Duck baked in the oven with prunes and apples. Stuffed duck with apples and prunes in a sleeve. Secrets of successful cooking

Baked duck often appears on holiday tables. Roasted duck looks spectacular on a holiday table; its preparation does not require enormous effort or special skills. The aromas from freshly baked duck will not leave even true gourmets indifferent. Duck with apples and prunes in the oven will be a real decoration for your holiday table! And in this recipe we will tell you how to cook duck so that it has a beautiful golden crust, evenly baked inside, with tender and tasty meat.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / Poultry main courses


  • Duck – 1 pc.;
  • Apples – 4-5 pcs.;
  • Prunes – 7-8 pcs.;
  • Honey – 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard – 1 tsp;
  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt pepper.

How to cook baked duck with prunes and apples in the oven

First, we clean the duck of the remaining feathers (especially a lot of them remain under the wings and at the base of the legs). To remove unnecessary feather residues, you can burn it on a gas burner on all sides. We wash it and wipe it dry. Sprinkle the bird on all sides with salt and pepper. Don't forget the belly. The inside of the duck also needs to be well seasoned.

Let's take care of the apples. We wash them, cut them into medium slices and cut out the core of each slice. We cut as many apples as will fit into the belly of our bird.
Cut 5 prunes (or more if you like their aroma and taste) into halves.

We stuff the duck's belly with apples and prunes. Don’t try to stuff in as many apples as possible.

Now you need to secure the belly so that the finished duck has a more attractive appearance. If you like to sew, then take a thread and a needle; if not, then I advise you to use skewers or toothpicks. Using two skewers, secure the skin to the abdomen.

Place the prepared duck in a deep form. Along the edge of the mold we place the remaining prunes and two apples cut into quarters. If desired, add a couple of bay leaves for flavor (you can also add allspice and cloves). Pour some water into the bottom of the mold (the water level should be 1-2 cm). Cover the pan with a lid or a thick sheet of foil if there is no lid. Place the duck in the oven at 180 C.

After 30-40 minutes, remove the lid and begin to grease the duck (or pour it from a spoon) with the fat that has melted to the bottom of the mold. You need to lubricate frequently, approximately every 10-15 minutes. The more often you can baste it with fat, the more tender the bird will be.
How long does it take to bake a duck in the oven?
Roasting time depends on the size of the duck. The larger your bird, the longer it will take to bake. Focus on the softness of the meat and the color of the juice. The duck is considered ready if clear juice flows out of the puncture.
The average baking time for duck in the oven is 2.5 hours. For the first twenty minutes, set the oven temperature to 220 degrees, then reduce to 180 degrees.
Our baking dish has a lid, if you don't have one, make a lid from several layers of foil.

Let's prepare the glaze. Mix mustard, honey and soy sauce in a bowl.

10-15 minutes before it’s ready, take the duck out of the oven and coat it with glaze using a brush. Return it to the oven and bake for the remaining time without a lid.

We got an amazing duck with apples and prunes, the duck turned out tender and soft inside, with a beautiful fried golden crust.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we are faced with a choice of what to cook for the holiday table. In our opinion, one of the best options is duck with prunes. In the process of preparing such a dish, the meat acquires a special aroma and acquires a sweet taste. The duck turns out simply divine. In our article we want to describe all the nuances of preparing such a dish.

Nuances of preparation

Prune duck is not as popular as chicken, but there are still people who love it very much. The meat of such a bird is fattier and has a dark hue, as well as a characteristic aroma and taste. You can prepare absolutely any dish from duck, but most often it is baked in pieces or whole, and also stewed. Stuffed poultry is a festive dish that is prepared quite simply, but looks very impressive.

Before you start cooking the duck, you need to prepare it by thoroughly washing it and scraping off any foreign matter from the skin. Cutting a carcass is not at all difficult. This is done in exactly the same way as when cutting chicken. If you plan to bake the whole carcass, then you should take care of the wings. They often get burned because they have no meat at all. Therefore, it is better to wrap them in foil.

