Orange vodka recipe. Orange vodka. Orange-coffee sweet liqueur “44”

Orange vodka

Pour pure vodka over the orange peel and leave for two weeks in a warm place. Then distill.

Ingredients: orange peel – 200 g, vodka – 6 l.

From the book All about alcoholic drinks author Dubrovin Ivan

BEET VODKA Required: sugar beets, 200 g of yeast. Method of preparation. Grate the sugar beets and boil. For 30 liters of beet juice you will need 200 g of yeast. The mixture ferments for a week. No need to add sugar. Will make 5 liters

From the book Vinokur, brewer, mead maker, vodka maker, kvass maker, vinegar maker, and cellar maker author Author unknown

PEAR VODKA Required: for 5 liters of water - 5 buckets of low-quality boiled pears, 2 kg of sugar, 200 g of yeast. Method of preparation. Mix boiled pears, sugar and yeast in water, let it ferment for a day, then you can start making

From the book Tinctures, liqueurs, vodka author Kostina Daria

VODKA FROM CANDIES Required: 3 kg of filled candies, 200 g of yeast, 2 buckets of warm water. Method of preparation. Dissolve candy and yeast in 2 buckets of water. Let sit for 4-5 days. Will make 3 liters

From the book Great Culinary Dictionary by Dumas Alexander

VODKA FROM JAM Required: 1 liter of old jam, 30 liters of warm water, 200 g of yeast, 3 kg of sugar. Method of preparation. Dissolve the jam in warm water, add yeast, stir well and add sugar, stir again. The mash will ferment for 3–5 days. The output will be 6 liters

From the book Wine, liqueurs, liqueurs author Pyshnov Ivan Grigorievich

“FIRE VODKA” Required: for 1 kg of peas - 5 kg of sugar, 500 g of yeast, 15 liters of warm water, 1 liter of fresh milk. Method of preparation. Mix all ingredients and let sit for a day. Then start making vodka. The output is 5 liters

From the author's book

VODKA “DAILY” Required: 5 kg of sugar, 25 liters of boiling water, 0.5 kg of yeast, 25 medium raw potatoes, 3 glasses of milk, 4 loaves of bread. Method of preparation. Mix all the ingredients and leave to ferment for a day. Then you can start making

From the author's book

VODKA “TWO-HOUR” Required: 10 kg of sugar, 1 pack of yeast, 3 liters of milk, 3-4 buckets of water. Method of preparation. Pour water into the washing machine, add all components and spin for 2 hours. Let it sit and start making.

From the author's book

ALMOND VODKA Required: young shoots of rowan tree, white fortified wine. Method of preparation. Peel the young shoots of the rowan tree and cut into small pieces. Then fill them with any strong wine in the ratio: 1 part shoots to 4 parts wine.

From the author's book

CUMIN VODKA Required: 400–450 g of caraway seeds, 1 liter of water. Method of preparation. Pour cumin with water and distill in a distillation apparatus. The resulting caraway water can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar for several months. You only need to add a little before use.

From the author's book

VODKA “AROMATNAYA” Required: vodka, dry lemon peels - 1/5 of the container's volume, 6 g of cinnamon per 1 liter of vodka, 1 g of cardamom per 1 liter of vodka, nutmeg, no more than 500 g of sugar per 1 liter of vodka. Method of preparation. Pour dry lemon peels into the simplest vodka so that they take up the fifth

From the author's book

OLD-FASHION VODKA Required: 20 ml of vodka, 1 piece of instant sugar, 2-3 drops of balsam, 1 tsp. “Narzana”, orange slice, zest of 1 lemon, ice. Method of preparation. Place a piece of sugar at the bottom of the glass, then add balm, Narzan and mix everything. After

From the author's book

Vodka. 1. Plain vodka Krom? After the usual and all known transfer of simple wine through a cube, vodka is also made in the following way: Take a quarter of the millet, boil it in a cauldron, and put it in a tub and dilute it with warm water; then put in yeast and three pounds of yeast;

From the author's book

Orange water (or grapefruit water) Cut 8 ripe oranges (or grapefruits) into slices and sprinkle with sugar (2 kg). Pour 10 liters of water and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for an hour, then remove. To prepare orange juice

From the author's book

Vodka Vodka is a strong alcoholic drink containing from 40 to 50% alcohol, with a characteristic vodka odor, transparent, without impurities and sediment, with a mild taste without any foreign shades. Vodka is obtained from rectified alcohol, which is diluted with softened water, after which

From the author's book

VODKA This is a product of wine distillation carried out over a less hot flame than is used to produce alcohol. All very strong alcoholic drinks of the highest degree of distillation are similar to each other. Vodkas vary depending on climate, soil and quality.

