How to brew ground coffee in a cup? important features. How to properly brew coffee without a Turk and a coffee maker How to properly brew ground coffee beans

True coffee connoisseurs prefer to brew in a Turkish coffee pot, or at least in a coffee maker. Natural ground coffee brewed in a cup is, of course, not as good as a drink prepared in accordance with the rules, but it is also better than instant coffee.

You need

  • finely ground coffee;
  • kettle
  • cup or glass with thick walls;
  • lid for a bowl or dish;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. A cup of coffee brews quite quickly, so use finely ground coffee - the recovery rate is much faster, so the drink will be more aromatic and tasty. Some manufacturers make packaging and finely ground coffee with the words "For brewing in a cup"
  2. It is better to choose a thick ceramic cup for brewing coffee. It would be good to keep warm, otherwise the water will get cold before brewing the coffee. To heat a cup, pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes or simply hold it under running hot tap water.
  3. Place one to two teaspoons of ground coffee into a cup. If you drink coffee with sugar, add sugar and this will help you keep the coffee grounds at the bottom. If you want, you can add spices: a pinch of ground cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg. It would be advisable to add a few grains of salt: they soften the taste of the coffee.
  4. Pour boiling water into a glass. The optimal temperature for making coffee is 96-98͐ ℃, but while the stream is pouring from the kettle into the cup, the liquid has time to cool slightly.
  5. Stir and quickly cover with a lid (you can use a plate). Wait about two or three minutes and remove the lid. There is no need to stir the mixture and pick off the grounds that have settled at the bottom - small particles of coffee getting on the tongue can ruin the pleasure.

If you decide to brew coffee, then you are already moving in the wrong direction. Coffee is not boiled, but brewed, and the water should not be brought to a boil, but it is better if its temperature does not exceed +96 degrees.

The simplest and most versatile way to make coffee is to brew it in a Turkish coffee pot or using a coffee maker.

The conical shape of the Turka is explained by the fact that during brewing the narrow neck contributes to the formation of a beautiful thick foam. Then the drink fully conveys its aroma and unique taste. In addition, the narrow neck is explained by the long traditions of making Turkish coffee. As mentioned above, you need to brew coffee at a temperature that is below the boiling point.

Quite often when brewing coffee you have to deal with the problem of boiled over coffee. This usually happens when we start talking on the phone or leave the kitchen for a minute. That is why brewing this magnificent drink should be made into a tradition.

To brew coffee, you need to pour the required amount of ground product into a coffee pot, then add a spoonful of granulated sugar, and then pour water over it all.

To enhance the taste and aroma properties, just add a pinch of cinnamon or cocoa to the heating liquid. Also, some gourmets use a small pinch of regular table salt for these purposes.

To do this, use one teaspoon of coffee per medium cup of water. Some coffee lovers prefer a more extreme sensation, so they use not one, but two, three or four spoons of coffee to prepare. In such cases, it may be recommended to consult a doctor, since heart problems with such standards are inevitable.

If you have purchased several types of coffee, you can try mixing them in proportions that are comfortable for you. But at the same time, you need to ensure that the coffee varieties are of similar quality. If you mix cheap coffee with a more expensive variety, then all the taste characteristics of the latter will be lost. Also, to improve the taste of coffee, real gourmets use not enameled ones, but exclusively in copper Turks.

Methods for brewing ground coffee in a cup

If you don’t want to waste time on the entire brewing process in a Turk or coffee maker, then you can learn how to brew ground coffee in a cup. There are several ways to make this coffee.

Most often, coffee lovers prefer Brazilian, Polish and Cuban brewing. The first option is the most professional approach. For 9 g of coarsely ground coffee you need to take 100 ml of water. The water temperature should not be higher than 92 degrees.

This is an open Brazilian method used by professional tasters. The coffee should be brewed in the cup for no more than 4 minutes, after which the top crust is removed.

Polish coffee

In Warsaw-style coffee, the coffee crust is not removed, so not every person may like this drink. In addition, when brewing, the cup is covered with a saucer.

Cuban coffee

Cuban coffee has a completely different brewing method. About 13 g of finely ground coffee is poured with two tablespoons of sugar and then poured with boiling water. The drink is prepared in a faceted glass. Then, for the brightest taste and aroma, you can add a drop of rum to the coffee and light all this splendor with a good Cuban cigar.

