Cheesecake with strawberries: homemade recipes. Table decoration – colorful cheesecake with strawberries

Cheesecake is a favorite delicacy of millions. And for good reason! After all, it’s a complete pleasure, starting with preparation and ending with tasting, and even if you treat someone like this, it’s just a fairy tale. Because this incredibly tender, tasty and very beautiful dessert will win the heart of anyone, even the most fastidious, sweet tooth. And if it also has strawberries... – well, how can you resist?!

Read more about the classics at the appropriate links, where you will also find information about what cheese you can replace Philadelphia cheese with.

And today on our agenda strawberry cheesecake: crispy sand base and a delicate creamy filling with strawberries - this is the formula for the perfect summer dessert!

General cooking principles

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, we will discuss the main points that are worth paying attention to.

Strawberry cheesecake at home, what you need to know:

  • It’s better to take a detachable form, it will be easier to take out ready dessert. In addition, when preparing a no-bake cheesecake, you can even use a split cake ring. Place baking paper on a plate and place a ring on top. During the cooking process, the cookie crust will serve as a kind of “bottom”. Or you can put it directly on a serving dish in which you will serve the finished strawberry dessert;
  • In general, cheesecake can be prepared either with a cookie crust or shortcrust pastry with or without a base (i.e. without a base, but in this case use a “mould with a bottom”);
  • You can use any favorite store-bought cookies (preferably shortbread), or prepare dough at home (shortbread or biscuit - whatever you like);
  • As I wrote above, you can use cheese or cottage cheese for the creamy base;
  • The main thing to remember: for a cheesecake with baked goods you need Philadelphia cheese (Almette, Unagrande, etc.), and without baking you need mascarpone;
  • If you have cottage cheese, the fattier it is, the better. In addition, it will need to be ground through a sieve or crushed with a blender until smooth. homogeneous mass;
  • “Hot cheesecake”: the cheese mass cannot be whipped; all ingredients must be carefully mixed (without excess air - otherwise cracks may appear during baking). In addition, it is important to comply temperature regime both during baking and during cooling;
  • There is no need to immediately remove the cheesecake from the oven; leave it for 30-60 minutes with the door ajar, then for another hour at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours.
  • “Cold”: on the contrary, it is made on the basis, protein cream and so on. The airier the mass, the more tender the finished dessert. This is due to a different preparation technology - directly using gelatin or agar-agar, and in some recipes they simply add citrus juice(orange or lemon);
  • Be sure to follow the instructions on the package of your gelatin.

How to decorate cheesecake with strawberries

In theory, strawberry cheesecake is an ordinary classic cheesecake with the addition of strawberries in one form or another.

  • Strawberries can be pureed and added to cream, then the result will be “pink cheesecake”.
  • Or apply berry puree use drops on the top and a wooden skewer to make beautiful stains;

  • By the way, you can make hearts on cheesecake in a similar way. Make small droplets in a circle from the syringe, then carefully “connect” them together with a toothpick. This technique works equally well on cheesecake with or without baking. By the way, excellent!
  • Distribute the droplets at equal distances from each other, in several rows (there will be one droplet in the center). Place a toothpick in the center of this droplet and, without removing it, move the toothpick to the adjacent droplets in a spiral. This will give you a neat drawing. You can make it “chaotic” if you wish.

  • Or you can simply cut the strawberries into pieces and carefully, without disturbing the texture of the berries, mix them into the creamy mass, then in the cut you will see beautiful inclusions in the form of pieces of strawberries;

  • If you want a perfectly white top. Just set aside a small portion before mixing with the strawberries. creamy filling. Place the strawberry cream on the cookies, and finally the previously set aside “white” cream. As a result, the finished cheesecake will be perfectly white on top and with beautiful berries in the cut.

  • In addition, the berries arranged around the perimeter of the mold look beautiful: with the cut towards the wall. And inside, you can “seat” whole berries on the base.