From the author's book

Orange colorless bitters Pour crushed dried orange peels into a bottle, pour in vodka and leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain, bottle and store. Ingredients: vodka – 1 l, dried orange juice

Option 1


  • 5 buckets of millet
  • Water
  • Yeast
  • 1.2 kg yeast dough

In addition to the usual and well-known transfer of simple wine through a cube, vodka is also made as follows. Take millet, boil it in a cauldron and, putting it in a tub, dilute it with warm water. Then add yeast and leaven dough. When it sours and ferments, then put it in a cube, distill it, and then distill it again.

Option 2


  • Simple wine
  • Berries and fruits

From the beginning of spring, fill most of the barrel with wine and, when the berries and tree fruits begin to ripen, fill the barrel with them indiscriminately, both berries and fresh and rotten carrion, not excluding apple and pear cores and peelings. After the barrel is filled and has stood for a while, drain the first wine and add it to vodka, and pour wine again onto the remaining fruits and let it sit for a while; from which, after the war, vodka will again come out, not inferior to the taste of wine.

  1. Water for vodkas


  • Anise
  • Cinnamon or cloves
  • Water

Taking some spice, for example anise, or cinnamon, or cloves, grind it finely, pour it with hot water, adding 3.6 liters of water per 400 g of spice. Having closed it so tightly that the spirit cannot escape, let it stand for a day. Then pour it into the cube and, adding another 2.4 liters of water, drive it like vodka until the smell of that spice can be heard. And as soon as the shoulder strap starts to smell, then take it away and add the same fresh spice to the pre-war water a second time and treat it in the same way. If anyone wishes, they can distill it again through the same spice. If you put one tea cup of this triple water in 1.2 liters of alcohol, it will smell and taste like real vodka distilled with that spice.


  • 1.2 kg sugar
  • 1.2 liters of water

Take sugar; Having crushed it finely, pour clean boiled water on it. Cook enough, collecting all the boiling foam until there is no more of it left. Then, having caught a cold, pour it into a damask, let it sit for two weeks, so that the finest silt remaining in it will all sink to the bottom. Then combine this syrup with alcohol, always adding a quarter of it to double the wine.

Option 1


  • 400 g lemon peel
  • 400 g violets
  • 12 liters of plain vodka or pre-war wine

Take lemon peel and the same amount of violets. Pour plain vodka or double wine onto it. Let it sit for 6 days, and then distill it quietly over low heat until 6 liters of vodka comes out.

Option 2


  • 12 liters of pre-war wine
  • 1.2 kgglymon peel
  • Salt
  • 1.2 l syrup

Take pre-war wine, coarsely crushed lemon peel and a handful of salt. After infusing it for three days, warm it up and sweeten it with syrup.

Option 1


  • 800 g orange peel
  • 12 liters of plain wine
  • 1.6 kg sugar
  • Water

Take an orange peel, cut it finely, put it in a bottle, pour in some good foamy wine and, capping it, put it in a warm place for a week. Then, pouring this infused wine with everything and the crust into a cube, distill it properly. And finally, sweeten it by dissolving sugar in water and boiling it for a while.

Option 2


  • 800 g orange peel
  • 12 liters of plain wine

Take an orange peel and, having cut off the pulp, pour in good wine. Leave for three days and distill properly.

Option 3


  • 1.6 kg orange peel
  • 14.4 l plain wine
  • Syrup

Soak the orange peel for three days in 6 liters of good wine. Then, putting it in a cube and adding another 8.4 liters of wine, distill until you get 8.4 liters of vodka, which is sweetened as usual.

Option 4


  • 400 g orange peel
  • 200 g star anise
  • 85 g each of nutmeg, nutmeg, styrax, mastic, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves
  • Pre-war wine

Place orange peel, star anise, nutmeg, nutmeg, styrax, mastic, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves into a 12-liter cube. Fill this entire collection with double wine, leave it in free spirit for a week, and then distill it.

Option 5


  • 12 liters of plain wine
  • 400 g orange peel
  • 20 g cloves
  • Syrup

Take wine and orange peel, leave for three days, and meanwhile infuse finely crushed cloves in a special small bottle. After mixing everything together, distill, sweeten with molasses and pass through paper.

