South African rooibos tea: a unique drink for excellent well-being. African rooibos tea - beneficial properties and contraindications, how to brew it correctly

Rooibos tea is considered an herbal plant that has only recently appeared in central Europe. It grows in Africa on bushes, and there it is called Aspalathus linearis. Belongs to the group of acacia plants that give off a strong odor and pleasant aroma V ready meals. In Africa, it is valued not only for this, but also for its medicinal properties, the ability to act as natural dye and cure serious illnesses. It is not surprising that it is in Africa that they treat diseases using traditional medicine.

Where does rooibos grow?

This is how rooibos grows

Rooibos grows on bushes and is a small plant. It begins to bloom in early summer, harvesting is done in August-September. Within a year and a half, the bush sprouts roots, so for the first 1-2 years it is difficult to collect rich flowers. Higher bushes are cut more often than lower ones, so you will have to wait in any case, because the upper bushes contain all the useful components. The twigs are collected into bundles and chopped. They taste like a light woody taste, sometimes sweetish. After the twig is fermented, the tea turns red. Fermentation is the application of roller devices to tea branches to activate the chemical process.

To obtain green rooibos, after fermentation it is steamed and distributed into drying compartments. These sites are located in the sun, on purpose. Dried and discolored tea is collected and placed in a vacuum. Next it is sent for sorting by color and length. The technology has already improved, and people no longer stand at assembly lines for days, although in Africa everything is done by hand. Next comes pasteurization and drying.

At these stages of production, technological control occurs - laboratory tests and their results, bacteriological results are taken into account and the quality gradation is determined. Unlike green tea, where the level of quality depends on the length, color, number of pieces and age of the leaves, red tea is subject to more stringent standards. If the cut is long or short, it is for export; if the cut is regular, it is for the domestic market. Bagged rooibos tea is no different from loose rooibos tea, but the same cannot be said about the rest.

Rooibos tea contains the following elements:

  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Sodium;
  • Zinc.

There are also aromatic oils, and their number of varieties reaches 100 different esters. This also includes phenolcarboxylic acids and flavonoids.

Rooibos tea - benefits and harm

Rooibos tea contains no calories or cholesterol. However, this bright, colorful “tincture” contains some of the best antioxidants available in nature. Its needle-like leaves and light brown stems contain powerful polyphenolic antioxidants known as chalconides. These are the aromatic phenols that give rooibos its color and fruity aroma.

Important dihydrochalcones in rooibos leaves are aspalathin, dihydrochalcone glucoside, and nothofagin, phloretin glucoside. Research shows that both of these compounds have antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, rooibos plants contain other important phenolic compounds, which are classified as flavones (orientane, isoorenthin, vitexin, isovitexin, luteolin, chrysoeriol), flavanones (dihydrooritin, dihydro-isoorenthin, hemiflorin) and flavonols (quercetin, hyperoside, isokkercitin , routine).

These phenolic compounds are beneficial for diabetics, reduce LDL cholesterol, stress, regulate blood pressure. In medicine, rooibos extract is used to restore skin, pigmentation and smooth out wrinkles. This is the lot of pharmaceutical companies; they are the ones who develop technologies. Traditionally local residents Rooibos is used to color hair.

Additionally, rooibos tea is a caffeine-free drink. It has a calming effect on nervous system, reduces heart rate and improves digestion.

Like many other varieties of dried herbal teas, rooibos is also exotic product in many countries. At home, store tea leaves in airtight boxes away from sun rays and moisture.

IN traditional recipes Rooibos leaves are directly poured with water and boiled in tea pots for 10-15 minutes before being eaten. Alternatively, you can pour about 150 ml hot water for 1 teaspoon of dried leaves and let it brew for 7-10 minutes. Add a little honey or sugar to taste. Rooibos has a fruity aroma as it contains no a large number of tannins and therefore considered less astringent.

Here are some other tips for rooibos:

  1. You can drink up to 5-6 cups every day.
  2. It can be consumed with milk as “lai rooibo”.
  3. Rooibos infusion can also work well in cocktails, soups and marinades as a flavoring and coloring agent.

There are no known cases of toxicity from rooibos consumption. It can be safely introduced into the diet of children and pregnant women.

In many countries, tea is loved for its excellent chemical components and properties, which make it a valuable and important drink for many people.

