Dishes from Oksana putan. Oksana Putan’s book “Russian cuisine that is easy to prepare”

Pre-dough rolls with chocolate

What else can you call dough that is made in advance?)))

Here is the recipe (my hand just reaches out to write “simple”, but it is!)

We will make the dough softer than usual.
a glass of milk
3 cups flour
a quarter cup of vegetable oil
25 grams fresh yeast or one teaspoon of dry
2-3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
and 80 grams of simpler chocolate, without fillers

But everything is in order.
So, in the evening at 10-11, do a couple of simple movements.

A glass of milk at room temperature. If the milk is from the refrigerator, heat it for exactly 30 seconds in the microwave.
Don't overheat!!! IN Lately three times we discussed with the girls why the dough did not rise - it turned out that it was practically diluted in boiling water. Cooked, in short.

I repeat - pour a glass of milk at room temperature into a larger bowl.
Add sugar.

There is also yeast, half a small pack of fresh or a teaspoon (with top) of dry.

Stir well and leave for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, grate the chocolate on a coarse grater. The most hectic task of the whole recipe)))

Cover the grated chocolate with film and put it in a cool place (not in the refrigerator).

As soon as the yeast begins to show signs of life, start the dough.

Add a teaspoon of salt. I measure the dining room so that the dishes are less dirty.

Measure the butter into the same glass you used to measure the milk. (dadada, let's reduce the number of dirty dishes)

Pour three cups of flour into a bowl.

With one hand, begin kneading the dough. Do we remember that you first need to stir the yeast with the flour, and only then add the butter?

So we more or less stirred and poured in the oil.

And then stir “properly!” so that all the flour is absorbed. Stirred, not kneaded!!!
And leave the dough for 10 minutes in the bowl.

Then place it on the table and thoroughly, but quickly (not 40 minutes, but one) punch it down and roll it into a ball.

It's such a dense ball. And back into the bowl.

Wrap the film in a circle, wrapping the entire bowl twice. Make a couple of holes in the film.

Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator.

And go to sleep peacefully!!! I slept until 10 am)) that is, almost 11 hours.
It won't go anywhere from a submarine!

And in the morning, when you get up, the first thing you do is take the bowl of dough out of the refrigerator.

Place the dough from the bowl on the table and go quietly brush your teeth.
It will lie there for about 10-15 minutes and move away a little.

Then roll it out into a “round rectangle” - that is, a wide, long strip.

Sprinkle with grated chocolate. I’ll answer any questions you may have right away - yes, chocolate can be replaced. How? Anything. Coconut flakes, jam, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, cheese, everything your soul desires!

And roll it up.

Turn the roll seam side down.

And go over it with a rolling pin - flattening it a little.

Cut crosswise into pieces 3-4 centimeters wide.
Chocolate, the infection spills out, but it is not fatal.

Place the roll pieces on a lightly greased baking sheet. Or on baking paper.

Leave them at room temperature break up.
For at least 30 minutes.
After 15 minutes, do not forget to turn on the oven at 220 degrees. Let it warm up.

Beat the egg into a small bowl. Add the same amount of water and stir well.

No earlier than half an hour after proofing and just before putting the rolls in the oven, brush each roll with egg using a brush.

Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Immediately remove the finished buns from the baking sheet and eat them rumbling!)))

While I was writing the post, I realized that preparing these puffs is much faster and easier than fiddling with letters and pictures. So don’t let my verbosity scare you))) There’s really nothing to do there))) So I’m waiting for you tomorrow with pictures of the buns)))

Oksana Putan is a chef with 20 years of experience. She has worked in restaurants, cafes, bakeries, cruise ships and even parish refectories. She went from being a starting junior employee confectionery shop to the chef. Currently, Oksana runs a canteen specializing in corporate catering. He runs his own culinary columns in the newspaper “Kurgan and Kurgantsy” and in the magazine “Resident”. Author of cookbooks published by EKSMO and Arkaim publishing houses.

