Red-fleshed radish has beneficial properties. Bitter but healing radish. Benefits for the body, use in folk medicine and cosmetology, contraindications. The effects of red radish on the body

How much does red radish cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

In fact, it is quite difficult to call red radish one of the varieties of the plant called radish. The fact is that some experts claim that red radish is a hybrid of radish and radish, while other experts defend the opinion that such a variety does not exist at all - it is an ordinary radish, only much larger.

Meanwhile, in some sources you can find information that red radish belongs to the mid-early varieties of a related plant, the growing season of which from germination to technical ripeness ranges from 60 to 80 days. Ripe red radish roots are characterized by fairly large sizes - 200-300 grams, round shape and good taste.

The color of the skin of red radish determines the very name of this vegetable - bright red with a crimson tint. The pulp of red radish, like that of radishes, is dense and juicy, snow-white in color. By the way, for summer consumption, red radish is usually planted in early spring, and for winter storage - in the 1st decade of July.

Red radish is used for fresh consumption, but it is also excellent for long-term storage during the winter. Most often, this root vegetable acts as an excellent base for preparing fresh salads. For example, many housewives like to add eggs and cheese to salads, but they do not take into account that such a mixture is absorbed by the human body rather difficultly and for a long time. But with the addition of red radish, these products are digested just fine, bringing great benefits to the body.

Not only the taste qualities of this root vegetable are valued - the beneficial properties of red radish are also widely known. First of all, its consumption improves appetite, and therefore it is recommended to eat salads with this vegetable as an aperitif. In addition, it has been established that red radish is capable of removing harmful elements from the body, in particular toxins and wastes.

The special properties of red radish, which are relevant for anemia, are also important - for this purpose, doctors recommend mixing the juice of radish, beets and carrots. One cannot help but mention the wonderful properties of red radish in combination with natural honey - such a natural medicine helps with colds. Surely most parents soldered their sick children with the juice formed when filling a cavity in a fresh vegetable with honey.

Calorie content of red radish 20 kcal

Energy value of red radish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Calorie content: 20 kcal.

Energy value of the product Red radish:
Proteins: 1.2 g.
Fat: 0.1 g.
Carbohydrates: 3.4 g.

Red radish is probably one of the most controversial representatives of this type of vegetable.

Characteristics of red radish

This is due to differences in opinions, for example, some scientists say that the red radish is a hybrid that arose from crossing radishes and radishes. Other experts believe that this is an ordinary radish that has simply grown to a large size. So far, scientists have not been able to reach a consensus.

Red radish has fairly large fruits, which weigh about 300 g. The root vegetables have a round or cylindrical shape. Behind the thin red skin is white dense pulp, which is also very juicy. In addition, at the moment hybrids have been bred, in which, on the contrary, the peel is white and the flesh is red. Red radish has a less pungent taste compared to, for example, the black version.

Beneficial features

Red radish has the ability to have a positive effect on digestion, since this vegetable contains a lot of coarse fiber. Root vegetables improve appetite, and they also have the ability to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. Thus, this vegetable is an excellent prevention of constipation.

Since red radish has strong antibacterial properties, it helps cope with various intestinal diseases. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps remove excess fluid from the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of edema. Considering the low calorie content of red radish, it is recommended to use it during weight loss.

Use in cooking

Using red radish in cookingRed radish is most often used fresh. It serves as the basis for a variety of summer and winter salads. In addition, chopped root vegetables can be used in various dishes, both vegetable and meat. Thanks to the use of red radish, other foods are digested much faster.

Root vegetables give the final dish an incredible taste and spicy aroma. In some countries, red radish is subject to heat treatment, for example, it can be boiled, stewed and fried.

Benefits of red radish and treatment

The benefits of red radish are due to the rich composition of vitamins and microelements. All this makes it possible to use this vegetable in folk medicine.

Beneficial properties of red radish

Some doctors recommend using the juice of these root vegetables for anemia. If you mix it with honey, you get an excellent remedy to get rid of colds. If you combine radish juice and vodka, the resulting composition can be used to treat radiculitis, rheumatism, and this infusion will also help get rid of pain in the joints.

Due to the fact that red radish has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body, it is recommended to include it in their diet for people who are being treated for diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

Harm of red radish and contraindications

Red radish can be harmful to pregnant women, since the essential oils contained in root vegetables have the ability to accumulate, which can cause uterine tone, which in turn can lead to the loss of a child or premature birth. Women who are breastfeeding should avoid eating this vegetable, as this can provoke the development of allergic reactions in the child. You should not eat red radish if you have heart disease, as well as ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis.

