In the Simferopol salon “Nicolas. Salon Du Chocolat" operates the only museum-exhibition of chocolate in Ukraine. The Chocolate Museum is the “sweetest” attraction of Simferopol The Chocolate Museum in Crimea

At the exhibition, which is called "The History of Chocolate from Chocolate" chocolate figures and paintings tell the history of the delicacy from the time of the Mayans to the present day.

The idea of ​​creating and bringing to life the exhibition chocolate museum belongs to the owner of the salon, confectioner-technologist Nikolai Popov, who studied in Poland and France.

Here’s how Nikolai himself warmly talks about his brainchild:

The history of chocolate begins with the cocoa tree; the first exhibit at the exhibition is a replica of it with fruits resembling a pumpkin.

The Aztecs knew cocoa since the 14th century, considered it sacred and revered it as a gift from the gods. The Aztecs ground the grains of the fruit, beat them into foam and added water. This resulted in a drink that ancient people called “chocolatl” (foamy water). The word chocolate - “chocolate” - came from the Aztec chocolatl in the 15th century.

The appearance of cocoa beans and chocolate as such on the European continent occurred thanks to the discovery of America by the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus in 1492 and the subsequent expeditions of the Spaniards to the shores of the New World. The portrait of the discoverer, painted with food paints, occupies a special place in the exhibition.
Returning to Spain from the expedition, Columbus brought several cocoa beans to the court of the royal couple. But neither the king, nor the queen, nor their entourage paid any attention to these grains.

Almost 30 years later, Spanish General Hernan Cortes landed on the coast of Mexico. At a reception held in honor of the guests, the Aztec leader Montezuma II treated the Spaniards to a whipped thick drink made from cocoa beans with vanilla, hot pepper and spices, which was served in bowls made of pure gold. Cortez managed to learn the recipe for chocolatl and take it home along with cocoa beans.

From that time on, everything related to chocolate became a state secret of the Spanish kingdom, for violation of which people were executed. The drink was prepared by monks by adding honey to grated cocoa beans. They removed chili pepper from the recipe, and later began adding vanilla for a pleasant smell. For better solubility, the drink was heated, and it turned out that it tastes better when hot. The recipe for its preparation was kept secret for 90 years.

Later in Italy, the drink was introduced into use by the Florentine Francesco Carletti. From Italy, chocolate came to Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In England, chocolate houses are opening - confectionery houses, where diplomatic and economic conversations are held over a cup of chocolate drink.

Next, visitors will be able to see a portrait of the daughter of the Spanish king, Anne, who married the French king Louis XIII and introduced her favorite drink, chocolatl, to France.

Nearby hangs a portrait of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who immortalized the theme of chocolate in his opera “That’s What All Women Do.”

Chocolate appeared in Russia thanks to the German Theodor von Einem, who opened a small workshop for the production of chocolate and sweets in 1851 on Arbat in Moscow. Now this is one of the oldest confectionery enterprises in Russia - the Red October factory. Thirty years later, Russian entrepreneur Alexey Abrikosov founded the confectionery factory “Partnership A.I.” in Moscow. Abrikosov Sons" (now the Babaevsky concern).

Under the portrait of Abrikosov on a chocolate pillow lies a model of the crown, which was created by decree of Peter I in preparation for the coronation of Empress Catherine I. The “diamonds” and “pearls” adorning the crown are made of sugar.

A unique exhibit of the exhibition is a model of the Eiffel Tower. When creating it, the details were carefully measured, special molds were made in which the chocolate hardened, then all parts of the tower were assembled like a construction set.

The exhibition ends with a model of the Simferopol railway station.

Here you can see the clock tower, the entrance to the station itself and the road in front of it.

Salon "Nicolas Salon Du Chocolat" is located at the address: Simferopol, st. Kirova, 66.

Photo from:

We “discovered” the Chocolate Museum in Simferopol by accident. Among the locals, of course, there was information that there was some cool place where everything was made of chocolate, but most of the native Simferopol residents had never been to the Salon Du Chololat chocolate museum.

We decided to open the travel season (not counting the New Year in Alushta) with the local museum.


