Recipes for making apricot compote in an autoclave. Canned cherries in an autoclave in their own juice with sugar. How does the process of sterilizing jam in an autoclave take place?

Proper preservation of vegetables allows you to preserve most of their beneficial substances and turn the preparations into inexpensive and complete sources of vitamins and minerals. There are much more of these components in vegetables than in fruits. Home canning of vegetables in an autoclave allows you to make the preparation process quick and with minimal effort - and this applies to almost the entire range of products.

If we take into account the professional classification, in a home autoclave you can prepare natural, canned snacks and lunches, vegetable juices and marinades, and tomato-based products. Natural canned food includes those made from one or more vegetables with sugar, salt and acids, filled with water and sterilized. Snack bars include vegetable products with added vegetable oil, spices, tomato juice, and herbs. They most often undergo pre-treatment before preservation and are more nutritious.

Rules for preserving vegetables in an autoclave

Vegetables are prepared in an autoclave, in most cases following the following algorithm:

  1. Selection of vegetables - ripe, without rot or other defects.
  2. Processing – washing, sorting, peeling, cutting, cooking or other preliminary heat treatment (if necessary).
  3. Place clean jars of aromatics and spices in the bottom according to the recipe.
  4. Adding vegetables (almost always done without tamping).
  5. Creating a fill. This usually requires hot water (about 80 degrees Celsius) with salt, sugar and vinegar.
  6. Adding hot pour to jars. In this case, it is important to leave about 2 cm to the lid - during the sterilization process, the composition will expand and it needs space.
  7. Closing jars using metal lids.
  8. Sterilization of jars in an autoclave under certain conditions of temperature and pressure.
  9. Removing the cans after the autoclave has cooled.

General standards for sterilizing canned vegetables in an autoclave:

Recipe for canned eggplant in an autoclave

These classic canned vegetables in an autoclave are made from the following ingredients:

  • blue – 3 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • onion – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 1.5 tbsp.;
  • salt – 2 tbsp.

Early eggplants are best suited for this recipe (they don’t have many seeds yet). They need to be cut into slices, salted and left in the pan for 3 hours until the juice appears. At this time, you need to chop other vegetables: grate carrots, cut onions and peppers into rings, tomatoes into quarters. Each ingredient must be fried separately in sunflower oil, and only then mixed. Place eggplants in clean jars, the next layer is vegetables, and so on, fill them in layers to the top. Sterilization time in an autoclave is up to 15 minutes.

Canned tomatoes in an autoclave

Preserving vegetables in an autoclave in their own juice is common - for example, to cook a tomato you need:

  • medium-sized tomatoes – 12 pcs.;
  • freshly squeezed tomato juice – 1 tbsp.;
  • black pepper – 4-5 peas;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Wash the tomatoes and keep them in boiling water for 30 seconds to then peel them. Put pepper and salt into the jars, very carefully place the tomatoes (do not squeeze them under any circumstances!), heat the tomato juice to about 80 degrees Celsius and pour it into the jars. After the container, you can seal it tightly with metal lids. Closed jars should be placed in an autoclave and sterilized for 15 minutes. The finished product stores well and is versatile: it can be consumed in its pure form or made as a component of dishes (for example, pizza).

Recipe for canning cucumbers in an autoclave

You can make preparations for the winter in an autoclave, including cucumbers. In this recipe we will look at preparing crispy pickled fruits. For this you need:

  • medium-sized cucumbers;
  • salt – 5 g per half-liter jar;
  • garlic cloves – 3-4 pcs.;
  • fresh dill;
  • black pepper – 0.5 tsp;
  • vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • water.

We select the proportions of products depending on the volume of cans used. Add spices to taste. For preservation we select hard cucumbers. Ideally, they should be collected no later than 24 hours before cooking. Cucumbers can be canned whole (which will keep them crisp), for sandwiches (cut into strips), or for salads (cut into rounds). The last two options practically do not allow you to achieve the required crispness, but they provide convenient use of canned food.

Add a branch of fresh, pre-washed dill to each jar. Next we add peppercorns and garlic. If desired, the recipe can be supplemented with 1 tsp. mustard seeds and a little finely chopped onion. If you like spicy dishes, add 1 tsp. crushed dry red pepper.

