Phrases that can be written on a cake - recommendations and original options. You can make a beautiful inscription on a cake at home

When a baked cake is not just intended for evening tea with the family, but is prepared specifically for a special event, you want to put a beautiful inscription on it. A cake with an inscription looks very beautiful, and the person for whom it is intended will be very pleased to receive such a cake for his birthday, for example. So how do you put an inscription on a cake?

  • The easiest way to apply an inscription to a cake is to apply the inscription using special food markers and gel dyes in a tube. The tube is equipped with a special hole. Through which a small amount of substance is squeezed out, which allows you to make an elegant, thin inscription.
  • Before you write on the cake, use a toothpick to make neat lines. This is necessary so that your letters in the inscription do not “dance”. When the inscription on the cake is ready, these lines will practically not be visible.
  • Don't write a large number of words. Still, this is not a congratulatory SMS or a postcard. The inscription should be clear and concise.
  • If you make a mistake while writing, or your hand trembles, do not rush to delete the mistake immediately. Finish the inscription, then put the cake in the refrigerator. And when the inscription hardens, you can easily remove the failed fragment and make a new one.
  • Great way make a beautiful inscription on the cake. Print the required phrase on your computer. The letters should be the same size as they will be on the cake. Then put the sheet into a file. Apply an inscription on top of the file and place it in the freezer along with the file. When the inscription hardens well. Carefully transfer it to the cake.

  • You can purchase a special stencil to apply an inscription to the cake. Then you won't have to worry about that. That the letters will come out crooked and of different sizes.
  • A very beautiful inscription on the cake is obtained if you make it from mastic. To do this, you need to make mastic, and when it hardens a little (that is, it will be soft and plastic), we cut thin flagella and, with their help, make a beautiful inscription.
  • Using a stencil, you can also apply an inscription to the cake, which will be made with chocolate chips. This is done very easily, but looks no less impressive.
  • You can also make a beautiful inscription on the cake using fruits, berries, nuts and candied fruits. In addition, the inscription on the cake made with confectionery beads looks very beautiful.
  • Before you start creating the inscription on the cake, think about the final inscription. Make it as short as possible. Also, avoid long words. For example, you should not write on the cake the inscription: “Happy twenty-ninth birthday!” It looks very ugly. Moreover, it is unlikely that the entire word will fit entirely on one line, and the transfer of words on the cake spoils the whole picture. Therefore, it is better to replace the inscription with this: “29 Happy Birthday!”
  • Check carefully to see if there are any spelling errors in your text. It will be very unpleasant if you make such a mistake. If you are in doubt about the spelling of a word, it is better to double-check yourself by looking in the dictionary.
  • The inscription on the cake should be contrasting. Otherwise, it will simply merge with the cake. In addition, it will practically not be noticeable in photographs of the birthday cake.
  • Do not write on other cake decorations. It will come out crooked. Make the inscription on the cake first, and only then place the rest of the decorations on it.
  • Calculate in advance where you should start the inscription so that there is enough meta for all the letters. It will be very difficult to correct the mistake later.
  • If you want to make an ornate lettering on a cake, for example in Roman style, look for different fonts on the Internet, print out the word and write on it.

How to make a chocolate inscription on a cake?

If you decide to make your own cake inscription mixture, you will find the following recipe helpful.


  • soft butter - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Be sure to sift the cocoa through a fine sieve, then combine the ingredients and grind until there are no lumps in the mixture.
  2. The mixture is ready!

After preparing the mixture according to this recipe, do not use a tube to write on the cake, even if this tube is very small and thin. It is best to use a plastic bag with the tip cut off for this purpose or a disposable bag. Before you start putting the inscription on the cake, practice on a plate to see if the inscription is thin enough?

How to write on a white chocolate cake?

On a white sheet of paper, write the necessary words with a pencil. Melt the white chocolate bar in a water bath, pour it into a pastry bag, and write the chocolate on the paper. Then place the sheet in the freezer. When the inscription has hardened, carefully transfer it to the cake.

How to make a white lettering on a cake?

Take the white of one egg and add enough powdered sugar to it until the mixture becomes thick. Beat briefly, then add a little lemon juice and continue whisking until the mixture becomes firm. Place it in a piping bag and write on the cake.

