How to cook char. How best to cook char according to a recipe with photos. Mushroom option with almonds

One of the tastiest and healthiest fish available for sale in domestic stores is, of course, char. Recipes for preparing dishes from it are very diverse. After all, this fish can be baked, fried, salted, and boiled. Today we decided to bring to your attention several recipes for delicious dishes made from this product.

Description of the char fish

This red fish is a close relative of the salmon family. However, unlike them, char meat is not so fatty. In this regard, when cooking in the oven, it is important not to overcook it so that the fish does not become dry. Loaches are mostly found on sale in small sizes, which makes the process of preparing them convenient. The skin of this fish is devoid of scales, so after cooking it becomes crispy and very tasty. When asked how tasty char is, most chefs recommend baking or frying it. Moreover, you can cook not only whole carcasses, but also fillets or steaks.

for humans

Char meat contains many vitamins and microelements (omega-3, E, B6, B12, magnesium, iron, niacin and calcium). Moreover, during thermal treatment, all nutrients in the fish are preserved. Thus, char dishes are not only very tasty and look appetizing, but are also very beneficial for our body.

char in the oven with rice

For this recipe we need the following ingredients: 500-700 grams of fish, a glass of rice, two onions, two carrots, two tablespoons of sour cream, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, butter, lemon juice and ketchup to taste.

Cut the washed char carcass into pieces, add salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Boil the washed rice until cooked. Place fish pieces in a greased baking dish and cover with a layer of rice. The onion is cut into half rings, and the carrots are grated. Add ketchup and mayonnaise to the vegetables and mix. Place the resulting mass in the mold on top of the rice. Add a few small pieces of butter on top. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 30-35 minutes, the delicious dish is ready to be served.

Recipe for baked char in sour cream and wine

To prepare this tasty and aromatic dish, we need the following ingredients: 1 kilogram of fish, 50 grams of melted butter, 100 ml of dry wine (grape wine is best), 100 ml of sour cream, as well as salt and pepper.

Now we go directly to the description of how to cook char fish. We gut the carcasses, wash them thoroughly, rub them inside and out with salt and pepper. Place the whole fish in a baking dish, add oil and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 20 minutes, pour wine over the char. After another 20 minutes, add sour cream and bake for another 5-7 minutes, after which the dish is ready to serve.

Baked char in the oven goes well with vegetables, potatoes and rice. Moreover, in this dish, wine is not a mandatory ingredient; it can be replaced with lemon juice or even vinegar. However, it is precisely this that gives the fish its unique aroma.

Loach fish baked with champignons

How to prepare another delicious dish from this product? It’s very simple: bake it with cheese and champignons! To bring this recipe to life, we will need the following ingredients: two medium-sized char, 150 grams of cream cheese, 200 grams of fresh champignons, 10 grams of vegetable oil, 50 ml of cream, lemon, a bunch of dill, as well as salt and spices to taste.

We clean the fish carcasses from scales, remove the gills and fins. Then we make a small cut and carefully remove the insides. You can cut off the head and tail, but this is not necessary. We wash the cleaned fish well and dry it a little. Coat the carcass with pepper and also sprinkle with lemon juice. It will help neutralize the specific fishy smell and give the meat firmness, so that it will not fall apart during baking. After these manipulations, place the loach in a suitable container, close the lid and put it in a cool place for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to salt the fish immediately before stuffing, otherwise the meat will become too dry.

We continue to figure out how to cook char fish and move on to the filling. Wash the champignons and cut them lengthwise into small pieces. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms for 7-10 minutes until all the juice comes out of them. Finely chop the dill and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Combine fried champignons, dill and cheese, add cream to them. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is placed in a cooking bag.

Stuff the loach with the resulting mixture through a cut in the abdomen. We wrap the stuffed carcasses in foil, place them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. After this, unfold the foil, sprinkle the loach with vegetable oil and cook for another 5-7 minutes. This is done so that the fish acquires a tender and appetizing crust. So, the baked char in the oven is ready! It is advisable to serve it with sliced ​​lemon slices. Moreover, this dish is very tasty not only hot, but also cold.