Next, prepare the brine. For it, it is better to take white vinegar - about 2 tbsp. Pour it into a saucepan and add a quarter glass of water, as well as salt. Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Meanwhile, we chop the cucumbers into jars, fill them with the solution, leaving 1 cm to the lid. We roll up the jars and put them in an autoclave. Sterilization time – no more than 5 minutes. at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius, otherwise the crispness will be lost.

Recipe for canning zucchini in an autoclave

Modern recipes for canning vegetables allow you to prepare such a classic, but beloved by many, as squash caviar. For not needed:

  • zucchini – 2 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 500 g;
  • onion – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 75 g;
  • ready tomato paste – 150 g.

The zucchini needs to be peeled and cut into approximately 2 cm cubes. Chop the onion well, and grind the peppers and carrots or cut them into strips. It is better to fry the peppers, carrots and onions a little in sunflower oil. A little later, add zucchini, as well as tomato paste, salt and sugar. Vegetables need to be simmered until tender, preferably over low heat. The finished product needs to be crushed - for example, using a blender. Place the resulting caviar in half-liter jars and roll up. Sterilization time is 10 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius.

Recipes for canned carrots in an autoclave

Recipes for preparations in an autoclave are also available, where carrots are one of the main ingredients. For example, to prepare carrots with green beans you need:

  • carrots – 500 g;
  • green beans – 1 kg;
  • bay leaf - to taste;
  • onions – 200 g;
  • tomatoes – 700 g;
  • sunflower oil – 200 g;
  • salt – 3 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tsp.

We cut off the tails of the beans and cut them into two halves. Cut 200 g of carrots into strips, and grate the remaining 300 g. Place the beans and carrots, cut into strips, into the jars in layers, add a bay leaf.

Prepare the sauce. Chop the onion and fry together with grated carrots in sunflower oil until golden brown. Add tomatoes cut into small pieces here. Pour water into the pan so that it covers the ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour the finished sauce into jars. After the container, roll up and sterilize in an autoclave for 10 minutes.

Autoclaved carrot salad

Another recipe for canning in an autoclave using carrots requires the following ingredients:

  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • onions and cabbage – 1 kg each;
  • sweet pepper – 500 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • pepper – 6 peas.

Grind the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the cabbage with a shredder, peel the onion and cut it into halves. Remove the seeds from the pepper, wash and cut into strips. Separately, prepare the marinade: add vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar, as well as bay leaf, to the water, boil and leave to cook for 10 minutes. Place cabbage, carrots, onions and peppers in layers in a jar, pour marinade on top, leaving 1.5 cm to the lid. Then we roll up the containers and sterilize them in an autoclave for 10 minutes.

At home, you can use any recipe for preparing vegetables in an autoclave and end up with tasty and healthy preparations without preservatives. To have this opportunity, it should be manufactured in an industrial environment. Our company offers proven models that are safe, reliable and convenient to use. Buy an autoclave, and canning will turn from a chore into a pleasant and quick process.

Summer is the time for all kinds of fruits, this is the time when you need to stock up on vitamins. And if you love fruit jam, and you have it, but you don’t know how to cook jam in an autoclave, we will be happy to tell you.

Why is it convenient to cook jam in an autoclave?

There are several reasons:

  • The jam cooks much faster;
  • It will be tastier and healthier;
  • You don't have to sterilize the jars;
  • The twists will be stored for a long time.

Do you want to know how to make jam in an autoclave, something that will surprise your family? We have prepared for you a couple of simple but delicious recipes that will delight you and your family during the winter cold!

How to make jam in an autoclave at home?

In order to prepare jam in autoclaves, you need to use the “sterilization” or “pasteurization” mode. You need to choose one of them based on what kind of jam you want to make and what jars you have prepared for it.

You should never forget that when heated, liquids necessarily expand, so you should not put jam in the jar to the very edge, but leave a space of 2-3 cm from the neck.

Different fruit jams can be sterilized in an autoclave for different lengths of time, depending on your tastes and the type of fruit.