Duck with prunes is a very tasty and aromatic dish. To prepare it, plums must be properly prepared. First, they are thoroughly washed and then steamed in hot water.

The duck itself is very fatty, so during the cooking process a lot of rendered fat is released, which can be poured over the carcass to make the meat more juicy.

Duck in the oven

Duck with prunes cooked in the oven turns out incredibly soft and tender. In addition, the bird has a spicy aroma. It is good served with boiled potatoes. The cooking process can be roughly divided into two parts: frying the meat and cooking in the oven.

To prepare a festive dish you will need: duck, several onions, prunes (230 g), vegetable oil, seasonings, bay leaf, salt.

Before starting cooking, rinse the carcass thoroughly, then dry it with paper towels and cut it into pieces. Next, in a saucepan in vegetable oil over high heat, fry the meat until crusty. Leave the duck in the saucepan. Meanwhile, add a bay leaf, sprinkle the meat with spices, add chopped onions and salt. Now you can place the prepared prunes between the portioned pieces. Close the saucepan and put it in the oven (it must be preheated to 190 degrees). We cook the meat for about an hour. This recipe for duck with prunes in the oven is very simple.

Duck with apples

An equally tasty and festive dish is duck with apples and prunes. To obtain a tender dish, meat can be cooked in a sleeve. And at the end of the process, cut the film and fry a little until a golden crust appears. For cooking we will need the following products:

Practical part

Before starting the process, you should prepare the filling. We steam the prunes with boiling water and let it brew, after which we drain the water and cut the fruits into pieces. Next, mix the plums with apple pieces. Add pepper, coriander and garlic to the mixture.

Now you can start cooking directly. Wash the carcass well and dry it with a towel. Next, grease it with salt. We fill the inner cavity with the filling, and then sew it up using threads. Next, we transfer the duck into a baking sleeve, tie it on both sides and cook in the oven for about 1.5 hours at 180 degrees. We take out the meat, cut the sleeve and grease the skin of the carcass with a mixture of mustard and honey. Then we put the duck with prunes and apples back in the oven. Cook the dish at 200 degrees for about fifteen minutes until a crust forms.

Duck with prunes, walnuts and rice

If you want to bake duck with prunes, you can add rice and walnuts. Even gourmets will appreciate this dish. When finished, the filling of rice, nuts and prunes, saturated with the aroma of meat, turns out very tasty. And in combination with duck, the dish is simply unique.

Before preparing the dish, the carcass should be marinated in advance. This can be done, for example, in a day. For the dish, prepare a medium-sized duck, rice (a glass), prunes (1/2 glass), and the same amount of walnuts. For the marinade, you can take salt (3 tbsp), onion, honey (4 l), rosemary, water (two liters), peppercorns.

In general, it is worth noting that the recipe for duck with prunes is quite simple. First, prepare the marinade. To do this, mix hot boiled water with salt, then let it cool slightly. Add spices, chopped onions, honey. We immerse the duck in the resulting solution so that it is completely covered with brine.

Now you can start preparing the filling. Take the rice and wash it thoroughly, then leave it soaked in cold water for about an hour. Next, drain the liquid and add chopped nuts and chopped prunes. You should also add salt and your favorite seasonings.

Remove the duck from the marinade and dry it. Next, we put the filling in the belly and sew it up. Place the finished carcass in a roasting pan or in a frying pan. Cook it for about two hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. During cooking, do not forget to periodically baste the meat with fat.

Duck with prunes (in a slow cooker)

Duck cooked in a slow cooker turns out incredibly tasty. This option will be appreciated by busy housewives who simply do not have free time. For the dish we take: a kilogram of duck, butter, prunes (230 g), carrots, a glass of cream, spices and salt.

Pour oil into a slow cooker and lightly fry the grated carrots. We cut the duck into portions and also put it in the slow cooker. We also send prunes, spices, cream and salt there. Simmer the dish for about two hours.

