What varieties of Miller variety exist in the world. Miller beer - “Good beer drink! Without bright beer bitterness." The history of the appearance of the Miller trademark

When considering options for intoxicating drinks in the store, be sure to pay attention to Miller beer. This is a collection of American foamy drinks, which today are produced and bottled in various parts of the world. The popularity of these products is due to their original taste characteristics, which give a pleasant impression from every sip. With this beer on hand, you will learn to enjoy every minute of your relaxation.

Miller brand products are presented on the market with a solid range of products, among which you will find both non-alcoholic beer drinks and prominent representatives of the classic beer. Moreover, each intoxicating drink is distinguished by its amazing taste and aroma characteristics, and therefore, every beer connoisseur will find an exquisite delight for personal tasting.

Composition of Miller beer

The main ingredients of each drink in the line are barley malt, hops, starch syrup and drinking water. In this case, special attention should be paid to vitamins. The manufacturing company made sure that consumers could obtain organic acids from alcohol, B vitamins, antioxidants, as well as a range of beneficial substances, including iron, potassium, phosphorus And so on.

How many degrees is there in Miller beer?

In alcoholic versions of hops, the strength varies from 4.5 to 4.6%.

Calorie content of Miller beer

100 grams of the product contain only 45 kcal, which allows you to taste Miller drinks even with a strict diet.


The external appearance of the drinks in the collection can be either light golden or soft brown. Everything depends directly on the recipe and cooking principles.


The aroma component is based on a delicate hop flavor, which is often enriched with a strong bread flavor.


Gastronomic indicators are expressed by a combination of malt and fruit-yeast nuances.

How to buy original intoxicating drink

When purchasing alcohol, every modern consumer today must pay utmost attention to the selection procedure. The amount of counterfeit products on the market today is systematically growing, which is why even when purchasing products from such famous brands as Miller Beer, you cannot be completely sure that you have the original intoxicating drink in your hands. In particular, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from counterfeiting, during the selection process try to pay attention to:

  • Place of purchase. Buy Miller only in specialized stores where customers can be provided with quality certificates. Most of the counterfeits occur in grocery stores and stalls, where customers are rarely interested in the availability of permits.
  • Quality of container design. When buying a product from a famous brand, study the appearance of the container. Modern Miller is bottled and canned. Moreover, the appearance of the product in both cases must be impeccable.

If you notice streaks of paint or dents on the can, or chipped glass and asymmetrically applied labels on the bottle, return them to the shelf. There is a high probability that you have a fake in your hands. The manufacturing company responsibly monitors each production stage, eliminating the possibility of manufacturing defects.

  • Liquid structure. The consistency of the branded foam should be free of impurities, sediment or turbidity. Drinks must have a perfectly even color and premium purity.

In addition to Russia, licensed production of Miller hops is also organized in Canada and Turkey.

How to serve

When getting to know one or another representative of the Miller brand, try to give preference to the classic principles of presentation. This way you can protect yourself from unpleasant experiences during the tasting process. Drinks from the famous company are poured into tall glasses at an angle of 45 degrees.

Pouring should be done slowly, directly along the walls of the container, so as not to raise high foam. In addition, before tasting it is necessary to cool the alcohol well. The optimal temperature at which the product will reveal its best tasting characteristics to you is considered to be a range of 5-10 degrees.

What products does it combine with?

Like good German beer, American Miller performs well in combination with a large number of dishes and snacks. In fact, every consumer can choose their own exclusive gastronomic accompaniment for the foam. Universal snacks for the company's drinks should be considered cold cuts, dried fish, chips and snacks.

The first canned Miller beer appeared in 1936.

Other uses

Having set yourself the goal of getting the most vivid and unique impressions from tasting intoxicating drinks, pay attention to the popular cocktails that can be created based on the foamy product. Mixes that are guaranteed to surround you with the desired emotions during the tasting process include Green Dragon, Devilish and Royal Purple.

What types of this drink are there?

Famous brand beer can give every taster bright and unforgettable emotions. And this fact is justified not only by the use of high-quality ingredients, but also by the variety of products in the assortment. The most prominent representatives of the line of the eminent company include the following products:

Historical reference

In 2016, at the World Beer Cup, two Miller products won prestigious awards: Miller Lite received gold, and Miller High Life received silver.