If you happen to have char in your refrigerator, recipes for its preparation should not be limited solely to baking in the oven. After all, it can also be fried or pickled. In addition, the fish soup made from this fish is very tasty.

fried char

To prepare this dish, you need to stock up on the following ingredients: one medium-sized fish carcass, two red onions, one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon 0.5 teaspoon of ground red pepper, 100 grams of water, one tablespoon of sunflower oil and lemon pepper taste.

We gut the char, wash it and remove the backbone. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and sprinkle with lemon pepper. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the fillet pieces for three minutes on each side. Then add 50 grams of water, close the lid and leave to simmer for five minutes, after which we put the fish on a plate. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Place them in the pan where you previously fried the char. In a separate bowl, mix honey, vinegar, 50 grams of water and red pepper. Add this mixture to the onion and simmer with the lid closed for 5 minutes. After this, you can serve the fish fillet with onions on the table.

Today we talked about several options for how to cook char fish. We sincerely hope that all our recipes will be to your taste. Bon appetit!

Char is a representative of the salmon family, with tender, juicy, scarlet-colored meat characteristic of this species. This fish has one undeniable advantage not only over its fellows, but also over other inhabitants of the aquatic world: the loach has almost completely no scales, which makes it very convenient to cook. And its small size allows you to cook whole char fish using any kitchen appliance.

Having a low calorie content, no more than 140 kcal, this fish is suitable for dietary nutrition; it is not as fatty as salmon or trout, but not dry either. During cooking, the skin of the fish is quickly fried, crispy and allows you to preserve the juiciness of the meat and all its nutritional properties.

Preparing to cook

Char fish is a favorite among culinary experts because it is very easy to cut and prepare. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

  • cut off the fins and tail of a whole fish;
  • scrape the surface with a knife, getting rid of a small amount of small scales;
  • gut and discard the entrails;
  • you can cut off the head if you need to get fillet or steak;
  • To prepare a steak, cut the fish into portions across the grain;
  • if you need to get a fillet, make a neat cut along the ridge and separate the meat from the bones;
  • pour the marinade and leave in it for 20 minutes;
  • start cooking.

Not only lemon juice and fish spices are usually used as a marinade. Products that work well include olive oil, soy sauce, vinegar and white wine.

Cooking methods

The good thing about char is that during the cooking process it practically does not change in size and does not lose its beneficial properties. Despite the fact that chefs most often work with the whole carcass, fillet and steak of char can be prepared no less tasty.

Depending on what dish is needed - dietary, festive or everyday, char fish is prepared in different ways:

  • fry and bake until golden brown in a frying pan, oven or slow cooker;
  • stewed with aromatic herbs and vegetables;
  • cook a hearty and rich fish soup;
  • prepare dietary dishes in a slow cooker and steamer;
  • make amazingly aromatic and healthy dishes with a beautiful brown crust and appetizing stripes using a grill pan or air fryer;
  • smoked and salted to prepare delicious appetizers that can decorate any holiday table.

What to cook from char

Thanks to the variety of cooking methods, there are many recipes for char fish dishes. Appetizers, salads, fillings, first and main courses - all this can be prepared from a small noble fish.

The fish is sold in small sizes, which allows you to place it whole in any frying pan or shape. This fish can not only be fried or baked, but also stuffed with various fillings.

Here are some delicious recipes.

Fried char

Frying this fish is easy and simple. For this dish it is better to use fillet or steak.

Basic cooking recipe:

  • fish is marinated;
  • breaded in flour, egg, breadcrumbs or dipped in batter, this will help make the meat more juicy;
  • Fry until golden brown in a small amount of oil.

First meal

Traditional fish soup is prepared from char. The broth is boiled from the head and tail, vegetables and cereals are added to it, and at the very end, 10-15 minutes before readiness, small pieces of fillet are added. Before turning off the heat, pour vodka into the ear and add herbs.

