Baileys recipe. Baileys liqueur at home, recipe. General rules of use

The number one liqueur in the world, one of the top 10 best-selling spirits, is the legendary Baileys. “Born” in Ireland back in 1974, through the efforts of the corporation R. A. Baileys & Co., he immediately gained nationwide love. Many connoisseurs believe that it is quite simple to make the iconic alcoholic drink yourself. However, even using the “proven” Baileys recipe, at home it is extremely difficult to obtain that same Irish product, the classic recipe of which is a sealed secret. But it is quite possible to prepare an excellent cream liqueur, the taste characteristics of which are as similar as possible to authentic Baileys.

It is known for certain that the “basic bouquet” is natural cream from two trusted suppliers and local strong whiskey, triple distilled, which is based on technology patented by The Old Midleton Distillery. The alcohol-cream mixture is homogenized in a special way; such manipulations do not allow these two components to separate during further storage. The composition of Baileys liqueur also includes cane sugar and coconut extract; it is to the latter that the drink owes its unique character. Surely there are “secret” ingredients in it, which the manufacturer modestly keeps silent about, but what is definitely not there are synthetic preservatives - whiskey successfully replaces them.

The strength of the original Baileys is 17 degrees, this is another distinctive feature of the Irish alcoholic drink. Experts believe that it is quite difficult to adjust homemade cream liqueur to this number of revolutions. But why not try it!

On a note! To get its creamy taste, the Irish waste 43% of the country's milk production. Today the drink is sold in 180 countries around the world and has long become an integral element of bar culture, as it is used as the basis for a dozen popular cocktails.

Baileys recipe at home

In order for you to get an alcoholic product that tastes very close to the masterpiece of Irish craftsmen, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. However, the result will exceed all your wildest expectations.

Actually, the whole technology is divided into 2 stages - the production of the so-called. “whiskey” (in other words, tinctures) and mixing it with creamy ingredients.

Ingredients for alcohol base:

  • 400 ml 60% alcohol;
  • a teaspoon of pre-soaked and washed oak bark;
  • a third of a teaspoon of ground ginger + cinnamon to taste;
  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • 3 bags of vanillin (2 g each);
  • half a glass of granulated sugar + 1-2 tbsp. l. water for caramel.

Step-by-step preparation of whiskey:

  1. Cook the caramel: mix sugar with water, melt it over low, even heat and cook until a beautiful golden color. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of the finished product into the container in which we will prepare the tincture.
  2. Add all the other ingredients there and fill them with alcohol (for a richer and more original taste of the drink, alcohol can be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with whiskey).
  3. Cover the jar and place it in a cool, secluded place for a week. Shake the contents thoroughly 3-4 times a day.
  4. After the allotted time for infusion, the resulting liquid (∼400 ml at the outlet) is carefully filtered.

We take the following ingredients:

  • liter 10% cream;
  • 400 g condensed milk;
  • 2 orange yolks;
  • 1 dessert spoon of coffee dissolved in 1 teaspoon of water;
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Beat half the cream + yolks thoroughly until smooth. Continuing the process, gradually pour in condensed milk and coffee. The last step is to add the second portion of cream and the ready-made tincture, whisk thoroughly again.
  2. Mix the resulting liquid with vanilla sugar and keep it in the cold for about 3-5 days (or even a week). During this period, the coagulated cream and fat particles will separate from the alcoholic mixture, after which they can be removed without any problems.
  3. We filter the finished Baileys - ordinary cotton fabric is perfect for this. We bottle it. The output is ∼1.5 liters of liqueur with 12% strength.

For connoisseurs of this Irish alcoholic drink who are not ready to wait such a long time, simplified preparation options are offered.

The easiest recipe for Baileys liqueur

It will take 10-15 minutes to mix the components and from 2 hours to several days to infuse the homemade creation. With a minimum of effort and a simple list of products, this option has become the most popular on the Internet.


  • half a liter of vodka or other alcoholic beverages (whisky, cognac or cognac brandy are suitable);
  • can of condensed milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. instant coffee;
  • 400 ml 10% cream;
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar;
  • 4 egg yolks.

Cooking technology:

  1. Beat the ingredients, adding them in the following sequence: yolks, condensed milk, vanilla sugar, granulated coffee, cream, alcohol.
  2. Pour the liqueur into bottles and leave in the refrigerator.

