Delicious, healthy pp dinner: all the secrets and rules. Calorie content of ready-made dishes for creating a diet Dinner for 300 calories recipes

The 300 calorie diet was developed by American Martin Katan and is based on calculating the calorie content of dishes. Such a diet is considered strict, but a significant advantage will be the ability for a person losing weight to select the dishes they like, according to the calorie norm. It is difficult for the body to adapt to low-calorie meals, the body begins to sharply lose excess water and kilograms.

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On average, when eating a 300-calorie diet, people lose up to 10 kg in 21 days.

Every person knows that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to consume the amount of food per day that can ensure normal functioning of the body and not only not gain weight, but also lose weight.

The resulting number: the number of calories the body needs to avoid gaining extra pounds. To lose weight, the amount of calories for someone losing weight is reduced. At the same time, it is recommended to take into account both a person’s lifestyle and energy costs. The diet is carried out according to 2 options.

Method 1

In the first three days we eat 300 calories, for the next three days we eat 600 calories per day. From the eighth to the fourteenth day, the diet will be 900 calories, in the next three days we again reduce the calorie content to 300, and for the final three days of the diet we slightly increase them to 600. Such a diet and calorie ladder does not allow our body to adapt, so weight quickly decreases.

Method 2

In the first three days we eat 300 calories, the next three days we eat 500 calories per day. From the eighth to the fourteenth day, our diet will be 700 calories, in the next three days we again reduce the calorie content to 300, and for the final three days of the diet we slightly increase them to 500.

Grocery list

In order not to feel hungry, the diet must contain protein, for example, boiled chicken or fish, egg white, cottage cheese with low fat content. Smoked meats, sausages, bread, potatoes in any form are necessarily excluded.

In order not to invent a menu every day, it is easier to create it for the week, alternating several simple low-calorie dishes.

With this diet, you need to drink a lot of fluid, it will help dull the feeling of hunger and remove excess toxins from the body. Melt water is perfect. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages during the period of weight loss, because drinking a glass of wine or beer once a week can negate all your efforts in 7–8 days. If a person who decides to lose weight gets sick, then the minimum calorie intake is raised to 500.

The diet allows you to eat almost anything, the main thing is that the dish is not overly salty or spicy and is within the required calorie threshold.

Menu for every day

For meals, it is easy to prepare boiled rice with vegetables and soy sauce. This dish will be low in calories and is perfect for a person who is constantly short of time. Simply boil 100 grams of cereal, season with a spoonful of soy sauce and add boiled or steamed vegetables. A good option would be an omelette made from three egg whites with mushrooms (honey mushrooms or champignons) and tomatoes.

For a 300 calorie diet, nutrition is good. 800 grams of fruit contain only 300 calories; they are included in the norm for this diet. At lunch, it is recommended to supply the body with protein and fructose by drinking 2 glasses with a fat content of 1% or. And after the fermented milk product you can eat a pear or an apple.

Dish recipes

Yogurt sauce

For people who suffer without fatty sauces, the article provides a recipe for a yogurt-based sauce. To prepare this sauce we will need: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a tomato, one cucumber and herbs. Chop the greens, grate the vegetables and add to the yogurt. Mix everything thoroughly. The diet allows you to replace yogurt with cottage cheese without large grains.

Cheese soup

Cheese soup is also perfect for your diet. This light dish will help diversify the menu, as evidenced by positive reviews about the lightness and pleasant taste of the dish. To prepare it we need 3 potatoes, 300 grams of zucchini, 2 carrots, bell pepper. Vegetables are boiled until tender and chopped in a blender. Pour the puree into a saucepan and place on low heat. Flavor the vegetable puree with one hundred grams of processed vegetable puree, add salt and pepper. The soup is brought to a boil. The dish is ready, its calorie content is 30 calories per 100 grams of product.

Buckwheat pancakes

For a 300 calorie diet, you can prepare buckwheat pancakes. To do this, mix boiled cereal (300 grams) with 250 grams of kefir, add salt, and add slaked soda on the tip of a knife. Break it into a buckwheat-milk mass and add 10 teaspoons of wheat flour. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan on both sides until they are browned. It is recommended to serve low-fat sauce as a sauce.

Fruit and vegetable salad

And as a dessert, a person who is losing weight should treat themselves to a salad of fruits and vegetables. To prepare, we need 200 grams of apples, the same amount of pears, half a kilogram of pumpkin, lemon zest and 100 grams of ripe plums. Fruits and vegetables are finely chopped and flavored with lemon juice. You can sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top of the salad if it seems sour.

