How long to soak and cook dried mushrooms. Dried porcini mushroom soup recipes. How to quickly cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are a very interesting product, with a specific taste and aroma. Before cooking, they must be soaked (1-3 hours), which is also taken into account in the cooking time. Mushrooms cook for approximately the same amount of time; white mushrooms cook a little faster.

Benefits and calorie content of dried mushrooms

The energy value of 100 g of dried mushrooms is:

  • proteins – 23.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 32 grams;
  • fats – 6.5 grams;
  • calorie content – ​​260-280 kcal.

During the drying process, mushrooms practically do not lose their biological properties, but greatly decrease in size, which makes them easier to store in winter. In terms of nutritional value, pickled and salted products are significantly inferior to dried ones, because in this form a larger amount of easily digestible protein is retained.

Dried mushrooms contain vitamins of different groups (A, C, E, PP). And the vitamin B1 content in this product is superior to many vegetables and grains. Mushrooms also contain a large number of microelements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, zinc, manganese, calcium. Beta-glucose, melanin, and organic acids contained in this product play an important role for the body.

Consumption of dried mushrooms has great benefits for the human body: it helps strengthen the immune system, is a preventive measure for a number of diseases, prevents the development of cancer, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, helps remove cholesterol from the body, which helps improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, nails and hair.

How to properly cook dried mushrooms?

Not all mushrooms are suitable for drying; some types give off a bitter taste. The most common are porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms. Also often dried are fly mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons, morels, chanterelles and others.

Take dried mushrooms and rinse them under running cold water. Then soak for 1-3 hours; porcini mushrooms need one hour. You can cook wild mushrooms in the same water in which they were stored, then the broth will be richer.

Select a container for cooking. Fill with water and add mushrooms. Bring the liquid to a boil. As soon as it starts to bubble, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. Then add salt to taste and bay leaf. Cook for 30-35 minutes over low heat. Porcini mushrooms need 20-25 minutes to fully cook.

Dried mushrooms can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes from soups to pies.

How long to cook dried mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms are usually used to cook mushroom soup, since it is from dried forest mushrooms that a tasty, rich and aromatic broth is obtained. The cooking time for dry mushrooms depends on their type (some cook faster, others longer):

  • How long should you soak dried mushrooms before cooking? Typically, dried mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water (sometimes in milk) or left overnight the day before cooking.
  • How long to cook dried mushrooms for soup? Depending on the type, dried mushrooms are boiled for 30 to 90 minutes until cooked (when they sink to the bottom of the pan, they are cooked).

Note: if for some reason you do not have time to soak dried mushrooms before cooking, you can immediately place them in a saucepan and cook for 10-15 minutes after the water boils, then drain all the water and continue cooking them further according to the recipe.

Having learned how long to cook dried mushrooms, we will now consider the main secrets of cooking them in a saucepan.

How to cook dried mushrooms?

To properly boil dried mushrooms for preparing your favorite dishes that contain them, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

  • We measure out the required amount of dry mushrooms, put them in a deep container and fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers them and its level is 2-3 cm above the mushrooms. Let the mushrooms steep in water for 2-3 hours (you can leave them overnight).

  • After soaking, transfer the mushrooms into a saucepan and fill with water (if it is not cloudy and dirty, you can use the water in which they were soaked, since the broth will be richer after this).
  • Over high heat, bring the water in the pan to a boil, then remove the foam that has formed on the surface of the water, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and cook the mushrooms for an average of 30 minutes until tender (the most popular forest mushrooms, such as porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, Russula, honey mushrooms have such a cooking time).
  • When the mushrooms are cooked, they can be immediately used for making soup, frying, or making pie fillings, etc.

Note: if dried mushrooms are purchased and you are not sure of their quality and purity, then it is better to rinse them with running cold water before cooking, placing them in a colander to wash away dust and possible small debris from them, and when cooking the soup, you can drain the first water after boiling and cook the broth in new water.

How to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms?

Cooking soup from dried mushrooms is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. Let's look at how to cook dried mushroom soup step by step:

  • First of all, prepare all the necessary ingredients for making mushroom soup: dried mushrooms (30-50 grams, which is equivalent to 300 grams of fresh ones), potatoes (2-3 pieces), carrots (1 medium), 1 onion, salt, pepper, herbs (parsley ).

  • First of all, soak the dried mushrooms, then cook in a saucepan for an average of 30 minutes until tender.
  • We take out the cooked mushrooms and additionally cut them into small pieces (if they become large after cooking).
  • In a heated frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion until golden brown, add the grated carrots and after a few minutes chopped boiled mushrooms, after which everything is fried together for an average of 5-7 minutes.
  • Place the roast in a pan of boiling water, add salt to taste, then add the potatoes cut into pieces and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Leave the pan with the cooked mushroom soup off the heat and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before serving.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to prepare dried mushrooms (how to boil them), you can easily cook delicious and aromatic mushroom soup or boil wild mushrooms dried for the winter to prepare your favorite dishes. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how and how long to cook dried mushrooms in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Why cook mushrooms

There are several types of heat treatment of harvested forest crops. Cooking is one of the simplest and most common methods. Why is it needed?

