Scheme for preparing fruit. Preparation of fillings. Fruit salads - recipes

Today, more and more people prefer fruits and fruit salads rather than high-calorie cakes. And there are good reasons for this:

Fruits, and these are the main ingredients of a fruit salad, contain minerals and vitamins that are not found anywhere else;
- fruit salads are light, low-calorie. They bring maximum benefits to your health and do not affect your figure;
- more than one child will not refuse fruit salad;
- fruit salad satisfies hunger, and its appearance improves your mood
So, what is a fruit salad? It is a dish prepared from an assortment of fresh fruits.

Fruit salads and delicious traditional ingredients

The traditional ingredients of a fruit salad are: apples, pears, bananas, strawberries, oranges. But culinary wizards have created a huge number of fruit variations in which classic fruits are perfectly combined with berries, overseas fruits and even cottage cheese, cheese and oatmeal.

Dressings for fruit salads

The number and originality of dressings for fruit salads cannot but amaze. The most common: sour cream, cream, yogurt, ice cream, lemon juice, honey, custard and chocolate cream.

Fruit salad can be not only a healthy dessert, but also a hearty breakfast, a wonderful afternoon snack, a dietary dinner, and even a decoration for the holiday table. We offer you fruit salads for all occasions.

Recipe 1: Italian Fruit Salad

This fruity Italian salad is served as dessert. Despite the fact that the recipe contains champagne, not only adults, but also children can enjoy the treat, because during heat treatment the alcohol evaporates, leaving only the piquant taste.

The Italian fruit salad recipe is designed for two servings.
Salad preparation time is 30 minutes.

Ingredients for Italian fruit salad:
fresh or canned peach - 3 pieces;
mint - 4 leaves;
coconut flakes - 3 tablespoons;
champagne - 1 glass;
chicken eggs - 1 piece;
granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
butter - 1 tablespoon.

Step-by-step technology for preparing fruit salad in Italian:

1. Peach, canned or fresh (2 pieces) is cut in half, and do not forget to remove the pit. Identical halves of the fruit are sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 120°C.

2. The remaining peach is cut into large cubes.

3. Washed and dried mint leaves are cut into equal, small strips.

4. Heat the coconut flakes in a frying pan with butter. The chips on the fire must be stirred constantly.

5. Mix heated coconut flakes, peach cubes and mint in a deep plate.

6. Place the heated filling (chopped fruit, mint and coconut flakes) into the peach halves.

7. Sauce: beat the egg with sugar. The whipped mixture is heated in a water bath (until the sugar is completely dissolved), champagne is gradually poured into it in a thin stream.

8. Fruit salad in Italian is served like this: sauce is poured onto a flat plate, on which half a stuffed peach is placed.
Bon appetit.

Recipe 2: Fruit salad “For adults only”

Fruit salad "Adults Only" is intended only for those people who have reached the +18 category. A zesty and satisfying fruit treat can be served as a dessert, or as an addition to honey chicken wings.

The “Adults Only” fruit salad recipe is designed for five servings. Salad preparation time is 15 minutes.

Ingredients for Adults Only Fruit Salad:
apple - 1 piece;
orange - 1 piece;
pear - 1 piece;
banana - 1 piece;
grapefruit - 1 piece;
kiwi - 1 piece;
lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
cognac - 3 tablespoons.

Step-by-step technology for preparing fruit salad “For adults only”:
1. Orange - peeled, white fibers, seeds and cut into large pieces.
Grapefruit - peeled, bitter film and cut into large pieces.
Apple and pear - washed under running water, the tail and core are removed. Fruits are cut into small slices.
Banana - peeled and cut into thick slices.
Kiwi - peeled and cut into thick half rings.
All chopped fruits are carefully mixed.

2. Alcoholic dressing for fruit salad: add freshly squeezed lemon juice, granulated sugar, cinnamon and cognac into bowls.

