Raspberry compote recipes. Fragrant raspberry compote - simple, but very tasty Raspberry compote delicious recipe

step by step recipe with photos

The cheerful bright color of raspberry compote pleases the eye, and the taste of the drink vividly reminds of hot days. The incomparable aroma of this garden beauty is loved by adults and children.

The berries must be carefully freed from stalks and small dry debris.

The hot drink has a powerful diaphoretic property, warming not only the body, but also the soul, and is simply irreplaceable for colds. You can use it to make mulled wine.

Harvesting without sterilization allows you to preserve the integrity of the berries and the entire set of vitamins as much as possible. A pinch of citric acid will help maintain the amazing color of the finished product.


  • 500 g raspberries
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches of citric acid
  • 2.5-2.7 liters of hot water

Yield: 3-liter jar of compote.


1. Wash fresh raspberries in water several times: we need to remove small spots on their surface, since it is because of them that the preservation can ferment. Try not to crush the berries too much while washing so that they do not release juice.

2. Rinse a 3-liter jar in water and pour the washed raspberries into it. They say that the most ideal ratio of berries and liquid in a container is when the berries fill the jar to a height of about 5 cm from the bottom.

3. Boil hot water in a large saucepan and pour it into a jar of berries, not forgetting to place a knife, wooden spatula, etc. under the container so that it does not burst due to temperature changes. Cover with a lid or something else and let the air escape for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, the berries will be steamed and disinfected.

4. After the specified time, pour the pink-colored liquid from the jar back into the pan. Do not pour it out, as the raspberry juice is already dissolved in it. Boil it a second time.

5. Add granulated sugar and citric acid to a jar of steamed berries. Focus on the taste of the berries themselves: if they are ripe and sweet, then add less sugar and add a little more acid; if the berries are juicy, but without sweetness, then increase the amount of sugar and reduce the amount of acid.

6. Pour boiling water into the jar a second time and immediately cover with a tin lid. Roll it up with a preservation key and very carefully turn it over the sink, checking the strength of the cap. Shake several times to dissolve the granulated sugar and store in the pantry or basement. It is not necessary to place cans of drink under a blanket or towel.

Open raspberry compote in winter, as soon as you want to feel the taste of fresh berries on your lips. This drink will ideally pair with various baked goods: buns, pies, pancakes and pancakes.

Note to the hostess

1. While the liquid in the jar is hot, the raspberries will rise to the top and then settle again, breaking up into small fragments - grains. This is a natural phenomenon caused by a thermal process. However, only later, when the preservation sits motionless on the shelf, this should not happen. As soon as the movement of the berries is noticed, the container that has begun to “become naughty” should be opened and the contents consumed as quickly as possible, and the rest should be moved to some colder place.

2. Raspberry compote is sweet, grapefruit juice is bitter, their mixture is something delicious. Such a balanced mix is ​​appropriate for a New Year's meal; moreover, it contains exactly those vitamins that we begin to sorely lack in late autumn. We need to drink it more often!

3. It is naive to believe that the raspberry mass from this preparation will be as tasty as from jam. Meanwhile, throwing it away is a hasty decision. The berry cake is rubbed to remove seeds, squeezed out and added to couscous or semolina puddings, as well as to cottage cheese casseroles. The light scent of summer fruits will benefit dessert dishes.

4. For safety reasons, it is convenient to place cork boards under three-liter jars while rolling them. The glass bottom does not slip on them.

Raspberries are loved by many adults and children. This aromatic berry is great for eating on its own. You can make delicious desserts from it in the summer, and it can also be prepared for the winter in the form of preserves, jams, frozen berries and compotes. Raspberries have many medicinal qualities, they saturate the body with a lot of useful substances, help strengthen the immune system, treat ARVI, etc. Today we are talking about how to prepare a delicious compote for the winter without sterilization from raspberries for a 3-liter jar.

To prepare compote without sterilization, it is not at all necessary to use any chemical preservatives. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to make a completely natural compote with minimal heat treatment of the berries, which will be perfectly stored at room temperature.

The simplest compote for a 3 liter jar for the winter

To prepare such an aromatic drink for a three-liter jar (balloon), you should use a couple of glasses of ripe berries, one glass of sugar, and as much water as will fit.

