How long to cook autumn mushrooms before pickling. Cooking time again. Why boil wild mushrooms before cooking?

Cabbage is a favorite vegetable not only of adults, but also of children, which contains a large amount of useful substances. Cabbage contains the most ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the content of which increases with slight heat treatment. Therefore, in any form, the vegetable contains enough of this useful vitamin. How to salt cabbage?

The main signs of vitamin C deficiency are rapid fatigue of the body and reduced immunity. Frequent consumption of cabbage in any form can compensate for the lack of this vitamin. Therefore, from time immemorial, people have come up with new recipes with cabbage. And the main task was to preserve the vegetable for a longer period, so that it would be possible to use the healthy product for food all winter. This is how pickling cabbage became popular.

Pickling cabbage is the simplest method of preservation, thanks to which microorganisms do not develop and the product is stored for a long time. Another method of canning is fermentation. However, the product does not store well at room temperature, so it is best to store it in a cool place.

The easiest way to store cabbage is pickling. To improve the taste of the product, you can add various spices (dill, cumin, bay leaf, etc.) or other products (carrots, beets, apples, etc.). Adding other foods and seasonings to the cabbage during the salting process makes the recipe more exotic and the taste more refined. As for sauerkraut, it is a completely different product in terms of taste, but no less healthy.

In the old days, table salt was in great short supply, and the original method of fermentation differed from the modern one. Other necessary products (apples, carrots, etc.) were added to finely chopped cabbage, then clean water was added to a container (most often a barrel) and pressed down on top with some kind of weight. It could be, for example, a heavy stone.

The essence of sourdough is that the sugar present in the vegetable is fermented by lactic acid bacteria that are present on its surface. This method prevents the development of mold and enhances the taste of the product. The whole process takes about a week, after which you need to place the sauerkraut in a cold place. A tasty and healthy product is ready.

However, in urban conditions it is much more difficult to prepare sauerkraut than salted cabbage. Therefore, pickling is more popular among modern housewives than pickling.

Table with the characteristics of salted and sauerkraut

The table below shows more clearly all the differences between these two processes.

Salted cabbageSauerkraut
Cooking methodAn important ingredient in preservation is salt. And for taste, various vegetables, fruits, berries and spices are added.The cooking process is based on lactic acid bacteria that are present on the surface of the vegetable. Additional products can also be added to the recipe, as for pickling.
StorageStores well both refrigerated and at room temperatureA cold storage place is more suitable, especially immediately after fermentation. At room temperature, shelf life is reduced.
UsageAdded to salads, also used as a side dish or snack.It is used in the same way as salted. It has also found application in folk medicine.

Salted cabbage is popular for its unique taste and low calorie content. It can be used not only as a side dish, but also as an independent dish. However, it is worth figuring out what the dish brings: harm or benefit.

The finished product already contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for the body with reduced immunity. Regular consumption of the product will reduce the possibility of contracting ARVI or influenza. This effect on the body indicates clear benefits.

Salted cabbage contains another useful element - potassium. It helps strengthen the heart muscle and also prevents the formation of urolithiasis. Therefore, we can say that the snack brings undoubted benefits to the body.

But there are categories of people for whom excessive consumption of the product can be harmful. This category includes people for whom salty foods are contraindicated. Among them are those who suffer from kidney disease, since salt retains fluid in the body, which leads to edema.

Patients with ulcers and gastritis should also avoid this snack. After eating an acidic product, the disease may worsen.

What varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling?

For pickling, as for pickling, choose the same varieties of white cabbage. After all, only certain varieties are suitable for winter preparations. Usually late varieties are chosen, but sometimes mid-ripening varieties are also used. The amount of useful vitamins and minerals depends on the ripening of the vegetable. The longer it ripens, the more of them are contained in the vegetable.

The mid-season cabbage variety ripens closer to September. By this point, a large amount of nutrients has already accumulated in the vegetable. In terms of taste and shelf life, these varieties are much better than the earlier ones.

Most often, late varieties of cabbage are used. They have a crispy and dense texture, and their taste compares favorably with others. For preparations, these varieties of white cabbage are most suitable for pickling.

Hybrid varieties of cabbage are not very widespread. They are very suitable for pickling and are large in size. Such varieties are suitable for food only three months after cutting. Cabbage heads are heavy and very strong.