"I sincerely believe that culinary arts lies not in the exotic, but in the everyday creation of small joys available means"Oksana Putan

To prepare bechamel sauce, you do not need to fry the flour in melted butter, but just “dissolve” it. How this is done is shown in the photo of the sauce recipe. And further. If you are not going to use the bechamel sauce right away, pour it into any suitable container with a tight lid. Separately melt a small piece butter, and carefully pour a thin layer of sauce onto the surface. A layer of butter will prevent the bechamel from drying out and will keep it for several days.

Classical Greek salad prepared from fresh vegetables, adding greens according to the season. In addition to vegetables and herbs, put diced salad with pickled cheese(feta, cheese) and olives. You can add lettuce leaves cut into checkers to this salad, fresh champignons, lemon juice. Garlic is not added to the salad, but you can rub the inside of the salad bowl in which you will mix the salad with garlic. The ingredients in the recipe are for 2 servings.

In Russian cuisine, the overseas word “julienne” usually refers to portioned hot appetizers that are baked with bechamel sauce. Mushroom julienne served in small portioned frying pans or cocotte makers with long handle, wrapped in a papillot. This is done in order not to get burned. Why are the portions so small? Well, first of all, although mushrooms delicious food, but a bit heavy. And secondly, this is still a snack. In addition to mushrooms, there are recipes for julienne with chicken, with boiled tongue and with fish. But even though the fillings are different, the principle of their preparation is the same. Ready stuffing(boiled or fried) put into portioned dishes, pour sauce on top and bake in the oven. If desired, you can sprinkle a little on top of the sauce. grated cheese. This mushroom julienne recipe makes 3-4 servings.

Simple recipe stewed cabbage With tomato paste, as they once cooked in Soviet canteens. Or maybe they still cook like that now. For small quantity A frying pan is enough cabbage, and if there is a lot of cabbage, then it was baked in the oven. This recipe can be stewed sauerkraut. But before stewing, soak the sauerkraut in cold water for a few hours. Then rinse and drain in a colander. Let the water drain and place on a baking sheet. So, for the products in the recipe for 4 servings you will need:

Quiche recipe made from ready-made puff pastry stuffed with frozen vegetables - cauliflower and green beans. Without defrosting, the vegetables for the filling are first cooked in the oven, and only then placed on the rolled out dough. The puff pastry quiche is baked for approximately 45 minutes.

Oksana Putan is a chef with twenty years of experience. She has worked in restaurants, cafes, bakeries, cruise ships and parish refectories. Runs his own canteen. Writes cookbooks and writes culinary columns in magazines. Lives in Kurgan.

Elvira Baryakina: You probably started cooking as a child. Yes?

Oksana Putan: But what? Favorite treat those times - boiled condensed milk. Moreover, it was not necessary to cook in a saucepan: you put a couple of cans behind the radiator and in a day or two it was ready.

And the canned food was incomparable: buckwheat with meat in tin cans. Frying something like this in a frying pan until crispy is a fairy tale, not food. I recently saw something similar in a store and decided to feel nostalgic - but it’s nothing. Either it was prepared completely wrong, or we were already overstuffed. Or maybe this is from the same opera as New Year's tangerines. Which tasted better in childhood.

E.B.: You lived in a military town. Tell us a story about your soldiers' canteen.

O.P.: An old, old story, from childhood.

A soldier from the national people asks for a glass of tea to be handed to him from a tray:

Comrade on duty, please pass THIS on! He digs in: - What is THIS? “Well, this,” the fighter hesitates, remembering Russian word, - here it is, in a glass... Well, fried water!

However, he was not far from the truth. Then I often saw how in canteens (for example, in pioneer camps), instead of tea, they brewed burnt sugar, and the tea leaves floated on top for show. Accordingly, there is no taste, but what kind saturated color it worked! This method was especially popular on long-distance trains.

E.B.: The most colorful chef in your memory?

O.P.: I am against chauvinism, especially professional chauvinism. But still, the brightest and most talented chefs I have met are men. I don't know why. One of them is Seryozha Karasev. Tall, cheerful, skinny. The standard cutting table was too low for him, and if after cutting meat or beets, we all walked around with dirty bellies, he would have stains on his “most interesting place" He then kept sighing that “the critical days have come at the wrong time again.”