First of all, prepare the berries: sort them, removing all debris, rotten and injured raspberries, then place the fruits in a colander and rinse.

Rinse the jars for preparing the drink thoroughly using baking soda. Rinse them several times and sterilize them over steam for four to five minutes. Boil the lids for rolling in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Place the prepared fruits in sterile jars. Boil water, preferably with a reserve. Next, brew the contents of the jars with boiling water and leave for five to ten minutes. Then carefully pour the hot water into the pan. By the way, to make this manipulation as convenient as possible, use lids with holes; they can be found in special household departments.

Pour sugar into the drained water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes, then pour the syrup into jars and seal them with lids. Turn the finished drink upside down, wrap it well and leave until it cools completely.

Raspberry compote without sterilization for a 3-liter jar with dogwood

To prepare such an interesting option for winter drinking, readers of Popular About Health should prepare three hundred grams of raspberries, three hundred grams of dogwood, a glass of sugar, two hundred milliliters of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice. This amount of components is enough for one three-liter jar.

First of all, prepare the necessary components. The dogwood for this compote should be fresh, whole and not crushed. It needs to be washed thoroughly and sorted thoroughly. Boil a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, dip the dogwood in it in a colander for literally five minutes. Then rinse the fruits with cold water.

Rinse the raspberries thoroughly, dipping them in a colander in cold water, and sort.

Place both types of berries in a suitable pan. In a separate saucepan, prepare syrup from a glass of water and sugar. Brew berries with boiling syrup. Leave this workpiece in a fairly cool place for six to eight hours. Then pour the required amount of water into it, focusing on your taste preferences and the size of the jars.

Then place the pan with the future drink over medium heat, bring to a boil, pour in lemon juice and stir. Pour the finished compote into sterile containers, seal with sterile caps, turn upside down and wrap well.

How to prepare the simplest raspberry compote for a 3-liter jar?

To prepare this version of the drink, you should stock up on two glasses of raspberries, one and a half glasses of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid. These components are enough for a three-liter cylinder.

First of all, prepare the fruits: sort them thoroughly, eliminating all kinds of debris and damaged berries. Then rinse the raspberries by dipping them in a colander in cold water. Prepare the syrup: pour three liters of water into a saucepan for each jar, add sugar and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for another five minutes. Next, place the raspberries into prepared containers: clean and sterile.

Pour citric acid into them and brew with boiling syrup. Immediately roll up the compote with sterile lids, turn it upside down and leave under the blanket until it cools completely.

Simple compote of raspberries and currants

To prepare such an interesting drink, you should prepare one glass of ripe but firm raspberries, a glass of red or white currants, and a glass of black currants. Also, use about a cup of sugar.

Wash the berries, remove all stems and damaged fruits. Place raspberries and currants in jars. Be sure to rinse the soda canisters first, rinse several times and sterilize over steam for five minutes. Boil the lids for seaming for three to four minutes.

Brew the contents of the jars with boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then pour the hot liquid back into the pan. Pour the required amount of sugar into it and heat to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil the syrup for at least a couple of minutes after boiling, then brew the contents of the jars with it. Seal the finished compote with sterile lids, turn it upside down and wrap it well. The cooled drink can be stored at room temperature, but away from sunlight.

Raspberries have long been considered the first folk and, mind you, the most delicious remedy for treating colds, acute respiratory diseases, and flu. A few mugs of diaphoretic tea with raspberry jam - and now the illness seems to have never happened, the temperature drops, and the patient again feels a surge of vitality.

Raspberries are excellent for lowering blood pressure, so they are recommended for all hypertensive patients, and they also slow down the aging process and are considered low-calorie foods. So, girls who dream of losing weight can safely include raspberries and raspberry compote in their diet. What could be better: enjoy a treat and lose weight at the same time!

Harvesting methods

This is practically the only berry whose properties remain unchanged even after heat treatment. Therefore, you can make jam from raspberries, compotes, jellies, jams, etc. Every housewife must have several jars of raspberry preparations prepared for the winter, which will help out in difficult times.