With mushrooms and prunes

Duck with prunes in a sleeve with the addition of mushrooms is something special. The meat always comes out juicy and tender. Absolutely any mushrooms are suitable for this dish. To make the mushrooms more flavorful, you can lightly fry them first.

For the dish we will take: duck carcass, prunes (320 g), mushrooms (420 g), salt, pepper.

Cooking process

Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and, if desired, even fry them a little. We also wash the duck and cut it into portions. Add meat to mushrooms. We also add pepper, salt, and prunes to the ingredients. Mix all ingredients well and transfer to a sleeve. Next, we make a puncture on top and put it in the oven. Cook the dish at 180 degrees for about 1.5 hours.

Duck in orange juice

A festive dish like duck with prunes goes well with rice, salads, and other cereals. You can cook it in a cauldron or in a frying pan.

To do this, take: a duck carcass, orange juice (a glass), the same amount of prunes, spices, salt, butter, three onions.

Before cooking, the duck must be cut into portions. If the meat has already been frozen, you can pre-marinate it for a couple of hours in soy sauce. Next, pour oil into the pan and fry each piece until a crust appears. The meat is cooked over high heat. Next, it is removed from the pan and transferred to a separate container.

Meanwhile, fry the onion in the remaining oil, then return the meat to the pan. Pour orange juice into it, then cover the container with a lid, add prunes and simmer for an hour. Then add spices and salt, cook for another 20 minutes.

Duck with apples and prunes - in the oven

Almost any duck recipe is a win-win. But the most popular is duck with apples and prunes. To prepare, take: duck, 150 g of dried apricots and prunes, apples (200 g), nuts (120 g), orange (90 g), spices and salt.

The recipe for duck with prunes and apples is very simple. Wash the carcass and dry it with a towel. Next, rub it with salt and spices. Chop dried fruits, oranges, apples and nuts. We stuff the bird with the resulting ingredients and sew it up using threads. Lubricate the outside of the carcass with vegetable oil, then put it in the oven. Prepare the dish at 200 degrees. Divide the finished duck into portions and eat it along with a side dish.

With prunes and citrus fruits

This recipe will be appreciated by those people who love citrus fruits and prunes. To prepare a wonderful dish, you need to take duck, one lemon and one orange, honey (2 tbsp.), wine (1/2 cup), prunes (160 g). You will also need spices, vegetable oil and salt. Before cooking, wash the carcass, dry it and put it in a marinade made from a mixture of one lemon, orange, spices and vegetable oil. Meat can be kept in the marinade for 8-10 hours. Next, stuff the duck with orange slices and prunes. You can also add pieces of apples or celery if desired. The meat is cooked in the oven for about 2-2.5 hours. During cooking, you need to periodically baste the carcass with fat.

In the meantime, while the dish is cooking, you can prepare the glaze. It is made with honey, orange juice and wine. The components are mixed in equal proportions and boiled in half. The finished glaze has the consistency of syrup. The meat is served by dividing it into pieces and adding baked fruit. Top the dish with syrup.

Jewish duck with prunes

This dish takes a long time to prepare - about 4.5 hours. Therefore, you should not take it on if you have very little time. Despite such a long cooking time, the dish turns out incredibly tender, the meat simply falls off the bone. Of course, this effect is quite easy to achieve with fresh poultry. But thanks to the recipe, you can cook deliciously even that duck that has been in the freezer for quite a long time.

To prepare, prepare duck, prunes (210 g), a couple of onions, butter, flour, pepper and salt.

Cut the carcass into pieces. To prepare such a dish, you can take individual pieces of duck, and not necessarily the whole carcass. Next, place the pan on the stove and add oil. Roll each piece in flour and fry in oil. The meat quickly forms a crust. Next, we take out the pieces and put them in a cauldron.

Now chop the onion. It can be pre-fried, or it can be added raw to the duck. During prolonged cooking, the onion will almost dissolve in any case.

