Is salt good for the body? Table salt and sea salt: good or bad? In what doses should you consume salt, what are its benefits and harms for the body. When salt becomes dangerous

It is difficult to find a person who, after hypothermia, would not sneeze or complain of chills or headaches. These symptoms - the first signs of a cold - require contacting a doctor to make a diagnosis and begin treatment, take prescribed medications and procedures. How to provide first aid in case of illness, what techniques to use for recovery - everyone should know about this in order to help themselves and their loved ones.

What is a cold

All ailments that affect the respiratory system are classified as colds in everyday life. This is explained by the similarity of the first signs of many diseases. In this case, it is dangerous to self-medicate - the disease can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or simply hypothermia. Each case requires its own approach to treatment. If you have the flu or ARVI on your feet, you can get serious complications.

In addition to the first signs, diseases cause specific symptoms that are inherent to certain ailments. You can observe when the diagnosis is made:

  • laryngitis– the vocal cords are affected, the voice becomes hoarse;
  • pharyngitis– the nasopharynx suffers, sore throat, sore throat, difficulty swallowing appears;
  • rhinitis– strong secretion, nasal congestion.

The cause of the development of colds is a decrease in immunity, which is often observed from autumn to spring. During this time, infections often spread. A healthy body resists disease when viruses enter the mucous membranes. The appearance of cold symptoms is facilitated by:

  • hypothermia due to dampness, cold;
  • vitamin deficiency in winter;
  • stressful situations as a consequence of the transition from summer vacation to work, study;
  • contacts with sick people.

Cold symptoms

When a person just starts to get sick, he feels a general malaise. Weakness and increased sweating appear. From the first days, symptoms such as:

  • aches in joints and muscles;
  • nausea;
  • sore throat;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • chills;
  • gradual increase in temperature;
  • sneezing;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • redness of the skin on the face, neck;
  • chest pain;
  • insomnia;
  • appearance of a rash.

Signs of a cold

When an infection occurs - in the case of a weakened immune system - inflammation of the mucous membranes occurs. A cold often begins with rhinorrhea - copious clear discharge from the nose. The following features are gradually added:

  • redness of the throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • labored breathing;
  • cough - dry or with sputum - depends on the pathogen;
  • The body’s reaction to intoxication is headache, weakness, apathy, fatigue, loss of appetite.

First signs

When a person catches a cold, in the first moments it is not yet clear in which organs the inflammatory processes begin. Signs of a certain disease appear later. The first symptoms of a cold are characterized by:

  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • temperature rise to 37.5 degrees;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • runny nose with clear secretion;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sneezing.

What to do at the first sign of a cold

If a person begins to get sick or feel unwell, bed rest is necessary - this will help avoid complications in the development of a serious illness. It is important not to self-medicate or use medications until a definitive diagnosis has been made. To help a sick person at the first signs of a cold, you must:

  • regularly measure your temperature - its increase is a sure sign of good immunity and the body’s fight against infection;
  • ensure a state of rest.

The room where the patient is located must be regularly ventilated. At the first symptoms of a cold you should:

  • give more warm liquid to maintain water balance and remove toxins - tea with lemon, black currant, raspberry, mineral water, herbal decoctions;
  • exclude hypothermia - if there is no high temperature, take a hot bath for your feet;
  • remove fatty, carbohydrate-rich foods from your diet.

Inhalations and compresses

You can speed up the healing process if you use inhalation with a nebulizer. A doctor may recommend a composition to eliminate the symptoms of a cold after diagnosing a specific disease. Inhalations help cure nasal congestion, ease breathing, and soften cough. The following solutions will help stop a cold:

  • alkaline mineral water – moisturizes mucous membranes, eliminates sore throat;
  • furatsilin – counteracts bacteria in the nasopharynx area;
  • saline solution - helps remove mucus from the lungs, relieves cough.

