Is liver high in calories? Beef liver. Beef liver in cooking

Chickens were domesticated by humans many years ago, and since then they have been very common on farms and private backyards. Chicken meat is low-calorie, it can safely be classified as a dietary product, and all because it contains a high content of protein, nutrients and vitamins. Of course, the calorie content depends on what part of the chicken you use. How many calories are in chicken?

Remember! Chicken – calorie content per 100 grams – 190 kcal.

Chicken is an excellent substitute for other types of meat and is rich in vitamins and amino acids. There are no carbohydrates in chicken; fats are the main source. White meat contains virtually no fat, while dark meat is famous for its high iron content.

Boiled chicken

The easiest way to cook chicken is to boil it. Boiled chicken meat is very healthy and low in calories - 100 grams contains 170 kcal, but without skin. It is undesirable to eat the skin, it contains a lot of fat. The calorie content of meat with skin is almost twice as high - 215 kcal. Boiled chicken contains many nutrients; athletes love to eat it - its high protein content promotes muscle growth.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup is a very popular dish in Russia. Probably everyone has been familiar with its rich and appetizing broth since childhood. People who follow a healthy diet try to include this soup in their diet every day. To reduce the calorie content of the broth, all the skin is cut off from the carcass and boiled. The first broth is drained, the second is used for dietary soups. The calorie content of the soup will directly depend on its constituent products.
Chicken soup with potatoes

* Kilocalories are indicated per 100 grams.

A chicken in the oven

Large, fried chicken with a golden brown crust straight from the oven is a frequent guest on the table. However, in addition to its high calorie content (238 kcal), this dish affects the gastrointestinal tract, so people with sensitive stomachs should avoid baked chicken. But by depriving it of skin, you can reduce the load on the organs.

Grilled chicken contains almost the same amount of calories, besides it is very harmful and not at all healthy. The high content of carcinogens in it harms the stomach.

The only thing that will help reduce the calorie content of chicken prepared this way is to remove the skin and thoroughly coat the chicken with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Of course, these procedures will not make it super dietary, but the calorie content will be slightly reduced.

Pilaf with chicken. Calorie content

Traditionally prepared pilaf is a fairly fatty dish. Pilaf with chicken has fewer calories than with pork or beef. The calorie content of pilaf with chicken is 170 kcal.

Stewed chicken

The calorie content of stewed chicken is about 230 kcal. It can be easily reduced by not adding oil during the cooking process. You can use tomatoes and peppers together, add water and lemon juice. Calorie content has decreased four times and will be only 55 kcal. Stewed chicken with cabbage contains 115 kcal.

Many people often allow themselves to snack on shawarma. Indeed, the dish is easy to prepare and cooks quickly. According to the rules, no ketchup or mayonnaise is added to real shawarma. It is prepared with kefir sauce. In such shawarma, the calorie content will be 115 kcal per 100 grams. With the addition of mayonnaise, it will sharply increase to 180 kcal. Lavash with chicken and vegetables, without sauce, contains 80 kcal.

Chicken with potatoes

The calorie content of stewed chicken with potatoes is 115 kcal. But many people’s favorite French potatoes contain as much as 260 kcal and are not recommended for consumption by people watching their weight.

Fried chicken calories

Stewed chicken contains 220 kcal. However, different parts of the body have different calorie content. Breast – 180 kcal, legs – 185 kcal, chicken thigh – 150 kcal, chicken fillet – 180 kcal.

Caesar with chicken

Probably many have not only heard, but tried the famous chicken Caesar. This dish has gained popularity not only in cafes and restaurants, it is also enjoyed at home. The calorie content of the salad is 220 kcal.

Chicken with mushrooms

Chicken stewed with mushrooms turns out very tasty and tender, with a calorie content of 100 kcal. If you add cream to the dish, it will make the chicken even more tender, but the calorie content will already be 150 kcal.

Chicken kebab

Very few people prefer to cook chicken kebab. Pork and beef remain in first place. The calorie content of chicken kebab depends on the marinade:

  • in soy sauce – 155 kcal;
  • in honey sauce – 200 kcal;
  • in mayonnaise with seasonings – 185 kcal.

