How to make rolls from ready-made marshmallows. Sweet rolls - raw food recipes with photos

My birthday passed away last week, and I sincerely thank everyone who congratulated me on the holiday!

And in today’s article I want to show what wonderful raw food sweet rolls you can prepare if you get creative with the recipes already published on the blog.

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So, according to a survey that is currently taking place in the group with the goal of publishing only the most useful information for participants, readers are most interested in new raw food recipes. It's funny. Because most “new” recipes can be made up on the go from already known ones!

It's not even about replacing ingredients, but only about new design. It's amazing how much appearance affects the taste of a dish! Just by changing the presentation, you can get a completely different treat using the same ingredients!

And today I want to show some examples of how simple and cool it is!

Why sweet rolls? Personally, I think this is a very promising and convenient idea! For example, having made such a sausage over the weekend, you can store it in the freezer for a whole week, cutting off slices as necessary and treating yourself to a healthy dessert!

And if a holiday is planned, such a roll can be made a few days before the celebration. By the way, that’s what I did for my birthday! The sweet roll was already ready when the guests arrived. All that remains is to slice it beautifully and serve it.

The photos are not mine, I took them from the Internet to roughly show what my roll looked like, prepared according to the nut-free cheesecake recipe.

For a number of reasons, I couldn’t take a photo of my finished roll :) But I made it exactly the same way as in the recipe linked above. The only difference is that I distributed the moistened crumbs in the form of a rectangle on cling film. Then I applied the cream, rolled it up and put it in the freezer.

If you want to repeat my experiment, do not make the roll too big - it is difficult to roll it neatly. Better make 2 smaller ones. The “dough” rectangle should be approximately 25 by 20 cm or even smaller. And, just in case the roll doesn’t work out, don’t worry. The dough and cream can be mixed and frozen in a suitable form. It will turn out like burfi with spinach.

Now this is my photo :) I made this nut roll using a recipe for sweet rolls.

The only difference is that I wrapped everything not like a roll, but like a roll - it’s even easier!

And for decoration I used a slice of tangerine and marshmallow crushed in a mortar.

It turned out very tasty, beautiful, simple and fast! I recommend!

And I made such a roll for the New Year :) Pastila - as in the previous recipe, that is, from persimmon and sea buckthorn. But marshmallow, as you understand, can be anything!

Cream, as in the cheesecake recipe, that is, from buckwheat sprouts, honey and cocoa butter.

The finished roll was decorated with viburnum syrup:

Although you could simply sprinkle it with crushed marshmallows - after all, it is very important to take care of reducing the amount of ingredients. But, since it’s such a holiday, I used viburnum jam. Moreover, I decorated the New Year's cheesecake in the same way.

That’s basically all I wanted to tell you about making sweet rolls and how the presentation of the dish allows you to make several different desserts from the same composition of ingredients :) I hope these ideas will be useful to you!

Write in the comments about your own successful experiments or ask questions if something remains unclear.

Fruits and berries


Pastila with nuts- an amazing delicacy that is very easy to make at home using the most common ingredients. This homemade dessert is incredibly delicious with a rich apple flavor. This delicacy can be eaten as a snack with tea, so the pieces of marshmallow melt divinely in your mouth.

In addition to the fact that marshmallow has divine taste, it is also beneficial for our body, thanks to the content of a considerable amount of vitamins. Apple marshmallow with nuts provides the body with the necessary vitamin complex, especially in the winter season, when it is simply impossible to get natural fresh fruits. You can also add homemade fruit dessert to a variety of baked goods. For example, a roll filled with marshmallows and nuts turns out to be an amazing confectionery product, which you can’t buy in any store.

Thanks to the step-by-step photo recipe below, you will learn how to properly make a delicious, healthy treat at home. So, let's start preparing marshmallows with nuts.



    To prepare marshmallows with nuts at home, choose the best apples and rinse them thoroughly under running water.

    Then cut the fruit into four parts and remove the cores and seeds. Next, move the resulting slices into a container with a thick bottom and add four tablespoons of water to them. The contents are sent to simmer on low heat..

