Useful properties of Chinese white tea, varieties and brewing methods. Description and properties

True connoisseurs White tea is considered the most beautiful type of tea. The delicate aroma and magnificent taste of this drink conquer the hearts of gourmets all over the world.

Initially, white tea was only available to the Emperor of China and his family. This drink was considered the most expensive and refined in the entire Celestial Empire. The secrets of its production were kept in deep secrecy, and tea leaf collectors were required to special requirements. White tea considered a drink of youth and health. Even high-ranking persons could only dream of it as a sign of favor from the emperor.

What is "white tea"?

White tea is prepared from the most tender buds and young leaves. Not all tea bushes are suitable for white tea. Leaves and buds suitable for this drink appear only on bushes that grow at high altitudes above sea level, in special weather conditions.

Collect buds and one or two (no more) young leaves only in clear weather. For elite varieties of white tea, only those leaves that are collected within two morning hours over the course of just two days in early spring and early autumn are suitable.

These ingredients are minimally processed: steamed for a minute and then naturally dried in the sun. Thereby, beneficial features white tea is truly amazing.

By the way, white tea is called white because the collection and processing process does not damage the white fibers that cover the buds and leaves. In China these fibers are called "Bai Hao".

Real white tea is produced only in China (Fujian Province). It is also supplied from Sri Lanka, but opinions about the quality of this tea differ. This tea is definitely good and created according to traditional methods, however, not all white tea connoisseurs are ready to put Sri Lankan tea on the same level as Chinese tea.

Properties of white tea

Minimal processing makes white tea a truly healthy drink. It stores valuable substances, which collapse during prolonged heat treatment, to which other types of tea are exposed.

White tea contains many essential oils, beneficial for human health, due to which it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst.

This type of tea intensively fights free radicals, which contribute to the aging of tissues of the human body and disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

White tea contains a small amount of caffeine, which is why this tea has such a delicate taste and aroma.

White tea also surprisingly improves your mood. It is even recommended as a natural antidepressant.

Benefits of white tea

Thanks to its beneficial properties, white tea actively fights the aging process of the body. Its extracts are used as active component anti-aging creams and masks for face and body.

White tea improves the condition of facial skin, making it more elastic and smooth.

This tea helps strengthen the immune system and has a tonic effect on the body.

Those who want to lose weight also note the beneficial properties of white tea: this drink activates metabolic processes in the body, and this, in turn, leads to the burning of internal fat.

White tea intensively removes toxins and waste from the body (including after alcohol, nicotine or food poisoning).

Drinking white tea reduces the likelihood of tartar and caries.

White tea is used to prevent cancer.

Harm of white tea

White tea has virtually no contraindications. The only exception is if you have an intolerance to this product (allergy).

Otherwise, white tea is a safe, healthy and tasty drink.

When is it especially important to drink white tea?

  • During the spread of viral diseases.
  • During festive events accompanied by feasts with strong drinks.
  • In situations of chronic fatigue and constant stress.
  • It is useful for those who want to improve their appearance: reset overweight and improve skin condition.
  • With risks of cancer.
  • By consuming large amounts of sugar and lactic acid, which are harmful to teeth.

White tea varieties

The most expensive variety is considered “Bai Hao Yin Zhen”, which is translated from Chinese as “silver needles with white hairs”. In Russia, this variety is often called simply "silver needles".

Premium varieties of white tea include "Bai Mu Dan". It means "white peony". It is recommended to those who are not a true gourmet, but is able to appreciate truly high-quality gourmet tea.

A variety is made from leaves that are not whole "Show May"(in Russian the name sounds outlandish: “senile eyebrows”).

Tea is also considered medium quality tea. "Gong Mei"(another funny name: “gift eyebrows”).

Also, white tea varieties include "White Dragon Pearl" And "White Monkey".

Where can I buy; tea price

You can buy real white tea in specialized tea stores and tea culture clubs (which, unfortunately, are not found in every city).
Many online tea stores offer white tea.