3. The salad is placed in a salad bowl, seasoned with alcoholic dressing and mixed before serving.
Bon appetit.

Recipe 3: Pineapple Boat Fruit Salad

I would like to call this fruit salad nothing other than a fruit “fountain”. This culinary masterpiece belongs to the category of festive desserts, and will please the most capricious gourmet.

The recipe for the “Pineapple Boat” fruit salad is designed for ten servings. Salad preparation time is 25 minutes.

Ingredients for Pineapple Boat Fruit Salad:
pineapple (preferably large) - 1 piece;
apples - 3 pieces;
orange - 3 pieces;
prunes - 20 grams;
walnuts - 20 grams;
raisins - 20 grams;
granulated sugar - 1 glass;
sour cream (low-fat) - 500 grams.

Step-by-step technology for preparing the Pineapple Boat fruit salad:
1. The pineapple is cut lengthwise into two identical parts. The pulp is removed from each half (boats are obtained). Pineapple pulp is cut into slices.

2. Orange - peeled, white fibers, seeds and divided into slices.
Apples are washed under running water, the core and tails are cut out. The fruit is cut into slices.

3. Walnuts are crushed in a mortar.

4. Raisins - steamed.
Prunes are steamed, divided into two parts and remember to remove the seeds.

5. The chopped fruits are transferred to a deep plate and mixed.

7. Just before serving, the fruit salad is placed in pineapple boats and topped with dressing.
Bon appetit.

Recipe 4: Fruit salad with chocolate chips

This European salad is every child’s dream and there are three reasons for this: delicious fruits, chocolate, appetizing appearance and interesting presentation.

The recipe for fruit salad with chocolate chips is designed for eight servings. Salad preparation time is 60 minutes.

Ingredients for fruit salad with chocolate chips:
pears - 2 pieces;
apples - 2 pieces;
nectarine - 2 pieces;
pineapple - 200 grams;
kiwi - 3 pieces;
heavy cream - 1 glass;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon;
chocolate chips - 2 tablespoons.

Dough for baskets:
wheat flour - 100 grams;
egg whites - 3 pieces;
powdered sugar - 100 grams;
butter - 60 grams.

Step-by-step technology for preparing fruit salad with chocolate chips:
1. Apples, pears and nectarines - washed under running water, the core and tails are removed. Fruits are cut into slices.

2. Pineapple and kiwi are peeled and cut into slices.

3. The chopped fruits are combined and mixed.

5. Dough for baskets: beat egg whites together with powdered sugar and wheat flour. Beat the dough until smooth. At the end of whipping, add melted butter.
The kneaded dough, covered with cling film, is placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Place a tablespoon of dough onto a greased baking sheet. Use a spatula to shape the dough into petal shapes.
The dough is baked for 5 minutes at 180 °C. Using a cookie cutter, cut out a basket from the hot cookies.

5. Fruit salad is laid out in baskets, topped with dressing and sprinkled with grated chocolate.
Bon appetit.

Recipe 5: Fruit Salad "Breakfast"

Good morning and a successful working day begins with a healthy, satisfying breakfast. This fruit salad can be considered such a breakfast.

The recipe for the "Breakfast" fruit salad is designed for one serving.
Salad preparation time is 15 minutes.

Ingredients for Fruit Salad "Breakfast":
oat flakes - 3 tablespoons;
cottage cheese (soft) - 150 grams;
apple - 1/2 pieces;
banana - 1 piece;
prunes - 3 pieces;
walnuts - 1 tablespoon;
raisins - 1 tablespoon;
honey - 1 teaspoon.

Step-by-step technology for preparing fruit salad "Breakfast":
1. Raisins and prunes are soaked in hot water for 10 minutes. After soaking, the prunes are cut into small pieces.

2. Soak oatmeal in cold water for 15 minutes.

3. Apples and bananas are peeled and cut into small cubes.

4. Walnuts are crushed in a mortar.

5. Chopped fruits and cottage cheese are placed in a salad bowl, mixed and poured with honey.
Simple, tasty and satisfying. Bon appetit.