  • To make it easier to adjust the menu and count calories, you should not eat in restaurants and catering establishments. Dishes prepared in this way are difficult to calculate by the number of calories, which is confirmed by reviews of those losing weight;
  • To make calculations more convenient, you can use special tables indicating;
  • With a properly selected menu, you will not feel hungry. The diet involves the use of vitamins;
  • If you purchase ready-made food due to a lack of time, then it is better to take dishes with the indicated calorie content on the label;
  • The diet suggests that the last time you eat should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. The diet is not recommended for nursing and pregnant women.
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If you decide to plan your diet on just 1,200 calories per day, then you most likely have decided to go on a diet. In principle, this is not such a tough option. Nutritionists have long been saying that for the normal functioning of the body, but, of course, without taking into account physical activity, 1000 to 1500 calories per day are enough. This means that if you make up 1200 calorie per day menu, and at the same time you will lead your normal lifestyle, albeit with a small amount of physical activity, you will definitely create a calorie deficit in the body and begin to lose weight.

First of all, I want to note that in order to create a menu for the day, you need to make a list of foods with their calorie content. Considering that 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates contains 4 calories, and 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, you can easily calculate the calorie content of any product and diet.

If you don't know how to look for these foods, here's a visual guide that will help you estimate the serving sizes of different foods by eye. So here are some examples.

120 calorie foods

Any of these options can be used as a midday snack or afternoon snack. This could be half a bagel (45 grams), 4 bars of chocolate (25 grams), muesli (1 tablespoon) or 125 ml of low-fat yogurt. It is also from 200 to 300 grams of any fruit of your choice. Bananas, grapes, persimmons, cherries are more nutritious, and citrus fruits, apples, pears, and melon are less nutritious.

200 calorie foods

The list here is much longer. Listed from top to bottom and left to right, each of the following foods contains 200 calories:

  • 330 ml milk
  • 33 grams nuts or mixed nuts
  • 40 g cookies
  • 50 g cheese
  • 200 ml yogurt
  • 320 g kiwi
  • 550 g melon
  • 290 g grapes
  • 90 g wholemeal bread
  • 3 eggs (150 grams)
  • 80 g dried apricots
  • 60 g bran
  • 150 g cooked durum wheat pasta
  • 300 g canned corn
  • 350 g canned green peas
  • 380 g apples
  • 70 g of any cereal (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat)

300 calorie servings

This list contains several options for ready-made breakfast dishes (from left to right and top to bottom):

  • 2 slices whole grain bread
  • 2 sticks butter (low-fat)
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 1/2 cup fruit
  • glasses of coffee or tea without sugar
  • a glass of juice
  • 1 bowl of soup (borscht or tomato soup)
  • 1 small bowl vegetable salad
  • 2 tablespoons unrefined vegetable oil
  • 1.5 glasses of water
  • 4 saltine crackers or 2 slices bread
  • 1 cup oatmeal with raisins
  • 1 cup fruit (grapes or plums)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup wheat or corn flakes (you can use muesli)
  • a glass of milk (2% fat)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of coffee or tea without sugar

    Sample menu for 1200 kcal

    Based on this list of products, you can create your own dietary menu, guided by the following basic principles for dividing the menu throughout the day:

  • Breakfast - 300 kcal
  • Second breakfast - 200 calories
  • Lunch - 400 kcal
  • Afternoon snack - 120 calories
  • Dinner - 200 calories

My example menu

  • Breakfast - an omelet of two eggs, a slice of whole grain bread and one banana.
  • Second breakfast - 80 grams of dried fruits (dried apricots)
  • Lunch - 150 grams of pasta with a piece of cheese and ketchup
  • Afternoon snack - 125 ml low-fat sweet yoghurt
  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled rice (70 grams raw) and 200 grams of vegetable salad.

No matter how much I write about sports, the topic still slides into the plane of proper nutrition. People constantly send me questions: “What to eat for breakfast?”, “How do you eat?”, “What can’t you eat?” So be it, I’ll tell you point by point what and at what time I eat.

I eat often. Because I like it and it has a great effect on my well-being. I try to eat at least five times a day. Better - six.

7.00 - breakfast (about 500 kcal)

During the year of my proper nutrition, I tried, if not everything, then a lot. I found out through practical experience that Slow carbohydrate for breakfast is optimal.

Therefore, now in the morning I eat porridge and no longer eat only cottage cheese.