It is worth remembering that real white tea is not packed in factory packaging, as it is very fragile. It is recommended to buy it in May-June: not much time has passed after harvesting - the tea still retains its freshness and aroma.

It is best to buy white tea abroad, in the countries where it is produced, or in states neighboring the exporters.

One of the most expensive varieties tea (not only white) is “Bai Hao Yin Zhen”. Its price can reach up to $2000 per kilogram.

Average price for 50 gr. white tea on Russian market hesitates from 90 to 414 rubles.

This exquisite drink has confidently crossed the boundaries of simply pleasant and aromatic; it is recognized throughout the world as very useful product. If you brew it correctly, you can enjoy the subtle taste and smell that characterize the fragile transparent buds of tea, called white, while simultaneously getting rid of illnesses and bad moods.

White tea - what is it?

Gourmets know very well that white tea is exquisite drink, possessing original taste, aroma and healing effect. In the ancient times of the Song Dynasty (from 960 to 1279), this type of tea was discovered; later, descriptions of plant cultivation are found in ancient books of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The product was supplied only to the imperial family, but smugglers managed to supply Silver Needles tea to European connoisseurs. What explains the elitism of this product?

Grown in the northern highlands of Fujian, the tea is harvested in April, when spring awakens the green leaves. Fragile, almost transparent buds and young leaves, which are covered with silvery hair, are carefully plucked from the bushes early in the morning and subjected to slight fermentation or oxidation. Only intact raw materials retain their unique smell and sophisticated look for which he is famous elite variety tea.

White tea - benefits and harms

At first, gourmets paid tribute to the excellent aroma and taste of the drink, then researchers decided to find out the benefits and harms of white tea. Since the raw material reaches the consumer after minimal processing, the maximum amount is retained in the tender buds and leaves. useful substances. Tea has antibacterial properties, so it is especially recommended for consumption during the spread of viral diseases.

Regarding contraindications to the use of the product, there are very few of them:

  • kidney disease (due to the diuretic properties of tea);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • hypertension, diabetes;
  • insomnia, since tea has a tonic effect.

Properties of white tea

This drink is recognized as an elixir of youth, capable of giving energy. It is worth mentioning in more detail about the properties of white tea: the Silver Needles variety is considered the most useful in comparison with others due to the fact that it contains record amounts of vitamins (groups B, C, PP), amino acids, microelements, including fluorine. At the same time, there is less caffeine in the plant than in other varieties.

The level of antioxidants in this variety is significantly higher than in the green variety. By regularly consuming the product, we protect the body from the development of diseases. of cardio-vascular system, oncology. Researchers claim that the drink actively fights free radicals, preventing tissue aging and disruption of metabolic processes in the body. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of Silver Needles are noted.

It is also important that the drink gives good mood, helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome, effectively quenches thirst. This is due to the presence of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body. By activating metabolic processes, tea helps fight overweight, cleanses the body of toxic substances, so it is used in case of poisoning.

The benefits of white tea for women

Silver Needles are included in preparations for weight loss, skin care and youth preservation. If we talk about the benefits of white tea for women, then we need to remember high level antioxidants in the plant, which helps fight aging of the body. By actively influencing metabolic processes, tea helps to lose weight. excess weight, perfectly relieves irritability and calms.

Cosmetologists have found that tea actively fights aging, so its extract is used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics. The mask is applied to the face and décolleté, left on for a quarter of an hour, and washed off. warm water. The skin will become lighter, smoother, and more elastic. It’s easy to prepare an excellent face mask at home; it includes:

  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tea leaf – 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.

How to brew white tea

It is recommended to learn how to brew white tea so as not to lose those valuable substances that were carefully preserved during collection, drying and very weak fermentation. Use high-quality water, special porcelain or glassware. This is the recommended process for brewing tea.

Compared to other varieties, white tea is incredibly popular among connoisseurs and drinkers delicious drink . Of course, this is not surprising, because white tea is popular on all continents and in all countries.