Or you can simply decorate the finished cheesecake with strawberries on top without unnecessary hassle:

  • At the same time, you want to fill the berries with jelly or simply pour some tasty topping on them;
  • If you want to decorate the top of the cheesecake with strawberries, but you know for sure that it will not disappear from your table at once, it is better to pour jelly over the berries (at least a little bit - for each cut). This way it will last much longer, maintaining the presentable appearance of the dessert. Which is especially important given the fact that hot-cooked cheesecake fully reveals its taste by the third day;

  • The thickness of the jelly layer can be any, depending on your taste preferences;

  • One important detail: if you decide to cut the strawberries into thin pieces to put beautiful drawing and completely fill the jelly, you will need to fill it in two stages. Arrange the berries over the cheesecake in a pattern you like, and carefully pour the jelly over them with a spoon, paying attention to the spaces between the berries. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes (or long enough for the jelly to set). Then pour out the remaining jelly and put it in the refrigerator for an hour;
  • This is done so that the berries do not float up, but lie quietly in the laid out pattern.

  • You can also make jelly for filling with strawberry puree;

  • Well, for those who have big things coming festive feast on the contrary, before serving, you can beautifully arrange the berries, pour some tasty topping over them and immediately serve them to the table, without worrying about the safety of the berries. Such deliciousness will probably be immediately swept away;

  • In addition, in the version without jelly, you can place a layer under the berries, sour cream or butter cream. Mix the berries themselves with honey, place them carefully on top of the cream and pour chocolate topping on top and sprinkle with chopped chocolate, nuts, cookie crumbs, etc. (who likes it more);

  • Or make a topping from the berries themselves: puree the strawberries, add sugar to taste, boil, let cool and pour over the finished cheesecake.

There are many options - let your imagination run wild!

Cheesecake with strawberries and pastries

Let's look at just a couple of options, because you can prepare a classic cheesecake with pastries according to your favorite recipe and simply add strawberries to it (above I have given you many options for decorating a cheesecake with strawberries).

Cheesecake with cream cheese on biscuit base

The usual filling recipe, but here is the base from sponge cake, served with strawberries.

Strawberry cheesecake with jelly and fruits

Cool decoration idea! Relevant when preparing cheesecake with baked goods. Since after cooling it “shrinks” a little, and there are voids around the mold that can be filled with jelly.

And one more recipe with baking that I want to draw your attention to: reverse cheesecake or mini cheesecake with cream cheese and streusel pastry crumbs.

“On the contrary” because we sprinkle the cookie crumbs on top.

If you use mascarpone cheese (instead of Philadelphia or its analogues), then you don’t need cream. Just take 100g more mascarpone cheese (i.e. 400g)

Detailed preparation process in the video recipe, and if you want to see more recipes For similar “portioned” cheesecakes, take a look at the following.

Strawberry cheesecake without baking

Recipes without baking can be safely called the fastest, since there is no worrying hassle with baking.

Cheesecake with mascarpone and strawberries

So, the first recipe is cream cheese with whipped cream, and a jelly filling made from frozen berries.

In addition, in the video tutorial you can clearly see the use of a split ring for a cake.

To carefully remove the “cold cheesecake” from the mold, warm the walls with a regular hairdryer.

The second option is similar in appearance to the previous one. However, here the filling additionally includes “condensed cream” and yogurt.

The top was also decorated strawberry jelly with pureed berries. At the same time, part of the puree was boiled with sugar, and part was left fresh. In general, look detailed instructions in the video.

White chocolate cheesecake recipe

It would be a crime not to mention a single recipe strawberry cheesecake with white chocolate – it’s incredibly delicious. Strawberries, cream cheese and white chocolate - what could be more perfect? And most importantly, all this beauty is without baking (because without eggs) and, moreover, without gelatin, i.e. You can enjoy the result almost immediately!

Although, of course, it’s better to let it sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour - thanks orange juice it will become a little denser.

Below you will find step-by-step instructions with photos.

In fact, everything is elementary and simple:

If you are expecting guests and they will arrive later than one hour later, you don’t have to cut the strawberries right away - so that they don’t get windy. And decorate just before serving. Or pour a small amount of jelly on the berries - like this ready pie will retain its presentable appearance longer.

Strawberry cheesecake with cottage cheese

As I already wrote above, cheesecake can be made from cottage cheese. Let's look at a few below the cut different recipes, and serving options.

