Recipes for low-alcohol drinks through a distiller. Moonshine recipes. Moonshine on oak bark

Fruit moonshine attracts a lot of connoisseurs of strong alcoholic drinks. When properly prepared, it is smooth, easy to drink, and has minimal effects when consumed in moderation. Grape moonshine is especially prized, but grapes are a seasonal raw material, but dried grapes - raisins - can be obtained all year round. The recipe for making moonshine from raisins is simpler than from grapes, but the quality and organoleptic […]

The variety of homemade alcoholic drinks is amazing. Moonshine in its pure form is already an independent drink, and there are a great many recipes for homemade moonshine infusions. But it’s no secret that most elite alcoholic drinks (except for vodka, if certain types of such can be classified as elite) are aged in oak barrels. What happens in the barrel? In short […]

Wheat moonshine has always been famous for its softness and ease of use. Recipes for home brew for moonshine made from such raw materials most often involve the addition of sugar and yeast culture, but you can do without them. The most budget-friendly, but the most labor-intensive of all wheat moonshine recipes is a recipe for wheat moonshine without sugar and yeast at home. A little theory. […]

Feijoa is an exotic fruit that is not found very often in our area. However, it can be an excellent base for moonshine mash recipes. The taste characteristics of feijoa are very unusual. Everyone who tries it notes their own taste characteristics. If we summarize them, we can conclude that feijoa resembles a cross between strawberry and kiwi, and there are also sweet notes […]

Recipes for moonshine made from flour have been known in Rus' since at least the 17th century. And even though the process of obtaining a strong distillate from such raw materials is not simple, its quality and organoleptic characteristics more than pay for the effort expended. What is the complexity of the recipe for making moonshine from flour at home? The thing is that the flour (and [...]

Some may ask the question “why make moonshine if there is a lot of alcohol on the shelves in the store for every taste?” The answer is obvious! What is sold rarely turns out to be a high-quality product, since the technology for producing strong drinks is complex and manufacturers save money and mainly produce diluted products with various impurities. The right solution would be mash recipes for moonshine and cooking in [...]

Moonshining is an ancient Russian invention that does not require special skills or high costs. The simplest and already slightly forgotten recipe is a recipe for moonshine made from bread. To make it, you need a minimum of ingredients - water and bread. An interesting technology for preparing this alcohol at home is valued for its efficiency; the drink is soft, aromatic and of good quality. Bread recipe […]

Serbs know the secret of a high-quality strong drink called “dunevaca”. Dunya from Serbian means quince, and accordingly, the distillate is obtained from mash placed on quince. The recipe for making quince moonshine is relatively easy to prepare, and the drink is very aromatic. There is also the so-called “Japanese quince” or chaenomeles. Although this plant is only a distant “relative” of the quince (they have one thing in common [...]

There are many different recipes for making moonshine. Many people prefer this drink among other alcoholic products; it is quite easy to prepare from various available products, in other words, you can easily choose a drink “to suit your taste.” Let's look at a recipe for fruit moonshine. Making this type of moonshine greatly depends on the sugar content of the fruit you want to use. If […]

Moonshine made with prunes is an excellent aromatic dessert drink. It is also valuable because it retains all the vitamins and microelements that plums are rich in. Prunes and wild plums (sloes) are common ingredients in recipes for homemade moonshine liqueurs due to the softness and pleasant taste of the resulting drink. The main thing in the recipe for moonshine with prunes is to choose the right ingredients. Then drink […]

It is known that properly dried fruits and berries retain almost all their beneficial properties. It’s not for nothing that dried fruit compotes are included in diet and children’s menus. Recipes for home brew for moonshine were no exception, because dried fruits still contain sugar, which means that you can get a wonderful fruit distillate from them. The aroma will no longer be [...]

Many novice moonshiners, who easily obtain the coveted drops, are wondering how to properly purify the resulting liquid to rid it of the unpleasant aroma and taste. For odorless moonshine recipes, or rather for cleaning methods, generally known methods are used: filtration through activated or specially prepared charcoal; cleaning with milk; purification using manganese; […]

Wheat moonshine is considered one of the mildest homemade alcoholic drinks. There are several ways to prepare it, but they all differ only at the stage of preparing mash recipes for moonshine. The most accessible recipe for moonshine is made from sprouted wheat, in other words, from malt. Why is it the most accessible? Because malt can be bought ready-made. But you can germinate grain [...]

Before the invention of granulated sugar in its pure form, the sweetest foods were always berries and fruits. And if there are sugars, they can always be processed into alcohol using yeast. Recipes for moonshine made from various fruits and berries have been known since ancient times. The craftsmen also paid attention to the irgu. Irga is a berry in the middle [...]

Everyone knows the nutritional value of pine nuts, pine nut oil, as well as their benefits for human health. Pine nut shells are only slightly inferior in value to the kernels themselves. They are rich in tannins, which are good antiseptics. Therefore, instead of regretfully disposing of the “remnants of former luxury,” a good solution would be to infuse moonshine on cedar shells. Pine nut shells [...]

