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Kudin belongs to the category of bitter teas (Khu Cha). Although it is difficult to call it tea in the full sense of the word. This is a tea drink that is obtained from the leaves of Holly latifolia. What is the value of Kudin tea, how to use it to maintain health and well-being?

This unique tea is obtained from the leaves of the holly plant, which is a species of plant native to the subtropics. The tree is evergreen, it belongs to the Holly genus, like the famous mate. Sometimes kudin is made from privet leaves that grow in China. But this type of Kudin is rare.

Broadleaf holly has leathery leaves that are quite long and wide. And the tree bark is almost black. Leaves are collected on slopes where it is humid, as well as along the banks of rivers flowing in mixed terrain.

After processing Kudin, several types are obtained. The leaves are twisted, in the form of spirals. There is pressed and . Kudin Shui Xiu, which belongs to the highest category of bitter teas, is produced from the smallest leaves. This tea is produced by hand-picking only in Sichuan province.

What does the legend say?

There is a beautiful legend that tells about Kudin. It says that in one place there lived a girl named A Xian. She always collected holly leaves to make a healing drink.

One day a girl was sent as a concubine to the emperor. Ah Xian chose to commit suicide by throwing herself off a cliff. Small drops of her blood fell on the green buds of the plant and took on a bloody tint. Since then, the tender buds have remained crimson in color, and the infusion has become bitter-sweet in taste.

Composition of Kudin tea

The leaves of broadleaf holly contain a storehouse of minerals and beneficial trace elements. Among them:

  • Calcium.
  • B vitamins.
  • Sodium.
  • Silicon.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Vitamin D
  • Sulfur.
  • A nicotinic acid.

All these elements, when properly prepared, turn into an infusion, having a beneficial effect on the body.

Useful properties of Kudin

Chinese herbal drink Kudin improves immunity. During the period of flu and colds, this is especially true. If the illness has already set in, a sore throat or a cough appears, kudin will contribute to a speedy recovery. The bactericidal properties of the drink help reduce fever and relieve inflammation. This drink helps well during the recovery period after a serious illness.

A drink made from holly leaves normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Kudin is recommended for those who have problems with the pancreas.

Has diuretic properties. But kudin does not dehydrate the body; it helps cope with swelling, remove toxins and waste. Feeling quickly improves.

Removing toxins from the body, as well as accelerating metabolism, helps to cope with excess weight. Tea has a bitter taste, which reduces the feeling of hunger.

Kudin is useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It dilates blood vessels; if you drink the drink regularly, the vessels become elastic and the blood thins. It is recommended to use kudin for preventive purposes if you are prone to problems with blood vessels.

Systematic intake of the drink will improve vision, memory, and help cope with headaches. A cup of tea will improve your performance and make your thoughts clearer.

In the morning, kudin will invigorate you better than coffee. If you drink it in the evening, the drink will relieve fatigue. The herbal drink has an effect on mood. Kudin is superior to green tea in the amount of flavonoids, which helps with rapid recovery after hard work.

How to brew and drink Kudin tea correctly

Boiling water is not suitable for brewing Kudin. It is better to use water whose temperature is about 85 degrees. The dosage must also be observed. For 250 ml of water you will need no more than 5 grams of leaves.

The leaves are poured with hot water and after five seconds the water is drained. This is the first spill necessary to open and wash the leaves. During the second brewing, the curled holly leaves begin to gradually open up. To obtain a drink, one minute is enough; if you insist longer, you can get a drink with a bitter taste.

Holly leaves can be brewed up to five times in total. This drink should never be drunk with food. Do not forget that, first of all, this is a healing drink; you need to drink it in small sips in limited quantities.

You can drink the drink not only hot, but also cold. To do this, you need to strain the infusion and leave for 2 hours to cool. A properly brewed drink should be slightly bitter, with a sweet aftertaste.

Kudin will help you lose weight

Anyone who is going to drink green kudin for weight loss must follow certain rules.

  • It is necessary to adhere to a salt-free diet, since salt retains excess fluid. The body swells, extra pounds appear.
  • In no case should you start your morning with Kudin; you must first eat something protein. And then have a cup of tea.
  • You need to drink more clean water.
  • Herbal tea should not be combined with lemon, honey or sugar.
  • The daily norm for weight loss is no more than three cups, and only after consultation with a specialist.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink daily for a long time. During this time, Kudin will help improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and remove swelling. In combination with active physical activity and a low-calorie diet, good results can be achieved.

