How many calories are in egg pies. How many calories are in a fried or baked pie with different fillings? How to cook them? There are no special secrets here

Pirozhki is a traditional Russian dish, a flour product whose main components are a dough shell and a fruit/vegetable/meat filling. It can be made from puff pastry, yeast-free and yeast dough made from different types of flour and grinding. The energy value also depends on the type of filling and method of preparation. Calorie tables will help you easily determine how many calories are in a particular type of pie.


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Baked pies

Baked pies cooked in the oven are lower in calories.

Calorie content depending on filling:

Filling Calorie content per 100 g of product, kcal Calorie content of one product (75 g), kcal
Cabbage214 160
Potato235 175
Sorrel186 140
Egg + onion200 150
Mushrooms192 144
Chopped meat272 204
Liver280 210
Sausage286 215
Fish180 135
Chicken289 217
Cottage cheese209 157
Jam240 180
Cherry263 197
Apple177 133

According to the table, a product with chicken has a higher calorie content than one stuffed with meat or liver.

It is necessary to compare not only the energy values ​​of products, but also the BZHU indicator (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

Chicken fillet is high in protein, which is important for the development of muscle tissue. In this case, weight gain will be achieved through muscle growth. And animal meat contains more fats - they cause the formation of unwanted deposits on the sides.

Fried pies

The oil used for frying pies has high energy value due to its high fat content. Therefore, products cooked in oil are higher in calories compared to those baked in the oven. Energy value of different fillings:

These figures exceed those served in fast food restaurants. For example, with an average calorie content of a fried pie of 230 kcal per 100 grams, a cherry pie from the McDonald's chain has the same energy value, although it weighs almost 2 times less - 230 kcal per 60 grams (1 piece).

Abuse of flour products fried in oil leads to fullness and disruption of the digestive system.

Pies and diet

During the period of weight correction, it is recommended to give preference to baked goods made from yeast-free dough filled with vegetables and a light side dish: of all those presented in the tables, they are the least high in calories. For example, when eating a small pie with cabbage, sorrel, egg and onion, the body will receive about 150-170 kcal - this should be the average snack between lunch and dinner. The BJU indicator in such dishes is close to the norm: the vegetables in the fillings are rich in fiber, vitamins and amino acids. This light, low-fat food is well absorbed by the body and nourishes it.

The heaviest are fried products with meat, mushrooms, fish and rice. You should avoid such dishes during a diet, because the oils and simple carbohydrates in their composition do not saturate the body, but are deposited on the body in the form of fat.

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Homemade baking is healthier, so it is recommended to make diet pies yourself. When preparing a dish in this way, it is convenient to control its composition, saturation with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is important when losing weight.

Some cooking tips:

  • Way. The diet excludes foods fried in oil. Therefore, the dish must be cooked in the oven. If necessary, the filling is pre-steamed or boiled (in the case of meat and vegetables).
  • Flour. The coarsely ground product contains all the components of the grain, and therefore retains its biological value for the human body. The calorie content of bran and rye flour is lower than that of wheat.
  • Filling. It should include fresh natural products. You should avoid animal meat and frozen semi-finished products. It is recommended to give preference to poultry: chicken or turkey fillets are easily digestible foods rich in dietary fiber and protein. You can supplement the composition with different types of greens, tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese. Makes a very nutritious and healthy snack.
  • Spices. Salt and pepper should be used to a minimum, and herbs and spices should be completely excluded from the recipe. Spicy and salty foods make you want to take more, while bland foods make you feel full right away.

It is important to consume pies prepared at home before 16:00, so that by the time you go to bed, the food has time to be digested and properly absorbed. Snacks eaten after this time will create an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach, and later manifest themselves in the form of fatty deposits.

Pies are delicious and aromatic pastries that are loved by both children and adults. With meat, potatoes, mushrooms, cottage cheese - what recipes have skillful housewives come up with! Only the high calorie content of pies makes those who watch their figure refuse them. Let's figure out how justified this refusal is.

