Calorie content of homemade canned squash caviar. Squash caviar - calorie content. Preparing for the winter with apples

The end of summer is rich in various vegetables, in particular zucchini. They are fried, canned, salted, stuffed with meat and vegetables, and also added to various dishes. But one of the most favorite dishes remains squash caviar.

Traditional Russian dish

Few people know that squash caviar is a truly Russian dish. It began to be produced in 1930, but three years later production was banned due to an outbreak of botulism, which, for unclear reasons, was blamed on caviar. Several decades later, the dish was rehabilitated, but quality control began to be strictly monitored.

The condition of the jar must be carefully assessed even when purchasing in a store: the lid is swollen - the product must be thrown away. Otherwise, poisoning may occur. If you prepare caviar at home, then remember an important tip: before closing, you need to thoroughly sterilize it at a temperature of 120 degrees, because the product has very low acidity.

Nutritional value of the product

According to GOST, the composition of squash caviar includes carrots, zucchini themselves, bell peppers, onions, vegetable oil, tomato paste, seasonings, granulated sugar and salt. This recipe is really just a starting point. Then housewives and cooks “conjure” the composition and create their favorite variations. Therefore, the composition of BJU differs from different recipes (data per 100 grams):

  1. Squash caviar with chili in a slow cooker - 0.7/2.0/5.1 g
  2. Dish with garlic without adding oil - 0.9/0.3/5.74 g
  3. Homemade variation with garlic, chili and oil - 0.9/5.6/5.3 g
  4. “Mother-in-law’s tongue” - 0.8/6.4/9.2 g
  5. Stewed squash caviar with sour cream - 1.29/3.28/5.12 g
  6. Indicators of canned TM “Uncle Vanya” - 1.0/7.0/7.0 g
  7. Caviar with mayonnaise and chicken seasoning “Mivina” - 1.1/6.7/7.9 g

Calories in squash caviar

Depending on the composition, the calorie content of squash caviar also changes. Here are the indicators of some options per 100 grams of finished dish:

  1. Caviar cooked in a slow cooker with the addition of chili - 40.7 kcal.
  2. Recipe without oil - 28.3 calories.
  3. Homemade caviar - 74.7 units.
  4. Mother-in-law's tongue recipe - 95.9 kcal.
  5. Caviar with sour cream - 53.16 calories.
  6. The nutritional value of store-bought “Uncle Vanya” is 97.0.
  7. With mayonnaise - 95.1 kcal.

Although squash caviar is very tasty, it cannot be called dietary. Zucchini itself is considered low in calories and has a low glycemic index, which allows it to be included in a calorie-restricted diet.

During the preparation process, vegetable oil is added to the vegetables, and in quite large quantities, which increases the final energy value. So when dieting, the product should be consumed with extreme caution.

Squash caviar is a wholesome and healthy food. Not only adults, but also children love this fragrant, tasty dish. Its benefits have long been known to doctors, so they are very willing to include it in various diets, and also introduce it into the menu of kindergartens and medical sanatoriums. This dish is perfect for those people who are watching their weight or are just about to go on a diet. With its help you can lose weight and get rid of constipation. Zucchini is one of the cheapest and most accessible vegetables, so you can cook it every day.


Zucchini is a truly unique vegetable that is eaten by many peoples of the world in different forms. One of the most delicious and simple recipes is caviar, which is prepared with the addition of ingredients such as carrots, onions, herbs and tomato paste. As a result, the finished dish can be stored for quite a long time without losing its taste and vitamin characteristics.

The benefits of the product are determined by the properties of its main ingredient - zucchini. This vegetable consists almost entirely of water, so when it is consumed, the cells are saturated with liquid. At the same time, this vegetable prevents the formation of edema. Another important component is fiber, which normalizes intestinal function and prevents the formation of constipation. It is rich in vitamin C, and there are also minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium. Therefore, it is recommended to eat dishes made from it for people with anemia and those who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

The tomato paste included in the dish is a source of lycopene. This substance has strong antioxidant properties, thanks to which the body becomes stronger and the likelihood of cancer is minimized. Another component is carrots, which contains a large amount of carotene, which is beneficial for eye health and antioxidants. Onions added to caviar contain phytoncides, a large amount of vitamins, and fiber.

