Why are pancakes not fluffy with sour milk? Pancakes with sour milk. Lush pancakes with sour milk

A thrifty housewife will never have the thought of pouring sour milk down the sink. Why throw away a good product if it can still be used? For example, fry delicious pancakes for breakfast? In sour milk they always come out fluffy, with a thin crispy rim around the edge, rosy and tender.

Frying pancakes from sour milk is profitable and convenient. You don’t have to quench the soda with vinegar, because the acidic product will give the desired “bubbling” reaction. Using just one basic recipe, you can make sweet and savory pancakes. You can add a variety of vegetables, fruits and berries to the dough - the familiar taste of pancakes will turn out different, but also very pleasant.

Subtleties of making fluffy pancakes

The two most important rules:

Although, in general, soda or baking powder is not always added to the dough for pancakes made with sour milk. This ingredient can be replaced with baker's yeast or completely abandoned.

The consistency of the dough should resemble thick homemade sour cream, in which a spoon stands. This is the only way the pancakes will turn out tall, fluffy and will not fall off after being removed from the pan. Recipes indicate a certain amount of flour in relation to other components of the composition. However, the final version is always adjusted by eye, adding flour or milk depending on how thick the dough is.

It is more convenient and faster to knead with a hand mixer or blender. But it is recommended to use the technique only at the beginning, before mixing liquid and dry ingredients. It is advisable not to beat the flour into the pancake dough, but to gently mix it with a fork or whisk.

If the recipe says to beat the eggs (separately the whites), they will need to be refrigerated. After lying in the refrigerator for a few minutes, the whites and yolks whip much faster and better.

To make fluffy, delicious pancakes, the dough must rest and rise before putting it in the pan or in the oven. Cover the container with it with a clean kitchen towel and leave it warm for 20–30 minutes. You can speed up the process by placing a bowl of dough in a pan half filled with hot water.

And one last thing. Once the flour has completely dispersed and the dough is covered with bubbles, there is no need to stir it. You just need to scoop up the thick, bubbling mass with a tablespoon and carefully place it on a hot frying pan sprinkled with oil.

“Grandma’s” recipe for pancakes made from sour milk

The set of products in this version is standard, without any additional components. The amount of sugar can be changed to decrease or increase, depending on whether you want to make sweet pancakes from sour milk or unleavened ones. It is advisable not to change the proportions of other products.



Pancakes with sour milk - video

Serve with any “sauce”: sour cream, honey, berry jam, etc.

Pancakes with sour milk without eggs

Every housewife, at least once in her life, has found herself in such circumstances when one or another ingredient is missing to prepare the intended dish. There is nothing unusual or scary about this, since you can always find a way out of an uncomfortable situation. For example, you can make pancakes with sour milk without eggs at all.

Recipe 1. Choux pastry pancakes.



Please note that custard pancakes are prepared without soda. The dough rises well during baking even without this component.

Recipe 2. Airy pancakes without eggs.



According to this recipe, pancakes with spoiled milk are cooked over low heat under a lid. On each side of the pancake you need to fry for 2-3 minutes.

Recipe 3. Yeast pancakes.



The recipes proposed above will be useful not only when there are no eggs in the house, but also for preparing a dietary dish for people for whom this product is an allergen.

Dessert pancakes with a twist

If you want to change the classic recipe and make pancakes with sour milk with an unusual taste, you can try adding pieces of fruit, berries, cottage cheese, cheese, grated vegetables, herbs, and spices to the dough. Let's look at some of the most popular options for dessert pancakes with a twist.

Recipe 1. Curd pancakes with coconut flakes.



When serving, pancakes with cottage cheese are topped with sour cream, honey or everyone’s favorite condensed milk.

Recipe 2. Apple pancakes with sour sauce.



Fry apple pancakes in hot vegetable oil as usual. The same recipe can be used to make banana pancakes. The only difference is that the banana pulp is not cut, but mashed into a pulp with a fork.

Recipe 3. Sweet pancakes with raisins.



