Roasted marshmallows. America's Favorite Treat: How to Make Toasted Marshmallows. What happens when you roast marshmallows over a fire?

Desserts are an integral part of any holiday table, so even housewives who are inexperienced in cooking can prepare some of them. One of the most unusual sweets can be considered American fried marshmallows, which we can often see in films. This treat is very original and tasty, and most importantly, it is suitable not only for home cooking, but also for a picnic or other outdoor recreation. Roasting marshmallows over a fire is not as easy as it might seem at first, because the process requires attentiveness, caution and patience. In addition, you should consider tips for baking this sweet, which will help turn an ordinary product into a real mouth-watering dessert.


American marshmallows or marshmallows contain corn syrup, gelatin, corn starch, regular granulated sugar, glucose and several flavorings. This product is more reminiscent of marshmallows, because a berry-fruit mixture of puree and egg whites are added to the usual Russian-made sweetness.

Advice! To roast sweet marshmallows over a fire, it is recommended to purchase marshmallows.

When heat treated, such a dessert increases in size, a pleasant caramel crust forms on the surface, the structure becomes viscous, and the inner filling melts and gives the product a special taste. American marshmallows are distinguished by their size and shape, which are much smaller than Russian ones and look like candies in the form of “corks.” Although this product has become widespread in recent years, it is still rarely found on store shelves. You can only identify real marshmallows by the composition indicated on the package, so it is important to pay attention to this fact when purchasing sweets. You can also prepare a delicious dessert yourself at home; there are special recipes for this.

Regular marshmallows can also be fried, but there are many subtleties in this procedure, failure to comply with which will only lead to damage to the product. In addition to baking the dessert over a fire, you can use a frying pan or oven, taking into account the rules for preparing these methods.


Why do Americans roast marshmallows? This heat treatment process contributes to the formation of a golden crust on the surface of the product, which is the main “highlight” of such a hot dessert, and the internal caramel liquid only adds originality. Of course, American marshmallows can be consumed raw, but the traditional sweetness is much tastier. In addition, marshmallows in the USA are added to cocoa, hot chocolate or coffee, the aroma of which immediately changes and becomes more varied.

You can roast marshmallows over a fire during a picnic, as Americans do, or at home in an ordinary frying pan, in the oven or even in the microwave. Some housewives advise trying to cook a sweet delicacy by holding it on a fork over a gas stove. The main thing in all processes is constant monitoring of the product, as it can quickly melt or burn. To properly fry marshmallows you need very little time, during which the candies are constantly turned over. When the product is covered on all sides with the desired beautiful crust, the dessert can be considered ready.

At the stake

What type of marshmallows are roasted over a fire? When baking in natural conditions, it is better to use marshmallows, then there will be a better chance of preparing a truly original product, which is shown in American films. To make it easier to thread it onto a skewer, you should heat the iron tip of the tool and only then make a puncture in the middle of the cylindrical candy.

It is recommended to properly roast marshmallows on a fire not on an open flame, but on smoldering coals, bringing the sweetness no closer than ten centimeters. In addition to metal skewers, you can use wooden sticks pre-soaked in water, as well as fondue forks.

After the golden layer appears, the marshmallows can be removed and eaten, and regular marshmallows are fried several times, periodically removing the ruddy layer onto a plate until the entire piece is melted. A few seconds to bake one side will be enough.

Frying pan

To prepare a delicious dessert you will need:

  • 0.5 kg marshmallows;
  • 4 tbsp. l. water;
  • 0.4 kg of powdered sugar;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla;
  • oil.

Pour water into a large saucepan, and place a smaller frying pan on top, but it should not touch the liquid. Grease the top container and mixing blade with oil, then place the marshmallows on the surface and pour in two tablespoons of water. If desired, you can add dyes and flavors. Fry the marshmallows over low heat, stirring constantly and adding the remaining amount of water. At the end, add powdered sugar.

In the oven

In the oven you can prepare sweet fudge with a liquid consistency, which can be added to other desserts or simply eaten with a spoon.


  • 15 large marshmallows;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 270 gr. crackers and chocolate chips.