And it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from desserts with this wonderful berry. It is added as a filling to pies and cookies, and also decorates pastries, various cocktails and smoothies. However, let’s focus on raspberry compote, which is not only easy to prepare, but also extremely healthy.

Why compote?

Raspberry compote is very tasty and healthy, rich in vitamins and amino acids. In addition, this method of harvesting berries for the winter is much more economical than all others. From a minimum of berries you can get quite a lot of cans of raspberry drink.

If we compare compote with other methods of preparing this wonderful berry for the winter, the main advantage is that it is prepared very simply and quickly, like any other compote. Raspberries, water and sugar - these are all the main ingredients of the simplest compote recipe.

The only drawback of harvesting raspberries in this way is that it is unlikely that very delicate berries will retain their original shape after pouring them with hot syrup. However, you can be sure that this will not affect the taste and benefits of the product in any way.

Methods for preparing raspberry compote for the winter

Raspberry compotes are prepared both with and without sterilization. True, in the second case, you can hardly expect that your workpiece will remain safely until spring. It is better to use this compote within the first two to three months. Some housewives prepare raspberry compote in their own juice; its taste and color are unusually rich, but such a preparation will require quite a large amount of berries and sugar.

By the way, raspberries go well with black currants, strawberries, blackberries, apples, apricots, and grapes. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment, make assorted berries and fruits from your favorite fruits. Very beautiful compotes are made from ingredients of different colors. For example, red raspberries will go well with black blackberries or currants, or, for example, with green grapes. The color of such a compote will be extremely impressive.

Selection and preparation of berries

For compote, it is better to take raspberries of approximately the same size and not very ripe, otherwise they may simply fall apart when poured with boiling water. First, you need to sort out the berries, since raspberries spoil very quickly and turn into mush. Select whole berries, rinse them with cold water, only very quickly so that all the juice does not leak out.

Raspberry bugs often live inside the berries, so before you start making compote, it is better to pour lightly salted cool water over the raspberries and keep them in it for 10-15 minutes. When the larvae float to the surface, quickly rinse the raspberries with water and, after all the excess liquid has drained, put them in jars, fill them with syrup and close them.

Raspberry compote must be stored in a dry, dark, cool place, otherwise it will quickly spoil. Such a preparation, if it contains enough sugar, can be stored all winter, unless, of course, you drink this wonderful compote earlier.

Recipes for raspberry compote for the winter

The most basic way to prepare raspberry compote is this: put half a liter of already sorted raspberries into a prepared sterile three-liter jar, pour a glass of sugar on top, pour boiling water over it all and immediately roll it up. As the jar cools, the contents of the jar will take on their bright crimson color. You will be able to open and drink this compote in a few days. By that time, it will already have time to brew and become expressive to its taste.

Another method will save you both packaging and space. In this case, fill the jar almost entirely with berries, fill it with very sweet, thick syrup and roll it up. This compote should be diluted with water to taste and consumed with pleasure.

Raspberry compote without sterilization

For one three-liter jar of compote, take:

  • 2-3 cups raspberries;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 cups sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. Carefully place the berries in sterilized jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Wait until the water cools, then pour it into the pan.
  4. Put the sugar, put on the fire, bring the syrup to a boil so that all the sugar dissolves.
  5. Pour it over the berries and immediately seal securely.
  6. Turn the jar upside down, cool and only then put it in the refrigerator.

By the way, you can add a pinch of citric acid to this compote. This will give your preparation a pleasant sourness.

Raspberry and currant compote

It will require approximately the same amount of both berries, 300 g each; you can take a little less currants so that they do not drown out the taste of the raspberries. For a 3-liter jar you will need 1.5-2 cups of sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. We sort the berries, wash them for a few seconds so that the juice does not leak out, after which we pour the currants into the pan.
  2. Add water there, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, add sugar, cook for another 5 minutes and turn off.
  3. After you have already turned off the stove, add raspberries - this way they will retain their shape.
  4. Pour the compote into jars, roll it up, wait until it cools completely, then put it in the cold.

Raspberry compote in its own juice

For this compote, for 1 kg of raspberries we will need 300 g of powdered sugar or sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. Sort the raspberries and wash them. Let the water drain.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan or bowl, sprinkling it layer by layer with sugar or powder.
  3. Leave your half-cooked mixture for several hours until the raspberries give a lot of juice.
  4. Then distribute the berries into sterile jars and pour juice on top.
  5. Sterilize the jars with the contents for about 5 minutes, then seal. Compote in its own juice is ready!