Serve with fruit salad, sour cream sauce, and jam.

Recipe 4. Orange pancakes.



When served, the orange pancakes are topped with a sauce made from honey and freshly squeezed orange juice.

Snack pancakes with vegetables and unusual filling

Most of us are accustomed to eating sweet pancakes for breakfast, dipping them in sour cream or honey. But it turns out that there are also unsweetened pancakes that can be served either as a snack or even as a main course. Moreover, preparing these is no more difficult than baking traditional dessert ones.

Recipe 1. Diet pancakes with zucchini.



Zucchini absorbs oil well, so you need to add it to the pan before adding each new batch of pancakes.

Recipe 2. Pancakes with Jerusalem artichoke.


  • Sour milk - 250 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 300 g.
  • Salt and soda - ¼ tsp each.


Vegetable pancakes with Jerusalem artichoke can be served with both salty and sweet sauces.

Recipe 3. Onion pancakes with seasoning.



If you wish, you can use the same principle to make pancakes with minced meat. Prepare minced meat from any type of meat, place a heaping teaspoon on each pancake, fry under the lid on each side for 3 minutes.

Recipe 4. Snack pancakes.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 200 g.
  • Soda - ½ tsp.
  • Salt - ½ tsp.

The filling can be made from champignons (100 g), crab sticks (240 g), smoked sausage (100 g), hard or soft homemade cheese (200 g).

Different regions had their own recipes and names for this dish - oladki, olashki, aladki, alyabyshi, etc. They were baked, as a rule, in cast iron frying pans. Pancakes, like pancakes, personified the sun and warmth, so pancakes are always baked on Maslenitsa.

A caring mother and loving wife knows how to please her family with a delicious and satisfying breakfast - prepare delicious pancakes.

Pancakes are prepared in various ways:

  1. Bake;
  2. Fry;
  3. They are stewing.

Manufacturers offer modern kitchen gadgets - a special fryer for baking pancakes.

To prepare the dough, use the products that are in the refrigerator.

We suggest you try making pancakes with milk without using soda. Kneading the dough will not be difficult, so even an inexperienced housewife can handle it.


  1. Milk 2.5% fat – 700 ml;
  2. Wheat flour – 10 tbsp. l.;
  3. Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  4. Salt - to taste;
  5. Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  6. Sunflower or olive oil - for frying.

An easy recipe for pancakes without soda, yeast and baking powder

Let's start cooking.

To do this you need:

  1. Heat the milk, but do not boil.
  2. Pour milk into flour.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  4. Beat eggs into flour and milk.
  5. Add salt and sugar to the mixture.
  6. Mix thoroughly with a whisk or blender.
  7. Separately, beat the whites into a strong foam.
  8. Carefully fold the whites into the dough.
  9. Pour a little oil into a well-heated frying pan.
  10. Use a spoon to pour the dough in small portions.
  11. When the bottom is browned, turn over to the other side and fry until done.

Ready-made pancakes can be served with sour cream, jam, jam or a variety of unsweetened sauces.

How to make pancakes without soda with sour milk

If the milk turns sour, no problem! Let's prepare pancakes with sour milk. The ingredients needed are the same as for pancakes made with regular milk.

But the cooking method is slightly different:

  1. Sour milk is mixed with flour and yolks.
  2. Add sugar and salt.
  3. Beat the egg whites separately and carefully fold into the mixture.
  4. Bake in a very hot frying pan until done, turning the cakes one at a time.

But, even if there is no milk, kefir or sour cream in the house, then do not despair.

Excellent pancakes can also be prepared using water. The taste is in no way inferior to pancakes with milk, but they will be even healthier for your figure, since they contain fewer calories. And such pancakes are very suitable for Lent.

In this case, the dough is kneaded using yeast - you will need 1 tsp. dry yeast.

Baking process:

  1. Heat the water to 35–36ᵒС.
  2. Add water and yeast to flour.
  3. Beat in the eggs, add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Beat the dough thoroughly, cover and place in a warm place for about 1 hour.
  5. Knead the dough carefully and leave for another 45 minutes.
  6. Pinch off small pieces of dough and fry on both sides in oil.