  1. Caffeine - The plant grows naturally without caffeine. This is important because it means you don't have to go through chemical process to remove a component. This also means that anyone can drink it, including those who cannot handle caffeine. Another key benefit is that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Some South Africans drink 10 cups a day.
  2. Contains powerful antioxidants - rooibos tea contains wide range antioxidants, which help protect the body in several ways. Two polyphenol antioxidants called aspalathin and nothogagin are found in high concentrations in this tea. These antioxidants protect the body by fighting free radicals. These are unstable cells that attack healthy ones to stabilize themselves. Polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory properties and may protect against heart disease.
  3. Prevents some types of cancer. Some studies have demonstrated a link between tea consumption and a reduction in cancer-causing chemicals. This is due to high levels of dominant antioxidants, some of which have antimutagenic (anticancer) properties. This means that they protect cells and DNA from damage and prevent cancer from developing in them.
  4. High content minerals. One of the major health benefits is that it contains several minerals that are vital for health. These include: magnesium (essential for the nervous system), calcium and manganese (necessary for strong teeth and bones), zinc (important for metabolism) and iron (to help blood and muscles distribute oxygen).
  5. Improves blood circulation. One of the many powerful antioxidants in tea is called Chysoeriol. It can improve blood circulation by preventing the activity of an enzyme that causes cardiovascular diseases. Drinking rooibos tea is also known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  6. Relieves stomach pain. Because rooibos tea contains high level flavonoids, especially one called quercetin. It has the ability to relieve numerous abdominal ailments such as cramps and indigestion. Flavonoids are known to help reduce spasms, inflammation and allergies. It was also widely known that the health benefits of drinking tea extended to relieving colic in babies.
  7. Helps in iron absorption. Unlike most black teas, which prevent the body from effectively absorbing iron due to the tannins they contain, rooibos tea supports the body in in the required form to absorb iron. It contains less than half the tannins of black tea.
  8. May relieve skin conditions. Recently, it was discovered that rooibos can help you look more beautiful! The tea contains phenylpyretic acid, which helps improve the elimination of acne, psoriasis and eczema. You can apply freshly brewed and chilled tea bag onto the affected areas and it will soothe and heal any inflammation.
  9. May protect against Parkinson's/Alzheimer's disease. Tea protects against a process known as lipid peridoxation. This occurs when free radicals damage brain cells and nerve tissue. If this is prolonged, it can eventually lead to progressive and worsening brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
  10. Restores restful sleep - tea is unique in that it can be consumed as often as you want and at any time of the day. Many people prefer to drink it before bed as it can help with insomnia. Due to its high mineral content and lack of caffeine, it is known to help people feel calm and relaxed.

These are the beneficial properties that rooibos tea has, and we assure you that all its benefits lie only in correct use. Children and adults can drink it, and then we will consider the question of why it is so useful for pregnant and lactating women.

Rooibos tea during pregnancy: consumption features

Rooibos tea is considered low-fat herbal tea, which does not contain harmful components present in conventional teas. Although it is called "tea", it is actually an herb from South Africa and is very different from tea (Camellia sinensis). It is useful for pregnant women because it nourishes not only the mother’s body, but also the child’s. For general therapeutic situations, it can be used as a drink, but for exacerbations, it can be used as a primary or additional treatment. The following forms of ailments become common problems:

Anemia is a common problem during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Many teas prevent your body from absorbing iron due to an ingredient called tannin. Rooibos tea contains low levels of tannin, so they are less likely to interfere with the absorption of components through the blood. On the contrary, tea stimulates the absorption of iron, helping to restore the metabolic process for the mother and unborn child. In this case, the consumption of additional vitamins is not required

Research by Japanese scientists has shown that rooibos tea has beneficial effects related to constipation, liver function, blood sugar levels, skin diseases, depression and anxiety. This tea may also have other benefits for stomach ailments such as indigestion. Drinking tea significantly improves the condition, reducing symptoms of nausea, vomiting and heartburn.

However, some variations of the tea (such as Energizer Rooibos herbal tea) contain the herbal rosemary, which should be avoided during pregnancy because it can cause uterine contractions. Be sure to read the label to ensure there are no additional herbs added to the tea. If this is pure tea, it should become a great addition to your diet during pregnancy and lactation.

But if you want to avoid consuming coffee altogether, it's better to drink tea - this is another great option, as it still gives you caffeine, but in a much smaller dose than coffee. According to Health Canada, a cup of coffee contains about 135 mg of caffeine, while black tea contains only 43 mg per cup, and green tea only 30 mg.