Note! The fattier the cream, the higher the likelihood that it will “flake off”, settling on the walls of the glasses. It is allowed to use regular milk instead, then increase the amount of condensed milk by 100 g.

With creamy nutty flavor

To make Baileys liqueur at home, imitating the taste of the original Hazelnut Flavor, add 50 g of chopped hazelnuts to the base composition from the recipe proposed above.

Technological steps will be as follows:

  1. We infuse the alcohol base on nuts for 14 days (to do this, we simply mix two ingredients in a convenient container) in the most suitable place for the conditions (low temperature, minimum lighting, no high humidity).
  2. After two weeks, filter the resulting liquid.
  3. Beat the ingredients with a mixer or blender in the already familiar sequence.
  4. Let the homemade creamy nut liqueur steep for at least one night in the refrigerator.

No condensed milk

Baileys liqueur based on this recipe will appeal to both people for whom condensed milk is contraindicated for one reason or another, as well as ordinary “non-fans” of this dairy product. It involves heating the non-alcoholic base on the stove, so it is important not to overcook it and not exceed the temperature above 40 degrees Celsius.


  • 200 ml vodka + 200 ml whiskey;
  • 1 l 25% cream;
  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 25 g instant coffee;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step preparation of homemade cream liqueur:

  1. Beat the yolks into a thick foam.
  2. Pour the cream into a saucepan, mix with powdered sugar, and place on low heat.
  3. Gradually add the beaten yolks, coffee and vanilla sugar. Stir continuously until our non-alcoholic base becomes homogeneous.
  4. Cool the resulting mass to 15-25 degrees (so-called room temperature), pour alcohol into it, and beat with a mixer until foamy.
  5. Infuse the drink in a glass container in the refrigerator for up to a day.

Important! If the mixture warms up above 40 degrees, the yolks in it will thicken and the “dish” will be spoiled.

Cooking without eggs

In fact, the original composition of Baileys liqueur also does not contain eggs. Therefore, if you are allergic to this product, feel free to cook without it - the result will be no less impressive than in other variations.


  • can of condensed milk (400 ml);
  • 2 tbsp. l. coffee;
  • 1 liter of cream;
  • 200 ml cognac brandy;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix condensed milk with cream, beat for several minutes.
  2. Gradually pour coffee into the resulting milky liquid, add vanilla in the form of sugar, and pour in brandy.
  3. We infuse the resulting alcoholic drink for 48 hours in hermetically sealed bottles.

Of course, this is not a complete list of possible Baileys recipes at home: the drink is also prepared with a “Miracle” milkshake, with the addition of a melted chocolate bar or mint-flavored liqueur. Focusing on the basic composition, feel free to experiment. Whatever option appeals to you, do not forget about the importance of the culture of eating this popular Irish “delicacy”.

How to drink Baileys liqueur correctly

The 5 basic rules are:

  1. Baileys is a digestif in its classic form, i.e. the period of serving the drink is limited to the end of the meal and the proximity of dessert dishes.
  2. Pure Baileys is consumed from conical liqueur glasses, the volume of which does not exceed 30-50 ml. If mixed with ice cubes or used in cocktails, it can be served in wine glasses or martini containers.
  3. It is not customary to refrigerate a bottle of this alcohol. The optimal temperature of the drink for serving is 18-20 °C.
  4. Baileys goes well with coffee, replacing cream and sugar at the same time, hot chocolate, cocoa, strong alcohol (the best options are rum, gin, vodka). But it is unacceptable to combine it with mineral water and sweet sodas, otherwise the result will be unexpectedly unpleasant: the milk components will float in the glass like curdled flakes, and the taste of alcohol will lose all its zest.
  5. It is not necessary to have a snack with this liqueur, but you can combine it with dessert dishes! The perfect accompaniment to a glass of Baileys is ice cream or fruit.

On a note! The combination of Baileys with cookies, peanuts, marshmallows, and sweet curds is popular.

Liqueur-based cocktails

The creamy taste of Baileys harmonizes well with other alcoholic counterparts, so cocktails based on it receive the most delicate, juicy shades of taste. Professional bartenders will be able to offer two to three dozen options, including the popular “Hiroshima”, which in appearance resembles “Nuclear Explosion”, milky-strawberry “Perfect Continus”, “Brain Explosion” with vermouth, grenadine and a long aftertaste, “Burning Henry” ", distinguished by its original presentation and balanced taste, as well as many others.