How to improve the taste of fruit salad

Culinary experts have proven that fruit salad acquires special notes and piquant spiciness if an alcoholic drink is added to the dressing. For example, dry white wine goes well with apricot, melon and peach; a few drops of liqueur will improve the taste of a dessert containing banana, kiwi, strawberries, and strong cognac goes well with citrus fruits.

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“Cereals, legumes and pasta” - Equipment for the production of pasta. Surface of products. The quality of pasta is assessed by color. Personal hygiene for cooks. Barley groats. Flavor enhancers. Characteristics of cereals Grain grain. Cook in plenty of water. Characteristics of legumes. Cereals have high energy value.

“Cereal Dishes” - Cooking macaroni and cheese. Pasta has spread all over the world. Wheat. Peas and beans are soaked before cooking. Soy. The amount of liquid and salt per 1 kg of cereal. Corn. Beans. Dishes from cereals, legumes, pasta. People have developed many proverbs and sayings about porridge. Cereals have great nutritional value.

“Egg spoilage” - Bacterial cuff. Drying. Endogenous seeding. Microflora. Egg defects. Rotting. Blood stain. An egg removed from the incubator. Exogenous contamination. Microbial spoilage of eggs. Small and large spots. Egg components. Krasyuk. Tech. Insemination of eggs.

“Garnishes for Meat” - Remove from the oven, sprinkle with bacon and return to the oven for 15 minutes until the bacon is cooked. Rice with vermicelli (ruz maa shaariye). Baked potatoes with Parmesan cheese. Mashed potatoes with baked garlic have a pleasant, even delicate, garlic flavor. Return to the oven and bake for 30 minutes, turning once. Mashed potatoes with baked garlic.

“Preparing salads” - Salads – cocktails. Exotic salads. Making salads. Modern design style. The sequence of the technological process for preparing salads. Scheme for preparing Stolichny salad. Varieties of salads. Decoration with bouquets. Decorating plates. Organization of the workplace. "Slide" design.

“Dish decoration” - Carving. Cooking is the art of not only preparing, but also serving food. Carving in cooking. Tomato decorations. "Bells" "Daisies". Tools and accessories. Rules for decorating dishes. Round die cuts. "Lacy bows and cups." Cucumber decorations.

There are 31 presentations in total

Natalya Tertyshnikova

Subject: « Preparing fruit salad»

Kind of activity: educational – practical.

Educational areas: "Work", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Health", "Safety".

Target: create conditions for children to master the process making fruit salad.


To help clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the external and taste qualities of vegetables and fruit, about ways to eat them;

To consolidate ideas about the importance of fresh fruits for human health;

Learn to cook salad using a diagram-model of the labor process;

Foster hard work and a thrifty attitude towards food.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children "Sunny Hotels", « Fruits are a source of health» , "Clean hands rule";

Di "Let's make compote", "Scullion", "Ascorbinka and her friends";

Reading poetry and learning poetry.

Activity plan:

DI "Define fruit taste» . / Control by result: guessed right or wrong. Evaluation – awarding chips for the correct answer/.

DI “Describe it – we’ll guess”. Guessing descriptive riddles compiled according to plan. / Control based on the result - post pictures, check comparison, evaluate - awarding chips for the correct answer. /

- What we can cook from these fr. (children's answers)

Today we will cook fruit salad.

Who knows how to do this? – this is goal setting.

Discussion of the process, based on the work process diagram making fruit salad. /Procedural and reflexive control/

Remind the rules security: cleanliness of hands, handling a knife, using an apron, headscarf.

Distribution of duties, preparing salad. /Control based on results. /

Reflection: Who wants to tell mom how we cooked? fruit salad? Who wants cook it at home?

Publications on the topic:

In September, as always, our theme for the month is “Gifts of Autumn. Harvest” And I decided to do something interesting with the children. Children really like it.