First option from simple dialing products: cottage cheese + sour cream.

By the way, cheesecake with strawberry jam turns out just as good. That's it to say winter option, when you can’t find fresh berries during the day, but you want cheesecake with strawberries.

For those who hate gelatin, here's a no-bake cheesecake recipe with agar-agar.

This cottage cheesecake was prepared with the addition of cookie crumbs to the filling itself - why not? - It is delicious!

Well, an option with decorations all over the surface.

Besides portioned cheesecake Can be made without baking, and served as an option in a jar.

For more similar recipes, see the article: “cheesecake in a jar.”

Unusual cheesecake - original recipes

Strawberry cheesecake is a classic cheesecake + strawberries. But you can play with the ingredients and add something new. Some of your own secret ingredient» or make a non-traditional cheesecake base. Don't be afraid to experiment! And for more inspiration, I offer you a few ideas.

Opens our selection unusual recipes– cheesecake with raspberry filling.

In fact, in this case, the video itself deserves special attention - the sounds of cooking - music for culinary fidgets!

The next option is original both in form and presentation. Rectangular, with a layer of strawberry jam with fresh berries cheesecake, which is also “cooked” in the freezer - we actually get ice cream! Below are instructions with step-by-step photos.


  1. Melt white chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler. Set aside and let cool slightly;
  2. Meanwhile, place the cream cheese and sugar in a mixer bowl and beat for 3 minutes;
  3. Separately, whip the cream to stiff peaks;
  4. Combine together: add cream and chocolate to the cheese mixture, stir gently;
  5. Place chopped strawberries in a bowl with strawberry jam/preserve and stir;
  6. Line a rectangular pan cling film. And lay it out in layers: half the cream cheese, the mixture on top strawberry jam with berries, the remaining cream and a layer of cookies - whatever you like, you can even try savoiardi (especially for tiramisu lovers);
  7. Place in the freezer for 4 hours.
Pour strawberry jam/jam over the finished dessert.

Cheesecake with basil and brownie base

Brownie is a chocolate brownie, it certainly won't spoil the strawberry cheesecake. Because strawberries go well with chocolate.

For the brownies:

  • Heat the chocolate together with butter in a water bath (5 minutes), mix the egg with sugar and a pinch of salt (just stir - no need to beat);
  • Add one tablespoon of almond and regular flour, mix. And pour in the egg mixed with sugar. Mix until smooth and transfer to a pan lined with parchment. Bake for 5-10 minutes at 160°C.

For filling:

  • Place in a blender: eggs + basil + ¾ cup sugar + lemon juice (mix at maximum speed until completely smooth);
  • Next, add vanilla, cottage cheese (the cottage cheese can first be ground through a sieve, or processed with a submersible blender);
  • Place the resulting mixture on the brownie crust, tap the pan on the table to remove excess air;
  • Bake for 45-50 minutes at 175°C.

Cool for at least an hour, garnish with strawberries and pour over the jelly.

See the video recipe for more details.

Cheesecake with basil and strawberry mousse

This recipe contains significantly more basil than the jelly in the previous one. And the strawberries were prepared in the form of a mousse - you will agree very extraordinary recipe worthy of attention.

Cheesecake with vanilla mousse, strawberries and chocolate.

Developing the idea with mousse, I offer you the following simple recipe for chickake ( necessary ingredients see photo above).

  • Prepare the base as usual: grind the cookies into crumbs and mix with melted butter. Place on the bottom of the pan, lined with baking paper, and press well. Put it in the refrigerator for now;
  • Mix the ingredients for the filling together: first, cream cheese with sugar and vanilla, then add the eggs one at a time. Pour the homogeneous cheese mixture onto the cookie crust and place in the preheated oven;
  • Bake at 180°C for 45-50 minutes;
  • Let the finished cheesecake cool completely: 30 minutes without removing it from the oven, then 30-60 minutes at room temperature and at least another 2 hours in the refrigerator (the longer the better - ideally overnight);
  • Once completely cooled and set, cover the cheesecake with vanilla mousse or cheese cream (whichever you prefer to call it). It’s even easier to prepare: whip the cream separately, mix the cheese with sugar and vanilla. Then just connect them together;
  • Top with slices of fresh strawberries and pour melted chocolate over all this beauty. Mmm delight!

