What is doctor's sausage made from? Soviet "Doctor's" sausage. Calorie content of boiled doctor's sausage

Today, consumers everywhere encounter exclusively packaged products. On the one hand, this is hygienic, on the other, the selection criteria are limited, since there is no way to smell the aroma, and sometimes it is difficult to correctly assess the appearance and color of the product through the packaging film. Nevertheless, there are selection criteria.

Anastasia Semyonova

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

“Doctorskaya” sausage is the elite among boiled sausages. It is made from high-quality meat raw materials, mainly muscle tissue. Excess fat and connective parts are cut off during the preparation of beef and pork. In this regard, an important selection criterion is the cost of the sausage. Today, boneless beef costs about 250 rubles per kilogram, and pork – 200 rubles per kilogram. This means that the enterprise’s selling price for a real “Doctor’s” according to GOST will be no less than 300 rubles per kilogram. Plus trade markup. Hence, on the counter, a real “Doctor’s” should cost at least 600 rubles per kilogram.

For information

“Doctorskaya” sausage is a boiled sausage product that is traditionally produced by the meat industry in accordance with GOST. This means that the first step is to look for the designation of the GOST R 52196-2011 standard on the packaging (currently this national GOST applies to Doktorskaya, but it may soon be replaced by an interstate standard).

What was it made from?

The price is lower? We're looking for what's wrong. Read the composition of the product on the label (however, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product even if the price of the product corresponds to the above). So, “Doctorskaya” sausage must have the following ingredient composition: pork, beef, water, chicken eggs or egg melange, whole or skimmed cow’s milk powder, table salt, granulated sugar, spices (nutmeg or cardamom).

Please note that water should only be in third place in the composition! No vegetable (soy, wheat, etc.) proteins, no fiber, no starch, no poultry meat are allowed in Doktorskaya.

You can’t do without “E”, but...

As for nutritional supplements. They should be in the sausage, but strictly defined. “Doctorskaya” should contain color fixative (sodium nitrite) E250. Without this food additive, it is not “Doctor’s” sausage (don’t waste money on it, better buy a piece of meat!). Also, “Doctorskaya” should contain an antioxidant (ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate) E300 or E301. Without these two food additives – nitrite and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – Doctor’s sausage, firstly, is not safe, and secondly, it is not tasty and does not have a sausage-like “ham” aroma.

At Doctorskaya, especially when the sausage has a long shelf life, there may be:

    food phosphates, also known as stabilizers and acidity regulators: E450 – E452;

    salts of food acids, they are also acidity regulators: E262, E325 (or E326), E330 (or E331);

    ascorbyl palmitate, tocopherol (vitamin E) or rosemary extract, also known as antioxidants: E304, E306 or E392.

What did you pack it in?

If you don’t find any questionable components in the composition on the label, now pay attention to the packaging itself. The retail chain sells products packaged and packaged by manufacturers, as well as products that were cut and packaged in the store itself. Choose factory packaging. Only this guarantees that the product has not passed through unnecessary hands and has not been subjected to additional contamination and contamination by microorganisms.

If the sausage is sold in loaves, buy a whole one (today many manufacturers make small bars weighing up to 500 g). Remember also that slicing a product in a retail space using a slicer at room temperature is extremely unhygienic. But if you do take such a cut, avoid storing it at home.

If you choose a “Doctorskaya” bar, then you need to know that the industry produces it in several types of sausage casings.

The most delicious “Doctorskaya” is in permeable shells, such as natural blue (intestinal membrane), protein (collagen) shell, cellophane. In such casings, the sausage is first fried with smoke, in which additional flavoring and aroma-forming substances are formed, some of the water from the minced meat is lost, and the taste is harmonious and well expressed.

