Hot alcoholic cocktails. Winter alcoholic drinks: recipes from different countries. Cocktail Rum chocolate

Sometimes alcohol can be consumed as a warming drink. Basically, we are not talking about the pure use of strong alcoholic drinks, but about hot alcohol. Warm drinks based on alcohol are unusually aromatic, they contain little alcohol, since during proper preparation most of it evaporates, so they will not cause significant harm to the human body. The only disadvantage of frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages that are drunk hot is addiction, leading to dependence and a transition to heavier alcohol. The best hot alcoholic drinks contain very little alcohol, but this allows them to warm you up much better than the hottest coffee or tea.

History of use

Hot alcoholic drinks have been consumed by people since ancient times. They first began to gain popularity in parts of the world where it is constantly cold. The harsh climate forced people to come up with new warming procedures that would help the immune system resist various colds.

Hot alcoholic drinks, recipes for which could be found in the books of the cook from Ancient Rome Apicius, are still very popular. One of these drinks was the well-known one, which the Romans called “flaming wine.”

English sailors drank another hot alcohol - grog. They mixed one part dark rum with four parts hot water, and drank this drink to warm themselves up. Gradually, the grog recipe underwent changes; instead of rum, they began to add vodka, then cognac, and flavor the resulting hot alcohol with lemon, honey and seasonings.

A hot alcoholic drink, the name of which few people know today, was also prepared in ancient times in Russia. Beaten was obtained by fermenting hops, water and honey, then various herbs and berries were added to it. After complete fermentation of this mixture, it was filtered and filled with hot water. Due to the labor-intensive process, sbiten is not prepared this way today. To fill the drink with an alcoholic component, simply add cognac, rum or wine. But honey and spices remain unchanged; they are the hallmark of this old drink, which today has almost become a thing of history, despite its excellent taste and warming qualities.

Since ancient times, when they just started drinking hot alcohol, a lot has changed in the recipes of the drinks themselves. However, the principle of their preparation has remained the same and their warming abilities still force us to choose hot alcoholic drinks as preventative winter therapeutic measures.

Modern hot alcohol

Cocktails are popular at any time of the year. The choice of alcohol today is so wide that it is often quite difficult to choose just one. Hot alcoholic drinks help you enjoy your favorite flavors in the cold, warm you up and improve your health. Just don’t abuse them, because they, like any cocktail, contain alcohol, which can cause addiction and many diseases.

When it comes to winter warming drinks, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous mulled wine. Hot alcohol based on red wine is drunk in many countries around the world. The composition and method of preparing mulled wine depends on the national cuisine and traditions accepted in a particular region.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

Mulled wine is always based on dry red wine. However, in Germany it is mixed with rum for mulled wine, and in Britain with gin. There is also white mulled wine, which in some regions is prepared on the basis of dry or semi-dry white wine.

According to the recipe, the wine must be boiled along with sugar and various spices. Most often, citruses, apples, and some dried fruits are added to mulled wine. The main spices for mulled wine are cinnamon, star anise and cloves, but other aromatic herbs can also be used. To imbue mulled wine with beneficial medicinal properties, natural honey must be added to it. It is curious that mulled wine must be prepared in small portions, because if it cools down, there is no point in heating the drink - the aroma and beneficial properties disappear completely when cooled.

The French Calvados apple cocktail is made by distilling apple cider. The hot alcohol recipe includes only three main ingredients: apple juice, Calvados and ginger. The drink turns out to be quite aromatic, so it is customary to use it at all kinds of holidays, pouring it into elegant glasses. The temperature of an ideal cocktail should reach 60-70 degrees. Hot alcohol is served along with fruits, which emphasize the exquisite taste of the drink. Apples or pears are great for this purpose.

The top hot alcoholic drinks definitely include grog. The inventor of grog is considered to be British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, who, in order to save money, diluted rum for sailors with plain water. Oddly enough, the lightness of the resulting mixture was liked by sailors and grog began to gain popularity.

To prepare grog, be sure to use cinnamon, ginger and cloves. Instead of rum today, many people use vodka and cognac, which does not spoil the finished drink at all. Also, grog recipes often include lemon juice, milk or honey. Each of these components can make grog healthier and warmer.

The hot alcoholic drink punch has an endless number of recipe variations. It is prepared from any alcohol heated to 60-70 degrees and citrus juice. The most common recipe is with orange or lemon juice, as well as with the addition of fruits - grapes, apples, peaches or citrus fruits - to the finished punch. To sweeten the punch, sugar is added to it, but you can add honey instead of sugar, then the drink will become healthier. The most commonly used spice is cinnamon, but it is not a required ingredient in the punch recipe. The punch is served in a large cup or glass along with selected fruits.

The famous combination of coffee and cognac can be easily transformed into Irish coffee by adding a few ingredients. Firstly, cognac must be replaced with Irish whiskey, which will give the drink an incredible aroma. You need to add enough sugar and cold whipped cream to the coffee itself. This composition is perfectly invigorating and has an extraordinary taste.