Working with him was a lot of fun and I learned a lot from him. However, I have always been lucky with teachers. My first ship was the cruise ship Yuri Trifonov, which took tourists to Korea and Japan. And the chef there really disliked me. She couldn’t kick me out, fire me, write me off - she didn’t have such opportunities. And then she said: “I’ll rot you with the help of the menu - you’ll run away yourself.” This was the daily task she gave me, I was just about to despair. But now I can easily make such quantities, without any fear. In the summer, my assistant and I cooked for a wedding: 80 people, 14 types of dishes. And nothing - we did it.

E.B.: How did you end up on a cruise ship that was going abroad? After all, this was probably a criminal place.

O.P.: I went to work at sea after maternity leave. I divorced my husband and thought that I needed to get a job somewhere. While I was on maternity leave, my native Catering was reorganized and there was nowhere to return.

We lived in the port of Kholmsk, on Sakhalin. I went to the personnel department with the firm intention of getting a job in the port fleet, on some kind of tugboat: to work from 8 to 5, and every evening at home. And there the personnel officer looked at my diploma and said:

Listen, we need a fifth-class cook at Yuri Trifonov.

I got lost. They only got a job at Yuri Trifonov for bribes, but here it’s such a freebie. But my son was small. I went to my mother to “ask for time off.” Mom sighed: “Go, whatever.” At least you can see the world.”

I got involved. Then there were other ships. If on the Yuri Trifonov there was a crowd in the galley - a separate baker, a separate galley keeper, then on small ships there was only a cook and a barman. I had to do everything myself, including baking bread. But I didn’t know how to bake bread.

I came for the first time on such a ship with a direction. The captain asks:

Do you bake bread? I crumple. Of course, I know the theory, but I don’t have the practice. - I allow you to ruin three baked goods, and then let me learn.

And I started. Oh... I’ll mix the dough according to the textbook, bake 12 black scary bricks, cut them - from the middle raw dough pours out. There is a “drip” in the galley - something like a garbage chute: everything goes directly overboard. Looking around, I approach him with my baked goods: gurgle-gurgle - 12 gurgles. Bag in hand and off to the store for bread. It’s good that we were standing near the shore. And a week later there’s a flight (albeit a short one). I had to buy bread for the whole week.

Almost my entire salary was spent on this bread. I got all the chefs I knew. I asked everyone how they bake bread, why they succeed and I don’t. Each had their own trick and their own recipe: completely different.

Then old Alexandra Grigorievna, Trifonov’s baker, says to me:

Don't twitch and don't listen to anyone. You know the theory, you bake pies. Just take it and try it, time after time...Then, when you FEEL THE DOUGH, it will work with both bad flour and bad yeast.

I did so. And at some point it really hit home. Since then I have always succeeded in making both dough and bread. I then worked in a bakery for five years and taught so many bakers myself.

E.B.: Now tell a sea tale.

O.P.: Not quite nautical, but directly related to my surname. People who hear it for the first time always widen their eyes. Most frequently asked question- “Is this your real name?” Of course it’s real, would anyone in their right mind take such a pseudonym?

It was in 1994, and maybe in 1993... By the way, I already wrote about this incident on the Internet, now my story is circulating on sites with jokes. It happened at Trifonov. I had a friend - a barmaid in the wardroom, Sveta Botsman (that’s the girl’s last name, but why should I grin).

We had to get up early, and in order not to oversleep, we wrote in the log in the administration room, where the flight attendants kept watch around the clock.

A guy we knew, Vasya Pyatykh, was a passenger with us on that flight. The motion, even minimal, had a very strong effect on him: he could not sleep. And here this Vasya sits with the flight attendants and, out of boredom, flips through the logbook: “Wake up Boatswain at 7 am.” Bullshit, he thinks, it was probably written with a mistake: the girls didn’t put a full stop on it. It was necessary to “wake up at 7 am. Boatswain".

The next entry plunges him into shock: “Wake up Putan at 5 am.” He looks up at the flight attendants:

Why the hell are you getting them up so early?!

E.B.: What about the pitching - did you have to cook in a storm?