The Chocolate Museum in Simferopol is located at 66 Kirova Ave. It is very easy to find:

  • you need to move either from the side of Sovetskaya Square - go through the bridge and go to Kuibyshev Square.
  • or vice versa: from Kuibyshev Square you need to move to Sovetskaya Square on the opposite side from the Children's Park. Here you will pass the Palace shopping center, then Natalie’s cosmetics store, a dress store, Biblio Globus.
  • Somewhere in the middle of the path you will see the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Taatta Bank - that’s where you need to go into the street between these two buildings.
  • Literally after 10 meters you will see a brown sign for Salon Du Chololat - this is the chocolate museum / chocolate store.


The store/museum itself is located in the basement. The inside is clean, warm, and has good lighting.

Inside you can see the display cases of the chocolate museum itself - there is so much to see! Well, ask to go to the museum.

Ticket price for 1 adult (for spring 2018) - 200 rubles . Tickets are given in chocolate:

The museum room is greeted by a sign and is located in the back of the room:


Well... to be honest, I expected more...

Yes, it's beautiful. I am amazed at the talent of some people!...

But this is just a small room 4 * 2 meters, no more... In my opinion, it doesn’t reach the level of a museum! However, I will write about this later.

We were in a room together + a "guide". The girl shared information about chocolate - about its distribution and “becoming” in the world. Yes, the information is interesting, but nothing like that. No rare facts, secrets or anything else. I wasn't impressed.

It is better not to allow more than 2 people into the room - there is very little space there, the passage is about a meter wide and 2-2.5 in length. Actually, that's all - that's the whole museum.


The Simferopol Chocolate Museum greeted us with paintings, a chocolate tree and Audrey Hepburn

The photos will be arranged in sequence from the entrance and to the left - further along the wall and to the exit.

The idea of ​​the museum is to display historical facts about chocolate.

There is also a royal family here:

By the way, the paintings are also made of chocolate! Everything here is made of chocolate! Frames, paint:

Beautiful Audrey from the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and a girl who is made entirely of chocolate - if I remember correctly, she has about 200 kg of chocolate!

Some chocolate instruments: piano(?) and violin:

Unsurpassed Mozart:

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is very beautifully made:

What I liked the most were the chocolate paintings! Incredible beauty. I even wanted one of these when I went home. I felt sad - I came up and licked it.

A nod to the Mayans - a beautiful area! Everything here is made of chocolate: the pyramid, the tiles on the wall and the painting:

Well, there is a tree at the exit (on the right side).

Perhaps I didn’t like the tree after everything I saw, where every detail is made of chocolate, but here it’s a deception - the butterflies are made of paper!



The museum has a good selection of sweets. There are regular candies, crafts, and figurines. cakes and pies, as well as paintings and even figurines! The price tag is average - the performance is great.

We decided to finish off the trip with sweets - the assortment is impressive:

And what I liked most were the instruments! Looks like the real thing:

And the store/cafe itself:

We took several candies to try - I chose a white chocolate bar and a milk chocolate heart; MCH - everything else.

The chocolate tastes ordinary, BUT very sweet! It stuck together even for me (and I love sweets).

I think it was the batch, because later I was given a white chocolate figurine from here - it was moderately sweet and tasty.

These same candies were too sweet and bordered on tasteless.

CONCLUSIONS : I don’t regret visiting the chocolate museum, BUT I can note a number of significant shortcomings because of which I lowered the rating:

  • “museum” is too much for a 4*2 m room.
  • information from the “guide” is publicly available, nothing special, no secrets, no tricks. Damn, guys, you make chocolate! - tell me some life hack, well! Boring.
  • From the moment of entering the “museum” to the moment of “exit” 15 minutes passed. During this time, we listened to the “guide”, took pictures of each exhibit, took photos and selfies of ourselves. For 15 minutes 200 rubles - that's very expensive! The red price is 100 rubles, no more.
  • You don’t need chocolate in the store once in a while. Yes, sometimes it tastes good and sometimes it doesn't. And I don’t really want to “catch” a tasty batch. I tried chocolate from this store 3 times: 2 figurines (one made of black, the other made of white chocolate) and 1 time sweets. The candies were super sweet, the dark chocolate figure was disgusting. The only thing I liked was the white chocolate heart.