However, what many pregnant women fail to realize is that even if you drink decaffeinated teas such as rooibos and herbal teas, there are still many herbs and other ingredients that may appear in teas that should be avoided during pregnancy. Therefore, in this regard, consult your doctor in advance whether you should consume impurities in tea or coffee (decaffeinated), or whether it is better to hold off on certain types of drinks.

Rooibos tea is also loaded with calcium, magnesium and a variety of antioxidants, making it an excellent remedy for your skin. A cup of tea before bed can help reduce stress, improve your mood and improve heart health. It gives you energy and health without the dangerous and addictive substance like caffeine. Drinking tea during pregnancy eases colic and reflux and will positive influence for digestion. It tastes much better with milk and honey, and is also recommended for children.

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, occurs when too much blood builds up against the walls of an artery inside the body. Because rooibos tea contains high levels of flavonoids, it has the ability to relieve numerous abdominal ailments such as cramps, diarrhea, and indigestion that can occur during pregnancy. Tea is also rich in many various types antioxidants. These amazing substances protect our bodies from the cell-damaging effects of free radicals and many degenerative diseases such as macular degeneration, Parkinson's disease and Various types cancer. So, not only is rooibos completely safe to drink during pregnancy, but it is also extremely beneficial for your overall health.

Some teas are also rich in antioxidants, such as palatine and nothofagin, which help neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage during pregnancy.

In addition, tea is good source vitamin C, which increase hemoglobin levels. Drinking and honey tea prevents symptoms of anemia such as fatigue and dizziness. It prevents the formation of kidney stones and does not contain oxalic acid. Reliably protected from inflammation and erosion, polycystic disease and damage from the inside. It helps protect bones - the high amount of calcium and manganese in tea helps strengthen bones and prevent the risk of osteoporosis, acute joint pain and arthritis during pregnancy.

As you can see, rooibos tea is indeed very beneficial for the mother and the unborn child. In particular, it has an effect on women who are bearing children, and to alleviate the general condition, the drink copes with its tasks thanks to its medicinal properties.

Rooibos is safe to take while breastfeeding

Rooibos tea can be classified as white variety tea, which is very beneficial for the fetus inside the womb. For mothers, of course, it is recommended to regulate milk production. This is a very good therapy that replaces the intake of teas to renew lactation, or rather, those that are created to improve this function. True, if you constantly drink teas for lactation, you can harm the flow of feeding, so many people prefer to drink regular tea- rooibos or white look.

For young mothers, in order to normalize milk production, as well as maintain lactation longer without all sorts of consequences and disturbances, tea is brewed for 40 minutes. This turns out to be a tincture, and it can be consumed 3-4 times a day if it is brewed for 5-10 minutes, then the tea is drunk 8 times a day. You can stop taking it only six months after birth if you intend to use it to support lactation. Otherwise, it will not disappear anywhere, but it will be better if the course of therapy continues for as long as the instructions require.

Calorie content of rooibos drink

As already mentioned, rooibos tea is not a fatty product, and also does not contain cholesterol or harmful impurities. Due to his chemical composition it is completely calorie-free, and its the nutritional value equal to 16 kcal per 100 g of dry product. At heat treatment it is not saturated with harmful components, however, if it is sweetened with honey or diluted with milk, its “fullness” and energy value will be higher. In general, rooibos tea is very useful for losing weight and during fasting days. It can protect against many ailments and serious diseases. It does not treat the symptoms of ARVI, but it is an excellent assistant for women and expectant mothers. In its homeland, it is considered an integral product of the diet, and not a single meal can be done without it. In our country, it is not customary to take it so often, although some of these stereotypes are not taken into account, which is very correct.

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Rooibos tea has gained unprecedented popularity. This unusual drink (which is not actually tea) is very pleasant, interesting taste and has a lot of useful properties. Read about where the product comes from, how to brew it correctly, and use it in this article.

How to choose a tea drink

Finding and buying good rooibos is not difficult. The main thing is to choose a natural product.

Today, more than 10 types of this tea leaves with different additional flavors and additives have appeared on sale.

Of course, tea flavored with fruits, berries or other additions can be very tasty and enjoyable.