The wide distribution and popularity of tinctures in Russia is due to history. Noble families were given the right to have houses and distilleries on their estates. This gave rise to a desire to stand out and surprise guests with new unusual recipes. Serving official drinks to the table began to be considered bad manners; it was right to shock noble neighbors with the unique taste of alcohol made at home. Every self-respecting home has thought about how to make a tincture that is tasty, aromatic and different from others. Fruits, berries, wild herbs and overseas spices began to be used for their production. The recipes were improved, preserved, and some received the proud right to be called “family.”

The most popular bitter tincture that has survived to this day is “Erofeich”. The mysterious name “orange” is known, as well as rowan, pepper, ginger, herbal and many other recipes that have been preserved in our homes and tested by the hands of masters of many generations.

Spicy tincture “Erofeich”

An ancient Russian tincture with many ingredients. The recipe is accompanied by a legend about a court barber named Erofey or Erofeyich, who cured the sick Russian queen or her favorite Orlov with this tincture.

There are several versions of the recipe with this name, each of which claims to be true. Determining the original primordial, correctly composed herbal mixture is now hardly possible. Some descriptions contain wild forest herbs, others only exotic spices, and others complex blends of both. Such drinks with history make you want to make your own tincture from the same ingredients.

Here is one of the proven recipes available for cooking at home:

The second version of the “Erofeich” tincture is also easy to make at home:

  • vodka - 1 l,
  • peppermint - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • anise seeds - 0.5 tsp,
  • nutmeg - 1/8 of the fruit,
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

Infusion is carried out in a dark place for 15 days. Then the tincture is filtered, bottled and kept for another 10-15 days before use. During this time, the so-called maturation of the drink occurs. Served as an aperitif, with hot appetizers, and used to prevent colds.


The ancient tincture, references to its production at home, are found in Russian classical literature and memoirs. Prepared with orange peels. These fruits of the citrus family, otherwise called “bitter orange,” are now almost impossible to find on sale. Occasionally, orange peel powder can be found among the spices; sometimes dried peels are found in ready-made mixtures for preparing mulled wine at home. You can try to reproduce an ancient tincture from such raw materials at home.

There is an affordable option to replace the exotic bitter orange and make a tincture from dry orange peel, with the addition of ginger, which is not difficult to find in a modern home:

Keep at home at room temperature for 12-14 days, strain. If desired, add sugar to taste and the bitters will become sweet.


An ancient drink, known from Soviet recipe books. In industrial production it was prepared as an aromatic alcohol. At home, you can reproduce its taste and aroma properties by infusion.
The ingredients of this warming drink must be infused with alcohol-containing raw materials for 10 days:

  • moonshine or alcohol 45° strength - 1.5 l,
  • ginger - 1 g,
  • angelica - 1 g,
  • galangal - 1 g,
  • juniper - 0.5 g,
  • cloves - 1 g,
  • black peppercorns - 0.5 g,
  • hot red pepper - 0.5 g,
  • star anise - 1 g,
  • coffee - 2 g,
  • orange peel - 3 g,
  • lemon peel - 3 g.

After straining, keep in a glass container for 5-7 days before use.

Orange-coffee sweet liqueur “44”

A popular aromatic drink of French origin. The taste of this sweet liqueur, made at home, is not inferior to the classic Cointreau liqueur.
For 1 liter of vodka you need:

  • 44 beans of quality coffee, well roasted,
  • 44 cubes of refined sugar,
  • 1 orange.

The size of the orange should allow it to be placed entirely in the jar chosen for infusion. Using a four-pronged fork, make 11 shallow punctures in the skin of the fruit, slightly rocking the fork, thereby widening them. Coffee beans are inserted into the 44 resulting holes.

Pour pieces of refined sugar into a suitable jar, place an orange filled with coffee, and pour in vodka. Leave covered for 44 days. Shake daily. Gradually, the sugar will dissolve, the tincture will acquire a bright orange color, light viscousness, and a wonderful dessert taste and aroma. After 44 days, strain, there is no need to squeeze the orange, the drink may become cloudy.

On pine nuts

For 2 liters of vodka you will need 1 tbsp. l fresh pine nuts or shells. To obtain a drink with a rich dark caramel color, the shell requires a little preliminary preparation. It is poured with boiling water twice, then fried in the oven until dark brown.

Infusion is carried out in a warm place. At home, a battery is an excellent source of suitable temperature. After straining and bottling, for every half liter you need to add 1 tsp. Sahara.