Compresses help treat an incipient cold. It should be noted that performing such a procedure is unacceptable in the presence of fever. Compresses are given to adults and children:

  • for dry cough– on the back or chest, a mixture of chopped garlic with a beaten egg;
  • for a sore throat– at night, apply a cloth soaked in vodka, to which you can add a few drops of lavender oil and camphor;
  • in case of severe cough in a child– a compress in the form of cakes of boiled hot potatoes (4 tubers) with the addition of a spoonful of honey and soda.

What to take

When you start to get sick, it is better to deal with the onset of a cold under the supervision of a doctor. Only a correct diagnosis will help to avoid complications and quickly cope with the disease. At the first signs of illness, it is prescribed to take in tablet form:

  • Paracetamol– reduces high temperature;
  • Amoxicillin– counteracts bacterial infection;
  • Aflubin– helps increase immunity in drops for children, for adults – tablets;
  • Cycloferon– copes with viral infections.

For local treatment of cold symptoms, the following is prescribed:

  • Furacilin– solution for gargling;
  • Marimer– a spray that is used to rinse the nose;
  • Lysobacter– plates for resorption for sore throats;
  • Nazivin– vasoconstrictor drops to relieve congestion;
  • Aqualor– sea water helps eliminate swelling in the nose;
  • Aspirin– tablets, eliminate headaches;
  • Bronchicum- cough syrup;
  • Astemizole– tablets, relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • Doctor Mom– ointment for warming the bridge of the nose.


The most convenient thing to do if you have an illness is to take a pill. Medicines at the first signs of a cold differ in their action aimed at eliminating certain symptoms. Doctors prescribe in case of:

  • temperature - Aspirin-Upsa;
  • inflammation – Panadol;
  • decreased immunity – Immunal;
  • viral infection - Tamiflu;
  • severe cough - Fluimucil;
  • bacterial infection - Amoxiclav;
  • headache - Panadeine;
  • colds on the lips – Acyclovir;
  • runny nose, swelling - Promethazine;
  • dry cough - Codelac;
  • several symptoms - Fervex.

Antiviral drugs

A doctor, observing the first signs of illness, can diagnose a viral infection. In this case, drugs for treatment are selected depending on the type of pathogen. The most prescribed antiviral drugs:

  • Remantadine– acts against influenza, approved for children over one year of age, contraindicated for kidney disease, epilepsy;
  • Arbidol– effective against ARVI, influenza, herpes, rotavirus infection, used from three years of age.

Combination drugs

Complex products help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of influenza and ARVI, maintain efficiency, but often contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases blood pressure, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness, but can cause side effects from the cardiovascular system. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to choose a drug without components of this kind, for example, AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI without causing an increase in blood pressure.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist


Only a doctor can notice signs of a cold that indicate a bacterial cause of the disease and prescribe antibiotics. It is important to follow the treatment regimen and dosage. To fight infection the following is prescribed:

  • Amoxicillin– a broad-spectrum drug, prescribed one tablet three times a day, for children the dose is selected individually;
  • Azithromycin– increases the concentration of the active substance at the site of infection, reduces treatment time, has contraindications;
  • Sumamed– has a strong and fast effect, you need to take 1 tablet per day, course – 3 days.

What should a child take?

The first signs of a cold in children require a mandatory visit to a doctor. To eliminate them, give tea with linden blossom, raspberries, milk with honey. Medicines are prescribed in the form of syrups, chewing lozenges, and rectal suppositories. Pediatricians prescribe for the child:

  • Ibuprofen– suspension – relieves fever, inflammation, pain, allowed from 6 months;
  • Nazol baby drops – ease breathing during nasal congestion, prescribed in a short course;
  • Paracetamol– candles – recommended from three months, reduces temperature in 15 minutes;
  • Lazolvan– solution for inhalation for wet cough.