Firstly, mushrooms contain alkaloids that are hazardous to health. These are toxic compounds that should definitely be disposed of. Some types of mushrooms, for example, contain gilvelic acid. This is a powerful poison that has a destructive effect on the liver and kidneys and leads to death in 30% of cases. The poison is contained by strings - mushrooms very similar to morels. When cooked, it turns into liquid, so suspicious mushrooms are boiled in two waters, the first one must be drained, and the mushrooms are washed after it.

It is no coincidence that mushrooms are compared to a sponge. They instantly absorb all dirty and harmful substances from the environment, including radiation. Boiling helps reduce its level, and with a single boiling for ten minutes, the radiation level is reduced by 80 percent, and with a double boiling - by 97 percent.

In addition, some types of mushrooms that do not pass the boiling water test may taste bitter. Therefore, you need to cook not only dangerous strings (which, in fairness, rarely end up in a mushroom picker’s basket), but also everyone’s favorite chanterelles, russula, milk mushrooms and even store-bought champignons.

How to cook mushrooms depends on their type. However, it is important to understand that during cooking, some of the nutrients and vitamins will go into the broth. Therefore, you need to pour a little water into the pan so that it only slightly covers the mushrooms.

How to prepare mushrooms for cooking

Before you put the mushrooms in the pan, you need to prepare them: sort, clean, cut off all questionable places (brown spots, damage, parts infested with worms or slugs). This must be done on the same day that the forest gifts were collected. If the mushrooms are old, you need to remove the bottom part of the cap.

If cooking is scheduled for another day, then the product should be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, the mushrooms are not washed, only the adhering leaves, grains of sand and grass are cleaned off with a knife. Before boiling, the mushrooms can be rinsed with cold water, but quickly so that they do not have time to soak in water.

How long to cook fresh mushrooms

Mushrooms are cooked for several purposes: to freeze for the winter, prepare for pickling, or process before frying. Cooking time will depend on the type of mushroom. Readiness can be determined by external signs: boiled mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the pan if you lift it over the burner. Still, it is best to follow the cooking time recommendations. How long to cook mushrooms? Experienced chefs recommend the following order:

The champignons are cooked purely symbolically - for five minutes;

Fifteen minutes are enough for oyster mushrooms to be ready; large nests can be boiled for five minutes longer;

Chanterelles and boletuses should spend 20 minutes in boiling water (the film is first removed from the boletus caps);

Russula, despite the name, should be cooked for half an hour;

Before boiling, porcini mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, the film removed from the cap, rinsed, and then cooked for 40 minutes;

Boletus mushrooms are processed in the same way as porcini mushrooms, but boiled for 45-50 minutes;

Honey mushrooms are placed in water, brought to a boil, after which the first decoction is drained and filled with a new portion of water. Secondary cooking time - 50-60 minutes;

Dense milk mushrooms are pre-soaked in cold water for an hour (add two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), then boiled for 15 minutes.

Cooking mushrooms is very simple. You need to put it in a saucepan, add a small amount of water, add salt and, after boiling, keep it in boiling water from five minutes to one hour, depending on the type. If mushrooms are processed for further frying, they need to be cooked for 10-20 minutes less than indicated in the basic recommendation. Then remove from the water, chop or grind in a meat grinder and use according to the main recipe.

A very tasty winter preparation will be made from boiled fresh mushrooms prepared according to the following recipe.

Two kilograms of fresh mushrooms;

One and a half liters of water;

A spoonful of salt (the amount of salt can be varied to suit your taste);

Two black currant leaves;

Ten black peppercorns.

First, you need to sort the mushrooms, clean off the forest dirt, and rinse them in small portions in a colander.

In a large bowl or saucepan, soak the entire amount of mushroom “meat” and add a portion of fresh cold water.

Place a small pressure in the form of a plate of suitable diameter so that all the mushrooms are under water.

After an hour and a half, rinse the soaked mushrooms again, chop the large ones, and leave the small ones whole.

Pour one and a half liters of water over the mushrooms and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, add pepper and salt, currant leaves and garlic.

Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and cool.

For winter freezing, place the cooled mushrooms in bags in small portions of about half a kilogram (exactly as much as you need for mushroom soup, frying with potatoes, making a pie, etc.) and place in the freezer. It is important that there is as little air as possible left in the bag of mushrooms.

Mushrooms frozen this way can be stored for one year.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are a real winter delicacy. From them you can prepare many delicious, aromatic, amazingly tasty first and second courses, baked goods, snacks and salads. However, to restore the original properties of the mushroom, it is important to know how long to cook the mushrooms after drying.

Improperly prepared dried mushrooms lose both taste and pleasant texture and become too tough.

First of all, they should be soaked in fresh cold water. Four hours of soaking will be enough to restore the elasticity and volume of the mushroom slices. You don’t have to drain the water after soaking, because the mushrooms give it their amazing aroma and taste. Of course, you need to focus on results. If the mushrooms were prepared incorrectly, the water will become dirty, cloudy, clogged with leaves, pine needles, and sand. You shouldn’t cook mushroom “meat” in this. As a rule, porcini mushrooms are dried.

