Stewed vegetables kcal. Use in dietary nutrition. Benefits of Stewed Vegetables

It is rare to meet someone who does not know about the benefits of vegetables. But not everyone likes to eat them. And absolutely in vain. After all, they are rich in vitamins essential for every person, they consist almost entirely of coarse fibers, and this helps cleanse the intestines. It is believed that raw vegetables have the greatest benefits. This is partly true. But even if cooked correctly, they retain all their properties. At the same time, the calorie content of stewed vegetables will please those who are watching their figure.

Vegetables in any form go well with meat and fish products. They can easily replace the main course. This is especially true for those losing weight. After all, for them, vegetables should form the basis of their entire daily diet. Many people prefer to count the calories contained in the food they eat. In this case, this helps not only to lose excess weight, but also to maintain it for a long period, because the calorie content of stewed vegetables is very small.

Many people like vegetable stews, consisting of a set of various products. A perfect example is the following dish. You can simply call it “Assorted Vegetables”. You need to prepare and cut eggplants and potatoes into any pieces or slices, then tomatoes and sweet peppers. Vegetables can be taken in any ratio; carrots and onions should also be added here. All prepared vegetables are brought to readiness under the lid in a deep frying pan or saucepan. It’s better to do without salt, so this low-calorie dish will be even healthier. You can calculate the exact caloric content of a serving by adding this indicator for each ingredient separately.

An excellent option for a light dinner can be with vegetables. The calorie content of this dish will depend on exactly what components are included in it. Stewed zucchini itself has only 27 kcal per 100 grams. And if you add the same amount, you will have to add another 102 kilocalories. Therefore, you should carefully choose the ingredients for a dish if you want to make it low-calorie.

It should be noted that the calorie content of stewed vegetables is often higher than fresh ones. This is explained by the fact that additional fats are used during cooking, and this makes the dish less dietary. The same raw cabbage contains only 29 kcal in 100 grams, while cooked cabbage contains almost 3.5 times more.

They have good taste with vegetables. Calorie content can be varied by adding different ingredients. “Blue” ones go best with tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions and garlic. Preparing them couldn't be easier. You just need to remember that the eggplants must release their bitter juice, for which they are placed in a sieve and sprinkled with salt. Literally after 10 minutes you need to rinse them with cold water and you can simmer. All other vegetables are prepared as usual. 100 grams contain 189 kcal. You can safely include this dish in the diet of those losing weight, because the calorie content of stewed vegetables allows this.

Calorie content of vegetables: 40 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the method of preparation and type

Vegetables should make up up to 60% of the dietary intake. With a low calorie content, they are rich in fiber, healthy carbohydrates and have the ability to improve metabolism. How does the energy value of fresh and cooked vegetables differ? How to quickly count the calories of your favorite salad?

An important component of dietary nutrition

What are the benefits of vegetables on a diet? Firstly, the body spends less energy on their breakdown and absorption than on milk or meat. Secondly, they create volume in the stomach and a person gets full faster. And finally, peristalsis is regulated, which is extremely important for rapid weight loss. Asparagus and beans contain vegetable protein, which nutritionists advise slimming people to replace animal protein to make the cleansing process faster.

Vegetables contain essential microelements for humans, vitamins, pectin, organic acids and minerals.

But not all of them are equally healthy: green peas, like potatoes beloved by Russians, are quite high in calories. And, if you are watching your figure, it is important to know clearly: how much exactly, beets or zucchini. Any diet cannot do without.

Calorie content of fresh vegetables

The most dietary vegetables, which doctors allow to be eaten with almost no restrictions, include carrots, zucchini, as well as all types - from cabbage to exotic kohlrabi. The minimum amount of calories is in “Beijing”, only 16 kcal per 100 g of product. The nutritional value of popular cucumbers and tomatoes is low - 15 kcal and 20 kcal, respectively.

Radishes, rhubarb, asparagus and celery are leaders in the minimum calorie category.

And, what pleases gourmets, they are available at any time of the year, if not fresh, then frozen. The record holder for calorie content is garlic; 100 g of the product contains 143 kcal. True, it is impossible to recover from it - even a big fan of this spice is not able to eat such an amount in one “sitting”.