Smoked chicken

The unique smell, beautiful appearance and wonderful taste of smoked chicken breast are familiar to almost everyone. But behind the attractive appearance there is only harm hidden - a lot of calories and high fat content. 100 grams – 190 kcal.

Chicken noodles

Chicken is prepared as a side dish for a variety of noodles; the calorie content of chicken meat depends both on the noodles and on the additives to it.

  • Calorie content of rice noodles with chicken - 235 kcal;
  • buckwheat – 80 kcal;
  • egg – 140 kcal;
  • wheat – 150 kcal.

The Italian dish pasta is very popular. These are noodles with chicken in sauce and cheese. Calorie content – ​​130 kcal.

Chicken cutlets

Chicken cutlets contain a small amount of fat, so they turn out very tender and juicy. Calorie content - 145 kcal.

Rice with chicken. Calorie content

In addition to the traditional pilaf recipe, chicken can be cooked simply with rice, for example, stewed in soy sauce. The calorie content of the dish will be 145 kcal.

Buckwheat with chicken

Chicken can be served as a side dish for any dish. The calorie content of buckwheat with chicken will be 105 kcal, if you add carrots - 115 kcal, with chicken and champignons - 100 kcal.

Stewed cabbage with chicken

Stewed cabbage with chicken has a calorie content of 80 kcal.

Pea soup with chicken

The calorie content of pea soup will directly depend on its composition. Pea soup, which is based on chicken broth and contains peas, carrots, onions, potatoes and greens, will contain only 55 kcal.

Even if you leave potatoes, and the main ingredient is peas, and add smoked meats, sweet peppers, garlic and various seasonings, the calorie threshold will not exceed 110 kcal. Many people prefer to experiment and prepare creamy pea soups based on milk. Greens, carrots, onions, and dill are added there. Such soups have a low calorie content - 50 kcal.

Take note! To know the calorie content of chicken, you need to find out the tricks of its heat treatment. Poultry from the counter must be soaked for a couple of hours.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, chicken meat can be cooked in different ways, plus there are a lot of chicken dishes in cooking. Soups, salads, hot dishes - the list goes on and on.

Huge selection of pastries, cutlets, dumplings. The chicken is baked whole or in pieces, stuffed with vegetables and fruits, and sauces are made for various side dishes. Chicken will always be a valuable product on the table, it will delight you with its taste and aroma. Raising chickens is not a difficult matter; almost every farmer raises chickens in his own backyard.

Incredibly tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from chicken meat. This product has a lot of useful properties and is distinguished by its low calorie content. It is chicken that is included in all dietary menus and decorates many low-calorie dishes. We suggest finding out how many calories are in chicken and how this indicator depends on the method of its preparation or the parts of the carcass used.

Chicken calories

  • Boiled chicken. Its calorie content is only 135 Kcal/100g. Therefore, you can safely enjoy tender boiled meat and not worry about weight gain. However, if you use the fattest parts of the chicken or meat with skin, the figures will rise to 195 Kcal/100g.
  • Fried chicken. Calorie content - 210 Kcal/100g. The indicator is quite low compared to other types of fried meat.
  • Grilled chicken. Calorie content - 92 Kcal/100g. This low level is achieved due to the fact that most of the fat is rendered during the cooking process.
  • Smoked chicken. Calorie content - 260 Kcal/100g. If you remove the skin from the chicken during cooking, the caloric content will be reduced by almost half.
  • Baked chicken. Its calorie content is 207 Kcal/100g.

Calorie content of individual parts of chicken

It is important to know that different parts of chicken have their own calorie content. For example, we give the calorie content in boiled form.

  • Thighs - 158 Kcal/100g.
  • Back - 306 Kcal/100g.
  • Wings - 186 Kcal/100g.
  • Breast - 113 Kcal/100g.

In the articles in this section you will find many interesting and healthy dishes that you can prepare at home and please your loved ones.