However, you can dry boletus, boletus, morels, moss mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, etc. How long should you cook dried mushrooms after soaking? At least half an hour. You can check readiness by whether the mushrooms fall to the bottom of the pan after rising above the surface of the stove. Depending on the degree of drying, it may take longer to cook the mushroom slices.

To prepare a delicious decoction based on porcini mushrooms, you can use the following recipe.

One and a half liters of water;

Three hundred grams of dried porcini mushroom slices;

Peppercorns (optional).

Pour boiling water over the mushrooms so that all the slices are under water. You can press them down on top with a plate or lid.

After three to four hours, pour the swollen mushrooms into a pan of boiling water for the broth.

Throw in the bay leaf, pepper, and add salt to the broth to taste.

How long to cook dried mushrooms depends on the size of the slices and the degree of drying. If the mushrooms are coarsely dried, the cooking time should be 35-40 minutes. Thin slices will cook faster, literally in half an hour.

After the mushrooms are ready, they can be cut into smaller pieces and placed in a frying pan in heated oil. Cook mushroom soup using the broth.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms

The fact is that it is not possible to remove all the moisture from mushrooms before freezing: a small amount of ice will certainly form on them. You can’t throw mushrooms in this state into the pan, they will ruin the whole thing. Therefore, the mushrooms need to be defrosted first. You can do this in several ways:

Microwave for a couple of minutes;

Leave in a colander at room temperature and wait for natural thawing.

After the mushrooms have thawed, they must be washed in running water. Then everything is simple: add water to the mushrooms and put them on the fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer, covering with a lid. Be sure to stir from time to time and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms? For complete readiness, 20-30 minutes will be enough. The champignons will be ready in 15 minutes.

How to use boiled mushrooms and mushroom broth

Fresh, dried and frozen boiled mushrooms rarely become a separate dish. Usually they are boiled for pickling, pickling, freezing (if the mushrooms are fresh). In addition, dried and frozen mushrooms are boiled to make soup, mushroom salad, filling in pies or pancakes, julienne, fried potatoes.

After cooking the mushrooms, the broth should not be poured out. This is a valuable food product, on the basis of which you can cook a light, aromatic soup or prepare a wonderful sauce for a meat or poultry dish.

The broth can be frozen in a plastic container or bottle. This is very convenient, because you can prepare soup or sauce with fresh mushroom broth at any time.

Before using forest products in a dish, it is necessary to pre-heat them. This should be done to improve the taste, remove toxins and harmful substances that can accumulate in boletus, aspen mushrooms, milk mushrooms and other species. Find out how to cook mushrooms correctly and for how long.

How long to cook mushrooms

The variety of species is so great that each representative requires an individual approach for preparation. Experienced people know exactly how long to cook mushrooms, but housewives who have not encountered this type of fishing find it difficult to complete the task. All types have their own cooking time, so to create a delicious soup you should know exactly the cooking hours. Thermal treatment methods are influenced by the condition of the product, which can be either recently picked, frozen or dried.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

The gifts of nature in this form are the most fastidious. If they are not processed correctly, they will be tough even after cooking, so be sure to find out how long to cook the mushrooms. First, they should be soaked for 3.5-4 hours, filled with ice water, and then sent to the pan. You shouldn’t throw out the water after soaking, because the rich aroma will go away with it; it’s better to cook food with this broth. For any dish, it is advisable to cook dried mushrooms after soaking for about 2 hours. We can consider that the gifts of the forest are ready when they settle to the bottom of the container where they were boiled.

How long to cook fresh mushrooms

When the mycelium ripens, the autumn harvest period begins. Artificially grown champignons and oyster mushrooms are available in markets and stores all year round. There is a general rule that indicates that fresh mushrooms should be cooked for no more than 20 minutes. However, each type requires slight timing adjustments. If you do not want the food to darken, then before cooking the mushrooms, they should be washed in lemon juice or vinegar. How many minutes to cook mushrooms? It is enough to boil the champignons for 5-10 minutes, and the white ones need to be brought to readiness for at least half an hour.

After the mushrooms are ready, they can be cut into smaller pieces and placed in a frying pan in heated oil. Cook mushroom soup using the broth.

Frozen forest gifts are good because they will always be at hand: they are often sold in stores or caring housewives stock them up during the summer-autumn harvesting period. When frozen, water remains, which should not get into the pan, so the food should be defrosted naturally or in the microwave, then rinsed. Frozen mushrooms should be cooked for about 20-30 minutes, and thrown exclusively into cold water, while they should boil exclusively over low heat. Foam will appear during the process, but it must be removed.

How to cook mushrooms correctly

Many people like the taste of the gifts of the forest, but in order to make a rich soup, puree, minced meat for pies or an appetizing second course, you should take into account the rules for preparing mushrooms. Almost every type of them can be cooked, which is a simple and effective method of heat treatment. Thanks to this process, all the contaminants that the forest’s gifts absorbed during the growth process, toxic substances, are removed, and bitterness is neutralized. How to cook mushrooms? During heat treatment, some of the nutrients are lost with water, so it is better to pour very little liquid.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms

Representatives of this species are among the most nutritious and delicious gifts of nature, but they must be boiled before frying or baking. Many housewives are interested in how long to cook porcini mushrooms for soup? The average heat treatment time is at least 20-25 minutes. If you are planning to prepare a product for the first course, it is better to let it boil for about half an hour, and then combine it with other ingredients. Representatives of this species should not be overcooked, because they will taste rubbery, and during the process you need to periodically remove the foam.