Beneficial features

The calorie content of yeast pies depends on how they are prepared. Fried foods absorb oil during cooking, which increases the number of calories and creates additional stress on the stomach.

But baked pies, on the contrary, have a number of beneficial properties.:

  • Carbohydrates broken down during the digestion of baked dough provide the body with the necessary energy. This is especially useful for people with heavy physical activity.
  • Yeast sticks do not die during baking and help normalize digestion.


Information about the dangers of pies is based on the following arguments:

  • During their frying, vitamins A and E are destroyed: high temperature has a detrimental effect on the content of these vitamins in the finished product.
  • Risk of problems with digestion of food. Heavy foods are difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a deterioration in well-being and performance as a result of its use is likely.
  • High content of bad cholesterol. Since yeast dough itself contains cholesterol, and in combination with frying in oil, its level increases many times over. As a result, the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases increases.

This list applies only to fried pies and does not affect dishes cooked in the oven. However, if you are following a strict diet, it is better to completely avoid flour.

Calorie content of pies with different fillings per 100 grams

We suggest you familiarize yourself with a simple table that shows the calorie content of fried and baked pies per 100 grams.

Weight 1 pc. averages 50-100 grams.

Filling Baked (kcal) Fried in oil


With cabbage 214 263
With potato 235 276
With meat and onions 256 342
With cottage cheese 209 217
With sorrel 140 200
With mushrooms 192 226
With apple 177 205
With onion and egg 204 260

Is it possible to eat pies on a diet?

No matter how appetizing and fragrant the pies may look, we must admit that this is not a product that helps you lose weight.

Even if you choose a baked pie with a dietary filling, its calorie content will still be high due to the presence of dough.

Therefore, if you control the carbohydrates, proteins and fats you consume, it is better not to even look in the direction of pies - this is far from a dietary dish.

If you just stick to proper nutrition, there will be nothing wrong if you treat yourself to one egg pie once a week.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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It’s hard to imagine Slavic cuisine without the famous pies with all kinds of additives. The name "pie" comes from the word "pie" and means a filled pastry that is baked or fried.

It is believed that the first pies appeared on the territory of the Slavic states back in the Middle Ages and have been the most popular pastries ever since. The pie is suitable for a quick snack, a thorough tea party, it can be served as a dessert or a separate dish. Unsweetened pies are usually served as an addition to first courses and some side dishes.

Today, pies are in demand all over the world, although each country has its own name. The recipe for some types of pies has not changed for several centuries. Until now, housewives do not miss the opportunity to show off their culinary skills at fairs and gladly treat everyone.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of pies is quite high, they remain a favorite dish of adults and children.. Vegetarians will not refuse a tasty, juicy pie with cabbage, and a fragrant pie with meat will not leave any connoisseur of good cuisine indifferent. Sweet pies with jam, fruit, and jam will please even the most picky children.

Composition and calorie content of pies

There are many recipes for making pies. The only thing they have in common is the presence of dough and some kind of filling. In this case, the calorie content of the dish will depend on the composition of the dough and filler.

Weight watchers should consider how many calories are in the pie and what is included in it. If you are overweight, nutritionists recommend giving up flour products, especially fried in vegetable oil or fat.

The average calorie content of pies is 250 kcal per 100 g. Products with fruit or vegetable fillings baked in the oven have the lowest calorie content - 240-250 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of fried pies with meat filling - 290-300 kcal per 100 g.

The dough for making pies can be very different: yeast, butter, unleavened, puff pastry, custard, shortbread. Often, pies are a product created specifically on the basis of yeast dough.

In the vastness of the Slavic states, the following types of pies are most popular:

  • Sweet stuffed with jam, caramel, honey, chocolate, jams, marmalade, fruits, berries;
  • With mushrooms;
  • With fish;
  • With meat or meat by-products;
  • With cabbage;
  • With potatoes;
  • With herbs, onions and eggs;
  • With cheese.