No celebration is complete without dessert. In most cases, the crown of any celebration is a cake. What kind of cake will appear on the table becomes known only at the moment of serving. The variety of tastes is crazy.

The flavor range ranges from fruity flavors to shades of various spices. And we're just talking about the cakes. What can we say about the fillings? There are simply a huge number of them. But just like people, so are cakes: they are greeted “by their clothes.” It has long been an established opinion that the more beautiful the cake, the tastier it is.

Modern trends do not stand still. Confectioners develop and create more and more new masterpieces. But for any birthday boy or any other hero of the occasion, the most important thing is a modest congratulatory inscription that will flaunt among bouquets of cream roses.

Creating such an inscription is not at all difficult. It takes very little time, but may require a little practice. In other words, you need to develop handwriting. Mostly, inscriptions are drawn with fondant, icing or chocolate.

There are some features for applying an inscription to the surface of the cake. In order for the inscription to be beautiful and neat, it is worth taking these facts into account.

For best results, it is recommended to apply the inscription to a flat area of ​​the cake. This area should be slightly sticky. The surface of the cake can be covered with: icing, chocolate, mastic or some kind of cream. It is worth paying attention that the area should not be wet. If exposed to moisture, the inscription may lose its shape and the paint may spread over the entire surface.

If you use chocolate to create an inscription, then upon completion the cake must be immediately placed in a cold place so that it hardens well. To make your handwriting more beautiful, you need to use special equipment.

The most common are: a pastry syringe and a bag with narrow nozzles. You can also find special drawing pencils, icing in tubes, ready-made letters made from mastic, and others.

Before writing the text, you must clearly define the content of the inscription. It should be short but meaningful. There may not be enough space for long poems, or the letters will blur together and become impossible to read.

The most important fact about handwriting: letters should be written large, legibly and the number of “squiggles” should be reduced as much as possible. It is advisable to play with the contrast of the main tone of the surface so that the inscription looks impressive and expressive.

It is best to place the text in the central part of the selected area so that the inscription fits harmoniously into the overall picture of the confectionery masterpiece.

It is highly advisable to write the inscription without errors or corrections. But everything can be fixed, if only immediately. All cake decorations are done after the congratulatory text has been written and it has completely hardened, if the inscription is made with icing.

The most popular are creams and fondant. Creating a cream of any color is very simple and easy: add food coloring of the desired color to it and mix very thoroughly.

So, making buttercream, the most popular cream in the world.


  • ½ glass of milk;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Pour the milk into a non-stick container or aluminum pan. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Place a saucepan on the fire and heat it up. Beat the egg until foam forms and gradually pour into the milk.

At the same time, constantly stirring the future cream. It is necessary to cook until the consistency of thick sour cream. Then cool to room temperature. Add soft butter and beat well with a mixer until a homogeneous cream is obtained. Coloring and vanilla optional.

With this cream you can not only make an inscription, but also decorate the entire cake. Using different paints, you can make flower borders and other decorative elements. Once decorating is complete, the cake should be placed in a cool place to harden. Cooking time is 30 minutes.

Other ways to decorate a cake:

  • powder - it can be prepared from the edges of the cakes. Which should be crushed very carefully. Prepare a stencil with the desired text. Place it on the surface and sprinkle with powder. A minute of work and the inscription is ready.
  • inscription made from whole nuts - to prepare, you need to roast the nuts in the oven and peel them. Cut into thin slices and decorate the cake, just like with sprinkles.
  • chocolate bar – take a chocolate bar, melt it in a water bath, add a little butter and you’re done. You have to be careful as you will have to work with hot chocolate.
  • poppy seeds, sesame seeds, coconut flakes and powdered sugar are all great decorators and letter makers. In order to create a masterpiece, you just need a stencil.

This is how you can write an inscription on a cake simply, quickly, efficiently, inexpensively and beautifully.

A flight of fancy to help everyone!

Many housewives - both beginners and experienced ones - have probably thought about how to make an inscription on a cake in an original and at the same time easy way to do at home. There are many reasons to please loved ones and friends throughout life - an upcoming birthday, a wedding anniversary, graduation and many other events.

