatment and prevention is the principle underlying the health system of the famous Ukrainian academician. Banana kvass, made from fruit skins, has become one of the popular remedies from Boris Bolotov due to its universal effect on the immune system. If you decide to try out the scientist’s ideas, it is with this kvass that it makes sense to start getting acquainted with the positive effects of acidification on the entire body.

“Another panacea!” - you say. And you will be right in choosing the name. The large-scale effect on the body is due to the amino acid tryptophan, which is contained in kvass made from banana skins.

Tryptophan is one of the 8 essential amino acids and a key link in the metabolism of the well-known “satisfaction hormone” serotonin and the “sleep hormone” melatonin.

Based on biochemical data, Academician Bolotov considers tryptophan to be the best means for weakening the protoplasm of cancer cells. And weakening pathological and damaged cells is the first step towards removing them from the body without harming overall health.

It is also curious to what extent tryptophan preparations are recognized by official medicine. They are often used to treat a wide range of conditions, including the most severe complex disorders:

  • rigid insomnia,
  • astheno-neurotic,
  • anxiety-hypnotic syndromes,
  • withdrawal syndrome for alcohol, opiate and barbiturate addiction,
  • essential depression, including manic-depressive psychosis,
  • tissue degeneration.

Oral bioavailability is more than 90%

The leading foods in tryptophan content are legumes, oats, dried dates, peanuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, meat and fish (with the caveat of the absence of tryptophan in connective tissues).

Do you want to be healthy? Do you want your body to reject cancer cells on its own? Then take two truths according to Bolotov as a rule:

  • Acidify internal environments with kvass (or enzymes)
  • Replenish your diet with amino acids (for example, tryptophan from banana kvass) and special acids, whose healing activity is focused on specific organs.

It is noteworthy that the method of preparing Bolotovsky kvass is quite simple and is generally similar for most of the main enzymes extracted from various herbs, fruits and vegetables. And this encourages them to try rather than hesitate. After all, as you know: “Everything ingenious should be simple!”

According to the same recipe for all plants, either water or whey from sour milk is used as the main liquid for kvass. Poisonous plants (celandine, whiteheads, aconite, etc.) must be fermented with whey.

Other plants can be fermented in water, when the acidifying agent is sour cream (fat content of 15%) from homemade (market) milk.


  • Banana peels - after peeling 2-3 fruits + -
  • Clean drinking water - 2.5 liters + -
  • Sugar - 1 cup + -
  • Sour cream 15% fat from homemade milk - 1 tsp. + -

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We use a 3-liter bottle as a container for ripening.

For dishes, we will need a small stainless steel cutlery, without damage to the surface, as well as clean gauze and an elastic band for fixing.

We prepare dishes and accessories

  • Wash the bottle thoroughly and scald it with boiling water.
  • Sterilize clean cutlery over high heat for 2-3 minutes.
  • We fold one piece of gauze into 3 layers so that, secured with an elastic band, it can cover the neck of the bottle.
  • We will need a second large piece (about 30*30) and a long thin strip of gauze (about 15 cm) to wrap the crushed banana peels, which will become the basis of Bolotov kvass.

Preparing the ingredients

  • Wash the bananas thoroughly and peel them. Here it makes sense to remember the rules for high-quality crushing of banana peels for all ways of using them in food and home cosmetics, and not just in making kvass.

When grown for import, bananas are heavily treated with pesticides. According to some reports, they can even penetrate into the pulp! Pesticides always remain on the skin.
Therefore, you need to wash bananas as thoroughly as possible. Warm water, dishwashing detergent, a hard sponge and a long rinse under running water come to our aid.

  • Grind the washed, dried peels, cutting them into small cubes.
  • We fold them in a heap in the middle of a large piece of gauze and collect them at the corners into a bag, which we tie with a gauze strip - 2 knots. Do not form the bag too tightly so that it can change its shape. Using 2 more knots, we loosely attach a sinker to the bag - a sterilized stainless steel cutlery.