What to do at the first signs of a cold in pregnant women

The appearance of cold symptoms while expecting a baby is dangerous for the mother and fetus. All treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Pregnant women are prescribed:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • bed rest;
  • rubbing with vinegar;
  • gargling with salt, soda, herbal decoction - relieves inflammation;
  • Miramistin - solution for irrigation, inhalation - counteracts viruses, bacteria;
  • Tizin for children - for a runny nose, use no more than three days;
  • Dolphina - a nasal rinse when used with sea salt, relieves swelling;
  • Inhalipt is a spray with natural ingredients that can cause allergies.

Folk remedies

A familiar procedure for colds is baths with mustard added to steam your feet. It is useful to drink three times a day a mixture of equal parts of lemon and onion juice - half a teaspoon diluted in 50 ml of water. Recommended hot drink:

  • put 2 grams of green tea in a glass of boiling water;
  • add a teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger root;
  • add a slice of lemon;
  • leave for 15 minutes;
  • add a spoonful of honey;
  • drink up.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The body and immunity can be weakened throughout the year, so there is always a risk of contracting acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. To avoid this and help yourself at the first symptoms, you need to know and follow certain recommendations and tips that will save you from the disease. Therefore, there is a reason to talk about what to do if you get a cold.

How do you know if you have a cold?

You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

You feel a loss of strength and severe weakness.
An unusual warmth occurs in the body (this begins to increase the temperature).
Having a headache.
Do not confuse drowsiness and fatigue caused by overwork and not a cold.

What can you do if you have a cold?

As soon as you notice the first symptoms of an incipient cold, you need to take the maximum allowable dose of vitamin C. For example, a whole lemon is suitable for this. You can take pharmacy ascorbic acid (you need to eat 8 to 10 pieces at once).

Ensure yourself good rest and good sleep.

If you suspect ARVI, you should use a drug that has an antiviral effect. For example, Amiksin, Viferon, Arbidol and others are suitable.

For many people, when they begin to feel unwell, it helps to take a good steam. This can only be done when there is no temperature. It is advisable to visit the bathhouse. But you can also steam your feet. Dry mustard should be added to hot water. At this time, drink tea with raspberries, honey or lemon. Taking a warm bath will also do. Add a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort to the water, then go to bed.

You can strengthen your immune system by preparing the following remedy. Mix garlic, honey, lemon. Take the same proportions. You should take a teaspoon several times a day.

If the cold began immediately with a cough, then inhalation with essential oils (eucalyptus oil, fir oil, tea tree oil, etc.) helps a lot. To avoid complications due to cough, make a warm cake. It is prepared from boiled potatoes in their jackets. When it is cooked, it is crushed directly with the peel and placed in 2 bags. One package is needed for the back, the other for the chest. In this case, you should lie down and cover yourself with a blanket in order to sweat properly. First, the cake is placed on a thin towel or cloth to prevent burns.

Eat a little, even if you have no appetite, you should have a little snack. Broth and vegetable soup are suitable for this.

Drink freshly squeezed juices.

Homemade tincture made with raspberries is useful.

Reduce physical activity as much as possible. You cannot endure a cold “on your feet,” as complications may arise. You need to rest for at least a couple of days.

You can take drugs like Coldrex, that is, powders that are diluted in hot water. Just keep in mind that they suppress symptoms, but do not cure or improve immunity. An immunostimulating drug, for example, is Aflubin.

Coffee has an antiviral and strengthening effect. It must be freshly ground and only cooked.

The room must be ventilated.

Other drinks include rosehip tea, warm milk with butter and honey (especially if your throat is red). If a sore throat begins, gargle with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, and tansy. A soda solution will also work. After rinsing your throat, lubricate it with Lugol. Efizol, Faringosept, Septefril and various lozenges can be dissolved from tablets.

To improve the condition of the nose, you can rinse it with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage) or saline solution. You can use a ready-made saline solution - Aquamaris, Marimer. For instillation, use beet, garlic or onion juice. This is more effective than conventional vasoconstrictor drops. It is also recommended to use a warming ointment or apply a bag of heated salt.