O.P.: There is a trick at sea: they always ask whether you get seasick or not. If you get motion sick, they won’t force you to work during a storm - they will replace you. If a sailor gets motion sick, the navigator will take the wheel instead. But if you don’t get motion sickness: be kind, work hard. And so you fly around the galley along with the pots. Moreover, only one in ten loses their appetite during a storm. On the contrary, others are attacked by a terrible zhor.

E.B.: How do dishes not tip over when rocking?

O.P.: Eat special devices- all sorts of holders and sides for stoves and pots. And the menu, of course, is simplified as much as possible. Navy pasta is just such a dish. I immediately understood where it came from and why it was called that.

However, the tables in the wardroom are set according to all the rules - as if there were no jocks. But also with its own tricks: for example, tablecloths are soaked in water and spread out wet. The dishes on such tablecloths stand and do not move from side to side.

I remember one time I started making bread dough and thought we’d weather the storm. But no. The captain, God bless him, got through 8 points. It was so tossed around that the barmaid and I almost turned gray with fear. Then they looked at the dough: what kind of bread is there! It was so battered that it became liquid: it was good only for pancakes.

Overall it was a good school. And it was fun, despite all the difficulties.

E.B.: Tell us about working in the parish refectory.

O.P.: It so happened that I suddenly believed in God. There were unpleasant events, and faith happened. At that time I didn’t know what to do with it. It turned out that I couldn’t live in the old way, but I couldn’t live in the new way. I needed time to come to my senses. I bought a house in the village and stayed there for two years.

The refectory has its own peculiarities: restrictions on fasting - this is possible, sometimes it is not. I had to dodge. And on the fast days, when welcoming guests, it was necessary to please both the white priesthood and not deprive the monastics (they cannot eat meat).

During those two years, I did weddings and anniversaries there. My job loves me and always finds me: people constantly came from the city and persuaded me to go work in their new cafes and restaurants. But I refused: I no longer wanted to go to the restaurant - it became uninteresting. And then I opened a canteen in the office, and now I do what I do.

E.B. They say that if you know how sausage is prepared and beer is brewed, you will never put them in your mouth. What will you never eat?

O.P.: In restaurants, I never order dishes with multiple components. I usually just take a steak or chop and a salad of fresh vegetables. I know the ins and outs of this work all too well. And such an order is a sure way to stay both full and healthy. And you can immediately see what a cook is worth, because the “especially gifted” will even manage to ruin a chop, and a good specialist will... a simple piece meat will cook a masterpiece.

E.B.: How did you become a food writer? O.P.: It all started with a blog. I started it for my friends - I was tired of everyone taking turns dictating recipes. Started posting on the Internet detailed descriptions, and then got involved. It turns out quite well: I only write about what I have tried myself. Three books have already been published: “Rulets”, “Lamb” and “Chicken”. “Dumplings” and “Sushi” are coming (we are making this book together with my Japanese friend).

In addition, I now run a culinary column in the newspaper. The responses are quite unexpected. For example, the physics teacher at the lyceum where my son studies often tells me what and how she cooks according to my recipes.

A lot of material has accumulated, so there will be new books and new articles in the media.

Recipe from Oksana Putan

Squid rings in breadcrumbs

It's very easy to prepare and very quick.

For 4-6 servings you will need:

600 grams squid 4 eggs ½ teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons flour 6 tablespoons breadcrumbs 500 grams of refined vegetable oil

Place frozen squids in a bowl. Pour boiling water over it. Almost all the film will curl up under the influence of boiling water. Remove the remaining film, entrails and chord (transparent spine) under running water.

Cut the cleaned squid into rings 1 cm thick. Heat the oil as for deep frying. Pour flour into a separate bowl and mix it well with salt. Knock out raw eggs into another bowl and stir with a fork until smooth.

Gently coat the squid rings in flour. Then drop the eggs into the lezon.

Roll well in breadcrumbs and place in butter. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Finished rings Remove from the oil with a slotted spoon to remove excess oil. Try not to put many pieces of squid into the deep fryer at once; the rings should float freely in the oil without pressing against each other. Then you will get perfectly even rings.