The pancakes will turn out fluffy, may be golden and low in calories. They are also excellent in baby food. You can serve pancakes with jam, honey, and low-fat sour cream. And if you put cheese and ham between two pancakes, you get a homemade “hamburger.”

Pancakes can be used as a base for hot sandwiches or snacks. But pancakes, even without additives, are a self-sufficient, tasty and healthy dish that the whole family will enjoy. Preparing pancakes does not take much time. The dish turns out beautiful and appetizing. It’s not a shame to put something like this in front of unexpected guests. The delicious aroma evokes an appetite and an immediate desire to run to the table.

Pancake recipe without soda (video)

The main components of successful preparation of pancakes are the correct proportions of dough and a good cast-iron frying pan. This dish is again gaining popularity among housewives. From a “grandmother’s” treat, pancakes become a fashionable dish that “plays up” in different ways, depending on additional sauces or toppings. Pancakes can be either a dessert or a hearty snack. Be sure to try making pancakes!

Recipes for baking with sour milk are known to any housewife. They come in handy when you need to quickly prepare a treat for tea, or you have some milk in the refrigerator. Find out how to cook sour milk pancakes.

The traditional recipe calls for flour, granulated sugar, eggs, salt, soda, vanilla and, of course, sour milk.

In addition to soda, which acts as a leavening agent, yeast or baking powder is used. With yeast, the pancakes turn out very fluffy, but the dough takes a long time to rise, and this is not convenient for everyone.

Therefore, if you intend to quickly make a whole dish of golden brown pancakes for breakfast, I suggest using a recipe that includes baking soda.

Once in an acidic environment, it begins to release a large number of air bubbles, which affects the splendor of baked goods.

It is not at all necessary to prepare pancakes according to one pattern. It is much more interesting to serve this dish with various additives in the dough.

For example, dessert pancakes can be made with pieces of apples, pears or bananas. Another option is to add pumpkin puree or grated carrots to the dough.

Choose flavorings at your discretion; in addition to the usual vanillin, there is also cinnamon and rum extract.

When presenting a dish, show your imagination. Fold the pancakes into a tower and pour condensed milk or sour cream sauce over it. Chocolate lovers will like a slightly different presentation; for them, the best decoration would be chocolate cream or chocolate chips.

However, it is not enough to simply mix the ingredients in a bowl and place the resulting mixture on a heated frying pan in vegetable oil.

Cooks do not always manage to prepare delicious and fluffy pancakes with sour milk recipe the first time. In order for the result of your labors to turn out to be an attractive dish, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Pancakes made with sour milk without yeast, if they are fluffy and rosy, just beg to be eaten. It’s impossible to take your eyes off them, especially if the dish is decorated and served with your favorite toppings.

Today we will look at a recipe and more than one that will help you become an experienced cook. Several ways to prepare a delicious dish will appear in your notebook.

Sour milk for bulk dough can have any fat content, any processing method and any composition. This can be a mixture of kefir, yogurt, sour cream and sour milk. Left unused, dairy products are a reason to start baking.

The principle of preparing bulk dough for pancakes from sour milk is the simplest: take flour, sour milk, and be sure to add a pinch of salt, even if you are preparing a sweet dough. Eggs can be added as desired - vegetarians can replace them with a spoonful of potato starch, combining it with flour.

The main thing is the presence of lactic acid, which is formed in the product under the influence of lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms, like yeast, improve the quality of the dough, giving it fluffiness and providing rise during baking. The only difference is that baker's yeast is a more active and resilient organism, so dough with yeast rises much faster.

Nobody bothers you to add a little yeast to sour milk. If you use yeast when kneading the dough, then you don’t need to add soda and other leavening agents. If you don’t like yeast dough, use baking soda, ammonium powder, or any baking powder will do. It is important to create an acid-base reaction that releases carbon dioxide and causes the dough to rise.

