Biscuit from Alena Doletskaya. We receive guests: rules of good manners from Alena Doletskaya. Olivier salad with vegan mayonnaise from Alexandra Novikova

The best Russian-language glossy magazine, always looks flawless and a little relaxed, is permanently in a good mood and achieves success in any business he takes on. Even in the most unexpected.

For example, before the release of the program “Breakfasts with Alena Doletskaya” on the Dozhd TV channel, only those closest to her knew that Alena is a talented home chef and throws virtuoso parties for friends. The program was soon followed by the release of the books “Morning. 50 breakfasts" and "Sunday lunches". This year Doletskaya’s third book, “About Jam” (!), appeared.

"Morning. 50 Breakfasts" - inspired and atmospheric. No matter what time of day you pick it up, you immediately get the feeling that it’s just dawn outside the window and it’s time to put the coffee pot on the fire: here Alena is greeted by her handsome huskies, here she is, laughing at the stove, licking vanilla from her fingers. The texts are flavored with a pinch of signature wit, and the recipes are completed with funny gastronomic and not-quite-stories from the author’s life.

I have chosen three simple vitamin recipes that you can happily spend time on on a weekend morning.

1. Waldorf Salad

Famous New York salad with homemade mayonnaise

For 2 servings:

Celery - 8 stalks

Green apple – 1 pc.

Walnuts or pecans - 1/2 cup

Amber raisins - 1/2 cup

Green raisin grapes - 1 large sprig

Green salad - 1 medium bunch


Homemade mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons

French grain mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon

Cut the apple and celery into small, neat cubes. Immediately sprinkle the apple with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening.

Add seedless green grapes, amber raisins and shelled walnuts (or pecans). Pre-brown the nuts in a frying pan for 1-2 minutes.

Sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, pour over mayonnaise mixed with mustard.

2. Smart pancakes

Cauliflower with sweet pepper

For 4 servings:

Cauliflower - 1 medium head

Red bell pepper - 1 pc.

Egg - 1 pc.

Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons

Mineral water with sparkling water - 1/4 cup

Zira - 1/4 teaspoon

Pink Himalayan salt - 1/4 teaspoon

Unscented vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Butter - 1 teaspoon

Homemade sour cream to taste

We separate the cabbage into inflorescences and make a coarse-grained pulp from them in a blender.

Add the pepper grated on a coarse grater (the three are just the pulp, the skin should remain in your hands!), break the egg, mix.

Dust with flour, pour in mineral water and mix again, add salt and add a pinch of ground cumin.

Melt the butter in vegetable oil and fry the pancakes.

Serve hot with chilled sour cream.

3. God save the Queen

Oatmeal with caramelized figs, pear and mango

For two servings:

Extra oat flakes - 2 heaping glasses

Milk (cow's, almond, soy - favorite, in general) - 1 glass

Water - 1/2 cup Mango - 1 piece

Pear - 1 pc.

Figs – 6 pcs.

Grapeseed oil - 1 tbsp. spoon

Butter - 2 teaspoons

Salt, cane sugar to taste

Heat water and milk in one saucepan until almost boiling. Turn off the heat, add oatmeal, add a pinch of salt and close the lid for about five minutes - let it swell and gain strength, but remain al dente.

We cut the mango and pear into half moons, divide the figs into four slices, sprinkle with cane sugar.

Melt the butter in grape oil and fry the fruit on both sides.

Place the finished oatmeal on a plate, add a few drops of grape seed oil on top, decorate with caramelized fruits and caramel leftovers from the frying pan, and dust with sugar.

Review of another beautiful and necessary book.

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Recently, an updated version of Alena Doletskaya’s cookbook “Morning. 50 breakfasts" from the publishing house "CoLibri". In it, the former editor-in-chief of the gloss shares recipes for his favorite morning dishes and proves that it doesn’t take much time to prepare a tasty, healthy and beautiful breakfast.