How long to cook honey mushrooms before frying

Honey mushroom occupies a leading position for rolling and marinating, but this type can also be fried with onions in sour cream - the dish is also very tasty. However, before frying, this type should be boiled for the required amount of time. How long to cook honey mushrooms until done? The process occurs in a couple of stages: first, they are boiled in water for about twenty minutes, then the water is drained and boiled again. At the second stage, add honey mushrooms, onions, bay leaves, peppercorns, and leave on the stove for another 20 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of honey mushrooms: small ones cook faster, and large ones take longer.

How long to cook the champignons until tender?

Some eat champignons even raw, but many housewives still prefer to boil them. Thanks to this, they become more juicy, tender, and richer in taste. Small champignons can be boiled whole, but large ones can be cut into several pieces. Food should be placed in boiling water, but before that it must be salted and seasoned. How long does it take to cook champignons? It all depends on what dish you add them to: if you want to put them in a salad or fry them, then you need to boil them for about 10 minutes, for soup it will take 20 minutes.

How long to cook butter

Butter is a special type that is characterized by a high moisture content. When fresh, they do not require pre-soaking, as they will become even more slimy. It is better to first place the gifts of nature on a wire rack and dry them a little: this process will take no more than 30 minutes. After drying, you need to rinse the butter and add salted water, then send it to cook. How long should you cook butter before frying? The process will take about half an hour. When the heat treatment has come to an end, the main product will need to be strained through a colander.

How long should you cook chanterelles?

Chanterelles are much easier to prepare than some forest varieties. First of all, they should be washed and then placed in a pan with clean, cool water. Bring to a boil over heat, skim off the foam and turn down the flame. Chanterelles do not require long cooking to avoid loss of all nutrients, so they need to be cooked over low heat for 25-30 minutes until cooked. When the gifts of the forest are ready, you need to drain all the water from the pan and be sure to cut them. After this, you can stew, fry the chanterelles or put them in salads, and you already know how long to cook the chanterelles before frying.

How to cook oyster mushrooms

If oyster mushrooms are intended for frying, then they do not need pre-boiling. However, some housewives believe that oyster mushrooms need to be boiled for 5-10 minutes before frying. This variety is often used for soups, because they can be added fresh or after sautéing along with onions and carrots. In the soup, the gifts of nature are cooked together with potatoes so that they are suitable for consumption. Oyster mushrooms are the type that will taste delicious even after boiling for five minutes. Unpretentious oyster mushrooms are good because their heat treatment takes a minimum of time.

How to cook mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms

Foods that have been frozen make excellent soups, even in a slow cooker. However, the first dish can only turn out tasty if it is cooked correctly. Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms must be started by defrosting the main ingredient. When the products are prepared, they are washed and placed in a pan, filled with cold water. Boil for 20 to 30 minutes, and then add other ingredients. After cooking, you can drain the water or cook soup in it. How long to cook mushrooms with other vegetables? 15 minutes until fully cooked.

How to cook dried mushroom soup

With proper preparation, dried gifts of nature in soup can reveal the best taste qualities. Before direct heat treatment, the morel, butterdish, and polish should be soaked. Some species need 30 minutes, while others need at least 1-1.5 hours. When each one opens, you should put them in a container, fill them with cold water and put them on fire. You need to boil dry forest products for at least 35-40 minutes. There is no need to pour out the broth - mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms will be cooked in it. This soup with the addition of other ingredients can be prepared in 15 minutes.

How long to cook mushrooms before frying

Many people like the fruits of the forest best when fried. If you are a big fan of them, then you better familiarize yourself with how and how long to cook mushrooms before frying. Thus, champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus and other forest gifts need to be heat treated for different amounts of time:

  1. The champignons need to be poured with cold water, put on fire and allowed to boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Oyster mushrooms will be ready in 5-10 minutes, but there is an opinion that they do not need heat treatment at all.
  3. As for how to boil mushrooms from the forest, the bulk of them will be ready only after 40-60 minutes. Don't forget to rinse each honey mushroom, butterfly, boletus or chanterelle in lemon juice so that they do not darken.

Video: How to cook mushrooms for freezing

Advice: Do not pour out the infusion that formed when soaking the mushrooms. It will be an excellent addition to the dish if you add it to the broth, and will enhance the flavor even more. The only thing is that before adding to the soup, thoroughly strain it to remove any possible forest debris or sand.

Soup recipe with grated dried mushrooms

The soup is interesting in its preparation method, because it contains the most chopped mushrooms. Also, this cooking method does not require long infusion of dried mushrooms, which is why it can be prepared very quickly. In some ways it may resemble the consistency of cream soup.

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Number of servings: 11

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​67.3 kcal;
  • proteins – 6.6 g;
  • fats – 2.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.1 g


  • dried boletus – 200 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • celery (root) – 300 g;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • dill greens - to taste;
  • parsley - to taste.

