Delicious European cuisine. European cuisine: history and features of dishes and recipes. Black rice from Croatia

It is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to talk about European cuisine as a holistic phenomenon. Europe is inhabited by many peoples who are strikingly different from each other in historical and cultural traditions, which leaves its mark on culinary preferences. The geographical and climatic features of European countries, which are also surprisingly diverse, are also of great importance.

And yet it is possible to characterize European cuisine. To do this, it is worth finding its differences from the cuisines of other regions of the world. So, for example, the differences between European cuisine and oriental culinary traditions lie in the significantly less use of spices and herbs. Europeans advocate preserving the natural taste of products, but it is common knowledge that various additives change this taste.

It is believed that European food is much healthier than Eastern food, although the secret of Eastern longevity, which is based precisely on nutritional characteristics, has not yet been canceled. Dishes of European cuisine are predominantly light and natural.

Sauces are not an integral part of dishes, they are rather a kind of addition to them. However, there are a lot of sauces in European cuisine recipes. There are more than three thousand of them.

It is generally accepted that the basis of European cuisine developed in France. French cuisine had a powerful influence not only on other European culinary traditions, but also on the traditions of many other peoples of the world. In particular, one example is the use of wine, liqueur and cognac in the preparation of various dishes. This tradition was accepted and assimilated in many countries.

It is no secret that the basis of European cuisine recipes is vegetables. This fact also speaks about the benefits of European cuisine. The main principle of European chefs can be called freshness and naturalness, which is manifested, first of all, in the choice of products.

Beef can be considered the main type of meat in European cuisine recipes. Beef is served mainly fried or baked. Beefsteak, entrecote, roast beef, escalope, schnitzel are typical meat dishes of European cuisine, found in almost every culinary tradition of this region. Vegetable or flour products serve as a side dish for these dishes.

Europeans wash down their food with wine or beer. A distinctive feature of European cuisine is that each meal is preceded by a so-called aperitif. This is a small amount of alcohol that is consumed before meals and helps stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Europeans are very particular about desserts. Desserts of European cuisine are always exquisite and very tasty. Sweets are usually washed down with coffee or tea. Eggs are an integral part of European cuisine. Eggs are consumed as an independent dish, such as an omelet or scrambled eggs, and are also added to other dishes, in particular, to confectionery.

Today, European cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. Every dish of European cuisine can be compared to an expensive perfume - it necessarily has one or more predominant notes. The most appropriate epithet for the European culinary tradition is the word “classic”. Europeans are very pedantic when it comes to food. However, with all this, European cuisine is infinitely diverse, as diverse as the number of preferences, tastes and temperaments, united under the common name “European”.

Traditionally, many wealthy people spend their New Year's holidays in Europe. Of course, one of the important points of the vacation program is the choice of unusual dishes from various national cuisines.

If you are the holder of a residence permit in one of the European countries, then the main advantage that you receive in this case is visa-free travel throughout all Schengen countries. Thus, you can visit several countries at once and arrange a unique culinary journey.

In order for you to save time and not surf the Internet in search of what dishes to try in Europe, we have prepared a short guide for you.

5 dishes you need to try in Germany

German cuisine is far from dietary, so get ready for hearty lunches and dinners with meat dishes, delicious pastries and beer.

  • Eintopf. Hearty thick soup with meat, various vegetables and spices
  • Eisbein. Famous pork knuckle with crispy skin, a portion of potatoes and sauerkraut
  • Berlin roll. Rosy bacon with pork loin and prunes, garnished with green peas, potatoes and cracklings
  • Sauerbraten. Beef marinated in wine and vinegar, fried in oil with vegetables, ginger, apples, raisins and beetroot syrup
  • Rote Grütze. Dessert of fresh berries with added starch and whipped cream or vanilla sauce

5 dishes you need to try in Finland

The Finns are proud of their baked goods, of which they have an unimaginable amount. And all this literally melts in your mouth...

5 dishes you need to try in Spain

Spanish cuisine freely handles vegetables, fish, and meat, combining them in one dish or separately.