Then everything depends on the taste, mood and imagination of the cook. No one can name the exact number of recipes for pancakes. Most often they are prepared without any recipes - if only there was flour in the house. The classic recipe for pancakes made from sour milk can be modified indefinitely.

One additional ingredient to the dough - a new recipe is ready. Do children like sweets? Add dried fruits, cocoa, vanilla and serve the dish for breakfast with whipped cream, boiled condensed milk or your favorite jam - let the little treasure go to school happy, sugar activates mental performance, and the child needs it during the educational process.

Does your dear man want to taste meat during breakfast? There is nothing simpler: make pancake dough from sour milk without sugar, and add pieces of meat instead.

Of course, pancakes can be prepared with water, or with the juice of vegetables or fruits, but milk protein makes the dough more tender and soft. Therefore, pancakes made from sour milk are the best option for quick baking.

Ready? Then put on the table from the refrigerator all the products that can still be saved by using them to prepare the simplest dish.

Lush pancakes on soda

Ingredients: 2 eggs; half a liter jar of sour milk; 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar; soda - a teaspoon with top; ½ teaspoon salt; 45 ml vegetable oil; 450-470 g flour.


  1. Using a whisk, mix salt, sugar and eggs in a bowl.
  2. Add sour milk and butter.
  3. Lastly, add two cups of flour and baking soda to the dough. You don’t need to work too hard with the whisk; if lumps remain, that’s even good.
  4. Add the rest of the flour, it is better to add it two tablespoons at a time. Each time, stir the mass with a spatula until it becomes thick, like rich sour cream. It is important not to overdo it here; too much flour will not allow the pancakes to bake well. There is another risk: batters that don't contain enough flour will not rise well. This means that the pancakes will not be as fluffy as intended.
  5. Now leave the bowl with the dough to stand in a warm place, 20 minutes will be enough for it to settle. Finding the right location can be challenging, but there is a method you can use. You just need to heat water in a saucepan and put a bowl of dough into it. Cover the top of the bowl with film.
  6. After the allotted time, you will notice many bubbles on the surface of the dough. This means you can start frying the pancakes.
  7. Heat the frying pan, then pour vegetable oil into it. Once the oil is hot, spoon out small pancakes. By the way, it is not recommended to stir the dough, otherwise the pancakes will lose their fluffiness. Bake the dish over medium heat on both sides.
  8. Even before you turn the pancakes over, holes will form on their surface - evidence that a reaction between the soda and sour milk has occurred.

When you add oil to the frying pan, warm it up, and only then lay out the next portion of the preparations. This is a prerequisite for the pancakes to turn out the way you imagine them.

Place each batch of ready-made sour milk pancakes on a wide dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Do you like any sauce?

Then you have at your disposal sour cream, condensed milk, jam, and you never know what else you can come up with to decorate the dish. There are recipes when pancakes are served with honey or berry puree.

Surely, your family has its own preferences, and the seasons make their own adjustments.

Even if you have never baked pancakes with sour milk before, pay attention to this recipe.

The good news is that the dish will not take you much time, and you will find the ingredients in your refrigerator.

You will make pancakes if you have on hand: 2 eggs; two glasses of sour milk and white flour.

In addition, you will need: 40 g of sugar; soda – 0.5 teaspoon and a pinch of salt.

The recipe for making these fluffy and delicious pancakes:

  1. In a deep bowl, beat sugar and eggs.
  2. Salt the mixture and pour in stale milk. Whip the mixture with a whisk until it becomes homogeneous, without curdled milk clots.
  3. Add flour and punch the dough. Add soda.
  4. If the mass turns out to be thick, dilute it with sour milk and set aside for 15-20 minutes. Choose a suitable place, that is, with a comfortable temperature that would facilitate the rise of the dough.

Prepare a frying pan, heat it up and pour vegetable oil into it. Do not rush to spread the dough, the oil must have time to heat up, otherwise the pancakes will not rise.

For each batch, place 4-5 pancakes and keep in mind that there should be sufficient distance between them.

