Can you use mozzarella on pizza? When to add cheese when making pizza. Classic cheese for Italian pizza

Pizza is perhaps the most popular Italian dish. It is easy to prepare at home, and the variety of fillings is amazing. Meanwhile, to get a truly delicious dish, it is important to choose the right cheese for pizza. An incorrectly selected ingredient can ruin a dish or make it look unattractive.

There are some rules for choosing a creamy product that should be followed in order to get a truly tasty food.

The best choice for a dish with any filling is hard and semi-hard varieties, mostly with a neutral taste that will not clog or conflict with other ingredients.

If you want Italian food right now, but you don’t have the varieties described above at home, there is a way out. Regular cheese can be perfectly replaced with feta cheese, feta, Adyghe or suluguni. As a last resort, dryish cottage cheese is suitable, which is pre-flavored with a small amount of seasonings to give it more expressiveness.

It melts perfectly in the oven and creates an appetizing crust on the surface of the pizza.

Classic cheese for Italian pizza

The original recipe always uses only one type of cheese - mozzarella. This product is ideal for pizza: it has a neutral, mild taste and does not distort the perception of other components. In addition, mozzarella melts perfectly and remains viscous even after the dish has cooled.

Another type of suitable product is Parmesan. It has a tart flavor with distinct milky notes, melts well and remains soft after the pizza is taken out of the oven and served.

Using the above components, you can be sure of the taste of the final result.

What cheeses are included in the four cheese pizza?

A distinctive feature of this dish is the minimum number of ingredients. Only the dough itself, tomato sauce and four types of cheese are used here. They are selected in such a way that their tastes not only combine, but also complement each other.

  1. As a rule, the following types of creamy ingredients are used in this dish:
  2. Product with blue mold. It can be either Gorgonzola or Dorblu. This component has a tart taste and aroma, avoiding the blandness of the finished dish.
  3. Parmesan and mozzarella. Both are classic pizza cheese varieties, one milder and more neutral, the other tart and flavorful. Their combination gives the finished dish a unique taste and aroma.

It doesn’t matter how exactly you place the creamy component on the dough. You can lay out the cheese in both layers and sectors. You can mix all 4 varieties and distribute evenly over the surface of the tomato sauce.

Melted product for baking

Although it is very tempting to use processed cheese in an Italian dish, you should not do this. The fact is that this creamy product contains many additives that are responsible for its softness and prevent hardening. When heated, the ingredient may behave unpredictably and form a substance more like mucus on the surface of the filling.

However, many housewives speak positively about the use of smoked sausage cheese on pizza. The ingredient is cut into thin slices and spread evenly over the filling. After baking, the cheese remains viscous, while imparting interesting flavor notes to the finished dish.

The melted component is not an absolute taboo for pizza; you can try experimenting with different types of product and choose the best option.

Using mozzarella cheese

This is the best option for pizza.

It is important to follow some rules when choosing and using a product:

  1. The component must be fresh. An ingredient that is past its expiration date may have an unpleasant aftertaste, which will negatively affect the taste of the pizza.
  2. It is best to give preference to a product packaged in vacuum packaging and shaped like a bar. It will not be too wet, but its taste remains high.
  3. It’s great if you can buy a product made from buffalo milk. This component will give the dish a light creamy flavor; it goes well with tomatoes and basil.
  4. As the mozzarella melts, it evenly coats the toppings, binding all the ingredients together and giving the pizza its famous flavor.
  5. It is best to cut the product into small pieces or slices and spread evenly over the filling for better melting.

Do not discount the fact that this variety contains a large amount of vitamins, and therefore will bring undoubted benefits to the body even after heat treatment.

Suluguni for pizza

Suluguni is a good alternative to mozzarella. This component has a dense, slightly layered structure, a creamy, salty taste and a milky aroma. When heated, the product melts easily, creating a uniform layer on the surface of the Italian dish that begins to stretch when cut.

It is best to grind the ingredient before use rather than cutting it into slices. Then it will melt faster and more evenly and bind together all the other components of the Italian dish.

When to add cheese when making pizza

The creamy product is always placed on the filling before putting the dish in the oven.

In this case, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. If you decide to use mozzarella, then the cheese is cut into thin slices of the same size and spread evenly on the surface of the pizza, avoiding the formation of large areas not covered with cheese.
  2. When using Adyghe cheese, suluguni or feta, the best way is to finely chop the indicated ingredients and distribute evenly over the surface of the pizza.
  3. In the case of hard or semi-hard varieties, you need to grate the required amount of the product and distribute it evenly over the surface of the pizza.
  4. Parmesan should first be crushed and sprinkled evenly over the filling of the dish.