Doctor’s sausage is also made in an impenetrable polymer casing. Such a shell is usually bright, catchy, and colorful. As a rule, the taste and aroma of sausage in such a casing is less pronounced, since it is not treated with smoke, but only boiled, and all the moisture remains in the minced meat. But sausage in such a casing also has its advantages. Firstly, it simply cannot contain carcinogenic benzopyrene hydrocarbons An aromatic compound, a representative of the family of polycyclic hydrocarbons, a substance of the first hazard class. Formed during the combustion of hydrocarbon liquid, solid and gaseous fuels. Sources of benzopyrene are burning landfills, exhaust gases, and tobacco smoke. From the environment it enters plants that are consumed by humans or farm animals. Benzopyrene is also produced during the frying process. This substance can accumulate in the body.

" data-placement="bottom"> etc., which can get into the product with smoke. Secondly, the sausage practically does not oxidize when storing a whole loaf (stable taste and aroma). And thirdly, impenetrable casings reliably provide long-term Sausage shelf life is up to 60 days.

Color and taste

Now it's time to look at the sausage itself. When cut, “Doctorskaya” should be light pink to pink in color. If the color is bright pink, then this should alert you: are there any dyes in the composition? The minced meat should be finely ground, not loose, without gray spots, without large voids. The cut should not show cartilage or veins.

When the product is purchased, at home you can evaluate other organoleptic properties of the sausage - taste, aroma, consistency.

The taste and aroma of sausage should be characteristic of this type of product, without foreign tastes and odors, the taste should be moderately salty. The consistency of the sausage should be elastic.

If you and your family like the sausage, remember its manufacturer and/or brand. Next time you can safely use the same sausage. Today, meat processing plants strictly monitor quality and try their best to maintain its stability.

When quoting this material, it is obligatory.

A morning that starts with a sausage sandwich and sweet tea, for many traditional.

Delicious, fast and simple. Some people like doctorate, some like cervelat, and opponents of meat enjoy vegetarian food.

There is a stick of sausage for every taste. But which one of you pays attention on the composition of this product?

In our family we were usually guided only taste preferences until the child had red spots all over his body and his lips and tongue were swollen because he had licked (not even bitten off) a piece of raw smoked sausage! Now, before making my choice, I carefully study Components.

The difference between TU and GOST

We are always more attracted to products whose labels contain the phrase "GOST". We believe that if something is done according to state standards, then it is always tasty, healthy and of high quality. And here "THAT" For some reason it's alarming.

In fact difference The only thing is that the technical specifications are developed at the manufacturer’s enterprise, and not by government agencies. Therefore, a sausage stick made not in accordance with GOST does not necessarily have to be lower quality. It’s just different: it differs in taste, smell, ingredients, and nutritional value.

There is an opinion that sausage compliant with standards, contains only natural ingredients and real meat. It's a delusion. Over time, even state manufacturing regulations have changed.

Food additives are added to food products to extend their shelf life and improve taste. If the enterprise is state-owned, then most likely they allowed(but this does not mean that they are always safe), if it is private, you are not insured against the presence prohibited components in sausages. In any case, all components are reflected in the composition.

"DOCTORAL", made according to the 2011 standard GOST R 52196 2011 composition of the year includes:

  • meat - pork and beef;
  • water;
  • milk - whole (And in the 70s - 80s it was ordinary fresh);
  • salt, sugar, pepper and nutmeg;
  • E 250 – color fixer.

Manufacturer "Velcom" In addition to the listed components, I introduced into the composition:

  • egg powder;
  • food phosphates(These are stabilizers);
  • (Improves taste and smell. May hide signs of low-quality meat);
  • ascorbic acid ( Safe antioxidant).

"Cherkizovsky" I added this to the original recipe:

  • (As a thickener);
  • powdered milk has been replaced with natural milk (At least, that’s what the manufacturer says);
  • animal protein;
  • chemical compounds of sodium ( Phosphates);
  • sodium isoascorbate (As an antioxidant);
  • cream flavor (identical to natural, of course);
  • lemon acid;
  • colorant (food coloring);
  • spices(No decryption);
  • monosodium glutamate (nowhere without it).
  • egg powder;
  • stabilizers and E 451 (They, by the way, are carcinogens and have a bad effect on the digestive system);
  • spices(Without details);
  • monosodium glutamate and isoascorbate.