The healing properties of cranberries are known to everyone. This unique berry contains a lot of vitamins and beneficial acids, micro- and macroelements (iron, magnesium, iodine and others). All the beneficial properties of cranberries are preserved in alcohol for a year without loss. Cranberry moonshine prevents the formation of vascular plaques, helps fight gum problems and thyroid diseases. Vitamin C contained in cranberries […]

Everyone probably has several liters of jam in their house. We didn’t cook it ourselves, it was given as a gift from generous relatives. And almost everyone has these jars sitting around, they don’t want to eat them, but it’s a pity to throw them away. They are candied, fermented... There is always a way out - to distill! However, let’s make a reservation right away: if mold appears, there is only one place for such jam - in a landfill. Don’t look at how mold is only on top, [...]

Only since the invention of the still, the work of which is explained in physics lessons, have people learned to distill wine into stronger alcoholic beverages. The method of distilling liquids through a still is called distillation, and moonshine is obtained by distilling mash. There are a huge variety of mash recipes for moonshine, but mash made from pearl barley occupies a special position, because pearl barley porridge is […]

Home brew recipes for moonshine can be made from almost anything that contains sugar or carbohydrates. Particularly pleasant drinks are made from berries and fruits, and citrus fruits are no exception. For example, orange and tangerine contain enough sugar to make mash, although along with other citrus fruits (lemon, lime) they can also be used in recipes for homemade moonshine infusions. At home […]

Wheat moonshine is a classic alcoholic beverage in many European countries. But if you couldn’t find high-quality grain to make a wheat moonshine recipe, don’t despair. Simply follow the recipe for moonshine made from wheat flour at home - and you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with a soft, barely sweet drink. The recipe for moonshine made from wheat flour has [...]

Cherry plum is most often used to make jams and compotes; sometimes it is used in recipes for homemade moonshine infusions. In its composition, cherry plum contains many vitamins and organic acids, but there is quite a bit of sugar (fructose) in it - only about 4-5%. And since its fruits are quite sour, cherry plum is not used so widely in home brew recipes. […]

Raspberries are not a popular raw material for preparing mash recipes for moonshine. Most often in the case of spirits, raspberries are used for cocktails and recipes for homemade moonshine infusions. The thing is that although the berry seems to taste sweet, it contains quite a bit of sugar. And since there are few sugars, the alcohol yield from this […]

Moonshine is an alcoholic drink “of the people.” It has many variations and experienced moonshiners know the intricacies of preparing the drink based on the available raw materials. The recipe for moonshine from berries also has its own cooking characteristics. The taste and smell of such moonshine depends on the berries themselves chosen for preparation. The process begins with their preparation: Washing the berries is not recommended, since they […]

Having decided to try a mash recipe for apple moonshine, you need to know the principle of its production: yeast placed in apple juice absorbs sucrose, glucose and fructose (fruit sugar) contained in apples, releasing carbon dioxide and alcohol. Apple mash that you make and do not distill is called cider. Moonshine from apples, which is obtained as a result of distillation [...]

You can make wonderful moonshine from buckwheat (or buckwheat). At the same time, depending on the selected type of raw material (green - unroasted or brown core - fried), the flavor of the final drink will depend. If you use green buckwheat in the mash recipe for moonshine, the drink will have light herbaceous and fruity notes, and if you use the core, it will have a hardness and bready […]

It's no secret that moonshine-based nutcracker is valued for its high content of vitamins and microelements. All this wealth passes into it when the moonshine is infused with pine nuts. Pine nuts are unique: they contain a number of vitamins and micro- and macroelements, amino acids and antioxidants. Despite all its beneficial properties, drinking moonshine infused with pine […]

For those who are interested in producing homemade alcohol, it is difficult to select the best moonshine recipe - there are a lot of them. However, general patterns can be identified among them.

Let's look at what makes up the basis of homemade moonshine recipes.

First, ethyl alcohol. It is made by mixing yeast and sugar in water. Yeast consumes sugar and produces ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture is the wort.
Secondly, the wort is sent to infuse in a dark and warm place. In a sealed container to prevent oxygen from entering, the fermentation process takes place there. It is important to remember to release carbon dioxide from the container.

The liquid obtained after the yeast has absorbed all the sugar is called mash. Recipes for home brew for moonshine are also varied.

And third: ethyl alcohol has been obtained, but you still can’t drink it, it’s fraught with poisoning. Therefore, it must be purified by distillation. There are two ways here: distillation (splitting a liquid into components due to the difference in their boiling points) or rectification (several distillations one after another). The second method produces cleaner products.

The whole process takes place using moonshine stills. They have one operating principle, although there are many varieties.

Even the simplest recipes for making moonshine at home are based on heating the mash and helping the alcohol begin to actively evaporate. Its vapors are discharged through a pipe cooled in one section, due to which the alcohol becomes liquid again.

Using homemade devices you can often get weak, heavy-tasting or bad-smelling moonshine. The solution to this problem is simple - buy a moonshine still. The product obtained from them will delight you with its purity and pleasant taste, no worse than store-bought vodka. In addition, it is perfect for many recipes for homemade moonshine tinctures.

On cold evenings, there is nothing more pleasant than settling into a cozy chair and sipping a fragrant tincture. The taste of berries or fragrant herbs will return summer warmth for a few minutes even in the harshest icy midnight. Today at the School of Crafting we are preparing delicious and healthy liqueurs. As always, I only share recipes that I have personally tested.

The bell rings - let's start the lesson!

Tinctures with a warming taste

I’ll start the lesson with recipes for drinks that will quickly warm you up during the cold season.

Walnut-sea buckthorn tincture

What will you need?

