How to dilute egg powder for baking. Calorie content Egg powder. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Cooking a lush omelet: step-by-step instructions

Egg powder (dry melange) is a semi-finished product consisting of carefully mixed yolks and whites, dried and heat-treated.

Interesting! The name for egg powder comes from the French word "Melange", which translates to "mixture".


The production of egg powder begins with select chicken eggs being mechanically peeled and the whites and yolks thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous mass. Then the resulting egg mass is filtered.

After filtration, the egg mass is pasteurized to ensure the microbiological purity of the final product. The last step in the production of egg powder is hot air drying.

Depending on the type of equipment and technology used for drying egg powder, there are:

  • drying egg powder FMU
  • Spray Dried Egg Powder

The difference between the final products is that FMU egg powder has larger particle sizes.

Fact! One kilogram of dry melange can replace about 90 fresh chicken eggs.


Egg powder has all the culinary characteristics of a regular chicken egg. Dry melange is widely used both in home cooking and in industrial food production for the production of a wide variety of confectionery products, baked goods, sweets, mayonnaise, semi-finished meat products and other products that contain chicken eggs.


Egg powder must have the following characteristics:

  • smell and taste, natural egg
  • absence of any impurities
  • the color of the entire mass is uniform yellow, but can vary from light to bright shades
  • The structure is powdery, the formation of lumps is acceptable, which disintegrate with slight pressure.

In addition, dry melange must meet established standards in terms of mass fraction, solubility, fat, protein content, moisture and acidity.

Interesting! Egg powder dissolves well in water and other liquids. Recommended use: the ratio of dry melange to water or other liquid is 1:4.


Egg powder has a number of advantages:

  • simplicity and ease of use
  • long shelf life compared to fresh eggs
  • the absence of pathogenic bacteria that can harm the human body, since the production of the product uses heat treatment with exposure to high temperatures
  • the entire complex of vitamins and microelements contained in chicken eggs is preserved. Dry melange contains a set of vitamins of groups A, E, B, PP, beta carotene, as well as such important trace elements as magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, sodium, molybdenum and others.


There is an opinion about the possible harm of egg powder to human health. The main reason for the possible negative impact of dry melange is the high concentration of various elements that make up the eggs themselves.

An excess of any substance in the human body can lead to internal imbalance and, as a result, malaise.


The shelf life of dry melange at an air temperature not exceeding +20°C and a relative humidity not exceeding 75% is limited to 6 months; at a storage temperature equal to or below +2°C and a relative humidity not exceeding 60-70%, the shelf life can increase to two years.

If storage conditions are violated, egg powder becomes unusable. Signs of an unusable product:

  • poor solubility. Occurs when temperature and humidity conditions are violated during storage
  • the product has turned brown. Occurs during fat oxidation
  • change in taste. Occurs when the temperature conditions of storage or production technology are violated.

Important! After diluting dry melange in liquid, it cannot be stored.

Energy value of the product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 46g. (∼ 184 kcal)

Fat: 37g. (∼ 333 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 4g. (∼ 16 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 33% | 61% | 2%

Egg powder

Egg powder is a concentrated food product made from chicken eggs by drying the egg mass (white and yolk) together. Powdered eggs last longer than eggs.

Overall, powdered eggs are a good substitute for eggs. Its chemical composition is in no way inferior to fresh eggs. Egg powder is actively used in the production of confectionery and semi-finished meat products. You can buy egg powder in a regular store, but you should store it dry.

Egg powder calories

The calorie content of egg powder is 542 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of egg powder

The composition of egg powder includes water, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and fats make up more than 30%.

In terms of nutritional value, 280 grams of egg powder replaces 1 kg of eggs.

Powdered eggs retain almost all the vitamins and minerals contained in eggs. It retains all its nutritional properties and vitamins A, D, B, B2, B12. It contains minerals: phosphorus, sulfur, iron, zinc.

Egg powder is good for the skin, helps strengthen and grow hair and nails.

Differences between egg powder and eggs and its safety

Egg powder is made from fresh chicken eggs in special roller or spray dryers. When dried, the egg mass loses moisture, but the egg white does not coagulate and the egg mass is well restored when mixed with warm water.

Powdered eggs differ from eggs in that they do not contain salmonella and are a completely safe product containing antibacterial protection. This product, unlike eggs, has a long shelf life, retains all the beneficial properties of eggs and is easy to use.