The producer of Miller beer in Russia is Efes Rus, which today is one of the four leading producers on the Russian market. The organization has 6 factories where they produce excellent intoxicating drinks. Miller beer itself has American-German roots. Today it is produced by SABMiller, which was founded in 1855 as the Miller Brewing Company. At the origins of the company was the German Frederick J. Miller, who moved to America in search of a better life.

According to legend, when the migrant set foot on US soil, all he had in his pocket was German brewer's yeast. They say that this particular type of yeast is used by enterprises where the popular foam is brewed to this day. Since 2016, the rights to the trademark have been owned by the Canadian company Molson Coors Brewing Company, which is the property of the Anheuser-Busch Inbev corporation. The value of the merger deal was $104 billion.

The unique combination implemented in the gastronomic and aromatic characteristics of Miller brand products has allowed these products to gain a confident position in the hearts of modern connoisseurs of delicate foam. These products can be enjoyed either during a personal home tasting or at a party with your best friends. Moreover, they can be used to make a large number of cocktails that can become a memorable addition to any event. Visit your nearest alcohol market today to buy several bottles or cans of aromatic intoxicating drinks that have proven themselves to be the best among consumers all over the planet.

History of the beer company Miller begins in 1855, in the USA, in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Carl West founded the brewery Plank Road Brewery. In the same year, it was purchased for $8,000 by 31-year-old German emigrant Frederick Miller, who arrived in America a year earlier. From this time the name appeared Miller Brewing(Miller's Brewing). The brewery's convenient location provided direct access to raw materials grown on neighboring farms. The young owner managed in a short time to turn his company into the main beer producer in the region and then, for almost a century, maintain a leading position and conquer new markets also in other countries. Although it was not so easy to take the position of national leader.

In 1965, the company ranked 11th in beer sales in the country, producing more than 5 million barrels of the drink per year. In 1969, the tobacco company Philip Morris Tobacco Company acquired a 53% stake in Miller Brewing. It was only in 1970, when the company became fully owned by Philip Morris, that Miller Brewing finally took 7th place in terms of beer production in the United States. The new management of the company made a lot of efforts to ensure that Miller Brewing entered first the top ten, and then the top three, in the American brewing industry. And finally, by the end of the 70s. their efforts were successful: Miller Brewing became second after Anheuser-Bush US brewing company.

In the history of the development of the Miller company, certain stages are visible; they manifested themselves in major acquisitions that contributed to an increase in beer production and the conquest of an increasingly larger market for the sale of their products. In 1988, the company bought a brewery Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing(Jacob Leinenkugel) in Chippewaffer Falls, Wisconsin, founded in 1867 by namesake John Miller. True, this company still continues to produce its own products, remaining a regional brand focused on the Midwest. Since the purchase, Miller has tried to give Leinenkugel national recognition. But the brand remained stubbornly Midwestern. The image of unusual, skillfully brewed beer has helped Leinenkugel for 130 years, and still 80% of its revenue comes from sales in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois. These states demonstrate a passionate commitment to Leinenkugel's. The most popular brand, Leinie, retains its original picture (an image of an Indian girl's head) and the inscription "Leinenkugel" on the label.

In 1993, Miller Brewing made its next major acquisition, purchasing all of the company's American plants. Molson and 20% of Molson's Canadian ownership. Thanks to this policy, by the end of 1994, Miller Brewing had won 25% of the American beer market.

Today the company produces beer at 7 of its factories located in 6 states of the country (Milukee, Wisconsin; Albany, Georgia; Eden, North Carolina; Irwindale, California; Fortworth, Texas; Fulton, New York ), in the amount of more than 40 million barrels (48 million hectoliters) of beer per year. The largest of them still remains the founder of the company - the plant in Milwaukee. Miller has patent agreements with breweries in Canada and the UK, and also has equity stakes in some breweries in Costa Rica and China.

The history of the appearance of Miller beer on the Russian market dates back to 1994, and since then the company has been steadily increasing its sales, demonstrating the love of Russian consumers. And already in July 2000, Russia became the first country in Eastern Europe where beer production began under a license agreement between SAB and Miller Brewing. 3 years later, in 2003, and also at the end of 2005, Miller, produced Kaluga Brewing Company, was recognized as the best beer bottled outside the United States, and received a well-deserved and honorable award - the Frederick Miller Founder's Award. To produce the famous beer, Kaluga Brewing Company purchased special equipment, since the brewing of Miller Genuine Draft light lager, developed in 1986, uses a unique cold filtration process. Miller Genuine Draft beer is the first cold-filtered draft beer. This beer does not contain any additives or preservatives, since the use of a new method allowed producers to abandon pasteurization and thereby make it possible to preserve the natural taste of the drink.