  • Walnut partitions – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Frozen sea buckthorn berries – 0.5 l.
  • Distillate – 1 l.
  • Acacia honey or maple syrup – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook?

  • Place nut partitions in a 0.5 liter jar and fill with distillate.
  • Place sea buckthorn in another jar and fill with the remaining distillate.
  • Place both containers in a dark place for 1 week.
  • Then drain the sea buckthorn infusion. You won't need it anymore, but you can use it as a rub or for other medicinal purposes.
  • Filter the infusion on nut partitions.
  • Pour nut infusion over preserved sea buckthorn berries.
  • Place in a dark place for 3 weeks at room temperature.
  • Filter.
  • Add honey. It is better to take honey with a delicate taste, such as acacia. Can be replaced with maple syrup.
  • Leave for 3 days in the refrigerator.

After this time, the tincture is ready for use. Try it with candied fruits, candied fruits, meringues or soft lemon cookies.

Honey-ginger tincture

It has a good intoxicating effect and is indicated even for colds.

What will you need?

  • Fresh ginger root – 50 g.
  • Honey – 100 g.
  • Distillate with a strength of 40 degrees – 800 ml.

How to cook?

  • Peel fresh ginger and cut into thin slices.
  • Place ginger in a jar and fill with distillate.
  • Place the jar in a dark place.
  • Shake the jar every three days.
  • After 3 weeks, filter the tincture.
  • Add honey and stir.
  • Place the tincture in the refrigerator for another 3-5 days.

The tincture is ready for use. Pairs well with hot baked goods: cinnamon rolls, apple strudel, ginger and caraway muffins. I advise those who like experimenting to try this liqueur with hard and sharp cheeses and dried meats.

Spicy Krambambula

The spicy taste of this tincture is reminiscent of Becherovka.

What will you need?

  • Black pepper – 3 peas.
  • Allspice – 4 + 2 peas.
  • Cloves – 4 buds (without stems).
  • Grated nutmeg – 0.5 tsp.
  • Cinnamon – 1 small stick.
  • Distillate with a strength of 40 degrees - 0.5 l.
  • Water – 0.2 ml.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook?

  • Grind the spices in a mortar, except for the cinnamon stick.
  • Heat water to boiling.
  • Add spices and cinnamon and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, covered.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Cool to 45 degrees.
  • Pour in the distillate.
  • Add honey.
  • Leave for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid.
  • Pour into a bottle and place in a dark place for 12 days. You can put 1 pea of ​​allspice into bottles for every 0.5 liter.
  • Remove the sediment and pour into small bottles.
  • Chill well in the refrigerator.

The tincture is ready, you can serve. Be sure to try it with hot potato pancakes with sour cream. Excellent for pot roast and other hot meat dishes of traditional Russian cuisine.

Sweet berry liqueurs

Tinctures made from late fruits and berries have a bright and expressive bouquet. They make a great addition to a holiday meal or family lunch.


An absolutely win-win option, it always works for everyone, although it takes time.

What is necessary?

  • Plums – 2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 0.6–0.8 kg (if the plums are sweet, then 0.6 kg will be enough, if the variety is sour, then it is better to take 0.8 kg of sugar).
  • Distillate with a strength of 38–40 degrees – 1 l.

How to cook?

  • Wash the plums, remove seeds and cut into pieces.
  • Place in a large jar and fill with distillate.
  • Leave to infuse in a warm and dark place for 30 days.
  • Once a week, gently stir the infusion with a long-handled spoon.
  • After a month, drain the distillate, filter, pour into a container, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.
  • Cover the plums in the jar with sugar.
  • Leave for 7 days in a warm place.
  • Gently mix the plums and sugar every day; it is better to take a wooden spoon with a long handle for this.
  • Drain the finished syrup, squeeze the plums through a sieve into a glass container.
  • Pour the resulting syrup with plum infusion, which was stored in the refrigerator.
  • Place in a dark place at room temperature for another 30 days.
  • Remove from the sediment and filter the resulting infusion.

Slivyanka is ready. It goes well with moderately sweet desserts made from milk, sour cream and cottage cheese. Ideal for savory baked goods with cheese and cottage cheese, it harmonizes perfectly with all dishes that contain dark chocolate and prunes.

To make tinctures, you need a well-refined distillate, so be sure to do a good cleaning and filtration in advance. For spicy and fragrant infusions, grain or sugar distillates are suitable; for fruit and berry infusions, use distillates from grapes or fruits.

Pomegranate tincture

A bright and aromatic pomegranate liqueur will be the perfect end to a romantic evening. It can be used as a stand-alone drink or as an ingredient for cocktails.

What will you need?

  • Seeds from 4 medium pomegranates.
  • Zest of 1 small lemon.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • Cane sugar – 50 g.
  • Water – 50 ml.
  • Distillate with a strength of 35–40 degrees – 0.5 l.

How to cook?

  • Squeeze the juice from pomegranate seeds.
  • Remove the zest from the lemon.
  • Pour pomegranate juice, lemon zest, and cinnamon into distillate and leave for 30 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  • After a month, filter the tincture.
  • Boil syrup from cane sugar and water, cool to room temperature, mix with tincture.
  • Pour into small bottles, close and refrigerate.

Pomegranate tincture has a shelf life of no more than 4–6 months. Therefore, it is poured into small containers and used in portions. Pomegranate tincture is an excellent accompaniment for red meat dishes, as well as cottage cheese and cheese snacks, and fried cheese.