Turks, Arabs, and Austrians also have their own ways of making coffee. Thus, Turkish coffee can be prepared in two ways. Sometimes ground grains are mixed with sugar and poured directly into boiling water, but more often the cold method is used, that is, cold water is used to prepare the drink. The coffee is not brought to a boil, and the procedure for heating the drink is carried out 2-3 times.

Arabic coffee

Arabic coffee is prepared using a different method. First, fry the sugar in a bowl until it burns, then add water, bring everything to a boil, and then just add the required amount of coffee. In Austria, coffee preparation is always accompanied by the addition of cream and grated chocolate. Using the same principle, you can prepare ice cream. And instead of cream, you can serve ice cream for dessert. A scoop of vanilla ice cream is placed in a glass and served to guests before it melts.

How to brew ground coffee in a Turkish coffee pot?

Many people know how to brew ground coffee in a Turk. But not everyone does it right. First, the Turk is rinsed with boiling water, and only after that coffee, sugar to taste and water are added. If you like to drink iced coffee, you can use a different brewing method. It will require half a kilogram of coffee and cold water.

Everything is mixed well, after which it is infused for 2 days; then this extract can be diluted with cold or hot water, and it can also be used to add to desserts or other products. Usually the extract is diluted with 100-150 ml of water.

When all the secrets of making real delicious coffee are known, you need to make sure that the drink is tasty, aromatic and healthy not only in your home, but also in a restaurant or cafe.

You can check the quality of any coffee using the espresso method. If the espresso is prepared correctly, this means that other types of coffee in this establishment are excellent.

A good espresso is recognized by its crema. It should be walnut brown with orange streaks. The foam should have veins in the form of a mesh, and it itself can be so dense that grains of sugar will remain on its surface.

Too dark or light foam cannot be considered a good sign. Most likely, the coffee beans were over-roasted or ground too finely. Naturally, fine glass is not bad, but everything must be in moderation, otherwise all the taste properties of this divine drink are lost.

So, now you know that even expensive coffee can be ruined by improper preparation. Real good coffee is velvety, soft and slightly viscous. It lingers on the palate with a pleasant aftertaste. You need to select grains for preparing the drink only in specialized stores, and it should only be in grains. You can grind it either in the store itself or yourself.

is a ritual that promotes the magical transformation of water into a divine drink.

How to brew coffee at home? To do this, several conditions must be met.

Before making coffee

First of all, you need to purchase a vessel for brewing coffee - a Turk. It is best if it is copper. In Turkey, where they understand good coffee, it is prepared in copper cezves.

Ceramic pots also give good results, but the drink continues to boil in them even after it is removed from the stove, which can ruin the taste of the coffee.

Due to the porosity of the material, only one type of coffee can be prepared in a ceramic pot, otherwise the flavors will mix.

Preference should be given to a Turk with a narrow neck: it will better preserve the aroma and taste of the drink. The capacity of the cezve should be designed for 1-2 coffee cups, since a good drink can only be freshly prepared.

It is necessary to stock up on high-quality water: it must be clean and fresh. You can buy it in a store or bring it from a spring.

Remember that the taste of coffee largely depends on the quality of water.

It is better to purchase freshly roasted ones in a good store. They must be ground before cooking. If you don’t have a special mill, you can use the store’s free service when purchasing: coffee will be ground with high quality, using professional equipment.

Buy coffee in small quantities and store it in containers with tightly sealed lids.

Making coffee in Turkish

How to brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot?

Remember that the drink will lose both taste and aroma. Therefore it you don’t need to “cook”, but “brew”.

    • Pour ground coffee into the cezve (one heaped teaspoon is enough for one coffee cup with a capacity of 50 ml).
    • To prepare a sweet drink, sugar is placed in.
    • Pour in cold water.
    • Place the cezve over very low heat.
    • Wait for the drink components to warm up thoroughly.
    • Actively stir the contents of the cezve (only once). The result of mixing will be the appearance of light foam.
    • As the drink matures, the foam will begin to darken. Having noticed the appearance of the first bubbles and the rise of foam along the edges of the cezve, remove it from the heat.

      Boiling the drink is unacceptable!