  • Salmorejo. Cold tomato soup with white bread, finely chopped jamon, boiled egg
  • Croquetas. Fried bechamel sauce balls with chicken, sheep cheese, broccoli and a million other fillings
  • Cod (Bacalao). The Spaniards treat this fish almost with worship and cook it amazingly. Try, for example, cod in pil-pil sauce
  • Madrid stew. Has a complex composition: chickpeas, chicken, smoked sausage, ham, blood sausage, meatballs, cabbage, onions, green beans, rice, bacon, garlic
  • Cake "Santiago" (Tarta de Santiago). Traditional Galician dessert with almonds and lemons

5 dishes you need to try in France

You can get acquainted with French cuisine for months! But if you only have a few days left, pay attention to the following dishes.

  • Confit of duck legs (Confit de canard). Classic dish - stewed duck meat with vegetable side dish
  • Rooster in wine (Coq au Vin). Rooster meat stewed in wine with bacon and vegetables
  • Foie Gras. The famous goose liver, which is served both separately and as part of hot dishes, escalopes, medallions
  • Onion soup (Soupe à l "oignon). A national dish! A masterpiece of onions, beef broth and bread crusts
  • Parfait. Delicate dessert of whipped cream with sugar and vanilla

5 dishes you need to try in Portugal

Before tasting the dishes, try several types of Portuguese coffee. This is a topic for a separate article...

  • Bochechas. Black Iberian pig meat, stewed in red wine or grilled
  • Octopus with rice (Arroz de polvo). Juicy octopus meat with rice, onions, tomatoes, peppers, bay leaves, parsley and spices
  • Caldo verde. National soup made from green cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic with olive oil and chorizo ​​- a spicy pork sausage seasoned with paprika.
  • Chicken "Piri-Piri" (Frango Piri-Piri). Specially prepared poultry in a spicy sauce is a hit in Portuguese cuisine.
  • Pastel de Belém. Pastry cakes, which are baskets filled with custard, powdered sugar and cinnamon.

5 dishes you need to try in Greece

Greek cuisine begins with... flavor. Unimaginable combinations of spices are used here to prepare meat and fish dishes.

  • Suzukakya (σουτζουκάκια). Tender cutlets in a sauce with wine, garlic and cimino (ground cumin)
  • Achinosalata (αχινοσαλατα). Delicious sea urchin salad dressed with olive oil and lemon
  • Moussaka (μουσακάς). The most popular Greek dish is a vegetable casserole with minced meat, aromatic spices, olive oil and bechamel cream.
  • Lamb ribs (παἶδάκἰα). Lamb loin fried on charcoal, marinated in wine and spices.
  • Milk pie (Γαλακτομπούρεκο). Traditional delicacy using semolina, cream, lemon zest

5 dishes you need to try in Norway

If you want seafood delicacies and unusual dishes, go to Norway!

  • Forikol (Fårikål). One of the most famous dishes of Norwegian cuisine. Braised lamb on the bone with pieces of cabbage, black pepper, wheat flour
  • Lutefisk. Smoked cod, cooked with spices, served with potatoes, pork cracklings, pea pudding, goat cheese and mustard
  • Fiskebopllar. Fish dumplings with a sauce made from sour milk, starch, wine, broth and lemon juice
  • Bergen ear. Fresh salmon and cod fish soup
  • Krumkake. Crispy wafer cookies made from flour, butter, eggs, sugar and cream

5 dishes you need to try in Belgium

Belgium is famous for its own culinary traditions and dishes that cannot be tasted anywhere else.

  • Witloof. Potato casserole with chicory, bechamel sauce and melted cheese. Each potato is wrapped in a thin slice of bacon
  • Boudin blanc. Special white sausages with milk, fried on the grill or in oil, served with mashed potatoes or apple compote
  • Stoemp. Creamy mashed potatoes and other root vegetables with cream, bacon, herbs and spices
  • Waterzooi. Traditional soup (sometimes stew) of fish or chicken with vegetables, cream
  • Liege waffles. They are made from buttery brioche dough and granulated sugar, which turns into a caramel crust.

5 dishes you need to try in the Netherlands

It was from here that Peter I “brought” the famous lightly salted herring (Haring) with potatoes, which is now for some reason considered a Russian dish.