Even though white tea varieties are among the most expensive, its beneficial properties and subtle pleasant taste worth it.

Considering its prevalence throughout the world, it is quite difficult to find high-quality white tea in our country. All this is due to the fact that tea is very “picky” about the methods of processing and storage. One mistake can completely ruin the taste, and of course deprive the drink of its healing properties.

Based on the fact that tea is very popular, sellers often try to sell ordinary green tea under the guise of an exclusive and expensive white subspecies. For this reason, you need to be very careful when buying tea, and buy it only in already proven tea shops.

Benefits of white tea

Of course, like all types of tea, white tea is judged primarily by its taste and aroma. But these are not the only advantages and benefits of white tea.

White tea is used as a substitute for many medicines, both for physical and mental illnesses.. In ancient China, they firmly believed that white tea had special properties that neither other teas nor herbs possessed. Served in those days magic drink personally to the Emperor. At one time, Chinese sages even called white tea a “medicinal elixir.”

  • Due to the fact that tea is processed exclusively with steam, this makes it possible to preserve all its beneficial substances. Even after processing, tea contains a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and biologically important substances. White tea contains special substances that prevent the development of cancer cells in the body
  • Besides, white tea has a relaxing effect on the body, and it is often prescribed to those who struggle with constant depression, or with ordinary fatigue of the body. For those who have constant problems with insomnia, white tea is simply an irreplaceable drink that should be drunk half an hour before bedtime.
  • Chinese white tea is very useful during pregnancy, since it nourishes the fetus with substances beneficial to it, which are contained only in such tea.
  • Also regular use tea strengthens the body, keeps it in good shape, and provides a person with all the necessary vitamins.
  • Very often, white tea is used as a substitute for many medications and medicines. White tea helps the body cope with severe colds, and sometimes even serious illnesses.
  • No matter how strange it may sound, white tea rejuvenates and refreshes the appearance of the skin. Since tea prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles at Balzac age. Agree, this is not a small list of advantages, isn’t it?
  • But even that's not all! White tea contains substances that preserve and strengthen the enamel and roots of teeth, and prevent caries.
  • If you drink white tea regularly, it will completely normalizes blood pressure and heart function. Prevents the development of blood clots and reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. White tea also improves vision and hearing.

Harm and contraindications

All that can be said about white tea is only positive characteristics and reviews. It is for this reason that all doctors, nutritionists and, of course, Chinese sages claim that white tea has absolutely no contraindications, and anyone who has the opportunity to purchase it can use it.

Looking at the huge list of beneficial properties and qualities of white tea, the question immediately arises: “What harm can this tea cause?”, and rightly so, because white tea has no harm to the body.

Even if there are diseases that prohibit drinking other types of tea, this has absolutely nothing to do with white tea. After all, as was said earlier, white tea not only does not cause any harm, it also strengthens and supports the body!

How to brew correctly

White tea varieties are very capricious, and in order to achieve subtle and special taste It’s not enough to just pour boiling water over white tea, it will only spoil the drink. Such tea requires a very careful attitude and a special approach.

  • In order to brew this correctly healthy drink, you need clean spring or simply purified water, which needs to be brought to a boil. But as soon as bubbles begin to appear, the fire should be turned off immediately. Correct temperature water is also very important. When it comes time to brew the tea, the water should be approximately 70 degrees Celsius, after the water has been desired temperature, it is poured into a prematurely heated ceramic teapot.

  • The first time the tea needs to be brewed for 5-6 minutes. For one cup of drink you need about two teaspoons of white tea. One serving dried leaves white tea can be brewed 2-3 more times. After the first brew, which lasted 5-6 minutes, you can brew the tea for 2-3 minutes, since the leaves are already open, and it no longer takes so much time for the tea to brew.
  • If you plan to brew tea for treatment, and not just to enjoy its taste, then you need to keep the tea for up to 15 minutes.
  • The result will be felt after the first cup, but for a lasting effect the tea must be consumed 3 times a day for two weeks.
  • It’s easy to understand that the drink is finally ready for drinking, just look at its color. It should be greenish with a hint of gold, or just a little yellowish.