Nutritional value (gr.) Vitamins (mg) Macronutrients (mg) Microelements (mg/kg)
Carbohydrates 6.7A (retinol) 0.02iron 1.2Mn 0.92
Proteins 1.9B1 (thiamine) 0.03potassium 357Mo 0.07
Fats 0.2B2 (riboflavin) 0.03calcium 35Cu 0.25
Dietary fiber 2.1B3 (niacin) 0.2magnesium 22Zn 2.44
Calorie content 34.5B6 (pyridoxine) 0.06sodium 13Co 0.21
C (ascorbic acid) 29phosphorus 26Cr 0.29
PP (nicotinic acid) 0.3 Se 0.05
Li 0.02
V 0.03

Health Benefits of Red and Other Vegetables

Is it good for children?

The vegetable has a lot of useful properties!

  • Due to the iron and calcium content in green radish, it helps strengthen teeth and bones.
  • If a child loves this variety, then rest assured that his immune system is well protected.
  • Black radish improves appetite and has an antitussive effect.
  • The root vegetable will save the restless mischief-maker from bruises and contusions.
  • Red radish boasts a high fiber content, which normalizes intestinal function (toxins are removed from the body).

What is good for women?

The benefits of red root vegetables for women are as follows::

  • Red and black radishes relieve swelling by regulating the water-salt balance.
  • In addition, the vegetable rejuvenates the skin, gives it elasticity and smoothness; the condition of hair and nails improves.
  • Black radish juice prevents the occurrence of gynecological diseases and has a general strengthening effect.
  • Green radish lowers sugar levels and is great for your diet.
  • In moderation, the root vegetable can increase breast milk production.

For men

  • Draikon radish prevents baldness and eliminates dandruff.
  • The root vegetable also removes cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Black radish has a positive effect on the genitourinary system and fights prostatitis.
  • The vegetable improves intestinal function, and if you regularly consume black radish, you can increase testosterone levels.
  • Red radish cleanses the gallbladder and dissolves stones.

Possible harm and contraindications

The beneficial properties of the vegetable undoubtedly attract the attention of all lovers of proper nutrition. However, you should be aware of some contraindications for use.

Radish should not be consumed when:

  1. Gastritis.
  2. Heart disease (recent heart attack).
  3. Liver and kidney diseases.
  4. Duodenal and stomach ulcers. The vegetable has a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, causing irritation. That is why it is strictly prohibited for children under 3 years of age and people with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Important! Do not forget that eating dishes with hot vegetables can cause heartburn.

  5. Pregnancy. The vegetable contains substances that increase uterine blood flow. This process can cause an interrupted pregnancy. During lactation, mothers are not advised to introduce radish into their diet (only in moderate quantities). Root vegetables cause colic in babies!

Medicinal properties and their use in folk medicine

Radish has long been considered an indispensable remedy in the treatment of various diseases. It’s not for nothing that she is sometimes called the Queen of Vegetables. People carefully kept the secrets of preparing the root vegetable, passing on the treasured recipe from generation to generation. Keep in mind that radish provides only an additive treatment. If symptoms of illness occur, consult a doctor immediately!

Below are diseases that root vegetables can prevent.:

How is the vegetable used in cosmetology?

In the cosmetics industry, less and less preference is given to simple but effective folk beauty recipes. Black radish is exactly the product that is suitable for both dry and oily skin.

  • The chemical composition of the vegetable is well balanced; vitamins C and B, responsible for cell rejuvenation, improve the appearance of nails and hair.
  • Thanks to ascorbic acid, the skin becomes lighter and the complexion is evened out.
  • Regular use helps eliminate oily shine and acne.

You will be surprised, but A lot of natural cosmetics are obtained from the root vegetable– all kinds of face and hair masks, lotions, tonics, etc.

Attention! Consuming radish for cosmetic purposes may cause skin irritation. Before starting the procedure, apply the prepared product and observe the skin reaction.

Recipes based on juice and pulp

For kidney and liver stones

Traditional medicine has long proven the claim that radish dissolves mineral deposits in the kidneys and liver. Our ancestors also emphasized the healing properties of root juice. One of the most common recipes will be given below. It is good because it is not difficult to prepare and does not require a large number of ingredients.

Recipe for making black radish from stones:

  1. Thoroughly wash the tubers with skins.
  2. Squeeze out the juice. The resulting cake is not thrown away - it will also be needed.
  3. Store the juice in the refrigerator in a glass jar. (10 kg radish ~ 3 liters of juice).
  4. Mix the cake with uncandied honey (300 g of honey per 1 kg of cake).
  5. Place the pulp in glass jars and crush it as tightly as possible (otherwise mold will form).

Store the pulp at room temperature. If the top layer starts to deteriorate, simply peel it off.

Take one spoonful of juice after meals, gradually increasing the dose to half a glass (adding a tablespoon each time). Use until the medicine runs out.

By this time, the cake will have already soured, so we begin to take the radish with honey. Dosage: from 1 to 3 tablespoons with food. We eat all the cake.

