Review from Elena Beloborodova. Center for diagnostics and consultation "Blago" Institute of Further Education

We continue to introduce you to the employees of our company. Today it is Lena Beloborodova. Works as a product manager. Responsible for the emergence of new products in the categories of non-food, canned food, drinks, vegetables and fruits.

We have already talked about how it works in this position.

It is incredibly difficult to formulate a chain’s assortment – ​​we need to focus on the tastes of our customers. And they are very different. Therefore, we wanted to find out what products Lena prefers, whether she has any principles in food and what is prohibited.

– I got married this summer. There is an opinion that after the wedding, life changes, in the kitchen in particular. But everything remains the same for me - we live as we lived. Therefore, our diet has not changed since we got married.

I don’t have any special principles in food. I love simple cuisine, without any tricks. The only thing we don’t have in our family is sweets and white bread. Fruits and dried fruits – why aren’t they sweet? True, there is a sin - I absolutely love milk chocolate. Yes, with all the nasty things in the composition. But I play around very rarely. If I loved bitter, then chocolate would be a more frequent guest.

In the meantime, I’ll tell you about my favorite products from our range.

Price - 85 rubles per piece

This salad, and this is just a salad, goes great with meat, it’s delicious simply spread on bread or crispbread.

In Scandinavia, a product of this consistency is boldly called salad. Residents of our country have completely different associations when they hear the word “salad,” so we added the word “sauce” to the product name, although its recipe is purely Scandinavian. You are unlikely to find this salad sauce in a regular supermarket, so I suggest everyone try it.

Price - 670 rubles per piece

A universal product on the table. It’s an excellent option as a salad dressing; it’s also suitable for frying. Plus, our oil is made from the freshest Greek olives. Before they knew it, they turned into oil.

In 99% of cases, we choose a manufacturer in Russia. But there are a number of products in our assortment that cannot be produced in Russia in the same way as they can be produced in another country. Olive oil is a prime example. We don’t grow olives, so you won’t find high-quality olive oil from Russia.

Price - 94 rubles per piece

The history of the creation of this sauce is unusual. We were contacted by a manufacturer who supplies jam to VkusVill stores. He said that they had a lot of blackcurrant puree left and suggested that we think about where we could use it.

The technologist and I had an idea to combine the seemingly incompatible. We developed a recipe, and the result was this sauce. Contains only blackcurrant puree and spicy spices. You would never have thought that all together it would sound so delicious. The sauce is a hit. It is especially appreciated by meat lovers, as it goes perfectly with it.

Price - 380 rubles per piece

I love meat and I love saving time. If the store has steak in stock, I'll take the steak. If it’s not fate, then I usually take cutlets.

I love them for their taste and speed of preparation. Standing at the stove for a long time, making marinades is not my thing.

Price - 125 rubles per piece

Price - 38 rubles per piece

Of all the wide range of fish, I love herring. This is the most delicious fish for me. It is already ready for use, which is very pleasing. Do you know what it tastes better with? With boiled and then fried potatoes or black bread and green onions. Russian classics in the flesh.

We always had simple food at home, and this dish, so to speak, is an echo of childhood. I remember after school my grandmother fed me fried potatoes and a glass of milk. It was very tasty. We had cabbage soup and other simple dishes on our table - nothing supernatural.

Price - 135 rubles per piece

Price - 95 rubles per piece

There are periods when technologists go on vacation, and there are few tastings. And here our cooking helps me out.

I love borscht...eating it, but not cooking it. And ours suits me in all respects - tasty and ready to eat. And when combined with a sandwich roll, it usually makes a great lunch.

Price - 225 rubles per piece

Yes, they need to be cooked, but these mushrooms do not require sorting, peeling, soaking, or double boiling. There are never any worms in them. They are prepared in no time: fry them together with onions in butter - that’s all they need. In addition, they are very useful: they have antibacterial properties and are rich in plant protein.