Chicken is the most popular meat product. The low calorie content of chicken allows it to become the basis for most diets. The ratio of protein to fats and carbohydrates in it is optimal. Another advantage of chicken is that it is quick to cook and has a mild taste.

All athletes and bodybuilders include chicken in their diet, especially breast, as it contains a large amount of protein. And for weight loss purposes, they often eat chicken breast baked in the oven.

What are the benefits of chicken meat?

Chicken is a universal product; it can be boiled, fried in a pan or grilled, stewed and baked in the oven. Minced meat is prepared from chicken, added to meat stews, pilaf, jellied meat, and cooked into soups and chicken broths. Chicken offal, such as heart, liver, and stomachs, are also used.

It's time to find out how many calories are in chicken? Calorie content is calculated per 100 grams. product. Experts estimate chicken at 108 kcal. Chicken meat is recognized as dietary and is recommended for consumption by those who want to lose weight. Chicken can be consumed for diabetes, ulcers, polyarthritis and gout. Chicken is a preventative against hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Chicken broth is good for colds and depression.

Chicken is a source of essential amino acids, important minerals and vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Chicken contains B vitamins, vitamin A, C, PP. It contains choline, which is necessary for the functioning of the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands.

Chicken breast contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, selenium, manganese and copper. Breast meat helps normalize blood pressure, reduce swelling and improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

Given the maximum ratio of vitamins and minerals with low calorie content, chicken meat is considered healing and nutritious. When eating chicken, a person’s well-being improves, their immunity increases, and at the same time their mood.

How cooking methods change the calorie content of chicken

The calorie content of chicken may increase or decrease depending on the method of its preparation.

Boiled chicken contains 204 kcal. At the same time, the ratio of proteins and fats is optimal for dietary dishes. Boiled chicken does not make you feel better. It increases muscle mass and promotes fat burning.

Fried chicken is the highest in calories, about 240 kcal. It is contraindicated for people who are overweight and have high cholesterol levels. You can reduce the calorie content of fried chicken by peeling the skin and trimming off excess fat.

The calorie content of stewed chicken is quite high - 237 kcal, but it does not contain cholesterol or harmful carcinogens, so it is much healthier than fried chicken.

We all love grilled meat. So how many calories are in grilled chicken? Approximately 210 kcal and this result allows us to consider it useful. It is advisable to make such chicken yourself or buy it only from trusted places that do not add harmful chemical additives to enhance the taste.

The least amount of calories is contained in chicken kebab. Tender and tasty pieces are suitable for everyone, athletes and people on a diet and everyone.

How many calories are in each piece of chicken?

  • Chicken back. Chicken back, wings and thighs have the highest calorie content. The back contains 306 kcal. Many housewives use it to prepare chicken broths and soup bases. Backs contain a lot of fat, so frequent consumption is not recommended for people who want to lose weight.
  • Chicken wings. They contain 186 kcal. Wings are often grilled separately or added to soups to create a rich broth.
  • Chicken thighs. They contain 181 kcal. Chicken thighs are usually fried, stewed, or made into kebab. Unfortunately, they cannot be used as dietary food due to their high calorie content.
  • Chicken legs. The well-known chicken legs contain 158 kcal. When fried and with their beloved crispy crust, they are a source of cholesterol and harm the liver and stomach.
  • Chicken breast. This is the healthiest and lowest calorie part of chicken. For 100 gr. contains only 113 kcal.

Now you know how healthy and harmful chicken is. Despite the fact that chicken meat is considered dietary, many parts of chicken, such as thighs, back, and wings, are very high in calories, especially when fried. People on a diet should avoid such dishes. Chicken breast, on the contrary, is very healthy, low in calories and, boiled or grilled, is an indispensable dietary product.

Video of cooking stewed chicken

Chicken meat is the most commonly consumed meat by us. Of all types of meat, it is not only the most affordable, but also the most dietary, and therefore forms the basis of many diets. As you know, when boiled it has the least amount of calories, but not everyone knows how many calories there are in boiled chicken.