Chokeberry tincture

A tincture of aromatic chokeberry cures sadness over the past summer and gives hope for the best. Be sure to keep it handy in case anyone gets the blues!

  • Chokeberry berries – 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.
  • Cloves – 3 buds.
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 sticks.
  • Distillate with a strength of 40–45 degrees (it is better to take grape distillate) – 1 l.

How to cook?

  • Wash and dry the berries.
  • Mash the berries with sugar, but not to a puree, but until the juice is released.
  • Place rowan berries with sugar in a glass jar, add cloves.
  • Leave at room temperature for 48 hours.
  • Mix the berries in a jar and fill with distillate.
  • Leave for 2 months in a dark place.
  • We filter the finished tincture and bottle it.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 3 days.

The tincture is ready. Pairs well with ice cream, cream and mousse desserts. It is also pleasant to drink as a dessert drink after a feast.

Tinctures of fragrant herbs

Fragrant herbal tinctures are a real salvation for those who are tired of the monotony of the autumn-winter menu. Such drinks will whet your appetite, lift your spirits and add color to your everyday life.

Vermouth tincture

What will you need?

  • Dried yarrow – 8 g.
  • Wormwood, ground cinnamon, dried mint - 6 g each.
  • Cardamom – 4 g.
  • Grated nutmeg and saffron - 2 g each.
  • Distillate with a strength of 40–45 degrees – 0.5 l.

How to cook?

  • Place the crushed herbs in a dark glass bottle.
  • Fill with highly purified distillate.
  • Infuse at room temperature for 10 days in a dark place.
  • Shake the bottle daily.
  • Then strain and refrigerate for another 3 days.

After this, the tincture can be consumed. It is also perfect for vermouth-based cocktails. The tincture perfectly tones and is ideal as an aperitif before a meal.

Tincture "Kremlevskaya"

Spicy, fragrant, aromatic tincture will be an excellent gift for friends and family.

What will you need?

  • Fresh ginger – 50 g.
  • Dried mint – 50 g.
  • Dried sage – 50 g.
  • Distillate with a strength of 40–50 degrees – 1 l.

How to cook?

  • Chop the herbs and cut the ginger into thin slices.
  • Place in a dark glass bottle.
  • Fill with distillate.
  • Leave at room temperature for a month in a dark place.
  • Shake daily.
  • After a month, filter, bottle and refrigerate for another week.
  • After 7 days the tincture is ready.

“Kremlevskaya” is used with hearty meat dishes; it is suitable for almost all hot menu items.

If you were unable to collect a supply of summer herbs, then you can buy ready-made mixtures for the most popular tinctures, from the European “Kümmel” to the now iconic “Tincture of Count Razumovsky”.


Send me photos and video recipes of your favorite tinctures and liqueurs.

Today we prepared spicy, fragrant and sweet liqueurs according to proven recipes.

The bell rings - lesson is over!

Thank you for your attention.

It seems like everyone knows about moonshine, a strong alcoholic drink. And many people mistakenly believe that moonshine “loses” in quality to more noble drinks. In fact, this is absolutely not true, because if everything is done correctly, following the technology of each stage without violations, you will get an ideal product - transparent, strong, and most importantly - your own!

Homemade moonshine recipes are very diverse, because the peculiarity of the drink is that it can be prepared from a wide variety of raw materials. Grain, berries, fruits, vegetables, all kinds of jams, tomato paste, starch and even candies - all of the above is suitable for infusing mash and subsequent distillation, while each type of raw material makes it possible to prepare a certain type of moonshine. From grains you will get a strong and strong drink, from berry mash - a more aromatic one, the main thing is that the raw materials are of high quality. So, choose any of the methods we suggest and get started!

Moonshine from sugar

You will need 3 kilograms of sugar, 15 liters of water and yeast (100 g). Mix the ingredients and leave for a week. Next is distillation in the apparatus. To improve the taste and give a pleasant aroma, you can put a few currant leaves or a bunch of dry fragrant dill in the mash before infusion.

The given recipe for sugar moonshine is an example of how you can make a strong alcoholic drink yourself from a minimum set of products.

Recipe for making moonshine without yeast

1 option

In this case, the main component will be the well-known tomato paste. So, take a liter of paste, stir it with sugar, dilute the resulting slurry with water and add any beer there. Infuse the resulting mixture in a warm place until the mash ferments. And only then do we distill it.

You will need 5 kilograms of sugar, 15 liters of water, and 0.25 liters of beer.

Option 2

Grind candies (three kilograms) with any fruit filling, then transfer the entire mass into water, stir, and leave to ferment for about 5 days. Then we do the distillation. Water consumption - 20 liters.

Recipe for making moonshine from jam

You can use any jam (raspberries, currants, blueberries, strawberries), as long as it ferments. For 3 liters of jam we take 1.5 kilos of sugar, 15 liters of water (necessarily warm), 100 g of yeast. Mix and place in a warm place. After 5 days we distill.

Moonshine from potatoes

This recipe is labor-intensive, and it is very important to withstand the technological subtleties of the process.


  • 10 kg of potatoes;
  • 4 kg of oats;
  • yeast (approximately 600 g);
  • water (38-40 liters).