  • Pickled herring (Gibbing). A unique symbol of the Netherlands. A classic dish of freshly pickled herring with onions and gherkins
  • Stamppot. Mashed potatoes with kale, carrots, chicory, sauerkraut. Served with sausages
  • Hutspot. Meat stew with boiled potatoes, carrots, onions
  • Pea soup (Snert). Thick traditional soup with celery, leeks, carrots, pork. Served with smoked sausages and rye bread
  • Poffertjes. Dutch pancakes based on buckwheat flour and yeast

With our guide, you can safely go on a New Year's trip to European countries and taste the most famous national dishes. To help you, we also offer ours, dedicated to seven European countries with the best Michelin restaurants. Happy and delicious travels!

European cuisine incorporates the traditions of all European countries: from Ireland to Turkey. It is as colorful and multifaceted as the customs, traditions and climates of the countries that make up Europe are different. What unites the cuisines of European peoples? How did culinary traditions develop? What is the basis of famous European recipes?

European cuisine is one of the most sought after in the world. The best recipes of European cuisine are known to any self-respecting chef. And visiting a European restaurant can be compared to an exciting journey across the entire continent.

Varieties of European cuisine.

Europe is diverse in its climatic characteristics, customs, and way of life, so it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question: what kind of cuisine is European cuisine? This term refers to the culinary traditions of all European countries, but more attention is usually paid to its western part and the Mediterranean. Conventionally, European cuisine can be divided into several directions, using the principle of territorial proximity:

  • Northern European (Britain, Scandinavia, the Baltics), based on fish and seafood, and the mild climate of the Baltic states diversified the recipes of European cuisine with gifts of nature: vegetables, berries, grains, mushrooms;
  • Central European (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany), characterized by a passion for meat sausages and vegetable side dishes, sweet pastries and coffee, fruit liqueurs and beer;
  • Southern European, or Mediterranean (Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey - each of these countries has its own very colorful dishes, however, the basics of European cuisine with a southern character are common: an abundance of fish and meat, high-quality dairy products, vegetables, herbs and fruits, the cult of olive oil and wine);

Mediterranean cuisine is characterized by its generous nature and sunny, mild climate.

  • Eastern European (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Bulgaria) is grouped rather territorially, but in Russian cuisine we can find borrowings from Georgian or Armenian, and vice versa.

Dishes of European and Russian cuisine gravitate towards the natural taste of products, while the more capricious cuisine of Transcaucasia has adopted the spicy aromas of Asia.

  • Western European (France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland), famous for cheeses and dairy products from agriculture, the cuisine of France stands out especially, which, on the one hand, is characterized by culinary excesses and simple colors of Provence, on the other, the aristocracy and refined presentation of European cuisine.

The formation of the cuisine of the peoples of Europe.

The development of European cuisine began in the Middle Ages. The perfection that European cuisine menu recipes have achieved is explained by the skill of the cooks who served at the courts of kings, kings, and nobles. The cuisine of the common people has always been more modest and simpler. The poor, for example, could not afford to eat meat every day, which is why European cuisine contains so many products obtained from nature - mushrooms, berries, fruits.

If you are interested in using berries in dishes, then this article will introduce you to all kinds of desserts. And, of course, sweet pastries are not complete without berries. We will tell you about it here.

The tastes of Europeans have transformed from era to era under the influence of numerous historical events and the fusion of cultures, but it is European cuisine that is called classical because we and our neighbors on the continent have always been very pedantic in food and demanding in terms of the quality and freshness of products.

Main dishes and the best products of Europe.

What dishes are included in European cuisine? The most famous and best dishes of European cuisine are prepared from meat, usually beef. The cult of meat is associated with the inaccessibility and high cost of this product. A European feature is the method of cooking meat over an open fire, with sauce and marinade. Meat is traditionally served with side dishes of fresh and stewed vegetables, cereals, and flour products.

The first dishes of European cuisine - soups - are still mandatory on the table of any European today.