So, when you have a cold, you don’t always need to take medication. Often it’s enough to spend time at home, drink as often and as much as possible, and soar your feet. You should not inhale hot vapors to prevent the disease from developing into a more severe form. Do not combine treatment with pills? and herbs. All of the above measures are best observed in combination; this is the only way to achieve a quick recovery.

What to do if you have a cold? Everyone knows that you can catch a cold at any time of the year. It doesn't have to be a cold winter or rainy autumn.

You can pick up viruses anywhere and anytime. Large crowds of people, hypothermia of the body as a whole, drafts, frequent and sudden changes in temperature - all these factors can be causes of the disease.

It is impossible to predict virus infections. They can lie in wait even around the corner of your own house. How to properly treat a cold?

Feeling the first symptoms of a cold, it is important to start treatment on time. If you do this early, you can prevent serious complications. After all, a neglected cold can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia.

And this further complicates the work of the heart (considerable loads are placed on it) and the whole body as a whole. Repeatedly started mild forms of the cold, which then develop into serious forms, end in death.

You can buy many antiviral drugs in pharmacies. They have different purposes and uses. Some need to be taken from the first day of a cold, others - in the future, if it was not possible to overcome the infection immediately.

They offer a variety of drops for the nose, syrups for a sore throat, ointments to warm the chest, antipyretic tablets and mixtures.

But it's worth remembering that You can’t take medicine for fever unless it exceeds thirty-eight degrees. Only if the thermometer has crossed this border, then you need to act more actively in terms of treatment.

But we do not always have the opportunity to be treated with medications. Sometimes there is simply not enough money for them. After all, foreign, advertised products cost a lot of money.

Sometimes their use is not so effective, sometimes they cannot be used (for example, by pregnant women). Then they come to the rescue folk remedies. However, it is important to remember that if there is no improvement after a few days, you should seek help from a doctor.

1) If you have a runny nose during a cold, you should use pharmaceutical drops. But it is not advisable to use them for more than five days in a row. If there is no improvement, stop using them immediately. Store-bought nasal drops kill the olfactory and taste buds.

2) Rhinitis can be treated without resorting to pharmaceuticals. Drops can be made at home (recipes are in the article “”), you also need to warm up the nose, do steam inhalations(breathe over boiled potatoes).

A good prevention against a runny nose is to observe certain features in interior design. Place pieces of onion or garlic around the house. It is better in cut form, then the effect will be more noticeable.

Place a bouquet of lavender in a vase; you can use dried lavender. Drop it on a piece of paper essential oil(menthol, sea buckthorn, fir or others) and place it in each room.

3) A sore throat and a tormented cough are also signs of a cold. In addition to pharmaceutical syrups and mixtures, there are other ways to treat the throat. Drink more tea, best made from natural ingredients. Linden, raspberry, sea buckthorn, currant - this is not a complete list.

This tea can be made either from jam of these berries (take dried inflorescences from linden) or by brewing the twigs in boiling water (you can also use the leaves, but the effect is weaker). Necessarily add honey to tea. But don’t overdo it, because if you have a dry cough, you shouldn’t overuse it. Honey already dries out the airways.

Also, don't skimp on a slice of lemon. If you have a scratchy throat, then don’t overdo it either, the lemon will irritate it even more.

4) For sore throat The well-known recipe helps a lot. You need to boil fresh milk, cool slightly, add one or two teaspoons of honey and a little butter. Not everyone will like this drink, but it helps a lot.

5) There are also different ways to warm up the chest. You can buy warming ointments and special tinctures at the pharmacy. And you can warm up at home. It is useful to breathe over boiling water, wrapping your head in a towel. It is best if it is a herbal decoction.