Useful properties of boiled chicken

Chicken meat, being tasty, nutritious and low in calories, in addition to being easily absorbed by the body, is also good for health. The amount of protein in it reaches 22%, while fat is present no more than 10%. The meat of this bird is rich in micro- and macroelements (copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, etc.), as well as vitamins E and A, which are so necessary for the body. However, this is not the only thing that makes chicken meat dietary and useful for a healthy diet. The fact of how many calories are in chicken in general is also important, but now we will look at its boiled version.

Calorie content of boiled chicken

The high taste and dietary properties of this poultry meat have been known since ancient times and are still used to this day to restore the body after serious illnesses, since this product is able to strengthen the immune system and restore strength. People who eat it while on a diet are primarily interested in the question of how many calories are in boiled chicken, because in this form it has the least amount of calories. Thus, the calorie content of boiled chicken fillet per 100 g of product is 135 kcal, and the fattest version, meat with skin, which can reach 195 kcal in calorie content.

How to boil chicken meat correctly?

Due to the fact that chicken fillet is minimal, it is used in all kinds of diets. At the same time, combining it with other products is not prohibited. In addition, you can eat other parts of the bird. When using legs or chicken breast, after rinsing, place them in a pan of water and bring to a boil. It is recommended that after 5 minutes of cooking, drain the water, pour cold clean water over the meat, and only then continue cooking it. As a result of these actions, you will be able to get rid of hormones and antibiotics if they were used in raising poultry. After this, the meat should be salted and cooked until tender, then cut into small pieces. An excellent addition to boiled chicken, including in the diet menu, would be rice, washed and boiled in salted water.

The dietary benefits of chicken meat are constantly discussed. But are different parts of chicken equally healthy? It’s worth starting with the fact that it is advisable to cook, and therefore eat, chicken without the skin, as this is where cholesterol accumulates. Deposited on the walls of blood vessels, it can cause. The calorie content of the pulp without skin is 241 kcal per 100 g of product. Chicken fillet is considered the lowest in calories, its calorie content is 113 kilocalories per 100 g. The energy value of the liver and ventricle is approximately the same and is about 140 kcal per 100 g, and the heart - 158 kcal per 100 g. The situation is slightly worse with hams. Their calorie content is 180 kcal per 100 g of product. In addition, it is in them that antibiotics accumulate, which are used when raising chickens on poultry farms.

Boiled chicken

The calorie content of chicken meat depends on the method of heat treatment. The energy value of boiled chicken is the lowest - only 140 kilocalories per 100 g, which is quite low for meat. If you want to cook chicken broth, then cooks and nutritionists unanimously advise draining the first water. This way you will not only get rid of excess fat, but also significantly reduce the calorie content of the broth. Boiled fillet and thighs contain 95 kcal and 170 kcal per 100 g, respectively.

Stewed chicken

Braising is another method of cooking that keeps chicken low in calories. There are many different ways to stew chicken; the most common is chicken with vegetables. For this dish, take any part of the chicken and those that you love, so each housewife turns out this dish differently, and accordingly, the energy value is different. So how many calories are in stew? chicken? On average, stewed chicken contains about 130 to 170 kilocalories per 100 g, depending on the ingredients of the dish.

How many calories are in smoked chicken?

Smoked chicken is considered a more or less light product if eaten without the skin. The total calorie content of such chicken is 190 kcal per 100 g. Smoked breast - 120 kcal per 100 g; legs – 166 kcal per 100 g; wings – 206 kcal per 100 g.

Young chicken meat cooks faster and is softer. Poultry is suitable for broth and cooking, but for frying and smoking, choose store-bought poultry. This bird is prepared in different ways and is good in any form, just choose which method suits your taste.

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How many calories are in chicken?

Chicken meat is the most common and often used as food. Various dishes are prepared from it (both first and second), salads, soufflés, and used as a filling in pies and baked goods. In addition to the fact that the product is very tasty, it is also healthy, especially for those who want to lose weight.