We continue the culinary theme: Today we are preparing a fruit salad. My daughter Stasenka helps me. 1. Study the recipe and select the fruits: 2. Us.

Summary of preparing vinaigrette in the middle group of kindergarten. Objectives: 1. To develop skills for safe handling of dangerous objects.

Summary of work activities of children of the senior group “Preparing autumn salad” Program content: * Strengthen children's skills in using a table knife and kitchen board; *Follow safety precautions during.

The decoration of my New Year's table was the Snake salad, a symbol of the coming New Year. To prepare this dish you will need the following.

Fruits for human health are, without exaggeration, a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. As a rule, they are useful to everyone.

Class: 6

Target: prepare fruit salad, observing sanitary and hygienic rules and safety rules when working.


  1. Updating knowledge about the benefits of fruits, the content of vitamins in fruits.
  2. Formation of skills in working with information, using technological schemes in practical work.
  3. Improving group work skills, communication and reflective skills, and safe work skills.
  4. Development of memory, attention, oral speech.
  5. Cultivating a conscious attitude towards one’s health, rational nutrition, as well as accuracy and hard work.

Equipment: box for the game, a set of fruits, fruit costumes for the scene (cook, grapefruit, banana, apple, kiwi, tangerine, orange, Doctor Aibolit), table “Content of vitamins in fruits”, technological scheme for preparing fruit salad, magnets, aprons, scarves , knives, cutting boards, salad bowls, salad spoons, portion plates, ice cream by weight, signs with the names of salads for groups, a laptop (for musical accompaniment).

Form of organization of student activities: collective, individual, group.

Technologies, methods and techniques: health-preserving, game, story, conversation, dramatization, work with tables and diagrams, self-test and self-assessment, work in groups, practical work, reflection.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Hello, sit down! Today for our lesson we will need a table “Content of vitamins in fruits” and a pen; as well as overalls (apron and scarf), fruit, dishes (cutting board, knife, salad bowl) and your good mood!

II. Communicating the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson

The topic of our lesson is “Preparing fruit salad.” Today in the lesson we will talk about the benefits of fruits, the content of vitamins in fruits; We will use the technological scheme in practical work; improve group work, communication and reflective skills.

III. Game “Guess the Fruit!”, filling out the table “Content of vitamins in fruits”

The teacher puts fruits in the box (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, tangerine). Students must guess what is in the box by asking questions. The questions are posed so that the teacher can only answer “YES” or “NO.” After the children correctly name the fruit, the teacher shows it and gives a short message about it.

I suggest you play. The game is called “Guess the fruit!”.

I have fruit hidden in a box. To find out what fruits I have hidden, you will ask me questions about color, taste, etc., and I will only answer “YES” or “NO”. But we will not only play, we will also learn about the benefits of certain fruits. To do this, you must listen carefully to my story and fill out the table that is on your desk. Let's look at the table.

(The table is pre-drawn on the board. The teacher explains and shows how to fill out the table correctly, pronounces the letter designation of vitamins.)

fruit fruit Vitamins

After the game we will check which of you listened to me carefully.


Banana pulp contains vitamin C, which will help cope with winter colds and infections. B vitamins An indispensable remedy against stress and insomnia. Found in bananas and vitamin E, it makes our skin smooth and elastic, and is also responsible for a good mood.


Apples contain vitamin A. This vitamin is necessary for normal metabolism and bone formation. Vitamin C has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases resistance to infections. B vitamins, are necessary for the body for the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Also present in apples vitamin G. It is also called the “appetite vitamin.” It is necessary for normal digestion and growth.


Tangerine fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system; in addition to those mentioned, tangerines contain vitamin D, especially necessary in winter, and vitamin K for vascular health.


One kiwi fruit can provide a person with a daily dose of vitamin C. In addition, kiwi contains vitamins E, A, PP And group B. Kiwi helps normal digestion and is a wonderful anti-stress remedy. In addition, this fruit strengthens the human body's immune system and its blood vessels.


