Homemade milk calories per glass. Healing properties of milk. Nutritional value of cow's milk of different fat contents

In this article we will look at two brutal proletarian beers at once - Baltika No. 9 and Okhota Krepkoe. In principle, these are two competitors fighting in the “maximum efficiency at the lowest price” category in the beer products market. Hunting is currently produced by the Heineken plant. Baltika No. 9, respectively Baltika, which belongs to the Carlsberg Group. Let's start with Baltika No. 9.

Baltic No. 9: SAID IT AS IT WAS CUT!

Baltika beer No. 9 was born in 1998.

Ingredients: purified drinking water, light barley malt, malting barley, hop products.

Alcohol: no less than 8%

Initial wort extractivity: 16.0%

Nutritional value per 100 g of beer: energy value - 60 kcal, carbohydrates - no more than 3.7 g

This beer is produced in one and a half bottles, as well as bottles and cans of 0.5 liters. According to the manufacturer, it is an epic beer, which is successfully exported to 40 countries from Mongolia to Mexico.

He received many awards for 2008-2009 at various competitions and tests, including Moscow and Kazakhstan. If we had held the competition, Baltika No. 9 would have been one of the leaders in the “Cheap and Cheap” category.

There is an opinion that Baltika No. 9 is made with the addition of ethyl alcohol or even diluted from concentrate. This is due to the pronounced taste of fermented alcohols. This is, of course, the opinion of amateurs who have nothing to do with brewing and have never worked in large industries. In order for beer to taste bad or even disgusting, classic ingredients and fermentation technologies are quite enough, they just need to be of the appropriate quality. Many people are accustomed to drinking light, low-alcohol lagers and are sincerely surprised by the brutality of strong beer. In general, the taste of Baltika is the harshest among analogues, which significantly increases the “threshold of entry” for a new unprepared audience, while the experienced target audience drinks Baltika No. 9 not for the sake of taste. The advantages of Baltika No. 9 are: the classic composition, without any of your sugars and syrups, as well as the unchanged, classic taste, for which no, no, nostalgia will arise.


After it came under the wing of Heineken, Okhota Krepkoe beer significantly improved its brutal taste. If Baltika No. 9 is a man from a village, then Okhota Strong is already a city worker. True, the softening of taste did not occur without changes in composition.

Ingredients: purified drinking water, light barley malt, malt barley, maltose syrup, sugar, hop products.

Nutritional value: carbohydrates 4.0 g/100g; proteins 0 g/100 ml; fats 0 g/100 ml; salt
The extractivity of the initial wort is 17.3%. Alc. 8.1% vol.

As you can see, there is sugar and maltose syrup, and this may not be liked, at least by followers of the classical German school of brewing. Easy to drink, no pronounced “alcohol” taste. It is produced in the same way as Baltika No. 9 in plastic, cans and bottles.

If with the brand “Stepan Razin”, in our opinion, Heineken had a deplorable story, the brand lost its face and its signature taste and this is a change in taste with a minus sign, then in the case of “Okhota” everything turned out the opposite, the taste began to soften “ “Hunting” is clearly beneficial, although some believe that the taste has become more “empty.”

Originally from the nineties

To summarize, we note that Baltika No. 9 is a true classic for veterans, with a brutal taste at an affordable price of 50 rubles (and on sale for 35), which is guaranteed to save you from 3-4 bottles. “Ohota Strong” has a milder taste, but “hits the balls” no worse and is sold in the same price category.

Both types of beer are living legends of the late 90s and early 2000s and favorite drinks of a certain category of citizens who drink beer for the effect or love to combine it with vodka.

Beer is currently one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world. On store shelves you can find many varieties of it from foreign and domestic companies. Among them are both light fruity options aimed at a female audience and brutal strong drinks, one of which will be discussed. We will look at the main features of the product and reviews of Baltika 9.

Composition and general characteristics

"Baltika 9" went on sale in 1998, since then it has firmly occupied its niche among analogues. This beer is considered a budget option, aimed at maximum intoxication effect. Not everyone can safely drink even half a liter of this product, because the strength of Baltika 9 beer is an honest 8%.

Despite the cries of ill-wishers, the manufacturer achieves this level of alcohol content naturally. Due to the sharp taste of ethyl alcohol, many people incorrectly believe that ethanol is added separately to the drink to increase the strength level. However, according to the composition, 8 degrees are achieved through natural fermentation.

In reviews of “Baltika 9” you can find comparisons with similar drinks, where it is clearly noted that the taste is as “honest” as possible. The composition contains only classic ingredients for this product: purified drinking water, light barley malt, malting barley, hop products.

The calorie content of this drink is 60 kilocalories per 100 ml. It also contains useful mineral salts and important amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of release, import, awards

Beer is found in stores in classic packaging: in cans and glass bottles of 0.5 liters and one and a half liter plastic bottles. According to information from the manufacturer itself, the drink is imported to 40 countries around the world, where it enjoys considerable popularity.