Who is contraindicated in Kudin tea?

Not everyone can drink herbal teas. There are people for whom Holly leaves are extremely contraindicated. It is not recommended to drink this drink:

  • With exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • For diseases associated with the endocrine system.
  • During lactation and pregnancy.
  • For chronic hypertension.
  • For children.

When prepared correctly, Kudin tea will only bring benefits and will delight you with its unusual taste and long, rich aftertaste.

Kudin is made from the leaves of a subtropical tree - broadleaf holly. It grows in the mountains, or rather on their slopes, in the Chinese provinces: Sichuan, Fujian, Yunnan, Henan. The oriental unusualness of the drink made it popular in the tea market. Doctors classify Kudin tea as a natural medicinal drink and prescribe it for various diseases.

Origin story

  1. Even 2 thousand years ago, Chinese healers actively used the medicinal qualities of tea. "Kudin" is translated from Chinese as "bitter herb" and also "bitter tear". The discovery of tea is credited to many people, but the one that really stands out is the legend of the Chinese Emperor Tang Tianbao. He wanted to create an elixir that would help him stay forever young. The emperor wanted to present the magic drink as a gift to his beloved. The emperor's subordinates from all over China searched for plants for the elixir. One day one of them wandered into an ancient temple and a local employee told him about magic tea. The envoy brought a container of the drink for the empress, who fell in love with its taste and noted its beneficial qualities. Since then, it has become a classic Chinese drink, and then conquered the whole world.
  2. There is another interesting legend about the origin of red spots on the green buds of the tea tree. In one Chinese settlement there lived a beautiful girl, A Xian. Every morning she began with the fact that she collected tea leaves to prepare healing decoctions for sick people. One dark day, Ah Xian was arrested and brought to the emperor as a concubine. The girl grieved for a long time, because she did not want to put up with her shameful fate. One day she decided to throw herself from a cliff; after the blow, drops of her blood fell on the green buds of the Kudin plant, which to this day remain a crimson hue. And the taste of the tea, thanks to the blood, turned out to be very spicy and slightly sweet.

  • Kuding Shui Xiu recognized as the most elite variety, it is collected at the foot of the Yellow Mountain in Sichuan province, and this is what the whole world enjoys so much. The region has the cleanest climate, which results in the production of first-class raw materials. The tea is made from tender young leaves that are not manually processed.
  • Kuding Shui Xiu- another famous variety of tea. Its leaves are twisted around the petiole into sticks 6-7 centimeters long.

In other areas of China, broadleaf holly also grows, but its raw materials are used to produce inexpensive goods.

Kudin tea has several types:

  • sheet;
  • pressed;
  • spiral;
  • connected;
  • twisted.

Beneficial features

The healing effect of the leaves is very rich - Kudin includes vitamins A, B, D, E, PP, as well as sulfur, iron, silicon, manganese, tannin, and phosphates. The tea contains ascorbic, nicotinic and hydrochloric acids.

This unique composition is extremely useful. Tea can be consumed for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of various diseases:

  • colds;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • cardiovascular;
  • hypertensive crises.

Beneficial features:

  1. Increases body tone, fights irritation and fatigue.
  2. Kudin tea normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Phosphorus in the plant reduces fatigue from mental activity and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  4. Chinese tea helps fight malignant tumors in the body by eliminating harmful waste and toxins.
  5. The plant has astringent properties that fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize metabolism and help get rid of colitis.
  6. Consumption of Kudin prevents thrombosis in the body; it is necessary for older people.
  7. Tea cleanses the liver and has a diuretic effect.
  8. The plant strengthens local immunity, is an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.
  9. Widely used as an adjuvant for the treatment of the mouth area - in the presence of stomatitis.
  10. Kudin will help women and men who want to lose weight.
  11. The plant contains potassium, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps the cardiovascular system function normally.
  12. A drink from Kudin is able to saturate the body with a variety of substances, micro- and macroelements, that are necessary for the body.

Where can I buy

  • Kudin tea is sold in many online stores. It is important to ensure that the supplier has a quality certificate.
  • Tea leaves can be bought in special boutiques and stores. Consultants will definitely answer all questions about the varieties of Kudin, tell you about the healing properties, and if necessary, provide a license.