Caviar will be an excellent solution for those who monitor their health and want to be slim, since all its ingredients have a low calorie content. Despite the fact that during processing and cooking, the food becomes more caloric than a fresh vegetable, it is quite suitable for dietary nutrition, as well as for people who want to lose weight.


At the same time, caviar from zucchini can also be harmful to health, for example, if there is an intestinal disorder, high acidity of the gastric environment, or urolithiasis. You should also not abuse the product if you are intolerant to its ingredients. It is worth remembering that any canned food can become a source of severe poisoning if the technology for its production and storage is not followed. Therefore, you should buy only high-quality and fresh products from reliable manufacturers. Another danger is that store-bought caviar may contain preservatives and other additives.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of squash caviar is quite low. 100 g contains only 91 kcal. The low calorie content of the dish is due to the fact that the main component in the dish is zucchini, which themselves have very little energy value. Even though the calories in caviar increase due to the presence of other foods, the calorie content still remains small compared to other vegetable dishes.

Per 100 g contains:

  • Calorie content - 91 kcal
  • Proteins - 1.6 g
  • Carbohydrates - 7.4 g
  • Fat - 6.3 g

Despite the fact that the calorie content of homemade squash caviar is quite low, unfortunately it should not be consumed by people with gastritis. And the rest can be eaten in any quantity.

You can slightly reduce the number of calories if you do not fry the ingredients, but steam them

Squash caviar is deservedly considered a dietary product. It is recommended for baby food, and for people with various diseases, and for those who want to lose excess weight. This comes as no surprise considering how many calories are in this popular snack and how healthy it is.

Composition and energy value

Zucchini is known as a very low-calorie product, containing only 24-25 kcal per 100 g. In addition, they contain an impressive range of nutrients - vitamins and minerals.

When preparing zucchini caviar, in addition to zucchini, the following are used:

  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices;
  • garlic, vinegar, herbs - optional.

If the calorie content of zucchini, onions, carrots, and tomatoes is low, then vegetable oil has an energy value of about 900 kcal. Therefore, how many calories are in zucchini caviar depends on the recipe and method of preparation.

The snack that is offered in stores is usually prepared according to classic recipes, its calorie content is indicated on the can and is usually from 75 to 100 kcal per 100 g. The composition of such a product is stewed or fried vegetables, spices and vegetable oil. The energy value is directly related to how much vegetable oil is used during cooking. The color can tell a lot - the lighter the zucchini caviar, the less calorie it contains (this means that the vegetables were stewed, not fried, and there is less oil).

As a rule, 100 g of squash caviar contains:

  • proteins: 1-2 g;
  • fats: 6-8 g;
  • carbohydrates: 7-9 g.

Also, squash caviar contains dietary fiber, water, organic acids, ash, unsaturated fatty acids, etc.

The benefits of squash caviar

The product has a rich, balanced composition, represented by a vitamin and mineral complex:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H, group B;
  • macroelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, iodine, copper, zinc, fluorine, aluminum, boron, etc.

This composition, with its low calorie content (and excellent taste of the product), makes caviar very healthy. Benefit:

  • improves digestion due to its fiber content;
  • antioxidants prevent cell aging;
  • increases immunity;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system.

How much squash caviar can you eat to benefit your body? Nutritionists believe that a person can consume 100-150 g of this product daily without fear. Unfortunately, there are categories of people who should be careful:

  • with peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • with urolithiasis.

Caution is also necessary when purchasing squash caviar in a store. Pay attention to the expiration date, the appearance of the jar, and the absence of preservatives. Buy a fresh and, preferably, prepared according to GOST, product. Do not also forget that the calorie content of store-bought caviar is about 100 kcal, so know when to stop.

How to reduce calories?

Zucchini is one of the subspecies of pumpkin that came to us from distant Mexico along with other, now common, but at that time completely exotic products - potatoes, tomatoes, corn and sweet peppers. Zucchini, even more than its other “fellow travelers,” won the hearts of Europeans with its unpretentiousness and productivity. Now known in Europe as zucchini (little pumpkin), in Mexico it is affectionately known as zapatillos largas (long shoes). Breeders have developed a lot of varieties of zucchini, different in color and weight; in Eastern Europe, the most popular is white zucchini.