How many calories are in boiled, baked, frozen vegetables?

The nutritional value of the product may vary depending on the method of preparation and storage. When frying or stewing, the calorie content increases due to the fats with which the dish is often prepared. If raw cabbage contains 27 kcal per 100 g, then stewed cabbage with butter “costs” almost 4 times more.

Baking does not increase calorie content, but maintains it at normal levels. A baked potato (without peel) “weighs” 76 kcal.

Boiled or steamed products lose a number of useful microelements and vitamins, but their calorie content also decreases, taste and digestibility improve. The loss of calories occurs due to the fact that during the cooking process some of them “go” into the water. For example, raw carrots have 32 kcal per 100 g, and boiled carrots have 25 kcal. Frozen vegetables can be an excellent alternative to fresh vegetables in winter; all their parameters do not change after deep freezing.

Calorie content of salad

How to calculate the calorie content of a salad with several components? You need to weigh all the products, calculate the “energy” of each of them (using a table), then add these numbers and divide by the total weight. The data obtained is multiplied by 100, and you get the final energy value.

The simplest example:

(150 g tomatoes * 20 kcal + 200 g cucumbers * 15 kcal) / 350 g * 100 g = 17.1 kcal per 100 g

Using this formula, it is easy to find out the nutritional value of all dishes: from basic cuts to complex Olivier or mimosa.

Calorie table for vegetables per 100 g

In order to clearly understand how many calories are on the plate, you need to have a table at hand. Focusing on accurate facts, it is always easy to adjust your diet and make it dietary.

The benefits of vegetables in the diet cannot be overestimated. But it is better to consume both cooked and raw foods in equal measure. Choose a gentle cooking method, season your dishes with healthy spices and herbs, and stay slim.

When asked how high the calorie content is, any nutritionist will give you a clear answer: “This is a low-calorie product.” You just need to look at the food calorie table to be convinced of this. Stewed root vegetables rightfully belong to the best dietary dishes. However, when choosing a method for preparing them, it is important to remember that adding vegetable oil to the stew significantly increases the calorie content of this food product. The structure of oil is 100% fat. Adding each tablespoon of oil to stewed vegetables increases their calorie content by 135 kcal. Therefore, for a healthy diet, nutritionists recommend adding no oil or adding sunflower oil at the rate of no more than one teaspoon per serving. Often stewing occurs in sour cream or mayonnaise, which also significantly increases the calorie content of this culinary masterpiece. Steamed foods are considered the most healthy.

The exact calculation of calories included in a particular menu depends on the composition of the dish you are going to prepare.

Consider the calorie content of stewed vegetables using the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of eggplants,
  • 200 grams of zucchini,
  • 100 grams of carrots,
  • half an onion
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste,
  • salt,
  • 10 grams of greens
  • and 20 grams of sunflower oil.

So, the total weight of the dish is 630 grams. The total calorie content of the dish is 377 kcal.

Calorie content of each individual component in kcal:

  • eggplants – 60,
  • zucchini – 50,
  • carrots – 32,
  • onions – 5,
  • tomato paste – 55.2,
  • salt – 0,
  • sunflower oil – 179.8

Thus, per 100 grams of stewed vegetables there are 59.84 kcal.

According to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the data was distributed as follows:

  • 1.53 grams of protein,
  • 3.4 grams fat
  • 10.44 grams carbohydrates.

Calorie content will also increase when adding meat products or mushrooms to the dish. For example, the calorie content of stewed beef in 100 grams of product is 138 kcal, and mushrooms - 40 kcal. Therefore, if you intend to lose weight, it is better to avoid such foods and use only vegetables. Products of plant origin are useful not only because they contain no animal fats, but also because they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Calorie content is one of the basic criteria for creating a menu that complies with the principles of proper nutrition. Beginners in this area, having learned that vegetables are among the least calorie foods, mistakenly think that it is enough to eat more of them to achieve the desired slimness. But even according to this indicator, such a large group of products cannot be homogeneous.

Are vegetables fiber or carbohydrates?