Make sure that the dish does not burn; to do this, reduce the heat to medium intensity and turn the pancakes to the other side every two minutes.

It is noteworthy that the recipe allows you to prepare pancakes that, even after cooling, do not lose their airiness.

In addition, their golden brown crust remains as crispy and appetizing as it was at the very beginning.

Those with a sweet tooth will love this served with condensed milk or jam. No worse than another presentation recipe - with sour cream.

Yeast pancakes with sour milk

By serving pancakes for breakfast, you charge your family with a positive mood and a lot of useful substances.

This dish based on a sour milk product is suitable for both primary schoolchildren and teenagers, and adults will certainly like it.

By putting various additives on the table, you can please all family members at the same time, regardless of their age.

Ingredients: half a glass of granulated sugar; 500 g each of flour and sour milk; 2 eggs; yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon; vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt.

For frying you will need vegetable oil.


  1. Gently heat some milk and dissolve the yeast and half the sugar in it.
  2. Grind the rest of the sugar with the eggs, add salt and vanilla sugar.
  3. Combine the yeast and egg mass in one bowl, add the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  4. Cover the dough with cling film and place it near the radiator for half an hour.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spoon out the pancakes. After two minutes, turn the fluffy pancakes over to the opposite side, then remove them with a spatula onto a wide plate.

If you like eggless baking recipes, be sure to read this article to the end. From it you will learn how to make fluffy pancakes with a crispy crust and reduced calorie content.

Serve delicious pancakes with yogurt and fresh berries for dessert or breakfast.

List of ingredients: tablespoon granulated sugar; 160 g flour; a glass of curdled milk; a pinch of salt; 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

For frying: vegetable oil.


  1. Extinguish the soda in a warm, sour milk product.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead a not very homogeneous dough (as in the photo).
  3. You need to bake the pancakes in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil.

Did you like delicious recipes for fluffy and rosy pancakes with sour milk? They are easy to prepare and will not take up much of your time.

Pancakes made from sour milk - a classic recipe


  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Yogurt, homemade 250 ml
  • Sugar 75 g
  • Flour (premium) 220 g
  • Ghee 100 g
  • Baking soda ¼ tsp.
  • Oil, vegetable - for frying
  • Sour cream, condensed milk or jam - for serving


Beat the eggs with a mixer, gradually adding yogurt to them. Add baking soda, sugar, salt and flour to the fluffy mixture. Gradually adding the dry mixture, continue kneading the dough, but with a whisk or spoon.

All products should be warm, at room temperature. Cover the finished dough with film and place it closer to a working stove or to any source of ash. Let stand for 5-10 minutes so that the dough proteins have time to form fibers that will hold gas bubbles inside, ensuring the fluffiness of the finished products.

Heat the pan, pour in a little oil and immediately reduce the heat to medium. Using a tablespoon or other measuring spoon, pour the dough one spoon at a time, distributing it around the circumference of the dish.

Cover the pan with a lid for a few seconds to steam the top of the pancake - this technique will keep the gas inside the dough and ensure fluffiness. In addition, under the influence of their own steam, the pancakes will maintain an even shape and will not spread when turned over. Turn the pancakes over and brush the baked side with melted butter.

Pancakes made from sour milk with pumpkin

Product composition:

  • Baked pumpkin 100 g
  • Sugar 50 g
  • Orange zest, fresh 50 g
  • Egg, chicken 1 pc.
  • Baking powder
  • Flour 280 g (2 cups)
  • Sour milk or kefir 150 ml

Preparation procedure:

Grate a piece of pumpkin baked in sugar (in a frying pan, in the oven, in the microwave), add fresh orange zest, sugar, egg and warm sour milk. Beat the mixture with a whisk. Add salt and baking powder to the sifted flour. Pour the dry mixture into the liquid part of the dough in small portions, gradually stirring and breaking up any lumps.