Below are the top 3 cocktails based on Baileys, which are as easy as possible to prepare at home:

  1. "B-56". A three-layer alcoholic drink made from 20 ml Kahlúa, 20 ml Baileys and the same amount of orange liqueur. In the order indicated, they are poured into a stack along the blade of a knife.
  2. Baileys with coffee is an invigorating, rich summer cocktail. Prepared from equal portions of strong chilled coffee and creamy ice cream (100 g each) + 30 ml of liqueur itself. All components are shaken in a shaker, then poured into an Irish glass.
  3. The Irish Martini is a moderate strength cocktail consisting of 50 ml Baileys, 20 ml whiskey and 10 ml iced coffee. All ingredients are mixed, sprinkled with chocolate chips and topped with ice in a martini glass.

Enjoy! But behind the sweetness of homemade cream liqueur, do not forget about the strength levels: Baileys should be drunk in moderation, little by little.

When it comes to cream liqueurs, the first thing that comes to mind is Baileys. This creamy alcoholic drink has long been loved by liqueur connoisseurs. And this wonderful product can be prepared at home. The ingredients for cooking are probably found in every home.

Before we start talking about how to make Baileys with your own hands, we want to know if you have asked yourself the question: if not, we advise you to read. You drive a car and you are “soon” behind the wheel, then use the free online application, which will always tell you how soon you can get behind the wheel.

The recipe is very simple, so you don’t need to have any special skills, and despite the ease of preparation, it will be almost impossible to distinguish the taste of the drink from the original. And so, to bring to life the recipe for Baileys liqueur at home, you will need to stock up on twenty minutes of time, vodka, sugar, cream and condensed milk. Instead of vodka, you can use whiskey, if available.

DIY Baileys recipe

Baileys is a low-proof (only 17%) liqueur that originated in Ireland. It has been produced since the 74th year of the twentieth century by the company R.A. Bailey&Co. The basis for preparation is cream and whiskey. Since this is an Irish drink, it is best to use .

Ingredients for cooking:

  1. One half-liter bottle of vodka or whiskey;
  2. One can of condensed milk;
  3. 400gr. cream;
  4. One tbsp. instant coffee;
  5. Two tbsp. vanillin;
  6. Four egg yolks.

Step-by-step recipe for baileys at home

  1. Mix condensed milk and vanilla with egg yolks. Bring everything to a homogeneous mass with a mixer.
  2. Add coffee while stirring.
  3. Pour in the cream and stir until smooth. If you have high fat cream, you must first dilute it with milk.
  4. Pour in vodka or whiskey and stir.
  5. Pour the drink into a container with a lid and refrigerate for two to three days.
  6. After the required time in the refrigerator, the drink is ready for consumption.

As you can see, DIY Baileys is a simple recipe. In an airtight container in the refrigerator, the drink can be stored for up to six months. But, naturally, freshly prepared Baileys still tastes better. Liqueur lovers will appreciate the taste of this wonderful drink. Enjoy your tasting!

Baileys liqueur can be prepared very simply at home. This Irish drink was the very first in the world and is one of the most popular. It is made with Irish whiskey, and the taste of this drink is truly special. Sometimes the recipe uses purified vegetable oil, as well as cocoa, sugar, vanilla, and caramel.


There are many variations of this drink when mint, cinnamon, coffee and other ingredients are added. Now the liqueur does not contain preservatives, and the cream will not spoil due to the fact that a special technology has been developed for mixing it with alcohol. The strength of the unique liqueur is no more than 17%, however, due to the delicate taste of the components, this is not felt at all.

For the first time we learned about Baileys (or, more correctly, Baileys) in 1974. Its creation was a real accident. David Dend and his friends decided to prepare an unusual, special cocktail that would be distinguished by both strength and delicate taste. At first, only whiskey and cream were mixed, and then, to improve the consistency, they began to add other ingredients, resulting in an exquisite drink. For those who like to make Baileys liqueur at home, there are many recipes.

Baileys liqueur at home

To prepare a drink according to the classic recipe, you need to select very high-quality vodka. 0.5 liters will be enough. No need to choose inexpensive vodka. Very often people make exactly this mistake. The drink will have a normal taste, but its effect depends on this ingredient. When preparing a drink you cannot do without cream. Fat content should be 30%. For 0.5 liters of vodka, 350 ml of cream will be enough. Additionally, you will need another jar of regular high-quality condensed milk, about 1-2 bags of vanilla.