Advice: if you don’t have dried aspen boletuses in your arsenal, then you can easily replace them with other wild mushrooms. For example, saffron milk caps are good.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs for 12 minutes from the moment the liquid boils, then place in ice water. This way you will prevent subsequent boiling of the eggs due to their own high temperature and will greatly facilitate the process of cleaning them. Remove the shell.
  2. Grate the carrots and celery using a coarse grater and fry in a small amount of refined oil, adding finely chopped onion.
  3. Boil the required amount of liquid in a saucepan and add the prepared vegetable frying. Boil for about 10 minutes.
  4. In the bowl of a blender (you can use a regular coffee grinder), grind the boletus to a powder.
  5. Add the mushroom powder into the bowl in small portions, stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  6. Add spices and cook for no more than ¼ hour.
  7. Remove the soup from the stove and let it brew for a while.
  8. Garnish the serving on plates with half boiled eggs, citrus slices and herbs.

Recipe for soup with dried mushrooms and vermicelli

This aromatic and simple soup will perfectly diversify your daily diet.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Number of servings: 10

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​105.4 kcal;
  • proteins – 3.9 g;
  • fats – 4.7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 11.9 g.


  • dried champignons – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • vermicelli – 4 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Advice: For those who are against pasta soups, there is a great alternative - rice. But before you add the cereal to the soup, you need to carefully sort it out and rinse it several times.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Soak the mushrooms as much as time allows. The longer the better.
  2. When the mushrooms are soft enough, remove them from the liquid using a slotted spoon, rinse, and chop finely.
  3. Strain the mushroom broth through several layers of gauze, pour into a saucepan and add plain water. Boil it.
  4. Add peeled and finely chopped potatoes, lightly salt.
  5. On a nearby burner in a frying pan, melt the butter and fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots in it. Simmer for 3 minutes and then add the mushrooms.
  6. Place the roast in a bowl of soup. Cook until the potatoes are almost completely softened, remembering to add salt and season. Add vermicelli.
  7. After a few minutes, throw in the greens, cover with a lid and let it brew, removing from heat.

How long should mushrooms be soaked?

It’s best if you have the opportunity to soak the mushrooms 10 hours before, for example, in the evening. This will allow them to be well saturated with moisture and become softer. We should not forget about water - there should be as much of it as possible.

It is best to pour out the water in which the product was soaked, but this applies to those cases when you purchased dried mushrooms at the market, and did not prepare them yourself, and are not sure of the quality. Otherwise, the dish may be bitter.

To give a milder taste, you can soak mushrooms in milk, however, you won’t be able to add this “decoction” to the dish.

How to properly cook dried mushrooms

There is nothing difficult in cooking dried mushrooms, especially if they have been previously prepared. On average, 50 grams of the product should be boiled for about 30 minutes. If you haven’t had the opportunity to soak the mushrooms before this time, the heat treatment process will take about twice as long.

Many cooks advise draining the first broth during cooking in order to definitely get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste. According to professionals, this will not affect the taste at all, because dried mushrooms have a rather aggressive aroma, which gives an excellent broth even in the second water.

Making soup with dried mushrooms and cream

If you decide to make a healthy mushroom soup, but want to dilute its rich taste with something delicate, then just add cream. They can be used at several stages of cooking.

The first is to add a generous portion of a dairy product (preferably a higher-fat one) at the stage of preparing the vegetable frying. However, this method is more suitable for pureed soups. It is important not to overheat the cream, otherwise it will simply curdle. You should transfer such a fry into a pan only when all the ingredients in it are ready.

The second way is to pour in the cream at the end of cooking, after heating it in a separate saucepan, but without bringing it to a boil.

Well, it’s very good to complement such a creamy soup with a small amount of grated hard or processed cheese.

No matter how you prepare mushroom soup, even a biased taster can appreciate it. After all, this tart taste and bright aroma conquers the first time! Bon appetit!

We cook mushrooms: for soup, for frying, for preparations. Cooking mushrooms is delicious.

Mushrooms, what could be tastier? Just not the ones bought in supermarkets. Their preparation process is not clear, but their taste and aroma are barely perceptible. We have collected the best homemade preparations with simple step-by-step recipes. But that's not all. We will talk about what to do with mushrooms after assembly, how to store them, and how to use them in seasonal dishes.

Pour onto a flat surface; in good lighting at home, damaged and wormy ones will be easier to see. Discard leaves, needles, and peat with them. Fill with water, preferably small portions in a colander, and shower, then rinse each mushroom separately under running water.

A careful procedure is mandatory for all mushrooms, since preparing food or preparation with soil or foliage is not very tempting.

The next step is to peel the mushroom and rinse again under running water. Then you can cook according to the recipe.

How long to cook mushrooms for soup?

Depending on what concentration you plan for the soup to be. Cook the soup with mushrooms for an average of 30 minutes (cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes, add the potatoes and cook until tender).

Cook the puree soup with mushrooms for about an hour and beat with a blender.

It is optimal to cook mushroom soup with dry mushrooms for one and a half hours.

Do you want the soup to be rich and flavorful?? So that a delicious aroma floats throughout the entire neighborhood? Eat a few secrets:

  • Add dry garlic, fresh celery, parsley root, tarragon or hops-suneli to taste to the soup
  • Replace sunflower oil with butter, especially in puree soups
  • If the recipe allows it, add cheese, hard or processed.
  • For a velvety feel, add low-fat cream (if it’s heavy, don’t add butter)
  • You love soups, but you know that potatoes are harmful. It is optimal to put turnips in mushroom soup; the taste will surprise and delight you

Video: Oyster mushroom soup

How long should you cook mushrooms before frying?