How to brew and drink Kudin tea correctly

It is very important to prepare the drink correctly in order to get all the beneficial and healing properties from its use. There are two methods for brewing Chinese tea:

  1. Infusion of leaves in cold water. This method allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of tea and obtain a rich and unique aroma. To brew the drink, you need to take several branches of Kudin and soak them in cold water. You need to wait until all the leaves open. After this, pour warm boiled water over the tea leaves and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Standard tea brewing. The water temperature must be no more than 50 degrees. It is under such conditions that the noble and rich taste of tea will appear. For 250 ml of water you will need half a twig of Kudin. You need to put the tea leaves in a kettle that has been previously doused with boiling water and pour hot water. After this, you must immediately drain the water (it is only needed to wash away dirt, dust and awaken the aroma of the leaves). Pour the tea leaves a second time and leave for 4 minutes. Strain the finished tea and drink it in any form - cold or hot.


Kudin certainly has benefits for humans, especially adults. Despite this, there are some contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • child's age up to 12 years;
  • individual intolerance to components in tea;
  • chronic gastroenteritis.

Can Kudin tea be used for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, it is undesirable to drink this drink, as it increases blood pressure, which is dangerous for the expectant mother and the fetus, especially in the second trimester. You should not drink Kudin during lactation - some micro- and macroelements, as well as substances in tea, are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, which means they will not be useful for an infant.

  • People with diabetes should take Kudin for 14 days in a row, as a medicine. One cup (200 ml) of tea will be enough; you should drink it about 40 minutes before meals.
  • People with cholecystitis can take Kudin during remission. Dosage - 100 ml after breakfast, 2 times a week. During an exacerbation of the disease, drinking tea is prohibited.
  • For patients who have problems with the thyroid gland and blood pressure (hypertension), it is useful to drink 200 ml of Kudin 45 minutes before lunch for 2 weeks.
  • To combat excess weight, you can take 200 ml 40 minutes after eating a protein meal. Tea speeds up metabolism and is great for weight loss.

Some, having tried Kudin for the first time, claim that the tea has an unusual, bitter and spicy taste. But you can easily get used to it, because you can take less tea leaves, or drink tea with honey or jam. The drink will help you forget about many diseases and maintain excellent physical shape every day. The active substances and invigorating properties of the drink will help maintain excellent health and mood.

Kudin is not tea, as it has nothing to do with tea bushes. This is a drink that is brewed from the dried leaves of an evergreen plant, an inhabitant of the subtropics - broadleaf holly. The leaves are collected and processed in the Chinese southern provinces in canyons, on damp mountain slopes in the shade, in mixed forests along the banks of streams. Dried kudin tea comes in several varieties - pressed, twisted, bound, spiral, leaf, etc. The highest category is considered to be Kudin Shui Xiu, which is produced from small leaves collected in Sichuan province. The drink is used not only to quench thirst and gain pleasure, but is also used in Chinese folk medicine, as it is considered a life-saving remedy for various diseases.

Kudin tea is truly unusual and unique: the beneficial properties of this drink are described in ancient Chinese documents. They call it magical because, according to ancient manuscripts, it “cleanses the head and eyes,” “dispels the wind,” “calms anxiety,” “drives out poisons,” and performs many other functions. Modern scientists, having studied the composition of this drink, confirmed the research of the ancient Chinese. This infusion contains many vitamins (A, E, C, D, B1, B2), mineral elements (magnesium, sulfur, potassium, sodium, manganese, silicon, sulfur, chlorophyll) and flavonoids (10 times more than in regular green tea). Thanks to such a wealth of chemical composition, with regular and proper use, kudin tea affects many body systems in the most favorable way:

  • tones, invigorates, increases performance, relieves fatigue;
  • significantly reduces blood sugar levels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps with colds, stomatitis, mild malaise, bronchitis, heartburn, gingivitis, runny nose;
  • cleanses blood vessels;
  • improves memory;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves stomach function;
  • normalizes metabolism - lipid and carbohydrate;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • protects against radiation;
  • removes waste, heavy metals, toxins;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • strengthens the heart.

A safe, natural remedy given by nature, kudin green tea has antipyretic, detoxifying, antioxidant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and expectorant effects. Contraindications to its use will tell you whether such a powerful remedy poses a danger to the body.