Recipes differ in different parts of the mainland: thick bean soup, refreshing cold gazpacho, rich chicken broth, fish soup. But the very fact of European love for soups is explained by the historical settledness of peoples, attachment to their hearth and their fields. It is not surprising that farming features have enriched our table with dishes made from eggs, poultry, and dairy products.

A separate chapter in the continental cookbook is salads of European cuisine. The popularity and variety of salads is explained, firstly, by a passion for natural products, healthy eating, harmonious combinations, and secondly, by the abundance of sauces that European chefs owe to the French. Salad recipes in European cuisine are based on vegetables and herbs, often adding fish, cheeses, flour products (pasta, crackers), and legumes.

Residents of the European part of the world have a reverent attitude towards desserts. Not a single holiday is complete without dessert; sweets are the logical conclusion of the meal.

Meringues, eclairs, waffles, charlottes, mascarpone and vanilla ice cream are considered the highest achievements of confectionery art around the world.

Low-alcohol drinks: wine and beer play a significant role in European cuisine. Their meaning is to awaken appetite, improve digestion of food, enrich the taste of dishes, warm or refresh.

Travel around Europe!

European cuisine in pictures is ruddy, fluffy pies with fillings and the thinnest pizza with red slices of tomatoes. This is a thick juicy piece of crispy meat and thin frog legs. This is the legendary Caesar and the no less famous borscht.

Modern European cuisine, despite its popularity, unfortunately, has absorbed only the “tops”. Recipes of European restaurants are unified and of the same type. Meanwhile, leafing through the cookbooks of the peoples of Europe is a fascinating activity. It’s interesting to study photos and menus of European cuisine, learn the history of recipes, and try new combinations of flavors. And, of course, it’s worth making culinary trips to different parts of Europe again and again from your own kitchen. u.

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Restaurant menu


300 rub. order Breakfast of the champion *eggs, beans, sausage, bacon, potatoes

80 rub. order Fried eggs (120 gr.)

115 rub. order Scrambled eggs with tomatoes If desired, you can add: -cheese 35₽. -ham 35₽. - tomatoes 35₽. -bacon 65₽.

185 rub. order Omelet with ham and cheese If desired, you can add: -cheese 35₽. -ham 35₽. - tomatoes 35₽. -bacon 65₽.

130 rub. order Omelet with cheese If desired, you can add: -cheese 35₽. -ham 35₽. - tomatoes 35₽. -bacon 65₽.

165 rub. order Omelette with ham If desired, you can add: -cheese 35₽. -ham 35₽. - tomatoes 35₽. -bacon 65₽.

100 rub. order Oatmeal / semolina / multigrain porridge (200 gr.) If desired, you can add: - raisins 35₽. - jam 35₽. -apple 35₽.

150 rub. order Cheesecakes with sour cream (150 gr.)

290 rub. order Chicken breast sandwich

100 rub. order Turkey Sandwich

150 rub. order Egg Sandwich

300 rub. order Sandwich club with fries

390 rub. order Caesar with chicken breast and garlic crouton (220 gr.)

480 rub. order Caesar with shrimp and quinoa (220 gr.)

400 rub. order Dancing Tuna (250 gr.) *canned tuna, anchovies, capers, quail eggs, green beans, red onion, lettuce, potatoes, mustard sauce.

360 rub. order Greek salad with Feta cheese (220 gr.)

390 rub. order Salad with beets and curd cheese (220 gr.) *pyramid of boiled beet slices, basil, curd cheese, pesto sauce, sunflower seeds, dressed with olive oil, balsamic and lemon.

230 rub. order Seasonal vegetable salad (180)

Hot appetizers

Cold appetizers

320 rub. order Tom Yam with chicken (260 gr.)

420 rub. order Tom Yam with shrimp (260 gr.)

300 rub. order Soup "FO-BO" (500 gr.) the popular soup is the hallmark of Vietnamese cuisine.

120 rub. order Focaccia with pesto and parmesan (90 gr.)

100 rub. order Bread basket (200 gr.)

50 rub. order Dumplings (2 pcs.)

35 rub. order French baguette

Hot dishes

450 rub. order MOZART (classic burger) (450 gr.) *crispy bun, tender marbled beef cutlet, lettuce, fresh tomato, cheddar cheese, pickled cucumber, signature tomato sauce.