Put the ingredients into the bottle

  • Pour water into a clean scalded bottle, add sugar and a teaspoon of sour cream, stir well.
  • At the bottom of the bottle with the prepared mixture we place a bag with banana peels and a sinker.
  • We tie a 3-layer piece of gauze around the neck of the bottle and secure it with an elastic band. This is convenient given the possible need to remove “noise” or small mold that may appear during the fermentation process of the enzyme in the coming weeks.
  • Place the bottle in a quiet place at room temperature and wait 2-3 weeks.
  • After just 2 weeks, a fermented drink is obtained, obtained by fermenting the plant in the environment of lactic acid bacteria.

Kvass can be stored at room temperature.

You should start drinking kvass with the same caution, no matter what your goals are (general health improvement, weight loss, cancer prevention, immunomodulation, or recovery from illness).


Watch your portability!

  • Start taking 100 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before main meals.
  • After a week of taking the dose 3 times, you can switch to 4 times, adding another 100 ml per day, also before meals.

Further ripening of the crusts

For some time it is convenient to use constant further fermentation of the crusts.

How to do it:

  • pour 1 liter of ready-made kvass from a bottle and add 1 liter of water (or whey from sour milk) with sugar dissolved in it (1/3 cup).

After 2 days, the next kvass is ready.

This self-fermenting enzyme can be used while self-fermentation processes are ongoing. Usually this is up to ten times! When the kvass weakens, you will taste it and make a new batch from the very beginning.

  • A fermented enzyme that is too hot is not suitable for consumption.
  • Most often, banana kvass will taste different every time, despite the same recipe. Therefore, it is important to trust your feeling. Rely on the taste of the “golden mean” both in the question of when it’s time to make a new portion, and in deciding whether the original kvass turned out correctly.

Oh, these amazing jars where the alchemy of cooking happens! Involving the most prosaic products, such as the crusts of Borodino bread. Many people who lived through the Soviet period remembered homemade kvass from childhood.

It's funny, but at the same time, fermenting drinks was popular on the other side of the Iron Curtain. America loved the drink made from kombucha, which was inspiring with its beneficial properties. Today we can arm ourselves with knowledge from Academician Bolotov and try to make banana kvass so that the healing powers of tryptophan will accelerate the achievement of healthy goals!

Bolotov's enzyme kvass supplies the body with enzymes similar to enzymes produced by humans. Drinks according to B. Bolotov’s recipes are aimed at removing salts from the human body, into which accumulated toxins are converted, through the action of enzymes.

In other words, the use of life-giving fermented foods allows you to heal and rejuvenate organs and tissues. The author has developed many recipes.

The main components of drinks according to Bolotov’s recipes:

  • vegetable raw materials;
  • sugar or honey;
  • milk serum;
  • sour cream with fat content up to 15%;
  • Well water, spring water, purified through filters.

Heart kvass

Bolotov's fermented cardiac kvass is effective for cardiac edema, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and other conditions. Medicinal plants are suitable for such a life-giving remedy:

Plant materials can be taken either fresh or dried. For 3 liters of water – 1 glass of crushed vegetable raw materials, 1 glass of sugar, 1 tsp. low-fat sour cream.

The process of making hearty kvass

  1. Boil the entire volume of water and cool it.
  2. Dissolve the entire volume of sugar and sour cream in water.
  3. Pour the solution into a clean 3-liter glass jar.
  4. Place the raw materials in a gauze bag, attach a weight and place at the bottom of the jar.
  5. Cover the top of the container with a thick layer of cloth or gauze.
  6. Keep the drink in a cool, dark place, stirring and removing plaque.
  7. On the fifth day, when a sediment forms, pour the kvass into another jar. Dispose of sediment. Refill the drink with water to the previous volume.
  8. Check readiness after two weeks. If it foams, it means the process is going as expected.

How to use

Take this kvass 0.5 cups per day. According to author Bolotov, the course requires at least 20 doses, preferably a month or more. The effect of taking it is noticeable: all manifestations of cardiac pathologies are eliminated.

Important condition. At the same time, the patient should take dry powder of gray jaundice, 0.1 g per dose. Such joint consumption heals the heart, stimulates the pancreas and the release of adrenaline, gives strength and energy, treats inflammation, cardiac pastosity, and cancer.