If you have breakfast exclusively with cottage cheese with some fruit, then by lunchtime you will have a monstrous appetite. This is because the sweets (fruits, honey) that we add to cottage cheese, with their characteristic fast carbohydrate content, instantly raises blood sugar. But the body cannot quickly obtain nutrients from cottage cheese to maintain this level. As a result, while we are trying to deal with the cottage cheese, glucose decreases. We are hungry. These surges make themselves felt closer to lunch. Well, then everything that gets in the way is swept away.

Therefore, breakfast is mainly slow carbohydrate + fast carbohydrate (to start metabolic processes) + a little protein (a small jar of soft cottage cheese) + fats (nuts, a piece of dark chocolate).

I abandoned the practice of eating breakfast at 250 kcal. Now the calorie content of the first meal is 450-500 kcal on average.

After a large glass of water, of course.

What are the options for a proper and healthy breakfast?

  • Oatmeal, which needs to be cooked for a long time, with flaxseeds and bran in milk, with fruit, maple syrup. Then a small low-fat cottage cheese. Then chocolate and coffee. A piece, not the whole chocolate! :)

  • Whole oatmeal, soaked the night before and cooked in milk. With fruit and nuts. Curd 0%. Coffee

  • Oatmeal with flaxseeds, doused in the evening with 2.5% fermented baked milk. In the morning, fruit is cut into it and nuts are added. Coffee. Cottage cheese.

  • Granola. This mmmmm... I cook on weekends. Oatmeal is mixed with nuts and honey (I use maple syrup or agave syrup) and baked in the oven. The mixture must be stirred during baking. When the oatmeal cools down and becomes crispy, you can pour it with natural yoghurt or fermented baked milk. I could sell my homeland for such a breakfast, honestly.

  • Whole grain oatmeal with scrambled eggs. And cheese. I practiced, but it didn’t work. Still, I love it when breakfast is sweet.

  • Millet with milk. With fruits and nuts. But it is not as healthy as oatmeal. Cottage cheese. Coffee.

I will not tire of repeating that how you start the day is how you will spend it. I never start the day without breakfast.

10.00 - snack (about 250 kcal)

  • Cottage cheese from 1 to 5% and fruit. You can add berries, an apple, a persimmon or a pear. Tasty!

  • Cottage cheese casserole with berries.

  • Cottage cheese jelly 1% with cocoa.

13.00 - lunch (approximately 350 kcal)
The options for a healthy lunch are endless. The main thing is to understand what should be on the dinner plate. And it should contain slow carbohydrate in the form of porridge. Protein in the form of meat, fish or eggs. Vegetables.

I don’t eat all the porridge.

My favorites are oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, wild rice (not white). Sometimes - chickpeas, peas or lentils.
Favorite protein is chicken and turkey. If I don’t have time at all, I boil eggs (but only eat whites!). I just bake white fish. Red - in a double boiler.

From chicken/turkey I make the following:
I stew it in 1% kefir, stew it in onions, just boil it, bake it in foil like boiled pork, bake it in a sleeve with vegetables, stew it in soy sauce and French mustard, less often I cook it in a double boiler, grind it in a blender and make a mousse casserole in the oven.

They are vegetables, and in Africa they are vegetables. I like it fresh with fresh pepper.

Any variations on the theme of pilaf will also work: poultry with any of the above-mentioned grains. Vegetables.

16.30 second snack (about 250 kcal)
Most often this is cottage cheese from 1 to 3%. If I haven’t gotten enough carbohydrates, I can still eat an apple. Or grapefruit.

The second option is fermented baked milk. I know that many people can’t stand her. And I can’t live without her. Although before I couldn’t even show it to me. Still, eating habits are the most flexible. Today you can’t watch it, but tomorrow you adore it. Plus whole grain bread (1-2 pcs.).

The third option is cottage cheese casserole according to the pp recipe (without flour, sugar, yolks and semolina). And fruit.

If I have a workout in the evening, I definitely add an apple to the cottage cheese or fermented baked milk. And I drink a cup of coffee.

In general, I don't worry about eating before a workout. But what you need to eat after it deserves special attention. Because after the body has worked hard, it needs nutrients to restore glycogen stores, as well as amino acids in the muscles. If you don't feed him lightly, he will still eat. Only in this case will he eat muscles. Yes, yes, the same ones that we try so hard to get.

Therefore, after training, I eat a quick carbohydrate in the form of fruit (honey, marshmallows, juice are alternatives) and protein (ideally chicken or egg white without yolk). If there is no such protein, I eat cottage cheese.