Making Baileys liqueur using this recipe is very simple. First you need to thoroughly whip the cream. Before starting cooking, the cream should be cooled, then whipping will be much easier and faster. After a while you need to add vanilla and continue beating. Now, during the whipping process, add condensed milk in a thin stream. After 5-7 minutes of constant stirring, you need to add vodka. All components should be thoroughly mixed so that the drink has a uniform consistency. After this, you can’t drink the drink right away; you need to give it time so that it can brew for at least a couple of hours.

It would be a good idea to leave it in the refrigerator overnight, but the best option would be to keep the prepared drink for 2-3 days. If the liqueur is infused for several days, it must be shaken periodically, otherwise an unwanted sediment will appear. The presence of sediment will depend on the quality of cream and condensed milk used in the production of the drink.

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Many people are interested in how to make liqueur quickly and easily at home. To do this you will need approximately 250 ml of vodka, a can of condensed milk, 2 sticks of black coffee and a couple of eggs. Pour condensed milk, eggs into a large and wide container and add coffee.

Ingredients for making homemade liqueur

All components should be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After this, you need to add vodka and beat the mass for 5-7 minutes. Now the drink is ready. Before guests arrive, you need to put it in the refrigerator. If you can’t wait to try it, then you need to take a few pieces of ice and mix them with the drink, whisking until the mass is homogeneous in consistency.


There are people who prefer to try a chocolate drink and are interested in how to prepare it themselves. To do this, you need to prepare 0.5 liters of vodka, 359 ml of cream, a can of condensed milk, vanilla and 1.5 -2 bars of chocolate. In this case, you need to use dark chocolate. First you need to deal with them. It must be broken into small pieces and melted in a water bath. All you need is a wide bowl. By the way, the chocolate mass should not have time to boil. You just need to melt it so that the chocolate mass is homogeneous in consistency. At this time, you need to whip the cream and mix it with vanilla.

Chocolate drink

After a couple of minutes, you can add condensed milk in a thin stream. Be sure to whisk the mass so that it warms up a little during this. Now you need to pour in the chocolate mixture. If the cream mixture is too cold, the chocolate will begin to curdle and grains will appear, so both mixtures should be about the same temperature. After mixing, you need to pour in vodka and mix everything thoroughly. After preparation, the drink should be stored in the refrigerator.


The recipe for making baileys can be more complex. This option is more suitable not for beginners, but for experts in their field. The taste of this drink is no different from the original Irish liqueur, but it will be less dense in consistency.

First you need to prepare an alcohol base. You will need to make 4 tablespoons of caramel in advance. You'll have to burn the sugar a little on the fire. There is no need to worry if the sugar becomes overly caramelized. It is even better. When the mass has cooled a little, you can add a third of a spoon of ginger to it. It must be ground. Next you need to add 6 g of vanillin, a little cinnamon, a spoonful of oak bark and 2 spoons of honey. The recipe doesn't end there. You need to pour vodka or 60% alcohol into the mixture. You can use whiskey. In this case, alcohol and whiskey must be mixed in equal proportions. In total, you will need no more than 420 ml of alcoholic mixture. Now the alcohol base is ready and can be placed in a cool, dark place. The mixture should be shaken periodically. This mixture must be infused for at least a week. After this, it must be filtered to avoid small particles.

Making caramel

At the next stage, the recipe involves preparing the creamy component; for this you will need 2 chicken yolks, 4 g of condensed milk (it should not be very thick), 1 liter of cream (needs to be very fresh) with a fat content of at least 10%. Next, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of instant coffee to the mixture, which has been previously diluted with a small amount of water. Now both masses - creamy and alcoholic - need to be mixed and whisked.

Homemade liqueur can easily be prepared with cinnamon for lovers of this spice. To prepare this drink you will need the following ingredients: condensed milk, 0.5 liters of vodka, 0.3 liters of cream and 1 bar of dark dark chocolate. The chocolate needs to be melted in a steam bath. The cream is whipped with sugar, condensed milk, and chocolate mass. After this, you need to add vodka and stir until the consistency is uniform. Now the mass needs to be refrigerated for a day, and before use you should add a little cinnamon.