A type of white tea is elite drink who doesn't like rushed people. In order to appreciate it, you need to drink the magic elixir slowly, savoring every sip of the healing drink.

In order not to spoil the taste and impression of the tea, you do not need to dilute it with a small piece of cake or some kind of chocolate. This will spoil not only the tea itself, but also its medicinal properties.

Pay attention not only to the fact that the tea is brewed correctly. It must also be stored in accordance with all requirements and under certain conditions before its immediate preparation. If during storage the tea loses its quality, deteriorates, and does not have the corresponding effect, then there is no point in brewing it correctly. Drink should be stored in tightly closed metal tea containers. Neither light nor moisture should enter this container; this can only harm the tea.

White tea rightfully enjoys special veneration among connoisseurs of this drink. Healing properties, the benefits of this drink have made this type of tea popular. But find quality tea with such beneficial properties it is difficult. Subtleties of collection tea leaf, its processing and storage are not always observed at the proper level, and yet even one mistake in this delicate matter can kill the taste of the drink and spoil its beneficial properties. The benefits and harms of white tea, how to choose and store correctly, as well as other nuances of this issue will be discussed further.

What kind of tea is this

This type of tea is made exclusively from buds and young leaves. tea bush, this is precisely what explains its beneficial properties. Moreover, not all tea bushes are suitable for this purpose. Only bushes that grow at high altitudes, under special climatic conditions, are suitable for collecting buds and young leaves into an elite variety and will bring that same benefit. Then the beneficial properties will be complete, otherwise harm may occur.

The collection of buds and leaves (no more than 1-2) is carried out exclusively in clear weather conditions. Elite tea varieties contain exclusively young leaves collected during the first two hours of the morning, during two days of early spring or early autumn. It is when these conditions are met that the elite variety acquires those very beneficial properties.

The collected ingredients are processed minimally: 1 minute with steam, and then only natural drying under the sun. This approach gives the drink the very benefits that have made it famous throughout the world, as well as the ability to neutralize harm from a harmful environment.

Important! Tea is called white due to the fact that during the careful assembly process the fibers on the tea leaves are not damaged. white that cover them.

The Chinese call these fibers "Bao Hao".

Types and varieties of white tea

There are 10 varieties of white tea, including 4 main varieties:

  1. Bai Mu Dan, to prepare this variety, the buds of tea bushes and 2 top leaves are used, and it is important that they are the same size. The tree from which it is collected is called Da Bai Cha. Leaves are plucked only from the first harvest. In this case, only the youngest, unblown leaves are used. The method of preparing this type of tea is very complex, and it is passed down from father to son. The beneficial properties of tea leaves are amazing, especially its ability to neutralize harm from various diseases and free radicals.
  2. “Silver Games” or Bai Hao Yin Zhen- a very popular rare variety. The composition contains exclusively buds covered with silver-colored fibers. It is the pile, reminiscent of needles, that explains this unusual name of the variety.
  3. "Old Man's Eyebrows" or Shou Mei– tea from buds or leaves from the top of bushes. The difference with Bai Mu Dan lies in the timing of harvesting; this variety is harvested a little later and has a more saturated hue.
  4. “Eyebrow Offering” or Gong Mei differs in special processing technology. Taste qualities have a characteristic richness, and the leaves are more voluminous. Connoisseurs of tea drinks advise drinking this tea separately from meals, so as not to spoil its special taste.

Composition and calorie content of white tea

The raw materials used to make white tea and the processing methods make it possible to preserve all its beneficial properties.

Chemical composition includes:

  • vitamins B group, K, C, D;
  • amino acids;
  • tannin;
  • essential oils;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium and many other useful elements.