Kaluga production today accounts for 39.9% of the total volume of Miller beer produced outside the USA. And if in 2002 Russia occupied only fourth place in terms of volumes of Miller beer sold in the country after the USA, Canada and Great Britain, then today we only have to catch up and surpass Miller's historical homeland USA.

The story of Miller beer continues. On May 30, 2002, a major merger between SAB (South African Breweries) and Miller Brewing took place. As a result, the company was renamed SABMiller and took an honorable second place in the world in beer production. At the same time, Philip Morris Tobacco Company retained its share of 36% and the number of votes (when voting by shareholders) of 24.99%.

Miller breaks new records every year on the domestic beer market. Sales volumes are constantly growing, turning Miller into practically the most popular foreign beer brand in Russia, which is significantly ahead of its foreign colleagues in terms of development rates. This is confirmed by the production volumes of Miller Genuine Draft they have increased 5 times in five years!

The Miller brand is known all over the world. Today it ranks second in the world in terms of production volume. How this success was achieved and what the brand offers today can be found in the article.


The mid-19th century was a time of big things for the United States. It was during this period that crowds of emigrants rushed into the country. Some fled from justice, others from political persecution, and others from poverty. It was during this period that many companies were founded that are thriving to this day. The Miller Company was founded in 1855.

The German emigrant Friedrich Miller was well versed in the brewing business. But in Germany it was difficult for him to start a new business, the competition was too great. While the market of America, a country of great opportunities, was open. Miller beer quickly gained popularity and the brand began to gain momentum.

German emigrant Friedrich Miller

The company was managed by several generations of Millers and, mind you, all Friedrichs, until 1954. This year, the irreparable happened: Frederick III and his son Frederick the Younger crashed in a plane crash. By that time, the company was already a huge organism that could not simply cease to exist due to the departure of its leader to another world. For a long time, the company was managed by directors elected by the board of shareholders. In 1969, the tobacco empire Philip Morris began buying up shares of the beer giant and after some time completely bought Miller. As part of this tobacco kingdom, the brand developed very actively until it took the place of the second beer brand in the USA. In 2002, the company merged with the British concern SAB, organizing the SABMiller beer group. Together they took second place in beer production in the world.

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Beer lovers know that there are those who do not recognize the Miller brand. Why is this happening? The main position of critics is that this drink has nothing in common with real beer, it is too refined and colorless. In a way, they are right, because Miller's entire beer production technology is aimed at brewing perfectly refined beer.

Miller is the flip side of unfiltered drinks from England and Germany. Real American beer.

Miller's production technology involves the use of many technical know-how. To begin with, the strictness of the recipe in the selection of raw materials is observed. Only the best spring water, only specially prepared malt, only specially grown hops.

Beer "Miller"

During the production of the drink, special attention is paid to filtration systems. The product is filtered four times. Before the last two filtrations, the drink is cooled. The fact is that it is lower than the freezing point of liquid impurities and large fractions contained in the feedstock. Therefore, freezing raw materials allows you to effectively clean it of all excess. Cold filtration technology was created in Japan by specialists from Sapporo Breweries.

The transparency of the drink is achieved using another interesting technology. Its essence is that the beer is subjected to ultrafine filtration, which gives the desired result - the drink becomes very light. This quality of beer is also not perceived positively by everyone, although it would be difficult to imagine a Miller of a different color.


Today, the beer concern SABMiller owns dozens of beer brands. In order not to get confused in the sentences, we will only talk about those drinks that have the coveted “Miller” on their labels. The company produces several in its own special manner.