Jam in an autoclave: delicious and unusual recipes

Apple jam with dried fruits

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg apples
  • 1 cup dried fruits
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 kg sugar

t °С - 100°С

  1. First, peel the apples and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Then you need to boil the sugar syrup.
  3. Then you need to add apples and dried fruits to it.
  4. After boiling, this mixture should be cooked for 5 minutes over low heat.
  5. Afterwards you need to leave the future jam to cool for several hours, or even overnight.
  6. Next, you need to boil the mixture again, and then pour it into prepared jars.
  7. Roll up the jars and put them in an autoclave for sterilization.

How does the process of sterilizing jam in an autoclave take place?

Stage 1: Jars of jam are heated to the required sterilization temperature (see the table).

Stage 2: Holding the cans at the desired temperature.

Stage 3: Cooling of preservation.

Seasonal pear and raspberry jam in an autoclave

For it you will need:

  • 2 cups chopped pears;
  • 2 cups raspberries (you can use frozen ones);
  • Fruit pectin;
  • 6 glasses of sugar;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 2 teaspoons orange zest;

t °С - 100°С

Cooking time - 15 minutes

To prepare this unusual and tasty jam, you need to mix all the ingredients in a large bowl or pan. Then you need to put the mixture and wait until it boils.

Then remove the pan from the heat, add a little pectin to the future jam, and mix everything well. Then turn on the heat again and boil the jam for no longer than a minute, stirring it non-stop.

Collect the foam and begin pouring the jam into the prepared jars, retreating 2-3 cm from the edge of the neck. Roll up the jars and place them in the autoclave.

Now you know how to cook jam in an autoclave, which means you can stock up on tasty and vitamin-rich foods for the winter! The main thing is to have an autoclave, a good mood and a little time. And if you don’t have an autoclave yet, you can always buy one in our Cropper online store.

A home (household) autoclave is a device that allows you to very quickly prepare home canned food.

The advantage of an autoclave is its ability to raise the cooking temperature from 100 to 120-125 degrees Celsius. This is achieved due to excess pressure during operation of the autoclave. The cooking time for canned food is significantly reduced, allowing more nutrients and vitamins to be preserved, and homemade autoclave recipes do not require additional preservatives (vinegar, citric acid, salt or sugar).

Cooking in an autoclave takes place in an airless space in hermetically sealed jars.

Types of autoclaves for canning

  • without pre-pressure (sterilizers);
  • with forced injection of excess pressure.

In autoclaves that do not require air injection, special clamps (cassettes) for cans are necessarily used. Place the finished jars on a metal plate and press them with another plate on top, securely fixing them so that the lids of the jars do not come off during cooking in the autoclave.

When preparing homemade recipes in an autoclave with forced injection of excess pressure, you don’t have to clamp the jars. It is enough to seal the jars hermetically and pump the required pressure into the autoclave using a conventional pump. Due to the fact that it will be higher than the pressure in the jar, the lid will not be torn off.

Autoclave device

An autoclave is a kind of tank with a hermetically sealed lid, handles and mandatory attributes:

  • thermometer;
  • monometer;
  • nipple for pressurizing;
  • valve to relieve excess pressure during cooking;
  • drain hole.

Canned food in an autoclave: is it better gas or electric?!

The main question when buying an autoclave is the source of its heating. If you have a gas or regular electric stove, then an autoclave in the form of a regular cylinder with a lid and sensors is suitable. Its design is very simple, the price is low, it is durable and easy to maintain.

If you don’t have a gas or electric stove, you will have to use more “advanced” canning autoclaves with a built-in electric heating element, usually about 2 kW.

“Gas” devices without a built-in heating element

The size of the autoclave depends on the volume of the cylinder. An example is the Belarusian “Novogas”:

Height (cm)

Number of 1 liter cans (pcs)

Number of cans of 0.5 liters (pcs)

How much meat can be placed at one time (kg)

From the factory, the autoclave is delivered to the consumer in bubble wrap, with all sensors turned inside the lid.

Neck diameter - 12.5 centimeters. The device contains a passport and an additional gasket (rubber ring). At the bottom of the cylinder there is a stand for jars.

Heating of a 24-liter autoclave to 4.5 atmospheres at 25 degrees Celsius is achieved in approximately 2 hours. Cools completely in 10-12 hours. After cooling, the residual pressure must be gradually released; the autoclave cannot be opened immediately.