490 rub. order ALOHA (for those who want to go to Hawaii or just from there) (450 gr.) * crispy bun, Hawaiian sauce, cheddar cheese, tender marbled beef cutlet, lettuce, fried pineapple, pickled cucumber.

490 rub. order GOOD EX-EX (with wonderful cherry and a little horseradish sauce (430 gr.) *crispy bun, cherry sauce, signature sauce based on apple and horseradish, mozzarella cheese, juicy and tender marbled beef cutlet.

550 rub. order CASTANEDA (for mushroom lovers) (430 gr.) *signature crispy bun, truffle oil sauce, mozzarella cheese, mushroom sauce, mushroom julienne, tender marbled beef cutlet, corn salad.

550 rub. order IGUANA BITE (for thrill seekers) (450 gr.) *crispy bun, hot tkemali sauce, jalapeno pepper, pickled cucumber, lettuce, cheddar cheese, fresh tomato, tender marbled beef cutlet.

550 rub. order VILLAIN ESCOBAR (with double cutlet and Jack Daniels sauce) (470 gr.) *signature crispy bun, double juicy beef patty, fresh tomato, red onion, cheddar cheese, Jack Daniels sauce, pickled cucumber.

Beer snacks

100 rub. order French fries (100 gr.)

230 rub. order Grilled vegetables (100 gr.)

150 rub. order Country-style potatoes (100 gr.)

290 rub. order New-York cheesecake with berry sauce (170 gr.)

290 rub. order Almond cheesecake (170 gr.)

60 rub. order Ice cream assortment (50)

180 rub. order Spanish donuts "Churros" with chocolate

Bar card

90 rub. order Espresso

150 rub. order Americano

170 rub. order Cocoa (200 ml.)

220 rub. order Latte (200 ml.)

250 rub. order Raf (200 ml.)

190 rub. order Cappuccino (200 ml.)

240 rub. order Glasse (200 ml.)

170 rub. order Ceylon of the highest category (400 ml.)

170 rub. order Earl Gray (400 ml.)

220 rub. order Tieguan Yin (400 ml.)

220 rub. order Jasmine (400 ml.)

220 rub. order Fruity (400 ml.)

290 rub. order Pu-erh 7 year old (400 ml.)

290 rub. order Milk Oolong (400 ml.)

35 rub. order Additional tea ingredients: thyme/mint/honey/thyme

Warming teas

350 rub. order Ginger (500 ml.) ginger, lemon, lime, lemongrass, cloves, honey

350 rub. order Sea buckthorn (500 ml.) sea ​​buckthorn, orange, pepper, chili, ginger, cloves, honey

350 rub. order Cranberry (500 ml.) cranberry, orange, cinnamon, cloves, grapefruit, gingerbread syrup, honey

350 rub. order Berry (500 ml.) strawberries, raspberries, black currants, honey, cinnamon

Non-alcoholic cocktails


230 rub. order Classic (350 ml.)

300 rub. order Loft branded lemonade (350 ml.)

230 rub. order Orange-strawberry (350 ml.)

Beer on tap

120 rub. order Loft beer (light; 0.3 l.) Natural, soft, light, with a pleasant aroma and a rich beer taste. The drink is golden in color. The aroma is malty with citrus notes. The aftertaste is short, the citrus component is noticeably enhanced, a soft sourness is added, which turns into a spicy hop bitterness. Very easy to drink!

170 rub. order Loft beer (light; 0.5 l.) Natural, soft, light, with a pleasant aroma and a rich beer taste. The drink is golden in color. The aroma is malty with citrus notes. The aftertaste is short, the citrus component is noticeably enhanced, a soft sourness is added, which turns into a spicy hop bitterness. Very easy to drink!

150 rub. order Velkopopovický Kozel svetly (light; 0.3 l.)

220 rub. order Velkopopovický Kozel svetly (light; 0.5 l.) The main feature of “Velkopopovitsy Kozel” is the unique production of the drink: it contains artesian water and several types of hops. Beer has been produced for many centuries according to the best Czech recipes. The taste of the drink is distinguished by a rich taste of hops, due to the caramel malt there is a taste of sweetness.