Beer concern "SABMiller"

  • Miller High Life - produced since 1903 and is considered a classic of the brand. The beer is clear, light and soft. This lager was awarded a gold medal at the World Beer Cup.
  • Miller Fortune is a golden lager. The drink has an unexpected fresh taste, a strong but pleasant aroma of malt and hops.
  • Miller Lite is the lightest beer in the brand's product line. It would not be too ambitious to say that this is, in principle, one of the lightest beer drinks in the world.
  • Miller Midnight is a dark lager made with roasted malt. This drink is aimed at Russian-speaking countries and is produced at the plants of the Kaluga Brewing Company.
  • Miller Chill – This beer drink is aimed at Latin America. The drink involves the addition of spices and lemon juice. It is not taken to Russian-speaking countries.
  • MGD 64 – beer, lightened to 64 calories. In this drink, the manufacturer is again trying to follow the consumer. First America, and now Europe, began to worry about excess weight, why not drink beer that does not make you fat?

"Miller" is a beer loved by many connoisseurs of the foamy drink. This brand occupies top positions in popularity ratings in the United States of America, where production was first established. However, Miller beer is known not only on the American continent, but also in Europe and Asia. The brand sells production licenses to other companies, so the foamy drink of this brand is kept in a quite affordable price segment. In this article we will describe the brands and characterize the taste of Miller beer. What do Russian consumers say about it? This largely depends on which brand of drink they try. Russians, for example, relish beer made by Submiller Rus, whose production facilities are located in Kaluga. Are there any differences in the tastes of an authentic drink and one made under license?

History of the brand creation

In one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, a thirty-one-year-old German named Frederick Miller arrived in the city of Milwaukee (Wisnoncine). He brought brewing experience and several thousand dollars to North America from his homeland. From local resident Karl West, he first rented and then completely bought this enterprise for the production of a foamy drink. The modest Frederick Miller named the brewery “Plank Road Brewery.” Now it is considered the first production in the United States, where this foamy drink began to be bottled. The brewery, however, received the name of its creator (Miller Brewing Company) only in nineteen thirty-three. During this time, the company successfully survived the anti-German sentiments of two world wars and the so-called prohibition law. Citizens of Wisconsin loved Miller beer, whose manufacturer was far from politics, for its high quality. Frederick's heirs sacredly respected the German traditions of making an intoxicating drink. The most popular Miller brands were:

  • SouthPaw Light.
  • "Red Dog".
  • "Ice House".

This is how this story began.

Transformation into a large concern

In the mid-twentieth century, Friedrich Miller III took the helm of the family enterprise. This ambitious man brought his products to the national level. And just when the star of the Miller brand, whose beer had already been appreciated and loved in forty states, was at its zenith, Frederick III and his son died in a plane crash. Unfortunately, the only heir to the fortune, the granddaughter of the company's owner, Lorraine Muhlberger, was an ardent opponent of alcohol in all its forms, even in concentrations just above four percent. Therefore, she easily sold a majority stake in the company to WR Grace. The deal took place in 1966, and three years later Miller Brewery became part of the large Phillip Morris corporation. Finally, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, it merged with South African Breweries (SAB). Thanks to this, the brewery's products became the second largest in sales in the world.

How “Miller” got to Russia

Citizens of the Russian Federation became acquainted with this brand in nineteen ninety-eight. The production license was purchased by the Kaluga Brewing Company. She began her activity with the release of the product “Genuine Draft Miller”. The light amber-colored beer is very popular among Russians. When the American brand merged with the South African Breweries concern in 2002, the enterprise in Kaluga received a new name - SABMiller Rus LLC. In two thousand and twelve, this enterprise became part of the united Efes Rus group. Now this concern is the second largest company in terms of sales of foamy drinks in the Russian Federation. It owns eight breweries in the country and four malt production complexes.

Characteristics of the variety "High Life"

This is the first product from Miller. Beer began to be produced in nineteen hundred and three, and for more than a century its recipe has remained unchanged. This drink is draft, unpasteurized, without any additives or preservatives. High Life is a favorite lager in the United States. However, this drink is quite carbonated, which adds to its similarity to soda. Previously, this type of beer was bottled in small champagne bottles. The drink has 4.7% alcohol. What can you say about its taste? In 2002, Miller High Life won a gold medal at the International Beer Cup in the category “Best American-style lager.” Perhaps that says it all. In America, this beer is a favorite brand among elite foamy drinks.