Oranges contain vitamin C, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B present in oranges is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which is necessary for carrying oxygen to various parts of the body.


Grapefruit will satisfy a person's daily need for vitamin C, which we need to protect against colds and flu. In addition, grapefruit contains a lot vitamin PP, which helps fight insomnia and fatigue, as well as vitamin D

- So, you guessed all the fruits! Well done! As the game progressed, you filled out a table. Let's check how carefully you listened to me.

(Students check their data with the data in the table on the board and do a self-assessment. You can ask 1-2 people)

fruit fruit Vitamins
Orange + +
Banana + + +
Grapefruit + + +
Kiwi + + + + +
Mandarin + + + +
Apple + + + +


From 16 to 20 – WELL DONE!

From 11 to 15 – BE MORE CAREFUL!

– We learned that fruits are valuable food products, as they contain a large number of various vitamins. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body, but enter it only with food. Remember that not all vitamins can withstand heat treatment, so it is better to eat fruits fresh.

Which fruits do you think are healthier? (Children's answers)

- Let's listen to what the fruits themselves have to say!

IV. Scene "Fruit dispute"


On an unusual night I fell from a shelf
In our library there is a magazine about nutrition.
On an unusual night, what will not happen!
I hit the floor and the pages opened...
And they rolled out cool from the pages
Bright fruits in different directions.
Do you want to hear their conversations?
So, come on, sit quietly!

(The fruits come out and start arguing)


Meet children, I am grapefruit,
I am a large, juicy, tasty fruit.
I'm a little bitter, but it doesn't matter,
But I will always help
For those who want to lose weight,
For those who often get sick.
I will rejuvenate the body
I serve people with all my heart.


I am an overseas guest, banana,
I swam across the ocean.
The sun asked me
Transfer my power to you.


And I am a ripe orange
Sunny's cheerful son.
I'm beautiful, mischievous.
It will be fun with me
Jump, have fun,
Sing, play, frolic.


Under the rough skin
The juicy fruit is mine,
It's green and grainy
Tender, sweet and meaty.
I'm called Kiwi
My pulp is delicious -
A storehouse of valuable vitamins,
For the health of precious ones.


Me on New Year's Eve
Everyone invites you to your home.
I decorate the Christmas tree too,
And the kids are treated to food.
I keep it under the skin
The ball is juicy and sweet.
Slices in a ball - candy,
To make the children happy.


I am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

(Doctor Aibolit appears)


Enough! Can't listen to you again!
It's time to end the dispute!
To be healthy and strong,
Bright fruits love
All without exception!
Each has its own benefits and taste!
So that you are beautiful,
So as not to be whiny,
So that any business is in your hands
They argued and seethed,
So that the songs can be sung louder,
To make life more interesting
Everyone, both adults and children
Remember my advice:
All year round - winter and summer -
There is no life without fruits!

Banana(to orange) :

You and I are friends now
Together we are one family!

Kiwi(apple) :

You're helpful and so am I.
Now we will help people!

Mandarin(grapefruit) :

We need to be chopped into a salad,
Get your vitamins!

All fruits:

Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!


Their dispute ended happily
This only made our food better!

– Thanks to all the fruits!

– We learned that all fruits are good for health.

– What fruit dishes do you know?

– Today we will prepare a fruit salad.

V. Study of the technological sequence of preparing fruit salad

In order to prepare fruit salad correctly and tasty, let's look at the technological sequence of its preparation.

(Students and the teacher name technological operations, the teacher gradually draws up a diagram on the board)

Where should we start preparing the salad? (from primary fruit processing)

Primary processing of fruits:

  • sort through, remove rotten and damaged fruits;
  • rinse with running water, rinse with boiled water;
  • remove inedible parts (stems, leaves), rinse again

– What will we do with the prepared fruits?