"Baltika 9" has received many awards in various competitions held in Moscow and Kazakhstan, experts appreciate the quality of this drink.

Consumer Opinion

Drawing conclusions based on reviews of Baltika 9, everyone who has tried this beer has different points of view regarding its characteristics. Among them there are those who categorically do not recommend drinking this drink, and those who admire the ratio of taste to price and quality.

So why are reviews of Baltika 9 beer so different?

Opponents of the drink are people who are not accustomed and do not know how to appreciate rough and strong types of beer. As a rule, the strength of the products they consume does not exceed 5 degrees, and the eight-degree impact of Baltika 9 is out of the ordinary. The fact is that during the long fermentation process a considerable amount of ethanol accumulates, which is clearly felt in the taste of the drink.

Negative and positive reviews

Judging by the reviews of Baltika 9 beer, some consider it unpleasant precisely because of its excessive strength, noting that you can achieve an “unconscious” state with a couple of bottles. And if for some this is a clear minus, then others, on the contrary, attribute this fact to the advantages of the product.

There are no less positive reviews about Baltika 9 beer than negative ones. In them, consumers note a balanced bitter taste with moderate alcohol. There are no special or bright notes in the aftertaste, because the composition contains absolutely no food additives in the form of syrups, acidifiers and the like. The taste of beer is characterized as natural and pleasant, but it is recommended to have something to snack on, because the high strength quickly makes itself felt. It is also often noted that the consequences of drinking this beer are minimal, which is surprising given its strength.

The advantage of this particular product over others is its low cost. In different regions of Russia, it fluctuates around 50 rubles per half liter of drink, which is significantly lower than foreign analogues.

Impressions of foreign consumers

Reviews of foreigners about Baltika 9 beer are as varied as the opinions of our compatriots. However, this drink is of great interest in other countries, because it is something special and exotic. Residents, for example, of Europe, are not accustomed to such strong beer products, but they have heard well about the love of the Russian people for “harder” strong drinks.

Foreigners note that the beer is perfectly aged and does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste, highly exalting its taste. According to them, it perfectly quenches thirst, drinks easily and pleasantly when cold, and the effect of a slight pleasant intoxication comes in the first half of the bottle. This is a definite advantage for people who want to get the maximum effect at the lowest price.

How Baltika 9 has changed over the years

Experienced consumers often mention that over the many years of its existence, the packaging design of this product has often changed, which can be seen by looking at photos of Baltika 9 beer in different years of release. However, despite these changes, the taste remains the same regardless of time. And there are no differences at all between different batches of beer. Whether it is a cold winter or a hot summer, the technology and quality of production do not change at all.

To drink or not to drink

In conclusion, it is necessary to draw a line and draw a conclusion for what occasions and people this drink is suitable, and whether there is any point in drinking it at all.

For those who are accustomed to the mild taste of low-alcohol beer, at first Baltika 9 may seem unpleasant and too strong. Whether this opinion changes or not depends only on you. But if consumed in moderation and chilled, this beer can outperform many more expensive similar drinks.

Perhaps, for fragile ladies, this product should be recommended with caution. After all, the serious eight-degree strength makes itself felt, and without knowing the limits, you can easily achieve the most unpleasant consequences accompanying the consumption of alcohol.

The connoisseurs of this beer are often strong adult men, for whom ordinary beer is perceived almost as a completely non-alcoholic product.

The ladies in the reviews advise trying to create a more pleasant, but strong mix. To do this, just mix “Baltika 9” with ice and another fruity beer drink, due to which the taste will become brighter and more varied, but the strength will not suffer as much, and the ice will help the cocktail to remain at a pleasant temperature for a longer time.

Whatever your decision about drinking this drink after reading reviews of Baltika 9, it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverages is very harmful to your health. This is especially true for this particular strong beer. Do not forget that high strength entails stronger alcohol intoxication. Use for pleasure and with caution.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Baltika No. 9 Strong beer, produced by the Baltika brewery, is produced with a higher strength than provided for in the classic recipes for preparing such a drink, in order to balance the characteristics of the variety and with an increased alcohol content of up to 8%. Increased alcohol content is achieved in a natural way - more intense fermentation of brewer's yeast. The result is a hop drink with an unexpectedly light, fresh taste, a soft, unobtrusive bitterness provided by hops, emphasized by the sweetish nuances of malt (calorizer). The color is characteristic honey-golden, transparent and shiny. Moderate carbon dioxide content emphasizes the traditional lightness of the drink.

Calorie content of Baltika beer No. 9 Strong

The calorie content of Baltika No. 9 Strong beer is 60 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Baltika beer No. 9 Strong

Ingredients: purified drinking water, light barley malt, malting barley, hop products.