We wash the prunes and add them to the duck. Pour boiling water into the cauldron (the water should be level with the meat), add pepper, salt, and spices. Boil the food for five minutes. Next, reduce the heat and prepare the dish. The duck should be stewed for about four hours. As a result, we will get the most tender and flavorful meat.

Secrets of successful cooking

In order to prepare a good dish, you need to know some tricks that help make the dish unique:

  1. Before cooking, you need to cut off the butt of the carcass, this will help rid the dish of foreign odors.
  2. If you want to cook juicy meat, then it is better to use juicy fruits and berries as a filling - prunes, apples, oranges, cranberries, lingonberries.
  3. In foil and in a sleeve, the meat turns out very tasty, but it’s worth remembering. That twenty minutes before it’s ready, the packaging needs to be unwrapped to allow the bird to brown.
  4. During cooking, it is recommended to periodically baste the carcass with the fat released.
  5. Cooking duck in a slow cooker is the easiest way to get juicy and tasty meat. In addition, poultry prepared in this way retains its beneficial properties as much as possible, and at the same time remains tender and soft.
  6. To get a juicy and not dry breast, you need to fry it over high heat on both sides.
  7. Some housewives recommend first boiling the duck for about 20 minutes. And then cook according to the recipe. In this case, the meat will always be guaranteed cooked.
  8. To obtain tender, tasty and aromatic poultry, you need to cook it in a duck cooker, in dishes made of ceramics, cast iron, or tempered glass.

Tasty and healthy meat

Well-cooked meat should have a pink tint, without blood impurities. Duck has a characteristic taste and aroma. Sometimes people on a diet exclude duck from their diet.

However, this is fundamentally incorrect, since it is enough to remove the skin from the carcass before cooking to make the meat more dietary. The duck is good in every way. It can be prepared not only for holidays, but also on ordinary days. Meat goes well with any side dishes, so don’t deprive yourself of the pleasure of deliciously cooked duck with prunes.

Instead of an afterword

The classic combination of prunes and apples when cooking duck is used quite often in the practice of housewives. It is worth noting that the same products are added to chicken. However, the combination of duck and prune aroma is completely unusual and unique. This is probably why they try to prepare such a dish for significant holidays.

Duck baked in the oven with dried fruits and apples is the highlight of a good holiday table. But nothing is more depressing than long holidays. Luckily we have a lot of them.

No sooner had we had time to celebrate the New Year with dignity than the Nativity of Christ was just around the corner. It would seem like a joyful holiday, but it is simply impossible to celebrate so much. Keep in mind that not everyone “uses” this. But overeating is already chronic.

But, be that as it may, not preparing something tasty for the Holiday is a sin. As a rule, we prepare . We usually stuff it with rice, oranges and apples. But this year, as it happens, such a duck was prepared for the New Year. Along with Olivier salad and jellied meat, with the obligatory horseradish.

For Christmas, although it is customary to cook a goose, we will prepare a duck stuffed with dried apricots and prunes. Although duck in the oven with apples is also welcome. The recipe for duck in the oven is a classic of our home cooking.

In fact, meat with a sweet taste is more typical of oriental cuisine (Chinese, Turkish). But this recipe came from Poland. My wife was on a business trip in Warsaw and tried it there. Since then he has been asking: throw away the Christmas tree. No, not that... He asks: such a delicious duck in the oven with dried apricots and prunes, do it. You can make a whole duck for a large feast, but for a family, it is more convenient to cook duck legs, the number of servings is the same.

Duck in the oven. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (3 servings)

  • Duck or duck legs 300 g per serving
  • Dried apricots 150 gr
  • Prunes (pitted) 150 gr
  • Apples 2-3 pcs
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, basil, thyme, curry, coriander Spices
  1. What’s good about cooking store-bought or market duck is that you don’t have to pluck it. A thankless task. Duck skin is delicate and easily tears when plucked. In China, tweezers are used for this. And at the factory, they probably remove feathers with a vacuum, so feathers are always present on the duck. The feathers on the duck are not burned, because... subcutaneous fat is drowned, and the skin cracks during cooking. You need to carefully remove the remaining feathers with your hands; it is not difficult.