Characteristics of "Genuine Draft"

As we remember, it was with the release of this brand that the enterprise in Kaluga began working under license. The drink undergoes cold filtration and is not pasteurized. Reviews called this Miller beer absolutely devoid of hop bitterness. This is probably why not only the strong, but also the beautiful half of humanity loves him. The alcohol content in Miller Genuine Draft is slightly lower than in other brands of the brand - 4.4 percent. But reviews warn: the tastes of the authentic American drink and the Russian analogue are very different. But the use of advanced cold-filtered technology allows you to extend the shelf life of the drink for a long time without adding preservatives. What do users say about the taste of the Russian beer drink? Those who have not tried real American light lager are completely satisfied with the quality of SABMiller Rus products. A soft, refreshing taste, the aroma of cereals, a beautiful amber color - these are the characteristics that give the drink reviews. Users love the bottle with opener.

Today, the alcohol corporation SABMiller is one of the largest beer producers in the world. To be precise, it takes an honorable second place in this ranking.

When any company begins to produce a large volume of products, very often this negatively affects its quality. But every rule has exceptions. A prime example of this statement is Miller beer.

There is a whole army of fans of this beer brand. Moreover, Miller beer enjoys well-deserved respect among connoisseurs and tasters of the foamy drink.

However, there is a noticeable difference between Miller beer produced in the USA and in our country. I recommend that you purchase it for tasting. This is what will help you understand the traditional taste of classic stars and stripes brewing.

Main characteristics

Country of origin: USA.

Manufacturer: SABMiller.

Existing container:

  • glass bottle 0.33 and 0.5 liters;
  • 0.5 liter tin can.

Existing varieties

Miller High Life

It is not surprising that SABMiller is represented more widely in the alcohol market of the United States of America than in Russia. There you can purchase the following brands of this brand:

  • Miller High Life;
  • Miller Genuine Draft;
  • Miller Lite;
  • Miller Midnight.

Each variety has its own characteristics and advantages.

High Life is the company's oldest brand. This is a classic light American lager with a strength of 4.7 degrees. Its feature is a high degree of carbonation or carbonation. According to the results of numerous public opinion polls, High Life is the most popular beer brand in the United States.

Genuine Draft is an unpasteurized beer that is produced using advanced cold filtration technology. This process can significantly increase the shelf life and storage of the foamy drink without the use of preservatives. It is Genuine Draft that can be bought in our country in both imported and domestic versions.

The Miller Lite brand of low-calorie beer simply had to appear in a country whose population is obsessed with diets and reduced calorie intake. True, looking at the Americans one cannot always come to such a conclusion. But here it should be taken into account that in the minds of these people, healthy eating and lifestyle are fighting an unequal battle with hamburgers, fries and other fast food. Plus, Miller Lite fits perfectly into any of these concepts.

Midnight is a dark lager that has an incredibly interesting and refreshing taste. It is produced using roasted barley malt.

Genuine Draft

Miller Genuine Draft

Miller Genuine Draft is a classic light American lager with an ABV of 4.7 degrees and an initial wort gravity of 11.5%. Its peculiarity is the absence of a pasteurization process, which has the best effect on the taste of beer.

Many foam lovers have noticed that in our country Miller Genuine Draft is sold as. Sounds scary, doesn't it? In fact, there is no need to be afraid of this. Beer drink is a new term that was introduced in our country quite recently. Moreover, nothing like this occurs in world practice. You can find out all the details in the article of the same name by following the link.

The American variation of the Genuine Draft composition is much closer to the classic brewing than the Russian one. It includes barley malt, hops and water. In Russia, this beer is brewed by Efes Rus. She also adds starch syrup to the beer drink. This was done with the banal purpose of reducing the cost of production.

Miller Genuine Draft has a bright golden yellow color. The aroma is multi-component. It combines malt, corn, herbal and grain notes. The taste is very light and smooth. It consists of malt, hop and grain nuances.

Historical reference

Miller Brewing was founded in 1855 by German immigrant to the United States, Frederick Miller. The freshly minted American started his own business in the state of Wisconsin near the city of Milwaukee. The company developed rapidly and by the middle of the last century became one of the largest beer producers in the United States.

In September 1966, W.R. Grace Corporation acquired a 53% interest in Miller Brewing Company. Three years later, the brewery became part of the Phillip Morris company, currently known as Altria.

In 2002, an epoch-making event took place. Miller Brewing Company and South African Breweries merged. As a result, the powerful SABMiller corporation was formed.