Price - 180 rubles per piece

These dates appeared in the assortment unexpectedly. We have an employee who loves, so to speak, unusual food. Spirulina, chia, green buckwheat - this is her theme. And one day she brought these same dates to the office. I liked them so much that it would be unfair to our customers not to include them in our assortment. Everyone should try them! They have a caramel taste and a very pleasant aftertaste.

Lifehack from me: freeze them. The result is a natural caramel candy. They begin to melt in the mouth and become chewy. Very cool - try it!

Price - 95 rubles per piece

As many people know, we first introduced regular soy milk into our range, which contains only soybeans and water. Especially for those people who count calories, who have lactose intolerance, or who simply do not consume dairy products for any reason. Many people complain about the starchy taste of the drink. But that's how he should be.

Therefore, we decided to transform the taste and improve it. Added vanilla and cane sugar. Great for muesli, cereal or baking. Delicious to drink plain or add to coffee. Whipped perfectly with a cappuccino maker. And you know, lately I have been giving more preference to soy milk than regular milk.

Price - 60 rubles per piece

Price -145 rubles per piece

If I need a snack, I don't bother having something meat on my plate. It seems to me that I could easily be a vegetarian if vegetarian products were as accessible as meat products. That's why we have lentil cutlets in our assortment. Just lightly fry them on both sides, add vegetables and lunch or dinner is ready.

Unfortunately, being a meat eater is still easier these days - there is an abundance of prepared foods and burgers are not sold in any cafe. But we try to make the range as wide as possible, for people with different food preferences.

Price - 22 rubles per piece

We have been looking for directly pressed juices for a very long time. There are few manufacturers who make them, and even bottle them in such packaging.

Our juices are good because they contain no sugar. But in baby food I consider it unnecessary. Therefore, I removed all nectars from the assortment.

What is important is that the price of the juices is budget, and the product is of very good quality.

And we hope that many parents and their children have already appreciated the design. The tasks on the packaging help the child develop imagination and memory.

Price - 150 rubles per piece

Price - 25 rubles per piece

The baby cream moisturizes well and is not sticky. It is universal - for hands, feet and even the face. Just what you need for the autumn-winter period.

Our baby wipes are creamy, moisturizing, and have an antibacterial effect. I don’t know about others, but my skin around my nails is often dry. And for resuscitating the cuticle during the day, these wipes are even better than cream.

39 years


“If you want to be active, healthy, beautiful, successful and loved, you simply must master the basics of nutrition science!”

In childhood and adolescence I was slim and beautiful. My student years were fun and serene. A happy marriage brought joy, peace and, unfortunately, excessive relaxation in nutrition. It was impossible not to be tempted by all the delicious things available around the clock and everywhere - cafes at every turn, semi-finished products that save us so much time, endless snacks. I overate, but was not satisfied, and my stomach “went to heaven,” demanding more and more.

For 10 long years I lived as if I was not in my real body. Neither dress nicely nor undress. It is almost impossible to run or ride a bike and, as a result, more and more complexes and disappointment in oneself...

The food I eat has a huge impact on the kind of person I am. The realization of this came to me on New Year’s Eve 2014. Painstaking, complex, but very interesting work on myself began. I am very grateful to Elena Vasilyevna for such simple and effective nutrition rules!

In a healthy body there is a healthy mind, and in a slim body there is a feeling of happiness - the happiness of feeling free, strong, beautiful and self-confident!

*Results may vary.

Disciplines taught

Correction of oral and written speech of preschool and school-age children, assessment of the level of speech and cognitive development

Scientific and teaching experienceMerits, awards

Personal achievements: awarded the badge “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”; awarded the honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, awarded the medal “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, 1997

Level of education, qualificationsDirection of training (or specialty)


Total experienceInformation about advanced training or professional training

2013 - MIOO: Economics, finance and law in a budgetary educational institution -; 2013 - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University: Dactylic and sign speech as specific means of communication for people with hearing impairment (basic level) 2014 - Design and implementation of basic professional educational undergraduate programs in the field of training "Special (defectological) education" (Teacher-defectologist)" , 72 hours. 2015 - Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities in general education organizations. State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU, 72 hours

Main publications

1. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V., Lyubimova M.M. Methodological developments for conducting teaching practice for fifth-year students of the speech therapy department of the defectology faculty. Moscow, 1995

2. Galina V. Babina, E1ena Be1oborodova. Development of Language Completion of Preschool Children with Alalia. XXIII World Congress of the International of logopedics and Phoniatrics. Cairo, Egypt, August 6-10, 1995.