Zucchini can be cut into slices, rolled in egg and flour, fried in oil and then you get a super-calorie and nutritious dish, but today we will talk about zucchini caviar, whose calorie content is much lower than the above-mentioned forms of the original product. This brainchild of the domestic agricultural industry appeared on our shelves back in the 30s of the twentieth century and never disappeared from these shelves, undeservedly receiving a contemptuous nickname among the people - “deli’s penal company.” However, the simplicity and availability of squash caviar maintains its popularity even today, when there is already plenty to choose from.

How many calories are in squash caviar?

If the energy value of raw zucchini is about 25 kcal, then the calorie content of zucchini caviar is 80-100 kcal, depending on the recipe. At the same time, the finished product contains vitamins A, B, C, PP and others. It contains especially a lot of vitamins A and C. Among the minerals there is almost the entire periodic table (in the good sense of the word). There is iron, and magnesium, and zinc, and boron, you can’t list everything. We are hinting so subtly that a diet based on squash caviar can be not just weight loss, but also real health improvement.

In the store you should only buy proven, autumn caviar from reliable manufacturers, which has a characteristic uniform color, or even better, make it yourself. There are many recipes for different tastes, but it is reliable and not difficult, and you yourself will regulate the energy composition of the product.

Zucchini caviar for weight loss

For a diet, squash caviar is quite suitable. The most radical way is grind fresh, tender (very young!) fruits, and salt this minced meat, eat 100 grams of dill every morning and. The calorie content of this homemade squash caviar, real lightly salted, will be only 18(!) kcal. This recipe is very popular among those who like to lose weight in Slovenia and Croatia.

But still, this is not really caviar. And nutritionists advise using regular homemade caviar warm, as a side dish for low-fat dishes (for example, chicken breast or veal) for one week. This simple fasting diet will allow you to lose a few extra pounds, while maintaining nutritional balance and increasing your tone.

Zucchini is one of the most common and affordable vegetable crops. Therefore, it is quite common in the diet of many people in different forms. His can be subjected to various heat treatments and receive many varied and appetizing dishes, sometimes even unexpected. For those who like originality and novelty of gastronomic sensations, It would be interesting to try zucchini jam.

Zucchini is often canned to be served with a side dish or meat dishes in winter. For example, squash caviar is not only a wonderful addition to low-fat dishes, but also a source of many beneficial substances.

100 g of squash caviar contains from 80 to 100 kcal.

The calorie content of squash caviar will depend on the recipe, of which there are many varieties. Whatever the energy value, this dish has a beneficial effect on the body.

The benefits of squash caviar

The properties that squash caviar has on the human body are quite significant:

  1. Due to the pectin content in it, it removes harmful substances and cholesterol from the body.
  2. Normalizes intestinal motility due to the fact that it contains fiber.
  3. Prevents constipation and improves metabolism.
  4. Useful for diabetes.
  5. Fights the formation of cellulite.
  6. Used as a preventive measure for iron deficiency anemia.
  7. Improves blood quality and the condition of blood vessels.
  8. Nourishes the heart muscle.

Zucchini caviar can be consumed during a diet, but before starting a diet with its use, you should consult your doctor: it is not beneficial for everyone.

Squash caviar with mayonnaise

There are a great many recipes for preparing squash caviar for the winter. The most commonly used option is to preserve caviar with the addition of mayonnaise.

The calorie content of 100 g of squash caviar with mayonnaise reaches 200 kcal.

Let's consider dietary recipe for this dish. For it you will need:

  • zucchini 1200 g;
  • onions 200 g;
  • mayonnaise with a small percentage of fat content 100 g;
  • sunflower oil 50 g;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • salt 10 g;
  • tomato paste 100 g.

Cook zucchini and onions twisted through a meat grinder for 60 minutes, add seasonings, tomato paste, mayonnaise, sunflower oil and cook for another 60 minutes. After this, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

The energy value of caviar prepared according to this recipe is 140 kcal per 100 g of product.