In the context of BZHU, we note that in general, plant products are not rich in either protein or fats, and the highest content in them is carbohydrates. At the same time, a significant amount of weight and volume is provided by fiber, which in general terms also refers to the latter. They are known to be a valuable source of energy, but if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not have the opportunity to spend it regularly, carbohydrates will also contribute to excess weight gain.

It must be said that when calculating the balance of BJU, fiber is usually not taken into account, since it is poorly absorbed. The human body does not have its own enzymes that could break it down; only the intestinal microflora can cope with this task, and then only partially. For this reason, fiber passes through the digestive tract almost unchanged and does not add calories.

In fact, most types of vegetables contain both fiber and other carbohydrates, but there is still much more of the former. Therefore, many plant foods can be included even in low-carbohydrate diets, for example, lentils, beans, green vegetables.

List of the most high-calorie fruits

When consuming fresh vegetables for the purpose of losing weight, you need to understand that not all of them contribute to this in the same way. Thus, avocado, due to its very high fat content (almost 16%), has a huge energy value in the range of 165-170 kcal. Corn looks somewhat more modest with its 110 kcal.

It should be noted that according to these two indicators, for example, many seafood are either approximately equal or can even be considered more dietary than plant foods.

The not very honorable third place in the ranking of the most high-calorie vegetables is occupied by the crop that we consume every day. We are talking about potatoes. True, its energy value is already noticeably lower - at the level of 80 kcal, and it is contraindicated for few people. It makes sense to completely remove potatoes from the menu only for those who set the goal of losing weight as quickly as possible. In this case, you should also avoid green peas, which close the top four with 73 kcal, while all other vegetables are much lower in calories.

Where are the fewest calories?

There is also such a thing as minus calorie content, when the energy spent on digesting a product is higher than that received from its consumption. Of course, there is no such thing as a literal negative energy value, but many low-calorie foods end up with that balance.

It should be noted that this phenomenon is observed mainly in raw vegetables; for example, frying greatly increases the number of calories.

Many low-calorie foods are more of a condiment than a complete food, but there are plenty of pleasant exceptions:

  • greenhouse cucumbers can have only 11 kcal per 100 grams;
  • head lettuce, ground cucumbers are not much higher in calories - 14 kcal;
  • 100 gram serving of fresh zucchini – 15 kcal;
  • Chinese cabbage – 16 kcal;
  • regular salad – 17 kcal;
  • radish – 21 kcal;
  • tomatoes and zucchini – 23 kcal each;
  • eggplants – 24 kcal;
  • pumpkin – 25 kcal;
  • red and white cabbage – 27 kcal each.

You will learn more about negative calorie foods by watching the following video.

Energy and nutritional value of cooked vegetables

Please note that cooked vegetables tend to have a completely different calorie content. Thus, oven-baked, stewed, grilled foods have an increased energy value due to vegetable oil, even a small use of which provides a significant increase in calories. The situation is somewhat better in the case of boiled (in a saucepan or slow cooker), frozen or steamed foods. They can become saturated with liquid, increasing their weight, but without receiving additional calories, and then become even more dietary.

By the way, this does not work in the case of baked products. Even without the use of oil, they only lose water, so the number of calories per unit of mass increases.

To understand how the situation is worsening, let’s look at the table of fried and stewed vegetables; the calorie content per 100 grams in each case increases significantly.

  • The named serving of fried potatoes contains as much as 192 kcal, although raw it was only 80. At the same time, mashed potatoes, well soaked in water, even flavored with oil, give only 74 kcal.
  • Dietary raw zucchini and eggplant, turned into caviar, provide, respectively, 122 and 148 kcal instead of the original 23-24.
  • Canned black olives, which have an energy value of 361 kcal, are sometimes superior to fatty pork.
  • Pickled green olives contain 123 kcal. This is already much better, but still they do not fit into the role of a dietary product.
  • The energy value of canned corn is 103 kcal.
  • Westfalica cabbage with bell pepper – 84 kcal.
  • Pickled green peas – 63 kcal.

Be prepared for the fact that cooked vegetables are almost never lower in calories than fresh ones, and often their energy value even increases. Even a marinade tends to add calories.