Any housewife can easily make the inscription on the cake herself. To make the goal seem simpler, difficulties can be overcome by dividing them into two types: those relating to the text of the inscription and the practical method of its implementation. The most important rule is that the inscription on the cake is applied first, that is, before other decorative elements and decorations. It’s a good idea to think it through and have a sketch on hand so you know exactly where and what should be.

The most common mistake that novice confectioners make is when there are a lot of feelings and emotions, you want to say a lot, and the space for creativity is usually limited in size. Let's agree - everything you want to say should be in the card, and the inscription on the cake should be short. You don’t need many words, two or three are enough, but it is better to avoid the official style, such as “Mache from Lena.” This leads to some not entirely pleasant analogies.

For the inscription on the cake, you need to choose short, simple and understandable words that will easily fit on the offered area of ​​​​the sweet treat. Addressing “Directorate of the Department of Education and Science” is more suitable for an official letter than a cake.

Another thing worth mentioning: tautology is bad form. Writing “To the celebrant on your anniversary” or “To Mom on Mother’s Day” means the same thing as saying hello twice. It is unacceptable to make mistakes in the congratulatory inscription. If you are in doubt about the spelling of a word, it is better to replace it with another.

Technique for writing on a cake

In order for the inscription to be clearly visible and easy to read, its color should differ from the main background. The contrasting inscription can be easily read by everyone, including the hero of the occasion himself, but isn’t that what we wanted?

Think about how and where the inscription on the cake will be located. What decorations will it go with? Depending on this, words can be placed in a straight line, diagonally, or in a circle. Letters should be written on a flat surface, since letters written on top of patterns and cream flowers risk changing beyond recognition.

To make the lettering look neat, try marking lines on the surface of the cake. You can use a toothpick for this. Letters of different sizes will leave an impression of negligence. Calculate their number and the place that each of them will have, carefully avoiding word wrapping. After all, a cake is not a blackboard.

Look for a suitable font, the letters can be printed or written, practice writing it on paper first, make a sample for yourself, and just “get your hands on it.” You should not neglect the possibility of “rehearsing” the application of an inscription, since if in life you write like a chicken with its paw, then where does elegance come from when applying an inscription on a cake, where it is even more inconvenient?

When thinking about the inscription and decorations on the cake, remember: the inscription and numbers should occupy a central place. If the decoration contains numbers, then they are more important than the inscription; we write them first. We fill the remaining space with flowers and any figures.

What to do

There are several ways to make an inscription on a cake at home without using a special pastry syringe. The most common method is to roll up a ball of parchment or any other thick paper, cut off a corner so that the fondant or confectionery mass comes out freely. If you increase the cut height, you can adjust the thickness of the letters. The second method is a plastic bag with a hole made in it. Don't forget to check it for integrity - fill it with air and see if it comes out. Then you should tightly stuff one of the corners of the bag with the mass, tie the remaining edges with a knot so that the mass does not fall back out, and carefully cut off the edge.

Usually cutting off one or two millimeters is enough. Even a regular medical syringe without a needle will do. In any case, you need to practice a little on any flat surface in order to get used to it and understand at what speed to move the bag or bag so that the resulting lines come out uninterrupted and with the same thickness.

Composition for sweet inscriptions

A great variety of recipes for “sweet ink” have been invented. You can write an inscription on a cake in different ways. To do this, use mastic, glaze, protein or butter cream, fondant. It is permissible to write on the cake with chocolate after melting it first. Use the chocolate mass like regular cream. You can also grate chocolate and sprinkle it on the cake through a stencil with pre-prepared slots for letters.

Preparing the cream

For the simplest cream for writing on a cake you will need:

  • one stick of butter;
  • can of condensed milk.

The butter must first be softened. Add condensed milk to the softened butter in small portions, thoroughly mixing the resulting mass. Be careful not to let it become watery. You can add any food coloring to this cream to get the inscription of the desired color.


To prepare fudge, mix milk and sugar in a ratio of 1:2, keep it over high heat until it boils, and then simmer over low heat until a thick mass is obtained. You can monitor the condition of the fondant by dropping a small amount onto paper or a plate. If the mass spreads, it is not ready. The fondant of the required consistency should not spread. It must be cooled before use. Dyes, vanilla or chocolate are added to the mixture.

Chocolate mass

To prepare it you will need 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. If desired, you can add powdered sugar. It is better to sift cocoa powder and powder so that there are no lumps. The consistency should be quite thick. Such letters are easy to form and will not spread out into a puddle.