Cabbage leaves will help warm up the chest well. Boil them and, wrapped in a scarf, place them on your chest. When the leaves begin to cool, remove the scarf. After such procedures, you need to cover yourself well with a blanket and sweat. In addition to cabbage leaves, you can use boiled potatoes in the same way.

7) When you have a cold, it is recommended to take baths. Before going to bed, take a dip in fairly hot water. Afterwards, immediately hide under the blanket. It is also useful to steam your feet with boiling water and make special foot baths. You can add a little salt and mustard to the water.

At all mustard is a good helper in the fight against colds. It is used for inhalation, to warm the legs and chest, and to apply mustard plasters. It has warming properties, which is good for treating colds.

After taking any kind of bath, you should go to bed, covering yourself almost completely with a warm blanket. For greater effect, you can even wear warm socks. After all, the first thing you need to do is keep your feet warm.

8) Everyone knows that when you have a cold you need to drink a lot. Drink more hot tea, juice, fruit drink. Harmful microbes leave the body along with the fluid. Tea also has diaphoretic properties. Therefore, if possible, after drinking it, lie down in a warm bed for at least half an hour.

This will allow you to sweat and expel viruses from your body. But it is important to cover yourself completely, from head to toe. Otherwise, as children, we always stuck out either an arm or a leg. This should not be done, the effect will be significantly reduced. It’s better to suffer for about forty minutes, but you’ll be cured.

9) In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The number one fruit is citrus fruits. Eat them raw, drink freshly squeezed juices, add the whole zest to tea or grate it. It is also very useful, it also contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, apples, raspberries, kiwi.

Don’t be too lazy in the summer to stock up on honey, freeze fresh fruit, dry inflorescences for tea, so that at the right time you will have something with which you can fight a cold. Be healthy and don't get sick!

Each of us has encountered a cold. However, not everyone knows how to properly cope with the disease without consequences.

Cold: cold or virus?

Cold, or (acute respiratory diseases) is a group of diseases caused by a viral infection. Many people believe that only the flu is viral, and a cold is just a consequence of hypothermia. In fact, hypothermia is a powerful shock that reduces our immune defense, and it is much easier for a multi-million army of viruses to penetrate the body and begin their vigorous activity there. Moreover, you can catch the virus at any time of the year, but most often this happens in the autumn-winter season, when the weather “whispers” outside the window.

On average, each of us gets colds 2-3 times a year. As a rule, the illness lasts 7-10 days. If you add all these days together, it turns out that in 75 years of life a person has been sick for more than 4 years!

Meeting the virus

So what happens when the virus enters the body of a healthy person? Remember that the virus “lives” only when it has entered the cell. That is, without a potential “victim” the virus is not able to reproduce! The virus usually enters through the “entry gate” of our body - the respiratory tract. As soon as a “foreigner” enters our territory, the body immediately begins a special operation to neutralize it. The immune system, like law enforcement agencies, begins to fight the virus, causing an inflammatory process in the form of a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing or coughing. With such reactions, the body tries to get rid of the viral material.

Is it worth lowering the temperature?

Have you ever thought about why the body increases its temperature during a viral infection? They caught the virus, the nose is running like a river, constant sneezing and coughing, and then there’s the fever! Calm down, temperature is actually a powerful protective reaction. By increasing body temperature, the body, as it were, gives the go-ahead for active resistance to begin. Only at high body temperatures does increased synthesis of specific substances - interferons - begin. Thanks to the unique properties of these compounds, the patient's cells become immune to the virus.

Thus, high is a kind of illumination, thanks to which the immune system is able to find and neutralize the virus. As soon as you turn off the lights (lower the temperature), the body loses control over the virus. Therefore, if your body temperature has not exceeded 38 degrees Celsius, then you cannot bring it down, as this will only expose your body to danger. Taking antipyretic drugs is justified when the body temperature is above 38-39 degrees.

But what should a patient do who can tolerate even a low temperature (up to 38 degrees) very poorly? Is it really necessary to endure painful symptoms and wait until the body “gets better”?