    Duck legs for cooking

  2. It is also worth removing excess internal fat, lungs, and generally all entrails, if any. Often the neck, liver, and heart are packed into a bag and stuffed inside the duck, so a seemingly frail duck can weigh up to 2 kg.

    Apples and dried fruits for filling and sauce

  3. If you are cooking duck in the oven for a small family or just for dinner, I advise you to buy duck legs - according to the number of servings. It is much more convenient and is eaten without residue.
  4. Wash the cleaned duck or leg thoroughly and dry it with paper towels.
  5. Wash dried apricots and prunes, sort through, removing seeds, and soak in water at room temperature for 10 minutes. Grind the spices in a small mortar. The ratio of herbs is at your discretion. Add 1 tsp to herbs. salt. Duck in the oven should be spicy, but not spicy.

    Grind the spices in a small mortar

  6. Duck legs need to be specially prepared. Using a sharp knife, remove the inner bones, cutting off the meat from them. Cut off the bone closer to the knee joint so that it remains in the meat. The result will be a bone on which the skin with duck meat is attached. The leg is quite large in area, larger than the palm of your hand.

    Using a sharp knife, remove the inner bones from the legs.

  7. Coat the inside of the duck or leg with half the spices.
  8. Using a large needle and cotton thread, sew up the neck of the duck and leave the leg as is.
  9. Stuff the duck with a mixture of dried apricots and prunes through the hole in the belly, then sew it up with thread. If you are preparing chicken legs, place chopped dried apricots and prunes in equal parts on the duck meat and fold in half. And then sew up the leg along the edge with large stitches.

    Place chopped dried apricots and prunes in equal parts on the duck meat

  10. Sprinkle the outside of the duck or leg with the remaining spices. Leave the prepared duck in a cold place for up to 1 hour.

    Sew up a duck or leg

  11. Before cooking, brush the duck meat with a little fat. You can use olive oil, or you can use a small amount of mayonnaise (although I personally don’t like it).

    Sprinkle the remaining spices over the duck and brush with fat before cooking.

  12. Chop 2 apples into small pieces into a deep bowl; you can peel them together, but it’s better to peel them. Lightly salt the apples and add 1-2 pinches of curry. Mix apples with the remaining dried apricots and prunes. By the way, it’s worth leaving some dried fruits to decorate the dish.
  13. Place the duck or leg on the apples and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Cooking time is 1.5-2 hours, but it can be longer. During this time, the duck should brown and the meat will begin to separate from the bones. It is necessary to turn the duck 3-4 times during cooking so that the duck browns evenly. It is also worth pouring the apple sauce formed in the dish over the duck meat so that the duck in the oven turns out juicy.

Today, good duck is not in short supply; you can find it in the store and at the meat market. It can be an alternative to goose - almost all “goose” recipes are also suitable for duck. For example, such a cooking option as duck with prunes, apples or rice.

Step by step recipe

Ingredients Quantity
duck carcass - approximately 1.5 kg
medium-sized tomatoes - 6 pcs.
prunes - 10 pieces
unpeeled garlic - 4 cloves
fresh rosemary - bunch
dry white wine - 250 ml
refined oil - 50 ml
freshly ground pepper - 1 pinch
table salt - 1 pinch
Cooking time: 60 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 350 Kcal

Stewing a duck is not very difficult. But even the simplest recipe has its own tricks. First of all, fry the chopped pieces in hot oil. During the frying process, juice will be released from the meat, in which the duck will simmer for 50 minutes with the addition of wine and prunes.

