Vegan pumpkin stuffed with rice and baked whole in the oven. Hapama. Stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven with meat and rice Whole pumpkin baked in the oven with rice


  • Small pumpkin (about 1 kg) no matter what shape - 1 piece
  • Rice - 4 tablespoons
  • Apples - 1-2 pieces
  • Sugar (honey) - to taste
  • Small red cherry plum - 10-12 pieces
  • Raisins - 4 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying pumpkin - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook Hapama, sweet pumpkin stuffed with rice and baked whole in the oven

Cut off the top of the pumpkin.

Cut the top off the pumpkin

Remove the seeds. This is easy to do with a spoon. Next I use a chisel, this is an irreplaceable thing! Hollow out a boat from the pumpkin, and again smooth out the unevenness with a spoon.

Remove seeds and scoop out pulp

We will save time, so put the pumpkin on foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees while the filling is prepared.

Bake pumpkin

Boil for 10 minutes in plenty of water and drain in a colander. Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Chop the pumpkin pulp too. Cherry plum can be replaced with dried apricots and prunes; the khapama and walnuts will not spoil it, but I follow my favorite family recipe.

Prepare apples, cherry plums and raisins

Cook pumpkin pulp in heated vegetable oil, stirring, over medium heat until soft, add a pinch of salt. Then add rice, raisins and pitted cherry plums.

Add rice to pumpkin and fruit

Mix. At this stage, you should add 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey to the pumpkin filling, but it’s better to try it first. If the pumpkin is sweet, then the filling is incredibly tasty even without sugar. The main thing here is not to eat it all.

Stuffed pumpkin filling

But I definitely put cinnamon in the dessert stuffed pumpkin. Remove the pumpkin from the oven and place the filling in it.

Sweet stuffed pumpkin

Compact well and cover with the cut top. Bake at 200 degrees until done. Hapama is ready when the pumpkin can be pierced with a wooden skewer without effort; use your oven as a guide.

Hapama, rice-stuffed and whole baked pumpkin

Slice the pumpkin stuffed with fruit pilaf and baked whole in the oven. If the khapama is round, cut into sections like a cake, if it’s long, cut into slices like sausage :)

Hapama. Pumpkin stuffed with fruit pilaf

The hapama is ready. Pumpkin stuffed with rice and fruit and baked whole in the oven is a spectacular, elegant, incredibly tasty and aromatic dish. Instead of melted butter, you can top the vegan version of hapama with sweet sauce or jam.

If you are not a meat eater, stuff with vegetarian mixtures with dried fruits, mushrooms, fresh apples, pears, cottage cheese, or other vegetable stews. The filling is important, it can be changed and seasoned with spices differently, but the highlight of the dish is the pumpkin container.

Examine the orange fruits; cut off the sloping, unstable ones from the bottom. For individual servings, choose small ones in diameter. Teardrop-shaped ones are often cut lengthwise, experiment with a specific variety. Consider the weight - stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven with meat and rice is heavy.

Cooking time: 60-90 minutes / Number of servings: 2-3


  • pumpkin 600 g
  • pork pulp 400 g
  • rice 200 g
  • onion 1 pc.
  • garlic 1-2 teeth.
  • chili 1-2 rings
  • vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste
  • greens for serving


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    For the filling, you can use any rice; I used the most common white rice. We rinse in several waters, to cook faster, leave in a bowl with cold water for 30 minutes or longer. The swollen one quickly softens, suitable for porridges, broths, soups and side dishes. I prefer to boil the rice until cooked and, when it is in an edible state, mix it with other products, load it inside the pumpkin and further steam it in the oven. But you can leave the rice raw or half-cooked, fill the pumpkin about two-thirds full, add boiling water/broth in parts and wait for it to swell. The second method will take more time, since a pumpkin is not a ceramic pot or cauldron with a lid, the grains soften more slowly in its walls.

    So, cook the rice using the usual method, in boiling water, then rinse.

    Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into small (or large, if desired) cubes of approximately the same size. There can be different types of meat, chicken, turkey, rabbit, whatever you like and have. Separate the fillet from the bone, tough film, or too fatty areas. I cook from pork tenderloin - it is always juicy, flavorful, meaty, not too fatty and easy to cut. There is no illiquid stock left, you just need to cut it up and put everything into action.

    Like rice, we process the meat twice - first on top heat, then in the filling, baking. Heat a wide frying pan to fit more at once. Pour in the lean refined oil, after half a minute add the pork pieces. Fry in crackling fat for a couple of minutes, add chopped chili, garlic and onions. Mix. Meat juice is often released, let it evaporate. Then you can fry it until deeply golden brown, or you can just dry it slightly. But do not fry for too long, the meat inside will become tough and lose moisture and tenderness.