The calorie content of baked pies will be lower than the calorie content of fried pies. In addition, nutritionists and doctors advise not to get carried away with fried foods. During the frying process, dangerous carcinogens are released that provoke the development of cancerous tumors. Frequent consumption of fried foods leads to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and digestive system. To improve your health, experts advise avoiding fried foods.

How many calories are in a mince pie?

Fried fish pies contain approximately 215 kcal, depending on the calorie content of the fish. Baked fish pies contain 190-200 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of a pie with cabbage fried in oil is 302 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of a pie with baked cabbage is 235 kcal per 100 g.

For 100 g of fried pies with egg and onions there are about 260 kcal. The calorie content of baked pies stuffed with eggs and onions is 204 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of a pie with baked potatoes is 201 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of a pie with potatoes fried in oil increases to 244 kcal per 100 g.

A fried pie with jam contains 289 kcal per 100 g. When baked, it contains 240 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of baked pies with meat is 241 kcal, and fried pies are 268 kcal per 100 g..

Despite the fact that pies are considered a traditional dish of many nations, they cannot be called healthy and dietary. One pie a week will not ruin your figure, but regular consumption of high-calorie foods can cause obesity. For people who tend to be overweight, it is better to completely exclude flour dishes, especially those fried in oil and containing sugar.

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We all love pies. For many, pies are memories of childhood, of Saturday mornings, of the village; Grandma's pies will always remain the most delicious and aromatic for many. And often on a diet it is easier to tolerate the lack of dessert than the ban on pies. Especially when the imagination running wild on an empty stomach suggests both the taste and smell of your favorite dish.

How many calories are in pies and can you eat pies on a diet?

The calorie content of pies depends, as you understand, on the method of their preparation. The calorie content of fried pies is much higher than the calorie content of baked pies - after all, oil is used in their preparation, and in considerable quantities. And the calorie content of pies deep-fried or in a large amount of boiling oil will be 2 times higher than the calorie content of baked pies in the oven. And although many of us have been more fond of fried pies since childhood, when on a diet it is worth remembering the high calorie content of fried pies. In addition, it would be worth paying attention to one more point: if you are too lazy to cook yourself or don’t have time for it and prefer to buy baked goods (including pies) in a supermarket or university canteen, think about how fresh the oil in which These pies were being prepared. More precisely, try to imagine how many times a day this oil is fried and how many servings of pies are fried on it per day. Do you still want to eat store-bought fried pies?

However, sometimes it is really difficult to resist and not eat the pie. But those who are on a diet need to keep a strict calorie count. How many calories are in pies?

Calorie content of pies

The calorie content of pies depends not only on the cooking method, but also on the filling. The calorie content of a pie with sorrel will be less than the calorie content of a pie with meat, and the calorie content of a pie with cottage cheese will be less than the calorie content of a pie with jam.

The calorie content of some types of baked and fried pies is presented in the following table (calorie content of pies is given per 1 pie based on the average weight of the product of 75 g):

  • calorie content of a pie with fried potatoes – 240 kcal;
  • calorie content of a pie with baked potatoes – 150 kcal;
  • calorie content of fried cabbage pie – 220 kcal;
  • calorie content of baked cabbage pie – 130 kcal;
  • calorie content of a baked pie with meat – 204 kcal;
  • calorie content of a fried pie with minced meat – 246 kcal;
  • calorie content of a baked pie with cottage cheese – 205 kcal;
  • calorie content of a pie with onions and fried egg – 170 kcal;
  • calorie content of a pie with onions and a baked egg – 150 kcal;
  • calorie content of baked sorrel pie – 140 kcal;
  • calorie content of a baked apple pie – 199 kcal;
  • calorie content of baked cherry pie – 197 kcal;
  • calorie content of baked chicken pie – 217 kcal;
  • calorie content of a pie with fried jam – 264 kcal;
  • calorie content of a pie with rice and fried egg – 232 kcal;
  • calorie content of fried fish pie – 203 kcal;
  • calorie content of baked mushroom pie – 192 kcal;
  • Calorie content of white meat (150 g) is 626 kcal.