Preparation of stewed duck with prunes:

  1. Wash the duck carcass, dry it and cut it into small pieces;
  2. Roll the meat in a mixture of salt and pepper;
  3. Heat refined oil in a heavy saucepan or frying pan and fry the meat pieces on all sides;
  4. Lightly crush the garlic cloves without removing the peel;
  5. Cut the tomatoes into four parts;
  6. Crush the prunes with a knife (flat side). There is no need to grind it;
  7. Pour wine into the duck, add tomatoes, prunes, garlic and 2 sprigs of rosemary;
  8. Simmer the duck for 40 minutes covered and 10 minutes without it;
  9. You can sprinkle the prepared dish with rosemary.

Baked duck with apples and prunes in the oven

We usually consider baked duck with apples a holiday dish and only cook it on important occasions, such as Christmas.


  • 100 g prunes (pitted);
  • 300 g fresh spinach;
  • 1 chilled duck carcass;
  • 0.5 kg Antonov apples;
  • lettuce - for decoration;
  • a pinch of freshly ground pepper;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes. In one serving 100 g: 355 kcal.


  1. Prepare the duck carcass: remove the remaining feathers and, if necessary, singe over the fire. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Rub inside and outside with salt and freshly ground pepper;
  2. Prepare the filling. To do this, cut the apples into medium pieces; decide for yourself whether to peel them or not, but it’s better to cut out the middle;
  3. Mix apples with prunes, which you simply cut in half; there is no need to soften them, as the meat will take a long time to cook. Add pepper, salt, leaf spinach rolled into balls to the filling;
  4. Stuff the bird quite tightly with apples and prunes and sew it up. Tie the legs with thread and pin the wings to the carcass with toothpicks;
  5. Pour a little water onto a baking sheet, place the duck back down and place it in a well-heated oven. Recommended temperature: 180ºC. Cook a duck weighing 1 kg for 60 minutes, if a bird weighs two kilograms, then 2 hours;
  6. As soon as the duck begins to brown, reduce the temperature and frequently baste it with the cooking juices;
  7. Place the finished bird on the board, remove the threads and toothpicks, and remove the filling. Cut the duck into portions using special poultry scissors. Place the duck pieces on a flat plate and shape them into the shape of a whole carcass. Place apples and prunes around.

If there are no eggs in the refrigerator, this does not mean at all that there will be no baked goods for tea. We offer you a selection that are no different in taste.

Duck stuffed with prunes and rice

You will need:

  • 1 duck.
  • 1 bag of steamed rice;
  • 10 pieces of prunes.
  • 40 g refined oil;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • for juice half a lemon;
  • season - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.

Cooking time: 2 hours. Calorie content of 100 g serving: 348 kcal.

How to cook:

Duck roll with plums

There are many stereotypes around food, for example, that you should not combine meat with sweets. But we assure you that this is not so. Our advice: use dried fruits, pineapple, yogurt. Thanks to these components, an ordinary meatloaf will turn out amazingly tasty.


  • 60 g refined oil;
  • 100 ml natural yogurt;
  • 0.5 kg duck breast fillet;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 150 g chopped canned pineapples;
  • 200 g prunes;
  • leeks for decorating rolls.

Cooking time required: 1 hour. Per 100 g serving: 368 kcal.

How to make rolls:

  1. Score the duck fillet and arrange it like a book. Beat the pulp, salt and pepper, brush with natural yoghurt and leave for 15 minutes;
  2. Prepare the filling: pineapple pieces, chop prunes into strips. Place the filling on the duck meat and form into a roll;
  3. Cut a thin ribbon from the leek stem and place it in boiling water to make it soft and elastic. Tie the roll with this ribbon;
  4. Fry the roll in hot oil on all sides, pour in a little pineapple juice from the can, and cover the frying pan with a lid. Simmer until fully cooked;
  5. Serve the roll on lettuce leaves and arrange pieces of pineapple and prunes around it.

Recipe for duck with fruit in a slow cooker

Duck meat is quite tough, so a great way to cook it is to simmer it in a slow cooker. In addition to prunes, take oranges as companions for the duck; fruit acid suits it very well.