    We divide the clean pumpkin so as to preserve the top “hat” and the massive lower part for minced meat; remove the hard peel from the intermediate part. We chop the pulp quite coarsely. We send the pumpkin slices to the fried meat and, after stirring, continue to keep on the stove for another 5 minutes. The pumpkin will be soaked in aromatic fat and will taste better in the dish.

    We transfer the washed boiled rice to the fried assortment, season with salt and pepper. Stir and be sure to try. Stuffing filling on hand. If you need strong-smelling spices, use them. My filling kit is basic and minimal. Only rice, pumpkin, pork, onion, garlic, hot pepper. If you want, complicate the variation of pilaf. To the listed composition add mushrooms, dried fruits, barberries. If you don't eat white rice, replace it with another grain. Sometimes it is stewed with buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, and bulgur.

    Let's return to the pumpkin, here are the containers for baking and serving. We do not damage the lower volumetric part, we take care of the shell. From the inside we take out the thread-like fibers with seeds. If you see that the cavity is small and you can’t physically fit a lot of filling, scrape the pulp. The wall thickness of half a centimeter is quite sufficient: strong, withstands long-term baking and the heavy weight of the filling.

    We tamp the minced meat and fill the pumpkin to the top. Use a spoon; it will help you reach the raised areas and press the filling mixture tightly. Stick in a bay leaf and pour in boiling water (or boiled meat broth). The volume of liquid is small, as much as will fit. You just need to simmer the pulp on the walls and combine all the flavors.

    We transfer it to a convenient fireproof tray, cover it with a “hat” and put it in a hot oven for 30-40 minutes (temperature 180 degrees). Stuffed pumpkin is sometimes charred - rather for decorative purposes.

Serve stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven with meat and rice, garnished with fresh herbs. Nourishing, beautiful and tasty!

With the onset of autumn, the diet is replenished with another healthy vegetable - pumpkin. Dishes with it help improve immunity, relieve depression and have a positive effect on vision. Along with the standard milk pumpkin porridge, you can please your loved ones with an innovation. Baked pumpkin with rice will pleasantly surprise you not only with its unusual execution, but also with its rich taste. The recipe is so simple that it will become one of the best.

Recipe for pumpkin and rice baked in the oven

Pumpkin with rice baked in the oven turns out especially tasty and fragrant. Rice in this version acquires a crumbly structure and a sweetish taste. However, this does not spoil the overall impression, but only adds spice.

Source: Depositphotos

Baked pumpkin with rice - an original and tasty dish

Product set:

  • 1 medium sized pumpkin;
  • 200 g rice;
  • 500–550 ml milk or cream;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 30–40 g butter;
  • 200 g dried fruits;
  • 2 fresh apples;
  • salt to taste.

The choice of dried fruits is individual - dried apricots, raisins, prunes. You can add nuts.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut off the top of the washed pumpkin using a sharp funnel-shaped knife. Remove the seeds from inside.
  2. Rinse the rice in several waters, brew with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. This will help remove the gluten and the porridge will turn out crumbly.
  3. Wash dried fruits. Cut the apples into cubes.
  4. Mix rice with all ingredients in a separate bowl, add honey.
  5. Divide the oil into 2 parts, place one on the bottom of the pumpkin. Fill one third of the volume with the prepared rice-fruit mixture, as it will swell during the stewing process. The second piece of butter will go on top.
  6. Pour in milk or cream. It is permissible to replace it with water, then the calorie content in the finished state will decrease, but the taste will change.
  7. Cover the vegetable with the previously removed lid. Wrap in foil and place in an oven preheated to 200°C. Bake for 50–80 minutes.

Do not remove the foil immediately. Let the dish cool a little, which will have a better effect on the final result.

Rice porridge baked in pumpkin is suitable for breakfast, dinner or lunch. Prepare for the holiday table, which will become a worthy decoration and surprise for guests. Before eating, cut the vegetable into segments, this makes it easier to serve. Decorate with whipped cream, walnuts or almonds. Pumpkin sweetness can be diluted with sourness in the form of cranberry or any berry juice. Pairs with fresh buns, muffins and other sweet baked goods. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin is a grateful product: it “looks” equally great in both savory and dessert versions. I propose to talk about the latter in more detail.

Luxurious pumpkin pulp, the juice of which soaks the rice, a sea of ​​dried fruits, a delicate creamy taste, a subtle aroma of spices - and this is already enough to immediately run to the kitchen.
If we remember the incredible usefulness of pumpkin, then you can eat exclusively this dish.

So, stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven is a dessert option.


  • 1 small pumpkin, preferably with a regular round shape;
  • about 1 cup rice;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 100 g sugar if desired (if the pumpkin is not very sweet, I highly recommend it);
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest;
  • a pinch of salt.


Step 1. Prepare the pumpkin.

Wash the pumpkin and dry it with paper towels.
Carefully cut off the top cap. Using a spoon (a large spoon, a knife, a fork, your hand - whichever is more convenient) we take out the insides - seeds and fibers (by the way, it’s great to immediately sprinkle them with salt and fry them well in the oven: a treat - you won’t be able to tear yourself away!).
The first stage, we will consider, is completed, we move on to the second.