No-bake cheesecake with mint and shortcrust pastry base

This recipe is perhaps a continuation of the previous one, because it simply “ cheese cream– mousse” ironed into sand basket– a quick and easy summer dessert.

Very convenient if guests are on the doorstep. Instead of shortcrust pastry, you can use cookies mixed with butter as the base; quickly mix the cheese with whipped cream. Since it does not contain gelatin, you don’t need to wait until it hardens - you can decorate with berries and nuts and serve!

In general, look detailed video recipe, you will definitely need it.

Please note: the dough will need to be chilled for 1 hour before baking. Take this into account when calculating the time to prepare this dessert.

In addition, it is worth considering a vegan cheesecake with strawberries, but since I have already overloaded you with information, if you are interested, read about it in a separate article.

In addition, for those who have a catastrophic lack of time, I would like to recommend our selection of quick and not so, but mega cool and mostly simple recipes strawberry desserts inspired by strawberry cheesecake.

And that's all for me. Culinary victories to you!

Cheesecake- curd (cheese) pie, a dish of European and American cuisine, one of the main ingredients of which is cream (or curd) cheese. Typically, Philadelphia cream cheese is used to make cheesecakes. We used Arla Natura curd cheese in our recipe. You can also use these curd cheeses like: Buko, Almette, etc., the main thing is that it is without additives and does not contain vegetable fats.


For the base
  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 80 g
For filling
  • cream cheese 500 g
  • cream 33-35% 200 ml
  • sugar 150 g
  • fresh strawberries 400 g
  • gelatin 18 g
For jelly
  • Strawberry juice 250 ml
  • gelatin 10 g


Gelatin for filling (18 grams) pour 100 ml of cold boiled water and leave for an hour.

Pour gelatin for jelly (10 grams) strawberry juice and leave for an hour. Instead of strawberry, you can use any other red juice (for example, cherry), but it will be tastier if the jelly has a strawberry flavor.

Grind the cookies in a blender, you can also pass them through a meat grinder or simply roll them out with a rolling pin.

The result should be a homogeneous free-flowing mass; there should be no large uncrushed pieces of cookies left.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove. If you heat oil in the microwave, be careful not to let the oil overheat and boil, otherwise you will have to wash the microwave later. Add melted butter into the cookies and mix thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

Place the resulting mass in a springform pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm (you can use a pan with a larger diameter, but then the cheesecake will be lower). Distribute it evenly over the entire area of ​​the mold and compact it well. Place the pan in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling.

Wash the strawberries. It is better to wash strawberries together with the stems; if you tear them off before washing, the berries without stems will absorb moisture and become watery and tasteless.

Separate 200-250 gr. the most beautiful berries for decoration, separate the remaining strawberries from the stalks and cut into small pieces.

Heat the gelatin for the filling on the stove until completely dissolved. Cool.

Beat the cream with sugar until stable peaks form. In order for the cream to whip, first, of course, it must be good quality, and secondly, the cream must be very well cooled. It’s even better that the whisks and the container in which you will beat are also cooled.

Add cream cheese, mix thoroughly.

Pour gelatin into the resulting mass, mix well.

Add the strawberries cut into pieces and mix the mixture very carefully with a whisk. Do not use a mixer, otherwise you may damage the berries and they will give juice. You need to stir until the strawberries are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Spread the mixture onto the cookie base.

Level the mass and place the mold in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. The mixture should just set a little so that you can put strawberries on it for decoration and it won’t sink.

While the mass is setting, heat the gelatin for jelly, soaked in juice, on the stove until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Cool.

Cut the remaining strawberries for decoration into thin slices.

Carefully spread the strawberries over the entire surface of the cheesecake. Using a tablespoon, carefully pour a thin layer of jelly that has cooled to room temperature between the berries and place the mold back in the freezer for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the berries set and do not float when we pour all the jelly onto the cake.

Pour the remaining jelly on top and refrigerate the cheesecake for 3-4 hours, or better yet, overnight.