  • Pour the coffee into cups so as not to damage the foam: this is the “face” of the drink. It contains many aromatic and taste accents.

Coffee ingredients

You can first pour sugar into the cezve and fill it with water and bring it to a boil. With this method of preparation sugar is used to soften water, thanks to which the coffee will better reveal its taste and aroma.

After removing the cezve from the heat, add ground coffee and stir vigorously until a fluffy foam is obtained. As soon as it begins to settle, put the cezve back on low heat and bring the drink to a boil.

If you like a rich taste, the process of heating the drink can be repeated several times.

In order to to get coffee with a hint of caramel, you can pour sugar into the cezve and keep it on the fire for a while: until it starts to melt (but not burn).

By adding ground ginger, salt, and cinnamon to the cezve, you can add new flavors to the drink.

Making coffee in a coffee maker

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker?

Depending on the type, you need to decide on the degree of grinding of the coffee beans.

Powder that is too fine may clog the filter.

So, the order of execution of the operation is as follows.

    1. Insert the filter into the coffee maker.
    1. Take the required amount of coffee (based on the calculation: 1 teaspoon per serving) and pour it into the filter.

      Brew as many servings as you plan to drink.

    1. Using a special dispenser, measure the amount of water you need and pour it into the hole provided for this purpose.
    1. Insert the flask into the device and press the button that starts it.
    1. When the coffee maker stops releasing the drink, you can start tasting it.
  1. Many models of coffee makers allow you to drink coffee in separate portions, without waiting for the entire volume contained in it to be ready. In this case, the machine will beep.

How to brew ground coffee correctly

There are many cooking methods. Here's one of them.

    • Before preparing the drink, slightly warm the cezve by placing it on low heat.
    • Pour a few tablespoons of finely ground coffee into the cezve and heat it up a little more.
    • Pour the required amount of water into the heated cezve and slightly increase the heat. Add a pinch of salt or sugar to the drink. This will enhance its taste.
    • To prepare an exotic drink, you can add some spices (cloves, cardamom, cinnamon or vanilla).
    • At the first sign of bubbles and foam appearing, remove the cezve from the heat and use a circular rotation to knock off the foam. Place the cezve back on the fire and wait for a lush, stable foam to appear.
    • At the first signs of boiling, remove the cezve from the heat and, rotating it, stir the drink.

      It should stand for several minutes so that the settled coffee grounds have time to saturate it with their aroma.

  • Pour the finished drink into cups. You can add milk, sugar or cream if desired.

The best way to prepare a delicious drink is suitable Turk made of copper or silver.

Enameled cookware or containers made of steel or aluminum are absolutely not suitable.

    1. The taste of the drink largely depends on the quality of the water. It must be fresh and filtered.
    1. It is best to purchase coffee beans in specialized stores with a good reputation.
    1. It is advisable to grind coffee beans immediately before preparing the drink. You can do this in the store at the time of purchase.
  1. It is better to purchase coffee in small quantities and store it in a container with a ground-in lid.

The healing properties of natural coffee have been proven repeatedly. Among them is the ability to cleanse the liver, restore heart function, and prevent serious cancer. But besides this, the drink is wonderfully invigorating, so today we will tell you how to properly brew coffee in a Turk. As always, all manipulations are carried out at home, the technology is described step by step. Let's start!

Brewing coffee in a Turk correctly: “classic”

Brewing coffee in a Turk correctly will not be difficult if you consider the recipe step by step.

1. Rinse the Turk, add ground coffee beans into it. The calculation is as follows: for 150 ml. filtered water requires 1 teaspoon of raw material. Over time, you will experiment and find the ideal ratio for yourself.

2. If you need a sweet drink, add granulated sugar to your taste. Pour in water and place the Turk on the stove. Set the fire to minimum.

3. Do not stir the ingredients until bubbles begin to appear around the edges of the contents. The water is heated, particles of grains may float to the top, press them down with a spoon.

5. When the foam rises almost to the edges, catch this moment and remove the Turk from the heat. Do not allow intense bubbling under any circumstances.

6. The drink is ready! Cover the neck of the Turk with a saucer and let stand for 5 minutes. Before pouring the coffee, pour some cool water into the pot. The particles will settle and you will be able to fully enjoy the drink.