In order for the mushroom not to turn black during the frying process, but to be crispy and juicy, it must be boiled. Also, during cooking, mushrooms release toxins into the water.

We recommend pouring cold water over the mushrooms and boiling over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Next, drain the water, fill it again with cold water and repeat the procedure. If you are completely confident in your mushrooms, cook the mushrooms in one water for 10 minutes.

Before cooking, chop the mushrooms, since after cooking it will not be possible to do this carefully.

Do you want to make the aroma and taste brighter? Salt the poda and add a couple of allspice peas. Planning on a stew? Place an umbrella of dill into the boil.

Video: How long to cook Fresh Mushrooms?

How long should you cook mushrooms before freezing?

Freezing mushrooms has become more rational than rolling them. No, pickled and salted mushrooms have been and will be desirable, but for winter frying, soups and purees, it won’t hurt to prepare delicious mushrooms.

We clean and cut as we will cook it later. I recommend thinking ahead and cutting it this way:

  • In four parts
  • In slices, set the stems aside separately and chop only the caps
  • Chop into cubes for soup (the legs will go here)
  • If you plan to stuff the caps in winter, separate them from the stems, gently boil them, cool them, place them on a leaf and put them in the freezer. After freezing, you can add them together, but make sure that each cap is frozen separately.

Throw the mushrooms into boiling water so that the mushrooms are covered with water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling and drain in a colander. Place on a paper towel, dry and then put in the freezer.

Video: Cook mushrooms for freezing

At a time when our mothers did not have freezers large enough to freeze goodies for the whole family, our mothers and grandmothers dried mushrooms. This is less common these days, but still worth a try. After all, the taste qualities of frozen and dried are completely different!

So, we took dried mushrooms, poured cold water with a drop of salt and let them recover. Another option for restoring mushrooms is soaking them in milk. Let it sit for 30 minutes, but if we see that it’s not enough (they haven’t acquired their original shape), let it sit for up to an hour.

Cook for 20 to 30 minutes. If the mushrooms are hard, you can cook for up to an hour. In a slow cooker, cook the mushrooms on the “Stew” mode for 1.5 hours.

Video: How to soak dry mushrooms for mushroom soup?

How long to cook mushrooms for pickling?

Marinated mushrooms - what could be tastier on the holiday table? Please note that not all mushrooms are pickled, as some of them lose or change their taste.

Do you want to surprise everyone with pickled delicacies? Prepare boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, and russula mushrooms. For those who love pickled delicacies, but do not trust forest harvests due to the mass of poisonings that regularly appear on the news, we can recommend stocking up on mushrooms from farms, especially champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are common in our country.

Cooking for marinating requires 45 minutes, this time is enough for the mushrooms to be fully cooked and bring only pleasure in winter!

Video: MARINATED MUSHROOMS - an easy-to-prepare recipe

How long to cook champignon mushrooms?

Champignons are probably the most popular mushrooms in our area. They are tender, soft and fragrant. Young housewives often have a question: how long to cook them? Is it really as long as their forest counterparts? No. For the soup, fresh mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, but only for a rich, rich broth. In general, they cook much faster.

So, let's cook the champignons:

  • For salads, cook fresh mushrooms for 5 minutes after boiling water.
  • Cook in a double boiler for 10 minutes
  • In a multicooker, put without water (if it is not soup) in the “Stewing” mode, cook the mushrooms for 20 minutes
  • Frozen champignons must be thawed (pour boiling water over them, let them sit until they become completely soft, and drain the water)
  • Mushrooms can be sculpted in a pressure cooker very quickly - only 5 minutes

How to cook champignons?

  • Usually they are much cleaner than forest mushrooms, therefore, without soaking, just rinse under running water, scraping off dirty places with a knife
  • Place in a saucepan, add salt (1 teaspoon per kg of mushrooms), pour boiling water and bring to a boil
  • Boil until tender (if in a pan, then minutes)

Video: How to cook champignons? How long to cook champignons?

How long to cook russula mushrooms?

In order for the russula to be tender and tasty when cooking, a different technology is used. Mushrooms are washed, peeled, chopped and filled with cold water. After boiling, wait 15 minutes, add salt and spices, cook for another 15 minutes. Be sure to drain the water; it is not suitable for broths.

If you are making soup, then after all the vegetables are almost ready, add the russula (pre-cooked and cook for another 10 minutes).

Russulas are not cooked for frying; they do not change their taste or color in the pan.

Video: Cooking mushrooms

How long to cook oyster mushrooms?

Oyster mushroom is tender and light, it belongs to dietary dishes. Cleaning is minimal - cut off the spine and rinse. Cook for up to 20 minutes after boiling. Pour boiling water over.

There is no need to boil oyster mushrooms for frying; they tolerate frying well, becoming tender on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Video: Oyster mushroom recipes

How long to cook boletus mushrooms?