Initial wort extractivity: 16.0%.

Beneficial properties and harm of Baltika beer No. 9 Strong

Baltika No. 9 Strong beer contains a certain amount of amino acids, proteins, minerals, organic acids and vitamins.

Thanks to beer, metabolism in the body improves. The substances included in its composition can have a rejuvenating effect at the cellular level. Thanks to the drink, aluminum salts are removed from the body.

The intoxicating drink perfectly quenches thirst due to the fact that it contains carbon dioxide and minerals. Carbon dioxide expands the capillaries of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, and thanks to this, the liquid enters the blood more quickly. Due to its hop bitterness, beer promotes the secretion of gastric juice and reduces the unwanted effects of alcohol. The active substances of hops exhibit analgesic, calming properties, and also inhibit the reproduction and growth of bacteria.

But the main problem of drinking beer is beer alcoholism, which is no less dangerous than vodka alcoholism, although it’s hard to believe. With beer alcoholism in men, early impotence is observed (calorizator). For those who constantly drink beer in large quantities, the functioning of the heart is disrupted, hormonal regulation is disrupted, and causes disruption of the endocrine system.

Baltika 9 beer is stronger than classic recipes. This beer has a higher alcohol content, which is achieved naturally (due to more intense yeast fermentation).

At the same time, the drink has a pleasant light taste. It has both sweetness and slight bitterness at the same time. This beer has a brilliant honey color. If you pour it into a glass, you can see that the liquid is transparent. The carbon dioxide content in this drink is moderate.

How many degrees of alcohol in Baltic 9

Composition and calorie content of strong beer

If you are interested in how many calories are in this type of beer, then this value is 60 kcal per 100 g of product. The extractivity of the initial wort is 16%.

The drink contains the following components:

  • purified drinking water;
  • light barley malt;
  • brewer's barley;
  • hop products.

Beneficial properties and harm of Baltika 9

Baltika contains a small amount of amino acids, proteins, minerals, organic acids and vitamins, which improves metabolism in the body. The components of the drink can have a rejuvenating effect at the cellular level. This beer also removes aluminum salts.

Baltika quenches thirst well thanks to carbon dioxide and minerals. Due to acids, the vessels associated with the mucous membranes of the digestive organs dilate. Thanks to this, the liquid enters the circulatory system faster.

Due to hops, the secretion of gastric juice is stimulated, and the undesirable consequences of drinking alcohol are minimized. Hops have an analgesic and calming effect, inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms and prevent their reproduction.

Despite the fact that beer quickly and effectively quenches thirst, after some time it provokes dehydration and increases the load on the kidneys, like everything else. For this reason, in hot weather it is better to drink water or low-sugar soft drinks.

If you drink beer before a meal, it can cause severe intoxication, comparable to the effects of stronger alcohol like vodka or.

The most common problem faced by connoisseurs of such drinks is beer. Contrary to popular belief, such alcoholism is just as dangerous as vodka. Beer alcoholics often experience problems with cardiac activity, hormone regulation, and the functioning of the endocrine system.

However, beer harms the cardiovascular system less than and. Scientists from Harvard even recommend beer in small quantities for those who have problems with blood pressure.

Any alcoholic beverage, regardless of its strength, can harm the body. If a person drinks 2 glasses of beer, then the body receives approximately the same load as from 100 g of vodka.

Beer alcoholism develops against the background of the fact that a person begins to frequently drink this drink to improve his well-being. At the same time, the state of health during periods when a person temporarily does not drink the drink begins to deteriorate. Even with minor physical exertion, attacks of tachycardia and shortness of breath may occur.

Beer often becomes a provoking factor, due to which people begin to try stronger drinks (increase the degree). A person quickly develops tolerance to alcohol, due to which he begins to drink 5-6 instead of 2 mugs, and then moves on to stronger drinks.

Due to the relatively low alcohol concentration, beer is often consumed in large doses. This leads to an excess of fluid in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

Connoisseurs of this drink develop a pathology called “bull’s heart.” It is characterized by increased heart rate, arrhythmia and hypertension. Due to the dilation of blood vessels in the facial area, “bags” appear under the eyes.

The common myth that drinking such drinks makes people overweight is partly true. Beer itself does not cause weight gain, but it does stimulate the appetite. After drinking such a drink, an acute feeling of hunger arises, which a person seeks to satisfy with a large amount of high-calorie food.

It is believed that men who drink beer too often may develop early impotence. But the plant components that make up the drink cannot contain animal hormones.

Hops contain a small amount of phytoestrogens, which have nothing to do with human steroid hormones. Phytoestrogens are non-steroidal compounds that, in addition to hops, are found in wheat, beans and many other plants.