Grind the oats and pour boiling water over them. Grate the potatoes, then add them little by little to the oat mixture, stirring constantly. Leave for three hours, then gradually add water and yeast and stir. Close the tank tightly with a lid and place it away from light. As soon as sediment and bubbles appear in the container, it’s time to distill.

Moonshine from honey

The main component of honey mash is, of course, honey. You will need three kilograms of it. In addition, you will need the same amount of sugar, 300 g of yeast. Water is also used in this recipe; you will need twenty liters of it.

We mix the two main components - sugar and honey in water, then add yeast to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly and set it to ferment. After a week, the finished honey mash can be distilled into moonshine.

Moonshine from corn

To get high-quality moonshine from corn cobs, you must first prepare the mash. To do this, grind the corn (about 8 kg), add 1 kg of wheat flour, mix everything thoroughly. For kneading, it is best to use a large enamel tank. Then add boiling water (35-40 liters) to the mass, mix, put the tank on the stove and cook for about 4 hours.

Next, cool the mixture, add barley malt (1 kg), mix and leave for two hours, after wrapping the tank with a blanket. Then cool the resulting mixture a little (to about 20 degrees), add 100 g of yeast, and let everything ferment for seven to eight days. Let's distill. The malt used is sprouted barley grains.

Bread moonshine

This recipe calls for the use of both bread and grain. Required ingredients:

  • black bread (seven loaves);
  • ten kilograms of boiled potatoes;
  • sprouted grains of oats, barley or wheat (six kilograms);
  • 1 kg of yeast.

Soak the bread in 10 liters of water, then grind the mass thoroughly. We also grind the grain and mash the potatoes until it reaches the consistency of porridge. Mix all the ground and mashed products together, add yeast and set aside the mixture to ferment. After 7-8 days, the mash can be distilled, and it is better to do this twice.

Recipe for making moonshine from grain

This recipe is also labor-intensive, but the resulting drink is strong and of high quality.

Take 10 kg of any grain, soak it in water for about two to three days, and then dry it until crisp. Pour the grain into a tank (preferably an enameled one), fill it with ten liters of hot water, stir everything well. After two hours, add another 10 liters of hot water and again leave the mixture for two hours. Then add cold water (2 liters), add yeast (500 g), and set it to ferment for three days. After fermentation is complete, the composition is distilled. To get better quality grain moonshine, you can distill it twice.

Wheat moonshine

This recipe uses regular wheat grain. The calculation is this: grind four kilograms of grain, add the same amount of sugar and water (three liters) and put it in a warm place. After five days, add another kilogram of sugar and warm water (18 liters), and leave everything for about seven days. The last stage is distillation (twice).

This recipe is often called classic, and it is the one that is most often used in practice.

Moonshine from sprouted wheat

The mash according to this recipe is infused with sprouted grains. It is convenient to germinate it on baking sheets - scatter the grain and fill it with warm water. During the germination process, we control the humidity, maintaining the ambient temperature no more than 17 degrees and turning the grain approximately every 6 hours. After about 8-10 days, the wheat grains usually germinate. Then we grind the grains, add yeast and water to the mass and leave until the contents ferment. The process will take about 6-7 days. We distill the product twice.

Product consumption:

  • two kilograms of grain;
  • water thirty liters;
  • half a kilo of yeast.

Rye moonshine

To make rye moonshine, we first germinate the rye grains, then grind them and then dilute them with water. Stirring constantly, heat the mixture a little and bring it to a jelly-like state.

Then put the tank or large pan in a warm place for about ten hours. Next, cool the mixture to a temperature of about 17 degrees, add the yeast and set it to ferment. We distill it once.

Water is taken based on the amount of grain 1:3, yeast - 50 g per 1 kg of grain.

Recipe for making moonshine with pine nuts

In this case, distillation of the mash is not required. Take 3 liters of high-quality vodka or good moonshine, add 200 g of raisins, 200 g of peeled pine nuts. If you like tart drinks, you can add one tablespoon of dry oak bark.

To obtain a mild taste, it is recommended to add about 100 g of honey. Mix all the ingredients, pour into a jar, roll up the lid and put in a cool place for 1.5-2 months. After standing, there is no need to distill the drink; simply filter it through a strainer or cheesecloth. Moonshine with pine nuts is ready!

Moonshine with prunes

To prepare such a fragrant moonshine tincture, you will need half a kilo of prunes. There is no need to remove the bones. We thoroughly wash the prunes, fill them with moonshine (6 liters), and let them sit for a month. Then filter the drink. Moonshine infused with prunes is ready for use.

Moonshine from millet

We take two three-liter jars of millet and cook it until the cereal is completely boiled. Cool the porridge a little, add two kilograms of flour and warm water to make a porridge-like mixture. Carefully dilute 200 grams of yeast in water, add it to the resulting porridge with millet, and mix.

We let the contents ferment. After five to seven days, we distill the finished mash, and it is better to do a double distillation.

Moonshine with cranberries

You cannot make moonshine directly from berries. But cranberry tincture with moonshine is very popular.

To do this, you will need 4 liters of strong, high-quality moonshine, two kilograms of cranberries, and a quarter kilogram of sugar. Add moonshine to the berries, add sugar, mix everything. To ferment, put the mash in a dark place and keep it there for three months. After the expiration date, the aromatic cranberry infusion can be consumed.