Use in dietary nutrition

Of course, building a menu based on vegetables will help significantly reduce weight, provided that you choose fairly low-calorie solutions and do not dilute your dishes with some mayonnaise, which can easily ruin all your efforts. However, any diet requires the consumption of raw vegetables in the form of salads, so frying also does not guarantee salvation from obesity.

It should be understood that the desire to lose excess weight should not harm your health. What is considered rational is not just a low-calorie diet, but a balanced diet containing proteins, carbohydrates (even carbohydrate-free diets include a small amount of them), as well as fats, which are also necessary for the full functioning of the body.

By giving up all this or not getting enough of the necessary substances, you risk getting a lot of completely unexpected problems with a slim waist, the correction of which will take a lot of time and effort.

When going on a diet, you should also not concentrate on just one or two foods, even if they are low-calorie and promise quick weight loss. No single type of food is capable of providing all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and in the absence of important components in the diet, it will not take long for an unwanted pathology to develop. For this reason, your diet should be varied, and vegetables can be the basis of the diet, but should not be your only food.

Followers of any diet and nutrition system love to eat this vegetable in different forms, because it is truly universal and very light. You can cook zucchini at home in a thousand different ways, combining it with various products, but today we have a different topic - stewed zucchini and its calorie content. Stew is the most popular zucchini dish: it is simple and quick to prepare, but alas, not every such treat can be considered dietary, because it all depends on the composition.

How many calories are in stewed zucchini?

A 100-gram piece of squash pulp contains no more than 25 kcal, and there is no trace of fat in this vegetable. But even with such a low energy value, zucchini remains one of the richest foods in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

It is worth noting that the glycemic index of zucchini is quite low (15), it has absolutely no effect on blood sugar levels, which makes it an ideal product not only for weight loss, but also for diabetics.

Zucchini is prepared in a variety of ways. Of all the possible cooking techniques, fried zucchini remains the least useful and absolutely non-dietary, because this vegetable absorbs oil like a sponge.

Undoubtedly, raw zucchini has the greatest benefits, followed by oven-baked zucchini.

As for stewing, everything is ambiguous. As mentioned above, zucchini absorbs oil very well; therefore, zucchini stewed in this way will have a calorie content of around 70 kcal.

The calorie content of zucchini stewed without oil in water will remain equal or even less than the calorie content of the raw product - 22-24 calories. And there is no fundamental difference where exactly you will stew the vegetable: in a frying pan, a pot or a slow cooker.

However, stewed zucchini is rarely cooked in its pure form. This method is usually used to prepare baby food. The zucchini is first stewed in water with a minimal addition of salt, and then smashed with a blender into a homogeneous paste.

Calorie content of zucchini stewed with vegetables

Based on different recipes, you can set the average calorie content of stewed zucchini with vegetables to 40-60 kcal. However, this indicator may well deviate in one direction or the other, depending on the composition of the dish.

So, when adding components such as potatoes, vegetable oil and beans, the energy content of zucchini will increase.

Let's look at the most popular dishes with stewed zucchini - and find out their calorie content.

Name of the dish Composition of the dish Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content per 100 g Calories per serving (250 g)
Zucchini stewed with tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Fresh tomato
  • Garlic
  • Greenery
0.7 g 0.3 g 4.5 g 23 kcal 57.5 kcal
Zucchini stewed with eggplant and pepper
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini
  • Fresh tomato
  • bell pepper
0.9 g 0.2 g 4.6 g 24 kcal 60 kcal
Zucchini stewed in a frying pan
  • Zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Garlic
  • Greenery
  • Vegetable oil
0.7 g 3.4 g 5.3 g 55 kcal 137.5 kcal
Zucchini stewed with potatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Potato
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • Sunflower oil
1 g 3.3 g 7.6 g 64 kcal 160 kcal
Zucchini stewed with chicken in a pot
  • Chicken fillet
  • Zucchini
  • Bulb onions
  • Fresh tomato
  • Garlic
7 g 0.7 g 3.9 g 49 kcal 122.5 kcal

In culinary archives and collections there are a lot of different options for how to cook stewed zucchini. The calorie content of each dish, as we were able to verify, directly depends on both the composition and the cooking technique. But basically all the recipes are based on the classic stew recipes that we gave above.