Raspberry and apricot compote

At first glance, rather incompatible ingredients give an excellent, original taste. In order to prepare this assortment, take equal parts of berries and apricots, for example, 0.5 kg, 2.5 liters of water, 2 cups of sugar.

How to prepare:

  1. For a 3-liter jar, take half a kilo of raspberries and half a kilo of apricots, the seeds from which do not need to be removed. If you want there to be no seeds in your compote, remove them from your apricots, which can be cut into two halves.
  2. Pour boiling water over the contents of the jar, hold for ten minutes, then pour the cooled water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook the syrup.
  3. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, the syrup can be considered ready. Pour it into a jar, sterilize for 5-10 minutes over low heat, and seal.

How pleasant it is in the frosty winter to open a jar of raspberry compote prepared according to any of the recipes and get a boost of energy and vitamins from a delicious drink prepared with your own hands! Bon appetit!

Hello dear visitors, welcome to the site!

The end of the warm season is coming, which means it’s time to prepare for the winter. How many wonderful ways of conservation have been invented by the human mind. Most of them are definitely good. However, among all the variety, I personally give the most honorable place to berry drinks.

The liquid, if you follow my instructions, will perfectly absorb the amazing taste and aroma of raspberries, while retaining most of its beneficial properties. This compote is also an excellent alternative to soda; it is sweet, but does not corrode the stomach and contains very few calories. In general, the dish is wonderful in all respects.

So, now I suggest you start cooking...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BZHU: 0 /0 /7.

Kcal: 29.

GI: low.

AI: low.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Number of servings: 5-6 tbsp (one and a half liter jar).

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Raspberries - 250 g (1.5 tbsp).
  • Sugar - 100 g (1/2 tbsp).
  • Water - 1.3 l (5 tbsp).

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients. We sort the berries, remove spoiled specimens, living creatures and sepals.

Sterilize jars and lids for at least 5 minutes.

Place the raspberries in a sieve and immerse it several times in cool water - this method of washing berries is the most gentle.

Pour raspberries (250 g) and sugar (1/2 tbsp) into a one and a half liter jar.

Fill the contents of the dish with boiling water to the top. Let the mixture sit for about 10-15 minutes.

Then pour the resulting syrup into a saucepan (the berries should remain in the jar) and bring the liquid to a boil.

Return the compote to the jar and, if necessary, add boiling water to keep the container as full as possible.

We close the jar with a lid, turn it upside down, wrap it in a towel and cool it in this state.

Then we return the glass container to its original position and store the compote in a dark and cool place until winter.

The drink turned out to be very aromatic and tasty.

Bon appetit!

Raspberry compote: 3 amazing recipes

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There is very little time left before the first wave of harvesting begins, when berry fields attract with an abundance of fruits and their unforgettable aroma. Before the desire to harvest the entire harvest absorbs housewives entirely, you need to look through your cookbook and choose the most suitable recipe for raspberry compote, of which there are a great many options and types. I offer a few of my own - time-tested and the admiring faces of my household.

For this preparation you need to collect raspberries at their full ripeness. Overripe and greenish fruits will not go into compote. Some will boil, others will explode. Raspberries should be washed immediately before storing so that they do not release juice into the common container. This recipe can be used to make a delicious drink made from frozen berries - I always put several servings of raspberries in the freezer for making mixed homemade drinks, because not all fruits ripen at the same time.

What is needed to preserve a three-liter jar of raspberry compote

  • 2 gr. citric acid;
  • 1 large glass of sugar (250 gr.);
  • 500 gr. fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 3 liters of purified drinking water.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First, I wash the jars and degrease them with baking soda. Be sure to keep the canning containers for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 100 degrees.
  2. If threaded lids are used, I soak them in boiling water for about 5 minutes before sealing them. If the jars with Euro necks are gone, I take the lids for them under the machine and fill them with boiling water along with the inserted rubber bands.
  3. I put raspberries in jars and put a pan on the fire with the amount of water required according to the recipe. I live in a village, and the life-giving moisture in my yard is collected from my own well, so I don’t use a filter.
  4. As soon as the water boils, I pour it into jars with berries, cover with iron lids and wait 10 minutes.
  5. I pour the infusion back into the pan and bring it to a boil. Pour sugar and citric acid into a container and keep it on low heat until the grains are completely dissolved.
  6. I pour the resulting solution onto the berries in jars and immediately roll up the raspberry compote with iron lids.
  7. I turn the wrap over onto a thick backing and wrap it in a thick old blanket or a small warm blanket.