Rice moonshine

You will need three kilograms of rice (long, round - it doesn’t matter), three full glasses of any sprouted grain (malt), two hundred grams of yeast.

Add warm water (8 liters) to the boiled rice (do not drain the water), cool slightly, add ground sprouted grain. We leave the mixture for 10 hours, pour the already diluted yeast into it and let it ferment for a week.

After 6-7 days, carefully filter the mass, then distill it. From this amount of ingredients, approximately 3.5 liters of moonshine is obtained.

Apple moonshine

To prepare a strong alcoholic homemade drink, you can use apples of any variety.

Peel the fruits (10 kg), grind them, place them in a container. Add sugar (calculation: 150 g per 1 kg of apple mass), leave to ferment for five days. Then we filter the mixture, add sugar (150 g per 1 liter) to the resulting liquid mass, and set it to ferment again, this time for two weeks.

We distill the resulting apple mash twice, after which excellent moonshine will be ready.

Moonshine from peas

First grind the peas into flour, then boil them. Cool the resulting mass, add malt (3-4 cups), mix and leave for 8 hours. Then add the yeast and let it ferment for a week. In some cases, fermentation can last up to 10 days.

After fermentation, we filter the mash and distill it once.

Consumption: peas - three kilograms, 200 g of yeast, sprouted grain (malt) - 3 glasses, 10 liters of water.

Moonshine from wine

The recipe for making wine moonshine is simple. We take 10 liters of any quality wine, pour yeast into it, cover the tank with gauze or tie it with a towel and put it in a warm place. After 6-7 days, the mash should be ready, and after that we will distill it into moonshine.

Moonshine from beer

Good moonshine can be made from unpasteurized, so-called “live” beer. To do this, pour beer (5 liters) into a container, mix thoroughly, allowing all gases to escape. As a result, there should be no foam at all. Next, we do the first distillation, add a little water (about half a liter) to the resulting distillate and distill again. After this, we leave the product for three days, and the moonshine is ready for use.

Recipe for making odorless moonshine

Moonshine has a peculiar pungent smell that not everyone likes. To remove the odor, the drink should be cleaned.

Here are the ways we offer you for this:

  • For three liters of finished moonshine, add 2 g of potassium permanganate. After some time, sediment will form in the drink. Carefully drain the moonshine, avoiding mixing the sediment into the purified liquid.
  • Pour fresh milk into the prepared moonshine and distill it. Consumption: for 6 liters of alcoholic drink, take one liter of milk.

Moonshine from birch sap

For mash we take 15 liters of juice, three kilograms of sugar, yeast (100 g). Lightly heat the birch sap, then add sugar, stir, and then add yeast.

Let the mixture sit for a week, then filter and distill the liquid.

To improve the taste, before putting the resulting mass to ferment in a warm place, you can add cherry or garden currant leaves.

Rowan moonshine recipe

  1. We sort through ripe rowan, removing bad or damaged berries. Add sugar and water. Mix everything, add the yeast, stir the mass thoroughly again and only then let it ferment. Fermentation time is approximately two weeks. Next comes distillation. Product consumption: rowan - three kilograms, water - five liters, yeast - 100 g.
  2. In this recipe you will need to take berries, bread kvass instead of water, and yeast. Thoroughly crush the rowan, add yeast and kvass, mix. Then we put the mixture to ferment (about 6 days). We distill once, add moonshine (6 liters) and distill again.

Amount of products: kvass - five liters, berries - three kilograms, yeast - 50 g.

Apricot moonshine

From apricots, if all stages of the technological process are followed correctly, you can get a magnificent aromatic alcoholic drink.

Remove the pits from the apricots, grind them in a blender or meat grinder, add yeast, a little sugar syrup and let them ferment. After two to three weeks, filter the finished mash and put it on distillation. The best option is to distill two or three times.

Amount of products: apricots - 10 kg, sugar - 10 kg, water - three liters, yeast - 100 g.

Moonshine from barley

In essence, this moonshine recipe is the preparation of homemade whiskey, where the main raw material is barley grain. First, we germinate the grain (this takes from three to six days), then dry it and grind it. Next, pour boiling water for 10 hours, then add more water (the calculation is as follows: take three liters of liquid per 1 kg of ground barley), add yeast.

We set everything to ferment for about a week. Then we distill the mash twice.

Moonshine with dry yeast

Typically, dry yeast is used in combination with sugar, which then produces a higher-quality drink. You will need a packet of factory-made dry yeast, five kilos of sugar and twenty liters of water.

Carefully dilute the yeast, mix it with pre-dissolved sugar and let the mixture brew for about ten days. Only after this do we distill the mash.

Malt moonshine recipe

Malt is obtained from sprouted grains of wheat, barley, and rye. In recipes with malt, you can avoid using yeast. Here's an interesting option:

  • we germinate barley grains, dry them, grind them;
  • prepare the brew: brew 200 g of fresh hop cones in hot water (2 liters), then strain the hop decoction, cool slightly, add three tablespoons of flour, stir, let stand for an hour;
  • We take half a bucket of apples, add malt, steaming, warm water (to get a semi-liquid mass), then we set it all to ferment for about a week. Then we distill.

Moonshine on oak bark

Moonshine infused with oak bark has a pleasant aroma and beautiful color.

To prepare the drink, add dry oak bark to the prepared moonshine (approximately 30-50 g of bark per 1 liter). We insist at a temperature of 17-18 degrees for about a week, then filter and pour into bottles.