The mass is placed in a bag, which you can make yourself from parchment or other thick paper, and the tip is cut off with scissors. At home, you can even use a milk carton. They are durable and roomy. First, try writing on something other than the cake, increasing the cutting angle if necessary.

It is more convenient to hold the bag with both hands, squeezing out the letters with one, and holding the leading hand with the other, ensuring smooth movements and preventing trembling and jerking.

The easiest way to get a chocolate inscription is to simply melt a chocolate bar in a microwave oven or in a water bath until completely softened, put it in a bag and write the desired text. This mass hardens quickly, so you need to write quickly. Of course, you can melt the chocolate again and continue writing. There is another way to get beautiful and even letters - prepare a stencil of the inscription in full size, place something clean and transparent on top, for example, a document file, draw the letters on it, tracing all the lines along the stencil. After waiting for the letters to harden, carefully remove and transfer them to the cake.

Fixing a bad caption

It will be difficult to immediately achieve an ideal result; some letter or its element will differ from what was planned. Don’t try to erase everything at once - it will only smear more. The cake along with the failed inscription must be placed in the refrigerator for a while and the inscription must be allowed to harden. A hard letter will come off much easier. A groove may remain in this place, but it will become invisible when writing a new letter.

If it suddenly happens that a whole word is damaged, and not just one letter, it can be removed with a knife or fork after freezing. Flatten the field underneath and write the word again.

If the entire inscription turns out ugly, it should be written again on the second half of the cake, and the side with the ugly inscription should be decorated with flowers or patterns, sprinkled with confectionery decorations, nuts, or hidden in some other way.

The cake is a delicious dessert that is also pleasing to the eye. Often, some housewives for any holiday will want to feel like an experienced pastry chef. Generally, most people prefer freshly baked homemade cakes. Every person wants their cake to be original, exquisite and the best in the world!

After you have baked a confectionery product, you will probably want to make a chic inscription on the cake at home. It will be especially difficult for beginners to create inscriptions, but if you put in maximum effort and patience, everything will definitely work out.

The solemn and elegant inscription on this dessert conveys the magical atmosphere of the holiday. Let's find out how to make an inscription on a cake correctly so that there are no disappointments later.

Cake cream

In order to create an inscription, of course, you will need a delicate cream, which can not only give the cake a zest, but also emphasize the theme of the event. Inscriptions on cakes "Happy Birthday!" will cause unprecedented delight in both adults and children.

Below we provide a recipe for the simplest but most delicate cream. We will need:

  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 400 grams of condensed milk.


Pour condensed milk into the softened butter in small portions. The main rule: the mixture should not be watery.

Then we take a pastry syringe and select a nozzle. Then we fill it with the finished cream and do the “engraving”.

In order to make the inscription on the cake colored, you need to add food coloring to the cream. Cocoa, for example, can play its role.

Cake decoration method

But the light did not converge on the cream. You can also decorate the cake using fondant. To prepare it, you need to mix sugar and milk in a ratio of two to one and bring this mixture to a boil. Then cook the solution until it thickens. When prepared correctly, fondant should not spread.

After the mass has cooled, you can start drawing.

Prepare the cake. It can be sprinkled with crumbs, covered with a layer of cream, icing or sugar mastic. To make the inscription neat, write it first with a toothpick.

Syringe attachments are so varied that it is possible to create wonderful ornaments and designs of various shapes and lengths.

creative lettering

Here are some cool inscriptions on cakes:

  • "May you live happily ever after!",
  • “Sweet, good, nice - how old you are is not the main thing,”
  • “Again - twenty-five!”

You can also choose exciting and funny inscriptions for the birthday of your beloved child. In addition, your baby will not remain indifferent if you also decorate the cake with characters from his favorite cartoon.

Basic rules when making inscriptions

In order to complete the inscription on the cake correctly, you need to take into account several simple conditions.

We must remember that after preparing the cake, the first thing to do is make an inscription. And only then all the other decoration elements are added.

Also make sure that the inscription you choose is clear, fits well on the cake, looks harmonious and is not obscured by elements.

If you have an oversight or made a mistake, then don’t worry - it’s easy to fix. You can easily remove any part of the decor if desired.