Pies and diet

From the calorie table you can see that in fact, when on a diet, you can afford to eat a pie sometimes. But on a diet, it is still better to eat baked pies than fried ones, and prefer pies with a lower-calorie filling.

It is also important what part of the day you eat the pie. If you do this in the evening, you can be sure that all the “pie” calories will go to your sides and stomach. It is better to eat pies on a diet in the first half of the day - this way carbohydrates and a significant part of the fats will definitely be processed into energy, and will not go into fat. If you allowed yourself a pie for breakfast or a snack between breakfast and lunch, then be sure to eat soup or broth for lunch to improve digestion and prevent constipation, and for dinner try to eat as light a meal as possible - your stomach already had to work that day .

It is not for nothing that during diets and in general, all those who monitor their weight are advised to arrange fasting days entirely on kefir, apples, broth and other dietary dishes. Such days, held regularly, neutralize the consequences of just such “disruptions” - pies, fatty meat, alcohol, cakes. In addition, they cleanse the intestines and remove from the body everything unnecessary and unnecessary - salts, toxins, excess water. If you spend such days at least once a month, you know how useful they are.

And one more argument in favor of occasionally treating yourself to pies. When you are on a diet and there is no end in sight, with each new day it becomes more and more difficult to comply with its requirements and not break down. Determine for yourself one day a week when you can eat something very desirable, but not at all dietary, within, say, 350 calories. Exceeding the calorie content of your diet by 350 kcal once a week will not harm your figure at all, but, firstly, it will give you great pleasure, and secondly, it will make the diet less difficult (you will know for sure that, say, on Friday you have there will be a small festival for the belly), and thirdly, it will spur your metabolism and prevent the body from going into energy saving and limited calorie expenditure mode (and the body will certainly try to do this when it realizes that the calorie content of the daily menu has now decreased). The main thing is not to get carried away with such “indulgences” and not to go beyond the limits.

Well, in order to be able to occasionally treat yourself to pies while on a diet, remember a couple of simple recipes for diet pies.

Diet pies

Recipe No. 1. Chicken and vegetable pies.

First, knead the dough from 300 grams of wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 250 grams of milk, 1 egg, 200 grams of natural low-fat yogurt, 2.5 grams of dry yeast and leave it to rise for a while. While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Take 450 grams of chicken fillet, 1 carrot, 1 small onion and a bunch of green onions and other herbs. Chop everything and simmer in a frying pan in a small amount of water (without oil). Then form small pies and bake them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

The calorie content of a pie weighing 75 grams is 134 kcal.

Recipe No. 2. Pies with sauerkraut.

First you need to prepare the dough. Take 600 grams of wheat flour, 5 grams of quick yeast, 1.5 cups of milk, 100 ml of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt and knead a soft dough. While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Chop 1 cup of sauerkraut and 1 onion, simmer in a frying pan without oil, add sugar and salt to taste. Now form the pies, place them on a baking sheet greased with margarine, brush with egg and bake for 15-20 minutes.

The calorie content of a pie weighing 75 grams is 129 kcal.

Recipe No. 3. Pies with sorrel.

Prepare yeast dough as in the previous recipe. For the filling, take 300-400 grams of fresh or frozen sorrel and 80 grams of sugar (a little less than ½ cup). While the dough is rising, wash and chop the sorrel, mix it with sugar and leave it to soak for a while and release its juice. Then make small pies and place them in a preheated oven. Bake the pies also for about 15-20 minutes in the oven, first brushing with egg.

The calorie content of a pie weighing 75 g is 150 kcal.

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