On the picture: A new book recipes by Oksana Putan “Russian cuisine that are easy to prepare”

A new collection of recipes for Russian cuisine has been published by Eksmo Publishing House.

It seems that we know everything about Russian cuisine. We were born in Russia, since childhood we were fed pies, pancakes, Mimosa salad, mushroom soup, meatballs. But don’t rush to declare yourself an expert; perhaps you prepare dishes, spending much more time on them than they require.

The famous chef and culinary blogger Oksana Putan came to Moscow for the presentation of her second book, “Russian Cuisine Dishes That Are Easy to Prepare,” published by Eksmo Publishing House.

The presentation of the book of recipes for Russian cuisine took place in the hospitable kitchen of the KhlebSol magazine.

In the photo: presentation of a book of recipes for Russian cuisine by Oksana Putan and a master class in the kitchen of the KhlebSol magazine

And be sure to try making compote with pears and caramel. Surely it will become a “signature” in your family.

Oksana is from Far East, now lives in Sweden. She loves to cook fish dishes. Oksana makes dumplings with trout filling. By the way, Oksana chooses a variety of fillings for them. For example, for those who are fasting or for vegans, she prepares dumplings with black radish with fried onions. It turns out tasty and satisfying.

In the photo: a master class on making dumplings from Oksana Putan

Who is a vegetarian or can find in this book interesting recipes easy to prepare dishes. Among them: Cabbage salad with cucumber and paprika, Eggplant stew, Vegetable stew, Empty yeast pancakes.

Recipes from Oksana Putan's book can be used as a basis for creating authentic culinary masterpieces. They are very detailed and each step is illustrated with a photograph.

In the photo: Oksana Putan's new book about Russian cuisine has detailed recipes and well illustrated

Practical, affordable and very popular recipes on the RuNet can now be found in the new book “Russian Cuisine Dishes That Are Easy to Prepare.”

Oksana Putan is a chef with 20 years of experience. She has worked in restaurants, cafes, bakeries, on cruise ships and in parish refectories. She went from an aspiring junior employee in a confectionery shop to a chef. For the past few years, Oksana has managed a canteen specializing in corporate catering. Conducts author's culinary columns in newspapers and magazines.


1. "Rolls. Signature dishes" - Arkaim Publishing House (2007). ISBN 978-5-8029-1900-2

2. "Original recipes from lamb"- EKSMO Publishing House, Olympus (2008). ISBN 978-5-699-29004-8, 978-5-7390-2193-9

3."Such different chicken. Original dishes for everyday life and holidays"- EKSMO Publishing House (2008). ISBN 978-5-699-28989-9, 978-5-73902192-2

4. "Pelmeni and Co"- Arkaim Publishing House (2009) ISBN 978-5-8029-2543-0

5."Unusual Pink Salmon"- Arkaim Publishing House (2010) ISBN 978-5-8029-2620

6. "Pierogi i Pielmieni"- REA Publishing House, Poland (2010) ISBN 978-83-7544-246-5

7. "Encyclopedia of Sushi" in collaboration with Iida Oriha - Publishing House "Astrel", "Arkaim" (2011) ISBN 978-5-271-35641-4, 978-5-8029-2668-0

Hello, I'm Africa, and here you know me as the drunken chef.

Why is the cook drunk? Well, it just so happens that I love to cook and at the same time sip a glass of wine or a mug or another of beer.

My photo won’t be here yet, my beloved cat Matvey is looking at you with his smart eyes.

And why? And all because on the Internet there is a very popular expression “take care of yourself, otherwise in 5 years you will have to put cats on your avatar,” and so this is exactly what happened to me, the last couple of years, let’s say, I behaved badly, but now ..

And now I just recently quit smoking, I just started cooking for myself. healthy dishes(recipes will definitely appear here) and I really hope that my personal photography will push Matvey out of this place soon.

As for cooking, this is the most important hobby in my life, I started doing what I loved when I was about 6 years old, initially my grandmother taught me everything, and, believe me, she had great talent - just try to feed 8 children and a husband. Over time, I simply began to study culinary literature and, through trial and error, achieve the maximum result from my dishes.