Preheat a cast iron skillet or baking dish in the oven at 230 degrees. Grease it with butter, line the bottom with chocolate, and place marshmallows on top, sticky side down. Once the space is filled, return the container to the oven for six minutes. Then take out the melted mixture in a hot bowl, cool and spread on cookies.

Beneficial features

The calorie content of marshmallows in 100 grams is about 300 kcal, so one piece a day will not harm your figure. But a large amount of the product can disrupt the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The dessert contains pectin, which helps remove toxins from the body and normalizes peristalsis.

Advice! The healthiest marshmallows should contain sugar, fruit or berry puree, egg white and pectin (or agar-agar).

Marshmallow contains many flavorings, preservatives and colors that can be harmful to humans.

A self-prepared dessert will appeal not only to children, but also to adults, especially if you fry it in natural conditions. Baking marshmallows is quick and easy if you take into account all the nuances of preparing this product.

Homemade recipe on how to make Roasted Marshmallow Marshmallows, how to cook with photos. Marshmallows are fried. I found out about this recently, I read somewhere on the forums that Americans roast marshmallows over a fire. Americans don't roast marshmallows, in the correct sense. This is not marshmallow, but marshmallow - a product reminiscent of marshmallow. Sometimes called mini marshmallows.

Raw mashmelos are also edible and soft, reminiscent of marshmallows in taste and consistency. This product is fried over a fire. This is correctly called marshmallows.

This is a confectionery product made from sugar and corn syrup, without eggs, reminiscent of marshmallows, meringues, and marshmallows. In American films, an analogue of our marshmallow, specifically marshmallow, is fried on fires. What a registration - I’ve never registered on this site in my life... I live in the USA, but we fry sausages and potatoes over a fire. They also make s’mores from marshmallows roasted over a fire, chocolate and two cookies. My friends and I were just about to barbecue and I decided to find out more about it. I read that they roast marshmallows, this is an analogue of marshmallows, the composition is the same, only different proportions.

What kind of marshmallows do Americans roast over a fire? Is it delicious?

In short, you can’t fry them for very long, they will burn, you need to constantly rotate them. If you fry on a fork, be careful, the fork will also heat up. For frying, they use not our usual marshmallows, but marshmallow candies. They are sold in supermarkets and come in different types. Roasted marshmallows are not a typical food for us, but why not try to cook something new, especially since it is very simple and quick.

You get a caramel crust on top, and a sweet liquid mass inside. You can put roasted marshmallows on a cookie, a slice of chocolate on top and another cookie. So here's how I use marshmallows. I make hot coffee with milk, or cocoa or hot chocolate, and throw chopped marshmallows on top.

This is usually done by children or adults with children. I have always been tormented by this question, but there is no one to ask. These are marshmallow-like candies made from sugar or corn syrup, softened gelatin, grape sugar and flavorings, whipped into a stiff foam. It differs from marshmallows in the absence of eggs in the composition. This is Marshmallow, these candies, an analogue of marshmallows, are made from corn syrup, sugar, gelatin and a bunch of flavorings that are so beloved by Americans.

Marshmallow is an analogue of marshmallow, but without adding eggs. The traditional and stereotypical way of preparing it is by frying it over a fire during picnics. As the marshmallow warms up, it increases in size, becomes airy and viscous inside, and brown and crispy on top.

American marshmallow Marshmallow

French candy manufacturers of the 19th century introduced several innovations to the recipe for preparing the sweetness to bring this confectionery product closer to the modern appearance of marshmallow. These candies were very popular, but their production was labor intensive.

This method did reduce the labor involved in extracting marshmallow root juice and making marshmallows, but it required the right technology to combine the gelatin with the cornstarch. I hope the message will go through)) But what to do with the browser?

Americans love s'mores, but it was too sweet for me. You disconnect from the Internet, since it is also American, and bliss sets in. Yes, Sergey, this is really CHROME. Can my son do this, that is, I mean just a user, or do I need to call a specialist? Sorry for the naive questions. But simply eat this butter puree or with Honey - it’s very tasty.

What is that little white thing that Americans roast over a fire?

But recently I accidentally went into the store, and I saw they were there. I bought them and tried to fry them on gas. And this turned out to be what I needed. This is marshmallow. Tags: Preparation of Marshmallow Marshmallow Spreads as prepared at home. Thread the marshmallow candy onto a skewer and fry. You can fry over a fire, gas or any open fire. It fries quickly. The marshmallow dissolves and gives a delicious foam, and itself becomes soft and tasty.