During therapy with Bolotov’s heart kvass, it is recommended to take a steam bath or sauna. Before the session, eat a piece of boiled animal heart, and after 45 minutes drink heart kvass. After the session, perform a body massage.

Recipe for celandine

Bolotov's kvass, based on celandine, cleanses organs, restores tissue, normalizes intestinal flora, and restores stomach acidity. Celandine is especially useful for gastrointestinal diseases; in addition, it removes metals and radionuclides from the intestines.


Indications for use:

  • myopia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • bronchitis, asthma;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • heart dysfunction;
  • skin diseases, allergies;
  • polyps;
  • cough;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • prostatitis, cystitis.

Kvass from celandine is prepared either with sour cream or whey. A properly prepared drink smells pleasant of fresh apples and its taste is light and bitter. A high-quality drug is slightly intoxicating. The celandine enzyme is inhaled.

Recipe No. 1

For 3 liters of whey – 1 glass of dry celandine. Use sugar according to preference; if you use it, use the recommended amount – 1 cup. The raw materials are also placed in a gauze bag at the bottom of the whey jar. Insist for 12 days. The finished kvass is filtered and stored covered in the refrigerator.

Take Bolotov's kvass from celandine, 1/2 cup twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 2

Prepare Bolotov's drink from celandine as described in recipe No. 1. Differences: infuse the solution for 2 weeks, removing mold and straining from sediment. Then pour 1 liter of the drink, fill the jar to the top with water, add a third of a glass of sugar. Leave for another 3 days.

Again, you can pour 1 liter of solution and fill the jar with water for up to 60 days. After the 4th addition, add a new portion of celandine. A liter of ready-made kvass is taken for 3 days. First, drink a tablespoon of the medicine, bringing the volume to 1 glass. Course – 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 3

How to use

The drink from celandine is taken for a month, then a break is maintained for another month, treatment is continued with other fermented drinks.

Pulmonary recipe

Fermentation of Bolotov's lung kvass occurs in an open container without a lid; access to oxygen is important. It is prepared from the following plants:

  • elecampane grass;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • pine needles;
  • tricolor violet.

Preparation and reception

The preparation method is standard, i.e. water, sour cream, sugar and raw materials are used, the solution is infused for 2 weeks. Take it in a glass before meals.

In addition to the drink, use other lung cleansers -

Banana tonic

Ready-made banana kvass tastes good and is good for children. The fruit chosen for it is ripe, without visible blackness on the peel. Before cooking, wash the peel, remove it, and chop it finely. Just crushed banana peels (yellow, without black spots) are used in the amount of 1.5-2 cups. In addition to the peel, take:

  • 3 liters of clean water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. sour cream;


The recipe is generally standard. Water is poured into a jar, sugar and sour cream are dissolved in it, then banana peels are added in a weighted bag.

Banana kvass is also fermented for 14 days in a warm place. It is checked regularly, any plaque or lace film is removed, and poured into another jar when a sediment forms.

After 2 weeks, 1 liter is poured from the entire banana drink, a third of a glass of sugar is added, and water is added to the top. After two days you can cast a new portion.

Sweatshop raspberry kvass

The fermentation process of the raspberry drink is standard, following the usual deadlines (14 days), with observation and care of the kvass during the preparation process. Its proportions are also familiar.

  1. Water – 3 liters.
  2. Sugar – 1 glass.
  3. Sour cream – 1 tsp.
  4. Raspberries (or jam) – 2 cups.

Ready-made Bolotov raspberry kvass is consumed before steaming in a bathhouse, 15-20 minutes. the person will actively sweat, and at this time the kidneys will be saturated with beneficial components of the blood.

During this procedure, you can use bath brooms, and you cannot douse yourself with water cooler than the one with which a person washes himself. Swimming pools, cool and cold showers are contraindicated.

What else is Bolotov’s kvass made from?