By law such changes not prohibited. Chemical additives are also included in the permitted list.

Special place should be given "underground workshops". In them, not only the actual filling of the sausage may not correspond to the declared one, but also the basic sanitary rules for the maintenance of premises for the preparation and storage of finished products are ignored.

Classification of different types

The basis of any sausage product is meat. It can be beef, pork and even horse meat. To prevent the taste from being bland, they contain salt, pepper, and bay leaf. But that is not all. It is clear that with such components our favorite delicacy will not “live” for long.

And here best before date This product sometimes lasts for weeks. The secret is having emulsifiers, stabilizers and other “chemistry”.

In addition, when cooking, for example smoking, they can often be used additional substances. They speed up and simplify the process.

In general, all existing types of sausage can be classify So:

Table of components

But sausage is also valued for a lot of useful substances contained in it. These are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. Approximate sausage “innards” are summarized in the table below:

Name Natural ingredients Unnatural components Chemical composition (per 100 g of product)
JewishBeef, Beef fat, Salt,Ripening accelerator, Spices (most likely they contain E additives), E 250Protein – 22 grams, Fats – 53 grams,
KrakowPork, Beef, Brisket,Spices, Additives E: 450,451,621,300, 316,250Protein – 16.2 grams, Fats – 44.6 grams
BrunswickBeef, Lard, Pork,Spices, E250Protein – 27.7 grams, Fats – 42.2 grams
DairyPork, Beef, Milk,Spices, Ascorbic acid, Sodium nitriteProtein – 12 grams, Fats -22 grams
Gubernskaya (Butcher shop)Poultry, Pork, Beef fat,Powdered milk, Food additives,Protein – 23 grams,

Fats – 45 grams

PepperoniPork, Lard, Salt,

Sodium isoascorbate,

Flavor identical to natural,

Food phosphates,

Starting culture

Additives E: 621, 250

Protein – 14 grams,

Fat -52 grams

Starodvorskaya (doctoral dissertation)Beef, Pork, Lard,


Powdered milk, Spices, Tripolyphosphate and sodium nitrite

Protein – 16 grams

Fat -48 grams

TeahouseBeef, Pork, Lard,E 250Protein – 12 grams, Fat – 20 grams, Carbohydrates – less than 1 gram
KlinskayaPork, Beef, Salt,Spices, Additives E: 621, 301, 250Protein – 13 grams, Fat -50 grams
AmateurPork, Beef, Lard,Spices, Phosphates, Monosodium glutamate,

Ascorbic acid,

Protein – 13 grams

Fat -28 grams

MerchantBeef, Lard, Poultry,

Soy and animal protein (dehydrated),


Flavorings, dyes,

Flavor enhancer,

Color fixative

Protein – 12 grams Fat – 36 grams Carbohydrates – less than 1 gram
Servelat capitalBeef, Pork, Soy,Spices, Additives E: 621 and 250Protein – 12 grams, Fat – 38 grams, Carbohydrates – 2 grams
StolichnayaPork, Lard, Beef,Glutamate, sodium nitrite and isoascorbate, Food colors, Food phosphates,

Starting culture

Protein – 54 grams, Fat – 54 grams
Egg liverPork, Pork or beef liver, Flour,

Additives E: 330, 223, 262

Protein - 15.6 grams, Fat -22.7 grams
Ermolinskaya (doctoral degree)Pork, Beef, Egg,