3. Lyubimova M.M., Beloborodova E.V., Gorvits Yu.M. Using computer games “Kid/Baby” for the correction and development of speech in children of primary school age. Conference “Information Technologies in Education” // collection of works of participants. Moscow, MEPhI, 1999, p. 186-187.

4. Lyubimova M.M., Beloborodova E.V., Gorvits Yu.M. The use of computer games for the correction and development of speech in preschool children. Guidelines. Moscow, 2000 - 30 p.

5. Beloborodova E.V. “Assimilation of comparisons by preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.” Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Moscow State Pedagogical University “Modern technologies for diagnosis, prevention and correction of developmental disorders.” October 10-11, 2005

6. Beloborodova E.V. “Features of understanding comparisons by children with ODD.” P.384-389. Scientific works of MPGU. Digest of articles. Publishing house "Prometheus", M., 2006.

7. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V. Mastering comparisons by preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment // Traditional and innovative teaching technologies in the system of special education in the context of modernization of capital education: Proceedings of the 1st international conference of defectologists (January 17-18, 2006). - M., 2006. - P. 249-252.

8. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V. Understanding the figurative meaning of personifications by children with special needs // Speech therapy of the 20th century: Proceedings of a symposium with international participation (April 20-21, 2006). - St. Petersburg, 2006.

9. Beloborodova E.V. Words with figurative meaning in the speech of preschoolers with special needs // Current problems of speech development and linguistic education of children: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 24-26, 2006). — Eagle: Ed. OSU, 2006. - P. 200-202. 0.1 p.l.

10. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V. As they understand, the figurative meanings of personifications are preschoolers with special needs / Speech therapist in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 5(14).- P. 4-8.

11. Beloborodova E.V. Methodology for examining figurative language means/Speech therapy. — 2007.-№1(15). pp. 9-16.

12. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V. Methods and materials for studying comparative turns in the speech of preschoolers // Correctional pedagogy: problems of theory and practice. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - pp. 54-64.

13. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V. “Survey of the understanding and use of comparisons by children of senior preschool age” / Speech therapist in kindergarten. – 2007.-№5(20). P.5-11.

14. Beloborodova E.V. Semantization of phraseological phrases by children of senior preschool age // News of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen: postgraduate notebooks. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - No. 10 (31). — P. 28-31.

15. Beloborodova E.V. Studying the understanding of phraseological units by preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. // Problems of diagnosing children with speech disorders: modern approaches and innovative solutions: Materials of the II Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (December 5-6, 2007) - Izhevsk, Udmurt State University, 2007 - pp. 31-34

16. Beloborodova E.V. Formation of figurative means of language in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Abstract of the dissertation for the scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. – M., 2007, 23 p.

17. Beloborodova E.V. Formation of figurative means of language in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. – M., 2007, 151 p.

18. Babina G.V., Beloborodova E.V. Figurative language means / Preschool education. – M., 2008 – No. 6 P. 60-66.

19. Kulakova E.V., Beloborodova E.V. and others. Psychological and pedagogical support for children with hearing impairments in secondary schools.-M., 2010, 144 p.

20. Beloborodova E.V. Figurative means of language in the speech of preschool children with speech disorders.//Collection of methodological materials on the development of pedagogical systems for speech pathologists, speech therapists, educational psychologists and other specialists in (correctional) educational institutions of the district.// – Issue 2. M.: OMC ZOUO. 2010- P.48-58.

About Me

In 1986 she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin; qualification: teacher-speech therapist, teacher of Russian language and literature in schools for children with severe speech impairments).

In 2007 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. Topic of the candidate's dissertation: “Formation of figurative means of language in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.” Specialty 13.00.03 – correctional pedagogy (speech therapy)