Basic rules for pickling cabbage

Once you have decided on the type of cabbage, you need to consider a few more rules for preparation and how to salt the cabbage.

  1. It is necessary to choose the right head of cabbage. Determine by touch whether the cabbage is crunchy, and whether it is loose or dense. Since it is loose, it is not suitable for workpieces.
  2. Make sure that the vegetable is not frozen if you salt it in late autumn. If the head of cabbage has green and healthy leaves, then the vegetable is not frostbitten and is suitable for pickling.
  3. Green leaves should be removed before chopping.
  4. You need to chop the cabbage into thin strips. To do this, you can use various devices (a special grater, vegetable cutter, etc.) or a kitchen knife.
  5. Herbs, spices, and other vegetables need to be washed, peeled, and sorted.
  6. It is better to salt the cabbage in small portions, and after eating it, cook it again, since the salting time takes 2-5 days, depending on the recipe. The rich recipe allows you to experiment and select the appropriate recipe for your taste buds.

The most delicious recipes

Previously, salting was not so popular, since the process was very labor-intensive, and salting had to be done in huge barrels. Over time, thanks to the experiments of modern housewives, a large number of recipes and methods for pickling have appeared.

The cooking procedure itself has also been simplified. And the many options for salting cabbage will help you choose the best recipe.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe is the most popular among the rest. It is used for salting cabbage and carrots. The cabbage takes on a pinkish tint.

Required Products:

  • 5 kg cabbage;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. salt.

After chopping the vegetables, you need to place them in a container and sprinkle with sugar and salt. The vegetable mixture needs to be mashed and mixed. When it releases the juice, you need to put everything into jars and fill it with brine, which is prepared from boiled water with 450 g of sugar and 300 g of salt.

The jars with the future snack remain open for 5 days at room temperature. After the fermentation process is complete, you need to add brine to the very top. Close everything with lids and place in the refrigerator or other cold place. There is no need to sterilize the dishes.

The original recipe with beets will appeal to lovers of spicy foods. The color of the resulting mixture is especially pleasant, which is close to crimson. This dish will be a bright accent on the holiday table.

Required Products:

  • 4 kg cabbage;
  • 3 kg beets;
  • head of garlic;
  • 2 horseradish roots;
  • 2 l. water;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 pcs. cloves and 10 black peppercorns.

You need to cook the brine immediately. Add salt, sugar, bay leaf, cloves and pepper to boiling water. Chop and grate the vegetables, and crush or finely grate the horseradish and garlic. Mix everything. Place the beetroot-cabbage mixture in a large container, add brine and press down with a weighting agent on top. This could be a plate with a weight on top. You need to stir the mixture to free it from gas bubbles.

The dish will be ready in 2-3 days.

With apples

The recipe with apples is distinguished by its simplicity and unusualness. Suitable for housewives living in apartments, since cabbage is salted in jars and does not take up much space.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg cabbage;
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 4 things. apples;
  • 70 g each of salt and sugar;
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf;
  • 20 peppercorns.

We cut the apples into cubes, and the cabbage and carrots into strips (the carrots can be grated). Add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf to the cabbage-carrot mixture. The mixture should be placed in jars in layers: cabbage mixture, apples, cabbage mixture, and so on almost to the very top.

After 3 days of fermentation of the mass at room temperature, it should be moved to a cool place for another week. And only then eat it.

The cabbage in this recipe captivates with its spicy aroma and pleasant taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 4 kg cabbage;
  • 6 pcs. carrots;
  • 100 g salt;
  • allspice, bay leaf and cumin to taste.

As in previous recipes, three carrots and shredded cabbage. Place the carrot-cabbage mixture in a bowl or other large container. After this, you need to add salt and lightly mash the mass.

It is better to salt food in a pan or bucket. Each laid out layer should be sprinkled with spices. He also covers everything with a plate with a weight along the diameter of the container. The appetizer is prepared for about a week at room temperature.

In the bank

For one three-liter jar you need:

  • 3 kg cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Shredded cabbage should be mixed with grated carrots. Add salt and sugar and mix everything. Then compact the mixture thoroughly into a jar. This recipe does not need brine, as the cabbage will give the necessary juice. After 3 days the dish is ready to eat.

With pepper and garlic

A tasty and unusual dish is obtained using this recipe. Garlic and pepper add heat and spice.

Required Products:

  • 1 kg cabbage;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 1 PC. pepper;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt;
  • 70 ml sunflower oil;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons 9% vinegar.