We invite you to watch a video about treating kidneys and liver with radish juice:

For stomach pain

Radish and its juice stimulate the pancreas. And radish essential oils accelerate the secretion of gastric juice and improve blood circulation in the stomach.

Green radish recipe:

  1. Dilute radish juice with water in a ratio of 1:4.
  2. We eat it fresh and store it in the refrigerator.

Take 0.5 glasses before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 2 glasses per day.

For heart ailments

Radish is known to lower blood pressure, preventing severe and pressing pain.

Relief of heart pain with black radish juice:

  1. At the base of the cut off top of the radish, cut a hole.
  2. Fill halfway with honey (can be replaced with sugar).
  3. Cover the hole with dough.
  4. Place the radish on a hot iron sheet or in the oven (for 8-12 hours).

The mixture of juice and honey formed in the cavity is taken 0.5 teaspoon for pain in the heart.

For cough and bronchitis

Radish is an amazing vegetable that instantly destroys foci of infectious disease. It contains the substance lysozyme, which prevents and neutralizes the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. This natural healer also contains glycosides. Thanks to them, harmful microbes simply have no chance of taking over the body.

Black radish recipe for cough:

  1. Rinse the medium-sized root vegetable thoroughly.
  2. We remove the top (do not throw it away, it will be a lid) and cut out a recess.
  3. Put a spoonful of honey there and wait for the juice to release.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave overnight 12 hours before.

Drink syrup three times a day (until complete recovery).

Dosage: teaspoon.

Important! Add honey to a cup before bed. Remember that radishes quickly lose vitamins and nutrients. The shelf life of one cup of syrup is three days.

We invite you to watch a video about the treatment of bronchitis with black radish:

What can be replaced?

If you are a lover of spicy food, but for some reason you are contraindicated in eating radish, do not despair! A cabbage stalk from a white head of cabbage is perfect(the taste is approximately the same as the root vegetable). And if you need spiciness, serve horseradish or add grated ginger to the dish. Celery, like radish, contains a lot of useful properties. Therefore, this vegetable will be a good alternative for healthy food lovers.

Unfortunately, radish is rarely eaten these days. And all because people stop being friends with nature and using its gifts. The beneficial properties of vegetables are replaced by shelves of tablets at the nearest pharmacy. Many people are not even familiar with the taste of radish, and out of all the variety of recipes they only know the common cough syrup. It is important to know the price of this vegetable! Especially for those who want to eat healthy and truly nutritious food.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about radishes:

Red radish is a life-giving vegetable that provides complete cleansing of unnecessary toxins and saturates with nutrients. In Rus', red radish has always been grown, knowing its benefits and harms. This vegetable is a variety of black radish, even similar in taste to it, only the ordinary bitter root vegetable has less pungency.

Red radish is a bright hybrid that arose as a result of selective crossing of hot radish and simple radish. The vegetable has large underground fruits, the specific gravity of which reaches 300 g. Bitter radish is not red inside, but its fibrous pulp is white. Now breeders have also developed varieties of spicy vegetables with white skin and rich red flesh inside. It is consumed in the form of salads, mainly raw. Stored in dry basements throughout the winter. There are also traditional pickling recipes, but in home pickling it comes as an addition.

Calorie content

100 g of fresh root vegetables contain only 20 kcal. This low-calorie product is part of many vegetable diets. 100 fresh product contains 1.2 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 3.4 g of carbohydrates. Red root vegetable is an excellent food for weight loss.


The root vegetable is rich in substances that are of particular value to the body: potassium, calcium, sodium, valuable iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, important vitamins: A, B, C, H.

Beneficial features

The bitter vegetable is valued by gardeners for its numerous beneficial properties. The spicy product is beneficial for our health; due to the content of a sufficient amount of coarse fiber, it has a beneficial effect on overall digestion. The vegetable can improve appetite, it removes accumulated toxins. Regular consumption of salads containing bitter vegetables is an excellent prevention of chronic constipation.

The beneficial effects of bitter vegetables are due to the high content of vital vitamins and valuable microelements. It is this composition that makes it possible to use the life-giving vegetable in traditional folk medicine.

Some nutritionists advise using freshly squeezed juice of the spicy root vegetable for diagnosed anemia.

Fresh vegetable juice with honey helps get rid of colds. Fresh red radish relieves radiculitis, chronic rheumatism, and age-related joint ailments.

The prepared product is applied to the affected areas and gently rubbed over the skin. Neuralgia is treated in a similar way with fresh product. It eliminates the manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency, with a sharp decrease in the protective properties of the body.