    Simmer the apples until they soften and begin to separate easily from the skin. Then turn off the heat and let the slices cool. Next, drain the apple syrup and grind the apple pieces through a sieve. This way you will get a homogeneous apple mass.

    Return the resulting applesauce to the pan and pour granulated sugar into it, but this is not at all necessary. If the mass seems sweet enough, then you don’t need to add sugar.

    Place the pan on the fire and stir its contents periodically. The fruit mass should boil and change color.

    While the applesauce is boiling, lightly fry the nuts in a frying pan and add them to the resulting dark brown mass. Then boil everything together for a few more minutes.

    Afterwards, spread the apple-nut puree in a thin layer on a baking sheet, which must first be covered with parchment paper and place it in a preheated oven to 60 degrees. The oven door must be left ajar.

    After a few hours, the marshmallow should be turned over to the other side and left until it is completely ready. Then cool the finished delicacy and cut it into small pieces.

    Homemade apple paste with nuts is ready. To store it, you need to put it in a jar and place it in a cool place or serve it immediately.

    Bon appetit!

It's nice when your weekend morning starts with breakfast with your family. When you don’t need to rush anywhere and you can enjoy, and most importantly, slowly, drink a cup of aromatic tea with a piece of biscuit roll. And not just any kind, but homemade, baked by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother. And if you are reading these lines, it means that you also wanted to cook something tasty and not too complicated. And our recipe is just what you need. Preparing a roll with condensed milk and nuts is quite quick and easy. There are no unusual ingredients included. As a rule, all of them are available in the house. The only exceptions may be nuts and ready-made condensed milk, but this is not a problem now. So, read, watch and cook with us. Subsequently, you can safely experiment with the cream, changing its composition at your discretion, adding, for example, cocoa powder or jam, but this will be a slightly different recipe. And today we offer you to prepare a delicious homemade roll with condensed milk and nuts - a delicate, aromatic and beautiful dessert for tea.

Roll with condensed milk

step by step photo recipe for sponge roll


For the sponge cake dough:

  • eggs – 5 pcs.,
  • sugar – 6 tbsp,
  • flour – 5 tbsp,
  • starch - 2 tbsp.

For cream, filling and topping:

  • whole condensed milk – 1 b. (400 gr.),
  • butter – 1 pack. (180 -200 gr.),
  • nuts (walnuts or roasted peanuts) – 200 gr.,
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Let's start preparing the dough for the crust. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with half the sugar until fluffy.

In another bowl, combine the yolks with the remaining granulated sugar.

Then mix both components, stirring gently.

Add sifted flour mixed with starch.

Knead again until smooth using a pastry spatula or a mixer at the lowest speed.

Pour the biscuit dough onto a prepared baking sheet lined with greased parchment paper and spread evenly with a spatula.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Place the finished cake on a large towel, remove the parchment paper and carefully, so as not to damage the thin layer, roll it together with the towel into a roll.

So leave it for about 15-20 minutes.
In the meantime, let's prepare butter cream with condensed milk and chop the nuts.
Using a mixer at high speed, beat the whole condensed milk with the addition of softened butter. The cream turns out snow-white and soft.

You can simply grind the nuts in a mortar so that large pieces remain.

Carefully unroll the dry sponge roll, the layer turns out to be slightly curled at the edges, this is what we wanted.

We spread the cream over the inner surface of the cake, evenly distributing it, not focusing too much on the far edge, so that the cream does not come out when we finish the roll.

Sprinkle nuts on top of the cream and begin to roll the homemade roll.

Place it on a beautiful plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar through a strainer.

If desired, it can be decorated with mint sprigs, fresh or frozen berries, and sprinkled with a little ground cinnamon.
Let the product brew for a while in the refrigerator, if your family allows it, and cut it into portions.

We brew fresh aromatic tea and serve it with a soft, tender homemade roll.

Bon appetit!

Ekaterina Marutova told how to prepare a roll with condensed milk, recipe and photo of the author.