Powdered milk,

Nutritional supplements

Protein - 8 grams, Fat -33 grams
HutsulskayaPork, Beef, Lard,

Red pepper

Vegetable protein,

sodium nitrite,

Food coloring

Protein - 12.9 grams, Fat -49.4 grams
ChorizoPork, Beef (not always), Salt,

Paprika or chili pepper,


Protein – 18 grams, Fat -48 grams
SujukBeef, Salt, Sugar,

Lactic acid culture

Spices, Antioxidant, Carmine,

Sodium nitrite

Protein – 27 grams, Fat -49 grams
Bloody (any brand)Ox blood, Beef, Pork,

Buckwheat and barley groats,

E 250Protein - 58.4 grams, Fat -31.5 grams, Carbohydrates - 5.16 grams
Muslim (any brand)Beef, Horse meat, Beef fat,Spices, Spices E 250,

Ascorbic acid

Protein – 12 grams, Fat – 38 grams, Carbohydrates – 5 grams
Vegetarian (any brand)Smoked cheese, Legumes, Cereals,


Food additives, dyes

Protein – 32 grams, Carbohydrates – 16 grams

Each type also contains: Vitamins— B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D, E, K, PP and minerals– potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, iodine.

The composition of a certain brand of sausage may differ from a similar but different manufacturer.

How to choose?

The selection of sausages is so big that sometimes you don’t know what to buy.

But since no one wants to experiment with health, we need to stop at healthy product.

  1. The composition should be understandable and list of included ingredients short.
  2. Shelf life in a closed package no more than 2 weeks, and if opened - no more than 3 days.
  3. If present dyes or flavors, then they should be NATURAL, and not identical.
  4. If present spices or seasonings, then they must be decrypted.
  5. Safe sausage should not contain additives with the “E” index, or chemical compounds that you do not understand.

The existing abundance of producers creates a completely healthy competition. Therefore the probability of finding qualitative the product is very high. For any gourmet there is a healthy variety of your favorite sausage.

A sausage sandwich can be not only tasty, but also useful. Take your choice very seriously. Don't chase a cheap product, promotions, or grab the first stick you come across.

If you purchased suspicious product and you find something unnecessary in it or something alarms you (color, smell, consistency, too much fat, etc.), contact the department Rospotrebnadzor for carrying out the examination. She will be there for you free. In case of deviation from the declared composition or non-compliance with proportions, write a complaint to the manufacturer.

We all know and love “Doctor’s” sausage, but many people are plagued by the question: “Why “Doctor’s” sausage? In order to find the answer, let's follow the history of its creation. This product has been one of the most popular for almost a century.

In the thirties of the last century, due to a large shortage of meat, a meat processing plant for the production of sausages was built in the Soviet Union. A similar enterprise in Chicago served as a model. There, among others, a product with a high protein content, sausage, was created, the purpose of which was to “improve the health” of those who had suffered from hunger for a long time. It was assumed that this variety would be used for treatment in sanatorium institutions.

According to the first Soviet state standard (GOST), 100 kilograms of “Boiled doctor’s sausage of the highest grade” contains: eggs or melange - 3 kg, premium beef - 25 kg, skimmed or whole milk powder - 2 kg, semi-fat pork - 70 kg. The “Doctor’s” sausage also included table salt, glucose or sugar, cardamom or ground nutmeg.

There is an interesting fact in the history of Doctor’s sausage. At one time they wanted to call it “Stalin’s”. True, in that political situation this could cause difficulties. Almost until the end of the 50s, the sausages that were produced at different meat processing plants, although they differed due to the quality of raw materials, clearly corresponded to the standard. The products of the Mikoyanovsky meat processing plant were considered the standard. At the same time, its cost was significantly higher than the retail price, and you could buy “Doctor’s” sausage in almost any store.

In the 60s, due to experiments with animal feed, sausage began to acquire various additional and very unpleasant odors. So she sometimes gave off fish or chicken, and sometimes chemical fertilizers. And in the 70s, GOSTs changed, and it was allowed to add starch and flour to the “Doctor’s” sausage, then soybeans, and finally karrogians, that is, thickeners.