According to scientific research, people who drink no more than 2 glasses of beer per day have stronger skeletons than those who do not drink alcohol. But if you increase the dose to 3-4 glasses, then the strength indicator, on the contrary, decreases.

Some scientists believe that drinking this drink strengthens immunity to infectious diseases. But even in this case, everything will depend on the dosage, since excessive amounts of the drink reduce resistance to disease.


Dietary properties of milk:

“Children, drink milk, you will be healthy.” Who among us does not remember these words, heard so often in childhood? Even in ancient times, people recognized milk as a product that gives us strength, health and long life. And there is nothing surprising about this. Milk contains fats, proteins, and milk sugar, which are also easily digestible. For example, the protein in milk, milk sugar and fat can be absorbed by our body up to 98%. For the normal development of the body and long-term preservation of good health of people of different ages, a complete diet is required, which must contain a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and other substances that satisfy the needs of the body.

According to scientifically based standards, milk and dairy products should account for 1/3 of the nutrients consumed by a person per day.

An adult is recommended to consume dairy products daily in the following quantities (g): milk - 500, butter - 15, cheese - 18, cottage cheese - 20, sour cream or cream - 18, condensed or powdered milk - 100; in total per day in terms of whole milk - 1.5 kg, and per year - about 500 kg.

Dairy products should occupy a special and, perhaps, dominant place in the diet of children and adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers, and the elderly. According to the English scientist J. Shane, a person should leave life on the same diet on which he entered it.

Milk is the most complete food product. It contains over 200 different valuable components: 20 favorably balanced amino acids, over 147 fatty acids, milk sugar - lactose, a very rich assortment of minerals, trace elements, all types of vitamins, pigments, phosphatides, sterols, enzymes, hormones and other substances. All these substances are found in it in the most favorable proportions for the human body.

Ancient philosophers, not knowing the chemical composition and physical properties of milk and observing its effect on the body, called milk “white blood”, “juice of life”.

Milk is not only a valuable food product, but also an important medicinal product. It is useful for exhaustion, anemia, diseases of the liver, kidneys, ureteric system, a wide variety of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Milk can rightfully be called one of the miracles on earth - it contains everything necessary to ensure normal human life from birth to old age. Nature does not replicate many components of milk in other products.

Since ancient times, milk has served humans not only as a complete and irreplaceable food, but also as one of the sources of health and longevity. In terms of its nutritional value, milk can replace any food product, but nothing can replace milk.

It must be said that in addition to its beneficial properties, milk also boasts excellent taste. Perhaps this is why milk and dairy products are readily included in numerous types of diets designed to combat excess weight. And here the question arises - what is the calorie content of milk? This is primarily of interest, of course, to those who want to lose weight or those who are used to monitoring their weight and counting the number of calories in food. The calorie content of milk is relatively small.

Calorie content of pasteurized milk (2.5% fat) – 54 kcal per 100 g. product.

The calorie content of pasteurized milk (3.2% fat) is 60 kcal per 100 g. product.

How many calories in a glass of milk:

Let's take a regular 250 ml glass as an example. If we take milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then through simple calculations we get the following figures:

Calorie content of a glass of milk – 135 kcal

How many calories are in homemade milk:

Homemade milk often becomes a cause of concern for those losing weight. Many people want to know how this product can affect body weight. Nutritionists advise first to compare the benefits of milk with its calorie content.

The calorie content of homemade milk is 64 kcal per 100 g. product.

How many calories are in condensed milk:

Condensed milk is a favorite sweet for many. It consists of sugar and concentrated cow's milk. Sweet “toffee” has won the hearts of many gourmands with its amazing aroma and magical taste. However, its calorie content is quite high - you should not abuse this product.

The calorie content of condensed milk is 320 kcal per 100 g. product.

How many calories are in baked milk:

Baked milk is the name given to a dairy product obtained from whole milk by boiling and then prolonged uniform heating.

The calorie content of baked milk is 67 kcal per 100 g. product.

How many calories are in goat milk:

It is believed that goat's milk has advantages over cow's milk. Goat's milk is ahead of cow's milk in the content of some useful substances and minerals - antioxidants, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron.

Calorie content of goat milk is 68 kcal per 100 g. product.

How many calories are in milk powder:

Powdered milk is sometimes indispensable for housewives. It's easy to prepare. The soluble white or cream colored powder is obtained by drying normalized pasteurized cow's milk. It should be remembered that milk powder is a concentrated product, so its calorie content is quite high.

Calorie content of milk powder - 469.2 kcal per 100 g. powder.

How many calories are in coconut milk:

Let’s be clear right away – coconut milk is a product of plant origin. This is the name given to the milky-white and sweet-tasting liquid that is obtained from the pulp of ripe coconuts. Coconut milk is an important product in East Asian cuisine.

Calorie content of coconut milk is 230 kcal per 100 g. product.