Moonshine made from flour

We dilute rye flour with water, then add yeast for fermentation and place in a warm place. After a week, perhaps a little more, the resulting mash is filtered and distilled.

Calculation of ingredients:

  • 100 g yeast;
  • For 1 kg of flour approximately 1 liter of water.

Banana moonshine

To prepare this exotic drink, take 1 kg of bananas, one pineapple, nutmeg (100-150 g), anise (120 g), sugar (100 g).

Peel the bananas and mash them into a puree with a fork. Peel the pineapple, cut the pulp into pieces, add sugar. Mix banana puree and pineapple pulp, add chopped nutmeg, and pour in moonshine (10 liters).

Leave for about 8 days, carefully filter. One distillation will be enough and your moonshine with a pleasant banana aroma is ready!

Mulberry moonshine

Good moonshine is obtained from mulberries (mulberries).

Mash 10 kg of berries, add sugar and yeast to the pulp. We put everything in a warm place, carefully monitor the fermentation process, stirring the mass during the first two days. Then we distill the mash.

You will need two kilos of sugar and one hundred grams of yeast.

Moonshine on rosehip

In this option, there is no need to distill the finished mash. Take five to six glasses of rose hips, add seven liters of water, mix the mixture.

Then add yeast (about 100 g) and sugar (4 kg). The fermentation period of the mass is about three months. After fermentation is complete, strain the liquid. Moonshine is ready to drink.

Persimmon moonshine

Grind the persimmons and squeeze out the juice. The next step is adding sugar and yeast. Calculation: for 10 liters of juice 1 kg of sugar and 50-80 g of yeast.

Let the mixture ferment in a warm container for about a week. We distill it in a still.

Herbal moonshine

Many people like to make moonshine using various herbs. This drink has a pleasant aroma, rich taste, and therefore is easy to drink.

  1. For six liters of moonshine we take dill (10 g), sage (100 g), coriander (30 g), rose hips (30 g). Fill the components with moonshine and leave for about five days. After standing, we distill the mass. After distillation, add sugar syrup (a glass) to the finished product.
  2. Take wormwood (20 g), mint (200 g), rosemary (15 g), cloves (10 g), fill everything with moonshine (12 liters), close tightly. We remove the container and leave for three days. After this, we filter the tincture and distill it once.

Grape moonshine

So, to make moonshine from grapes you will need:

  • 10 liters of grape pomace;
  • five kilos of sugar;
  • yeast (100 g);
  • 30 liters of water.

Gently pour the grape marc with water, let it sit, and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir the mixture constantly during cooking, then put it in a warm place. Exposure period is a week.

After this, we filter the mash and only then distill it. It is advisable to do the distillation twice, in this case you will get clear, tasty moonshine.

Moonshine recipe with pepper

It is impossible to obtain moonshine directly from pepper, but it is possible to impart certain qualities to the finished drink. This is especially important in cases where you want to get a drink with a beautiful color, without a specific moonshine smell, but with a pleasant aroma.

We take black peppercorns (at the rate of 15 g per liter), cloves (3 g per liter), ginger (10 g per liter). Add everything listed to the finished moonshine, leave for a week, filter.

We have given only some recipes, but there are a lot of them. With a huge variety of options, everyone can find their own, most suitable, of the available products.

And having mastered the basics of moonshine brewing, you can experiment, coming up with new recipes for homemade moonshine. The most important thing is not to overdo it with drinking, remember that everything should be in moderation.

A moonshine still is a device for preparing strong alcoholic drinks, consisting of a distillation cube in which a thermometer and a pipeline connected to a coil and a distiller are mounted. A coil is a pipe for alcohol vapor that passes through a container of cold water.

The history of the device begins in the Middle Ages. Over several centuries, the device has undergone many changes: there are a huge number of models, differing not only in volume, but also in configuration. However, all devices are united by one common basis: a distiller, a coil and a mechanism that cools it.

Two countries - Scotland and Ireland - are arguing among themselves who is the birthplace of this drink. According to the method of preparing mash, whiskey can be malt, grain and blended. The drink also differs in origin and subtleties in production technology: Scottish, Irish, American, Canadian, and so on.

Recipe: First, we make malt: we sprouted wheat, barley and corn. During this process, the starch found in the grains will turn into sugar. Brew green malt for three hours, stirring constantly. Dilute with cold water in the same volume as the grain brew (one to one). Add dry alcoholic yeast to the liquid - 100 grams per 70 liters. Let it ferment for 2-3 days. Afterwards, the mash must be distilled twice using a moonshine still. The drink should be 45-50%. Then fill in the liquidin an oak barrelor in a bottle with oak chips and let it sit for 3 months.


The gin tastes very dry, with distinct pine notes. It is prepared by distilling wheat alcohol with the addition of leaves of a coniferous bush - juniper. Few people can drink gin neat. The most common type of drink is London dry gin, which is usually used for the gin tonic cocktail. This spirit is usually made in a vertical still and is distilled a second time after adding herbs to the spirit.

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Usually ennobled by the addition of citrus fruits, for example, lemon zest. The spices used are cinnamon, anise, angelica root, coriander, orris root and cassia bark.