Homemade liqueur is not enough to just make. You need to know how and with what to use it. The drink is prepared using natural ingredients, so the taste will be very delicate. It can easily be added to coffee instead of cream and sugar, after which the aroma of the coffee should become very refined and unusual. Belize is suitable for many occasions. In cooking, homemade liqueur is often used as a natural flavoring for cookies and cakes. It is often an addition to yogurt, ice cream, and fruit salads (especially if they contain nuts and prunes). Of course, to prepare such recipes you will need very small doses, but the taste will be unique.

Although homemade liqueur has many uses, there are some cases where it should not be added. For example, it is incompatible with citrus fruits and tonic. This is due to the fact that the composition contains acids that will cause the cream to curdle. Baileys is one of the components in many original cocktails, which in addition to it include rum, vodka, schnapps, etc. Then the drink needs to be diluted with chilled milk and coffee. Next you should decorate the drink with grated chocolate and pieces of fruit. For example, strawberries and banana go well together.

You can prepare another drink. For example, you can use the following recipe. Baileys is poured into a cocktail glass, then Arish Cream, and then Cointreau liqueur. All components should be poured in a thin stream, which will flow down the knife. All 3 drinks should be taken in equal proportions - 20 ml each. Place a straw in the glass and set the drink on fire. You need to drink it quickly while it burns.

Burning drink with Baileys

If it's hot outside, you can prepare a delicious drink that will help you cool down quickly. Ice is added to the liqueur, then everything needs to be crushed and mixed using a blender. This drink is very tasty, refreshing and invigorating. You can prepare a drink with these properties using another recipe. You will need Arish Cream and Baileys. A container with a very thick bottom is suitable. First you need to throw about 3 ice cubes into such glasses, and then pour 50 ml of both liqueurs. This cocktail will be the perfect ending to a dinner with family or friends.

And in the evening you can add a little of this drink to your espresso. Then you should add more milk. Now you need to make foam and pour grated chocolate on it. You can make another delicious cocktail if you add milk to the liqueur, and then add mashed banana. If desired, add more ice cream. The drink will be simply amazing.

Baileys is often served with desserts. For example, it is suitable for croissants, souffles, marshmallows, and strawberries. The drink goes best with dishes that contain banana. You can even just cut the bananas into small pieces and thread them onto skewers. A salad based on strawberries and bananas is also suitable. If you want something sophisticated, you can make boats from bananas by cutting them lengthwise. Then the pulp can be removed with a spoon. The pulp should be mixed with grated cheese, chocolate and nuts. Then this mass needs to be folded into improvised boats.

Baileys goes well with ice cream. For example, you can take regular shortbread cookies and break them into small pieces, after which you can add nuts. Ice cream is placed in ice cream bowls and sprinkled with this mixture. You can add it to cocoa and chocolate. Along with this, the drink will go perfectly with any coffee dessert that uses butter cream. For example, Tiramisu cakes are suitable. The drink should be served after meals for better digestion of food.

You can make your own Baileys liqueur very quickly and easily. This drink is one of the most popular delicacies. Of course, you can buy a ready-made Irish drink or make it yourself at home. This will be even more interesting, and the taste is in no way inferior. To prepare the drink, along with the classic recipe, you can use many options. For example, Baileys can be chocolate, mint, with the addition of cinnamon. It must be remembered that a very important point is the correct serving of Irish liqueur. It goes well with strawberries, bananas, ice cream, and any coffee desserts. Interesting and tasty cocktails are also prepared based on baileys.

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Baileys Irish Cream is a great drink that has won the hearts of millions of people from all over the world, thanks to its wonderful aroma and delicate taste. This is perhaps the most popular liqueur among the female population, although many men also liked it.

Baileys is often used to decorate desserts, as a topping for ice cream, impregnation of cakes, additives to cocktails or coffee. Gourmets prefer the chocolate and coffee version of this drink, while those with a sweet tooth are quite happy with the classic recipe. From this article you will learn how to make Baileys liqueur with your own hands in order to pamper not only yourself with this extravagant taste, but also to please your family and friends.

When the creators of this drink(technologists from Gilbeys of Ireland) released the first batch of Baileys liqueur in 1974; none of them could have imagined that it would “blow up” almost the entire world.

The task of the young experimenters was to combine in this alcoholic drink all the best that the Irish had developed in the preparation of alcoholic drinks, namely their legendary whiskey combined with cream.