  • Apples 2 pcs.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Curdled milk 100 ml
  • Pancake flour 350 g
  • Salt 2-3 g


Wash the apples, remove the core, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the microwave or oven until soft (this can be done the night before). Rub the baked apples through a sieve. Add egg and yogurt to the resulting puree. Beat the liquid mass until fluffy. Add flour in parts and salt. There is no need to add baking powder if you are using a ready-made flour mixture for pancakes - the necessary ingredients have already been added to its composition.

Pancakes made from sour milk with yeast and raisins

Product composition:

  • Flour 400 g
  • Milk (or curdled milk) 250 ml
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Yolk 1 pc.
  • Sugar 30 g
  • Yeast, instant 2 g
  • Raisins 90 g


Place sugar and yeast in warm milk or yogurt, add 2 tablespoons of flour. Stir and cover the dishes with film and place close to heat for five minutes. Sift the rest of the flour and add a pinch of salt, steamed and dried raisins. Combine both mixtures, stir the dough so that there are no lumps. Bake in a preheated frying pan.


  • Onion 100 g
  • Curdled milk 120 ml
  • Butter, butter 50 g
  • Liver, beef 200 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Flour 450 g
  • Soda 2-3 g
  • Ground pepper


Finely chop the washed and cleaned liver with a knife. Saute the chopped onion with butter in a frying pan and add to the liver. Season with salt and pepper.

Beat the egg into the warm yogurt and mix the liquid mass with a whisk. Sift the flour and combine with soda. Combine all parts of the dough by adding raw liver. Heat the vegetable oil and bake the liver pancakes. When frying, use a lid - while one side is baking, cover the pan. Fry the pancakes over moderate heat, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Pancakes made from sour milk - “Russian pizza” in a frying pan


  • Mushrooms, marinated 200 g
  • Ham, chicken 250
  • Tomatoes 150 g
  • Cheese, soft (or cottage cheese) 200 g
  • Provençal herbs, ground pepper
  • Baking powder 5 g
  • Curdled milk 300 ml
  • Flour 450 g
  • Olive oil (for frying)

Preparation procedure:

Combine the sifted flour with baking powder and salt, add yogurt to the flour mixture. Stir and set the dough aside.

Cut mushrooms and tomatoes (without grains and skin) into thin slices. Cut the ham into small cubes and grate the cheese.

Place all ingredients in separate containers, including a mixture of pepper, salt and Provençal herbs. Place them close to the stove to make it easier to work quickly.

Heat the frying pan, adjust its heating level so that you have time to lay out the filling prepared for the pancakes when baking.

Using a measuring spoon, pour the batter into the hot oil. After lightly frying one side, so that the pancakes easily come off the pan, turn them over and immediately place a piece of tomato, a few pieces of ham, slices of mushrooms on each of them, sprinkle with spices and cheese.

If you do not have time to do these steps before the dough is fried, then part of the filling, mushrooms and ham, can be immediately added to the dough, leaving only pieces of tomatoes and grated cheese for laying out on the surface.

Don’t forget to pack these pancakes made from sour milk in a sandwich case for a snack during the working day, because this deliciousness will, like a magnet, attract thoughts to home, preventing you from thinking about work.

  • When frying pancakes, use refined oil to avoid smoky kitchen and rancid taste of baked goods.
  • After turning the pancakes over in the pan, brush the baked side with melted butter using a silicone brush. This will give a pleasant sweet and creamy taste to the baked goods. Read more:
  • To ensure that the pancakes are beautiful and have the correct shape, use a special frying pan. In the same frying pan you can fry omelettes and scrambled eggs.
  • To pipe the dough when baking, it is convenient to use a pastry bag or a thick plastic bag.
  • Do not pour the batter into the pan until the oil is hot to prevent the pancakes from becoming too greasy and tasteless. Add oil in small portions during frying.