You need to chop the cabbage, peppers, and carrots into strips. Chop the garlic and add to the shredded mixture. Next you need to add salt and sugar and mix. The last step is to add vinegar, oil and warm water. Place under pressure for several hours, or better yet, overnight.

Cabbage pickled according to this recipe has a delicate sour taste. Goes well as a side dish with fried potatoes.

Required Products:

  • 3-4 kg of cabbage;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dry dill seed.

Chop carrots and cabbage. Place all the cuttings in saucepans or other convenient containers. Add salt, mash all the contents and mix. At the end, add dill seed to the mixture.

You need to place a weight on the dish with cabbage. This can be a simple plate with a stone or other weight placed on top. If the dish is filled to the top with cabbage mixture, then you should place a large container so that the brine flows into it.

The entire salting process takes 3-4 days at a temperature slightly above room temperature. For long-term storage, move the snack to a cold place.

For proper and high-quality pickling of cabbage, you can use some useful tips.

  1. For proper pickling, you should choose mid-late and late varieties of cabbage.
  2. For abs and weights, you can use a heavy stone, a jar of water, or a weight.
  3. Iodized salt is not suitable for pickling. It is best to use stone.
  4. It is best to salt cabbage in autumn or early winter. The ancestors did this on the waxing moon.
  5. The finished dish is stored well and for a long time in a cool room or refrigerator.
  6. Experiment with spices and seasonings so that you never get tired of your favorite salad.
  7. Remember to release gas bubbles during fermentation.


An appetizer made from salted cabbage will diversify the holiday table, make up for the lack of vitamin C, strengthen the immune system and simply be an excellent addition to the diet. After all, there is nothing complicated about how to pickle cabbage. Following all the tips and recommendations, the dish always turns out the first time.

The most delicious food is the one you cook with your own hands. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a crunchy and healthy dish. And rave reviews from guests will delight any hostess.

Salted cabbage is a traditional Russian dish. It always becomes a wonderful decoration for any feast, both everyday and festive. Recipes for salted cabbage are extremely simple, but with their help you can prepare an excellent delicacy. Let's look at the best of them in our article, learn how to select ingredients and learn all the intricacies of such a culinary process as quick pickling.

How to choose and prepare cabbage for pickling

The most important thing is to choose the right fresh vegetables for preparations, otherwise the dish may not turn out as crispy and juicy as you would like. A good cabbage for rolling has the following characteristics:

Recipes for canned salted cabbage require advance preparation. It consists of the following:

  1. Remove a few flaccid top layers from the head and cut into large pieces.
  2. Visible damage must be removed.
  3. For some recipes, the head of cabbage needs to be chopped into thin narrow strips with a shredder, knife, grater or food processor.
  4. The vegetables used in the recipe must be washed and peeled. The spices must be sorted out, removing spoiled fragments.

How to quickly and tasty salt cabbage at home

There are many recipes for pickling at home, each of them requires one or another preparation time. Recipes for quick salted cabbage are the most popular. The preparation prepared using them can be eaten as a separate appetizer, or added to other dishes, for example, borscht or salads. Let's look at the most interesting recipes.

Hot method in brine without vinegar

The hot method allows you to get pickles as quickly as possible, literally within a day you can already taste the dish. Both white and red forks are suitable for this preparation. The main ingredient is sometimes chopped, but the classic recipe simply calls for cutting into small portions. You can serve the dish with herbs and onions.


  • dense cabbage forks;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a few peppercorns;
  • bay leaf – 2-6 pcs.;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar.

  1. The cabbage should be chopped (shredded if desired).
  2. Grate the carrots on a grater (preferably on a so-called Korean grater).
  3. Mix the vegetables, place them in a sterilized, dried jar in layers, add spices to each one.
  4. Salt and sugar should be diluted in hot water. Keep the brine over low heat until it boils. Pour vegetables over them.
  5. Place the open container in a deep container for one to two days. Then cover it with a lid, but do not roll it up. Store in the cold.

Instant cooking with beets in Georgian style

The dish according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty and spicy, and looks beautiful due to the pink tint imparted by the beets. The dish is stored for a very long time, it can stand all winter. Quick pickles will be a great addition to any dish. It is very easy to prepare, it does not require much time or effort, you just need to follow the instructions.