There is one “difference” between almost all Belarusian autoclaves: they arrive at their destination with chipped paint on the cylinder. These areas will need to be painted over to prevent the metal from rusting during the canning process.

Electric autoclaves

The concept is the same as that of gas ones, the only significant difference is the presence of a built-in heating element (heating element). Electric autoclaves are usually made from stainless steel.

Autoclaves with ECU

Autoclaves with an electronic control unit (ECU) no longer have pressure and temperature sensors on the lid; they only have a pressure regulation mechanism - a bleed valve. The ECU is attached to the wall of the device and regulates the operation process.

After installing the cans in the prepared autoclave and closing it, you just need to select a cooking program on the computer, or set your own parameters. After setting the program, the water will automatically heat up to the set temperature and maintain it according to the programmed duration.

There is no longer a tap on the drain hole in the device with an ECU - water draining will begin automatically after preparing canned food according to the specified program.

Preparing for work

Most units require some precautions before placing canned food in a pressure canner. After placing the jars for cooking in the autoclave, filling them with water and pumping the air to 1 atmosphere, lubricate all the mounting points of the sensors, valve and nipple with soapy water. If the connection is loose, bubbles will form and the problem areas will need to be re-screwed.

Preparing canned food in an autoclave is a very fast and not troublesome process. For farmers who raise animals for meat, a home autoclave will be very useful!


autoclave recipes! Make jokes recipes in an autoclave? Come here!

autoclave for canning

Autoclaves for home canning You can go to our Fermash online store. Our managers will help you choose autoclave whatever you ask! Here you will find both gas and electric (universal) models, with a capacity of 5 to 28 liter cans.

On our website we collect everything possible autoclave recipes! Make jokes recipes in an autoclave? Come here!

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first canned goods appeared, separated after thermal processing, in sealed containers. However, thermal processing is now abandoned by the most common method of preparing canned food. Sterilization is one of the main technological stages Sterilization of canned food and thermal processing of the product, which ensures death bacteria by eliminating microbiological food at temperatures in a moderate climate (15-30 ° C), and sometimes at higher temperatures.It guarantees the safety of canned food for food (according to microbiological indicators Mainly, canned food is sterilized at a temperature of 120 ° C, sometimes above 100 ° C. Sterilization is intended for the preservation of canned products, which means the preservation of food value, organoleptic properties, and costliness. getting the hang of it autoclave for canning If you change the hour for preparing canned food, you are guaranteed to lose all bacteria. It is recommended to use sterilization and packaging of all types of canned food in glass containers of various sizes from 0.2 to 3.0 liters in squeezed or sealed jars.

1. Seat the jars filled with food tightly.
2. Place balls in the autoclave - jar on jar, up to Golovin. Place a wooden lattice at the bottom.
3. Fill with water, making sure to cover the jars with a ball no less than 2 cm.
4. Close the lid of the autoclave and tighten the bolts.
5. Using a car pump, pump the autoclave up to 1 atm and visually (with additional water) or by ear check the tightness of the seal. The pressure is required to save the filling of the cans, because when heated, it will leak Pressed in the autoclave itself and in the middle of the jars .
6. Heat the water in the autoclave to 110 ° C (the pressure will increase). When the temperature rises to 110 ° C, wait an hour and soak the jars for 50-70 minutes. Be sure to do this so that the temperature does not exceed 120 ° C. This processing mode achieves both the death of pathogenic organisms and the savory taste of canned food.
7. Remove from heat (simmer) and leave to cool (you can also use cold water) to a temperature of no more than 30 ° C.
8. The cob giblets will be squeezed in an autoclave. Open the autoclave, pour water through the hose and remove the jars.

It is necessary to add that the pressure gauge of the autoclave will show pressure at a temperature of 110 ° C - 2.5-3.5 atm, and at a temperature of 120 ° C - 4-4.5 atm. Then, keep pressure on the heating temperature of the autoclave and the volume of air between the lid and the jars.

Sterilization modes for canned food

The sterilization process consists of three periods:

  • the first period is heating to the sterilization temperature (sterilization temperature for each product is indicated in the table);
  • the second period is exposure at sterilization temperature (the duration of exposure in minutes is indicated in the tables);
  • third period – cooling of canned food to a temperature of 40 °C.