And if there is nothing at all, I drink a protein shake - isolate.

Depending on the training cycle, dinner can happen either at 19.00, or at 20.00, or at 21.00

Dinner options (approximately 300 kcal)

  • Fish with vegetables

  • Seafood with vegetables

  • Chicken/turkey with vegetables

  • Protein omelet or simply boiled whites with vegetables

  • Cottage cheese... with vegetables.

  • Any salad on the theme of meat/fish/eggs and vegetables

As you can see, to keep yourself in great shape in the evening, carbohydrates are excluded. Any. This is very simply explained, because in the evening your body slows down its processes and prepares for rest. He no longer needs energy from carbohydrates.
If I go to bed and feel like I’m still hungry, feel free to drink kefir and eat an apple or a small portion of cottage cheese. For those who don’t like cottage cheese, there is only one recommendation - to love it. I don’t know a more convenient protein product, to be honest.

Important! Between meals I make sure to drink water. I try to drink a glass half an hour before meals and 40-50 minutes after.

I wrote a lot about proper nutrition.

And my healthy diet for today:

7.00 - breakfast
Oatmeal + flaxseeds + bran (70 grams in total), boiled in 1.5% milk
120 grams of persimmon in porridge
1 tbsp. maple syrup for porridge
10 gr. cashews in porridge
Soft curd "Savushkin product" 0%
10 grams of homemade dark chocolate
Coffee with milk 1.5%

10.00 - snack
A pack of cottage cheese 2% + raspberries 130 grams

13.00 - lunch
Chicken breast with spices 150 grams
Buckwheat with onions and carrots 120 grams
Cucumbers and tomatoes

16.00 - snack
Cottage cheese 1%

19.00 - dinner
Chicken with spices 150 grams
Braised cabbage

21.30 - dinner for those who haven’t eaten enough during the day
A glass of kefir (and maybe an apple)

As you can see, I'm not starving at all. I feel great and look great too! I wish the same for you!

Dinner is perhaps one of the most important meals for those who want to lose weight. But there are not so many requirements for it. First of all, there must be one. Ideally, three to four hours before going to bed. That is, if you go to bed at 23:00, you can easily have dinner at 20:00. No refusal to eat after 18:00! Secondly, it should not contain carbohydrates (side dishes), but only easily digestible protein (cottage cheese, eggs, fish, lean meat) and vegetables. Thirdly, you don’t need more than 300 kcal at night.

Here are seven ideas for you.

#1 Omelette with broccoli and feta cheese


Cooking instructions

  • 1 Place a small frying pan over medium heat and grease with any oil suitable for frying.
  • 2 Beat the eggs thoroughly with salt and pepper and pour into a heated frying pan.
  • 3 When the bottom layer has set, evenly spread the broccoli cut into small florets onto the omelette.
  • 4 Crumble feta cheese on top of broccoli.
  • 5 Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook the omelette for 2-3 minutes, until the top layer is cooked through and the broccoli turns bright green.
  • 6 Place the omelette on a plate and sprinkle with fresh parsley.

#2 Fluffy frittata with asparagus


  • 1 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • 2 Wash the asparagus and break off the hard ends. Cut it lengthwise and, if it is too long, in half. In a dry grill pan, fry the asparagus for 5-7 minutes on each side.
  • 3 Grease an oven-safe pan (without plastic on the handle) or oven dish with olive oil. Place the tomatoes cut in half. Place asparagus on top. Beat the eggs with salt and pepper and carefully pour over the asparagus and tomatoes.
  • 4 Place on the stove so that the bottom layer of eggs sets. Then place in the oven for 15 minutes or until the frittata is completely cooked.

#3 Egg soup


Cooking instructions

  • 1 Pour water into a small saucepan.
  • You can use frozen stock of vegetable or chicken broth instead of water.
  • 2 Grate or finely chop the ginger.
  • 3 Add soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, frozen vegetables, salt and pepper.
  • 4 Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for about 5 minutes.
  • 5 Beat the eggs separately.
  • 6 Constantly stirring the soup, pour in the eggs in a thin stream.
  • 7 We continue to thoroughly stir the soup for another minute until the egg mixture is distributed in separate small fibers throughout the soup and is completely cooked.
  • 8 Pour the soup into bowls and sprinkle with fresh green onions.