For the first time in Ireland, a hot alcoholic drink based on coffee was prepared in winter to warm up. Nowadays Irish coffee is consumed throughout the year. However, it should be remembered that this combination may have a bad effect on people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Spanish sangria has long conquered the whole world. It is customary to drink it all year round, cold in summer, and slightly warmed in winter. To prepare it, simply mix wine with clean water and add pieces of citrus fruit to this mixture. Cloves or cinnamon are used to add a spicy aroma.

In Denmark and Sweden, a drink similar in recipe to mulled wine is called glögg. The difference is that the hot alcoholic drink based on red wine - glegg - is enriched with raisins, making its taste much sweeter. According to the taste of the creator, it is customary to add almonds, spices and any fruits to the glegg. In the homeland of glegg, in the winter season it is sold right on the streets, poured into ordinary cups for coffee or tea.

The hot alcoholic cocktail “Old Tom” is prepared using whiskey. Alcohol is combined with hot water, lemon juice and honey, and cinnamon is usually used as a spice. “Old Tom” is served in all cafes and bars in England, where this recipe was invented.

A hot cocktail based on beer will appeal to gourmets who really love this drink. The taste of the cocktail is quite specific. This hot alcoholic drink is prepared from heated light beer with the addition of beaten eggs and sugar, lemon, and nutmeg. It is customary to decorate the top of a glass of alcohol with whipped cream.

Hot alcoholic drinks based on champagne have an excellent taste. They are prepared in the same way as mulled wine, and are usually supplemented with oranges or any other citrus fruits.

There are many recipes for making hot alcoholic drinks at home. An important condition for their use is the choice of high-quality alcohol and compliance with the proportions of the necessary ingredients.

The benefits and harms of hot alcohol

Like all alcoholic drinks, hot liquor has its pros and cons. To be fair, it is worth noting that heated alcohol has significantly more advantages than regular alcohol. So, the positive qualities of hot alcoholic drinks include the following:

  1. Due to the temperature and alcohol content, drinks undoubtedly have warming properties, which the body sometimes simply needs.
  2. Many of them contain herbs, fruits, and honey in their recipes, which in themselves are very healthy. They are sources of vitamins and microelements necessary to combat seasonal infectious diseases.
  3. Various spices have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, ginger helps to relax, cardamom promotes proper digestion, and cinnamon lowers cholesterol levels in the body.

Among the negative qualities of hot alcoholic drinks for the human body are:

  1. Ethyl alcohol content. Paradoxical as it may seem, even those minimal doses of alcohol that are added to hot cocktails, when consumed regularly, can cause negative consequences and even... Therefore, you can drink such drinks only in exceptionally rare cases.
  2. The risk of getting a drink based on low-quality alcohol. Drinking poorly purified alcohol can seriously harm your health, so if you choose hot cocktails in restaurants, do so only if you are absolutely sure that the establishment uses good alcohol. It is better not to buy ready-made store-bought cocktails at all, since it is practically impossible to check their composition.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Hot alcoholic drinks have been popular in all countries of the world for many years and even centuries. They really warm you up perfectly, have a pleasant taste and help you avoid seasonal diseases. If you drink such alcohol in moderation, you can significantly ease the periods of cold weather and spend the winter without ever having a cold.

When it’s cold outside, the howling wind makes your blood run cold and you want to wrap yourself in a blanket, it’s nice to be at home, look at the ice patterns on the glass, watch the dancing snowflakes and, inhaling tropical aromas, sip scalding spicy mulled wine.

In the dark and frosty months, “winter” hot drinks will come in very handy; they will bring warmth and celebration to your home. Their warming properties are determined not only by temperature, but also by the characteristics of the spices included in the composition.

Undoubtedly, the leaders in popularity are the “big three” hot alcoholic cocktails: mulled wine, grog and punch.

Mulled wine

At home or in the country, in the living room by the fireplace or even in a modest kitchen, in the company of your favorite friends, spend the evening with leisurely conversations and a cup of hot aromatic mulled wine - what could be more comfortable in the chilly winter.

The tradition of drinking mulled wine came to us from Europe, where, back in the 16th century, recipes for hot drinks with spices from claret and Bordeaux appeared in cookbooks. The warming cocktail was also revered in Victorian England: Negus, an analogue of modern mulled wine, was served even at children's parties.

The name itself comes from the German “gluhende Wein” - hot, flaming wine. In Germany, by the way, according to established rules, the strength of this drink must be at least 7%.

Mulled wine is usually made from red wine with sugar and spices. Sometimes rum, cognac, and liqueurs are added to give a more refined aroma and proper strength.

We offer you an option with fruit, cognac and honey.

750 ml dry red wine;

100 ml water;

3-4 tbsp. honey;

6 buds of cloves;

Grated nutmeg (pinch).