A good egg powder does not contain impurities, has a taste and color similar to a fresh egg, from light yellow to bright yellow, uniform throughout the mass. There may be lumps that should break up easily.

Egg powder has a number of specific properties due to the climatic characteristics of the region where the poultry farm is located, the feed used, the type of drying of the egg powder, etc. As a result, egg powder from different poultry farms, corresponding to GOST 30363-96, may differ in individual organoleptic and physico-chemical properties.

Egg powder

Energy value per 100 g


Did you know that you can dry not only fish, vegetables, milk, mushrooms or fruits, but also chicken eggs. Powdered eggs or dry melange can be considered a real culinary breakthrough or an important discovery for the entire food industry as a whole. Before they began to produce egg powder (dry melange), the so-called industrial cooking used exclusively fresh eggs.

Unlike eggs, egg powder (dry melange) is easy to transport without loss or damage. In addition, the product retains its taste and, in addition, its distinctive consumer properties over a fairly long period of time. The composition of egg powder (dry melange) includes a mixture of whites and yolks. Chicken eggs are mechanically removed from their shells and then mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting mass of egg yolks and whites is called melange.

At a further stage in the production of egg powder, the melange is filtered and then only dried using spray technology. The end result is a food product called egg powder (dry melange), which is widely used in the production of confectionery, sweets, as well as baked goods and many other finished culinary products.

It is worth noting that the composition of egg powder (dry melange) does not contain compounds and microorganisms harmful to the human body, since the product undergoes heat treatment under the influence of high temperatures. Due to its distinctive properties, egg powder (dry melange) is perfectly soluble in water.

The calorie content of egg powder (dry melange) may vary slightly within the average range. In turn, the average caloric content of egg powder (dry melange) per 100 grams of product is 542 Kcal. It is worth noting that just one kilogram of egg powder (dry melange) can replace 90 fresh chicken eggs.

Egg powder: Useful properties.

We think that the above data is important evidence of the benefits of egg powder (dry melange) for food manufacturers. However, in addition to production factors, the benefits of egg powder (dry melange) also extend to the human body.

The thing is that egg powder (dry melange) contains a concentrate of biologically active compounds that are originally contained in chicken eggs. Egg powder is enriched with vitamins A, B, E, as well as PP. In addition, the composition of egg powder contains elements such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, as well as phosphorus and molybdenum.

Egg powder: Harmful properties.

It is worth noting that there is information about the dangers of egg powder (dry melange) for the human body. Egg powder (dry melange) can cause harm only if a large amount of the product is regularly consumed. In addition, egg powder (dry melange) contains some compounds, if they are in excess in the human body, they can cause adverse consequences.

Powdered eggs: Vitamins.

Egg powder contains: Vitamin A (A) 0.9 mg, Vitamin PP (PP) 1.2 mg, Beta-carotene 0.3 mg, Vitamin A (RE) (A (RE)) 950 mcg, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) (B1) 0.25 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (B2) 1.64 mg, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) (B5) 4 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) (B6) 0.17 mg, Vitamin B9 (folic acid) (B9) 8 mcg, Vitamin E (TE) (E (TE)) 2.1 mg, Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) (PP) 13.2 mg, Choline 900 mg

Tags: Egg powder, egg, powder, eggs

carbohydrates g.

All about the varieties and benefits of egg melange

The word "melange" is translated from French as "mixture". Therefore, egg melange is a homogeneous mass of eggs without films or shells. Externally, it is a semi-liquid yellow or yellowish-orange mass.

The nutritional value of egg powder is very high. Just 280 g of this product replaces 1 kg of eggs. It contains a significant amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, egg powder is actively used in the preparation of various dishes.

Pancakes based on egg powder

Pancakes based on egg powder turn out very tasty, crispy and thin. In addition, they always have a golden color.

What do you need:
50 g sugar
500 ml milk
300 ml water
30 g egg powder
10 g yeast
900 g flour
5 g salt
70 ml vegetable oil

How to make pancakes using egg powder:

1. Take sifted flour, mix with salt, granulated sugar, egg powder and yeast. Pour warm milk over all these ingredients and mix thoroughly. Cover everything with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes.