#4 Falafel


Cooking instructions

  • 1 In a blender or food processor, puree chili (without stems and seeds), cashews, coconut cream, garlic, onion, lemon juice, parsley (along with sprigs), flax and spices. If the mixture is too dry and does not mix well, you can add a little water, just don’t overdo it. Add chickpeas to the mixture and continue pureeing until the consistency is as creamy as possible. Add salt if necessary.
  • In fact, it is not necessary to wait for a perfectly smooth and homogeneous mass. It’s okay if unground chickpeas or other ingredients are visible here and there.
  • 2 Place the finished mixture in a dish and stir thoroughly again.
  • 3 Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan or wok and grease it with suitable oil. From the falafel mixture we make balls approximately the size of a golf ball (weight 40-45 g). You should get 16 balls. Place the falafel in the pan and press down lightly.
  • We do not throw the falafel into boiling oil, but lightly fry it on both sides. This will cause the center to not cook as much as the original. We compensate for this with a flatter shape.
  • 4 Fry the falafel for 1-2 minutes on each side. While the falafel is frying, mix the spinach and lettuce in a deep plate, chop the cherry tomatoes (4 per serving) and season with lemon juice.
  • 5 Place the finished falafel on the salad (4 per serving).

#5 Cobb salad with chicken


Cooking instructions

  • 1 We bake chicken breast in our favorite way.
  • 2 Boil the eggs hard.
  • 3 Cut all the ingredients into cubes of approximately the same size, add salt, pepper, and season with olive oil.

#6 Boats with tuna and cottage cheese


Cooking instructions

  • 1 Knead the cottage cheese with tuna from both cans and oil from one can.
  • 2 Add garlic, passed through a garlic press, and finely chopped parsley. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 3 We divide the Chinese cabbage into leaves. We leave the largest leaves on top for another occasion, and place the 10-12 lower “boats” on a plate.
  • 4 Fill each boat with 1-2 teaspoons of curd-tuna mixture and place 2 cherry quarters on top.

  • 1 We cut off the head of the shrimp, clean them from their legs and shell. We make a longitudinal incision along the back and take out the intestine.
  • 2 Cut the garlic into thin slices, chop the ginger and cut the chili into rings.
  • 3 Pour a little olive oil into a hot frying pan and fry the garlic, ginger and chili.
  • 4 After a minute, add shrimp.
  • 5 Salt, pepper and fry until tender - about 5 minutes.
  • 6 When the shrimp are almost ready, add soy sauce and wait for it to evaporate.
  • 7 Only after this add spinach.
  • We wait another minute, turn off the heat and stir everything thoroughly until the spinach is reduced.
  • 8 Place the dish on a plate and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

We already know that it’s time to consider all the issues related to the last meal - dinner. I'll say right away that the most correct dinner is protein, this is suitable for everyone a follower of a healthy lifestyle and even for those who are interested in what to eat for dinner to lose weight.

What kind of dinners are they? What should dinner be like with proper nutrition? And should you? When, what and how much can you eat? Or maybe it's better to skip it altogether? — a lot of questions, no less answers.

To be or not to be?

The very first question that interests a beginner in pp is not even what to eat for dinner with proper nutrition, but is it necessary to eat at all? After all, you can often come across recommendations, especially for those losing weight, about the harm of eating at night, they say, a glass of kefir instead of dinner and you are a skinny beauty. Yes, if you don’t eat, then it’s not difficult to become thin, but as for beauty, this is unlikely. After all, what The beauty is that weight loss comes from reducing fat. And that is why a proper, healthy, wholesome and tasty dinner should be on the menu every day!

A light dietary last meal with a sufficient amount of protein is a guarantee that the muscles are not subject to catabolism, you will not feel hungry until the morning, the gastrointestinal tract will function normally, and the body will receive all the necessary elements for energy and vigor the next day.

And also delicious a dietary dinner will prevent uncontrollable gluttony, which is so common for many people when consciousness turns on after the fifth cutlet or on the second piece of cake.

Rules and features of evening meals

Now let's figure it out with the main rules for dinner at pp. In short, they are the same as for lunches, snacks or breakfasts:

  1. portion control;
  2. don't forget about ;
  3. exclude harmful products.