Phew, this marshmallow just tastes like regular marshmallows, only less sweet. Indeed, Americans roast what we call “marshmallows” over a fire, but they call it “marshmallows.” Very often it is confused with marshmallows, although these are different desserts. Marshmallow is, in short, gelatinous marshmallow. Foamed gelatin with sugar.

The popularity of marshmallows in Russia is gaining momentum. Almost every housewife who loves to prepare original cakes and desserts is familiar with it; They love to make sweet shish kebab and even crafts from it; and aromatic cocoa with airy marshmallow foam has long become a favorite drink of children and adults.

What can you cook over a fire?

Food cooked over a fire is more appetizing and tastier than regular food. You can fry any food and cook various dishes on a fire. In addition to traditional kebab, it can be, for example, vegetables, pilaf, fish soup, lula kebab, fish and many others. In recent years, sweet marshmallow kebab has been popular. It is especially tasty and fun to eat with friends. Read on to learn how to roast marshmallows.

How to roast marshmallows, or marshmallows for roasting on a campfire

Fried taste dessert incredibly attractive. And the caramelized surface with a crispy crust and the viscous soft consistency inside the fried marshmallow give it a special piquancy.

Roasting fluffy marshmallows is very easy. Thread marshmallows onto a stick and toast over the top of the fire until crisp and caramel-colored. This is done easily and quickly: just once or twice.

Marshmallows are considered a high-calorie treat. And if you are taking care of your figure, we recommend that you use.

Airy marshmallows, or marshmallows, can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself. We have already talked about how to make it at home. But a brief instruction about this will be useful in any case.

How to make marshmallows at home

How to cook

1. Dilute gelatin in 150 ml of milk. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer for about 3 minutes.

2. Boil the remaining milk and dissolve fructose and vanillin in it. Pour gelatin into the hot mixture in a thin stream and beat for another 10 minutes until foam forms.

3. Let the mixture sit. Place the finished marshmallows in a mold and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

4. Cut the frozen marshmallow into pieces.

Varied marshmallow recipes You can find it on the Zefiryushki website of the Sladkaya Skazka group of companies.

Probably everyone has seen how in overseas films people gather near a fire and roast marshmallows on sticks, which turn out to be very soft and, according to them, appetizing. For our country, such a treat still remains exotic and unusual; the time has come to correct this shortcoming.

What is famous about roasted marshmallows?

I would like to immediately clarify a little and say that it is not an ordinary product that is fried over a fire, but marshmallows - a confectionery product that is similar to marshmallows made without the inclusion of eggs. The composition of these candies, which actually look like marshmallows, includes sugar or corn syrup, gelatin, glucose and flavorings.

After frying, this product acquires a chamber taste, it becomes soft inside, and the outside is decorated with a wonderful crust. If someone tried to fry a delicacy that is sold in virtually our entire store, then most likely everyone would be disappointed. The whole point is that the sugary mass of the primitive melts and spreads, falling into the fire.

Marshmallow marshmallows are not only eaten as an independent treat, they are also added to desserts, salads, ice cream, and used as a decoration for cakes, pastries, and even sugary drinks. The choice presented on store shelves is quite wide and everyone can find chocolate, caramel, nut and various flavored options.

How to cook roasted marshmallows over a campfire?

If you're going on a picnic with friends, be sure to buy marshmallows. In order to prepare a sugary treat during evening gatherings near the fire, you need to have an oblong rod or skewer. Carefully thread one slice through the middle with a stick and hold it over the flame. Under no circumstances should marshmallows be thrown directly into the fire. After this, periodically turn the twig so that the slice is fried on the fire from all sides. When it acquires a beautiful golden crust, you can remove it from the heat, cool a little and enjoy the taste of the dessert, straight from the stick.

How to cook roasted marshmallows in a frying pan?

If you are not going to a picnic in the near future, this does not mean that you should deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying marshmallows. You can take a dry frying pan, put a few slices of delicacy in it, and put it on low heat, after a minute turn it over, hold it for a little more time and then remove it.