It is quite possible that the young innovators fed the cows whiskey so that they would produce “fragrant” intoxicating milk. But one can only guess about this. After all, this recipe is kept in the strictest confidence. Some may find it easy to prepare. I mixed a couple of the right ingredients and everything was fine. Try it! I doubt it will be original?! The taste may be slightly identical, but it won't be exactly the same.

The development of the Baileys liqueur recipe took quite a long time (almost four years). The best chemists were involved in this process, thanks to whom a homogeneous structure was achieved by distillation. After which they tried to perfect the taste of this drink by adding a certain amount of sugar, chocolate, vanilla and caramel. As a result, this divine drink turned out to be thick and very soft.

No flavoring additives, preservatives or dyes are used in the production of this liqueur, but the perfectly selected composition of ingredients allows it to be stored for almost two years. Therefore, in order to get this high-quality drink at home, you must strictly follow the recipe using unique ingredients. This will also require special technical equipment..

Description and contraindications of Baileys liqueur

This drink usually has a creamy caramel or cream flavor.. The sugar content in Baileys is twenty grams per hundred milliliters, and the strength is seventeen percent. It must be stored at the appropriate temperature, which should be no more than 25 degrees. And even if the bottle is uncorked, it can be preserved almost in its original form for many more years.

Women who watch their figure It is not recommended to abuse this drink, since it is a rather high-calorie product, containing 327 Kcal per hundred gram dose of the drink.

When drinking the original Baileys liqueur, you can be sure of the highest quality of this product. Because every batch of drink must undergo all stages of quality control, including each of its ingredients, which must be of exclusively natural origin. Artificial colors and preservatives in the process of preparing baileys are strictly prohibited.

It is especially worth noting the different flavor categories of this liqueur, which will appeal to various aesthetes who prefer very tasty wines. Therefore, the manufacturers tried to please every taste, which can be mint-chocolate, coffee, creamy-caramel and even with the taste of natural hazelnut.

This versatile drink for all occasions is so good that it can be used in many other capacities. Eg:

This drink harmonizes so precisely with many products that it can give them additional luxury, tenderness and comfort. The only exceptions to this list are:

  • Citrus juices.
  • Sparkling water.

This is due to the dairy ingredients, which curdle and lose their velvety taste due to the above additives. They also shorten the shelf life of this drink.

Like all alcoholic drinks, Baileys liqueur has a number of contraindications, which are as follows:

Cannot be consumed

Persons who suffer from kidney disease, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Nursing and pregnant women.

People who cannot tolerate whey protein.

How to make Baileys at home with your own hands Recommendations from experts

First you need to know how to drink Baileys correctly. This drink is drunk from special slightly chilled liqueur glasses. There is no need to refrigerate the bottle of this drink. When Baileys is served with ice, it is done in special martini or wine glasses.

This liqueur is usually served along with dessert after meals.

Baileys is eaten very rarely and only by amateurs. But a great addition to it would be:

  • Dessert.
  • Ice cream.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Cookie.
  • Chocolate.

Making Baileys without leaving home is quite simple. The only significant difference The shelf life of a home-made drink will be different from a factory-made one. It lasts for a maximum of six months, in contrast to the factory one, which is stored for almost two years.

To prepare this liqueur, you first need to select its main component. Good vodka or Irish whiskey is quite suitable for this purpose. But if you take vodka, then it must be of very high quality, otherwise you will simply waste your time and get the wrong drink that you want.

Don't worry if there is a slight sediment during the infusion process in the bottle. Here everything depends on the quality of the cream, which must be chosen according to the merits of the drink being prepared. Just shake the liqueur once ready and get the desired final product.

A homemade drink can have not the original density, but that's not scary. To remove this “malfunction” you need to add an egg yolk, which will give the drink the necessary softness and thickness. Two pieces of yolk are enough for 0.5 liters of liqueur.

The drink can be infused for only 2–3 hours so that it acquires its almost original taste.

Baileys liqueur recipes


To prepare the classic version Baileys liqueur, you need to have the following components available:

The most common mistake among inexperienced liquor lovers is using low-quality and cheap vodka to prepare this drink at home. . Therefore, to avoid a hangover For an incorrectly prepared drink, you only need very good vodka, which is the main component of this liqueur.

Manufacturing process:

Whip the chilled cream well.

After a few minutes, add vanilla and continue beating.

Then pour a can of condensed milk in a thin stream, and after five minutes add alcohol.