However, they are not always healthy and natural. Manufacturers often use artificial additives when creating such drinks. If you buy an option with an additional taste, then only with natural ingredients.

Before purchasing, read the ingredients on the product packaging. Give preference to those types of tea that contain natural herbs and spices, dried berries or pieces of fruit.

But it’s still better to buy natural rooibos without any additives. He is good in himself, he has unusual taste, subtle aroma. To enjoy this tea, it is better not to spoil its taste additional ingredients.

Composition and calorie content

Many people are interested in the question of how rooibos grows and what this plant is. But this is not tea. This plant, its historical homeland is Africa, belongs to the legume family. This is a small shrub, the leaves of which are used to make tea for this drink.

It looks like small reddish needles with a pleasant smell. The composition of this product is amazing in its content useful components. It is a source of minerals and vitamins:

The list of beneficial components of this tea is impressive. And its calorie content in finished brewed form, like the calorie content of ordinary tea, is close to zero (if you do not add sugar or honey to it).

Read more about the beneficial properties and possible contraindications of rooibos tea.

Benefit for health

So, what are the benefits of rooibos tea? Thanks to its composition, the drink has healing qualities.

  • Helps strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Gives strength.
  • Helps fight colds.
  • Helps strengthen bones.
  • It has rejuvenating properties and prevents cell aging.
  • Helps fight insomnia.
  • Relieves allergy symptoms.
  • Gives vigor and improves mood.

This list can be continued for quite a long time.

Experts confirm that regular consumption of the product has a beneficial effect on health.

The following video describes the beneficial properties of rooibos tea and provides recommendations for choosing a good brew:

Features of the effect on the body

As we noted above, rooibos has beneficial, unique properties. Let us examine in detail how the use of this plant in food affects the condition of different groups of consumers.

For adult men and women

For adult men and women who do not suffer from any diseases, rooibos will be a good addition to the diet. It will give strength, vigor, diversify your usual menu, replacing boring tea or. Drink it every day. Soon you will feel more energetic and better, you will notice that you are less tired, and you will feel a surge of strength every time after drinking this tea.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Pregnant women and nursing mothers can use rooibos without fear. This type of tea is made from natural raw materials, so it does not cause any allergic reactions.

Even nursing women can eat it: the product is safe for the health of mother and baby. On the contrary, this tea will be very useful for mothers during postpartum depression; it all helps fight stress and improves mood.

For children and the elderly

Rooibos will also be very beneficial for children. Due to the content of large amounts of potassium, zinc, fluorine, manganese and other valuable microelements, this product will be very useful for the formation and development of the child’s body.

During the period of growth, children need a sufficient set of vitamins. They can be obtained with food or by drinking such a healthy drink.

Rooibos, which has a pleasant sweetish taste, is often very popular with children. Give your child a taste of this tea and if he likes the taste, brew it regularly. It can be given to children hot or cold.

Unlike classic rooibos, it does not contain caffeine, so it does not increase blood pressure, but strengthens the cardiovascular system. In old age, this question can be very relevant.

For special categories

There are categories of people who are recommended to add rooibos tea to their diet. These include, for example, athletes or people involved in physical labor. The high content of antioxidants and other beneficial components makes this tea useful under increased stress. It restores strength, strengthens the nervous system, and promotes good health.

Possible harm

Unlike other types of tea, rooibos has no contraindications. This drink is safe.

This drink will not cause any harm to your health, so you can drink it as often as you want.

If you're looking to add rooibos tea to your daily diet, here are a few things to consider: important nuances.

How to brew

If you just want to consume rooibos as an aromatic, tasty drink, learn how to brew it correctly.

This is easy to do - no more difficult than brewing regular black tea.

For this you can use regular kettle or brew rooibos in a cup. For one glass of drink you will need one teaspoon of dry powder.

To make the taste richer and deeper, after brewing the tea, it is better to let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

They drink it most often hot, but it is also very good cold. If you are used to drinking sweet tea, you can add a little sugar or honey to it. But you can do without these calorie supplements. This infusion has a sweetish taste, so it does not require additional sweeteners.

The ceremony of traditional brewing of rooibos tea is presented in this video:

Use in folk medicine

Rooibos can be used as delicious drink or as a medicine for certain diseases. It perfectly helps fight colds, as it has a bactericidal effect and kills germs. It has an expectorant effect and helps fight wet coughs no worse than many expensive medications.