Currently, due to the lack of a patent, many meat processing plants produce “Doctor’s” sausage not according to GOST, but according to specifications, that is, according to the enterprises’ own standards. True, you rarely see soy among the ingredients of “Doctorskaya” now, but it contains various additives such as flavor enhancers and preservatives. But let’s hope that the glorious history of “Doctor’s” sausage will not end with cheap fakes and the real recipe will not be forgotten.

Doctor's sausage is called doctor's sausage because... it is a low-fat dietary product (Theory)

Doctor's sausage appeared in 1936 (developed by the A.I. Mikoyan plant) as a dietary product: “... for patients with poor health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism.” It would seem that the war and despotism are over, live, eat sausage and enjoy life... but no - the year 1937 has come...

All these years, the doctor's sausage has changed (and so have we). What should it be according to GOST? Here is a detailed historical background:

What did the doctor order for us?

Doctor's sausage, recipe composition in accordance with GOST 23670-79, unsalted raw materials, kg (per 100 kg): premium trimmed beef - 25; pork, trimmed, semi-fat - 70; chicken eggs or melange - 3; Whole or skimmed cow's milk powder - 2; spices and other materials, g (per 100 kg of unsalted raw materials): table salt - 2090; sodium nitrite - 7.1; granulated sugar or glucose - 200; ground nutmeg or cardamom - 50. That's all, the rest is shells and manufacturing technology. As can be seen from the recipe composition, there are no legendary additives from jokes about sausage from the 70s, namely: recycled wrapping paper, used toilet paper or common marine plankton, etc. - not in the doctoral department.

Today, “Doctorskaya” of the highest grade is produced in three types of casing: natural protein casing, made from pork intestine, and vapor-gas-tight synthetic casing. In the latter, the sausage is stored longer, because... the effect of vacuum packaging is created. Those sausages that are not in a vapor-gas-tight casing to improve preservation technology are produced smoked. In my opinion, they don't smoke enough. Well, yes, not everyone likes it.

According to organoleptic characteristics, i.e. in appearance and taste, the domestic “Doctorskaya” of the late 20th century is no worse than the one consumed by the generation of the late 40s and early 50s. The former taste of sausage has returned. True, I did not smell the aroma that many of us remembered. What is the matter here: whether we have aged or the general ecological state of the environment in which animals are fattened for meat has changed is difficult to establish. Regardless of this, if anyone is faced with an alternative, what to give preference to: imported or domestic boiled sausages - without leaven patriotism, I recommend “Doctorskaya”. In addition, many large factories are now setting up their own feeding facilities to supply their production with meat.

What's in a name

If you are lucky enough to find in old recipe books something similar to our doctor’s sausage, but with a different name, do not rush to accuse the creators of the sausage of plagiarism. The creation of popular products is like the birth of large cities. For example, the settlement on Borovitsky Hill probably existed for centuries before it was mentioned in chronicles under the name Moscow in 1147.

It would be equally fair to consider the date of approval of the Interrepublican Standard (now GOST 23670-79), in which it is first mentioned, and the start date of its industrial production. For some reason, I prefer the last date - 1936, when the sausage first came to the buyer’s table. He developed the sausage recipe and the technology for its production - the All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry, which in the 30s was called a little differently, and for the first time carried out production - the Moscow Meat Processing Plant named after. A.I. Mikoyan. Parents are thus known; the year of birth too, and the child got, frankly speaking, a dissident name, with a hint...

Distant relatives are apparently to blame for this. The fact is that in the recipe of many sausages, especially those of German origin, regardless of the production technology, be it smoked sausages or trivial sausages, there is a similar ratio of the main components - one part of beef to about 2.5–3 parts of pork. It is possible that our Emperor Peter III, the best friend of the Prussian King Frederick II, a lover of simple soldier’s food, which quickly restores strength to a tired soldier, loved precisely these sausages with beer. In general, Pyotr Fedorovich and his friend Friedrich tasted and blessed, and the People's Commissariat of Health, with which any food industry product was supposed to be coordinated, recommended this sausage recipe as a dietary (therapeutic) food for patients with somatic signs of the consequences of prolonged fasting or, as then it was necessary to write in the documents, “...to patients who have poor health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism.” Hence the name: medical means...doctoral, i.e. just what the doctor ordered.