1. Sterilization modes for canned food.

canned food
cans, l
sterilization, °C
sterilization, min.
Canned meat 0,35 120 30
0,50 120 40
1,00 120 60
Canned meat
0,35 120 20
0,50 120 30
1,00 120 50
Canned fish 0,35 115 20
0,50 115 25
1,00 115 30
Canned vegetables 0,35 100 10
0,50 100 15
1,00 100 20
0,35 110 20
0,50 110 30
1,00 110 40


  1. to ensure free expansion of liquid in sealed jars when heated, the level of liquid in the jar should be 2-3 cm below the top edge, depending on the capacity of the jar;
  2. meat and fish products are not allowed to be sterilized in 2 and 3 liter jars;
  3. increase the holding time for old lamb and beef by 15-20 minutes;
  4. the duration of sterilization of products can be clarified based on your own experience in preparing canned food;
  5. deviation from the set sterilization temperature should not exceed + 2 °C;
  6. in the table, the duration of sterilization corresponds to the time the cans are kept in an autoclave at the sterilization temperature without taking into account the heating time to the set temperature;
  7. When producing pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, the sterilization time in 3-liter jars should not exceed 15 minutes.

When packaging and sterilizing products, it is allowed to use glass containers with “twist-off” brand lids that have been used.

When carrying out the process of sterilization of canned vegetables and fruits, packaged hot in jars, the water in the autoclave is preheated to 70-90 ° C, then a cassette with canned food is loaded into it.

2. Sterilization modes for tomato sauces.

canned food
cans, l
sterilization, °C
sterilization, min.
"Spicy tomato sauce"
"Kuban sauce"
"Black Sea tomato sauce"
“Tomato sauce in Georgian style”
"Summer sauce"
"Astrakhan sauce"
"The sauce is delicious"
"Spicy tomato sauce "Delicacy""
"Kherson sauce"
0,35 100 10
0,50 100 15
0,65 100 15
0,80 100 15
1,00 100 15
2,00 100 20

Canned meat

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut into pieces weighing 50-120g;
3. chop the onions;

5. mix the meat with chopped onions (if desired, you can increase the amount of onions and add carrots), salt and fat (vegetable oil);
6. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
7. roll up the cans;

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;

3. cut the meat into pieces of 50-60g;
4. chop and fry onions in fat;
5. mix meat with fried onions, salt, sugar, tomato paste, red pepper;
6. place the raw materials in jars so that there is a gap of 5-6 cm to the lid;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. place bay leaf and black pepper on the bottom of the jar;
3. cut the meat into pieces of 50-70g;
4. boil the meat for 10-15 minutes;
5. mix the meat with salt and place in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left to the lid;
6. pour broth over the meat;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Ingredients 0.5 l jar 1 liter jar
Fried meat (raw), g 400(705) 800(1400)
Rendered fat, g 70 140
Tomato paste (12%), g 30 60
Sugar, g 2 4
Salt, g 7 14
Onion, g 25 50
Ground black pepper, g 1 2
Bay leaf, pcs. 1 2
Wheat flour, g 15 30

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. place a bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
3. cut the meat into pieces of 30-40g;
4. fry the meat in fat for 30-40 minutes;
5. chop the onions;
6. mix meat with salt, onion, sugar, black pepper, tomato paste and flour;
7. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
8. roll up the cans;

Ingredients 0.5 l jar 1 liter jar
Raw meat, g 190 360
Wheat flour, g 14 25
Peeled onions, g 60 110
Fat for frying onions, g 15 25
Salt, g 5 10
Black pepper, g 1 2
Sugar, g 7 14
Peeled carrots, g 25 50
Bay leaf, pcs. 1 2
Fresh cabbage, g 250 450
Tomato paste (30%), g 23 46

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the meat into pieces of 30-40g;
3. chop and fry onions in fat;
4. cut the carrots;
5. chop the cabbage;
6. saute (fry in a dry frying pan until light brown) flour;
7. mix meat with flour, tomato paste, onions, carrots, cabbage, salt, black pepper, sugar;
8. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
9. roll up the cans;
10. Start the sterilization process.