2. Pour water into the swollen yeast mass and whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk. It is necessary to obtain a dough with a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Add vegetable oil there, stir again and you can bake pancakes in a frying pan.

Omelette with mushrooms

The omelette with mushrooms, which is prepared on the basis of egg powder, turns out to be very tasty and airy.

What do you need:
300 ml milk
10 g flour
40 g egg powder
100 g mushrooms
1 onion
50 g butter
salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook an omelette with mushrooms:

1. Pour the egg powder into a bowl, add flour, salt, pepper and milk. Whisk the ingredients using a whisk. It is necessary that there are no lumps in the resulting mass. Leave everything for 10-15 minutes to swell.

2. During this time you will need to peel and finely chop the onion. Be sure to fry it in butter until golden brown. Add chopped champignons there and keep the ingredients on the fire for another 5 minutes. Then pour the egg mixture over everything, reduce the heat and cover the frying pan with a lid.

3. Cook the omelette for 7-10 minutes until golden brown.

Apple cakes

You can make apple pies using egg powder.

What do you need:
75 g peeled almonds
2 apples
200 g sugar
100 g margarine
100 g egg powder
400 g flour
1.5 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp soda
100 ml cider

How to make apple cakes:

1. Take almonds and grind with a blender.

2. Wash the apples and chop them finely.

3. Beat softened margarine with sugar. It is necessary to obtain a creamy mass with a uniform consistency. Then add cider, egg powder, soda, cinnamon and flour to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Divide the dough into greased molds and add a few pieces of apples.

5. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20-25 minutes.

Powdered eggs aren't your thing? Then prepare super-fashionable poached and cocotte eggs! A detailed master class is conducted by chef Vasily Emelianenko.

Powdered milk is traditionally considered the only substitute for regular milk. Therefore, when purchasing such a product, you need to know how to dilute powdered milk and whether it will then taste the same as regular milk from a package. The prevailing opinion is that powdered milk is a surrogate and has no benefit. But this myth can easily be dispelled by the fact that it is powdered milk enriched with vitamins and minerals that is the basis for all infant formulas.

How to properly dilute milk powder

As you know, before the appearance of infant formula in such a large assortment as it is now, it was powdered milk that was the only source of protein for athletes. This product was often replaced by “Malysh” porridge, which tastes like powdered milk with added sugar.

Powdered milk concentrate has a number of beneficial properties. It is obtained by evaporating regular milk, preserving all the beneficial properties, fat content and vitamins of the original product. Thus, if you know how to dilute powdered milk in the correct proportion, you can get an absolutely natural dairy product.

There are several types of milk powder on sale:

  • 456 kcal per 100 grams of product - whole milk powder;
  • 375 kcal per 100 grams of product - skim milk powder;
  • instant milk powder.

The purpose of creating a product such as milk powder was to preserve its beneficial properties. In the cookbooks of good old England of the 18th century there were already the first recipes with the addition of powdered milk to traditional puddings. These recipes have survived to this day practically unchanged, and now sachet puddings and other types of quick baked goods consist of a mixture of powdered milk and powdered eggs. To prepare the right tasty drink, you need to know how to dilute powdered milk to the desired consistency so that the resulting substance does not differ from milk in color, smell or taste.

Proportions, how to dilute milk powder

To dilute milk powder, you need to boil clean water and cool it to 60-70°C. When the water has cooled, use a tablespoon to measure 3 tablespoons per glass of liquid with a volume of 200 ml. This is the standard proportion for diluting powdered milk; for 1 liter of water you need 100-150 grams of powdered milk. This dilution produces regular milk with a fat content of 2.5%.

If you like a more rich taste of milk or a less rich one, drink diluted milk, then you need to change the proportion. Take 2 level tablespoons per glass of water to get diluted milk, and to get a rich taste you need to dilute the milk powder at the rate of 4 tablespoons per 200 ml of warm water.

Many people who are losing weight ask the question: is it possible to have carrots and milk powder on a diet? Skim milk is, of course, possible, it is rich in calcium and protein, and is an essential element of dietary nutrition.

Egg powder is a natural product, an affordable source of proteins and biologically active substances. It can be used to make omelets, as an important ingredient in sauces, dough and other culinary recipes. In the production of this valuable semi-finished product, high temperatures are used, so the powder is not only convenient to use, but also safe for health.