If you are interested in how to properly brew coffee in a Turk and get the most fluffy foam, at home they do things a little differently. When the foam rises almost to the edges, remove the appliance from the stove and let it fall. Bring until foamy again, remove from heat. Repeat steps 4 times. Do not damage the cap during pouring.

Recipes for brewing delicious Turkish coffee

There are quite a lot of variations on how to brew Turkish coffee correctly. You can choose cappuccino, Arabic or Turkish coffee, milk drink, etc.


1. Brew a coffee drink according to the classical scheme described above. Cover with a plate or Turkish lid and let it brew. During this time, take care of the milk.

2. Pour it into a saucepan, heat it, beat it into a foamy head using a mixer or blender.

3. Pour coffee into mugs 1/3 of the total volume. Add the same amount of milk that remained at the bottom of the bowl while whisking. Before serving, spoon the foam into the cup with a tablespoon. Garnish with cocoa or cinnamon, try it!

Coffee with milk

1. The ratio is that for 50 ml. Milk requires 1 teaspoon of ground coffee beans.

2. Pour milk into the Turk and bring to 50-55 degrees. Add coffee and return to the stove.

3. Wait until the foam rises. Remove the composition, let the cap fall, return the Turk to the fire. Do these manipulations twice. Ready!

Arabic coffee

Before you begin the procedure, you must know how to brew coffee correctly. A drink prepared in Turk at home takes on interesting flavor notes.

1. Pour 20 grams into the Turk. granulated sugar. Warm over low heat until light caramel forms. Pour in boiling water and mix thoroughly. Add 25 gr. coffee and a pinch of nutmeg, salt, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.

2. Mix the mixture thoroughly and cook until the foam rises. Remove the drink from the heat and leave in the Turk for a while to infuse. Pour into cups.

Coffee with hazelnuts

Since it is not difficult to brew coffee correctly, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in a Turkish coffee pot. There should be quality raw materials at home.

1. Grind 100 gr. coffee beans and 30 hazelnuts. Next, the drink is brewed according to the standard procedure.

2. After preparation, 5 ml should be added to the coffee. fresh orange juice. This drink will not leave you indifferent.

Viennese coffee

1. Pour 3 grams into the Turk. vanilla and 20 gr. regular sugar, add 5 grams. orange zest. Place the container on the fire and wait for caramelization.

2. After this, enter 25 g. coffee and water. Continue cooking as usual. After the foam rises, remove the Turk from the heat and wait for infusion. This drink should be decorated with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Now you know how to properly brew Viennese coffee in a Turk. At home, you can often delight your loved ones with this drink.

Coffee with cinnamon

1. Pour 15 grams into the Turk. ground coffee, 2 gr. cinnamon and 6 gr. Sahara. Turn on the burner. After heating the components, pour in 130 ml. water.

2. Bring the drink to a boil, while making sure that the foam does not run away. Some of the coffee needs to be poured into a cup. Repeat the procedure.

3. As a result, you will receive a flavorful drink with lush foam. It’s easy to understand how to properly brew ground coffee with cinnamon in a Turkish coffee pot.

After reading this article, you will have no questions about how to properly brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot. The recipes are quite simple. Therefore, nothing prevents you from experimenting at home.

For many people, morning coffee is the only way to wake up. You go to the kitchen and discover that the coffee maker is broken. Or it became impossibly dirty. Or the lights were turned off. Most likely you don’t have a geyser coffee maker or Turkish coffee maker at home - what to do? You will have to brew an invigorating aromatic drink on your own.

Admittedly, we have all become very attached to coffee makers. However, in the past they did not exist, and coffee was brewed very differently. Coffee makers are a relatively new invention in the long history of coffee. So, if your device decides to fail at the most crucial moment, there are several ways to get good coffee and save your morning. So, how to brew coffee without a Turk and a coffee maker? Let's consider several ways.

Method 1. Ladle

Every home has a ladle like this with a handle, which is very convenient to heat up a portion of soup or boil water for tea. But perhaps you are not even aware of the unique abilities of this ladle to brew coffee. Of course, it is by no means comparable to the Turks, but still the drink in it turns out to be more tasty and aromatic than the one described in the subsequent methods. Therefore, whenever possible, always prefer a small bucket.