Attention! Transferring on a cake looks extremely untidy, so you shouldn’t resort to it. For this reason, you don’t need to use long words like “nineteenth birthday” to write.

Make the inscription on the confectionery product so that it is short but meaningful. Remember that brevity is the sister of talent.

In addition, you can make a preliminary sketch of the inscription. This way you can think of the ideal placement option.

In order for the inscription to be positioned evenly, you must first lightly draw guide lines using toothpicks. Don't worry about the lines being visible. In any case, they can be covered with letters.

Of course, spelling and punctuation errors on a cake are unacceptable. The inscriptions on the cakes "Happy Birthday" will really attract the birthday person. It would also be appropriate to write the name of the hero of the occasion.

It is important that there is a color contrast between the cake and the cream. For example, if the cake is white, then the light inscription will be difficult to distinguish. It is better to opt for a dark-colored cream.

Construction of the correct inscription

So, how to make an inscription on a cake at home so that it looks mesmerizing? You can also use mastic or protein mass as a cream.

To create a correct and beautiful inscription, you can use mastic. To do this, you need to make it yourself and wait until it hardens a little. After this, cut the mastic into thin flagella and make a creative inscription from them.

If you want to write with chocolate chips, you can use a stencil. This option will look impressive, spectacular and unforgettable! In addition, an excellent inscription can be made using candied fruits, berries and nuts. The words made with confectionery beads look very mysterious on the cake.

First, let's figure out what methods and what you can use to apply an inscription.

Applying an inscription

You can apply the inscription using a special culinary syringe, which can be purchased at a household store.

Another ideal option for applying letters is to use a stencil. You need to put the necessary words on it and carefully place it on the cake. Lifting the stencil must be done with great care so as not to damage the inscription. This option is the simplest and most convenient, but still be careful and avoid sudden movements in this matter.

How to write letters on a cake?

Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in writing is the actual writing of letters on the surface of the cake. It would seem that any person can write, but remember that in your hands is not a pen, but a syringe or cornet. What to do in this case? For those with a sweet tooth, ingenuity will help!

To make the inscription on the cake elegant and neat, you need to print it out in advance in a word processor on your computer. You can choose different letter sizes and fonts.

Then you need to put a sheet of baking paper on the leaf with the inscription and secure it. After this, you need to make an inscription along the contours of the letters, for example, with butter or chocolate cream.

This preparation must be placed in the freezer and wait until it hardens. Then use a spatula to carefully remove it and decorate the finished cake.

In addition, there is an option for mirror application of the inscription. In this case, the frozen paper with letters should simply be turned over and lightly pressed onto the dessert. Voila - you have an exquisite product and you no longer have to worry about how to put an inscription on the cake.


Be sure that if the inscription is executed correctly, it will certainly attract the views of all guests and will not leave a single person indifferent!

In conclusion, I would like to say that the inscription on the cake is the most striking and creative element, so its implementation must be approached with extreme responsibility!

I want to tell you how to learn how to do it correctly and beautifully.
First, let's look at the theoretical part, and then move on to the mastic master class.
So, to make an inscription on a mastic cake at home you need:
1.First of all, decorating cakes with fondant should not be confused with a greeting card. This is a very common mistake; many people want to write too much when working with mastic. I don’t recommend it because there won’t be any room left for other decorations. But if you leave the mastic with only one inscription, then it will look dull. After all, this is a chicly decorated culinary dish. Try to think over the inscription on the cake in terms of content as succinct as possible and in terms of the number of words as minimal as possible. The exception is “corporate” large-area cakes, where it is necessary to take up the empty space of the mastic cake with something.
2. We do not write inscriptions on the cake, for example, “Dear Lena FROM Seryozha,” or “Beloved teacher Irina Stepanovna FROM 10A,” or “Beloved mother-in-law FROM son-in-law.” Such inscriptions are made on the funeral ribbon of the wreath; the recipient of the cake will definitely notice this. It will be unpleasant for him.
3. It is very important to avoid tautologies when decorating with mastic with an inscription on the cake. For example, “On Teacher’s Day to my beloved teacher.”
4. When working with mastic over the inscription on the cake, we try not to use long words that are difficult to read. "Happy fiftieth birthday!" - it doesn’t look nice, it’s much more impressive to make a big number 60 and the inscription “Happy Anniversary!” on the cake. So, when decorating cakes with fondant with an inscription on the cake, be sure to take into account the length of the thoughtful words.
5. Remember spelling rules! As a rule, comma inversion is highlighted. When writing on a cake, don’t ignore this rule! For example, “Be happy, friend!”, “Happy Birthday, Vova!”...
Now let's move on to practice, learn how to make an inscription on a cake from mastic at home.