Step 2. Prepare the filling.

Rice Boil until half cooked, don’t forget to add salt when cooking. If you put raw rice into the pumpkin, it may simply not “reach” the desired degree of cooking. If you use ready-made cereal, it will spread and turn into a homogeneous mass.

Prunes Wash and cut into strips, removing the pit if necessary.

Raisin rinse, place on a sieve to remove excess moisture.

With dried apricots We carry out the same manipulations - wash, chop. By and large, you can leave dried fruits whole - if you are a fan of brutal naturalness, do so, I prefer uniformity and miniatureness.

Mix the rice, boiled until half cooked, raisins, chopped prunes, pieces of dried apricots, zest , cinnamon And sugar .

Cut the butter into small pieces and add to the filling. Of course, it will not melt at this stage, but we don’t need that yet.

Steps 3 and 4. Stuff the pumpkin and bake it in the oven

Fill the empty pumpkin with the minced meat. Cover with a cut-off lid (“cap”) and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about an hour. We check the readiness of the dish by tasting the pulp of the pumpkin stuffed in the oven at the crust: it should be almost puree-like, however, it should hold its shape well.

Serve dessert immediately. Optimally - with sour cream or cream. Pumpkin goes well with honey, melted butter, and apricot jam.

In addition, stuffed pumpkin is also good when cooled - a great reason to have a light afternoon snack, accompanied by a glass of milk or a cup of cappuccino.

If you like experiments, try adding a handful of chopped nuts to the minced meat (if you fry it first, you will be absolutely delighted), a little poppy seed (by the way, it would also be nice to dry it in a frying pan), sweet homemade cream (and thicker, richer - now I don’t care about your waist , more important is the taste), pieces of apple or pear (oh, what juiciness they give to the rice!), dogwood or lingonberries (a slight sourness is wonderful), cherry plum or sliced ​​plum (a fruity note is wonderful). You can replace some of the rice with millet or bulgur, take vanillin instead of cinnamon and “play” with additional spices - you may like the combination of pumpkin with cloves, cardamom, and ginger.

Not everyone loves or knows how to cook pumpkin. One of the popular, but also time-consuming, options for using this vegetable for culinary purposes is to cook pumpkin rice in the oven. The result is a fragrant sweet dish that will especially appeal to the younger members of the family. You can serve it in different ways: by cutting the edible “pot” into slices or simply putting the sweet filling into portioned plates.

To cook pumpkin stuffed with rice in the oven, you will need:

1 medium sized pumpkin;

1 cup rice (150 ml);

a handful of raisins;

a handful of poppy seeds;

2 tbsp. honey;

1 small apple;

a piece of butter;

a pinch of salt;

water for cooking.

Rice baked in pumpkin in the oven: recipe

I highly recommend starting to prepare this dish with pumpkin. It needs to be washed and dried well. You never know how difficult a vegetable will be to process.

Place the pumpkin on a horizontal surface. My pumpkin is slightly skewed, so in order to cut the “lid” evenly, I had to place a small pumpkin under it. We insert the knife into the pumpkin at an angle, towards the center of the fruit, so that the “lid” does not fall inside the pumpkin.

We cut in a circle, trying to insert the knife deeply, to the center. In this case, the pumpkin “lid” will remain in your hands.

Cut through the flesh until the pumpkin “fills” with seeds. We take out all the seeds and the fibers connecting them; Scrape out the inner surface of the pumpkin. Cut the edible pulp that remains on the lid from cutting the pumpkin to the seeds into pieces, put it in a saucepan, add a small amount of water and simmer over low heat until softened.

Let's start with the filling. Measure out the required amount of rice.

Pour it into a fine sieve and rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear. Then add water in a ratio of 1:2 (two parts water to one part rice), season with a small pinch of salt and cook until almost done.

While the rice is cooking, boil the water. Scatter the prepared raisins and poppy seeds into cups and pour boiling water over them to steam. Cups need to be covered with saucers.

Our rice is ready.

It's time to take on the apple - we take it last so that the flesh of the fruit does not darken. Cut the apple into small pieces and mix with rice.

Add steamed raisins and poppy seeds to the rice (drain off the excess water!).

We break the stewed pumpkin with a blender and add the pumpkin puree to the rice.

And the finishing touch is honey. We add it to taste.

Place the filling into the pumpkin, leaving a little free space for the rice to steam (it will increase in volume). Place a slice of butter on top. Cover the pumpkin with a “lid”.

This pumpkin takes quite a long time to prepare—about an hour and a half. It all depends on the fruit and the thickness of its walls. Considering that the filling is almost ready for use, the pumpkin itself serves as a sign that the dish is ready: pierce it with a fork; The cutlery should easily fit into the flesh of the improvised baking pot. Baking mode: 180-200 degrees.