Many recipes have been developed. In addition to kvass made from celandine, raspberries, banana peels, cardiac and pulmonary kvass, healing drinks are prepared from other plants. The recipe is standard, raw materials are taken in the amount of 1 glass per 3 liters of water.

  • Spruce shoots.

Tops up to 12-15 cm long are used. It is useful for pathologies of the lymphatic system. Learn more about lymph cleansing here -

  • Calendula, geranium, cocklebur, snakeweed, chamomile - one ingredient to choose from.

A small difference - half a glass of raw materials is taken, the rest of the components are in the usual volumes. Bolotov's drink is effective for thyroid diseases.

  • Bolotov's universal kvass

Prepared from pine needles, dry rose hips, onion peels, using a little more needles than other ingredients, with a total volume of 1 cup. Next, prepare the healing drink according to the standard scenario.

The drink will help with many diseases, especially those related to disorders of the immune system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and genitourinary organs.


Taking Bolotov's kvass is contraindicated in acute leukemia. When using any recipe, you should remember about allergies to components. If it is, they cannot be treated.

Good afternoon, my dear readers!

Everyone knows about the benefits of kvass, especially in the summer heat. But not many people know that the yeast that many of you use in sourdough is life-threatening. You can read more about this HERE.

It is with great desire and pleasure that I share with you a unique, healthy recipe for a flavorful drink. In front of you banana kvass according to Bolotov, which I cook from time to time, but my family asks me to do it on an ongoing basis))

To begin with, very briefly about academician Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov.

He is called a real wizard. He is a biologist, chemist, physicist, an outstanding scientist with extensive practical experience. Bolotov opened a completely new direction in the development of future medicine. He writes a lot about the prevention and treatment of all diseases, including cancer.

I took all the information that is now in front of you from his book, which is called “Human Health in an Unhealthy Society.” From it I introduce into my home practice many recipes for fermented drinks that are useful and necessary for our body, which are fermented WITHOUT YEAST, through natural fermentation.

One of these miracle drinks is in front of you. Print (the print icon is on your left, where the social network buttons are located) or write down the recipe and be sure to prepare banana kvass from banana peels, which has a very pleasant delicate taste.

Kvass on banana peels- the healthiest and most valuable drink that literally revives the human body. When the crusts ferment, mucopolysaccharides are formed, which play a huge role in the fight against any infection.

According to Bolotov, banana kvass is a powerful preventive remedy and, in combination with a healthy diet, as well as compliance with the five rules of health, it is a powerful immunomodulator.

Preparing banana kvass according to Bolotov


  • Drinking water - about 3 liters
  • Banana peel (finely chopped) – 2-3 cups (you will need about 3-4 bananas)
  • Sour cream – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - I add 2/3 cup, Bolotov recommends 1 cup

Yield of finished kvass: about 3 liters

Cooking method according to Bolotov (I do everything exactly):

1. Wash the bananas very thoroughly, first with laundry soap, then with baking soda.

2. Peel the bananas and finely chop their peels

3. Place the crusts on the bottom of the jar, add sugar, sour cream, and fill with water

4. Mix well until the sugar dissolves

5. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze, folded in several layers and leave in a dark place at room temperature for exactly 2 weeks.

Fragrant and good for your health, banana kvass according to Bolotov ready! Take it with great pleasure, half a glass 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

NOTE: In order not to constantly ferment the kvass, pour 1 liter from the finished kvass and add 1 liter of drinking water. Add 1/3 cup or a little less sugar. In a few days, the kvass will again acquire the desired strength. Repeat this several times. You will feel the weakness of the drink immediately, then you need to ferment a new portion.

For a family of 4 or more people, it is better to put kvass twice as much. Otherwise it won’t be enough – this has been verified.

You can store kvass at room temperature or in the refrigerator, but I do not advise you to drink a cold drink. And we don’t put the part that we cast and infuse in the refrigerator!

In the next article you will see a recipe for banana vinegar. Come in.

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Good afternoon, my dear readers!

Everyone knows about the benefits of kvass, especially in the summer heat. But not many people know that the yeast that many of you use in sourdough is life-threatening. You will read more about this in more detail.