Drink rooibos when you feel the symptoms of a cold - you will feel noticeable relief (this treatment should be supplemented with the use of other folk remedies and medications). In addition to fighting colds, rooibos can also be useful for problems with the digestive system.

It can even be used to treat colic in babies. This is good folk remedy from a hangover. Helps with insomnia, calms nervous system disorders.

In cosmetology

The leaves of this shrub can also be used in cosmetology.

This plant has antibacterial properties and contains beneficial antioxidants and vitamins that improve skin condition.

A strong infusion helps with acne and other skin diseases. To make this homemade tonic, brew the dry powder with boiling water and leave to steep for several hours.

This infusion can be used to wipe your face and treat problem areas prone to acne. It will be beneficial for the condition of your skin to take the infusion orally.

Drink this tea regularly - you can slow down the aging process, improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

For weight loss

Rooibos is good as an addition to a weight loss diet. When following a diet, we often limit our diet and deliberately make it meager. The lack of many vitamins and minerals can affect your well-being. To prevent health problems while losing weight, consume rooibos.

He has zero calorie, which means it won’t disrupt your diet or harm your figure. His ability to fight bad mood will help.

After all, diet is always stressful. To improve your mood and calm down when your nerves are at their limit, drink the brewed infusion - you will feel light, comfortable and relaxed.

As you can see, the scope of application of such a valuable plant is very wide. It is used in the treatment of diseases, for cosmetic purposes, dietetics, and cooking. What kind of valuable features This plant does not have!

With all its healing properties, this is an incredibly tasty drink.

It will charge you with vigor, health, and give you moments of unforgettable pleasure.

Rooibos is not only very tasty, but also healthy drink. It contains a lot of valuable components and has a beneficial effect on well-being.

If you have not yet included this tea in your regular diet, now is the time to purchase it and start drinking it. It’s easy to improve your health by enjoying the taste and aroma of this fragrant drink.

In contact with

Not everyone knows about a drink like rooibos, but after familiarizing themselves with its properties and benefits for the body, they will certainly rush to try it.

Initially, rooibos herb was used for brewing tea only by aborigines of African tribes, and in Europe they learned about this amazing plant only in the 20th century. Now you can buy it in any store and regularly prepare a delicious, healthy drink.

Rooibos or rooibos - what is this product?

The name of the tea drink is given by the name of the plant that became its basis. The African shrub rooibos, or rooibos, which means “red bush”, has very aromatic leaves and twigs - a wonderful tea raw material.

The legume family shrub is now gaining popularity all over the world; it is cultivated everywhere. The most common use of rooibos tea is in South Africa, many other African countries, as well as in Japan, where everything natural and healthy is valued.

Rooibos comes in two shades - red and green, for which it is used different ways processing. Cut young leaves and branches are crushed, immediately steamed, and the finished raw material will be green.

If, after harvesting, the greens are sent for fermentation, the rooibos will be red. The taste is herbaceous, delicate, red – sweetish, with woody notes.

Rooibos tea composition

The benefits of rooibos are undeniable - this plant contains great amount antioxidants that prolong youth, dampen the effects of free radicals, and prevent the formation of tumors.

These are vitamins C and E, nine flavonoids (including aspalathin, quercetin, nothofagin), and a number of enzymatic antioxidants. Of the latter, superoxide dismutase is especially effective, thanks to which rooibos extract is produced and used in medicine.

The mineral composition of the plant is rich. There is:

  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Manganese;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper.

The rooibos drink contains rutin, vitamin A, vitamin PP, about a hundred aromatic oils, eight phenolcarboxylic acids, and phytoncides. Rooibos also contains glucose, so even children will like a drink made from it because of its pleasant sweetness.

Rooibos tea - beneficial properties and contraindications

The antioxidant properties of tea raw materials make it suitable for medicinal purposes for allergies, intoxications, for removing waste and toxins, and for general cleansing of the body.

The drink is suitable as a prophylactic against cancer, to prolong a person’s youth and activity.

Rooibos is good for the nervous system - it relieves insomnia, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, eliminates the effects of stress, helps with depression, decreased memory and attention.

Cardiovascular pathologies also reduce their severity with regular use drink:

  1. Blood pressure normalizes;
  2. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  3. Cholesterol levels return to normal;
  4. The condition of veins with varicose veins improves.