“I’m not a professional chef, like Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson, whom I adore, I never graduated from gastronomy schools and I don’t own restaurants. I don’t like amateurs, but being an amateur in the kitchen, in my opinion, is possible and even mandatory for everyone who loves to eat and loves to live. I am a fast person by nature, and complicated, long meals are definitely not for me. All the breakfasts I prepare take no more than 20 minutes, and with KitchenAid appliances even 10 minutes.”

InStyle publishes two recipes from the book:

God Save The Queen Oatmeal with Caramelized Figs, Pears and Mangoes

DO (for 2 servings):

Extra oat flakes – 2 heaped cups
Milk – 1 glass
Water – 1/2 cup
Mango – 1 piece
Pear – 1 pc.
Figs – 6 pcs.
Grapeseed oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Butter – 2 tsp.
Salt with cornflowers and violets, cane sugar to taste


1. Heat water and milk (cow's, almond, soy - favorite, in general) in one saucepan, almost to a boil. Turn off the heat, add oatmeal, add a pinch of salt and close the lid for about five minutes - let it swell and gain strength, but remain al dente.

2. Cut the mango and pear into half moons, divide the figs into four slices, sprinkle with cane sugar.

3. Melt the butter in grape oil and fry the fruit on both sides.

4. Place the finished oatmeal on a plate, add a few drops of grape seed oil on top, decorate with caramelized fruits and caramel remnants from the frying pan, and dust with sugar.

Zucchini pancakes with salmon and dorblu cheese “Criss-cross”

What you need (for 4 servings):

Zucchini – 3 pcs.
Hot red pepper – 1/4 pcs
Egg – 1 pc.
Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l.
Salt and chili to taste
Unscented vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Butter – 1 tsp.
Lightly salted salmon – 150 g
Dorblu cheese – 100 g
Arugula – 1 small bunch


Grapeseed oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Maple syrup – 1/4 tsp.


1. Peel the zucchini, grind it on a grater or in a food processor along with a quarter of hot pepper (or half a red sweet pepper - the beauty is the same, the taste is more delicate) and squeeze out all the juice. These zucchini are very watery.

2. Add flour and egg to the resulting pink mass, add salt and mix.

3. Melt the butter in vegetable oil, spoon the zucchini dough into the frying pan and fry the pancakes over medium heat until golden brown.

4. Decorate the finished pancakes with lightly salted salmon petals. For garnish, tear up the arugula leaves, sprinkle them with dressing, and crumble the dorblu on top with your hands.

There are people with absolute pitch. And they eat with absolute taste: they combine naturalness and a sense of style that does not allow them to hit the wrong notes or go astray. of such. She seems to be able to make the surrounding reality beautiful by simply correcting some detail in it. The Gazeta.Ru correspondent met with Alena Doletskaya at the editorial office of Interview Russia magazine and talked about pleasant things - her book “Sunday Lunches,” travel, fashion and love of life. Well, of course, it was not possible to remain silent about the unpleasant.

— After the release of “Sunday Lunches,” you had four autograph sessions in different stores in Moscow. Who came to sign the book?

“I believe that these are, firstly, representatives of regular customers of the bookstore, who are notified in such a situation, and secondly, those who already know the book “Morning.” The faces are wonderful. To be honest, I withstood this tension precisely because these were people with surprisingly bright, interested faces.

I didn’t hear a single stupid or tactless question; it was clear that these are people who love to read, love to live and love to learn more about a decent, non-ostentatious lifestyle.

— Your book turned out to be not so much about food, but about your attitude to life.

- In my book, everything is absolute reality, everything is honest - this is my home, these are my friends, this is how I live.

— An interesting idea is to come up with different situations for dinners.

- Yes! When I came up with them, I called my friends for advice, and they confirmed everything to me: “Bachelorette party - for sure! I really need a drink - oh, yes, that's right! Dinner for his parents is just the day after tomorrow.” And I thought that since this typological picture coincided, it must work.