In some cases, it makes sense to place the cheese some time before the end of baking. Do this in cases where it is necessary to bake the dough well, or when a thick layer of filling is used. This dish can hardly be classified as a classic pizza, and the cheese is laid out later in order to avoid excessive drying and burning.

What cheese should I use for pizza to make it stretch?

As mentioned above, mozzarella cheese is a classic option; it is what creates thin stretchy threads when cutting the dish.

If the original product is difficult to buy, you can use Russian cheese. It has a neutral and mild taste, melts well, does not burn and creates long stretchy threads when eating the Italian delicacy.

Which cheese is best for pizza, each housewife decides for herself. There are classic solutions and preferred options, but nothing prevents you from experimenting with new varieties and varieties of creamy product and choosing it depending on your own preferences.


Cheese "Mozzarella Pizza"

Description of the variety

Semi-hard product Mozzarella Pizza (Italian: Mozzarella Pizza) is the most famous product in the Pasta Filata category.

Mozzarella pizza (Pizza) best shows its own taste characteristics under the influence of temperature, for this reason this product is therefore more in demand in dishes that require baking and heat treatment, for example, for use as a filling for pizza, lasagna, burritos, wraps, quesadillas or rolls.

Product Features

Mass fraction of fat: 50%

Shelf life in packaging: 60 days

Packed in vacuum film in the form:
Loaf ~2kg

The finished product can be cut into slices, segments or cubes at the request of the customer.

Store in places protected from direct sunlight, at temperatures from -4C o to 0C o and relative air humidity no more than 90%, or at temperatures from 0C o to +6C o degrees and relative air humidity no more than 85%.

Grated cheese "Mozzarella Pizza"

We grate Mozzarella Pizza cheese into shavings or crumbs (at the client’s request) and pack it in a flow pack in a gas-modified environment.

The weight of the grated cheese package is from 200g to 5kg.

The cheese in this form melts well and is excellent for preparing dishes in the HoReCa segment, especially for pizzerias.

Services for HoReCa

We offer services for rubbing, slicing, cutting (into bars, segments, cubes) from the customer’s raw materials.

The minimum volume of processed raw materials per day is 1000 kg.

We invite you to cooperation

Cheese "Mozzarella Pizza" produced by Maloyaroslavets Dairy Plant sold in bulk in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in other regions.

If you are interested in our products, please read the commercial offer

To the list of products

Reference Information...

Semi-hard product Mozzarella Pizza (Italian: Mozzarella Pizza) is the most famous product in the Pasta Filata category.

Mozzarella pizza (Pizza) best shows its own taste characteristics under the influence of temperature, for this reason this product is more in demand in dishes that require baking and heat treatment, for example, for use as a filling for pizza, lasagna, burritos, rolls, quesadillas or rolls. Along with this, the scope of application of semi-hard mozzarella is much wider: sandwiches, salads and various snacks - a colossal variety of different options.

This is a type of cheese from the mozzarella branch. However, the difference is that this cheese has 45% humidity, thereby increasing its shelf life.

The difference between this cheese is that it does not require ripening. And immediately ready to eat after preparation. The most famous dish with Mozzarella Pizza is calzone. Another peculiarity of this cheese is that, despite the fact that it is a cheese of the mozzarella series, but most often *production of hard cheeses* mozzarella is made from cow's milk, thus this type of cheese is not suitable for those who are allergic to milk protein.

Perfect Italian pizza. Mozzarella cheese made from young buffalo milk. A real oven with oak wood, which cooks a dish in three minutes, because the heat in it reaches 400 degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, Russian housewives do not have such “ingredients” at hand for preparing the dish. However, you can make delicious, aromatic and rich pizza in Italian in the conditions of a city apartment, with a set of familiar products from the nearest store and in a regular oven. Today the secrets of the mozzarella pizza recipe will be revealed. How to do it?

Pizza recipe with mozzarella and tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp. flour.
  • A teaspoon of dry yeast.
  • Half st. l. Sahara.
  • 2 tablespoons hot water (for yeast).
  • 150 ml water (for dough).
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 150-200 gr.
  • A couple of large tomatoes.
  • Basil.
  • Oregano.
  • Leeks or onions (optional).

From the ingredients listed above you will get a couple of large pizzas with a diameter of about thirty centimeters. The dough preparation time is 60 minutes, the filling time is 15 minutes, the baking process is 15 minutes.