Nutritional value of meat

Chicken contains a large amount of protein (various, from collagen and elastin, which is good for joints, to cartilage proteins), a wide range of amino acids, glutamic acid, minerals (zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium), vitamins (E, A , group B, C, PP), essential oils. It also contains small amounts of cholesterol and fat.

The composition of BJU for boiled skinless chicken includes 25.2/7.4/0.0 g, respectively, per 100 grams of the finished product.

Below are the indicators of BJU of poultry prepared in different ways:

  1. With skin - 25.0/12.0/0.0 g
  2. Baked - 20.39/11.43/1.52 g
  3. In the sleeve - 17.97/10.97/1.84 g
  4. Fried - 26.0/12.0/0.0 g
  5. Smoked - 27.58/8.2/0.0 g
  6. Baked with mushrooms and corn - 9.9/1.7/6.3 g
  7. Boiled (cooked in a slow cooker with vegetables) - 9.5/0.5/1.9 g
  8. Stewed with vegetables - 7.1/5.5/9.6 g
  9. Baked Creamy Chicken with Broccoli - 9.9/4.1/4.3 g
  10. Fried in soy sauce - 14.7/15.7/2.5 g
  11. In orange sauce - 12.6/10.8/3.2 g
  12. Fried (without oil) - 22.9/1.9/1.1 g
  13. In orange marinade - 8.8/5.1/4.2 g
  14. Baked fillet in the oven with cheese - 22.3/9.7/0.2 g
  15. Indicators of breast baked in the oven - 16.4/2.5/2.2 g
  16. Snack “Chicken in Orange” - 17.114/.0.8/3.6 g
  17. With pineapples in soy sauce - 11.1/11.0/5.3 g
  1. Whole without skin - 23.3/6.0/0.3 g
  2. Breast - 28.7/5.0/0.2 g
  3. Legs - 27.4/11.7/0.0 g
  4. Whole, cooked in a convection oven - 20.4/9.4/2.0 g

Chicken calories

It is quite difficult to say how many calories are in this meat. It all depends on the cooking option. Steam chicken is the lowest in calories - 135 kcal per 100 grams of product. Boiled without skin - 170 units.

Let's look at the performance of poultry prepared according to different recipes:

  1. With skin - 214.0 kcal.
  2. Baked - 200.01.
  3. In the sleeve - 174.56 units.
  4. Indicators for fried - 210 kcal.
  5. Smoked - 184 units.
  6. Baked with mushrooms and corn - 82.
  7. Boiled in a slow cooker with vegetables - 51.5 kcal.
  8. Indicators for poultry stewed with vegetables - 125 units.
  9. Baked creamy chicken with broccoli - 91.9 kcal.
  10. Fried in soy sauce - 210.2.
  11. In orange sauce - 160.2 units.
  12. Fried (without oil) - 112.6 kcal.
  13. In orange marinade - 86.7 units.
  14. Baked in the oven with cheese - 181.96 units.
  15. Baked breast in the oven - 100.7 kcal.
  16. Appetizer “Chicken in Orange” - 92.9.
  17. With pineapples in soy sauce - 164.7.

The data for grilled chicken is as follows:

  1. Whole without skin - 126 kcal.
  2. Breast - 158 units.
  3. Legs - 199.
  4. Whole, cooked in an air fryer - 166 kcal.

As you can see, chicken meat is an ideal product for those who want to quickly and permanently lose excess weight. There are even fasting days and diets using chicken breast.

The bird goes well with potatoes, cereals, pasta, vegetables, herbs, and spices. But all additional components and side dishes must be taken into account when preparing dishes, because they can significantly increase the calorie content of the dish.

The most effective way to stop smoking

In contact with

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

The chicken is the most common domesticated bird; according to some sources, the first attempts to domesticate wild jungle chickens could have been three thousand years BC. Chickens fly little and low, so the birds' wings are not strong, and their legs are better developed. The weight of a chicken carcass ranges from 800 grams to 2.5 kg or more, it depends on the age and breed of the chicken.