The calorie content of white tea is very low, about 3-4 kcal per 100 g of drink.

Important! The difference between white and other types of tea is that white tea contains very little caffeine, so it will not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, but will calm you and will not cause harm.

What are the benefits of white tea for the body?

This tea is used to replace medications for physical and psychological ailments. The ancient Chinese believed that this decoction had special properties, which other means do not have.

In those days, only the Emperor personally had the right to drink such a drink. And Chinese sages called tea a “medicinal elixir.” Since the tea is processed only with steam, it retains all its beneficial properties:

  1. White tea contains vitamins, antioxidants and substances essential for the human body.
  2. The drink contains beneficial substances that prevent harm from cancer cells.
  3. In addition, the healing tea decoction will have a relaxing effect on human body. It is recommended to combat depression, fatigue, and sleep problems.
  4. The benefits of white tea for pregnant women are also very great; the drink is rich in substances with beneficial properties for the fetus, which are contained only in it.
  5. Regular consumption of white tea will strengthen the body; nutrients will supply the human body with all the required vitamins and bring health benefits.
  6. White tea is often recommended as an alternative medicines. It will help the body fight colds and even more serious illnesses.
  7. White tea for weight loss will be beneficial in combination with diet and exercise. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the drink, weight will come off much faster.
  8. Tea will be beneficial in matters of rejuvenation, improvement appearance skin.
  9. The beneficial properties of white tea will help strengthen the enamel and roots of teeth, and will prevent harm from caries.
  10. Regular consumption of white tea will be beneficial for the body, thanks to its beneficial properties it helps normalize blood pressure and heart activity.
  11. Tea will be beneficial in the form of preventing blood clots, and will also lower cholesterol levels, which harm the body.
  12. The beneficial properties of white tea help improve vision and hearing.

Can pregnant women drink white tea?

During pregnancy, a woman's body requires a large number of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, antioxidants. All these components are contained in white tea. That is why the inclusion of this drink in a pregnant woman’s diet will be of great benefit.

Important! Before drinking white tea, a woman expecting a baby should consult a doctor, this will eliminate the possibility of harm to the fetus.

How to brew white tea correctly

When brewing white tea, it is important to proceed with caution and attention. Do not prepare an overly strong drink.

Important! You cannot brew white tea with boiling water, as this will deprive the drink of all its beneficial properties.

To brew white tea, you need clean filtered water, which is brought to a boil and left to cool for a while to obtain maximum benefit, not harm. If the water has previously been boiled, it cannot be used for brewing; this will deprive the tea decoction of its benefits. Water is poured into a preheated porcelain or glass teapot.

Important! In order to obtain benefit and not harm, you should not use dishes made of other materials.

For 1 serving of tea, 2 tablespoons of tea leaves are required. The brewing period depends on the type of tea. Typically, the average period is 5 minutes. This tea should not be brewed more than 3-4 times. If all brewing standards are observed, the drink will produce a full list of beneficial properties, and not harm.

If a person is healthy and does not have hypersensitivity to caffeine, then doctors advise drinking 3-4 cups of white tea a day. More is allowed, provided you are in good health.

Features of use for certain diseases

This type of tea is not only delicious, aromatic drink. It has a list of beneficial properties that can reduce harm during the progression of many diseases.

For pancreatitis

The drink will bring tangible benefits to people suffering from pancreatitis. However, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Tea should not be made too strong.
  2. It is not recommended to add sugar, honey, milk, etc.
  3. White tea should not contain dyes, herbs or other additives.

During therapy acute inflammation pancreas, you can drink up to 2 liters of tea per day. In case of chronic inflammation, up to 3-4 cups per day are allowed.

For gastritis

In case of exacerbation peptic ulcer or gastritis, it is better to limit the amount of white tea to 200-300 ml per day. During the period of remission and subsidence of symptoms, you can drink a weakly brewed drink in the usual amount.