Fresh boletus - its aroma and taste will not leave even gourmets indifferent. They are cleaned, washed, poured with cold water so that they are completely covered and put on fire. After boiling, cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

Using the new technique, you can also cook them in a slow cooker on the “baking” mode for 30 minutes. In a pressure cooker - 15 minutes.

If you plan to fry, cook for 20 minutes.

Video: Pickled mushrooms - boletus mushrooms for the winter

How long to cook porcini mushrooms correctly?

Porcini mushrooms are the kings of the mushroom world. At least on our tables. Clean, wash and pour boiling water, be sure to add a spoonful of salt to the pan.

After boiling, cook for 30-40 minutes over low heat, constantly skimming off the white foam.

Be sure to soak dried porcini mushrooms in milk or cream for 20 minutes before cooking.

Video: Frying porcini mushrooms correctly

How to cook pig mushrooms?

Svinushki are incredibly tasty, but they need to be cooked carefully and for a long time. We recommend cleaning, rinsing and soaking in water for 5 hours, then draining the water and refilling for an hour, a total of 3 soakings.

Boil: add boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, drain, add new boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. And change the water again and cook for 35-40 minutes.

Important? The pig mushroom is classified as poisonous, and this is what causes a lot of cooking! If you are not sure, it is better not to add this mushroom to your food, the most important thing is the health of you and your family!

Video: Marinating Svinushki mushrooms

Honey mushrooms: how to cook, how many minutes to cook?

We thoroughly wash the mushrooms, clean off all the dirt carefully in bright light. Wash, pour boiling water, add salt and cook until foam forms. Drain, add boiling water again and cook for 25-30 minutes.

The multicooker has a “steaming” mode for 25 minutes.

To fry, boil honey mushrooms in one water for 20 minutes.

Frozen honey mushrooms: defrost (you can microwave them or pour boiling water over them and wait until they melt), rinse under running water and cook for minutes. If for salads, you can cook without defrosting for 20 minutes.

Video: We fry honey mushrooms deliciously

How to cook boletus mushrooms before frying?

Fried potatoes with butter - delicious. The question often arises of how to cook them deliciously, because there are a lot of difficulties with them.

We clean the cap, removing the top layer, and also clean the legs from dirt. Wash, add hot water and cook for 10 minutes. Wash, dry and place in a frying pan, preferably with onions.

Video: How to cook boletus mushrooms. How to cook mushrooms in a frying pan?

How long to cook wood mushrooms?

Overseas delicacies or Chinese mushrooms come to our kitchens exclusively dried. They are soaked in plenty of water for 1 hour, after which they are washed and boiled for 15 minutes.

Video: How to cook black Chinese tree mushroom?

How long to cook shiitake mushrooms?

Hearty shiitakes are probably the easiest to prepare. Wash, chop and cook in pre-boiled water for 3-4 minutes. For 1 kg of mushrooms, just a glass of boiling water is enough.

Video: How to cook shiitake? Shiitaki mushroom recipe

How to cook morel mushrooms?

Morels are specific in cooking; it is important to follow the recipe and get a masterpiece for real gourmets. Clean, cycle as needed, fill with ice water (you can even put ice cubes) and soak for an hour. Drain the water, add boiling water and cook for 25 minutes.

For steamers and multicookers, time is up to 30 minutes. In a pressure cooker for 10 minutes.

Video: Cooking morel mushrooms

How long should you cook blueleg mushrooms before frying?

Boiling mushrooms before frying has two purposes: to remove toxins, if any, and to soften the structure of the mushroom. Bluelegs are excellent fried without cooking, but skeptics can cook for 10 minutes to get rid of toxins and doubts about their existence in bluelegs.

Video: How to pickle blueleg mushrooms?

Video: How to cook mushrooms in a slow cooker?

If not everyone, then very many people love mushrooms. However, their season is quite short. Therefore, thrifty connoisseurs of nature's gifts prudently dry their prey in order to feast on it until the next harvest. Knowing how to cook dried mushrooms, you can enjoy mushroom dishes even in the dead of winter. And they will be no different from those prepared from fresh product.

How to cook dried mushrooms

Drying is used in soups, main courses, and sauces. And it will be appropriate everywhere, if only you follow some simple rules.

The most basic of them: before preparing dishes from dried mushrooms, the latter need to be soaked. Different cooks call the soaking time differently. Someone insists on an hour - they say that's enough. Some people think that they should be filled with water in the evening, but they can only be cooked in the morning. But most cooks recommend soaking for a couple of hours.

The water is taken cold and poured so that even the edge of the mushroom does not protrude to the surface. It’s even better to pour too much: the mushrooms will swell.

Attention, special feature!

There is a subtlety in how to properly cook dried porcini mushrooms. Experts insist that boletus mushrooms should be soaked not in water, but in milk, and not in cold, but warm. Then the final dish will be especially aromatic, and its taste will acquire a refined tenderness.

This move can probably be applied not only to porcini mushrooms. If you are not inclined to skimp on trifles, you can try soaking any variety of mushrooms in milk. And compare with a control batch kept in water.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

After soaking, the product must be cooked. Even if your future plans include fried potatoes with mushrooms. Or even just fried mushrooms. Cooking time directly depends on the type of forest harvest and its size. It can range from 20 minutes to an hour. It’s easier to focus on the “behavior” of the mushrooms: if they sink to the bottom, then it’s time to take them out.