How to properly fight a cold?

Remember the 4 cold years of your life? If you value your time and health, then to get rid of virus your body needs help. For a cold, it is necessary to immediately target three key components of the disease, namely: the virus, inflammation and immunity.

To fight the virus, antiviral drugs are needed, to relieve inflammation - anti-inflammatory drugs, and to strengthen the immune system - immunomodulators.

In this regard, the combination of the drug Immusstat with drugs containing mefenamic acid has worked well. Immusstat is an antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, showing activity against influenza A and B viruses, as well as other acute respiratory viral diseases.

As for drugs with mefenamic acid, they have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. As already mentioned, the temperature cannot be reduced to 38 degrees, since by doing this you deprive the infected body of interferon. However, mefenamic acid stimulates the production of interferon even at normal body temperature. Thus, if you cannot bear even a small jump in temperature, then mefenamic acid will help reduce the temperature without harming the immune system.

Eat less, drink more

You feel the first signs of a cold, and you have an important meeting tomorrow that you can’t miss. What are the best ways to combat the disease?

As you know, feeding a patient is the same as feeding a disease. During a cold, it is better not to overload the digestive tract with heavy foods. As a rule, appetite during a cold is not very good (or completely absent). Thus, the sick body seems to tell the person that there is no need to eat. At the very least, try to avoid fatty and difficult-to-digest foods.

Be sure to follow the drinking regime. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid every day. At cold Toxins accumulate in the body and need to be eliminated somehow. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you quickly get rid of toxins, and as a result, you will recover faster. Chicken broth also helps with colds, increasing the flow of mucus from the nose.

Also, during illness, try to adhere to bed rest. By wrapping yourself warmly, you will get rid of the disease much faster.

In winter, low temperatures, lack of vitamins and virus epidemics send us on sick leave every now and then. What to do if you get sick and already feel the first signs of a cold? Here are some tips to help you avoid having a fever during the week.

First, let's say a few words about the importance of timely detection of the first symptoms of a cold. In the frantic pace of life, we rarely pay attention to malaise until it reaches critical proportions. That is, when your body aches slightly, you get up in the morning exhausted and cannot find the strength to work, this is unlikely to be an alarm bell - you will most likely chalk it up to general fatigue and lack of sleep. But in fact, you may be developing a cold. In addition, be sure to notice if you have been in contact with infected people or were very cold outside.
Now let's move on to advice on what to do if you start to get sick.

1. Stay warm

Have you stood at the bus stop for a long time waiting for the bus and feel your feet getting cold? When you return home, be sure to take a steam bath. If you can’t go to the bathhouse, at least bask in a hot bath and steam your feet with a bath of dry mustard. Drink tea with raspberry jam or honey, wrap yourself in a warm sweater or robe and avoid hypothermia so as not to aggravate the situation.

2. Stay home

If you have already noticed the first symptoms - fever in the evening, general weakness, cough, runny nose - stay home and get treatment. Many will argue that it’s not so easy to take one day off from work, you have to work, you’re stuck, etc. But believe me, it’s better to lose life for one day than to go on sick leave for at least a week and struggle with residual symptoms for a long time.

9. Use disposable tissues

Fork out for a pack or two of disposable tissues - they are not that expensive, but their benefits will be worth it. After several uses, an ordinary handkerchief turns into a cluster of microbes, and you will be tortured to wash it if you have a bad runny nose. And disposable handkerchiefs are hygienic and easy to use.

10. Treat symptoms

Everyone is well aware that it is not recommended to lower the temperature to 38 degrees so that the body can fight the infection. However, this does not apply to other symptoms. If you don't get rid of your runny nose, you will start breathing through your mouth and most likely your throat will hurt. And in principle there is no need to endure a sore throat and cough. Buy nasal drops, lozenges or cough syrup, or use folk remedies.