It is with great desire and pleasure that I share with you a unique, healthy recipe for a flavorful drink. In front of you banana kvass according to Bolotov, which I cook from time to time, but my family asks me to do it on an ongoing basis))

To begin with, very briefly about academician Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov.

He is called a real wizard. He is a biologist, chemist, physicist, an outstanding scientist with extensive practical experience. Bolotov opened a completely new direction in the development of future medicine. He writes a lot about the prevention and treatment of all diseases, including cancer.

I took all the information that is now in front of you from his book, which is called “Human Health in an Unhealthy Society.” From it I introduce into my home practice many recipes for fermented drinks that are useful and necessary for our body, which are fermented WITHOUT YEAST, through natural fermentation.

One of these miracle drinks is in front of you. Print (the print icon is on your left, where the social network buttons are located) or write down the recipe and be sure to prepare banana kvass from banana peels, which has a very pleasant delicate taste.

Kvass on banana peels- the healthiest and most valuable drink that literally revives the human body. When the crusts ferment, mucopolysaccharides are formed, which play a huge role in the fight against any infection.

According to Bolotov, banana kvass is a powerful preventive remedy and, in combination with a healthy diet, as well as compliance with the five rules of health, it is a powerful immunomodulator.

Preparing banana kvass according to Bolotov


  • Drinking water - about 3 liters
  • Banana peel (finely chopped) – 2-3 cups (you will need about 3-4 bananas)
  • Sour cream – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - I add 2/3 cup, Bolotov recommends 1 cup

Yield of finished kvass: about 3 liters

Cooking method according to Bolotov (I do everything exactly):

1. Wash the bananas very thoroughly, first with laundry soap, then with baking soda.

2. Peel the bananas and finely chop their peels

3. Place the crusts on the bottom of the jar, add sugar, sour cream, and fill with water

4. Mix well until the sugar dissolves

5. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze, folded in several layers and leave in a dark place at room temperature for exactly 2 weeks.

Fragrant and good for your health, banana kvass according to Bolotov ready! Take it with great pleasure, half a glass 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

NOTE: In order not to constantly ferment the kvass, pour 1 liter from the finished kvass and add 1 liter of drinking water. Add 1/3 cup or a little less sugar. In a few days, the kvass will again acquire the desired strength. Repeat this several times. You will feel the weakness of the drink immediately, then you need to ferment a new portion.

For a family of 4 or more people, it is better to put kvass twice as much. Otherwise it won’t be enough – this has been verified.

You can store kvass at room temperature or in the refrigerator, but I do not advise you to drink a cold drink. And we don’t put the part that we cast and infuse in the refrigerator!

In the next article you will see the recipe. Come in.