We suggest paying more attention to a different cooking method. You can melt the sugary airy slices in a frying pan and then use them in desserts, add them to coffee, or simply spread the resulting sugary mass on cookies and eat them with tea.

To prepare this treat, you should prepare the following products: 450 g marshmallows, 4 tbsp. spoons of water, cooking oil, 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 400 g of powdered sugar.

  • You need to make a double steamer. To do this, take a large saucepan, pour into it
    water and place a smaller container on top. The main thing is that the top pan does not touch the water. A similar design helps to melt the marshmallows thoroughly;
  • The upper container and the mixing paddle should be greased so that nothing sticks;
  • Place marshmallows and pour 2 tbsp. spoons of water, and after that, mix everything. It is not recommended to choose options with different scents, since it is impossible to predict what the result will be;
  • At this stage, if desired, you can add food coloring or flavoring so that the resulting mass is not only appetizing, but also beautiful;
  • Place the constructed structure on the lowest heat, start stirring the contents and add the remaining water. Stir the mixture thoroughly so that nothing burns;
  • Basically, the product is ready, but in order to make fudge, you need to cover it with powdered sugar. Stir with a spatula, and when the mass becomes thick, it must be transferred to a surface previously greased. You need to knead everything with your hands, which should also be greased so that nothing sticks;
  • When the mixture is smooth, form it into a ball and place it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, everything needs to be rolled out and can be used to decorate various desserts.
  • How to cook marshmallows in the oven and microwave?

    Another option for making marshmallows at home. The result is also a liquidish fudge, which is used in desserts, and some people simply eat it with spoons. We suggest immediately preparing an authentic s'more dessert, one that is similar to mini sandwiches.

    For this option, you should prepare the following products: 15 pcs. large marshmallows, cut into halves, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of butter, 270 g of chocolate chips and crackers.

    Step-by-step cooking process:

  • In order to fry marshmallows in the oven, you need to take a cast-iron frying pan with a diameter of approximately 20 cm, put it in the oven and heat it to 230 degrees. You can also use an ordinary baking dish;
  • Take out a heated frying pan and melt a small amount of butter in it. For
    To make s'mores, take the chocolate chips and place them in an even layer in the pan;
  • Place marshmallow slices on top, sticky side down. Fill everything tightly so that there is no empty space;
  • Place the pan in the oven and keep everything there for 6 minutes. This will be enough for the product to melt and a nice crust to form on the surface. Remove the pan and leave everything for 5 minutes. cool down. Apply the finished mixture onto crackers and serve an authentic treat to the table.
  • This dessert can be prepared at home and in the microwave.

    The ingredients are the same as in the previous version for the oven.

    Step-by-step cooking process:

  • Place half of the prepared crackers on a microwave-safe plate. Place marshmallow halves on top. Place everything in the microwave, turn it on for 15 seconds. During this time, the mass should increase and melt a little;
  • Remove the container and top with a slice of chocolate and the remaining crackers. Press down until the s'more becomes flat. That's all, the treat is ready.
  • We have presented to your attention particularly common methods for preparing marshmallows. Be sure to try this treat and we are sure it will become a family favorite.

    If you want to brown marshmallows over a fire, you should be more careful when choosing a delicacy: not every type of marshmallow is suitable for heat treatment in such extreme conditions. It is important that the dessert stays on the stick or skewer and does not fall into the fire when heated.

    The fashion for fried marshmallows came to us from the West: many people were inspired by the scene from American films, when children string the delicacy onto twigs, hold it over the fire, and then gobble it up with gusto. It’s literally a national tradition to have picnics in nature and enjoy the white, viscous mass without letting it cool completely.

    But the Soviet product cannot be exposed to such influence - it will simply melt and fall into the flames. It's all about consistency: in our country, marshmallows are soft and airy, while in America they use a dessert with a denser “rubbery” consistency. Thanks to this stable structure, the mass is held on an improvised skewer and does not spread, but only slightly floats.

    How to choose and roast marshmallows over a fire?