290 rub. order Kozel cerny (dark; 0.5 l.)

200 rub. order Kozel cerny (dark; 0.3 l.)

270 rub. order Taiga brown stout (dark; 0.5 l.)

180 rub. order Taiga Brown Stout (dark; 0.3 l.) Taiga Brown is a stout with a soft creamy taste with light notes of burnt coffee beans. Thanks to the composition of six varieties of malt, the rich but soft taste of this beer has creamy and even coffee notes!

350 rub. order Budweiser Budvar (Budweiser Budvar) (light; 0.5 l.)

210 rub. order Budweiser Budvar (light; 0.3 l.) Czech beer Budweiser Budvar has always been valued: it is considered perhaps the most “correct and real” by our compatriots, the Queen of England loves to drink it at lunch, and it has fifty convincing victories at the most prestigious competitions around the world. The secret to the popularity of this beer is its unsurpassed taste, obtained from natural ingredients of the highest quality, as well as thanks to a three-month maturation process in special lager tanks.

190 rub. order KARLOVEC SVETLY LEZAK (light;0.3 l.)

280 rub. order KARLOVEC SVETLY LEZAK (light; 0.5 l.) KARLOVETS LIGHT LIZAK - amber-colored beer with stable foam. The aroma plays with malt notes and noble bitterness, which is so familiar to us in Czech beer. When consumed, you feel the taste of live beer, brewed in a modern brewery just yesterday.

190 rub. order Paulaner Munchner Hell (light; 0.3 l.)

330 rub. order Paulaner Munchner Hell (light; 0.5 l.) Paulaner Munchner Hell is a classic Munich lager that was brewed in the 19th century when lagers were just beginning to gain popularity. For its production, only local water, malt and local non-bitter Hallertauer Tradition hops are used. Now Munchner Hell is one of the best-selling varieties from the Paulaner plant and can be easily found in almost any store. On their official website, Paulaner writes that this is a perfectly balanced, sweetish beer that goes well with any meal. Alcohol content in no 4.9%

This cuisine is one of the richest. She absorbs everything that was donated and produced by her people. We can say that this term is general and includes elements of many cuisines of the world that are on its borders. All dishes vary depending on the region in which they originated. This refers to traditions, cultures and food preferences that influence the food itself. Thus, in neighboring countries we see different simple recipes and types of preparations. But they also have a whole lot of similarities. The biggest of them was the abundance of dishes using meat and vegetables. Also, they use various sauces and seasonings that will highlight the natural taste of the food. By the way, it is also typical to use a small amount of flour.

In the recipes of European culture, they only try to emphasize the authentic taste of all culinary masterpieces. Quite often, when eating, they drank various alcoholic drinks prepared at home. Thus, residents tried to improve digestion and increase appetite for meals. In addition, we see an abundance of recipes that involve chicken eggs. They are used not only as a separate component, but also as an addition to various types of food. They are used in frying, boiling, making dough, and even as a main component for making alcoholic beverages. For example, such as liquor. Over time, European cuisine began to expand and national cuisines began to pass on their simplest recipes to each other, exchanging culinary secrets. Even then, cooking was called a real art form.

Probably, it is not worth mentioning such famous dishes as the Hungarian “goulash soup”, the Czech “fried pork” and the Romanian “Mamalyga”. They flew around the world talking about their unusual taste. Even now they have preserved their recipe and can be seen on the table in every kitchen in the world. Nowadays, European cuisine is fraught with a whole treasure trove of recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Over the last century, even Russian and Ukrainian dishes have been added to them. A variety of cooking methods and ingredients result in unique foods that can be easily prepared even at home. It's filled with a variety of sweet and savory baked goods. It is believed that some confectionery products carry with them the history of ancient times. Although this applies to many recipes that have survived. Now we have before us a kind of mixture of modern and ancient cuisine, where components of different nations are combined.

We have collected the most delicious, unusual and simple recipes for you. You can bring your family closer to modern or ancient Europe just by cooking them something new. And we will help you with this.