Thus, I recommend visiting the chocolate museum in Simferopol, but you shouldn’t expect anything from it such. In my opinion, this place is not worth the money.

Perhaps I got greedy...BUT, for example, we went to the museum of fortifications (Balaklava) - for 300 rubles they told us a lot of interesting things about strategically important objects: 820rtb and 825gts; we were taken through underground tunnels - and it was indescribable! So many emotions, food for thought. And here... well, yes, chocolate, but the establishment has no “raisins”.

Regarding purchases of souvenirs and sweets - buy a couple to try, taste on the spot - if everything is ok, take more.

I would like to finish my review about the Simferopol Chocolate Museum with an exhibit from one of the most popular places in Crimea.

Where else to relax in Crimea? (where * is my rating) :

Where to go / go in Crimea?

P.s: My name is Alena, see you soon

The sweetest chocolate museum in Simferopol attracts the attention of everyone, regardless of whether a person has a sweet tooth or not. After all, there are not so many such establishments in the world. When in the Crimean capital, you should definitely set aside 30-40 minutes to see with your own eyes the incredible handmade creations made from real chocolate. It is located in a separate room of the cafe, where you can enjoy all kinds of delicacies. Immediately after entering, miracles begin - visitors are given a chocolate ticket, the cost of which will be affordable for everyone. Next comes an introduction to history. The first thing the visitor sees is a cocoa tree, next to which there is a figure of an Indian. This was done for a reason. It is believed that the Mayans were the first to try and learn how to make delicious drinks and dishes using cocoa beans.

The history of the creation of the chocolate museum

The mini-gallery appeared relatively recently in Simferopol, but has already gained popularity not only among local residents, but also among tourists. In 2009, the city’s confectioners decided to create a unique establishment that would provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the sweet delicacy, its connoisseurs, and see what talented craftsmen are capable of when working with chocolate. To open the exhibition, it took neither more nor less - a little more than one ton of chocolate “material” from which the masterpieces were created. This product requires the creation of certain conditions - humidity and temperature. After all, if it is cold, it will become covered with a whitish coating, and if the air warms up to 22 °C and above, it may simply float. But, even if you comply with all the requirements, after 5 years the “exhibits” expire. And everything needs to start again. The collection is in the process of constant updating and replenishment, and when the holidays approach, you can see themed products here - Easter eggs, a beautiful New Year tree, valentines, bouquets. Naturally, all this is quite edible.

What is interesting about Salon Du Chocolat?

Once you get to the Salon Du Chocolat chocolate museum, you should pay attention to the fact that even the walls are covered with delicacy; the only thing you need to remember is that you can’t touch anything here, so as not to spoil the works of art. Children are attracted by the miniature gnome house, which displays the masterful work of the chocolatier. He was able to masterfully recreate every detail - the thujas in the flowerpots look like they are alive, the small tables with chairs seem to be waiting for the owners of the house to come and sit down at them. The life-size figure of the chocolate girl is a real delight. It is known that the author needed as much as 400 kilograms of chocolate to create it. Also nearby you can contemplate portraits of Catherine II, Christopher Columbus, and the large family of Nicholas II. The most complex composition is the Eiffel Tower. To recreate it, precise mathematical calculations were even made so that it could support its own weight for several years.

What can you take with you?

After getting acquainted with the exhibition, visitors can treat themselves to aromatic desserts and drinks - the assortment is impressive with a variety of choices. There is also the opportunity to purchase sweet souvenirs, which can become an amazing gift. For example, there are charming bouquets of candies, cute figurines, animal figurines, and sets in antique boxes.

It is possible to make an individual order. For example, if you need a portrait of a person, a small sculpture or a bust. And if this art is so impressive that you want to engage in similar creativity yourself, you can sign up for a master class from famous chocolatiers. The art cafe Salon Du Chocolat is located on Kirova Avenue, 66, not far from the western exit of the famous Children's Park, approximately halfway between Sovetskaya and Kuibyshev squares.
The Chocolate Museum is the most favorite place to visit among children, among

About a year ago I found the following article on the Internet.