Skin diseases also go away from drinking the tea drink, especially eczema, allergic rash, dermatitis. Rooibos promotes good digestion– relieves colic, stomach pain, regulates stool, improves appetite.

The beneficial properties of rooibos tea are useful for metabolic disorders, especially diabetes and urolithiasis. As an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, tea is suitable for ARVI, cough, flu, sore throat, and colds.

Rooibus for beauty

This amazing plant is widely used not only in medicine and nutrition, but also in cosmetology. It rejuvenates the skin, tones it, restores freshness, and removes signs of fatigue. You can use rooibos in this way:

  1. Brew a drink in the usual way, pour into ice trays. Freeze the tea. Use ice to rub the skin instead of toner.
  2. Prepare a drink and wash your face with it morning and evening to moisturize your skin.
  3. Apply rooibos tea bags soaked in cool water to your eyelids for dark circles.

If you rinse your hair with a tea drink after washing, it will grow thick and healthy. Adding tea to a warm bath will help relieve tired legs and make your body skin smooth and toned.

Contraindications for rooibos consumption

The benefits and harms of rooibos tea have been well studied. There are very few prohibitions on its consumption, mainly due to individual intolerance (rare).

You need to be careful when drinking tea with low blood pressure so as not to bring it down to too low numbers.

The drink does not contain caffeine, so rooibos is not contraindicated during pregnancy. On the contrary, during gestation the product will help to better absorb iron, promote hematopoiesis, and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals. It is also allowed for use by children and nursing women.

How to brew rooibos (rooibos)

Tea raw materials can be brewed more than once, while it gives off its taste and does not lose its healing properties. Therefore, within a day, one serving of rooibos can make up to 4 cups of a delicious drink. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Take a porcelain or glass teapot.
  2. Rinse the kettle with boiling water.
  3. Add rooibos.
  4. Fill with water 95 degrees ( a glass for every teaspoon of raw material).
  5. Close the kettle with a lid and place in a warm place for 7 minutes.

You can drink rooibos with honey, lemon, cold or hot.

Recipes with rooibos

Experiments with making rooibos-based drinks can be endless. For example, Masai rooibos tea has the following composition:

  • Rooibos;
  • Lemongrass (herb);
  • In specialized tea stores there is a larger selection of rooibos, including with a variety of additives. The cost of the product is moderate, sometimes an order of magnitude lower expensive varieties green and black tea, which makes rooibos even more accessible!

    And now the video.

In Africa rooibos tea as popular as coffee in other countries. This ethnic African drink It has a rich sweetish taste and a subtle woody-nutty aroma. To make it, you need the leaves of the bush of the same name, which is found only on the Cape of Good Hope. This plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, has thin branches and needle-like soft leaves.

Rooibos tea: how do you get this miracle?

To get green, the leaves are immediately steamed after collection. This tea is of a lighter shade, the taste is delicate and refined, with herbal undertones, more familiar to Europeans.

To obtain red rooibos, the leaves are subjected to a natural fermentation process and then dried under the sun. This tea is more sugary, with a woody flavor and a little sweet. But the locals prefer this drink - they brew it strongly and sweeten it. In Africa, it is also common to prepare rooibos as coffee - brew it with espresso or dilute it with milk. In terms of strength, color and invigorating properties, rooibos is absolutely not inferior to coffee!

The quality of rooibos tea does not depend on the leaves - their age and length, but on the presence of impurities - the tea is brewed together with pieces of branches and trunks. And one more plus of the “Bushmen elixir” - unlike classic tea Rooibos in bags is no worse than loose rooibos. So feel free to choose packaged rooibos in stores - you won’t go wrong.

The drink appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 20th century, but quickly gained popularity. Since the plant grows best only in South Africa, this country has become a monopolist in its supply. The scale of exports is very impressive - approximately up to 6 thousand tons of raw materials are exported from the country to other continents. The harvest is harvested only from two-year-old bushes, cutting off the tops of the upper branches. The collected raw materials are taken to the factory and crushed.

  • In the first case, the leaves are simply steamed under high pressure, skipping the fermentation process. This tea has a herbaceous taste and a light color.
  • Red rooibos requires fermentation and sun drying to make red rooibos. The finished drink acquires a brick-scarlet color and a rich, sugary taste.

But in Africa they even like to sweeten it and dilute it with milk. Even local African espresso is prepared from rooibos, which appearance and the characteristics are practically no different from the coffee we are used to.