  • two kilograms of fresh cabbage;
  • garlic (medium head);
  • 2 medium beets (oblong);
  • several bay leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • 3-5 cloves;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a mixture of fennel, dill seeds and cilantro (3 teaspoons in total);
  • two full tablespoons of salt (non-iodized);
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 150 ml table vinegar (preferably natural apple cider vinegar).

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash the vegetables and chop them. The cabbage is cut into portions, removing the stalk, and the beets are cut into thick slices. The garlic should be peeled and cut into large pieces. Place vegetables in enamel dishes.
  2. In order to make the marinade, you need to boil water and add spices. Boil the brine for five minutes and add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Cool the liquid to 20 degrees.
  4. Pour the brine into a container with vegetables, put pressure on top, and store for about three days.
  5. Afterwards, the cabbage is laid out in containers, filled with brine and tightly closed with nylon lids. An open jar can be stored for three days.

Preparing for the winter in jars

Sauerkraut contains folic acid and vitamin C, which are very beneficial for the body. A salad made from it is an excellent addition to fatty dishes that people often prepare in winter. Below is a classic recipe, but if you want, you can add bay leaves, apples, cranberries, pickled cloudberries, currant leaves, spices or any other ingredients that could improve the taste.


  • cabbage (approximately 1.7-2 kg);
  • large carrots;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

  1. Chop the forks, grate the carrots, and place the vegetables on a clean, dry surface.
  2. Pour salt into the vegetables and mash them thoroughly.
  3. The cabbage must be compacted tightly into the container. Each new layer must be pressed well until the juice flows. Cover with a cloth and leave at room temperature.
  4. To circulate gases, you need to pierce the workpiece with a wooden wedge several times a day. If you don’t do this, the dish will be bitter.
  5. The dish will be ready when it stops fermenting. You can understand this by how the gases stop coming out. After this, the jar can be closed with a nylon lid and hidden in the refrigerator.

With apples and cranberries in a barrel

It’s difficult to get a wooden barrel now, so you can use large enamel dishes to prepare quick salted cabbage. A dish with apples and cranberries will be very original and festive. It is very easy to make, the process takes no more than a week. Below is a classic recipe, but you can add some other spices.

Ingredients for preparing a kilogram of salted cabbage:

  • carrots and apples - 100 grams each;
  • cranberries – 80 grams;
  • salt – 30 grams.

  1. Peel and chop the cabbage. Add the rest of the grated ingredients to it. Add salt and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add the vegetable mixture, pressing down well until the juice flows.
  3. We cover the barrel with a wooden board and put pressure on top. Leave in a warm place. Periodically it is necessary to remove the rising foam.
  4. You should pierce the salted cabbage with a sharp wooden object to release excess gases. When fermentation is over (5-7 days), the dish will be ready.

With bell peppers, carrots and onions in a jar

An incredibly tasty and spicy salad that is a must make. It looks unusual on the table and attracts attention with its brightness. Recipes for white salted cabbage with vegetables are very simple, but the dishes they make are simply excellent. They give them a unique aroma. In winter, such a salad will be simply irreplaceable at any feast, especially a festive one.

Ingredients for 3 liter glass jar:

  • cabbage - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 600 g;
  • red bell pepper - 600 g;
  • onion - 600 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 50 ml vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

  1. Remove the top layers from the fork, chop, salt, squeeze until the juice comes out. Three carrots, cut the onion into rings, and the bell pepper into thin strips. Mix everything in a large container, season with vegetable oil and sugar.
  2. Dissolve vinegar and a little water and add to vegetables.
  3. After sterilization, put the salad in a jar and compact it. We put a nylon lid on top and put it in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe with horseradish and garlic pieces

This pickle has an unusual and slightly spicy taste. It is valued for its simplicity, speed of preparation, and originality of salting. And adding ginger root to the recipe adds a touch of piquancy. The special ingredients in the composition make the canned dish durable, and also help strengthen the immune system and help in the prevention of colds.


  • cabbage - 6 kg;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • 145 g salt;
  • 50-70 g sugar;
  • 1.5 heads of garlic;
  • horseradish root - 0.2 kg;
  • ginger root - 0.15 kg.

  1. Cut the cabbage into pieces. Grate the carrots, ginger and horseradish, and crush the garlic.
  2. Place the ingredients in a large container and mix thoroughly until the juice comes out.
  3. Place the vegetable mixture at the bottom of the bucket and apply pressure.
  4. Fermentation lasts three days, during which it is necessary to regularly release gases from the salting.