The taste of airy dough, familiar from childhood, is always pleasant, especially if you enjoy it as a bite with jam or condensed milk. But sometimes you can surprise even with a familiar dish, for example, by making it more sour, using yogurt as one of the main ingredients, or adding lemon juice or acid to the dough. Ideas using fermented milk, kefir and fermented baked milk can be classified as simple treats - these are convenient options for a hearty and tasty meal.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Preparing them is not difficult, and all the necessary products can be found in the nearest store. Recipes for sour pancakes will come in handy in the summer season - in hot weather, unobtrusive sourness is much more pleasant than pronounced sweetness, and the finished delicacy goes perfectly with fruit. The latter are added directly to the dough, cut into small pieces; You can also make jam. If desired, the dish is prepared without eggs or in acidified water, with the addition of yeast, soda, and baking powder.

Fluffy pancakes made with kefir or sour milk are traditionally an incredible success among children and adults. It’s simply impossible to refuse chibriks – that’s what pancakes are also called – but if you serve them hot, and with sour cream!

In the classic recipe, they are prepared with kefir - this is a classic of the genre. But besides it, you can use milk, yogurt and even just water. In the latter case, you will get a dietary, but still very tasty dish.

Original pancakes with yogurt

Fluffy pancakes can be prepared with yogurt. It will perfectly replace kefir, and the chibriks will turn out just as tasty and plump.


  • curdled milk - one glass;
  • egg;
  • sugar – two spoons;
  • butter - a couple of tablespoons;
  • flour - one glass;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • baking powder - a small spoon without a slide;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking process:

  1. In a separate container, beat the egg with sugar with a mixer. You need to wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. The curdled milk needs to be heated a little. Then pour into the egg mixture. Add oil and mix well.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients - flour, soda, salt and baking powder. Knead the dough and leave it to rest. After ten minutes it will start to bubble.
  4. In a frying pan with melted butter, fry the chibriki, adding a spoonful of dough. You will get excellent fluffy pancakes.

The total frying time will be no more than five minutes on both sides. Serve with honey or berry sauce.

Lush pancakes with sour milk

You can make pancakes using sour milk. Therefore, if a carton of milk stagnates in the refrigerator, do not rush to throw it away. The dough on this basis bakes perfectly, especially if you use a thick cast-iron frying pan.

When kneading, make sure that the dough is neither too thick nor too thin. The ideal consistency is thick sour cream. You shouldn’t overdo it with flour and soda either.

You will need:

  • sour milk - two glasses or 500 ml;
  • flour - two glasses;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • sugar - two large heaped spoons;
  • salt;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon (can be replaced with baking powder - one spoon).


  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and add sugar to them. Beat with a fork.
  2. Now pour in the sour milk, add salt, and add soda (baking powder).
  3. Now add flour and knead the dough so that it resembles good homemade sour cream (in thickness). Make sure there are no lumps.

Fry the pancakes in a preheated frying pan until golden brown. Spread the dough with a spoon: one spoon - one portion. The dough rises perfectly.

The consistency of the dough is influenced by the thickness of the sour milk. If it is liquid, then you need to increase the amount of flour. If it is too thick, then reduce its volume.

You can serve the dish with condensed milk, jam, sour cream or delicious fruit jam.

Diet oat pancakes - recipe with milk

Unlike pancakes, pancakes look like small pies. When cooked correctly, they always turn out fluffy. I bring to your attention healthy and, most importantly, dietary pancakes made with milk and oatmeal.


  • oatmeal - a couple of glasses;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • chicken eggs - two pieces;
  • banana;
  • apple;
  • honey - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - a couple of large spoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the milk and egg into the blender bowl. Beat well.
  2. Using a coffee grinder, prepare flour from oatmeal. But if you don’t have a coffee grinder and you can’t make flour, you can add whole oatmeal, but dry it in a frying pan beforehand.
  3. Add honey to the milk-egg mixture and continue whisking.
  4. Peel the banana and apple. Then puree them and add them to the rest of the ingredients. Beat until you get a homogeneous mass.
  5. Lastly, add the oatmeal flour.
  6. Pour the finished dough into the frying pan using a spoon and fry the pancakes until cooked on each side for three minutes.

Serve with sour cream.