Subsequent processing of fruits:

  • orange
  • grapefruit peel, remove the partitions, leaving only the pulp, divide into pieces;
  • banana
  • kiwi peel, cut into cubes;
  • mandarin peel, divide into slices, cut into cubes;
  • apple peel, core, cut into cubes.

– What else needs to be done to get a ready-to-eat dish?

Final technological operations:

  • carefully combine the chopped fruits and mix;
  • place on serving plates;
  • add a scoop of ice cream;
  • serve

Technological sequence for preparing fruit salad

Fine. We have already prepared a fruit salad in words, but now let’s prepare it in practice.

VI. Division into two groups

A nursery rhyme is used to divide into groups:

We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.

To work, we need to split into two groups. Please all stand in a circle. I have prepared a counting rhyme for you. The student who completes the words of the counting rhyme leaves the circle and takes his place at the group’s desk. Groups are formed on a first-come, first-served basis.

(Division into groups)

Thank you, well done!

VII. Instruction, distribution of responsibilities in groups between students for operations

One group will prepare fruit salad "Om-Nom-nom- ka» , and the other - "Tutti Frutti".

– What products will you use to prepare the salad? (each group names its products)

– What kind of dishes will you use? (cutting board, knife, salad bowl)

– What sanitary, hygienic and safety rules will you follow when preparing salad?

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • put on an apron and scarf;
  • How will you use the knife?

Safety rules when working with a knife:

  • cut food carefully so as not to hurt your fingers;
  • do not lift the knife high above the cutting board;
  • if necessary, pass the knife only with the handle forward
  • After finishing work, clean the workplace, dishes, and wash your hands.

– Now, please, distribute the technological operations for preparing fruit salad in each group.

(The number of fruits in the salad corresponds to the number of students in the group, so each student must choose one fruit for themselves. There are 8 people in total in the class.)

- So, let's get to work!

VIII. Practical work “Preparation of fruit salad”

Before doing work, students wash their hands with soap and put on aprons and scarves. The work is carried out according to the technological diagram, which lies on their tables. The teacher conducts targeted walk-throughs, monitoring compliance with safety rules when performing work.

IX. Lesson summary, reflection, assessment

Let's summarize our lesson.

– Why should fruits be consumed every day? (They contain vitamins and nutrients)

– Is it possible to use any other fruits to make a fruit salad? (Yes)

– I think that you will definitely try to make your own fruit salad at home. Moreover, there will be a holiday soon - March 8th and you will be able to please your mother with a delicious gift!

– Now reflect on your joint productive activities: what worked and what didn’t? (Ask one person from each group)

Our lesson was full of useful information that you will definitely need in life. You all worked actively, interestedly and deserve good marks, “A”! In addition to good grades, today you will enjoy a deliciously prepared salad! Well done!

X. Tasting of ready-made dishes

Let's try! (Guests can also be invited to try dessert)

XI. Cleaning workplaces

List of sources used:

  1. – script for the extracurricular event “Dispute between vegetables and fruits”.
  2. – an open lesson on technology in the 7th grade on the topic “Fruits and berries. Dishes made from them.”
  3. – technology lesson “Fruits and berries. Decorating dishes with fruits”
  4. – about the benefits of fruits
  5. – fruit salad recipe
  6. ​​– children's presentations
  7. – about the benefits of our favorite fruits
  8. – fruit salad recipe

Fruit salad is a great option for breakfast, afternoon snack or light dinner, for both children and adults.

Fruit salad is a great option for breakfast, afternoon snack or light dinner, for both children and adults. These salads are very tasty and healthy. For their preparation, they usually use fresh fruits and berries, such as oranges, tangerines, kiwis, apples, strawberries and others.

Fruit salads - recipes

You can also use canned and dried fruits(if necessary, first fill them with boiling water to make them softer). Fresh fruits must be pre-processed: remove stems, seeds, and peel. If fruits or berries are heavily contaminated, you need to wash them twice, but carefully so as not to crush them. After this, they need to be thrown into a colander to remove any remaining water, which can change the taste of the salad for the worse.