2 cinnamon sticks

5 allspice peas

¼ dried ginger root

½ orange

50-70 ml cognac

Zest of 1 lemon

Boil the water with spices in a pot for 2 minutes, then let it brew for 15 minutes, covering with a saucer or lid. It is this order of preparation that will allow the spices to fully release their aroma and spiciness.

Cut the apple and orange into slices, place together with the zest in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in wine, add honey and slowly heat to about 80 degrees. Add cognac. Then slowly pour in the spice infusion and heat it up again, but under no circumstances allow the wine to boil!

Serve hot, garnished with an orange slice. Before serving, the drink can be strained and fruit can be added separately if desired. As a light snack, cookies or pie are most suitable for mulled wine.

It is important to remember the basic rules for preparing mulled wine:
1. The wine should not boil, otherwise the taste and aroma will be irretrievably lost;
2. The slower you heat the mulled wine, the richer its taste will be;
3. Enameled dishes are best suited for cooking;
4. You cannot pour boiling water into wine, this spoils the taste and reduces the value of the drink;
5. Mulled wine is drunk hot, preferably from ceramic cups, which retain the heat and unique aroma of the drink longer;
6. Spices must be added carefully - an overdose must not be allowed. It is better to add less than to oversaturate, otherwise you will ruin the drink;
7. If the drink has cooled down, it is better to drink it cold, but do not reheat it, this will ruin the taste.

The choice of wine depends on the recipe and your taste, but dry red wines are most often used. When preparing mulled wine, you can endlessly fantasize by changing the recipe. Replace the water with juice, add dried fruits, cardamom, vanilla, saffron, coriander, star anise, bay leaf, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks - everything is in your hands!


The reliable history of the origin of this drink has sunk into oblivion and become covered with the dust of time. But there are many beautiful legends, and all of them are invariably associated with sailors.

The most popular one is about the stern English admiral Nelson Vernon, who in the mid-18th century began giving his sailors rum diluted with water. For such desecration of the “holy sea ration,” the admiral, who never parted with his “grogram cloak” cape, received the sarcastic nickname Old Grog.

In an attempt to improve the taste of diluted rum, sailors added sugar, lemon, and heated it. And after some time, they fell in love with the drink named after the admiral.

From England, grog migrated to other European countries, and then across the ocean to North America and Australia. Each region added its own special ingredients, and therefore today we have countless recipes for this drink. We offer an option with spices.

600 ml water

2 tbsp. tea

3-5 tbsp. Sahara

3 pcs. carnations

4 allspice peas

3 black peppercorns

6 star anise seeds

cinnamon and nutmeg - on the tip of a knife

Bay leaf

500 ml rum

Boil water and brew tea, adding spices to it. After 5-7 minutes, slowly pour in the rum, then heat it up again to 80 degrees, remove from heat and cover with a lid. After the grog has steeped for 10 minutes, pour into large glasses and serve hot, garnished with lemon.

Hot toddy

Become, fiery drink,

A glorious symbol forever,

That everything can be achieved

If he wants, man!

(Schiller, translation by L. Ginzburg)

It is believed that punch was the first among the “big three” strong drinks to appear.

According to Larousse Gastronomique, the most authoritative culinary reference book in the world, the punch recipe was obtained by English sailors in India in 1552. It is widely believed that the word itself is derived from pantscha (in Hindi it means “five”), based on the number of required components: tea/ water, rum, fruit juice, sugar and spices.

Having immigrated to Europe, the drink gained great popularity, and, as usual, the recipe began to be modified. This is how cold and hot punches appeared, milk, coffee, fire, with ale and beer - you can’t count them all. It was customary to serve punch in winter and autumn at masquerades and balls. In Russia in the 18th century, even the verb “punchevat” appeared, which means drinking punch in a cheerful company.

What is stopping us today from making punch the main character of the evening and reviving the good tradition of “punching”?

Punch with orange and lemon

2 oranges

0.75 l dry white wine

250 g sugar

8 clove buds

2 cinnamon sticks

½ tsp. nutmeg

Cut lemons and oranges and squeeze the juice out of them. Add dry white wine, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves to the juice and mix well. Let the mixture sit for approximately 1 hour. Then heat the resulting mixture, add hot water and rum. Stir the finished punch and serve hot in mugs, garnished with orange or lemon. Ideally, the punch should be served in a large bowl, from where guests will scoop the exquisite drink in small mugs.

Punch today is a universal name for any fruit-based cocktails that are prepared in a large container. If you search for punch recipes, you will find an incredible number of options for a wide variety of mixtures of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. So mulled wine, grog, and some of the cocktails mentioned below can be considered “variations on a theme” and classified as punches. But the drinks that will be discussed are worthy of a separate presentation, although they do not have their own personal legends about their origin.

Hot apple cider

1 star anise

2 cinnamon sticks

6 clove buds

4 tbsp. honey

1 liter apple cider

Pour the cider into a large saucepan and add honey and spices. Heat over low heat, without boiling, for 10 minutes.

Add the apple, not peeled but with the center cut out, and heat until the apple is soft. Pour into mugs or glasses and serve warm.