After which all components are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

Leave the drink to steep for at least several hours if there is an urgent need for it. Although it is advisable to leave the liqueur in the refrigerator overnight.


Quite a popular variety This drink is Baileys chocolate liqueur. To prepare it, you will need almost the same ingredients as in the case of the classic version of this liqueur, only there is an additional additive in the form of one hundred and fifty grams of chocolate (dark).

Cooking process:

Melt the chocolate in a small bowl over a water bath and bring it to a homogeneous mass, but there is no need to bring it to a boil.

Beat chilled vanilla and cream.

Add condensed milk after five minutes and continue whisking until the consistency begins to heat up.

Then melted chocolate is added, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that the cream and condensed milk must be commensurate in temperature with the chocolate, otherwise it will solidify into grains, as a result of which the final product will be spoiled.

At the end of cooking, pour in vodka.

After all components The liqueur mixes well; you need to beat it again. Then you can put the almost finished drink in the refrigerator for infusion. The optimal period and time for infusion is at night (infuse all night) and some experts recommend doing this during the full moon.

Basic recommendations, expiration dates and popular technologies for preparing Baileys liqueur have already been announced in this article. . Although there are still many original recipes this wonderful drink, which will melt the heart and soul of even a notorious esthete, and he will certainly not ignore this extraordinary-tasting liqueur, prepared even at home. The main thing is to maintain filigree precision during the production of this wonderful and high-quality alcoholic product.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many lovers of savoring original “high-grade” drinks probably had a question: how to make Baileys at home? There's nothing complicated about it - the creamy taste of the classic liqueur is very easy to reproduce.

Essentially, real Irish Baileys is a combination of cream, whiskey and alcohol. But at home, an analogue of this rather expensive liqueur can be prepared from vodka, milk and condensed milk, the taste is very similar. The ingredients may vary depending on which homemade Baileys recipe you prefer. Indeed, in addition to the traditional Baileys Original, there are also variations with chocolate, coffee, mint and caramel flavors.

Pure liqueur will appeal only to those with a notorious sweet tooth - its taste is too rich. A variety of cocktails are prepared with Baileys; it is drunk with ice or added to coffee or tea. Baileys with milk is also a cocktail classic.

By the way, Baileys can also be used in cooking - make cakes and desserts with it, and use it as a topping for ice cream.

Cooking Baileys

First of all, you should master the recipe for making classic Baileys. Starting from the basic composition, you can experiment and, in the end, you will know how to make Baileys that is right for you.

The easiest way to make Baileys is to use vodka, however, if possible, cook with whiskey or cognac. In this case, the taste of hand made liqueur will be closer to the original. Some sources suggest adding both whiskey and alcohol to homemade Baileys - but if you stick to this recipe, you risk going overboard with the strength of the drink.

Baileys homemade liqueur


  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • heavy cream - 300 ml;
  • vanilla sugar -15 g.


Whip the chilled cream with vanilla sugar, after 5-10 minutes add condensed milk, beat again. Add vodka, mix, leave for about 1.5 hours. After this, Baileys should be cooled.

In order to beat all the ingredients for homemade Baileys, it is best to use a mixer or blender.

Chocolate Baileys


  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • heavy cream - 300 g.


Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Beat the cream with sugar for 5-10 minutes, then add melted chocolate, condensed milk, and mix everything again (using a mixer or blender). After that, add vodka, leave for about 1.5 hours and you can serve it or add it to baked goods.

Coffee Baileys


  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • instant coffee powder - 10 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • heavy cream - 300 g.


Whip the cream with vanilla sugar, then add condensed milk and coffee, mix, pour in vodka. Leave for 1.5 hours and enjoy the coffee liqueur.

Baileys "Mint Chocolate"


  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • dark dark chocolate without additives - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • heavy cream - 300 g;
  • fresh mint - 5 g.


We prepare it in the same way as chocolate Baileys - but while the chocolate is simmering in a water bath, add a couple of sprigs of mint to it. Don't forget to remove them from the drink when you mix all the other ingredients.

By the way, many recipes for making homemade Baileys often use beaten egg yolks. They give the drink thickness and a richer creamy hue, but this recipe is far from the original.

Also, homemade Baileys goes well with spices, for example - cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, orange zest. You can also use natural vanilla, in which case the vanilla sugar should be replaced with regular or cane sugar.