Fruits High in Iron(pears, apples, avocados) can quickly oxidize and darken after cutting; to prevent this from happening, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice. It is also recommended to pour this juice over fruits from southern countries (passion fruit, papaya, mango) to highlight their taste.

To prepare fruit salads, auxiliary ingredients are also used, such as ice cream, chocolate, cream, jelly, sour cream, etc. Salad dressings are usually prepared from them. Salad dressings are prepared from fruit juices, sometimes with the addition of alcoholic beverages. Fruit salads are usually served chilled, as in this form they are most tasty and aromatic.

Fruit salad Grapefruit with a secret

A great boost of energy in the morning! The successful combination of apple, raisins and almonds gives the grapefruit salad with a secret a simply magical taste!

To prepare grapefruit with secret you will need

  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 apple
  • 50 g raisins
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tsp liqueur

Grapefruit recipe with a secret:

  1. Soak raisins in hot water. Add liqueur to raisins.
  2. Cut the apple into cubes. Cut off the top of the grapefruit. Carefully remove the pulp from it without disturbing the integrity of the peel. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  3. Combine raisins, apples and grapefruit, pour in lemon juice, liqueur, sprinkle with sugar and mix gently.
  4. Fill the salad with grapefruit peels and garnish with cinnamon sticks. Bon appetit!

Fruit strawberry salad

In summer, fresh strawberries are a frequent guest on our table. To further enhance its flavor, use this berry as an ingredient in a fruit salad. You'll see, you'll love the strawberry fruit salad!

To make strawberry salad you will need

  • strawberries
  • fresh salad leaves
  • walnuts
  • for refueling
  • 1 tbsp. wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • a little salt
  • 1 tsp honey

Recipe for fruit strawberry salad

  1. Carefully wash each berry, dry it on a towel and cut into four parts. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.
  2. Lightly fry the nuts in a preheated dry frying pan.
  3. Combine honey, salt and vinegar together and, stirring constantly, pour in olive oil in a thin stream.
  4. Combine all ingredients, pour dressing over them and mix carefully. Bon appetit!

Fruit salad Delicious

We offer you an amazingly delicious dessert that you can prepare quickly! There are two options for preparing fruit salad. Delicious

First option

To prepare the Delicious fruit salad you will need

  • dried tangerines
  • dried pineapples
  • marshmallows
  • coconut flakes
  • sour cream
  1. Cut all ingredients into small cubes. Season the salad with sour cream or natural yogurt.
  2. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top. Place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

You can use fresh fruit to prepare this salad, but the taste will not be the same.

Second option

  • dried oranges
  • dried tangerines
  • any dried fruits and berries
  • marshmallows
  • yogurt

Fruit salad recipe Delicious

  1. Chop all hard ingredients.
  2. Drizzle yogurt over them and top with shredded coconut.

Simple fruit salad

This salad prepares very quickly. A simple fruit salad can be made with any fruit you like. We offer you a classic option.

To prepare a simple fruit salad you will need

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/3 cup walnuts
  • a full handful of raisins
  • cup of yogurt

Simple fruit salad recipe

  1. Cut the oranges into cubes, banana into slices, kiwi and apple into thin strips.
  2. Pour raisins in boiling water to make them softer and more aromatic.
  3. Connect all components. Add nuts and top the salad with yogurt. Bon appetit!

Fruit salad with ice cream

Ice cream perfectly complements the taste of fruit and gives it a pleasant coolness.

To make fruit salad you will need

Recipe for fruit salad with ice cream

  1. Wash and dry the fruits. Cut the peaches into slices.
  2. Cut the grapes lengthwise into 2 halves. Cut the pear into slices.
  3. Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds and, using a spoon, scoop out the pulp from the melon.
  4. First place slices of peaches in the bowl, then halves of grapes, melon balls, and pear slices.
  5. Top with ice cream and garnish with blackberries. Bon appetit!