It is believed that Toddy was invented in the 18th century specifically for women for whom the taste of whiskey or rum was too strong.

The name “toddy” itself presumably comes from the name of an Indian drink made from fermented palm sap. The term was brought to Scotland during the East India Company.

300 ml whiskey

10 tbsp. l. honey

1 cinnamon stick

6 clove buds

lemon zest for garnish

½ tsp. nutmeg

Put honey in a container, pour whiskey and lemon juice. Separately, brew tea with spices, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain and pour the liquid into a saucepan. Stir, heat to 70 degrees and serve hot.

Hot chocolate with brandy

50 g dark chocolate bar (at least 70%), broken into pieces

225 ml milk

1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar

1 cinnamon stick

300 ml freshly brewed hot strong coffee

100 ml brandy

orange zest for garnish

Heat chocolate, milk, sugar and cinnamon in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Remove from heat and add freshly brewed coffee and brandy. Take out the cinnamon stick. Serve in tall heatproof glasses.


This ancient strong drink with an unusual name appeared in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania around the 18th century. Spices for it were imported from India.

It is known that the Belarusian recipe of vodka, honey and spices existed in pre-revolutionary times, but the drink gained popularity only in the 2000s. Now it is served in many restaurants in Belarus.

Today, all spices are available, so krambambula can be easily prepared at home.

400 ml water

½ nutmeg

3 tbsp. honey

2 tsp cinnamon

4 tsp carnations

6 pcs. black pepper

3 pcs. allspice

Pour water and two glasses of vodka into a saucepan. Grind the cloves and nutmeg, mix with nutmeg, cinnamon and pour into the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Add the remaining vodka, black and allspice peas and honey, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the krambambula and serve in a decanter, pour into small glasses.


Varenukha is an alcoholic drink common in Left Bank Ukraine since the 16th century. It is prepared from vodka or moonshine, honey, apples, pears, plums, cherries and spices.

The resulting pervak ​​(moonshine at the first stage of processing) is poured into a cast iron pot, various herbs, fruits and honey are added. After which the cast iron is closed with a lid (or dough - like a lid), and placed in the oven. When the dough is baked, remove the cast iron and the varenukha is ready.

The sediment from Varenukha was used to treat wounds in horses received in battle, hence the expression “on a horse.” Today you can buy varenukha in the Cherkasy region from grandmothers who know old recipes passed down from generation to generation.

One of the characters in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” received the surname Varenukha from the author. The hero was distinguished by his simplicity and desire to be tipsy. In the novel, he temporarily becomes a vampire and joins Woland's retinue.

Remember, everything related to spices does not have clear recipes and dosages, which opens up room for creativity.

You can experiment endlessly, adding and replacing some ingredients with others, changing the ratio and composition of spices, until you find your “signature” drink recipe.

How to quickly warm up on frosty winter days or when it’s damp and slushy outside? An excellent option would be mulled red wine, the recipes for which are varied and easy to prepare. In addition, this aromatic drink has beneficial and healing properties, which is especially important during ARVI and seasonal colds.

A little about the origin

Back in ancient Rome, people mixed wine with spices to enhance the taste of alcohol. But it was only during the Middle Ages that the inhabitants of Central and Northern Europe came up with the idea of ​​heating such a spicy mixture to protect themselves from the cold on severe frosty days. The basis was burgundy, which was flavored with galangal herb. Later, other spices replaced the grass: cardamom, star anise, cloves, cinnamon, etc.

For reference. The galangal herb is somewhat reminiscent of ginger, but has a less pronounced burning taste and a rich perfume composition (like myrtle and cardamom).

The effect and benefits of heated spicy wine were appreciated not only by the creators of the drink. Soon the hot, aromatic drink spread throughout Europe and is now served on winter days in many public places. But you don’t have to go to a restaurant or bar to experience the taste and aroma of the famous warmed Bordeaux. You can make homemade mulled wine, which will taste no worse than what experienced winemakers will offer you. And we will tell you how to prepare mulled wine at home in this article.

The main components of mulled wine

Proper preparation of mulled wine from red wine involves heating the alcoholic drink (both pure and diluted with water) along with spices. It is thanks to this technique that the product received its name, which translated from German means “flaming (fiery) wine.” How to brew mulled wine is also of considerable importance. The liquid must be heated over low heat and covered.

Despite the fact that recipes for mulled red wine can be found in different variations, the composition is almost always the same:

  • there must be wine;
  • spices;
  • fruits can be added to highlight the aroma of the finished drink;
  • Sometimes the recipe contains other alcoholic drinks.

Which wine is suitable for mulled wine depends on tastes and preferences. But, traditionally, it is prepared on the basis of dry or semi-dry red wine. It is better to take brands that are not too expensive, as they overwhelm the taste and do not allow the bouquet of spices to reveal their full potential. But you shouldn’t opt ​​for the cheapest options in cardboard packaging. The correct answer to the question of which wine is best for mulled wine is any wine you like. But definitely not sweet or dessert.