Components Ratio of components in % Quantity in cans, g
0.35l 0.5l
Liver 65-66 230 325
Fat 4 15 20
Sauce 30-31 105 155
Net weight - 350 500

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. peel the pechent from the film and cut into pieces weighing 50-60g;

4. put the liver in jars and pour hot sauce so that there is 2-3cm of space left up to the lid;
5. roll up the cans;

Preparing the sauce
Passed flour is carefully poured into the warm broth, rubbing the resulting lumps and stirring. The mixture is boiled in a container for 20-30 minutes until the grains disappear. Then, sequentially according to the recipe, add the remaining components of the sauce and boil again for 15 minutes.
The sauce is poured into jars at a temperature of 70-75°C immediately before rolling.

Sauce recipe

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut meat (beef, pork) into pieces weighing 500-700g;
3. boil the meat for 40-60 minutes;
4. fry the onion in fat until golden brown;
5. mix the meat with salt and onion and grind in a meat grinder;
6. add broth and spices according to the recipe, mix thoroughly;
7. place in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
8. roll up the cans;
9. begin the sterilization process.

Raw materials Ingredients for making liver pate in g per 100g
with pork fat with butter with carrots
Liver 55 55 47,8
Raw fat 35 - 10,5
Carrot - - 13
Brains are raw 10 10 8,7
Butter - 35 -
Ghee - 30 -
Onion 3 3 3
Salt 1,3 1,3 1,3
Sugar 0,4 0,4 0,4
Black and allspice pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves (in equal parts) 0,2 0,2 0,2

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. peel the liver from the film and cut into pieces weighing 50-60g;
3. bread the liver in flour and fry for 3-5 minutes;
4. onions and carrots are fried in fat until golden brown;
5. liver, onions and carrots are chopped in a meat grinder;
6. Add melted fat or butter, salt, spices to the crushed mass and mix thoroughly;
7. Place the pate mass in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
8. roll up the cans;
9. begin the sterilization process.

Parts ratio

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. Peel the kidneys from the film and cut them in half lengthwise, soak for 2-3 hours, boil, cool;
3. Cut the kidneys into 1-2 cm cubes;
4. prepare tomato sauce;
5. put the kidneys in jars and pour hot sauce so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
6. roll up the cans;

Preparing the sauce
Fat is loaded into the cauldron, then chopped onions, after frying, flour, broth, tomato paste, salt, sugar, pepper are added, then boiled, after which vinegar is added.

Tomato sauce recipe

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;

3. boil and fry, cut into pieces 50-60g;
4. boil beef bone broth;
5. boil tomato sauce;
6. pack pieces of meat into jars, pour hot sauce over them;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Sauce recipe

Sauce recipe

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. prepare the carcasses, cut along the ridge, rinse, soak in a 1% vinegar solution (2:1) for 20 minutes;
3. boil and cut into pieces 35-40g;
4. prepare rice, rinse, boil in 1% salt solution;
5. boil beef bone broth;
6. boil sour cream sauce;
7. Pack pieces of meat into jars, pour hot sauce over them;
8. roll up the cans;
9. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the lamb into pieces 20-30g;
3. fry meat, onions and carrots;
4. Boil a mixture of onions and carrots with rice, salt, fat and pepper in a cauldron for 20 minutes;
5. package the meat and mixture into jars;
6. roll up the cans;
7. begin the sterilization process.

Canned poultry meat

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 50-120g;
3. cut the carrots;
4. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
5. mix the meat with chopped carrots (you can increase the amount of carrots if desired) and salt;

7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Ingredients 0.5 l jar 1 liter jar
Chicken meat on the bones, g 350 700
Rice, g 50 100
Butter, g 15 30
Salt, g 6 12
Onion, g 7 14
Carrots, g 7 14
Black peppercorns, pcs. 3 6
Allspice, pcs. 2 4
Broth (boiled water), g 150 300

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;

3. fry chicken pieces in vegetable oil;
4. chop onions and carrots;
5. Boil rice in boiling water (8-10 minutes);
6. mix rice with butter;
7. Place black and allspice pepper on the bottom of the jar;
8. mix fried chicken meat with chopped carrots (you can increase the amount of carrots if desired), salt and rice;
9. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
10. fill with broth or water;
11. roll up the cans;