By the way, about her name: for buyers, so that there are no discrepancies, the following information may also be interesting.

GOST 23670-79 states the name “doctor’s boiled sausage”. Until 1985, the validity period of approved GOSTs was limited to five years, but since 1985, all state standards of the former Soviet Union received the status “... without limitation of validity”. Therefore, in the main GOST document, the name of sausages as amended in 1979 will remain indefinitely. However, in 1997, GOST R 51074-97 was approved, according to which the adjective doctoral became the noun “Doctoral,” i.e. the identifying part of the product name has become its trademark. Moreover, now everything that is produced (or will be produced) with deviations from the recipe specified in GOST 23670-79 has now lost the right to be called “Doctor’s”. If the package says “Doctor’s”, and next to it - TU..., then the matter is not clean, look for a catch. When GOST 23670-79 is indicated next to the name of the sausage, you know: you will not be deceived.

The history of sausage is like a mirror...

From 1936, until the end of the 50s, “Doctorskaya” virtually did not undergo changes in its basic recipe. At the same time, it was produced by different factories and differed in both appearance and taste (as experts say, organoleptic) characteristics. This was determined mainly by the quality of the meat used and the professional skills of the manufacturing technologists, according to V. Dahl's dictionary - sausage makers (not to be confused with the street nickname of the Germans! - Author's note). The Mikoyanovsky plant was better supplied; everything else there was also stricter, so the sausage was a little better quality. For some reason, all my peers now remember first of all the specifically aromatic, appetizing smell of that sausage. What can I say? “Doctorskaya” consists mainly of pork meat; There is no other animal that absorbs the odors of the conditions of its detention to the same extent as a pig. For comparison, I recommend trying boar meat...

Since the late 50s, experiments with animal fattening began. The sausage began to smell like fish, sometimes chickens, and sometimes like a chemical plant producing fertilizers.

The 70s and 80s were the time of all kinds of additives in food products. Legally, it turned out to be quite simple to release an addition to GOST and produce a completely different product under the same name.

In the beginning was the era of soy supplements. But at one point it turned out that soybean production could not provide all branches of the food industry with the necessary additives, and sausage became disgusting. Carrageenans were used. For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll tell you.

Carrageen (Irish moss), the industrial name of two types of red algae harvested on the North Atlantic coast, on the Kola Peninsula and the Far East. The so-called carrageenans are made from carrageen - thickeners, artificial additives, food simulants.

I won’t frighten readers with information about how many thousands of tons of Irish moss we ate in sausage. Moreover, all this is in the victorious reports about thousands of tons of above-plan and planned production in the newspapers of that time.

By the way, imported sausages and all domestic ones that are produced according to specifications can consist of 100% carrageenans, and this will not contradict our legislation. In addition, the process of making sausages is then greatly simplified: add carrageenan powder with water, add meat broth for flavor, stir, let it harden - and the sausage is waiting for its buyer.

Doctor's advice

A lot of contradictory things have been written about carrageenans and other dietary supplements. To resolve the issue clearly, I consulted a gastroenterologist. He categorically did not recommend eating boiled sausages.

I ask: - Why is this so?

Answers: - Firstly, doubts always arise about the quality and origin of the meat used in production, and then - bioadditives. Secondly, it is not recommended to eat sausages for peptic ulcers and gastritis in the acute phase, for pancreatitis, acute and chronic in the acute phase, for acute enterocolitis, as well as for patients with lipid metabolism disorders, including constitutional hyperlipidemia.