When preparing mulled wine, the alcoholic recipe comes down to two methods of preparation: either based on pure wine, or the alcohol is diluted with water. The strength of the drink must be at least 7%.

Important! Regardless of the recipe you choose, do not allow the ingredients to boil. Why can't you boil mulled wine? During boiling, most of the alcohol evaporates and the taste of spices is distorted. The future culinary masterpiece needs to be heated until the first bubbles and steam appear (70 - 80 degrees). Then the drink is infused for several minutes and immediately served to the table.

Advice. There are ready-made sets of spices on sale for making mulled wine from wine at home. But it is better to buy such products separately. This way you can adjust the right amount of spices according to the recipe.

Also, do not use ground spices for mulled wine. They give the finished drink an unpleasant aftertaste and a cloudy appearance.

Making mulled wine at home

How to prepare mulled wine at home? There shouldn't be any difficulties with this. The main thing is to have a suitable pan (preferably enameled) and the necessary products.

Classic mulled wine recipe

You will need:

  • dry red wine - 1.5 l;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • zest of 1 lemon.


  1. Mix spices with zest, sugar and pour wine, mix.
  2. Place on the fire and heat to 70 ⁰C (we have already said why mulled wine cannot be brought to a boil).
  3. Strain the hot mulled wine and serve immediately.

Important! A properly prepared hot wine drink should be clean and transparent, so it must be filtered.

You will need:

  • a bottle of red wine;
  • 4 cloves;
  • 3 cinnamon sticks;
  • 3 orange slices with skin (can be replaced with lemon);
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 2 – 3 table. l. honey;
  • 3 table. spoons of cognac.


  1. Mix wine with spices and citrus, put on fire.
  2. Warm up to the desired temperature and remove.
  3. Let it brew for 5 minutes and pour into cups or glasses.

To avoid straining the finished drink, you can put all the spices in a clean canvas bag, lower them into the liquid and bring them to a boil in this form. Let the spices sit for about 15 minutes and remove the bag.

You will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 apple;
  • 2 glasses of wine;
  • 2 table. spoons of cognac;
  • 4 table. spoons of raisins (seedless);
  • 5 table. spoons of brown sugar;
  • 7 pcs. carnations;
  • cinnamon stick.


  1. Cut the apple and lemon into small slices.
  2. Mix with all the ingredients and heat the future mulled wine from dry red wine to 80 degrees.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes and pour.

By the way, if you like sweeter drinks, then prepare the same mulled wine from semi-sweet red wine. In this case, the taste will be richer.

If you prefer exclusively natural and proven products, try a recipe for mulled wine with wine from home cellars.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of homemade wine;
  • 1 – 3 cinnamon sticks (to taste);
  • 2 – 3 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 2 star anise;
  • 2 – 3 cardamom seeds;
  • 3 – 4 buds of cloves;
  • 1 lemon;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. Mix all the ingredients, heat, and then leave to steep for 15 minutes.
  2. Strain and pour into suitable containers.

Advice. When choosing dishes for serving a hot drink, remember that glasses for mulled wine should have thick walls. This drink is served in regular cups, or you can choose special clay glasses for mulled wine.

How to prepare red mulled wine with honey?

You will need:

  • 0.5 l of dry red wine;
  • 7 cloves;
  • 3 star anise;
  • 4 things. allspice;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • 5 table. spoons of honey.


  1. Warm up the wine with spices.
  2. Remove from heat, add honey and leave for about 10 minutes. Strain and serve.

You will need:

  • ¾ l dry red wine;
  • the same amount of water;
  • 2 apples and oranges;
  • 200 g honey;
  • spices to taste: cloves, cardamom, star anise, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg;
  • 1 table each. spoon of hibiscus and black tea (dry).


  1. Bring the water with hibiscus and tea leaves to a boil. Add spices here.
  2. Add wine, honey and fruit. Do not bring to a boil!
  3. Remove from heat, let stand for 10 minutes, strain and serve.

You will need:

  • 750 ml each of port, sherry and Madeira;
  • 300 ml dry red wine;
  • 15 pcs. cardamom and clove seeds;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • 230 g lump sugar;
  • 0.5 cups brandy;
  • 190 g raisins;
  • 160 g almonds;
  • 3 lemons.


  1. Mix all ingredients except brandy, raisins, nuts, lemons and sugar.
  2. When the mixture becomes hot, remove the sugar into a colander and place on top of an empty deep pan.
  3. Heat the brandy and pour sugar over it. Set it on fire.
  4. While the brandy is burning, pour the hot wine mixture over it, trying to dissolve the sugar at the same time.
  5. Slice the lemons and drop them into the hot liquid.
  6. Strain, pour into mugs, sprinkle with raisins and nuts.

Well, if you don’t like the spicy aroma of dishes, but you really want to try delicious mulled wine, try brewing it with coffee.

You will need:

  • a bottle of any red wine;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • cognac - 100 grams;
  • a large cup of Turkish-brewed coffee.