Local residents say that a cup of such tea can be called food additive. But according to research results, the amount of vitamins and microelements is not large enough to cover human needs.

  • Nevertheless, rooibos contains a large amount of antioxidants - in this parameter it ranks several positions higher than green tea, which is common in our country. These chemical substances are able to bind and remove toxins in an inactive state, which has a positive effect on overall health.
  • Tea contains a decent amount of light monosaccharides, so ready drink You can drink it without sweeteners. But this largely depends on the individual taste preferences of each person.
  • The calorie content of tea is low - only 16 kcal per 100 g of dry raw material.

For premium rooibos, only long leaves that are not damaged by insects are selected. The remaining raw materials are used to produce low-grade tea.

Rooibos tea can be green or deep red. It all depends on the type of treatment of the needle-like leaves of the plant. The technology for processing raw materials for tea production has not changed to this day.

Just like hundreds of years ago, the branches of the rooibos bush are plucked, crushed and dried in the sun, using absolutely no chemicals. For green rooibos, the leaves are steamed immediately after harvest, before the fermentation process begins. This type of tea has a richer herbal taste.

To make the drink red, the leaves are allowed to complete the fermentation process, after which they are dried in the sun. The red variety of the drink has a more sugary taste. In Africa, espresso is made from it, which practically does not differ in its characteristic taste from real coffee.

Aborigines have long used tea not only as a drink, but also as a medicine, and a persistent natural dye.

This drink is a rich source of natural tetracycline, which is why it is considered an effective bactericidal agent. Decoctions and infusions can be taken orally and used externally as lotions and compresses for various skin diseases.

They are good at removing itching, rashes, irritation and inflammation on the skin. The drink is useful for drinking even for small children with colic and insomnia.

There is a lot that can be said about the beneficial properties of tea.

Africans often use rooibos as a hangover remedy.

Essential oils give the drink a characteristic taste and aroma, while they have a calming and tonic effect.

For women

A large amount of antioxidants makes rooibos an indispensable drink for women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for many years. It also normalizes the menstrual cycle and returns the skin to a healthy appearance. This tea can be used to prepare tonics and rubs that help restore elasticity and freshness to the face.

For men

The drink is also useful for men, especially if their work involves heavy physical activity. Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle also leave positive reviews about this tea.

Since rooibos is completely caffeine-free, it can be drunk by both adults and small children. And for pregnant women and during the feeding period, this drink can become a pleasant natural supplement that will saturate the body with useful substances, rejuvenate and improve the health of the body.

Useful and healing properties Rooibos tea during pregnancy:

  • Has a relaxing effect. Allows you to calmly deal with unexpected life difficulties.
  • Removes excess liquid.
  • Has an analgesic effect. Relieves morning sickness.
  • Treats sleep disorders.
  • Prevents constipation. Renders positive action for digestion.
  • Prevents anemia.

By drinking a cup of tea, a pregnant woman's body is saturated with iron, folic acid (very beneficial for the mother and her unborn child), and vitamin B12.

Rooibos contains a small amount of tannins, no more than 3% (these substances interfere with the normal absorption of Fe), which allows you to obtain this very important trace element in sufficient quantities.

Instructions for use

When choosing tea, you need to pay attention to its type. The leaves in the dry mixture should have the same color, size, and the composition itself should be light and crumbly. If there are yellow leaves in the mixture, then the quality of the tea is low. Availability small pieces branches or bark are welcome - this indicates the excellent quality of the tea.

The drink can be brewed several times without losing its properties at all. taste properties and intensity. For the first try, flavored rooibos with vanilla or strawberry is best.

The specific smell of hay, combined with woody and nutty notes and a sweet and sour taste, may not seem very attractive. But you just need to get used to this taste.

How to brew correctly

There are no special tricks when brewing, the drink is prepared like regular tea, but still there are some nuances. To fully reveal the taste and aroma, it is advisable to brew it in a thermos.

Any utensils can be used, excluding clay teapots and cups. The clay absorbs the smell of the liquid in it, and the drink loses its aroma.

  • Tea goes well with a slice of orange or lemon.
  • It is advisable to brew it in paper filter, since tea leaves are small red-brown sawdust that easily penetrate even through a fine sieve.
  • For brewing, you can use not only water, but also milk.
  • For a complex taste, vanilla, cinnamon, and citrus zest are added to this drink.