Selection of zucchini for cooking caviar

In order for the quality of squash caviar to be at the highest level, it is necessary to correctly select the main ingredient for its preparation - zucchini. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. The outer covering of the vegetable should be shiny and smooth.
  2. The zucchini should be free of dents, deformed areas and spots of rot.
  3. Relatively small vegetables are better suited for canning because they have a low seed content and the pulp is tender.
  4. If you have to preserve large specimens, you need to peel them and remove the seeds.
  5. It is better not to take zucchini with a dried stalk.
  6. You should buy vegetables to prepare for the winter from the beginning of August to mid-September.
  7. To prevent the caviar from burning during the cooking process, it is better to cook it in a cast iron pan or in a stainless steel bowl.

Diets using zucchini caviar

The squash caviar diet involves eating caviar made by stewing zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, garlic and onions in the oven. There are many varieties. Whatever the energy value, this dish has a beneficial effect on the body.

After this, the vegetables are ground in a blender and placed in a bowl over low heat until the vegetable mass thickens.

The duration of the squash caviar diet is on average 7 days:

  1. For breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese and other fermented milk products along with zucchini caviar.
  2. For lunch, boiled chicken breast or baked fish along with caviar are good.
  3. For dinner you are allowed to eat buckwheat porridge or boiled potatoes, but they must be eaten together with squash caviar.
  4. During this diet, you can drink herbal or green tea without sugar.
  5. You can also eat vegetables or fruits with a small amount of sugar for all seven days.

Here's another one in diet option with squash caviar e:

  1. One day for breakfast, eat zucchini in the form of a casserole; for the next meal, prepare a salad of vegetables with zucchini, seasoned with yogurt. For lunch you can eat vegetable soup; for the next meal, a salad with zucchini, cottage cheese and herbs is suitable. For dinner you need zucchini stuffed with vegetables.
  2. For breakfast the next day you need to prepare zucchini pancakes, for the second breakfast - a vegetable salad with added herbs, seasoned with sunflower oil. For lunch you need to bake fish with zucchini and carrots in foil. For an afternoon snack, simmer chopped zucchini, carrots, onions and bell peppers, chop using a blender and mix with cottage cheese. For dinner, fry mushrooms with zucchini, and also add green onions, parsley, dill or other herbs.

Change the menu for the next days one by one and drink at least 1.5 liters of water or green tea every day.

Here approximate diet of another diet on caviar from zucchini, lasting a week:

  1. For breakfast, zucchini casserole, a coffee drink (tea or juice), for lunch you can eat vegetable soup with zucchini and boiled chicken, as well as zucchini caviar and fruit or vegetable juice. For dinner you need to prepare stuffed zucchini, wash it down with kefir or yogurt with a small percentage of fat.
  2. First meal: zucchini pancakes and rosehip decoction. For lunch, baked fish with zucchini, washed down with water. In the evening, stew the zucchini with mushrooms and drink kefir.
  3. The next day should start with a vegetable salad and rosehip drink. During the day, eat soup with mushrooms and zucchini, drink tea or juice. The evening meal consists of veal with beans and zucchini, and kefir.
  4. For breakfast, fry an omelet with zucchini and drink a glass of orange juice. For lunch, prepare a stew with zucchini, chicken (or other poultry), and drink fresh cabbage. In the evening, eat a light vegetable salad with zucchini and a glass of kefir.
  5. In the morning – zucchini with onion and cottage cheese, or low-fat kefir. For lunch - zucchini caviar with baked fish with cauliflower and citrus juice. For dinner - vegetable soup, squash caviar and water.
  6. For the first meal, eat a fruit salad with zucchini and drink green tea. For lunch, boil the poultry and eat it with squash caviar, drink fruit or vegetable juice. For dinner, eat boiled buckwheat and tea without sugar.
  7. On the last day of the diet, fry zucchini pancakes for breakfast and drink orange juice. For lunch, bake zucchini with beef in the oven, wash it down with kefir with a small percentage of fat content. In the evening, eat a vegetable salad and drink an infused rosehip decoction.

There should be at least five meals with this diet.. For second breakfast and afternoon snack, you can use fermented milk products or a baked apple without sugar.

The diet for the described diet is not strict and can be slightly modified. It is also important to remember that if you choose a particular diet, it is important to get the approval of your doctor before starting it.