How to make an omelette from powdered eggs

Before you begin implementing various recipes involving egg powder, you need to clarify the required ratio of ingredients in the dish. As a rule, only 150 g of dry semi-finished product can replace a dozen large chicken eggs.

For one serving of omelet you will need the following amount of ingredients:

Egg powder - 1 tablespoon; - milk - 1/3 cup; - butter (10 g).

Before use, dilute the omelette powder in boiled milk, cooled to 50°C and let it swell for half an hour. Add it to the liquid in small portions, stirring with a spoon and kneading the resulting lumps.

To make an omelette made from egg powder especially fluffy, some gourmets replace milk with carbonated mineral water. Carbon dioxide bubbles evaporate during frying, and the dish rises well

Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve until it is completely homogeneous, pour into a greased hot frying pan and cook as you would a regular omelet. This dish can also be prepared in a double boiler by placing a bowl of egg and milk mixture on a wire rack. Alternatively, you can add grated cheese to this mixture with baking soda on the tip of a knife.

The semi-finished product can replace raw eggs when preparing homemade mayonnaise, baked goods and sauces. Store it for no more than 12–18 months in a cool place, avoiding temperatures above +20°C. Keep away from moisture

Egg Powder Cookies

Before baking, it is recommended to sift the dry semi-finished product so that the dough is soft and homogeneous. Dilute it in a small amount of warm boiled water, let it brew for 30 minutes, then beat it with granulated sugar using a mixer. To bake cookies, you need the following products:

Wheat flour (3 cups); - egg powder (2 tablespoons); - water for diluting the semi-finished product (4 tablespoons); - butter with a fat content of 80–82.5% (250 g); - granulated sugar (1.5 cups ); - a pinch of baking soda and vanillin.

Place melted butter with a fat content of at least 80%, a small amount of vanilla and baking soda into the sweet egg mass. Carefully add the sifted premium wheat flour and knead the dough. Cook it until it becomes very cool and no longer sticks to your hands.

Pass the dough through a meat grinder, then place the rolled ropes in cookie-shaped portions on a baking sheet greased and lined with parchment paper. Bake the treat in the oven for 15 minutes at 200°C. Before serving the finished cookies, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Powdered eggs are an essential ingredient in many types of baked goods. Breeding egg powder is much more profitable than buying chicken eggs, which have a short shelf life. It replaces eggs even in omelettes, especially on an industrial scale, where it is not possible to separately assign a team of workers to break chicken eggs. Egg powder is a mixture of white and yolk, which has the appearance of a yellowish substance.

How to dilute egg powder in proportion

To prepare a replacement for regular eggs, you must maintain the correct proportion of liquid and dilute the egg powder correctly. The usual proportion for diluting this convenient product is:

  • 200 ml liquid;
  • 3 tablespoons of powder.

This is how you need to dilute egg powder if you use it as a base for baking. This proportion replaces 2-3 eggs according to the recipe, so if necessary, you need to reduce or increase the proportion.

For those who actively bake various cakes and buns, there is no need to constantly buy chicken eggs. After purchasing such a semi-finished product, you don’t have to worry about constantly replenishing your supply of eggs. Simply dilute egg powder to the desired proportion and enjoy preparing your favorite desserts.

Melange (that’s what this product is called) is especially good for making casseroles, biscuits and dough that has a liquid consistency.

How to dilute egg powder for omelettes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eggs for breakfast are recommended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition ( Nutritionists recommend cooking an omelet for breakfast. The omelette will turn out especially tasty if you prepare it from the melange mixture. To prepare, you need to take a deep bowl and milk with a fat content of 2.5% or higher. Since in a regular omelet the fresh yolk adds fat, to prepare this dish from powder you need to dilute the egg powder in full-fat milk or add a little cream.

The proportion for dilution is as follows: for 1 glass of milk, 2 heaped tablespoons of powder, and all other ingredients can be added to taste.

How to dilute egg powder for baking

If the recipe calls for 5 eggs, then you need to follow the proportion: dilute the egg powder at the rate of 2 heaped tablespoons = 1 egg. For every three spoons of powder you need to take 200 ml of liquid.

It is important that the water or milk is warm so that the powder becomes an egg mass faster. It should be used in the same way as you would normally add eggs to baked goods.

If there is any leftover after making puree, you can mix it with egg powder for a delicious baked omelet.