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 25-50g;
3. boil chicken pieces;
4. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
5. mix boiled chicken meat with salt;
6. place pieces of meat and butter in jars so that there is a gap of 2-3 cm to the lid
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 25-50g;
3. boil chicken pieces;
4. strain the broth and add swollen gelatin, boil (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of gelatin per 1 glass of cold water, 1 glass of swollen gelatin per 1 liter of broth);

6. roll up the cans;
7. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. boil chicken meat, cut into pieces 30-50g;
3. prepare the sauce;
4. Place chicken pieces in jars, pour hot sauce so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
5. roll up the cans;
6. begin the sterilization process.

Preparing the sauce

Sauce recipe

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the chicken into pieces 25-50g;
3. boil chicken pieces;
4. strain the broth and add the swollen gelatin, boil (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of gelatin per 1 tablespoon of cold water, 1 tablespoon of swollen gelatin per 1 liter of broth);
5. place pieces of meat in jars, pour hot broth so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
6. roll up the cans;
7. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the chicken into pieces 30-50g;
3. fry chicken pieces in melted butter;
4. cook the broth;

6. place the chicken pieces in a jar, add the swollen rice, pour over the hot sauce;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Preparing the sauce
Boil chicken bone broth in water at a ratio of bones to water of 1:3. Dried flour is added to the melted butter, then broth and sugar, boiled for 2-3 minutes, served for packaging at a temperature not lower than 75°C.

Sauce recipe

Ingredients Content in %
Fried duck meat 50
Tomato sauce 34
Fried onion 16

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the duck into pieces of 30-50g;
3. fry duck pieces in melted butter;
4. cook the broth;
5. prepare tomato sauce;
6. peel, wash, finely chop the onion, simmer for 5 minutes in a frying pan;
7. Place onion and duck pieces on the bottom of the jar and pour hot sauce over it;
8. roll up the cans;
9. begin the sterilization process.

Preparing the sauce
Boil chicken bone broth in water at a ratio of bones to water of 1:3. Dried flour is added to the melted butter, then broth and sugar, boiled for 2-3 minutes, served for packaging at a temperature not lower than 75°C.

Sauce recipe

Ingredients glass jar 500g glass jar 1000g
Half gutted chicken 400 800
Half gutted duck 5,5 11
Bouillon 104 208
Bone fat 15 30
Onion 21 42
Flour 15 30
Garlic 5 10
Red pepper 3 6
Salt 5 10

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the poultry carcasses into pieces of 50-70g;
3. prepare the sauce;
4. place poultry pieces in jars and pour sauce over them;
5. roll up the cans;
6. begin the sterilization process.

Sauce recipe

Raw materials Goose meat with cabbage Goose meat with buckwheat porridge
500g 1000g 500g 1000g
Fried goose meat 150 300 210 420
Stewed cabbage 350 700 - -
Buckwheat porridge - - 290 580
Raw materials Goose meat with rice Goose giblets in tomato sauce
500g 1000g 500g 1000g
Fried goose meat 150 300 - -
Boiled rice 350 700 - -
Boiled goose by-products - - 350 700
Tomato sauce - - 150 300

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the meat into pieces of 50-70g;
3. fry the meat in fat or vegetable oil;
4. stew sauerkraut with goose fat, bone broth, fried onions, bay leaf, sugar, pepper and salt;
5. cook buckwheat porridge with fat, onions, and spices;
6. cook rice porridge with fat, onions, and spices;
7. offal processing, cooking;
8. prepare broth from goose bones (yield 1:1);
9. prepare tomato sauce from broth, salt, sugar, pepper, tomato paste, fried onions, vinegar;
10. lay layers of poultry pieces, porridge, pour hot sauce;
11. roll up the cans;
12. Start the sterilization process.