To ensure even edges of the cheesecake, heat the springform pan with a hairdryer before opening.

Strawberry cheesecake is ready. Bon appetit!

Heelp!!! I need to do something tender and romantic. I looked through a bunch of pictures, but nothing resonated with me. But my imagination betrayed me :(.


thank you all :), decorated with oranges and chocolate, without jelly :)

From citrus slices (preferably tangerine or orange), fold a lotus flower and, as suggested below, make a layer of jelly. You can also do it without jelly; before serving, you can dust it with powdered sugar (if you powder it right away, it will be absorbed and become “invisible” and transparent). Distia can be drawn with chocolate (first, sprinkle chocolate chips according to a stencil, secondly, quickly icing, thirdly, get confused and cast chocolate leaves, let them harden on parchment and place them on top of the cheesecake).

Wedding cheesecake! Blog of user tomik on

💍A wedding is not a reason to refuse your favorite cheesecake, especially if it’s from bakerybun!🍰🍰🍰 Three tiers of unforgettable taste, 9 kilograms the most delicate cheesecake, decorated with fresh berries... What could be better for wedding cake🎉🎉🎉

Hazelnuts Whip cream for decoration, carefully add sugar. Combine the egg, sugar and Nutella, beat thoroughly. Pour in milk, stir. Add flour and baking powder and mix thoroughly again. Divide the dough into 2 mugs (300 ml each) and cook for 2 minutes in the microwave at 800 W. Garnish with whipped cream and nuts. Microwave Coconut Lime Cake Per serving: 4 tbsp. l. sifted flour 2 ½ tbsp. l. sugar 2/3 tsp. baking powder 4 tbsp. l. coconut flakes 4 tbsp. l. coconut milk 2/3 tsp. lime zest Mix all dry ingredients in a mug (350-400 ml). Pour in coconut milk, beat with a whisk...

Girls, the recipe says cream cheese - is this cottage cheese? Below is the recipe: You can decorate this simple cheesecake with seasonally available fruit or slices of candied lemons. Photo Ingredients: For 6-8 pieces: For the base: 75 g cookies 40 g butter 25 g brown sugar For the cheesecake: 200g low-calorie cream cheese 400g condensed milk 150ml heavy cream grated zest and juice of 3 lemons Instructions: 1. Measure required quantity cookies in a plastic bag...


Cream cheese is Philadelphia and others like it. Cream cheese, probably...
The recipe shows that it turns out fatty and sweet. I make 3 packs of Philadelphia with 300g of yogurt and gelatin (1 sachet of cake filling). This german recipe from Philadelphia. I have a whole book about this matter... The oven really doesn’t need anything, just wait for it to harden.

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Now, apparently, it's going somewhere advertising campaign kvass "Ochakovskaya" and I was lucky enough to receive a press release with recipes for cocktails developed especially for this new year by Vlad Scandalli and Leonid Falchari (I don’t know who these people are). Here are the cocktail recipes: RUSSIAN SAUER Jameson whiskey – 50 ml Ginger root – 15 g Egg white Lemon juice – 30 ml Sugar syrup– 25 ml Orange bitter – 1 drop Kvass “Ochakovsky” Preparation: In a mixing glass, mash ginger root and add egg white...

Trace the outline of the cookies with creamy frosting. Color in the centers of the cookies within the outline liquid glaze suitable color. Let dry. Once the icing is dry, draw on the details and decorate the cookies with silver sugar pearls, placing them in the desired places on the wet icing. Let dry completely. Once all the icing is dry, decorate the cookies with ribbons. Be careful: the cookies are quite fragile. From the book "Sweet Chic. Delicious pastries, cakes, cupcakes"...

Cheesecake in a slow cooker, recipe. Blog of user dgonke on

The USA is considered the birthplace of cheesecakes, but today this dessert is well known all over the world, and in some places, like in America, cheesecakes are baked in the oven or in a water bath, and in others they are cooked raw way. IN Lately Housewives highly appreciated another way of preparing cheesecakes - in multicookers. Recipes with photos [link-1] of cheesecakes in a slow cooker brings to your attention a collection of tips. Cheesecakes are pies with a shortcrust pastry base (at home they often...