    When deciding which product is suitable, it is better to immediately exclude the domestic delicacy - it is too porous and delicate. The right marshmallow is called “marshmallow”, and that’s what you can roast on the go. The composition of the confectionery product includes:

    • corn syrup;
    • sugar;
    • gelatin diluted in hot water;
    • glucose (the last 2 ingredients are whipped until the consistency of a sponge);
    • To create a pleasant appearance, manufacturing technology may allow the addition of small amounts of flavors and dyes.

    Marshmallows are not only cooked over a fire: they are added to desserts and salads, and they are used to decorate pastries, cakes, and ice cream. Small pieces of marshmallow are added to hot chocolate, cocoa, coffee, thanks to it the drinks acquire a more delicate taste and aroma (the main thing here is to use a “pure” product without flavorings, so as not to interrupt the natural smell of the ingredients in the mug).

    The consistency of marshmallows is more like marshmallows, and if you heat them up, they will increase in volume and be covered with a crispy brown crust on top. Inside, the delicacy will be viscous and airy, soft.

    Marshmallows are sold in stores in bags and by weight; they can be white or colored. If you are thinking about what product is fried over a fire, avoid variations in caramel and chocolate glaze, with filling and nuts. Large pieces are best for a picnic, while small pieces are the perfect complement to hot milk drinks.

    Not in all cases, the name of the product is indicated on the packaging, and in order not to get into trouble by buying ordinary marshmallows, carefully study the composition: marshmallow is based on corn syrup; raw eggs and fruit and berry purees are not used in production.

    How to roast marshmallows at a campfire and at home: detailed recipes

    The delicacy, roasted over an open fire, is good in itself: it smells like caramel, melts pleasantly in the mouth and leaves a soft sweet aftertaste. But marshmallows can also be used to make interesting desserts in a frying pan and oven.

    Marshmallows on a stick over a fire


    • prepare skewers or long metal rods (in the latter case, you need to make sure that they are intended for working with food);
    • heat the tip of the skewer to make it easier to string the marshmallows, in this case the marshmallows will more easily “sit” in place and will not lose their shape from mechanical stress;
    • It is better to fry the delicacy not directly on the fire, but at some distance, so as not to burn the dessert;
    • as soon as the product increases in volume and becomes covered with a light golden crust, you need to stop heating;
    • It’s better to eat the marshmallows right away so that they don’t stick to the skewer.

    Metal rods can be replaced with wooden or simple twigs, trimmed at one end and soaked in water; fondue forks are also suitable. If regular marshmallows are used instead of marshmallows, they are toasted several times, gradually removing the rosy layer with your fingers until the entire piece is cooked and eaten.

    Melted marshmallows go well with chocolate bars and crumbly cookies; they can be used as the “center” in an impromptu sweet sandwich.

    In a frying pan

    Here, in addition to 500 g of marshmallows, you will need:

    • 40 g powdered sugar,
    • butter,
    • vanillin;
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of water.

    You need to build a water bath: pour water into a large saucepan, place a deep frying pan on top so that the latter does not come into contact with the liquid. Grease the spatula that will be used for mixing and the frying pan with oil, lay out the marshmallows and pour in half the measured water. The marshmallows are cooked over low heat, stirring continuously, adding the rest of the water. When the delicacy is browned, remove it from the water bath and sprinkle with powdered sugar, shaking slightly.

    In the oven

    This method is suitable for preparing liquid sweet fudge, which can be consumed in its pure form or added to a variety of desserts.

    Starting Ingredients:

    • 15 pcs. large marshmallows;
    • a little butter;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of chocolate chips;
    • 300 g of any crackers.

    A baking dish (it can be replaced with a cast iron frying pan) is heated in the oven, greased with oil, shavings are placed on the bottom, and marshmallows are laid on top. Place the container back in the oven for about 5-6 minutes. When the mass melts, it needs to be cooled. It makes a delicious dessert if you spread the paste on cookies.

    Marshmallows can be prepared in the microwave: cut large pieces in half and place on crackers, sticky side down. After 15 seconds, you need to take out the plate, arrange the chocolate pieces and press the cookies on top.

    Marshmallows baked over a fire will appeal to both kids and their parents, especially considering that 100 g of the product contains no more than 300 kcal. This dessert helps normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract: it contains pectin, which stabilizes peristalsis and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. But when choosing, it is important to study the composition of the dessert in order to minimize the consumption of preservatives, flavors and dyes.