For cholecystitis

The benefits of white tea are useful for exacerbation of cholecystitis. Requires up to 3 glasses warm tea every day until the symptoms of the disease are completely relieved.

With high blood pressure

White tea is a drink that, with its beneficial properties, is especially suitable for hypertensive patients. It is able to cleanse blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and also reduce cholesterol levels, which cause great harm. People with high blood pressure should drink up to 3 cups of white tea without additives.

Important! At high blood pressure it is necessary to limit the quantity table salt in the diet up to 3 g per day.

For diabetes

For this type 1 and 2 disease, white tea will also be beneficial. The drink is low-calorie and rich in vitamins and substances with beneficial properties. To minimize harm, you need to drink 1 cup of white tea 30-40 minutes after meals, 3 times a day, for at least six months.

Benefits and uses of white tea for facial skin

White tea is included in various brands of cosmetics. It is also used in shower gels, creams, masks and tonics.

You can make a face mask using white tea yourself at home. The results of such care will be noticeable after just a few procedures.

  1. To lighten your facial skin, as well as remove age spots and even out the color, you will need this face mask with white tea: the juice of 1 lemon is mixed with 25 g of sour cream and tea leaves. Apply the mixture to the face for 15 minutes.
  2. To moisturize the skin during the hot season, use white tea ice. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of tea leaves into a glass. hot water. Leave to brew for 10 minutes. Then strain and leave to cool. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Wiping the skin of the face cosmetic ice will give it freshness and moisturize the skin.

Harm of white tea and contraindications

For healthy person this drink cannot cause harm, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Important! White tea should not be given to infants; the tannin it contains can be harmful to the child.

For the following conditions, white tea consumption should be limited to one cup per day:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insomnia.

How to select and store white tea

Of course, it is best to purchase Chinese white tea; its benefits will be maximum, since in our country it is very difficult to find really high-quality tea. The fact is that this elite variety of tea is very fragile and suffers greatly during transportation.

You should not buy large quantities of white tea at once; its shelf life is very short. The best option will store the leaves in a mason jar with a tight lid.


The benefits and harms of white tea are obvious. The drink will be beneficial for many diseases. The beneficial substances in it can even neutralize harm from external influences. The main thing is to buy tea from trusted shops and not store it for a very long time.

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For true tea lovers, especially valuable are its white varieties, which are rightfully considered elite. After all, this tea has a lot of healing properties. No wonder the Chinese call it “the drink of immortality.” What is white tea, the benefits and harms of which have long been known in its homeland, China, you will learn from this article. First, let's figure out how this type of tea differs from others.

In China, this drink was considered imperial; only rich people could afford it. After all, it differs from other types of tea not only in taste, smell, properties and color, but also in the features of its collection and production. In addition, the product requires special conditions storage and transportation. All these factors ultimately determine its cost, which has long been considerable.

White tea is grown only in one province of China - Fujian. And its collection occurs only two days a year (one day in April, and another in September). At the same time, it is collected manually at a certain time - in the morning, strictly between 5 and 9 o'clock. True, today the product is grown in India, Vietnam, as well as Sri Lanka and some African countries, but white tea made in China is considered the most refined and therefore the most valuable.

Why does tea have this name? It is produced by harvesting tea buds, as well as the youngest leaves of the tea bush, which have white coating, which determines the name of the product. More precisely, these are not even leaves, but arrows coming from the tea bud. They are called tips.

The most valuable tea is considered to be one made from one or two young, not yet blossomed, upper leaves of the tea bush. To make 1 kilogram of white elite tea, it is necessary to collect more than hundreds of thousands of tips. This is why the product has such a high price.

Persons collecting the product should have sterile clean hands, and their breath should be fresh: without any admixtures of spices and herbs, because these factors can affect the taste and aroma of tea. Also, while preparing white tea, they are prohibited from using perfumes and cosmetics.