Cheesecake in a slow cooker

Ingredients: - 0.5 tsp. salt; - heavy cream- 80 g; - 2 yolks; - 2 chicken eggs; - zest of one lemon; - flour - 20 g; - starch - 10 g; - granulated sugar- 200 g; - cream cheese "Philadelphia" or "Almette" - 600 g. Cooking classic cheesecake: 1. Take parchment paper(large square), place the multicooker bowl in the middle. Cut the edges to create a “flower”. 2. Remove the bowl and make a shape out of paper that will be located inside the multicooker. This is done for...

Recipes homemade cake and cream for children's day birth

Cheesecake is light. Blog of user Raquel Meller on

Per 100 grams: Proteins - 6.63 Fats - 2.70 Carbohydrates - 13.03 Kcal - 99.78 Required: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese(not soft!), 125 g low-fat yogurt, juice of 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 2 egg whites, 1 tsp. gelatin, 300 g of any chopped fruits or berries. What to do: Soak gelatin with lemon juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, for 5 minutes, then heat and cool the mixture. While it is cooling, whisk together cottage cheese, yogurt and honey. Mix them with gelatin. Separately beat the whites and carefully...

Banana cheesecake per 100g 99.9kcal Ingredients: 2 packs of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. flour, 6 overripe bananas. Preparation: Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with eggs and flour, mix thoroughly. Grind the bananas into a puree and add to curd mass. Place in a baking dish. Bake at 180oC until golden brown crust. This amount is enough for 4-6 servings.

Banana cheesecake. Blog of user Raquel Meller on

Banana cheesecake * Energy value per 100 g - 99.9 kcal*. Ingredients: 2 packs low fat soft cottage cheese(400g), 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 5 ripe bananas, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Method of preparation: Grind bananas in a blender until pureed. Combine cottage cheese with eggs and flour, mix thoroughly. Then add to the curd mass banana puree. Place in a baking dish. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Ready cheesecake if desired...

Fortune telling with cookies on Valentine's Day

Be sure to add equal proportions of Games, Fiction and Creativity. Sprinkle everything generously with good, kind Laughter. Now pour Love to the brim and whisk everything vigorously and decisively! Place your parent's soul on high fire. Decorate your dish with Smiles and branches of Cheerfulness. Before serving to your children, this parental dish is served with Calmness, Cheerfulness, Selflessness and Nobility. Dear parents, strictly follow this recipe throughout your parenting life. Become a talented cook for yourself and your children. Just a wish: I wish you to prepare many different things in your parenting life...

Curd recipes: steamed cheesecakes, light cheesecake and savory flan
...Cook the remaining stems in small quantity water until soft, cool slightly and grind in a blender. Without turning off the engine, gradually add eggs and whites, cottage cheese, cheese, a little nutmeg, salt and pepper. Beat until smooth. Mix with 150g diced salmon and a few chopped spring onions. Post in portion molds, garnish with asparagus tips. Bake in the oven at 180°C in a water bath for 35 minutes. or steam for 25 minutes. Curd and banana casserole - cheesecake In our house the most tender cottage cheese-banana casserole- main star Sunday breakfasts. The idea came from my lifelong love of New York cheesecake. Those who tried it will never forget...

Wheat bran and cocoa powder Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder. You should get a very thick paste. Place the “dough” in a 1 liter mold lined with film or baking paper, level and compact. Pour a double portion of still liquid agar marmalade on top. With raspberry it turns out simply incomparable! Cakes with marmalade can be decorated with halves of apricots or plums, slices of peach or orange, and any berries. Place in the refrigerator, and when the dried fruit base and agar marmalade have hardened well, cut into small portions with a sharp knife - squares or diamonds - and remove from the mold. Cakes with dried fruit “dough” are quite sweet and high in calories, but they also contain a lot of fiber. Bran also helps you lose weight...