I store the compote without sterilization only when the jars have cooled completely. If time is not maintained, canned food of this type will not be able to stand for long.

Advice: if you bought raspberries at the market, and it turns out that there are a lot of wormy berries in the bucket, do not rush to scold the unscrupulous seller and throw away the damaged goods - everything can be fixed. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt in 1 liter of well water and pour it over the raspberries for 10 minutes. All the animals that have taken a liking to the tasty berry will float to the surface, and they can be drained along with the brine. Rinse the raspberries under the tap and use as intended.

Raspberry compote with sterilization

My mother loves to make this kind of preparation the old fashioned way, not wanting to risk the harvest and her own preparation efforts. I must say that the taste of her compote from seasonal berries does not deteriorate at all. I’ll tell you her recipe for making raspberry balm.

Recipe for 1 two-liter jar of a delicious drink

  • 350 gr. ripe raspberries;
  • 200 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of purified drinking water;
  • ½ lemon, orange or lime - optional;
  • a few fresh mint leaves for freshness.

How my mother cooks

  1. She places the washed berries in clean jars, adds sugar and squeezes citrus juice directly into the jar. Adds mint or lemon balm leaves to the overall company.
  2. Fills all this beauty with cold water.
  3. Line the bottom of a large pan with an old towel in 2 layers and immediately place the container on the stove. He sends the prepared jars there.
  4. He covers the containers with seaming lids and pours water into the improvised sterilizer. In this case, the liquid should reach almost to the hangers of the cans.
  5. Turns on the stove and keeps the entire structure on fire for 15 minutes after heating the water around the canned food to 80 degrees.
  6. Next, the process is familiar to everyone from childhood - we carefully take out the hot pieces from a common pan and roll them up.
  7. We turn it over onto a thick base and wrap it in something unnecessary and very warm.

This raspberry preparation is excellently stored in any conditions; it is important to keep it upside down and insulated until the cans cool completely.

Raspberry compote with cherries and strawberries

I have a luxurious tree on my property that is adored by my children, the neighbor’s children and all the birds in the area. This is an incredibly tasty early cherry. Its fruits are large, juicy, with a small seed and a lot of tender pulp. In good years, I collect several buckets of this wonderful berry and make preparations that don’t even last until the New Year, they are so tasty and aromatic. And since the berries ripen at different times, you have to freeze the cherries and use them as the strawberries and raspberries ripen.

What do you need:

  • raspberries;
  • cherries;
  • strawberries;
  • sugar;
  • water.

I won’t indicate the proportions - I don’t know them exactly and for a long time I’ve been preparing such canned food by eye.

How to prepare:

  1. We sterilize the jars in advance in any convenient way - I fry them in the oven.
  2. Pour boiling water over the lids and set aside.
  3. We wash and sort out the raw materials.
  4. We clean the berries from the stalks and sepals, but you don’t need a lot of strawberries, I use 5 of them for each jar - for flavor.
  5. We put our harvest in a large saucepan and fill it with water.
  6. Cook the usual compote, season with sugar to taste. I don’t add citruses to this option - they have a rather strong smell, and we won’t feel all the charm of the assorted berries.
  7. Pour the finished product into warm jars, add berries from the pan there - they will infuse in the compote and will be very tasty. I try to fill 1/3 of each jar with raspberries and cherries.
  8. Roll up and turn over onto a thick mat.
  9. Again we cover our raspberry compote with a thick blanket.
  10. We put it away for storage for the winter when the jars have cooled completely.

My household members can hardly stand it for a couple of weeks and begin to secretly take in the compote from the basement, hoping that with so many preparations, I won’t notice the loss of one or two jars.