What can you object to here? In case of obesity (hyperlipidemia) and peptic ulcer disease, apparently, you really should abstain from “Doctor’s”. Only with pancreatitis (gallbladder disease)... Almost 80% of the population, including me, after 50 years have changes in the gallbladder. Few of us eat fatty or, according to GOST 23670-79, trimmed, semi-fat pork without the risk of heartburn and discomfort in the abdominal area. However, I don’t remember any such complications from Doktorskaya, if you don’t overeat it. Apparently, the specific meat processing technology in sausage production plays a definitely positive role in this case.

Thus, a qualified doctor, candidate of medical sciences, practicing in a regular city clinic, categorically objects to the use of biological additives in food products. If I had turned to nutritionists at the research institute where all these innovative improvements to our products are being developed, I would certainly have heard a different opinion. It's simple: one operates on data obtained from communication with ordinary people, others - on data from tests on laboratory mice or, in the best case, also from tests on absolutely healthy people. Therefore, everyone is free to choose their own path. If a person feels as healthy as a laboratory mouse, why not try products with dietary supplements...

“Astrological” forecast

As you can see, the quality of “Doctorskaya” sausage is doing well today, and this is according to the regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation - forever. However, whether it will be possible to preserve it as a socially significant product with a intended purpose once determined by the recommendation of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR, this raises great doubts. It has become a bit expensive for the main consumers: pensioners and buyers with middle and low incomes.

Selling prices from manufacturing plants today are approximately the same - on average about 60 rubles / kg. The pension of our elderly, including former military personnel, is also on average - about 600 rubles per month. The ratio turns out to be a sad 1:10; once in my memory it was (excluding pensions of former military personnel) - 2.3:138 or 1:60. For comparison: in developed European countries, where the price of petroleum products is the same as in our country (or even slightly higher), the price of sausage with the quality indicators of our doctorate is five times higher (300 rubles / kg or more), and the ratio the price of sausage - the pension level there is approximately from 1:120 to 1:200, depending on the specific country. The conclusion suggests itself: treating social diseases through the efforts of sausage production technologists alone is a common, but hopeless task. Therefore, social assistance to people in our country will continue to be provided by pharmaceutical means.

Doctor's sausage prepared according to GOST is a very high-quality and healthy product, the main ingredients of which are meat and spices.

But nowadays, most manufacturers are trying to reduce production costs for natural ingredients, while reducing quality.

As a result, all sorts of not very tasty and healthy additives appear in products that were previously respected and loved by the people.

We invite you to return to the good old traditions and prepare real Doctor’s sausage with your own hands.

History of Doctor's Sausage

According to legend, the order to create the “Doctor’s” sausage came from Stalin himself.

In addition, the People's Commissariat of Health, with which the recipe was agreed upon, has the most direct relationship with the doctor's sausage.

According to the verdict of the People's Commissar, the new product was intended for “sick people whose health was undermined as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism.”

The first loaf of “Doctor’s” sausage rolled off the assembly line of the Moscow meat processing plant in 1936.

It is claimed that Doctor’s sausage contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life.

The recipe for “improving the health of persons who suffered from the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime” was verified by Moscow doctors to the smallest detail: 100 kg of sausage contained 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of lean pork, 3 kg of eggs and 2 kg of cow’s milk. In general, just what the doctor ordered.

That’s how, by the way, its name came about. Back then, hardly anyone could have imagined that the doctor’s sausage would have such a long and significant life.

This product has become a real gastronomic hit for more than one generation of citizens; it was accepted at the table both in the Kremlin and in families with the most modest incomes.

The doctorate was respected by everyone, regardless of social status. She was known as a symbol of prosperity during the years of total shortage.

And its cost has become one of the standards for comparative analysis: for the sake of clarity, economists love to measure the amount of wages by the amount of doctor’s sausage that can be bought with it.

Food experts attribute this consumer triumph to the high content of high-quality fresh meat.