White chocolate cheesecake. Silentium user blog on

Why I love cheesecakes is because they are very easy preparation still guaranteed to taste great! This is already the 5th cheesecake recipe that I publish on the site, and it is also special in its own way, it has a very delicate, very “girlish” taste. Try it! Ingredients cookies (crumbly, for example, anniversary cookies) 200 g butter 90 g filling: large egg 3 pcs. Philadelphia cream cheese 500 g white chocolate 200 g butter 20 g any cream 2 tbsp sugar 100 g for...

I love to cook). User Remy's blog on

Yesterday, having found cottage cheese in the refrigerator, I decided that I needed to somehow incorporate it into food. Cheesecakes, casseroles and other foods are already boring. I decided to get creative. Curd cheesecake. So, shortbread dough (ready-made), in general I prefer to do everything myself from start to finish, but there was dough here, so I decided to implement it). The defrosted dough was laid out with silicone mold. I’ll immediately explain why silicone. Previously, I preferred metal structures, but after trying...

cheesecake. Individuale user's blog on

Ingredients 900 g cottage cheese 0-1% 50 g gelatin 2 tbsp skim. cocoa 6 pcs eggs 10 tbsp sucrose. vanilla extract to taste Preparation 1. Mix half the yolks with sucrose, cottage cheese and vanillin. 2. Dissolve gelatin 25 g in 1/2 tbsp hot water 3. Beat the whites 4. Add the cooled gelatin to the curd mass and mix. 5. Gently fold in the egg whites 6. Place in the refrigerator to cool (in the mold) 7. Follow 6 steps for the cocoa layer. 8. Post chocolate layer on top of vanilla and...

Cheesecake "Japanese cotton".

In this weather, we just need something special to lift our spirits! Nice cake or baking with a cup of coffee is better than any medicine! For example this one Japanese cake. So, Japanese Cotton Cheesecake! Why Japanese and why cotton, you ask. Because it is as soft, delicate, high-quality and pleasant as fabrics made in Japan. Do you know why I love this cake? Unlike others, here you don’t need to train to get it right. "Japanese Cotton" is coming out...

Simple and tasty: carrot cake according to Yu. Vysotskaya’s recipe.

This pie, based on the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya, captivated me with its unusual ratio of ease of preparation and noble taste. I'm posting the recipe. I make it without nuts and chocolate - this makes it hypoallergenic and suitable even for one-year-old children. And I put in more sour cream) Enjoy! Recipe (see picture) 200 g carrots (one large one) 200 g sour cream (at least 20% fat) 100 g hazelnuts 1 and 1/2 cups. sugar 1 cup flour 3 eggs 1/2 tile white chocolate 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp. soda, slaked...

Simple recipes from a master pastry chef.

To create your own, unlike anything else, original decoration you will need imagination, fruits of the most different colors, size, shape and contents, a thin sharp knife, metal baking dishes and a small round ice cream spoon. One of the most beautiful ways The decoration can be considered fruits and berries drenched in jelly. A dessert decorated in this way is sure to be bright, eye-catching, beautiful, and simply very tasty. And making it so is not so difficult. First you need to know how to prepare the jelly itself. Fruit jelly Ingredients: 600 ml apple juice 1 pack of gelatin ½ tbsp. raspberries 2 pcs. kiwi 1 banana ½ tbsp. strawberries 2 tangerines 1 tbsp. powdered sugar Preparation of fruit jelly:...

There is a version that cheesecake is primordial Italian product. Progenitor modern dessert is country pie with cottage cheese, which Italians love so much. Cheesecake in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it in cafeterias and on the shelves of confectionery stores appeared in 1929.

Its creator was Arnold Reben, an American chef. He made one single change to the recipe, which turned italian pie in New York cheesecake: instead of cottage cheese, the dessert uses Philadelphia cream cheese.

Calories and nutritional value of cheesecake

If you decide to make New York cheesecake, the calorie content of this product You should know: 100 g of product contains 300 kilocalories. Of this amount of calories, 6.5 g come from proteins, 25.85 from fat, and 28.25 from carbohydrates. As a rule, one serving contains about 232 g. If you eat the entire piece of dessert, your body will end up with more than 2 times the indicated kilocalories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. 100 g of cheesecake provides the body with calories 19% of the daily requirement.