Kudin tea is amazing: contraindications to its use are “classical prohibitions” common to all natural remedies. This:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 12 years.

The only “personal” contraindication for kudin tea is chronic gastroenteritis. In all other cases, this drink will bring only joy and pleasure, as well as undoubted and guaranteed help to the body. But to do this you need to know how to brew it correctly.

Rules for brewing kudin

For maximum effect, you need to use kudin tea wisely: everyone who has decided on such a unique method of treating their ailments needs to know how to brew this drink. The preparation ceremony takes place in several stages.

1. When brewing kudin, the temperature of the water is important: at 100 °C you will get a drink that tastes like wormwood bitterness. Many, not knowing this nuance, brew kudin like regular tea - with boiling water. After this, they refuse the wonderful drink - and completely in vain. After all, if you fill it with water at 40–50°C, you get an exquisite, bitter, noble taste.

2. One heaped teaspoon or 1/2 stick of kudin contains 250 ml of water.

3. The teapot is first doused with boiling water, after which the tea is poured in and filled with water.

5. Kudin can be brewed up to 5 times without harming its taste and beneficial properties.

Not everyone understands the taste of kudin, since the drink is bitter and leaves a long, characteristic aftertaste. It is drunk in small sips, without mixing with other liquids (especially water). Some people like iced kudin tea. To do this, the brewed infusion is filtered and cooled. Do not eat your drink with sweets or buns. The only product that can be combined with it is honey. In China, it is drunk exclusively as a medicinal drug. There are even different dosages and modes of use for different diseases.

The body's systems have different modes of operation and do not respond equally to medications designed to help them. It’s the same with kudin tea. If you use it for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, you need to know at what time and in what quantity it is best to use it for greater effectiveness.

  • Hypertension, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland

To normalize blood pressure and thyroid function, kudin tea should be drunk 40 minutes before lunch in the amount of one glass. The full course of treatment should be at least two weeks. It is recommended that you first consult with your regular physician.

  • Overweight

Recently, Kudin tea has been especially actively used for weight loss, as it perfectly activates all metabolic processes in the body and successfully removes a lot of unnecessary substances. For this purpose, drink the drink an hour after lunch in the amount of one glass. Such a diet can last until the desired number appears on the scales. Naturally, at the same time you will need to limit your diet and exercise.

  • Diabetes mellitus type II

With Kudin tea it is easy to forget about illnesses. An elite, strict, noble, exotic drink will give a qualitatively new taste and an unusual tonic effect, become an inexhaustible source of health and bring new, optimistic notes to life.

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Kudin tea, unusual in its composition, has many features that have a positive effect on the body and, in the absence of contraindications, can be used as a remedy. It is made from the leaves of broadleaf holly - a tall evergreen tropical plant, that is, calling kudin tea is not entirely correct. The popularity and exoticism of the drink has made it very popular on the market, and the healing properties of kudin tea put it on a par with herbal drinks.

Origin story

Kudin was widely used by Chinese healers 2000 years ago. The name of the tea is translated as “bitter grass” or “bitter tear”, which reflects the taste properties of the resulting drink. Its discovery is attributed to many famous personalities, but a legend has taken root that it was thanks to Emperor Tang Tianbao that a healing drink was made from holly leaves.

According to legend, the emperor decided to create an elixir of youth to give it to his chosen one. Plants were collected all over the country and one day the envoy was lucky enough to wander into a monastery, where the abbot told him about the miraculous kudin and presented him with a barrel of drink as a gift. The emperor's chosen one highly appreciated the properties of Chinese tea, and since then it has become traditional.

Features of Kudin tea

The drink made from holly leaves is often compared to green tea. Indeed, the preparation process and chemical composition of these plants are very similar, but they differ in both taste and properties. For kudin, exclusively young leaves are collected, after which they are rolled and dried in the sun. Moreover, the harvest is harvested exclusively by hand. Unlike kudin, green tea is made from leaves rather than broadleaf holly.

Kudin is an elite drink that, when properly prepared, has a tart, slightly bitter taste. That is why for its production, young leaves of the plant are taken, which are able to quickly give off strength and richness of aroma.

Tea varieties

Chinese kudin tea has several varieties:

  • Sheet.
  • Spiral (they are also called “spears”).
  • Twisted.
  • Pressed.
  • Connected.