  1. Pour freshly brewed coffee into heated wine (about 60 degrees), add sugar.
  2. Leave to simmer on the fire for about two minutes, remove, add cognac and immediately pour into cups or glasses.

Rules of use

How to drink prepared mulled wine correctly still needs to be figured out. In Germany, the birthplace of the drink, they insist that it should only be consumed hot, immediately after preparation. It is better to drink in small sips, enjoying the spicy taste.

Under no circumstances should it be consumed after it has cooled. Otherwise, you risk getting a sour product instead of aromatic and healthy mulled wine.

Many people advise storing the prepared infusion in a thermos. But if you decide to resort to this method, remember that you should not leave hot wine for more than two hours, otherwise it will “suffocate.”

What do you drink “fire wine” with?

In a restaurant, bar or cafe you will be offered this drink without snacks. But if you prefer to combine alcohol with food, you can serve it with meat or poultry.

Some countries have traditional snacks for this occasion:

  • in Austria, mulled wine is served with pies;
  • in Germany - with cakes and chocolates;
  • in Sweden - with canapés with spicy cheese and smoked fish;
  • in Holland - with crumpets and donuts.

Useful properties and contraindications

The opinion is almost always the same that drinking mulled wine is harmful or beneficial - in moderation it has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • quickly warms up thanks to heated alcohol;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves stress;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • used as a prophylaxis for viral diseases, as it has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect;
  • helps fight insomnia.

But it is worth remembering that if you constantly drink mulled wine, its benefits are reduced. This is due to the presence of alcohol in it, and like any alcoholic drink, it can be addictive. For the same reason, you should not drink more than one serving at a time (about 250 ml).


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • problem with vascular patency;
  • heat.

And, despite the fact that mulled wine has antiviral properties, it is not recommended to treat an existing cold. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Mulled wine is a drink with a history and a lot of useful properties. Thanks to its special taste and healing power, it has won many fans around the world. But, like any alcoholic drink, it can cause harm. Therefore, you should not get carried away with it beyond measure. It is better to create a tradition of drinking it for cozy evenings in the company of loved ones. And then such a hot mug with aromatic drink will not only warm you up and bring benefits, but also relax you, giving you a good mood for a long time.

Hot alcoholic drinks warm you up very well during the cold season. They are aromatic and pleasant to the taste. The alcohol content is low and if consumed in moderation they will not cause serious harm to health. But do not forget that daily use can lead to addiction and a transition to stronger alcohol. The composition should contain a minimum amount of alcohol and have a warming effect.

Actually, there is not very much alcohol in all of them and the degree is small, but these drinks warm you up much better than regular tea or coffee.

A little bit of history

Hot drinks containing alcohol have been consumed since ancient times. They were especially popular in regions with harsh climates.

When it’s cold, slushy, and damp outside, it’s time for hot drinks made with alcohol.

Served as a means of warming and preventing colds.

  • Many references to hot alcohol are preserved in the recipe books of the ancient Roman cook Apicius. It was the Romans who were the first to prepare mulled wine, which was called “flaming wine.”
  • Grog was very popular among English sailors. It was prepared very simply - mix dark rum with water in a ratio of 1:4. Over time, the recipe began to change. Instead of rum, they started pouring vodka or cognac. To give a more refined taste and aroma, add lemon, honey, and various seasonings.
  • In Russia in ancient times they used sbiten. It was obtained by fermenting hops, honey and water. Spices, berries, and medicinal herbs were added. After the mixture fermented, it was filtered and hot water was added. This process was quite labor-intensive, so now the technology has changed. Instead of long fermentation, wine, rum or cognac began to be added to obtain degrees. The main and unchanged component is honey, which goes well with herbs and spices. Sbiten has a pleasant taste and is an excellent warming agent.

Over the years, such drinks have improved, the preparation technology and ingredients have changed. Although some of them remained in their original form with minimal changes to the recipe.

Modern hot drinks containing alcohol

Nowadays, alcoholic drinks are produced in a huge range. Hot cocktails have not lost their popularity either. Their composition is so diverse that it can lead to confusion. It is worth remembering that alcohol abuse can lead to addiction and serious health problems.

Hot spicy mulled wine based on red wine

Translated from German, it means hot or flaming wine. It can be found in almost any country. The composition may vary depending on national culinary traditions.

The main component is dry or semi-dry red wine. But in Germany a small amount of rum is added to it, and in England - gin. In some countries, white wine is used instead of red wine.

The wine is boiled along with spices and sugar. Usually fruits are added - apples, oranges, and prunes may also be present. Cloves, cinnamon, and star anise are used as spices. Honey is used to impart medicinal properties.

Apple cocktail with Calvados
First appeared in France. It is produced by distilling apple cider. Contains Calvados, apple juice and ginger.

The aromatic cocktail is served in transparent glasses. It should be hot, but not scalding.

You can drink it with fruit; apples and pears highlight the taste especially well.