Classic New York cheesecake recipe

New York cheesecake - classic dish Americans, which has gained a reputation as an expensive and pretentious dessert in our cafeterias. But if you have patience, you can always please guests or household members with delicious and delicious dessert. To replenish your cookbook, we offer you New York cheesecake - a recipe with a photo will help you better understand the preparation procedure.


  • butter - 70 g;
  • crumbly cookies - 150 g;
  • heavy cream - 20 ml;
  • Philadelphia cheese - 650 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. We take all the products out of the refrigerator in advance and give them the opportunity to reach room temperature.
  2. Cooking sand layer. To do this, grind the cookies in a blender until they become crumbs.
  3. Place baking paper on the bottom of the baking dish. Its edges should protrude slightly beyond the border of the form.
  4. Mix sand crumbs with naturally melted butter. If you melt the butter in the microwave, you can ruin the consistency of the base.
  5. Mix the resulting mass with your hands and place it in an even layer on the bottom of the mold.
  6. The finished base must be placed in the refrigerator.
  7. Using a mixer, mix cheese and sugar. The speed should be low in order to only mix and not beat the prepared mass.
  8. Add the eggs here, one at a time, stirring each egg thoroughly. Don't rush, otherwise air bubbles will ruin the whole dessert.
  9. Now you can add cream.
  10. Take the mold with the base out of the refrigerator and pour the resulting mass of filling onto it.
  11. Heat the oven to 110-150 degrees and bake for at least half an hour.

When placing the cheesecake in the oven, consider the diameter of the mold: the temperature and baking time of the dessert depend on it. After cooking, let the cheesecake cool. To do this, it should be put in the refrigerator, since the dessert is served cold.

Recipe variations: how to replace Philadelphia cheese

Reading the classic cheesecake recipes featured on the pages culinary magazines, many are afraid of the high cost of the cheese needed for baking. And in some stores it is completely absent. Many housewives don’t know how to replace Philadelphia cheese in cheesecake, so they simply abandon the idea of ​​making it. And in vain: everything can be replaced! To avoid any problems, we will tell you which analogues famous cheese can be found on the shelves of our grocery stores.

An excellent substitute for Philadelphia is the imported Arla Natura Cream cheese. If this cheese has already disappeared from store shelves, then you can try cream cheeses domestic producers: Almette, Hochland, Bon Creme, Kaymak. And here processed cheeses, cottage cheese or mascarpone is better not to use.

Subtleties of cooking

There are several options for baking cheesecake.

  1. One of the simplest is cooking dessert in the oven. You can set the temperature from 110 to 150 degrees and bake on it until fully cooked. Or preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the mold in it, bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 110 and leave for another 1 hour and 20 minutes. You need to carefully monitor the progress of baking. If the dessert starts to burn, then you will end up with regular pie, not cheesecake.
  2. Another way of baking is on steam bath. It is believed that this is how real cheesecake is prepared. We wrap the mold with the “semi-finished product” tightly with foil so that water does not get inside. Then take a baking tray larger than the cheesecake pan and add water. The water level should reach the middle of the smaller shape. We place our entire water structure in an oven heated to 170 degrees. Bake for at least 50 minutes.

Cheesecake is usually eaten cold, so it is very important to let the dessert cool. It must cool properly, otherwise the filling will crack and the taste will be distorted. After the oven turns off, do not rush to remove the baking sheet. Let the cheesecake cool in the oven with the door open. This will take up to one hour. But that’s not all. You need to let it sit for another 30 minutes at room temperature. Only after this can you run a knife along the walls of the mold. Now feel free to put the dessert in the refrigerator. It is advisable that it infuse for at least 6 hours, or even overnight. The longer the cooling process, the more perfect the cheesecake will be. That's all, your favorite dessert is ready!

New York cheesecake is delicious and high-calorie product. Its delicate texture gives it an irreplaceable refined taste. You can pamper your household with this dessert or surprise your guests. For beauty on top ready product post it ripe fruits(strawberries, raspberries) - they will not only decorate the cheesecake, but also give it a very unusual, slightly sour taste. Don't be afraid to experiment and use it every time different cheeses to find yours perfect recipe cheesecake.