The quality of the sheet is determined precisely by the nature of its twisting

The most elite is considered to be Kuding Shui Xiu, which is collected in Sichuan province at the foot of the Yellow Mountain. It is believed that in this area there is an ecologically clean climate and the raw materials are of higher quality. Broadleaf holly grows in all Chinese provinces, but in them the leaves of the plant are collected for the production of low-grade, cheap goods.

Composition of kudin

The benefits and harms of this exotic drink are determined by the chemical composition of the plant. This is truly a tea rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It contains vitamins A, D, E, PP, B, as well as silicon, manganese, sulfur, iron, and phosphates. Kudin is a source of nicotinic, hydrochloric and ascorbic acid. In addition, the plant contains useful resins, tannin, volatile oils, and in terms of the amount of flavonoids it surpasses all other types of tea.

Beneficial features

The unique chemical composition of the drink determines the invaluable benefits of kudin tea for the human body. Moreover, it can be used both for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Colds.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hypertensive crises.

The presence of bactericidal and detoxifying components allows Kudin tea to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, so it is recommended to drink it for various poisonings

The beneficial properties of kudin tea are as follows:

  • The presence of phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, including helping to reduce mental fatigue.
  • Helps with chronic fatigue, tones and invigorates the body, and also improves memory.
  • Regular consumption of the drink helps normalize blood pressure, which prevents the development of hypertension.
  • The properties of Chinese kudin tea, aimed at removing toxins, waste and heavy metals from the body, make it possible to fight free radicals and prevent the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • The ability to thin the blood makes kudin indispensable for the prevention of blood clots, which is why older people drink it especially actively.
  • The astringent properties of the drink have a positive effect on the digestive tract, including relieving colic and speeding up metabolism.
  • Kudin perfectly cleanses the liver and improves lipid metabolism, and is also a diuretic.
  • The drink is an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent, therefore it is used to treat colds, sore throat, stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity.
  • Helps strengthen local immunity.
  • Thanks to the potassium it contains, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Kudin tea actively burns fat, so it is recommended for use during weight loss.
  • During a diet, this drink helps saturate the body with essential nutrients.


Despite its invaluable benefits, kudin has standard contraindications for use: pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 12 years of age. Do not forget about individual intolerance to the components of the plant. Harm from kudin tea is possible only in the presence of a chronic disease - gastroenteritis. In this case, its use should be avoided. In other cases, the drink will bring great benefits to the body.

How to brew correctly

It is possible to reveal the taste qualities of kudin and obtain healing results only with its proper preparation. Therefore, you should carefully study how to brew kudin tea. There are two ways to do this: pre-soaking the leaves in cold water and standard brewing tea.

The first method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the plant and obtain a drink with a rich tea aroma. To do this, take a few branches of kudin and soak them in cold water until the leaves open completely. Then pour boiled, but not hot, water over the tea leaves and leave for 5 minutes to infuse.

The second method is more familiar, but requires compliance with the temperature regime. The water should not be hotter than 40-50 °C, since the noble taste is manifested only if the drink is brewed correctly. The brew should be taken at the rate of half a stick of kudin per 250 ml of water. First rinse the teapot with boiling water, then put the tea leaves in it and fill it with hot water. The first water must be drained - it is necessary in order to awaken the tea leaves and wash away the dust from them. The second batch of water is already needed to infuse the drink. Cooking time: 3 to 4 minutes.

The finished tea can be strained and consumed either warm or cooled.

Drink it in small sips, without mixing it with food. Kudin is used precisely as a medicine, so special dosages have even been developed for various diseases.

According to the advice of doctors, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For diabetes mellitus, the course of taking Kudin is 2 weeks. In this case, you should drink one glass a day 45 minutes before taking a second breakfast.
  • For hypertension and thyroid diseases, one glass of kudin infusion is consumed 40 minutes before lunch, and the course of administration is also two weeks.
  • When fighting excess weight, this tea is designed to speed up metabolic processes, so it is recommended to drink it an hour after eating. In this case, the course of treatment can last until the desired result of weight loss occurs.

It must be remembered that this noble, exquisite variety can only be purchased in specialized stores, otherwise it’s easy to run into a fake

The bitter and tart taste often scares tea connoisseurs away from this drink. However, it is easy to get used to, and you can reduce the bitterness by taking less tea leaves. Amazing tonic properties and a storehouse of useful substances will help you forget about most diseases and maintain your physical shape in excellent condition.