— In “Lunches” you mention Yotam Ottolenghi - I also really like him, his books have an incredible sense of joie de vivre, you can always see how much he loves what he does.

— Joie de vivre is an accurate definition. Yotam - he’s a complete “inbreed”! He has Jewish, Persian, English blood. And I, too, am a person of mixed blood - Russian, Polish, English, Armenian. Apparently, mixing gives such openness and hunger for life.

— Do you feel like a person of the world?

— I am, of course, a Russian person. I was born in Moscow, lived my whole life in Moscow, I love Moscow, Russian is my native language and, probably, the best language in which I can speak and write. But this does not at all prevent me from feeling at home in almost any country where I can explain myself at least a little on the street - there is no feeling of any fear or rejection... I like some countries more, some less, which is natural , but, in general, I feel truly a man of the world.

- Which ones are bigger?

- I love England very much, I am an Anglophile, after all, education - the Faculty of Philology, comparative linguistics - is my topic. But at the same time, I love Italy, Spain, Armenia, I incredibly love Georgia, and I feel quite comfortable in the Californian part of America.

— Are living beautifully and living tastefully different things?

- Well, of course. The expression “to live beautifully,” due to the worn-out nature of this phrase, has some kind of bourgeois-philistine character. There are too many rhinestones on it. And taste is something that belongs to a given person, the ability to create something individual. You have the taste of a person who loves checkered flannel shirts. And in my life there is a lot of sandy-powdered cashmere, because I feel comfortable in it. It doesn't matter at all. The most important and most beautiful thing is that the taste will always be different. It will be different. He will be different.

— Is fashion somehow connected with taste?

— Fashion is first and foremost an industry. Taste is, if you like, a social-human characteristic. It is almost impossible to connect them. likes to say that Versace had phenomenal style - and a complete lack of taste. And you need to understand that Alexander Vasiliev is saying this: this is an assessment of a certain fashion phenomenon - from an individual point of view.

— Can a magazine instill taste? Do you have such a task?

“I devoted an honest twelve years of my life to this. And I think it worked. In one of the anniversary issues of Vogue, we collected reviews from readers - and they said that the magazine had a colossal influence on the taste of a certain generation. The most interesting thing is that those people who work with me at Interview magazine, who are 20-30 years old, grew up reading Vogue magazine. And therefore it is completely natural for them to continue their lives...

- With you, as I understand it.

— Do you sometimes open the current Vogue?

- Well, of course.

- And How?

- Differently.

— It seems to me that after you left there, people’s taste changed - silicone lips became fashionable...

— Oh no, just in 2010 there was a wonderful project - it was done by one of my employees, Katya Fedorova. She created a blog called "Evil Empire". Her favorite subjects were show business stars, it was incredibly funny - there were just a lot of these silicone lips. They came into fashion then, because cosmetic surgery suddenly invaded the beauty industry and people who had no taste thought: well, since everything can be enlarged, let’s increase it as soon as possible. And we saw many disfigured faces.

“Now it’s somehow become very noticeable.”

- Unfortunately. Although we wrote about this too. In Vogue, I think in 2010, I had a big article with one of the authoritative cosmetologists, Professor Levy, who gave us a huge interview about lips and their shape. This is such a dangerous territory, which so quickly gives rise to disproportion on the face that it becomes not yours.

People think that there is a separate organ called the lips and it should be growing all the time. This is how the very changes that scare you so much appear.

— Our Russian gloss is very careful. Why doesn’t anyone but you dare to behave like a hooligan?

— Discussing colleagues is not my favorite pastime. It seems to me that every head of a media resource bears personal responsibility for his product. Lich-nu-yu. We know this from the entire history of media. “New World” by Tvardovsky, Vogue by Diana Vreelyand, Interview by Warhol - if you pronounce such a phrase to readers who live with this resource, they understand perfectly well what you are talking about. It's like handwriting. It's like the expression in the eyes. It's like the words you speak. Therefore, this is rather a question for those people who head certain publications - they can give you some answers for greater wealth.