Mastic master class

1. The inscription on the cake must be in contrast to the background of the mastic cake. If it is in soft pastel colors, the inscription on the cake should be clearly visible even from afar. It is known that he always takes photographs for memory. Therefore, the inscription must be clear and easy to read.
2. You can place the inscription anywhere: on the left side or on the right side, below, above, in the middle... It all depends on the design.
3. Where the inscription will be located, the cake should be very even. Do not write on stripes or other background decorations. Otherwise, your congratulations will come out ugly and clumsy.
4.Always use a toothpick to draw a “line” for the inscription on the cake. If at least one letter is a millimeter higher or lower than the others, or if your hand moves the congratulatory word upward or downward from tension, then you will simply ruin your work. This means that you always draw with a ruler, even for a few words. After finishing the inscription on the cake, it will almost not be visible.
5.If you need to position the word symmetrically in the center, then proceed as follows. For example, the word “Congratulations!” First, we count the number of letters and the exclamation mark - there are 11 of them. Then we look for the middle on the cake and mark it with a toothpick. Then we draw a “ruler”. We write the letter A on the center of symmetry. Next we write half of the word (-yay!). After that, we write to the left with the same spacing between letters from the letters A R, D, Z, O, P. The absolutely symmetrical inscription on the cake is ready. When you need to write a phrase, then we divide the letters in half and also include spaces between the words.
6. The main mistake that will terribly spoil the beauty of the cake and will in no way become its decoration is word transfer.

The main rule for writing on a cake:

This means that first of all we level the cake, then we decorate the side and apply the date number:

Then we place the inscription.

After this, fill the free space with mastic flowers. But in such a way that the mastic flowers do not in any case block the main thing - the inscription and number.

To prepare “chocolate ink”, take 2 tablespoons of sifted cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of soft butter.

Next, grind the resulting mixture until all the cocoa butter has been absorbed and becomes a homogeneous mixture without lumps. This ink tastes bitter, but this is not felt at all on the sweet cake; a small amount is used for the inscription. Cocoa has such a property that it produces chocolate color in only two substances: boiling water and fat. In other substances it gives only gray color. So we’ll use this wonderful property of cocoa and make “ink” in a cold way, without boiling.
When writing on a cake, we DO NOT use a “tube” nozzle, no matter how thin it is. Place the prepared chocolate porridge into a homemade parchment bag or a disposable bag. We cut not diagonally, but straight the small tip of the bag. Now we try the thickness of the inscription on the cake on a plate. If it turns out very thin, then trim it a little more.
The good thing about the prepared mass is that all the liquid in the oil is bound with cocoa powder. The “ink” becomes soft in your hand and does not flow. Therefore, you need to add a lot of cocoa.
After the inscription on the cake, wrap the bag in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. If mixed correctly, the ink will not separate and will behave well even after many freezes and thawings. It is best to knead no more than 2-3 tablespoons of oil.

How to make an inscription on a cake?

We mark the surface of the cake and take a bag of ink in our right hand. We hold our right hand with our left hand so that it does not shake from the effort. We transfer, as it were, the weight of the right hand to the left hand.
Then we begin to carefully draw the lines of the chosen font. We try to break each letter into a couple of fragments. The tip of the pastry pen should be 1-2 mm higher than the surface of the mastic torus, which is the most difficult thing when writing on a cake.
Even if some letters didn’t work out, don’t be upset, don’t rush to rewrite it, because you’ll smear it even more when you start removing the letter. We add everything else and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour. When the letters have completely frozen and become hard, then remove the letter with a toothpick. A small groove remains; in its place we insert a new beautiful letter.
But if you still left a corner for the inscription on the cake, into which nothing really fits, instead of five minutes of copying out the letters, you will have to redo half the cake.
Of course, inscriptions on the cake can be made with other compositions - icing, creams, melted chocolate. The rules remain common for everyone.