The vegetable has the following beneficial properties, which are recognized by nutritionists:

  • Due to the pronounced antimicrobial properties of the bitter root vegetable, consumption is recommended for people undergoing treatment for diseases of the gallbladder, liver dysfunction and kidneys.
  • Ascorbic acid is aimed at enhancing the anti-infective, antibactericidal, antiviral, and oncological protective properties of the body.
  • The content of volatile particles that have an anti-inflammatory effect helps cleanse internal organs of harmful environments and dangerous viral or fungal infections.
  • The red root vegetable contains a sufficient amount of healing fiber. Consuming the spicy vegetable raw improves intestinal motility and food absorption.
  • Amino acids and life-giving vitamins contained in the pulp of natural red radish fruits form an obstacle to the further development of atherosclerosis and remove accumulated cholesterol from elastic blood vessels.
  • The vegetable is considered a valuable source of potassium, which is important for the normal functioning of the entire body. That is why raw root vegetables are so useful for various forms of swelling. This element is vital for giving tone to the heart muscle.
  • The presence of life-giving B vitamins in the complex composition of the bitter vegetable gives it the opportunity to participate in general rejuvenation. These antioxidants prevent the harmful effects of free radicals and help improve cellular metabolism.
  • People have long known the bile- and diuretic qualities of the fresh product, so it is often recommended to people who need to cleanse the gallbladder and genitourinary system.

The most famous remedy based on fresh root vegetables is spicy juice in combination with natural honey, which relieves various ailments of unprotected respiratory tracts and colds.

Harm and contraindications of red radish

Despite the positive qualities of the spicy product, there are still some contraindications.

There are objective situations where consumption of a fresh product can be harmful:

  • Nutritionists advise pregnant and nursing mothers to avoid consuming this product, since the volatile oils it contains increase the tone of the uterus. During lactation, these substances cause harmful reactions in the baby.
  • Despite the listed benefits of the product for the intestines, it is not recommended to consume radish in case of severe inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • This product is capable of increasing the acidity level of the produced gastric juice, which is undesirable in case of diagnosed gastritis, periodic intestinal colic, or severe peptic ulcer.
  • People suffering from heart disease, pathologies of the genitourinary system, and gall bladder should consume the root vegetable with caution.

Red radish (lat. Raphanus)– a vegetable crop, which is one of the varieties of black radish.


Red radish is a rather controversial crop. Some scientists claim that this is a hybrid that appeared as a result of crossing a simple radish with a radish, while others believe that this is the most ordinary radish grown to large dimensions.


The fruits of red radish are not too small - their weight can reach three hundred grams. And the shape of these mysterious root vegetables can be either cylindrical or round. Thin red peels hide dense white pulp, characterized by truly unprecedented juiciness. However, now you can find very attractive hybrids with white skin and red flesh.

Unlike its usual black counterpart, the taste of red radish is characterized by less pungency. And the length of its growing season (from the appearance of the first shoots to full ripening) covers a period of sixty to eighty days.


In most cases, red radish is eaten fresh. This is an excellent basis for delicious winter and summer salads. And chopped root vegetables are often added to all kinds of meat or vegetable dishes. By the way, many other foods in combination with red radish are digested much faster. It is especially useful to add it to salads that contain cheese and boiled eggs.

Dishes prepared using this vegetable are distinguished by a wonderful spicy aroma and incomparable taste. And in a number of countries, they do not hesitate to heat treat red radish: this healthy vegetable is fried, stewed and boiled.

This radish has a very positive effect on the digestive processes, because it contains a huge amount of healthy coarse fiber. Bright root vegetables are endowed with the ability to quickly improve appetite, as well as remove all kinds of harmful compounds and toxins from the human body. There is simply no better way to prevent constipation!

Red radish also boasts pronounced antibacterial properties and perfectly helps to cope with a number of intestinal ailments much faster. If you eat it regularly, you can quickly remove excess fluid from the body and thereby prevent the appearance of unsightly swelling. And since the caloric content of this product is very low (only 20 kcal), it can be consumed without fear even during a period of weight loss.

Some doctors strongly recommend drinking red radish juice for anemia. For this purpose, it can be mixed with carrot and beet juice. And if you combine it with honey, you can get an excellent potion for getting rid of a wide variety of colds. If you mix this juice with vodka, you get a very effective composition for quickly getting rid of rheumatism, radiculitis and unpleasant pain in the joints.

In addition, red radish has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, and therefore it is recommended to include it in the diet of people being treated for kidney disease, as well as liver and gall bladder.


Red radish is strongly not recommended for use by expectant mothers - the essential oils it contains are endowed with the ability to gradually accumulate in the body, and this can provoke uterine tone and lead to either premature birth or miscarriage. It is also undesirable for nursing mothers to eat this vegetable - the baby may experience allergic reactions. Red radish is also contraindicated for enterocolitis, as well as for gastritis, ulcers and heart ailments.


Red radish is a fairly cold-resistant crop - its seeds begin to germinate already at temperatures of minus five degrees. It grows best in well-fertilized fertile soils. And red radish requires moderate watering.