With honey and lemon

Recipes for salted cabbage with lemon and honey are very popular now. The dish turns out very tasty and aromatic, and honey gives it a special tenderness. The amount of lemon indicated in the recipe can be changed at your discretion, adding more or less acid. It is advisable to take liquid honey. The water for the recipe must be boiled; some people even add spring water.


  • cabbage;
  • large carrots;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l honey;
  • medium lemon

  1. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the lemon into small pieces. Combine all ingredients in an enamel bowl and squeeze well.
  2. In a separate container, dilute salted water with honey and boil.
  3. Divide the vegetable mixture into jars, compact them, pour in the marinade, close with nylon lids and leave in the dark for 24 hours.

In Armenian

The dish according to this recipe is not only salty, but also spicy. It will be an excellent addition to meat and barbecue. Recipes for aromatic salted cabbage in Armenian require special ingredients, but now it’s not difficult to get them. Their quantity can be changed according to personal preferences, for example, some are prepared without garlic or cinnamon.


  • 2.5 kg cabbage;
  • 50 g garlic;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 beet;
  • 100 g celery root;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • cherry leaves;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 150 g salt;
  • 10 pieces. peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick.

  1. First you need to prepare the starter. Boil water, add salt and all the spices, and cool.
  2. Cut the cabbage into portions, cut the remaining vegetables into slices. Pepper is cut into rings, celery root into strips, and garlic into small cubes.
  3. Cover the bottom of the barrel or pan with cherry leaves, lay the cabbage tightly, sandwiching it with the vegetable mixture.
  4. Fill the dish with chilled brine and leave under pressure for two to three days at room temperature.

Korean Chinese cabbage recipe

This is a spicy, specific dish that will appeal to connoisseurs of the exotic. Based on it, another famous Korean dish is prepared - kimchi, which has long been loved not only in Korea, but also in other countries of the world. There are no difficulties in the manufacturing process. It is important to prepare the most important ingredient correctly, and seasonings will improve its taste.


  • Chinese cabbage – 3 kg;
  • red hot pepper;
  • garlic – 3 heads;
  • salt – 250 g.

  1. We lower the head of cabbage into the water, take it out and divide it into four parts. Dissolve and salt, leave for a day, and then rinse. For convenience, it is better to immediately cut them into small squares.
  2. Crush the garlic and mix with the same amount of pepper until a homogeneous paste is formed. You need to rub each piece with it.
  3. The dish is kept warm for a day and then put in the refrigerator.

Calorie content of salted cabbage

The advantage of quick salted cabbage is not only its amazing taste, but also its ability to benefit the body, because it is low in calories. Per 100 grams of product there are from 19 to 50 calories, depending on the ingredients added. An excellent option for those who are on a diet. There are a lot of vitamins A, C, B, iron, potassium. Eating soaked cabbage helps normalize intestinal function. Recommended for peptic ulcers and colds.

When to salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar 2019

You can make pickles in October on the dates 2 to 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 20 to 22, 30. The following November dates are also suitable for this: 1, 6 to 8, 11, 13, 15-16, 18, 20-21, 29. It is not recommended to cook during the full moon; it is better to do it during the growing month. Salted cabbage will release juice well and absorb the aromas of spices. Days when the moon is in Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces are not suitable for preservation. If you want to make a crispy dish, it is better to cook it on the fifth or sixth day of the new month.


Recipes for salted cabbage are varied, so we invite you to watch a video that demonstrates one of the easiest. Even a beginner can prepare a delicious dish using it. The material shows all the secrets of shredding cabbage for quick pickling, and explains many of the subtleties. This video is a must watch for anyone who wants to pickle cabbage.

One of the best ways to store cabbage is to pickle or pickle it. Despite the fact that some of its varieties are very resistant to low temperatures, it is not always possible to keep it fresh for the winter. This vegetable requires certain conditions: wooden boxes, plenty of free space, absence of rodents and other pests.

Even in ancient times, people tried to pickle and ferment vegetables. Pickling vegetables differs from pickling in that it allows you to store cabbage for a very long time. When fermenting, a small amount of salt is used, and therefore this method is considered healthier. Pickled vegetables have an exquisite taste and pleasant aroma.