Canned fish

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;

3. fry the fish in vegetable oil;
4. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
5. mix fried fish with salt;
6. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the fish into pieces weighing 50-80g;
3. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
4. mix fish with salt;
5. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3cm of space left before the lid;
6. pour in vegetable oil;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Canned vegetables

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut oranges, tomatoes into 8 parts, bell pepper;

7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Components Type of lettuce, g per 1 kg of mixture
"Ukrainian" "Donskoy" "Kubansky" "Nezhinsky" "Tashkent"
Fresh cabbage - - 250 - -
Sweet red pepper 170 - - - 219
Sweet pepper (red or green) - 215 150 - -
Fresh brown or milk tomatoes (red ones can also be used) 440 549,3 400,5 - 275
Fresh cucumbers - - - 623,1 -
Carrot 170 - - - -
Onion 115,2 157 120 300 152,8
Sunflower or cottonseed oil 80 55 55 55 55
Acetic acid 80% 4 3 5 5 3,5
Salt 20 20 15,5 15,5 20
Bay leaf 0,14 0,46 0,4 0,4 0,47
Black peppercorns - 0,24 0,5 05, 0,23
Allspice peas 0,23 - 0,5 0,5 -
Carnation 0,23 - - - -

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the oranges, onions into rings, tomatoes into 8 parts, bell peppers, carrots into strips, chop the cabbage;
3. Place sliced ​​vegetables in jars in layers;
4. boil water for the marinade;
5. add and dissolve salt, sugar and vinegar in water (according to the recipe);
6. pour the marinade over the vegetables in the jar, so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the eggplants into 2x2 cm cubes and fry;
3. cut carrots and bell peppers into strips;
4. cut the onion into cubes;
5. fry carrots, bell peppers and onions in vegetable oil;
6. mix the prepared vegetables with tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, simmer for 30 minutes;
7. lay the raw materials in such a way that there is a gap of 2-3 cm to the lid;
8. roll up the cans;
9. begin the sterilization process.


Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. boil the mushrooms for 5-6 minutes;
3. drain the water and rinse with running water;
4. cook again in water with salt and spices for 10 minutes; add vinegar at the end of cooking;
5. package in jars;
6. roll up the cans;
7. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. cut the mushrooms into equal pieces;
3. Pour water over the mushrooms, add salt, chopped onion and allspice;
4. cook for 25-35 minutes;
5. prepare the marinade (add salt, sugar to the water, boil, add vinegar or citric acid at the end);

7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Cooking technology:
1. wash the lids and jars;
2. Pour lightly salted water over the mushrooms;
3. cook for 5 minutes;
4. prepare the marinade (add pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg to the water, boil, add vinegar or citric acid at the end);
5. pour the marinade over the mushrooms, boil for 5 minutes;
6. place mushrooms with marinade in jars;
7. roll up the cans;
8. begin the sterilization process.

Tomato sauces

Fresh tomatoes 2770
Salt 23
Sugar 16
Fresh garlic 3
Black hot pepper 3
Allspice 6
Carnation 1,2
Nutmeg 3,5
Vinegar essence 80% 4,25
Cinnamon 1,2
Ingredients Recipe, g per 1 kg of finished sauce
Fresh tomatoes 2116
Salt 23
Sugar 15
Fresh onion 88
Fresh garlic 1,3
Black hot pepper 0,56
Allspice 0,56
Carnation 1,67
Mustard 0,39
Vinegar essence 80% 5,5
Ingredients Recipe, g per 1 kg of finished sauce
Fresh tomatoes 3244
Salt 23
Sugar 20,5
Black hot pepper 0,42
Allspice 0,94
Cinnamon 1,75
Nutmeg 0,5
Vinegar 10% 51
Vinegar essence 80% 18
Ingredients Recipe, g per 1 kg of finished sauce
Fresh tomatoes 2450
Salt 15
Sugar 50
Fresh sweet pepper 40
Fresh apples 100
Fresh onion 30
Parsley 5
Fresh garlic 2
Dill greens 5
Celery greens 5
Flour 10
Black hot pepper 0,2
Allspice 0,2
Coriander 0,2
Cinnamon 0,2
Lemon acid 1,6
Ingredients Recipe, g per 1 kg of finished sauce
Fresh tomatoes 3200
Salt 27
Sugar 21,8
Garlic 0,29
Carnation 1,86
Cinnamon 1,86
Allspice 1,27
Hot pepper 0,29
Nutmeg 0,49
Vinegar 10% 75,5