Chicken meat is considered dietary, especially chicken meat, which has an ideal balance of protein and fat. Chicken meat varies in color, the lightest, pale pink is on the breast, and has a darker, pink-brown color. Almost all parts of the chicken are eaten, including (, and), added to the broth for jellied meat.

Chicken calories

The calorie content of chicken is 190 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Chicken is a source of easily digestible, high-quality protein, which is necessary for the construction of cells throughout the body and especially muscle tissue. It is not for nothing that almost all protein diets include them in the menu. Chicken meat contains vitamins and is also useful for maintaining normal functioning of the cardiovascular system (calorizator). Chicken broth has long been considered the best remedy for a speedy recovery and giving strength after illnesses, normalizing digestive processes. Chicken feet contain a lot of collagen, which is necessary for skin regeneration, so they are added when cooking jellied meat.

Chicken harm

Chicken meat contains one of the dangerous pathogenic microbes - salmonella, which causes a severe intestinal infection, so the chicken must be thoroughly cooked and rinsed in a large container with cold water before cooking, avoiding running water (splashes falling on the walls, sink, taps, etc., will become carriers of salmonella). Campylobacter, which is the causative agent of campylobacteriosis, severe forms of which can cause paralysis, is also found in chicken. Therefore, when purchasing chickens on the market, you must make sure that there is a purple veterinary control seal on the skin of the chicken. Some people suffer from chicken protein intolerance and allergies to chicken meat, so children should introduce chicken into complementary foods with caution.

When purchasing chicken, it is recommended to give preference to a chilled product, which, unlike frozen, can be touched and smelled. Fresh chicken should quickly return to its original shape when pressed on any part. The smell of chlorine and rottenness is unacceptable for fresh chicken meat, so you should not buy chicken flavored with aromatic herbs or spices, as unscrupulous sellers often hide the stale product. Domestic chicken usually has a slightly yellowish skin color, this is the specificity of “domestic” chickens.

Store chilled chicken in the refrigerator for no longer than three days or freeze immediately. Frozen chicken can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months.

Chicken in cooking

See more about chicken in the video “Product of the day. Chicken" TV show "About the Most Important Thing!"

Especially for
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chicken rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B6 - 15%, vitamin PP - 16.6%, phosphorus - 14.5%, chlorine - 18.1%, cobalt - 66%, chromium - 13.6%

What are the benefits of chicken?

  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Chicken meat is considered dietary due to its high content of protein, nutrients, vitamins, and it is digested much better than beef or pork. The calorie content of chicken depends on the part of the carcass - those parts with a lot of fat contain a lot of calories, and those with little fat, accordingly, have a lower calorie content. There are no carbohydrates in chicken meat; the main source of calories in chicken is fats and proteins.

The skin contains the most fat, so in order to reduce the calorie content of chicken, it is recommended to remove the skin and fat before cooking the meat. You can also reduce the calorie content of boiled chicken if, during the cooking process, after boiling the water, drain it, pour in new water and cook the meat further until done in this water.

On average, the calorie content of chicken is about 200 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of chicken breast is only 113 kcal per 100 g (during cooking, the calorie content increases due to the digestion of the liquid). Due to such a low calorie content, chicken breast is widely used in dietary nutrition, and due to its high content of easily digestible protein, it is especially loved by athletes.

The calorie content of chicken legs is 185 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of chicken thigh is 190-210 kcal per 100 g due to the oily skin. The calorie content of skinless chicken thigh is 164 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of chicken meat

Chicken meat is rich in vitamins A, E, C, H, PP, B vitamins, and choline. It also contains micro- and macroelements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, zinc, iodine, copper, fluorine and others. Thanks to this, chicken meat has a lot of beneficial properties. Chicken meat improves immunity, improves blood composition, condition of skin, hair and nails, strengthens bones, teeth, blood vessels and heart, and promotes wound healing. Eating chicken meat has a beneficial effect not only on muscles, but also on mucous membranes, as well as on a person’s general well-being.