But it is important to know the details:

There is no single advice on what time is best to have dinner - for early risers this may be the famous “don’t eat after 6”, but for night owls a late dinner at 9 pm is completely allowed. The main thing is that there are still 3 hours left before bedtime;

dinner on pp is a maximum of protein and fiber, a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. This is especially true for those who have switched to a healthy diet in order to lose weight; if you don’t know exactly what dinner should be in order to lose weight, make a vegetable salad with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and take a portion or some baked fish;

do not try to cut calories at the expense of dinner - the body cannot be deceived by a portion of salad or boiled rubber breast. The number of calories should be the same as at lunch (well, maybe a little less), that is, the concept of “dinner for 100 calories” cannot exist! Although for 100 calories (or rather kilocalories) you can organize a snack before bed, if you feel slightly hungry, this is where the famous glass of kefir will help. But remember - this is not dinner, this is just a snack for the night! The calorie content of dinner is about 25% of the daily calorie intake, that is, at least 300 kcal!

Prohibited foods for dinner

It is clear that if you are eating properly, you should not eat foods for dinner that are not on your personal list. However, among the right foods there is one that is undesirable to eat:

  • It is better to exclude any fruits, even apples, after lunch. The fact is that all fruits contain sugar - glucose, fructose. And if you consume such a low-calorie, but still carbohydrate-rich treat in the evening, then by morning, at best, you may be “flooded” - carbohydrates attract water molecules. And if you go overboard with the quantity, then not all the plus on the scales will be water—fat will also increase. What’s interesting is that everything is not so strict with berries, so if you want cottage cheese with fruit for dinner, replace the fruit with a handful of any berries - it will be healthier;
  • by the way, myself Cottage cheese is also not a completely permitted product for dinner. For an ordinary person, of course, it’s possible, but for someone losing weight, it’s not possible. Cottage cheese, like any other dairy product, greatly affects the level of insulin, which blocks the work of somatropin, on which weight loss depends. But it is at night that we lose weight best. So for those who are on a temporary pp diet, it is better to replace dinner with pp cottage cheese with other dishes. If you are happy with your weight, simply omit the question about whether you can eat cottage cheese for dinner a couple of times a week; .
  • the same goes for cereals and the question of whether you can eat porridge for dinner. Any cereal is pure carbohydrates, albeit slow ones; at night this is prohibited! The body rests; it doesn’t need so much energy. Even the most ordinary “empty” or healthy brown rice is not eaten for dinner when losing weight;
  • pickled, pickled vegetables are also not products from which you can make light dishes for dinner. Take it - it seems like there are few calories, but you shouldn’t eat them in the evening - the salt in the composition retains water, disrupts the normal course of metabolic processes, and by the morning you will wake up not rested and invigorated, but with swelling and a feeling of thirst.

Also, make sure that there are no products among those that are not suitable for you. For example, cabbage causes bloating for many, then it is better to choose not cabbage, but some other low-calorie salad for dinner.

What can you eat for dinner

What should you eat for dinner if proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are not just words for you, but a way of life?

The list of products and dishes is quite diverse - all recipes from vegetables, mushrooms, fish, meat, and seafood are suitable.

An excellent protein food for dinner is soups, but not all of them, but those made from vegetables and meat or fish.

Is it possible to have mushroom soup for dinner? It's possible, but still mushrooms are a specific product, and although it is considered a protein, it is closer to vegetables, than meat or eggs.

It’s impossible not to mention another important product for the food processor—eggs. Scrambled eggs with and without vegetables (naturally, cooked in a frying pan with a non-stick coating and under a lid), omelettes, including Japanese (there is a suitable recipe), simply whipped whites with sahzam - the definition of all these dishes is already the answer to the question “is it possible to eat eggs for dinner for those losing weight?” It contains so much protein and no carbohydrates - just what you need for a nightly meal when losing weight!

I only advise you to take whites rather than whole eggs, leaving 1 yolk for taste. There is simply a lot of fat in the yolks, their calorie content is high.

Ideal dinner pp: menu options and examples

So, what should a meal at pp be like for weight loss and more, we figured it out, let’s move on to practice - specific recipes.

200 calorie dinner: is it possible?

It is very rarely allowed to eat for dinner with proper nutrition for only 200 kcal. This is only possible if you eat too many calories throughout the day.. The main thing here is to eat something low in calories, but such that you don’t feel hungry later. The most suitable dietary options for dinners with proper nutrition:

  • plate and boiled egg;
  • a large portion of salad from any fresh vegetables (season with lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of yogurt) and 2-3 whites of boiled eggs;
  • a piece of boiled hake and 150-200 g of chopped fresh cucumbers.

What to eat for 300 calories: healthy dinner recipes

As we found out, the minimum number of calories (or, more correctly, kilocalories) that is acceptable is 300.
