Salad with shrimp and sour cucumbers. Salad with shrimp and fresh cucumber. Salad with shrimp and crab sticks

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I really love preparing salads - after all, there is a lot of room for imagination: combining ingredients, experimenting with dressings, trying different serving forms... At the same time, I have favorite recipes: salads that I prepare very often without any changes - they are so successful . I want to introduce you to one of these recipes today. Please love and favor - salad with shrimp and cucumbers.
It turns out very tender, very light and very tasty! The cucumber gives the salad a special charm: in the company of shrimp it feels simply excellent. And the rest of the ingredients also do not stand out from the general row and sound clearly in unison... But let me tell you everything in order.

for 1 serving:

- 10-12 medium-sized shrimp;
- 0.5 small cucumber;
- 1 egg;
- 30 g hard cheese;
- greens for decoration.

For refueling:
- 2 tsp. sour cream;
- 2 tsp. mayonnaise;
- dill greens.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

For the salad we will need - not royal ones. And the most ordinary ones are medium in size. There is no point in buying large shrimp - after all, we will still be cutting them for the salad. Our stores sell shrimp that are ready to eat, that is, already boiled, but then frozen. This is very convenient - you don’t have to fuss with them for a long time.

We just need to defrost the shrimp. To do this, put them in a deep plate and fill them with hot water for 3-4 minutes. After this procedure, the shrimp will be completely thawed.

Now we can clean them without much hassle.

Cut the shrimp into small pieces, approximately 0.5 cm in length. You can also put whole shrimp in the salad (after all, they are not very large), but it seems to me that it will be neater.

Grate the hard cheese onto a medium grater.

Boil the egg hard - cook in boiling water for 10 minutes to harden both the white and the yolk.

Cool the egg, peel and cut in half. Then we take the yolk out of the white: we will need them separately.

Three yolks on a medium grater.

We do the same with protein.

Now it's time to make the salad dressing. To do this, put sour cream and mayonnaise in a separate container.

Then add finely chopped dill to the company.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing and it’s ready.

Now let's start assembling the salad. We will prepare it in the “cocktail salad” format, so we will need glassware - a glass, a verrine glass or a small bowl. The first layer of salad is grated cheese.

Place a quarter of the total amount of dressing on top of the cheese.

The second layer is cucumber.

After that, add the dressing again.

The third layer is shrimp.

And again it’s time to refuel.

The fourth layer is grated protein.

Spread the remaining dressing after the protein.

And the last, fifth layer is grated yolk.

Our salad cocktail is ready.

All that remains is to decorate it with herbs (parsley or dill) and you can serve.

Tips and tricks:
Some people don't really like to peel shrimp because they don't know how to do it simply and easily. I will be happy to tell you how I do it. First, we tear off the head of the shrimp, then open the shell on the abdomen and carefully remove it. And lastly, remove the tail. That's all, a couple of seconds - and the shrimp is completely cleaned. For those who do not want and cannot, no matter what, peel shrimp themselves, supermarkets sell already peeled shrimp. The price for them, of course, is much higher than for shrimp in the shell, but for some this is a way out.

Try to use traditional varieties of cheese - “Russian”, “Gollandsky”, “Poshekhonsky”, with a classic taste. After all, in this dish cheese does not play the main role, but is only an addition to the other ingredients. Therefore, it is not necessary for it to stand out strongly against the general background as a sharp spot.
For both this salad and other dishes, I recommend buying eggs from domestic chickens: their yolks have a completely different color - bright, deep orange. This is much more appetizing than the pale, bluish yolk from store-bought eggs.
For this salad, I used a fresh cucumber, but if you don’t have one on hand and want to make a salad, you can replace it with a canned one. Its spicy taste will only decorate the salad, and will not spoil it at all.

And one more note. Many people love shrimp, but still some people don’t cook with them at all. In this case (if you still want to prepare a similar salad), I advise replacing them with other seafood: squid, mussels (you can use). The simplest and most affordable replacement option is crab sticks. I’ve made both versions and they turn out delicious.
Author – Natalia Tishchenko

If you want to add several recipes for delicious and light dishes to your culinary repertoire, then cucumber will take its rightful place there. Crispy, with a pleasant fresh taste, they are perfect for the holiday table and diversify the family’s diet on weekdays. The vegetables included in the composition will provide you with useful vitamins and fiber, and the shrimp will provide the necessary protein (and they contain virtually no fat).

and cucumber

To prepare you will need:

  • about 1.5 kg of unpeeled shrimp;
  • 3 fresh crispy cucumbers;
  • red salad onion - half (if large) or whole medium size;
  • 5 quail eggs;
  • 300 g (about 1 can) black olives;
  • juice of one lemon, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Boil the shrimp and then remove the shells. Quail eggs also need to be boiled, then cooled and finely chopped. Cut the salad onions into half rings, and cut the cucumbers into either strips or cubes - that is, the way you like best. Now line a large salad dish, preferably flat, with lettuce leaves, and put the prepared ingredients mixed together on top. At the very end, you need to pour the dressing over the salad: for it, mix a squeezed clove of garlic, olive oil, fresh juice of one lemon and salt with spices (you can use white pepper). Done - before serving, you can decorate with crackers or nuts. By the way, if you like mayonnaise, then you can also season it with it: either take its olive version, or mix natural yogurt with finely chopped herbs. By the way, you can put not quail eggs in the salad, but regular ones (2 pieces), as well as a tomato or bell pepper - you will also get a very tasty dish.