Not every variety is equally suitable for pickling. White cabbage is most often used, as it is the most accessible, easy to prepare, gives a lot of juice and stores well. . The following varieties are considered the best:

Preparing cabbage

Before you begin, it is very important choose the right vegetables, and also prepare everything you need for pickling.

First, place the container in a warm place, then in a cool place. The air temperature in the room should be above zero. There are many ways to salt cabbage at home.

Cooking recipes

It is prepared in a warm room for 2 days, after which it is transferred to another container and placed in the refrigerator. For the recipe for pickling homemade cabbage, a very tasty one will need one or two heads of cabbage with a total weight of 6 kg. Next, proceed as follows:

This simple salting method is the most popular and is used by almost every housewife. If the vegetable is overcooked, it may sour and become soft. Many people are interested in how to salt cabbage quickly and tasty so that it is ready within a day. To do this, use hot brine or simply place the container in a warm place.

Pickling vegetables in large pieces

How to salt cabbage at home deliciously and in whole halves- it is not difficult. Large slices contain the maximum amount of nutrients, and also preserve the taste and aroma of vegetables. For the recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • One kilogram of carrots.
  • Fifty grams of salt and sugar each.
  • About two kilograms of cabbage.

Dissolve salt and sugar in a liter of boiling water. Coarsely chopped cabbage and carrots are placed in the prepared container and filled with brine. With this method of cooking, vegetables turn out crispy and juicy.

With cranberries and lingonberries

Cabbage is often salted with lingonberries and cranberries.. To prepare you will need:

  • Three small carrots.
  • Two hundred grams of salt.
  • Cranberries and lingonberries can be taken in any quantity.
  • Two heads of cabbage.
  • Sour apples 1 kg.

The prepared vegetables are combined with cranberries and lingonberries, salted and placed in a jar. Add pepper and bay leaf if desired. Vegetables are pressed down from above with oppression. The oppression is lifted daily, and the cabbage is pierced with long wooden knitting needles.

Fast way How to salt cabbage at home quickly and at the same time tasty. Usually, cabbage cooked in the evening is ready for use in the morning. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • You will need no more than 1 liter of water.
  • Head of cabbage weighing about 5 kg
  • One carrot.
  • Five pieces of bay leaf.
  • Sugar and salt 50 g each.

Cabbage is cut in any way, and carrots are grated on a coarse grater. A glass jar is most often used as a container. Vegetables are mixed and placed in a specially prepared container. One liter of water is poured into a pan and placed on the stove, and as soon as the water boils, add a tablespoon of sugar and salt. When they are completely dissolved, turn off the water. Place a bay leaf into the slightly cooled marinade and carefully pour it into a jar with prepared vegetables.

This is an old recipe for preparing cabbage, according to which it turns out extremely tasty and crispy. Unfortunately, in urban conditions cook cabbage in a barrel almost impossible. You will need an oak barrel, cabbage, carrots, canvas fabric, and some rye flour. A little flour is poured into the bottom of the barrel and vegetables are laid in layers: one layer of cabbage, a second layer of carrots, then again cabbage and carrots. Sprinkle each layer with coarse salt and allspice.

The vegetables are compacted well with your hands until the juice appears. Cabbage leaves are placed on top, covered with a cloth and oppression is placed.

Cabbage with garlic

This cabbage has a unique aroma.. For this recipe, the vegetables are not chopped, but cut into cubes. You will need the following ingredients:

  • One big carrot.
  • One liter of water.
  • 50 g sugar.
  • Three tablespoons of sunflower oil.
  • Head of cabbage, weighing 2 kg.
  • Three cloves of small garlic.
  • Two hundred milliliters of vinegar.

For the first two days, the vegetable mixture is stored at room temperature, and then it is placed in a cold place. The brine is prepared in advance. To do this, dissolve salt and sugar in hot water and add vinegar. Peeled vegetables are cut into cubes, and garlic into small slices. All products are placed in a container and filled with brine and sunflower oil.

They ferment it with cold brine.. This method of preparation takes longer, but the finished product is perfectly stored and does not grow moldy. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

The shelf life of the finished product depends on the air temperature in the room where it is kept. For example, it can be stored in the refrigerator for two months. Cabbage and carrots are chopped and placed in a container, filled with brine and placed under pressure. After 3 days, drain the juice, dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in it and pour it back.