Recipe: Making mash using cereal wort. We use your choice of rye, wheat or barley. After the mash is ready, we distill it, add crushed juniper berries, leave for several days and distill again. Add spices and leave again for several days. We distill it again using a moonshine still. Pour the finished drink into an oak barrel and leave to mature. If your goal is to obtain light gin, then one and a half to two months is enough.


Rum is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks. He owes this fame not only to pirates, but also to a magical quality: the ability to harmonize perfectly with juices and soda, that is, to be the basis of a cocktail. Rum is produced by fermenting and distilling molasses or cane syrup. The favorite of sailors has a fiery taste, an original, pronounced aroma and a transparent color. There are two types of rum: white and dark. The brown hue comes from aging in dark wood barrels or the addition of brown sugar syrup.

Recipe: Take sugar molasses and dilute it with spring water in a ratio of 1:20. Then add a handful of natural yeast and sugar cane. And then nutmeg and a little cinnamon. Let it ferment for 5-7 days. We distill the mash twice in a moonshine still and add a little burnt sugar. We keep the alcohol in a copper vessel for several hours. The resulting drink is poured into an oak barrel. Within a year you will have amazing rum.


Calvados is an apple or pear brandy made by distilling cider. The drink was born in the French region of Lower Normandy.

Usually, in the production of Calvados, small types of apples with a strong aroma are used, and several varieties at once. Real forty-proof elite alcohol is obtained by mixing various alcohols. This is done in order to produce a drink that tastes the same year after year, regardless of the quality of the fruit harvest. Typically the percentages are: 10% bitter, 70% bittersweet and 20% sour apples. Pears are sour fruits.

Calvados would not have its beautiful color if it were not for aging in an oak barrel.

Using a moonshine still, you can independently prepare an analogue of the elite alcoholic drink - Calvados at home.

Recipe: Squeeze the must from apples; a manual or electric press will help you with this. We leave it to ferment for 5 weeks, after which we get cider with a strength of 4-6%. We subject the drink to double distillation on a moonshine still. Aged in an oak barrel. Elite varieties are aged for at least two years.


Absinthe is a bohemian drink, usually containing from 70% to 86% alcohol. Wormwood extract is the main component of the drink, since its essential oils contain a large amount of thujone, which, like alcohol, has an intoxicating property. The composition of the drink is distinguished by an abundance of herbs, both familiar: mint, lemon balm, wormwood, chamomile, parsley and coriander, and refined ones: anise, fennel, calamus, licorice, angelica, white ash, and speedwell.

Absinthe is often emerald green in color, but it can also be clear, yellow, blue, brown, and even black. Thanks to its rich color, the drink received the nicknames “Green Fairy” and “Green Witch”.

Homemade absinthe recipe: Take 50 grams of fennel and anise, 25 grams of dry wormwood tops without stems and 0.95 liters of 85% alcohol. All herbs are soaked in alcohol and left for a week in a cool and dark place. Then add another 0.45 liters of water and distill the resulting mixture in a moonshine still. When distilling, we carefully ensure that the herbs do not start to burn, otherwise the absinthe will get an unpleasant smell and burnt taste. After distillation, we obtain a clear drink, which we color green - add 10 g of crushed wormwood, mint and lemon balm. Place a bottle of absinthe in warm water and leave for a few minutes: the color will change instantly. Strain through cheesecloth and leave in a dark glass container for several days.


The word “cognac” these days is more often used as the name of a drink rather than a city. But initially it was precisely the geographical designation of a French settlement.

There is also another misconception associated with alcohol: the phrase “Armenian cognac” is impossible. The fact is that the production of the drink is strictly regulated: it is produced using a special technology and only in the French region of Charente. Everything else is brandy.

Only one person in the entire history of the drink received the right to produce it abroad in France - Nikolai Shustov.

However, you can try to produce the drink using a technology close to the standards for the production of real cognac.

Recipe: Aging juice from several different grape varieties. After fermentation, we subject it to double distillation in a moonshine still. We dilute the alcohol with spring water (up to 40-50% alcohol) and pour it into an oak barrel for cognac. The longer the aging, the better the final product. To get good cognac, it must be aged for at least 5 years. However, experienced winemakers claim that after just six months the drink gradually acquires the necessary qualities: the desired shade of color and woody aroma.


Brandy, as mentioned above, is the drink that we often call cognac.

Wine distillation was originally used because it made it easier for merchants to transport wine. However, it soon turned out that the wine, after being stored in a wooden barrel, was much better than the original drink.

There are three types of brandy: grape, pressed and fruit.

Cognac and Armagnac are grape brandies produced in certain areas of France. The drink from other countries is made in almost the same way as cognac: by double distillation in copper stills and aging in an oak barrel for at least three years.

You can prepare an analogue of the world famous brandy.

Recipe: Let's prepare a classic brandy using grape mash, which can be aged in a barrel or using oak chips. We fill a third of the glass bottle with them. The volume of the container is not important: the main thing is to maintain the ratio of alcohol to chips. Fill the remaining two-thirds with 50% alcohol distillate and seal tightly with a wine cork. We put the bottle in a dark place and leave it for 6 months to a year. Or pour it into an oak barrel and leave it to refine for a year. Then we filter the product and bottle it, in which it must sit for about another year.

Even if you don’t immediately get real gin, rum or whiskey, you can make an analogue of the noble drink at home. Remember that some recipes have been compiled over the years, we will never know the secrets of elite cognac houses, but lovers often share their experiences.