Note: if after soaking there is no debris left in the water and no sediment has appeared, it should be used for the broth, so it will turn out much tastier.

Just soup

There are many ways to prepare dried mushroom soup. For the basic recipe, in addition to the actual drying, potatoes, carrots and onions, you only need spices and herbs.

Mushrooms, soaked and boiled according to all the rules, are caught from the fish soup and cut if they have “grown” significantly in size during processing. Frying is done in vegetable oil: first, chopped onions are browned, then carrot cubes are added to it, and finally mushrooms. After five minutes of frying together, the vegetables are laid out in the mushroom broth, and the soup is added with salt. As soon as it boils, add chopped potatoes, and after ten minutes the fire can be turned off. You can pour it into plates after a quarter of an hour, when the dish has steeped. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Cheese soup

One of the best options for preparing mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. The main component is soaked, boiled, and crushed. The mushroom broth is salted and potato cubes are dropped into it. While it is boiling, fry the chopped onion, and later add mushrooms to it. The frying is added to the pan, and vermicelli is poured in almost immediately (it is better to take small ones). When it is almost ready (check the instructions on the package for cooking time), add processed cheese. Stir the soup until the last component is completely dissolved. Before serving, the soup is infused in a saucepan with a lid for 5-10 minutes.

For starters - chicken and mushrooms

Having figured out in detail how to cook dried mushrooms, you can use your culinary imagination and get creative. For example, treat the family to soup with forest products and chicken.

The broth is made from either a whole bird or its parts. Only the breast is not recommended: it will not be rich. To increase the dietary content, you can drain the first water and cook the soup on the second.

Mushrooms are boiled separately; If desired, you can add the broth to the broth later. The frying is prepared traditionally, from onions and carrots. There is no need to add mushrooms to them: they are cut and immediately thrown into the broth. The chicken is first pulled out of it, disassembled into pieces and returned back. All that remains is to add the frying, salt and pepper. There are no potatoes in this recipe, so the soup turns out light, although hearty thanks to the mushrooms.

Bean option

To make this soup, you need to soak both the mushrooms and beans separately. Then cook them separately as well. Chopped onions are fried in a frying pan (there should be a lot of them) with mushrooms added to them after they have acquired a “tan.” Next, the contents of the frying pan and the beans are transferred to the broth cooked in advance, and the soup is cooked for another ten minutes so that its ingredients are saturated with each other’s taste. After removing the pan from the stove, add the greens to the dish.

Soup with dumplings and mushrooms

The recipe is multi-step, and the result is incredibly tasty. This time we won’t cook the mushrooms, we’ll just soak them, cut them and fry them until golden. When soaked, there should be 250 grams of them per two-liter pan of soup.

Next step: boil four large potatoes and puree them. When it has cooled, beat in the egg, add four tablespoons of flour and make dumplings.

Step number three: fry an onion and a small carrot. Each housewife decides individually whether to cut or grate the root vegetable.

Fourth stage: sort out a third of a glass of buckwheat and dry-fry it a little.

At the last stage of preparation, all preparations need to be collected into a single dish. Buckwheat is first poured into boiling water, after ten minutes mushrooms and dumplings are loaded, after another five - frying, peppercorns and bay leaves. Five minutes of waiting - and lunch is ready.

Delicacy soup

Traditional first courses, even varied ones, become boring over time. If you want something hot and liquid, but are already tired of the “standard”, try making a light and unusual soup using this recipe.

It is better to take dried mushrooms either porcini or a set of different ones, so to speak, a mix. They are soaked, boiled and cut not too finely. Prepare more mushrooms, because besides them there will be practically nothing else in the soup. At the same time, a strong broth is cooked. Beef is recommended, but experiments are not prohibited. The main component is put into the base, and the broth boils for some time along with the mushrooms to absorb their aroma. When the result satisfies the cook, a dessert spoon of wine is poured into the pan and a small spoon of sugar is added. At the same stage, the soup is salted and peppered, and you need to add a little more pepper than you are used to. Beat eggs well in a bowl, at the rate of two eggs per liter of broth. They are introduced into the soup in a thin stream, with constant stirring. It should be eaten with plenty of greens and sour cream. Wine will give the dish an elegant tartness, and sugar will add piquancy.

How about frying?

That we are all about soups and soups. Since it’s no secret to us how to cook dried mushrooms, it’s time to remember the second courses. Mushrooms fried with onions will be an excellent side dish for meat and poultry. To do this, the soaked dried meat needs to be boiled, but less time is allocated for this stage - about ten minutes after boiling. Then the mushrooms are strained out of the liquid as much as possible - just enough time to cut the onion into half rings.

Now you need to melt the butter in a frying pan - it is ideal for realizing your idea. Onion chips are first fried on it, and after it is browned, strained mushrooms are fried. It is necessary to fry with intense stirring, since butter has less resistance to sticking than vegetable oil. At the very end, the mushrooms are salted, peppered and flavored with selected spices.

Don’t deprive yourself of gastronomic pleasure because it’s “out of season,” since cooking dried mushrooms is no more difficult than fresh ones.