Traditional pancakes with kefir

Kefir pancakes need to be prepared with love, then they turn out fluffy, aromatic and tasty. This is the most important secret, but kefir itself plays no less role. It is best to take homemade or with a high percentage of fat content.


  • homemade kefir – 500 ml;
  • raw chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • sugar – 1.5 spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the specified amount of kefir into a separate container. Add spices (salt, sugar and soda), and then the egg. Bring to a smooth consistency using a whisk.
  2. Then add the sifted flour. If desired, for flavor, you can add a pinch of vanilla sugar or vanilla to the dough.
  3. Stir the dough and heat a frying pan with oil. Using a tablespoon, place the thick dough into the frying pan and fry it on both sides.

As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, you need to turn them over and fry the other side.

If the pancakes are too greasy due to oil, place them on a paper towel first. It will remove excess fat.

Ready-made pancakes can be served with either jam or condensed milk.

How to cook yeast apple pancakes with milk

To make the pancakes fluffy, it is recommended to cook them by adding yeast to the dough. I recommend you try the delicious yeast pancakes with apples.


  • apples – 700 grams;
  • milk – 360 ml;
  • flour – 350 grams;
  • sugar – 100 grams;
  • dry yeast – 5 grams;
  • eggs – 4 pieces;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Add sugar and yeast to milk at room temperature. Leave the dough to sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Add cinnamon and lemon juice to it. Beat in the eggs and stir well.
  3. Sift the flour, add it to the dough and stir well.
  4. Peel the apples and chop into small cubes. Place in pancake base.
  5. Place a piece of butter on a heated frying pan. Fry apple pancakes on it and you will see for yourself how fluffy they will turn out.

Serve with honey, as it best enhances the unusual taste of the dish.

How to cook kefir pancakes without eggs

During fasting or dieting, when eggs cannot be used, but you want pancakes, you can still cook them. I suggest you get acquainted with the recipe for making pancakes without eggs.


  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • sugar - spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • flour – 100 grams
  • butter for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in warm kefir. Add baking soda and sifted flour. If the dough is runny, add more flour. Mix the dough with a mixer.
  2. Add vegetable oil to the dough and leave to rise for 10 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan and melt a small piece of butter in it. Using a spoon, spoon out the dough and cook the chibriki, browning them on both sides.

A prerequisite is to cook the dish with the lid closed.

Serve pancakes with any filling, be it honey, jam, sour cream or sweet sauce.

Delicious breakfast - American pancakes

Not only in our country they like to cook pancakes for breakfast. If you are tired of the traditional option, then you can try American pancakes. In America, this dish takes pride of place in the morning meal.


  • fresh milk – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 1.5 spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour – 1 glass;
  • odorless oil – 1 spoon;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 1 spoon;
  • butter for frying.

For the sauce:

  • blackberries, blueberries - to taste;
  • cream 33% fat – 5 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 3 spoons.

Cooking process:

  1. In a deep container, mix warm milk, sugar and salt. Mix the ingredients well.
  2. Beat the egg and also add to the mixture. Pour in the odorless oil and mix well.
  3. Quench the baking soda with vinegar in a tablespoon. Pour the mixture into the dough.
  4. Sift the flour into the mixture and beat well, preferably using a mixer. Leave the dough under the towel for 15 minutes.
  5. For frying pancakes, it is best to use a non-stick frying pan. Pour the dough onto a dry, heated surface. They need to be turned over after bubbles appear.
  6. Each pancake is greased with butter and placed one on top of the other in a stack, forming a portion.
  7. It is recommended to decorate the top of the stack of pancakes. In America, they are traditionally topped with maple syrup. Here we decorate with berry syrup or fresh blueberries or blackberries.

To prepare the sauce, you will need to rinse the berries you have chosen. Place them in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, until you get the desired consistency of the sauce. Add cream to the mixture and continue to simmer until tender. Cool the finished sauce and then serve with the prepared pancakes.

And in conclusion, I suggest you watch the video recipe