Traditionally, in a classic grog, instead of cognac, there is rum, plus a few more spices for flavor.

Vice Admiral of the British Navy Edward Vernon was the first to prepare grog. To save money, he began to give his sailors rum diluted with water. The resulting drinks were light and did not burn. The sailors liked this, and grog became very popular.

Cinnamon, cloves, and ginger are used as spices. They are added with lemon juice to strong alcoholic drinks. Sometimes milk is included in the recipe; it softens the burning properties of the cocktail. You can add honey to make it healthier.

The punch recipe has a large number of variations. Any alcoholic beverage can serve as a base. They are heated to 60-70 degrees, so the taste properties are not affected.

There must be juice from citrus fruits - orange or lemon. Fruits are added to taste. These could be apples, oranges, grapes or peaches. For sweetness add honey or sugar. Spices are added as desired; cinnamon is often used. Serve the punch along with fruit in a large cup.

To make Irish Coffee you need...

It is difficult to surprise anyone with the combination of coffee and cognac. But if you add some components, the taste will be completely different.

If you replace the cognac with Irish whiskey, add sugar and whipped cream, you get a great composition. Such drinks perfectly warm and invigorate. Cold cream combined with scalding coffee makes the drink unusual.

For the first time, Irish coffee began to be prepared in Ireland to warm up from the winter cold, but even now they are very popular. It should be used with caution by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The favorite drink of the Spaniards. Why drink it at any time of the year? It is served chilled in summer and slightly warmed in winter.

It is very simple to prepare, just mix wine with spring water. Orange slices are added to enhance the flavor. Cinnamon and cloves are used as spices.

Hot alcoholic cocktails made from sparkling wines are very tasty. Pairs perfectly with lime and orange.

The recipe includes almost the same ingredients as mulled wine. But glegg is much sweeter due to the addition of raisins. To create aroma and individual taste, fruits, spices, and almonds are added.

Restaurants in Sweden and Denmark offer it in different interpretations. And on the street you can warm yourself up with it anywhere; glegg is poured on trays into ordinary plastic cups.

Cocktail “Old Tom”
Whiskey is combined with hot water, lemon juice and honey are added. Sometimes the recipe suggests adding cinnamon and lemon to boiling water, and then pouring in the alcohol.

Most often, such hot cocktails can be enjoyed in English cafes and restaurants.

Hot beer cocktail
The taste is quite specific, but gourmets appreciate its uniqueness. For preparation you need light beer. According to the recipe, you need to beat eggs with sugar, add lemon and nutmeg. All this is combined with heated beer, whipped cream is placed on top.

There are a huge number of recipes that you can use to prepare alcoholic hot cocktails at home. Choose only high-quality alcohol and necessary products for them.

Hot drinks with alcohol - benefits and harms

Alcoholic cocktails have a pleasant taste and aroma. A wide variety of recipes allows you to create original combinations. But is it worth treating them as the only way to stay warm in bad weather?

Beneficial features


  • Alcoholic cocktails pose a health hazard due to their alcohol content. Even a small amount of it, when consumed regularly, can lead to health problems and even alcoholism. Therefore, you need to drink in moderation and only on special occasions.
  • Alcoholic drinks should be prepared only from high quality alcohol. Otherwise, instead of a warming and healing effect, you may end up with health problems.
  • Be wary of ready-made cocktails in the store. Their composition is difficult to verify and their quality may be questionable.

Hot drinks using alcohol have not lost their popularity for many centuries.

Hot drinks with alcohol content are good in moderation. And if you prepare them in accordance with the recipe and do not use them often, then they can be a good way to warm up and prevent colds.

Hot alcoholic drinks are designed to warm you up in winter and lift your spirits. They warm you up better than tea or coffee. In order for the drink to be to your taste, you need to know its components and taste characteristics.

Hot alcoholic drinks have been around for a very long time. Already in the 17th century in Europe, fruits and various spices were added to alcohol, and then the composition was heated. It is unknown who invented these drinks and in which country they were first prepared. But they were popular in regions with cold climates.

Important: Punch came first.

The winter drink allowed not only to warm up, but also prevented colds. In the Middle Ages, mulled wine was prepared in Ancient Rome. The recipe was found in Apicius's cookbook. The Romans called this alcohol “flaming wine.” It was made on the basis of Bordeaux and Claret.

American sailors also used their drink to warm themselves. It was grog. Like mulled wine, it is a type of punch. Only the recipe was different.

Instead of wine, cognac, rum or vodka was used. All sailors in the British Royal Navy were given rum daily. To save alcohol, grog was invented. Rum was diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4. The drink was not very strong, but it warmed well.

Note: Over time, the grog recipe has changed; honey, lemon and seasonings are added to the alcohol.

In Russia there was also traditional hot alcohol. It was a shot down. It was obtained by fermenting hops, honey and water. The taste depended on additional components. You could add any spices, berries and medicinal herbs.