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Meeting Bolotov.
My acquaintance with Bolotov, or rather with his publications, happened literally a month ago, although I had previously read Kostina’s little book, Neumyvakin’s rather voluminous book, Malakhov’s little book, where Bolotov’s surname was mentioned in passing. The rain helped. To wait, I went to a bookstore. Thin editions of Bolotov lie in stacks. The names intrigued me, I looked through them and bought a few. Already, reading them at home, I began to remember my distant childhood, the white caps of the mountains, mountain rivers, steppes, the southern outskirts of our once mighty homeland. The multifaceted carpet of flowers, plants, mighty oaks, elms, pyramidal silver poplars still captures the imagination and gives life to all living things. People live, get sick, die, but life goes on and among them there were and are talented seekers, enriching traditional medicine. Honor, praise and low bow to them for the sometimes selfless help to those suffering, when traditional medicine discredited itself with low professionalism, became mired in corruption, and became a means of profit for doctors in violation of the constitution. To install 10 droppers to maintain health, you need to pay a pensioner one and a half pensions, to pull out a tooth you have to pay almost half, for the simplest 20-minute appendicitis you have to pay nine, and for a blood pressure box you have to pay a sixth. The robbers of pensioners, the owners of pharmacies, doomed pensioners to early departure to another world. In this situation, the help of honest, non-selfish, knowledgeable traditional healers is needed more than ever. There is an increase in publications by traditional healers, who are actively pushing traditional medicine forward. The main urine consumer Malakhov, the cleaner Kostina, the endoecologist Neumyvakin, the innovator Bolotov and his followers the Pogozhevs, Naumov and others are actively saturating the publishing literature with their numerous publications. Malakhov advocates drinking urine for healing, referring to the learned men of antiquity, as well as his invention of rubbing a bald head for hair growth with onion and salt, the effect is obvious - Gennady Petrovich’s bald head was covered with thick hair. Boris Bolotov looks at least 30 years younger than his age. In general, the appearance should really reflect the recommendations that are put into practice by traditional healers. Kostina treats over 250 different diseases with celandine, ranging from nail fungus to cancer, sometimes referring to Bolotov and Malakhov, and also reprints and sends their recipes to print with distortion (p. 92). And she recommended and published quite a bit of nonsense, for example, in herbs - the number of herbs increases to 20 or more (p. 122), what healthy organism can withstand this, let alone a sick one, or smearing a sore gum with celandine immediately results in a quick cure (p. 33). The gums are a consequence, and the lesion under the tooth and celandine will not help here. So in our time, trying to treat people is absurd, to say the least. Although, after reading Neumyvakin about the benefits of such a universal remedy as hydrogen peroxide, which cures all diseases, as well as recommendations on how to wash as little as possible and citing his ancestors by name as an example, you will think about who is better a doctor or not a doctor. Neumyvakin in many of his recommendations completely forgot about contraindications, taking medications and collecting time. For example, hypertension is the destiny of middle and old age and, as a rule, everyone has cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal tract, pyelonephritis and other diseases, but the recommendation to take horseradish, radish, onion infusion with vodka, eating an onion on an empty stomach most likely even the health of a healthy person may not be withstand, and for the patient - inquisition (p. 409). Let me give another example from page 384: “Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are cured by calamus root, even old and malignant ones.” After such a phrase from a doctor of medical sciences, the question arises: why then are there gastroenterological centers, departments in hospitals and simply gastroenterologists? The same goes for oat decoction, which dissolves gallstones well. Are all these people now unemployed? Paradox and nothing more. Bolotov is undoubtedly a talented physicist, chemist, biologist, but as he himself says, I can only treat family and close friends because I do not have a medical education. But then a reasonable question is, what about healing and advisory publications? But all the same, innovation is undoubtedly welcomed as something new, and maybe something forgotten old, yes, if it still helps sick people, that’s great.