This vegetable can be prepared in many ways and any ingredients can be added. But there are some rules, allowing you to prepare the product in the most delicious and healthy way:

As soon as the mixture increases in volume, brine begins to pour out of the container. It can be collected and as soon as the volume of the mixture decreases, add it back to the container.

Additional Additives

Apples, berries, plums, horseradish and beets are often added to salted cabbage. By adding them to cabbage, you can not only improve the taste of the finished product, but also enrich it with additional vitamins and microelements. The finished product takes on different shades. For example, plum gives a light red hue, and beet gives a ruby ​​hue. The following additives are commonly used:

There are many ways to prepare this healthy vegetable. Salted cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. By eating this vegetable, you can maintain and improve your health.

First recipe below- just such a valuable pickled option. For leisurely fermentation, it is actually quick-cooking. Crispy cabbage slices will be ready after 2-3 days of infusion in a jar at room temperature.

We have included a second sample in the article. Ultra-fast with hot marinade. It no longer has the benefit of natural fermentation because the marinade contains vinegar. It is a preservative and does not form “live bacteria” with it. But the savory vegetables are ready for sampling after 12 hours.

Choose an awesome snack according to your taste and goals and cook it often all winter long!

Quick navigation through the article:

Instant sauerkraut without vinegar

Super crispy recipe for everyone who loves tasty and healthy food. Sourdough in a marinade, which includes only salt and spices, they can be adjusted to taste. The finished cut is without oil, so it requires seasoning with something as useful as possible. For example, extra virgin olive oil. All .

With a short effort and a couple of days of patience, you will get a traditionally excellent ingredient for winter salads, sour soups and stews with meat.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for preparation + 2-3 days for fermentation. We test for readiness after 2 days of infusion in a warm place.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams is no more than 40 kcal.

We need:

  • Cabbage - 2.5-3 kg
  • Carrots - 3 pcs. and more medium sizes
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt (without additives) - 2 teaspoons
  • Spices - to taste
  • We have 6 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 1-2 hot peppers.

Important details:

  • You can add as many carrots as you like. We love it when there is a lot of it. This gives the brine a pleasant warm shade and adds sweetness to the cabbage.
  • Spices can also be adjusted to suit your needs. More hot pepper means more spiciness. And also cumin, cloves, ginger and even turmeric. This classic fermented recipe responds well to many experiments.
  • Our proportions of ingredients will give traditional and juicy salad without too much spice. Brine can also be enjoyable as a separate drink.

Let's prepare the vegetables.

Finely chop the cabbage. The Berner grater always helps us out. Many housewives love a special manual shredding knife (or manual shredder). You can buy it right now during the fermentation season at any market in the aisles with barrel pickling.

Chop the peeled carrots to taste. Don't forget that there is not only a coarse grater. In this recipe we use medium.

Combine the cabbage and carrot slices and mix, fluffing them up at the same time. Convenient to work with your hands.

We will have brine in water, and not fermentation in our own juice. Without grinding, the cabbage will be as crunchy, delicious, and textured as possible.

Place the mixed vegetables in the jar halfway and tamp lightly. Put spices on top. In our case, this is 1 bay leaf, 3 allspice peas and 1 small hot pepper. Place the remaining chopped vegetables on top of the spices in the jar and repeat the set of spices again.

You can add cloves or remove the pepper if you don’t like even a hint of spiciness. These experiments will remain within the boundaries of traditional tastes.

Let's prepare the marinade, pour in the vegetables and let them ferment under supervision.

Water at room temperature (!).

It is beneficial to prepare 1.5 liters of brine for a 3-liter jar. The proportion for 1 liter is 2 teaspoons of salt. You need pure salt without additives. Accordingly, for 1.5 liters of water - 3 teaspoons. We pour spoons without the top and try.

Our goal is a solution slightly saltier than the ideal soup. Usually 3 level teaspoons are enough if the salt is extra fine. But there are different brands of salt, and coarse grinding is not as salty.

Stir the salt in the water until completely dissolved and pour the cabbage into the jar, covering the slices. We take a fork and pierce the vegetables deeper allowing the brine to penetrate to the very bottom.

You can use a long wooden stick, making a nod to the principles of natural fermentation. Strict Zozhevists and fans of Ayurveda strongly recommend working with fermented products only with wood or ceramics.

If such restrictions seem like unnecessary hassle, look for a long, two-pronged fork for turning fried foods. She will allow go even deeper in a dense layer of vegetables.