Cooking method

As with any other baked product, a homemade mozzarella pizza recipe starts with making the dough. In order to obtain a fluffy, pliable dough, it is recommended to soak dry yeast in hot water in the indicated proportions. The process will go faster if you add a teaspoon of granulated sugar. While the dough is rising, mix the flour with salt, sugar and water. Add the dough to this mixture and mix well. After the dough is formed, it is recommended to place it in a container, cover with a towel and let rise.

Cut the finished dough into pieces. For two large pizzas, you need to divide the piece in half; if you want smaller portioned pizzas, then divide it into four pieces. Experienced housewives know that to immediately roll out with a rolling pin pizza dough not worth it. Only hands are used. Gently stretch the piece of dough by the edges, giving it a round shape. Only after this we modify it with a rolling pin.

As for this recipe for pizza with mozzarella, there is no need to spend a lot of time preparing the filling. Cut the tomatoes into large circles, finely chop the onion, and cut the cheese into small cubes. The filling is ready.

Spray the surface of the dough with olive oil. Arrange: tomatoes, basil, onions, oregano, sprinkle with mozzarella and put in the oven. In fifteen minutes you will receive an amazingly tasty and aromatic, classic Italian pizza at home.

Pizza recipe with mozzarella and salami

For lovers of spicy flavors and aromas in pizza, we offer the following recipe. The main characters here are mozzarella cheese, smoked “hunter” sausages and spicy salami sausage. The filling will also consist of green onions, a couple of tomatoes and spices. The amount of ingredients for pizza filling is determined “by eye”, at will, “by preference”. Some people will put more cheese, while others will prefer sausages.

For the test

  • Dry yeast - 1 pack.
  • 220 ml milk.
  • Two eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Wheat flour - 400 gr.

By using eggs and milk, the dough will be airy and fluffy.


This recipe for pizza with mozzarella is distinguished not only by the presence of a meat component, but also by the presence of a piquant hot sauce. To prepare it you need:

  • Tomato. pasta - 50 gr.
  • Olive. oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Basil.
  • Oregano.
  • Black pepper.
  • Rosemary.
  • Salt.
  • Spicy hot chili pepper.


The dough for this mozzarella pizza recipe is prepared using the same technology as in the first case. Place the yeast in hot water and leave the dough to rise. Make a “volcano” in the sifted flour and pour salt and sugar into the center and break the eggs. Mix. Add the dough and mix well with your hands. The dough should be soft, fluffy and pliable. Let it rise for an hour under a towel or plastic cling film.

For the filling, cut the sausages into thin rings. Salami will make large rings, which will provide external contrast and give the baked goods a beautiful appearance. Tomatoes can be cut into long sticks or regular circles. Mozzarella - small cubes.

The sauce will add a special piquancy to the pizza. Mix sour cream with olive oil, add a pinch of salt and a little ground pepper. Stir in tomato paste. Chilli remove seeds (if you like it “hot”, you can leave the seeds) and cut into very small pieces. Add to the sauce. Mix.

Divide the risen dough into portions. Each portioned piece will make a full-fledged large pizza. Roll out the layer, pour over the filling and level it with a spoon, not forgetting to coat the edges well. We spread the filling: tomatoes, hunting sausages, herbs, salami slices and cheese on top. Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Pizza recipe with mushrooms, chicken, peppers and mozzarella

This pizza is perhaps the most satisfying and high-calorie. But sometimes you can treat yourself and your household to a truly luxurious dish. To prepare the dough you need:

  • Flour - 250 gr.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Dry yeast - 1 pack.
  • Olive. oil.

In this case, the dough, like all pizza, will not be fluffy, but thin, classic Italian.


  • Champignons - 150 gr.
  • Chicken fillet - 200 gr.
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese (any) - 10 gr.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 150 gr.

How to cook

The recipe for pizza with chicken and mozzarella, mushrooms and bell peppers does not take much time, despite the large number of ingredients involved in the process. The dough is kneaded using classical technology. From these products you will get two thin pizzas.

The chicken is boiled and cut into cubes. Hard cheese varieties - grated, mozzarella - into cubes. Peppers and tomatoes - at the discretion of the hostess. Mushrooms are fried until golden brown.

Olive oil is used as the sauce in this pizza. Lay out filling: tomatoes, chicken, mushrooms, onions, herbs, cheeses. Bake for about 20 minutes. At a temperature of 220 degrees.