Living in Central Asia, he was an eyewitness and accomplice in the collection of medicinal herbs. My own grandmother treated relatives and friends. After her death, my dear aunt began to do this. And this was in the early 50s. I remember how Aunt Olya and I collected celandine along the rapeseed field in the spring and summer and then she made kvass with whey and ayran and even kumis (borrowed from the healer Janibek from the village, to whom we sometimes went) and much more, in the fall and In winter, I remember cutting up pieces of sugar beets and throwing them into jars instead of sugar, and taking various cakes was a common thing; my father swallowed them several times a year. But he died anyway from a stomach disease. Another Aunt Zhenya, 60 years ago, tried to dissolve stones with chicken bile in the gallbladder, I remember swallowing it for a long time, it didn’t dissolve, an operation was required, by the way, I know many people who have not used any kind of bile, including your humble servant - oxalate stones do not dissolve, clots do. It is no secret that in Central Asia not only vegetables and nuts are salted, but also watermelons and even melons, and in teahouses they drink salted tea, in Buryatia and Mongolia they also drink salted milk. I remember that Aunt Olya had something wrong with her kidneys, so she had to dig up mulberry roots and peel off the bark of aspen trees that grew along the bank of the Karasuk, from which she also prepared kvass and infusions. I remember how Janibek, before recommending treatment, asked about the acidity of my father’s stomach. The semi-literate, almost 90-year-old healer raised the question of the acidity of gastric juice as the basis of his angle. Moreover, he also mixed sulfuric and hydrochloric acids with vinegars. But none of them called kvass and balms by their own names, because all this was taken from the directories of healers of the mid-18th century, still published in the Old Church Slavonic language, because they honored their memory. Yes, indeed, such laconic sayings appeared there as before meals, after meals, and sometimes their absence. But almost two centuries have passed, and they are present in the same form in the publications of many modern folk healers. In many ways, there is no longer any need to reinvent the wheel; it was invented a long time ago, but it is necessary to competently, simply, intelligibly, based on the practical experience of the last century, methodically correctly give a comprehensive recommendation. The scanty, clumsy recommendations should remain with the ancient healers. It is no coincidence that I am emphasizing this. From books where almost all authors take the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract as the basis for the treatment of all diseases, and naturally in the foreground is the esophagus, stomach, then the duodenum, liver with gall bladder, and pancreas. Therefore, I will touch on the question that the woman asked the press secretary, manager, and maybe even the traditional healer Bolotov’s son on a remote forum about the treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis and catarrhal inflammation of the duodenal bulb, but instead of answering, he referred her to another healer. A specific question was asked, and here the “inflammation” or “disease” of the stomach and duodenum no longer goes away the old fashioned way,” a clear, competent recommendation for treatment is needed, but there was none.
I believe that in the gastrointestinal tract, which is the cornerstone of your recommendations, you need to realize yourself not at the level of the healer Janibek, but much deeper. The principle: “To teach, you don’t have to have deep knowledge of the subject” will not work, especially when atrophic gastritis such as hypertrophic, hyperplastic, polypous, hypersecretory and others, including ulcers, are present.
Reading the publications: “Bolotov’s Truths” (p. 71); “Bolotov’s Medicine” (pp. 85,86); “Health Pharmacy” (pp. 22, 175); “Five steps to immortality” (p. 70_; “Life according to Bolotov”; where a list of pain symptoms is listed with a dozen herbs and cereals in the source materials, some are duplicated. The method of treating the duodenum is weak, and the stomach can be said to be almost absent. In the method application of diversity.
For example: in “Bolotov’s Truths” - taking 2-4 tbsp of cakes. l. up to -3 times a day, that is, you don’t have to take it twice (again, when?); how long (before meals, before meals, just before meals?); enzyme 1 hour before meals, 0.5 cups (or maybe before taking the cakes?), before the meal itself, a few sips of aqua regia (sips come in 50 ml., 100 ml., and for how long?).
In the “Health Pharmacy” - before breakfast, 0.5-1 glass of juice (how much?), 2-4 tbsp. l. already 3 times a day, again for how long (before meals, before meals, just before meals?), to relieve the “Inflammatory process” 1 hour before the procedures, drink 0.5 cups of enzyme, vodka is no longer available.
In “Five Steps to Immortality” press up to 3 times a table. spoons 1 time a day, when for (breakfast, lunch, dinner?). Then, after 30-40 minutes. after eating, sucking salt. Taking wormwood infusion. Cake 2-4 tablespoons on an empty stomach for a long time (when and how much?).