— It’s more interesting to talk to you about what you are doing now.

— The format of Interview magazine allowed me to reach another level. At all. It is associated with fashion and lifestyle, but it is made for those who, if they need fashion, then in the context of other cultural values. Now a whole generation of such people has grown up.

Russia is a country that learns quickly. We quickly and greedily absorb new things and just as quickly grow and become saturated. Having eaten something, we want to go further, to another level.

So in the magazine we set ourselves a cultural task, where fashion, art, cinema, theater, science, and social events are embedded in one concept. We are read by those people who, in fact, are the crème de la crème of the nation. They know how to live, they develop harmoniously, they are interested in art and their work, to which they devote their lives.

— I don’t want to ask about the crisis, but you still feel it?

- You can't help but feel it. The crisis can never be felt. If the TNS group openly announces a 28% drop in non-food consumption, it suggests that people are starting to consume less and that they are scared.

We see the ruble exchange rate, which puts into a state of panic not only my employees, whose salary is becoming similar to the salary of a waiter in Algeria, but also people who run large businesses.

This is a difficult, difficult and rather sad situation that we all have to experience in some way.

- Do you have a plan?

- Plan? I'll tell you honestly. You can accuse me of carelessness, but I have been shaken so many times, to put it mildly, that I, as an emotional person, cannot worry too much about the future. I'll just run out of emotional strength. I prefer to live for today, no matter how banal it may sound. Today I had two meetings with brilliant people - not from my business - who improved my mood. I came up with a new supplement for the magazine - catchy, chic, now we will look for how much money to make it. And that’s how my day went – ​​and I’m happy. Only today.

I love South African wines.
Vladimir Pozner once said that “Wines are divided into French and all others”, and one winemaker of domestic bottling narrowed the territory even more specifically, saying that a million percent of the best wines are Burgundy. I honestly bought both, but still returned to the stand with South African wines. I just realized that I personally like them the most.

What is this preface for?

It’s just that when I went into the store and saw red plums from South Africa on sale, I realized that the jam was according to the book. Alena Doletskaya I will cook with them!


Napkins Marimekko called Karuselli (Carousel)

Interestingly, in the store it was written on the price tag "red plums", and on the packaging "black plums"

I washed the plums and laid them out to dry on a linen towel. I'll be cutting them soon...

I cut it.

I sprinkle the fruits with sugar and leave them overnight.

This morning I saw this picture...

I put it on low heat, bring it to a boil and collect the foam.
Alena Doletskaya, of course, is a genius! The kitchen smells fantastic! It's really “a free aromatherapy session and an incomparable gastronomic ecstasy.”
I turn off the stove and put it away to cool.

The foam after the second cooking looks like jelly!

I add almonds. Here I will make a small digression...
On the site in book reviews Alena Doletskaya "About jam" I read the review Morozova Karina, in which she writes: "...The recipes themselves are also about nothing.."Plum jam with almonds"... take 2 kg of plums, 0.5 kg of almonds, saffron, lavender flowers.. let's be honest: how many people can afford jam from almonds? And let’s be honest, those who can afford it hardly make jam...”

I bought almonds at the luxury Stockmann, where they cost about 5 euros, which is approximately 350 rubles in Russian rubles. Let's be honest: can't any of us afford a bag of almonds for 350 rubles?

And, to put it like Karina Morozova, “let’s be honest,” that is, I can afford to buy almonds for 350 rubles, but I hardly make jam... What can I say?
"There are only two infinite things: the Universe and stupidity". Einstein said so.

I thought I wouldn't find lavender flowers anywhere. But I went to the right one eco-shop - "Ruohonjuuri" and on the first try I bought what I was looking for! I didn’t put saffron in the jam, only because I just can’t make friends with this most expensive spice in the world.

I add snow-white almonds, nutmeg and lavender.

Surprisingly, I never touched the jam with a spoon, according to Doletskaya, “The jam in the bowl needs to be shaken.”