The preparation was labor-intensive and time-consuming. To speed up the process, wine, rum or cognac was added to increase the strength.

Modern hot drinks

Hot alcoholic drinks differ in their ingredients and preparation technology. There are many types of alcohol, but mulled wine remains the most popular. The recipe for its preparation is known in many countries. Depending on the traditional characteristics, the composition may differ.

The main component of mulled wine is dry red or semi-sweet wine. In some countries they use white. In England they add a little gin, and in Germany they add rum and agave syrup.

Ingredients of mulled wine:

  • red wine;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • citrus fruits and apples;
  • spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise).

You can find recipes with the addition of apples, prunes, oranges and other citrus fruits. Honey is used for medicinal purposes.

Important: You should not heat the mulled wine a second time, as it will lose its aroma and taste.

Water and sugar are boiled, then alcohol is poured in and all other ingredients are added.

In France they serve hot wine. This is a type of mulled wine. But instead of traditional ingredients, lemon oil, almonds and rosemary are used.

Glegg is a type of mulled wine. Both types of alcohol taste similar because they use identical ingredients. Glegg is sweeter than mulled wine because raisins are added to it. Spices and almonds are used to enhance the aroma. Glögg is prepared mainly in Denmark and Sweden.

Punch remains no less popular than mulled wine. This is a drink for a large group. Previously, the main components in the composition were:

  • wine;
  • fruit juice;
  • sugar;
  • cinnamon and cloves.

Today there is no strict recipe for making punch. Ingredients are selected based on taste preferences.

In England, traditionally, rum is added from alcohol to punch; in Germany, wine or liqueur is added.

Important: The main condition for preparing a delicious punch is fruit, these can be apples, pears, lemons or oranges.

In every country there is a “zest” in preparing punch. For example, the French add strawberries, melon and Bourbon vanilla.

In Spain, hot alcohol based on wine was invented. In summer it is served cold. The ingredients used are wine, spring water, orange, cinnamon and cloves.

Note: The taste of the drink is enhanced if you use sparkling wines.

In France, there is traditional alcohol that you will not find in other countries. This is Calvados. It is obtained by distilling apple cider.

French traditional hot alcohol is prepared on the basis of Calvados - an apple cocktail with Calvados. It warms perfectly, has a pleasant aroma and taste, and is also very healthy.

It is consumed in cold weather in Normandy and served hot. Alcohol contains:

  • Calvados;
  • Apple juice;
  • ginger.

Alcohol goes well with apples and pears.


Grog is very popular in Europe. This is a hot rum-based alcohol. Cinnamon, ginger, honey, lemon juice, coffee and even milk are added to the drink.

To get a delicious grog, you need to use high-quality strong rum. The drink does not burn, but its degree is quite high. Citrus fruit juice is very useful, it improves the taste and aroma.

Beer cocktail

In Northern Europe, mainly in Germany, Sweden and Poland, they prepare a hot beer cocktail. Despite the fact that it has an acquired taste, it warms perfectly.


  • light wheat beer;
  • eggs;
  • sugar;
  • lemon;
  • nutmeg.

There is a recipe for making a dark beer cocktail. Brandy and coffee liqueur are added to the main ingredients, and whipped cream is placed on top.

More often this drink is prepared only for tourists; locals prefer mulled wine.

There are many recipes for making hot alcoholic cocktails. The main thing is to use high-quality alcohol and ingredients. This is the key to a tasty and safe drink.

"Old Tom"

The “Old Tom” cocktail belongs to hot alcohol. It consists of whiskey, hot boiled water, honey and lemon juice. Alcohol must be added at the very end, when all the ingredients are mixed. Instead of lemon juice, you can add a slice of lemon.

"Strong chocolate"

Hot chocolate with rum is the most delicious drink with rum. It has excellent taste characteristics, so you can easily drink too much and get drunk.

It is prepared in many European countries for warmth in cold weather. The main ingredients are hot chocolate, dark Jamaican or Cuban rum. There are several options for preparing the drink. Vanilla or coconut flakes are added to it. In Russia, liqueur or vodka is poured into hot chocolate instead of rum.

Hot chocolate with rum - recipe

Benefits and harms

Hot alcoholic drinks are great for warming people, but how safe is their consumption? Will health problems arise if you regularly drink a glass or two of this alcohol?

Beneficial features:

  • excellent warmth in bad weather;
  • prevention of colds;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • influx of strength and energy.

The benefits of alcohol depend on the components in the composition; the most useful are honey and citrus fruits. Honey contains a lot of useful microelements. It increases the body's protective properties.

Ginger helps you relax and relieve stress. Cinnamon lowers cholesterol, and cardamom improves digestion.

The harm is that these drinks contain alcohol. Drinking alcohol regularly can cause health problems and even develop alcohol addiction.

To avoid poisoning from strong cocktails, you need to buy high quality alcohol. Cheap alcoholic drinks contain a large number of harmful chemicals.

Strong drinks are not harmful if used in moderation. During cooking, it is important to follow the recipe.