As in the song: “Guess it yourself.” Or, how to understand the phrases “On an empty stomach” or “To relieve inflammation”, “Inflammatory process” again, what? Up to “3 times a day”, and when (lunch, dinner - exclude?). "A few sips." Or “Before food, before food, before food itself” - phrases of healers of the 18th century. Now about the cakes - the drier the better they absorb the juice, they cannot be chewed, they can be stored for 14 days in the refrigerator, in another publication - it is better to take them freshly squeezed with sour cream. Or this duality: “When treating the stomach and 12p. Do not drink intestinal juices, or drink them at night.” Let's return to the cake, is one tablespoon flush with the edges, a small mound, or a large one, when it falls off the edges? First you need to know the exact volume in the spoon, and then you can probably roll the volume into balls. Not an unimportant factor. Where are the rational grains? In the books, for some reason the narration comes from one person or another, maybe that’s why there is such a discrepancy in recommendations, mind you, for the same disease. Or maybe forgetfulness about what was written earlier. The distinction between the stomach and duodenum regarding recovery is vaguely visible, especially the order of what comes first? What break? The position of pain symptoms and raw materials with the listing of flowers, herbs and grains is not entirely clear. Since each treatment should begin with restoration and is carried out quite universally with the help of cakes, juices and enzymes, what to do with the starting material for treatment, although you probably need to understand restoration - this is the first step of treatment, and to consolidate the second step, the starting material is given for complete cure according to the pain symptom. There are no clear recommendations for specific diagnoses, but human health is at stake.
In the book “Treatment of the Cardiovascular System”, for some reason, several lines are devoted directly to the heart in the section: “Treatment of heart disease” (p. 27), and this is an hour before the steam room consumption of 50-100g. pig hearts, drink kvass within 15 minutes and consume 0.1 g daily. gray jaundice powder. How to use it and when is not said. What if a person has angina or stenosing coronary sclerosis, heart valves?
In the section “Vascular wall thickness” (p. 78). It starts with the restoration of housing and communal services. With a salt balance, it is not clear when to take 1 g of salt, followed by sea kale? What is the free space for whey if a 3-liter jar is filled with millet?
Link to the section “Cardiac arrhythmia”. There is also a link to it for such a terrible disease as a heart attack, and this is 1. Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract (you need to understand the standard, I have already discussed above). Ferment the juices and drink them in the form of kvass (how much and when?). 2.Start eating seaweed. 3. Enzymes on Adonis (jaundice) 2-3 times a day before meals (in what quantity?). 4. Kvass from grapes (blueberries, strawberries, mulberries) without the norm one hour after eating. Is it difficult to perceive volume? 5. A month after using enzymes, diaphoretic procedures. 6. Eliminate alcohol and vegetable oils. 7. Massage. 8. Use beets, peas, oats, potatoes, burdock, radishes in sour form (how much, in what quantity?).
Treatment of an equally dangerous stroke - there is a reference to “thrombophlebitis” (p. 73). And this is 1. Strong alkalization for 1-2 days. 2.Strong oxidation 1-month. 3. Apply hot compresses from black radish for 2-3 weeks (from cake, juice, slices?). Take 2 tablespoons of natural gastric juice every hour, more if the body requires it (in the form of thirst or what?).
In the section on “Intestinal Hypertension”, how long does it take to take the cakes, how much dough to use, when to use enzymes, kvass?
If a sick person with the help of such treatments cures gastrointestinal and heart diseases, honor and praise, but that is unlikely. In the books there is no clear and precise method of treatment (everything is kind of clumsy) that is understandable to a sick person. Bolotov is not a physician, but he identified and grouped the areas of treatment for many diseases, and you doctors, whose names appear on the covers of publications along with Bolotov, simply had to develop in the most detailed manner a treatment method for at least the following points:
1. Specific diagnosis.
4. Purpose and clear delineation (sequence, break) in the treatment of organs. 5. Feelings at the beginning of treatment, during treatment, at the end of treatment.
6. Time of year for treatment.
7. Treatment for concomitant diseases.
8. Temporary reception indicators (reception in minutes), differentiation.
9.Quantity upon receipt.
10. Proper nutrition over time (duration).
And the recommendation about growing new teeth, eyes, and limbs using celandine juice can only discredit it in the eyes of readers. We have thousands without eyes, tens of millions without teeth, and currently without various limbs. Yes, after two and a half years of war, at least 70 percent of disabled people, according to this recommendation, should no longer be disabled. So that this does not look crazy, it is necessary to show at least 100 people in the healing media according to the methods of these recommendations. Involve the programs: “Concerns everyone” - A. Danilevich, “Ukraine Speaks” - A. Sukhanova and others. For the sake of such sensations, a green carpet will be laid out in front of you. Show it to the whole of Ukraine, otherwise everything is somehow in the backyard. And then there will be no such answers, especially from doctors, and Bolotov is an old man who has survived out of his mind, and the vast majority do not even know who he is. And I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t gone into the store because of the rain. Malakhov is known much more because he is a frequent guest on TV screens. And where are you, dear healers of Ukraine, and for some reason you publish in Russia, you don’t have your own publishing houses, do you really have to depend on another state even for this? It’s a shame for the country and you.