However, during the years of developed socialism, many blows were dealt to the reputation of the beloved product.

It all started with an innovative proposal to include fish in the pigs’ diet, which noticeably affected the smell of the sausage.

Imported frozen beef, the supply of which became widespread during the period of early capitalism, did not improve its taste either. And yet the famous brand survived all the trials.

Doctor's sausage was made from beef (25%), lean pork (70%), eggs and milk powder (5%).

The complete absence of lard caused the uniform, light pink color of the minced meat when cut. It had a delicate taste and smell of cardamom.

Industrial recipe for Doctor's sausage according to GOST

Ingredients according to GOST 23670-79, unsalted raw materials (per 100 kg):

  • premium trimmed beef – 25 kg
  • pork, trimmed, semi-fat – 70 kg
  • chicken eggs or egg melange – 3 kg
  • Whole or skimmed cow's milk powder – 2 kg
  • table salt – 2.090 kg
  • sodium nitrite – 7.1 g
  • granulated sugar or glucose – 200 g
  • ground nutmeg or cardamom – 50 g
  • water/ice: 20-25 kg (approximately 50/50 ratio)

Preparation of Doctor's sausage according to GOST:

1. Place a grid with a 3 mm hole on the top and pass the pork and beef through it separately.

2. Place well-sharpened chord knives on the cutter. First add all the beef, 1/2 ice water, sodium nitrite, salt and spices, egg. Grind under vacuum (if your cutter has one) until you obtain a homogeneous emulsion. Cutting time is 5-7 minutes, temperature at the end of the process is not higher than 8 degrees.

2. Without stopping the cutter bowl, add pork, milk and the remaining water with ice, turn on the vacuum and, at high speed of the knives and bowl, chop until done - until smooth. Cuttering stops at minced meat temperature of 12 degrees. Remove the finished minced meat.

The amount of water depends on the type of shell. If it is barrier plastic - then 20 liters, natural guts (blues, bubbles, circles) - then 25-30 liters.

3. Transfer the minced meat into, form loaves and leave them to settle in a room with a temperature of approximately 6 degrees and hang on the frame for 30-60 minutes.

The standard diameter of a doctor's loaf is 10-15 cm. But there are also Mortadella giants with a diameter of half a meter and weighing several hundred kg.

4. If you have a plastic shell, then drying is carried out in a heat chamber (humidity is not set, the temperature in the chamber is 55-60 degrees, time is 30-40 minutes) and cooking at 78-80 degrees until the temperature in the center of the loaf is 72 degrees.

5. Cooling - showering with cold water (can be immersed in a vat) for at least 40 minutes.

Doctor's sausage according to GOST at home

1. Grind pork and beef separately in a meat grinder with 3 mm grid holes.

2. Salt and add sugar according to the above recipe, knead and place in separate containers in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours to mature the minced meat.

3. Mix both types of minced meat and pass through a meat grinder with 3 mm holes in the grid at least 4-5 times with the addition of finely crushed ice. If you have a blender, you can further grind it to a puree.

4. Fill, if there are factory-made sausage casings, with the resulting minced meat, patting lightly during the process of forming the sausage loaf and tamping to displace air voids and compact the consistency.

Small pork or beef intestines are not suitable for Doctor's type sausages. It is better to fill the cleaned pork stomach or large-diameter intestines, the so-called sinyugi, with minced meat.

5. Round the edges of the sausage loaf and tie tightly with at least a double knot. Use a small pin to prick the holes for escaping steam during heat treatment.

6. Cook the finished sausage loaves in a saucepan over low heat without boiling at a water temperature of no more than 80-85 degrees, otherwise they will burst, 2-3 hours. The temperature inside the sausage in the center should reach at least 70 degrees C.

It is better to steam it with less loss of juice and nutrients.

7. Cool the finished sausage under running cold water at a temperature of at least 10 C or place it in a container with ice.