Chicken meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain - it reduces fatigue, stimulates brain activity, tones, increases performance, improves mood, helps fight emotional stress and stress, and also improves sleep.

Chicken meat is also good for your figure, and not only due to the low calorie content of chicken, but also because it contains vitamins and substances that stimulate metabolic processes in the body and promote the breakdown of fats. Athletes use chicken fillet as the basis of their diet along with fish and eggs, since it contains a lot of protein, which is easily digestible, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron and other useful substances and vitamins.

Eating chicken meat is an effective prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, it strengthens the cardiovascular system and is good for digestion.

Cooked chicken calories

The calorie content of boiled chicken is 205-220 kcal per 100 g. It was already said above that the calorie content of boiled chicken will be lower if you cook the meat in a second water and pour it into the first after boiling. The calorie content of boiled chicken breast is 130 kcal per 100 g, and baked chicken breast is 123.3 kcal per 100 g.

Fried chicken already contains much more calories - 240 kcal per 100 g. You can simply lower this value - before frying, remove the skin from the chicken, also reduce the amount of oil and cook in a non-stick frying pan. The calorie content of stewed chicken is about 180-230 kcal per 100 g. For health and figure, stewed chicken is much healthier than fried chicken - it has a reduced content of refractory fats, cholesterol and fewer calories. The calorie content of baked chicken thighs is 210 kcal per 100 g, fried (without skin) - 220 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of smoked chicken is 200 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content in grilled chicken is from 210 to 300 kcal per 100 g. Such a wide range can be explained simply - when cooking at home or in the country, you do not add ingredients to the meat that increase the fat content and calorie content , so the calorie content in grilled chicken cooked at home is quite low. Another thing in stores is that the use of additional fats, sauces, and various impregnations (to, for example, hide the smell of not very fresh meat) not only increases the calorie content of grilled chicken, but also makes it a rather unhealthy product.

Chicken kebab has a fairly low calorie content - only 116 kcal per 100 g if it was cooked in a vinegar marinade, and 147 kcal per 100 g if you marinated the meat in mayonnaise.

Calorie content of chicken by-products

The calorie content of chicken stomachs ranges from 95 to 130 kcal per 100 g. They contain a small amount of carbohydrates and about 8% fat, but the main source of calories in chicken stomachs is proteins.

The calorie content of chicken hearts is quite high - about 160 kcal per 100 g, this is explained by the fact that they have a high fat content. Chicken liver contains 140 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken gizzards with champignons: recipe with calorie content

To prepare this dish you will need 600 g of chicken gizzards, 1 can of canned champignons, 1 tomato, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 onion, ground black pepper and salt to taste. Chicken stomachs need to be boiled and cut into strips. Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan, then add the tomatoes, and when the liquid has evaporated a little, add the mushrooms. Fry and simmer all this a little, and then add the chicken gizzards to the frying pan, pour in the soy sauce and broth left over from boiling the gizzards, and leave to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. If necessary, periodically add broth and do not forget to stir. The calorie content of chicken gizzards stewed with champignons is 69 kcal..

Chicken with pineapple: recipe with calories

Fans of Asian (Thai, Indian) cuisine will certainly enjoy this dish. Take 500 g of chicken fillet, cut it into cubes and fry with finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until white, then salt it, add pepper and reduce heat.

If you are afraid that your chicken fillet will turn out tough, you can pre-soak it in milk or kefir for 1-2 hours. This treatment will slightly increase the calorie content of the finished dish, but will soften the meat well - it will literally melt in your mouth. When cooking, milk and kefir, in which the meat was soaked, are not used.

When the meat turns white, carefully pour a glass of cream into the chicken, place it, take the crushed curry seasoning and add 2 tablespoons, stirring all the time so that no lumps form. When the sauce containing the chicken pieces becomes homogeneous, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Add the diced pineapple to the pan with the chicken and simmer for another 5 minutes, then serve, not forgetting to garnish with fresh herbs. Boiled fluffy rice is suitable as a side dish. The calorie content of chicken with pineapple in cream and curry sauce is 108 kcal.

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