Salad with shrimp, cucumbers and tomatoes

To prepare, take:

  • half a kilogram of any cooked and peeled shrimp - you can take large, king, and smaller types;
  • 3 pcs. fresh cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • a small bunch of fresh green onions;
  • for dressing - natural vinegar, vegetable oil, a little sugar and salt.

Prepare the ingredients for the salad: chop cucumbers, tomatoes, shrimp as you prefer. But usually vegetables are cut into slices, and shrimps in half if they are large. Finely chop the onion. Now mix the vegetables in a separate bowl, season with vegetable oil and vinegar, and add salt. Place shrimp in the middle of a large dish (without dressing), and on the sides - It will turn out tasty and beautiful, such a treat can also be placed on a festive table.

Fresh salad of shrimp, cucumbers and apples

For a beautiful, colorful dish you will need:

Prepare the ingredients for the salad: cut the shrimp, cucumber, apple and radish into small pieces, and finely chop the greens. If you are using lettuce leaves, you can simply tear them by hand. Mix the ingredients and add lemon juice. For the dressing, whisk natural yogurt, hot sauce, horseradish and spices in a blender. Then pour the resulting sauce over the salad and stir. You will be pleasantly surprised by the delicate taste of the dish. Now you know how not only to cook with cucumber, but also its equally delicious varieties with apples and tomatoes.

Step 1: Prepare the shrimp.

Take a package of peeled shrimp and defrost it by leaving them in cold water for a while. Remove the shrimp from the packaging, place them in a colander and rinse under cold running water, allow excess water to drain and pat dry with a towel.
Place the shrimp in a deep plate and squeeze the juice of half a lemon on top. Stir and leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes in a refrigerator.

Step 2: Prepare the cucumbers.

Rinse the cucumbers and cut off the ends on both sides. Please note that you need to wash vegetables thoroughly, as pesticides and fertilizers may remain on their skins. Taste it, check if the skin is bitter, if there is bitterness, peel the vegetables. Cut clean cucumbers into medium pieces.

Step 3: Prepare the greens.

Place the dill in a colander and rinse off excess dirt. Remove yellowed or wilted leaves. Place the greens on a cutting board and chop finely. The dill should be very small; do not leave thick stems.

Step 4: Mix the salad.

Drain the lemon juice from the shrimp and place them in a salad bowl, add chopped cucumbers, dill and mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix the salad and place it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. During this time, all ingredients will be saturated with each other’s juice and the salad can be served.

Step 5: Serve the shrimp and cucumber salad.

Place the chilled salad into portions on specially designed plates. It is best to decorate the salad with a slice of lemon and herbs. The refreshing shrimp and cucumber salad is ready, enjoy this low-calorie and delicious dish.
Bon appetit!

When choosing cucumbers, pay attention to their skin; it should be smooth, without wrinkles or dark spots.

When choosing dill, give preference to a product with a bright aroma.

Frozen shrimp should be evenly coated with glaze; do not take the package if it contains lumps of snow or large pieces of ice.

For more flavor, add a little dill to shrimp marinated in lemon juice.

To make this salad more filling and high in calories, add coarsely chopped avocado to it.

Salad with shrimp and cucumber - recipe. New Year is a difficult holiday for our stomachs. To make their life easier, you can try to prepare more light snacks, such as this one - light, fresh, but tasty and nutritious.

What you need for shrimp salad:

  • 4 eggs;

  • 300 gr. shrimp;

  • 4 fresh cucumbers;

  • 300 gr. cheese;

  • mayonnaise;

How to prepare shrimp and cucumber salad:

Boil and chop the eggs, put them in a salad bowl. Finely chop the cheese into cubes and, larger, cucumbers.

Cook the shrimp for several minutes in boiling water with the addition of bay leaf and spices, cool, clean and chop not too finely. Season with mayonnaise, which you can quickly make yourself. To do this, beat 200 grams with a mixer for several minutes. rast. butter with an egg, then add a little lemon juice, salt, a little mustard to taste and sugar.

The salad is best placed in portioned transparent bowls on a stem., you can decorate with anything. For example, pomegranate seeds, cranberries for contrast, lettuce leaves and green onions are traditionally used for decoration.

By the way, cucumbers not only add a touch of freshness to any salad, but also help improve the digestibility of other ingredients, improve appetite and digestion. The presence of iodine and a large amount of fiber improves the functioning of the digestive and vascular systems, as well as the thyroid gland. The neutral yet refreshing bite of cucumbers allows them not only to pair well with many ingredients, but also to highlight their flavor.