Rooibos is good in any form, but you should not drink it too hot. The liquid should have a comfortable temperature. In the heat, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. Among the advantages, it should be mentioned that the drink does not lose its benefits even the next day.

Use for various diseases

Knowing how to brew rooibos tea, you can drink it for prevention various diseases or to relieve a current health condition.

The drink contains compounds that have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine, so it is useful to drink for flatulence and constipation.

Tea also relaxes the smooth muscles of large blood vessels, expanding their lumens and reducing pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients to choose this African drink than black tea or coffee.

You can also drink tea to get rid of excess weight. But this does not mean that just consuming rooibos without exercise and dietary restrictions can destroy fat deposits accumulated over many years.

In principle, there are no appetite suppressants or fat-burning additives in this drink. This tea is best drunk before meals to slightly suppress the feeling of hunger and eat a smaller portion of food at lunch or dinner. While drinking tea, you should not eat candy, cakes or sweets.

Rooibos tea: benefits in cosmetology

Rooibos is useful not only in the medical field - the properties of this tea have fully manifested themselves in cosmetology.

Lots of minerals and essential oils Rooibos tea makes an excellent tonic and rejuvenating agent for the face:

  • wash your face with rooibos tea or wipe your face morning and evening with frozen rooibos ice cubes - this will improve color, remove signs of fatigue, and with regular use, make the skin more even;
  • make compresses on your eyes with rooibos tea - it will help against dark circles, fine wrinkles and bags;
  • You can add a teaspoon of tea to homemade masks - this will smooth out wrinkles on your face and restore freshness.

Rooibos is also good for hair: if you rinse your hair with rooibos decoction, it will help enhance hair growth.

Also take baths with the addition of a strong infusion of rooibos - they not only relieve tension in the evening after nervous work, but are also good for the body - after a cycle of baths, the skin will become more elastic.

Contraindications and possible harm

Although the benefits of tea are beyond doubt, certain categories of people still need to be careful with its use.

  • Diabetics are better off not drinking rooibos at all, as it contains a lot of glucose. Read more:
  • Since the drink lowers blood pressure, people with hypotension can drink it very rarely and in limited quantities. If you use it regularly, it will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.
  • Also, do not forget about individual intolerance. If a person has never drunk rooibos, the first time the volume of the drink should be minimal to test the body's reaction.

To bring tea greatest benefit, it must be used as quickly as possible. Dry raw materials can be stored for years, but the quantity useful substances at the same time it decreases significantly.

Rooibos tea is an extremely aromatic and tasty drink that many gourmets prefer to traditional black or green tea. It is made from the leaves of a South African shrub bearing the same name, and experts clearly note - this drink is able to effectively stimulate and tone the body, saturate it with minerals and vitamins.

What does rooibos tea contain?

The drink contains antioxidants that cleanse and rejuvenate the human body, as well as beneficial ascorbic acid. In addition, it contains elements such as iron, copper, potassium, sodium, fluorine, zinc, manganese, magnesium. And therefore, rooibos is recognized as especially useful for older people, for athletes and anyone whose work activity involves heavy workload, as well as for children. After all, it strengthens the nervous system, stimulates metabolic processes, increases immunity, improves the condition of teeth and the entire skeletal system as a whole.

How does rooibos tea affect the human body?

Experts especially value this tea due to the fact that its effect on the human body is very mild. This drink can be taken at any time of the day due to the absence of caffeine and tannin in its composition. Rooibos does not cause insomnia and does not lead to dehydration. Moreover, it is absolutely safe even for very young children and nursing mothers.

It should be noted that rooibos is not only a tonic, but also an effective antibacterial agent (after all, it contains natural tetracycline). Due to this, it is very useful for people suffering from various digestive disorders, of cardio-vascular system, allergies, increased blood pressure, anemia. Moreover, Rooibos can even be used in the fight against hangover.

Are there any contraindications?

South African rooibos tea It is also remarkable in that it has no contraindications at all (except for the individual sensitivity of the body to its components). People of any age and at any time of the day are allowed to drink the drink in question. The most important thing is to brew it correctly!

How to brew South African rooibos tea?

The process of brewing the drink is as simple and accessible as the process of brewing ordinary tea. You need to pour boiling water over one teaspoon of dry tea leaves (take 250 ml of boiling water), and then leave for several minutes. You can drink this drink without sugar or with sugar, honey or jam.