Unlike black and green tea, this type undergoes minimal heat treatment, as a result of which the maximum amount of beneficial substances is retained in the product. To do this, the tea leaves are first steamed for a minute and then sent for drying. Less valuable varieties white tea may be slightly fermented. All this is done by hand. IN ready-made tea There should be no damaged or darkened leaves, their color should remain greenish-gray, and their undersides should be light, grayish-white.

The most popular varieties of white tea in China today are considered to be the “white peony” variety, which in its dry form resembles small unopened flowers, as well as “silver needles” tea, which is recognized by doctors around the world as a natural antidepressant. The preparation and storage of such a product is special, so it is not accessible to everyone: the cost of 1 kilogram of such tea is about 1000 US dollars.

Less expensive varieties of white tea also have beneficial properties. As a rule, they are made from raw materials rejected during the production of elite tea and go on sale in already crushed form. However, this tea also has refined taste and aroma.

White tea, benefits and harm

The benefits and harms of white tea determined by its rich biochemical composition, which includes antioxidants, phenolic compounds (tannin and catechin), caffeine, various vitamins, minerals and other substances beneficial to health.

Basic healing properties white tea:

  • due to the content of natural antioxidants, the product promotes the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system, and also prevents the development of cancer;
  • the catechins it contains eliminate cholesterol, which minimizes the risk of diseases such as thrombosis;
  • the presence of fluorides helps preserve tooth enamel, prevents the appearance of tartar and protects teeth from destruction;
  • the combination of glutamic acid and phosphorus compounds has a positive effect on the condition nervous system, soothes and relieves chronic fatigue;
  • the presence of caffeine gives the drink invigorating properties that last throughout the day;
  • antibacterial and immune-strengthening properties, which are especially valuable during the period of a surge in colds;
  • due to the presence of vitamin P, the drink promotes rapid blood clotting, as well as the healing of various wounds;
  • white tea does an excellent job of quenching thirst;
  • The epigallocatechins contained in the product do an excellent job of normalizing metabolism, which promotes rapid and effective weight loss.

Can there be any harm from drinking white tea? By taking this drink in moderation, you don't have to worry about negative consequences from taking it. But its use in large quantities, like any other product, can harm the body. First of all, this applies to women expecting a child, as well as nursing mothers. The theophylline and caffeine contained in white tea can overstimulate the nervous system of the fetus or baby, which can adversely affect the formation of their nervous system, as well as the functioning of the heart.

White tea is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of peptic ulcers, as well as increased stomach acidity;
  • acute stage of kidney disease and genitourinary system, as well as the presence of kidney stones;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system and insomnia.

How to brew white tea correctly?

In order to get the maximum benefit and minimum harm to your health when drinking the drink, you need to know how to prepare white tea correctly. In this case, all factors that will help preserve all its healing properties should be taken into account. This is primarily the temperature and quality of the water used for brewing, the storage conditions of the product, as well as the material of the container in which the drink will be brewed.

Basic rules for brewing white tea:

  1. The water is brought to a boil and allowed to cool to 60-70 degrees. Under no circumstances brew tea with boiling water, which will not only destroy all its beneficial properties, but also worsen its taste and aroma. It is best to use soft water, as hard water will change the taste of the tea for the worse.
  2. Before brewing, a glass or ceramic teapot is rinsed with boiling water and two pinches of dry tea leaves are placed there for each cup. Do not use metal containers for brewing, this will distort the taste of the drink.
  3. The tea leaves are filled with water, leaving some space in the teapot.
  4. Infuse the drink for 3-5 minutes and pour into cups.

You can brew white tea three times. It is believed that it is during the second brewing that its exquisite taste and the finest aroma. The infusion time for the drink when brewing again should be a couple of minutes.

The taste of white tea is self-sufficient, so it is drunk in pure form without adding sweeteners, milk or other additives. To fully enjoy the taste of the drink, you should not drink it with baked goods or other sweets.

White tea, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied by experts, will not only amaze you with its interesting taste and aroma, but if taken correctly it will give you vigor and wellness for all day!