  • duck – 1 small carcass;
  • prunes – 8 pcs;
  • orange – 2 pcs;
  • half a lemon;
  • refined olive oil – 40 ml;
  • soft mustard with grains – 15 g;
  • ground pepper – 2 g;
  • fine salt – 10 g.

Time: 40 min. In one serving 100 g: 310 kcal.

  1. Cut the duck carcass into pieces and place in a multicooker bowl, add a little oil, turn on the appropriate mode for frying;
  2. After frying, mash the prunes and place on the duck. Do not peel the orange, cut it into thick slices directly in the peel;
  3. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and prepare the marinade. To do this, combine the juice with mustard, season with spices, add olive oil and stir;
  4. Pour the marinade over the duck and prunes, place the oranges on top and leave for 15 minutes; Close the device, turn on the “stew” mode, selecting poultry meat in the menu.

Secrets of cooking duck from experienced chefs

  1. To make the duck aromatic, without any foreign odors, cut off the butt before cooking;
  2. You will get a juicy duck if you put sweet and sour fresh berries in it, such as lingonberries and cranberries. For fruits, give preference to apples and oranges;
  3. If you cook the bird in foil, then about fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, remove it so that the duck is covered with a golden brown crust;
  4. During the cooking process, fat will be rendered from the duck; baste the duck carcass with it at short intervals;
  5. The easiest and healthiest way to cook is stewing in a slow cooker. It makes duck meat incredibly tender and retains all its nutritional properties;
  6. To avoid drying out the duck breast fillet, fry it quickly over high heat;
  7. Experienced chefs boil the carcass for about twenty minutes, and then cook according to the recipe;
  8. Cooking poultry in a cauldron, duck pot made of cast iron or tempered glass will make the meat tastier and more tender;
  9. The most important point in cooking duck meat is to achieve juiciness and good taste. Therefore, you need to accurately calculate the cooking time in the oven. It is recommended to allocate 45 minutes per kilogram of meat. plus 25 minutes for browning the carcass;
  10. It will take 90 minutes to cook the duck in pieces. in the oven, and about the same amount in a frying pan;
  11. Cooking meat in a frying pan should begin with marinating - the meat is rubbed with a mixture of oil, salt and pepper, then the pieces are fried in heated oil, filled with water and stewed until cooked, and as a side dish for this meat we recommend preparing wild, unpolished rice;
  12. The finished dish is served with a variety of side dishes, sauces, green salads and dry red wine.

Bon appetit!

More precisely, I had a domestic Indian duck, carefully raised by my parents. Indo duck (or musk duck) meat is tasty, tender and not as fatty as regular duck, I highly recommend trying it. Although if you were unable to get an indo-duck, you can bake an ordinary duck this way.
During baking, there was a wonderful aroma in the apartment, and it tasted... amazing! I decided to serve potatoes as a side dish, but by the time they were cooked, only pleasant memories remained of the delicious Indian duck! I'll tell you how I prepared it.

duck weighing approximately 2 kg
apples (preferably sour): 2-3 pcs.
pitted prunes: 12-15 pcs
salt, spices (I used a mixture of spices for chicken, which contains garlic, ground red pepper, mustard, coriander, ginger and parsley)
You will also need a baking sleeve.

Rinse the plucked and gutted duck, trim off excess fat (frozen duck must first be thawed). Rub the inside and outside with salt, pepper and spices and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. In order for the finished duck to not have a characteristic taste and smell, it needs to be thoroughly marinated in spices and herbs; I marinated the duck for a day.

For the filling, rinse the prunes and chop them not too finely. Wash the apples, peel and cut into small pieces.

Fill the duck with the filling. Sew up with kitchen thread or pin with toothpicks.

Place the stuffed duck into a baking sleeve, tie the sleeve tightly on both sides and make several holes for steam to escape. Bake at 180-200°C for 1.5-2 hours (depending on the weight of the bird).

Then cut the sleeve and let the duck brown for 20-30 minutes. At this stage, you can check the readiness: pierce the duck with a toothpick, if clear juice flows out, it’s ready.