  • Use any instrument to make simple movements: in depth and spread the cutting, bubbles came. And so on in several places in the vegetable mass.

Add brine almost to the top - 1 cm before the neck of the jar. Usually a few bubbles form at the top, like foam.

Place the jar in a bowl so that the inevitable foam from fermentation can drain out of the jar carefully. Place a fork nearby which will remind you of the need to pierce the slices from time to time. This will allow the air bubbles formed during pickling to be constantly released to the top.

We pierce vegetables 2-3 times a day.

Keep the jar at room temperature for 2 to 3 days.

If your house is warm, it will take less time until it's ready. If the conditions are sporty (+/- 20 degrees), then 3 days is the standard period. Next, put the vegetables in the refrigerator to stop fermentation, otherwise the cabbage will turn out too sour.

  • We advise you to try cutting at the end of 2.5 days and proceed according to your own preferences for readiness.

We get good sauerkraut and quite a lot of liquid that has flowed through the neck of the jar. As soon as the cabbage is ready, cover the container with a nylon lid and put it in the cold.

We once tried a version with honey.

On top of the cabbage, add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse salt and the same amount of honey. Fill with water at room temperature. Follow the recipe above. Try it after 2 days to see if it’s ready (i.e., is it time to put it in the refrigerator). Honey cabbage is also very tasty and is suitable for anyone who is not allergic to honey.

Marinate quick classic cabbage in 12 hours

This savory guest of our meals is called “Provençal”. It is not only quick to cook, but also looks very impressive. How useful it will be during the holidays! If you've been overdoing it on alcohol, a tasty pickle drink is a popular first aid remedy for the morning after New Year's Eve.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for preparation + 1 day for marinating. We test for readiness after 12-14 hours.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams - no more than 100 kcal.

The result of some simple work is a fully prepared salad, already seasoned with oil. It can be easily stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month, but can be eaten in a couple of sittings. So good!

We need:

  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g or to taste
  • Garlic - 4-5 large cloves or to taste
  • Red bell pepper - 2-3 pcs. medium size (can be frozen)

For hot marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt (rock, coarsely ground) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Vinegar, 9% - 80 ml
  • Little vegetable - 1 cup

Important details:

  • 1 glass - 250 ml
  • Among the spices, the best decoration for a marinade is cumin, 5-10 grams. You can also add allspice (6-7 peas) and cloves (1-2 pcs.).
  • Carrots and garlic can be adjusted to taste. A proportion that many people like: for 1 kg of cabbage - 1 medium carrot and 1 bell pepper.
  • Frozen sweet red peppers pickle just as well as fresh ones. If you have it, feel free to use it.
  • Convenient and safe cooking - in an enamel or stainless steel pan.

The preparation is simple and quick.

Shred the cabbage as thick as we like in salads. Knead with your hands in a spacious bowl, lightly, without fanaticism. Carrots - cut into strips using a knife or grater ala Berner. Or a democratic option: three on a coarse grater. Grind the garlic into thin slices. Cut the pepper into strips 0.5-0.8 cm thick or into cubes about 1 cm. Combine the vegetable cuts and mix well. Again, it is most convenient to work with your hands.

Prepare the marinade.

We start cooking when the vegetables are chopped and mixed. Heat 1 liter of water on the stove, add salt and sugar to it, pour in the oil and stir until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved. As soon as the liquid boils, pour in the vinegar, make a couple of movements with the spoon and turn off the heat. Be sure to cover with a lid to prevent the vinegar from evaporating.

Place ½ of the vegetable mixture in the selected container and compact tightly. Fill in half the hot marinade. Add the second half of the vegetables and add the rest of the marinade again. Place a plate and a weight on top (a 1-2 liter jar of water).

Leave to marinate for 8 hours.

When the vegetables have cooled down, put in the refrigerator for another 16 hours. After 12 hours of infusion you can try.

TOP 2 secrets for successful fermentation

Which cabbage varieties are best to choose?

Dense and flattened on both sides, maximum white heads of large size (from 3 kg 1 piece). These varieties are crunchy and do not lose their shape even when thinly sliced.

Young cabbage and too old cabbage ferment poorly. Varieties with a spherical head of cabbage become untidy and often lose their crunch.

How to cook new and refreshing dishes?

In addition to their vibrant participation in meat stews, borscht or solyanka, both spicy cabbages can easily make friends with available colleagues in salads without heating.