I cool this royal jam, put it in jars and put it in the refrigerator.

As they say in Finland: If you pass by, pass by)
And in Russian - come in for tea!

Well, let's go back to Karina Morozova. “I don’t even know who this book was written for... ordinary people? unlikely..For cooks? They don’t need it either..”
As they say, comments are unnecessary)))

On August 1, 5 in Moscow, Alena Doletskaya presented an updated edition of the cookbook “Morning. 50 breakfasts”, spoke about her favorite recipes and treated everyone to specialty coffee with eggnog. The breakfast was supported by the KitchenAid household appliances brand.

In the book, Doletskaya shares her favorite recipes, confesses her love for coffee and tells stories about her famous friends.

Homemade mayonnaise

According to Alena Doletskaya, preparing homemade mayonnaise is easy, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for five to seven days.

Beat two yolks, ½ teaspoon mustard and ½ teaspoon each salt and sugar until liquid cream.

Slowly pour in 10-12 tablespoons of your favorite vegetable oil and when the sauce begins to thicken, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. You have a classic mayonnaise.

Add dried tomatoes or a bunch of herbs and a clove of garlic chopped in a blender to the sauce. Black olives and saffron with turmeric are also suitable.

Red and black

Warm tapas with sweet pepper and black olive paste

For 2 servings:

4 pieces of ciabatta

Red tapas:

Red bell pepper 2 pcs.

Plum tomatoes 2 pcs

Parsley 1 medium bunch

Garlic ½ clove

Olive oil 2 tbsp.

Black hot salt ¼ tsp.

Black pepper 1/5 tsp.

Black tapas:

Black olives 200 g

Pine nuts 4 tbsp.

Zira 1/5 tsp.

Lemon ¼ pcs.

Olive oil 1 tbsp.

For red tapas: remove the seeds from the peppers along with the stem and discard. Grind the peppers in a blender.

We cut crosses on the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, after three minutes, pour them over with cold water - remove the skins and place them in a blender after the peppers.

In well-heated olive oil, lightly fry finely chopped parsley and add crushed peppers and tomatoes to it.

Simmer the vegetables over medium heat, add salt and pepper, and evaporate the liquid. The intrepid ones add a clove of garlic.

For black tapas: put pitted olives, pine nuts, olive oil, ground cumin into a blender and squeeze the juice from the lemon (first remove the zest from it using a fine grater and save).

Aesthetes can cut all foods into small cubes. It will turn out longer, but more beautiful and less juice will be lost.

Dries the ciabatta slices and a handful of pine nuts in a frying pan without oil.

On two pieces of bread we spread sweet pepper paste and decorate with parsley leaves, on the other two we put olive puree, sprinkle with browned pine nuts and lemon zest.

Coffee nogol with mogul

“I brew my coffee in every imaginable way - in a vintage copper pot, in a French press, and in a coffee machine. After all, the mood, the shape of the cup and culinary delights change all the time,” says Doletskaya. “Turning coffee into a dessert drink is very simple: carefully separate the yolks from the whites, beat the yolks white with sugar and a pinch of salt. I beg you, just don’t fool yourself with legends about the dangers of eggs, and especially yolks. Once the eggnog mass is completely homogeneous, add nutmeg and vanilla sugar. We prepare very strong coffee and serve it only in small coffee cups, placing your eggnog on top.”


5 yolks

Salt on the tip of a sharp knife

3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar

40 ml French cognac or liqueur

Nutmeg and vanilla sugar on the very tip of the knife

Very carefully separating the yolks from the whites, beat the yolks with sugar and a pinch of salt until white.

Once the eggnog mass is completely homogeneous, add nutmeg and vanilla sugar. If you're not driving, add your favorite spirits at the last minute of whisking.

Make very strong coffee. Serve this dessert drink only in small coffee cups with your eggnog on top.

Alena Doletskaya's book is already on sale.