The first chocolate museum in Ukraine appeared in Simferopol.
A permanent exhibition “The History of Chocolate from Chocolate” has opened at the Simferopol Salon Du Chocolat. Crimean confectioners needed one and a half tons of the sweet product to tell its story. In the first chocolate museum in Ukraine, all exhibits are made by hand and exist in a single copy. According to the organizers, when creating the unusual collection, all types of chocolate and all techniques for working with this product were used - casting, sculpting and others. The exhibition opens with a cocoa tree, next to it are figurines of Indians who were the first to learn how to make chocolate. In the museum you can also see portraits of famous people who loved this delicacy. The pride of the exhibition is the chocolate Eiffel Tower. Not only confectioners, but also a specially invited mathematician worked on its creation. The exhibition is open daily from 10.00 to 20.00. The entrance ticket costs 20 hryvnia (75 rubles). The salon is located at: Kirova Avenue, 66. (based on materials from "E-Crimea", and

Then I saw this material several more times on the Internet. Of course, I immediately wanted to visit this exhibition. But somehow everything didn’t work out. And today (01/29/2011) I finally found the time. To be honest, my wife suddenly found the same ad on the Internet and suggested we go there. I found this address easily. I reached Sovetskaya Square, crossed the bridge over Salgir and walked another 200 meters to the intersection with Zoya Zhiltsova Street. This is where the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Crimea and the security service are. And then you need to go almost in the same direction (towards the security service. Only the entrance gate needs to be bypassed on the right. Very close, in the basement of a beautiful high-rise building, you will see the entrance to the cafe " Salon Du Chocolat". A few steps down. Already at the entrance you will feel the pleasant smell of chocolate. A beautifully decorated cozy room. Friendly staff. There are quite a lot of people in the room. Many came with families with children. Along the walls there are mirrored cabinets in which there are sweet beautiful products on each shelf. True prices They're a little scary. But right at the entrance there's a big Christmas tree all made of chocolate. The tree is huge. I think it's about two meters!

We buy tickets. The tickets are also made of chocolate. A friendly girl, who actually works as a waiter, but also acts as a tour guide, takes us to the museum. Small room. But there really are miracles in it! All exhibits are made of chocolate. The entire surface of each stand is covered with a layer of chocolate. And stands occupy almost the entire area of ​​the walls. The paintings, the subject plan of the stands and even the figure of a chocolate girl standing in the corner are all made of chocolate! A full-length figure of a girl, in an old long dress with a tray on which she carries two cups of a chocolate drink. And the tray and cups are chocolate too! Meanwhile, the guide begins to quickly and confidently tell the history of chocolate. starts from the very beginning, when Columbus arrived in America and saw the Indians there drinking a chocolate drink unknown to Europeans. Right there at the stand we can see the fruits of the chocolate tree. From the story we learn how the first fruits were brought to Europe, how at first no one liked them and how gradually they gained recognition. Which of the great and famous people loved chocolate and contributed to its spread. The story ends with a short excursion into the history of the candy industry in Simferopol. On one of the stands there is even a portrait of the man who built the first candy factory in Simferopol before the revolution - Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov. The portrait was made on a large sheet of chocolate using food coloring. In general, there are quite a lot of paintings and portraits in the museum. There is even a group portrait of the entire royal family of Nicholas II. I bring to your attention a photo report from the chocolate exhibition.

The tower is made exclusively of chocolate. Not reinforced with anything. To ensure that it does not break under its own weight, a professional mathematician was involved in its design. The tower cannot be moved. it was done on this very spot.

The Christmas tree is not in the museum, but right in the cafeteria hall. You can see it without purchasing a ticket. True, then it won’t be convenient for you not to order something for yourself in a cafe.

Location of the museum on the map

View on a larger map

The proportions in this composition are not all right. But this is him - the symbol of our city, the White Swan - the station! All made of delicious chocolate! On the wall above the station is a collective portrait of the royal family of Nicholas II. Of course, made from chocolate.

Indian deity

Painting. Chocolate and canvas and frame.

Portrait of Catherine II

Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov. Founder of the first confectionery factory in Simferopol.

Replicas of Feberge eggs (chocolate food colors)

The ticket to visit the museum is also made of chocolate.