The method looks like this:

  1. Pour water into a ladle and place on the stove at high temperature. Make sure you use more water than you would use for a coffee maker.
  2. Add coffee to water and stir.
  3. Turn off the heat on your stove. It would be optimal to reduce it to medium or medium-high. At this temperature, you need to bring the coffee to a boil, stirring it from time to time.
  4. After your coffee has boiled, let it simmer for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove the ladle from the heat and turn off the stove. The coffee grounds should sink to the bottom.
  6. Let the coffee sit for 4 minutes.
  7. Slowly pour the coffee into the cup or use a ladle. The grounds should remain at the bottom of the ladle; there will be no special problems with filtration.

Method 2. Coffee maker filter

This method will really make you feel like an inventor since you have to use what you have on hand. It is best to have the coffee machine repaired or replaced, but if the only way your device is going to the landfill, then if you have the skills, you can try something more interesting.

For this method you will need access to a coffee filter (the coffee maker is broken) and some thread. If you plan to have the coffee machine repaired or replaced, then any old thread will do, just make sure that it is not nylon and will not dissolve in hot water. You can tear off the thread with the label from the tea bag if you have such tea at home. It will fit perfectly.

Here's how to use this method:

  1. Measure enough coffee for one cup and pour it into the filter.
  2. Wrap the filter tightly around the coffee and tie it with thread so that the end of the thread is quite long (something like a tea bag).
  3. Heat water using an electric kettle, a saucepan, or even a cup in the microwave.
  4. Place the coffee filter turned bag into an empty cup.
  5. Slowly pour hot water into the cup, being careful not to overfill it.
  6. Let the coffee brew for 4 minutes. If you prefer weaker coffee, try 2 to 3 minutes. For stronger coffee, increase the time to 5 or 6 minutes.
  7. Remove the filter and throw it away.

Method 3. Sieve

If you don't have a filter to brew your coffee and successfully extract the grounds, you can always use a small sieve. But you should understand that not just any old sieve will work. Make sure you use one with very small holes that will catch the coffee grounds and prevent them from going into the coffee mug. These small sieves are usually made for , so they don't often have holes big enough to hold coffee.

The method for creating such coffee is also quite simple:

  1. Measure out the required amount of water for your cup and heat this water in a kettle or saucepan.
  2. Immediately add the required amount of coffee. If you want the coffee to be weaker, add less raw material. In general, everything is standard.
  3. Heat the container until the water boils and let it simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Place the strainer over your cup and pour the coffee into the cup. The mesh filter will catch the grounds that come out of the container, but at the same time allow water to pass through.
  6. If the holes in the sieve are quite large, then the drink may need to be strained 2 times.

Method 4. Instant coffee

We are sure that many coffee lovers will completely refute the viability of this method and say that it is not real coffee. Perhaps they are right in some ways. But instant coffee is still an effective way to get your morning pick-me-up if there are no other options.

The method is known to every person, but we will still remind you of it:

  1. Heat the required amount of water in a microwave oven or kettle.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and turn it off immediately after.
  3. Measure out the required amount of instant coffee and place it in an empty cup.
  4. Pour hot water into a cup of instant coffee.
  5. Stir the coffee and water until the ingredients are properly dissolved.

Method 5. Ground coffee.

Everyone knows that capsules with ground coffee are prepared in special coffee machines. However, as a last resort, you can dilute the contents of the capsules in hot water. There is no question of any espresso, but what to do?

So the steps are as follows:

1. Open the capsule;

2. Pour boiling water over the cup;

3. Boil water in a kettle and wait a few minutes. Coffee is prepared in hot water, but not bubbling;

4. Pour coffee powder into a cup and add water, approximately 100 ml;

5. Cover the cup with a saucer;

6. Wait 3-4 minutes;

7. Add sugar and/or coffee spices to taste.

The drink is ready! Cheap and cheerful.


So, there are quite a few ways to brew coffee without a Turk and a coffee maker. If you didn't know about some of the methods described here, you can now take them on board. As a last resort, you can visit a coffee shop, but in the morning there is not always enough time for this. If you have a busy schedule, you only have a few minutes left to make coffee, and changing your route on the way to work is not possible.

In general, buy quality ones and they won’t break. You will never be able to encounter unforeseen circumstances that disrupt your morning exercise and plunge you into a state of panic.

The following materials may also be useful to you.