Whole fish baked in the oven

The char is usually baked whole, so it will turn out juicier and healthier. The fish is rubbed with spices, marinated or coated with sour cream, olive oil or mayonnaise. Onions and lemon, cut into large rings and placed on the fish, will add a special aroma, although this dish is prepared with the addition of various vegetables.

You can use foil for baking in the oven if you are afraid of drying out the fish. Cooking time is 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the char, plus 10 minutes to get a nice crust, with the foil open. More adventurous cooks cook char fish on the grill.

The dish will be even tastier if, before putting the fish in the oven, you stuff it with seafood, vegetables, mushrooms and other fillings.

Braised char

The fish is stewed, cut into small pieces, in various sauces - based on sour cream, broth, mayonnaise or vegetables. This dish is prepared not only on the stove, but also using a slow cooker.

Diet food

Steamed char dishes are considered the healthiest. This fish turns out to be very tender, although it does not hold its shape well and can fall into pieces.

The fish is cooked in a double boiler for 20 minutes, sometimes asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and other healthy vegetables are added to it. Similarly, you can cook char in a slow cooker in the “steam” mode.


Char makes a delicious aspic; sliced ​​fish salted at home will decorate any table; besides, such fish is used for sandwiches, canapés, salads, tartlets and rolls, and is stuffed into pies and pancakes.

Cooking salted fish is simple; to do this, you need to prepare a brine from salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf and vegetable oil, put pieces of fish in the marinade, transfer to a separate container with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. Char salted in this way can be stored in the cold for a week.

For experienced cooks, there is nothing difficult in preparing char fish, but it will not hurt for beginners to learn a few important secrets and tricks for choosing and preparing this delicious fish:

  • it is better to use chilled rather than frozen fish in order to get more benefits and pleasure from the taste of fish dishes;
  • frozen fish is defrosted slowly, over several hours, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • it is easier to separate the fillets from the bones of slightly frozen fish;
  • if the char is cooked in foil, to get a beautiful crust, you need to open it on top 10 minutes before the end of cooking (very carefully so as not to burn your hands with the steam!);
  • It is better to fry char fish in breading, so it will turn out juicier;
  • when buying chilled fish, you need to check the gills, they should be pale pink and fit snugly to the body;
  • when you press a finger on the fish carcass, there should be no dent left;
  • there should be no film on the eyes of fresh char;
  • You can store frozen fish for no longer than six months.

Char is a representative of the salmon family, with tender, juicy, scarlet-colored meat characteristic of this species. This fish has one undeniable advantage not only over its fellows, but also over other inhabitants of the aquatic world: the loach has almost completely no scales, which makes it very convenient to cook. And its small size allows you to cook whole char fish using any kitchen appliance.

Having a low calorie content, no more than 140 kcal, this fish is suitable for dietary nutrition; it is not as fatty as salmon or trout, but not dry either. During cooking, the skin of the fish is quickly fried, crispy and allows you to preserve the juiciness of the meat and all its nutritional properties.

Preparing to cook

Char fish is a favorite among culinary experts because it is very easy to cut and prepare. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

  • cut off the fins and tail of a whole fish;
  • scrape the surface with a knife, getting rid of a small amount of small scales;
  • gut and discard the entrails;
  • you can cut off the head if you need to get fillet or steak;
  • To prepare a steak, cut the fish into portions across the grain;
  • if you need to get a fillet, make a neat cut along the ridge and separate the meat from the bones;
  • pour the marinade and leave in it for 20 minutes;
  • start cooking.

Not only lemon juice and fish spices are usually used as a marinade. Products that work well include olive oil, soy sauce, vinegar and white wine.

Cooking methods

The good thing about char is that during the cooking process it practically does not change in size and does not lose its beneficial properties. Despite the fact that chefs most often work with the whole carcass, fillet and steak of char can be prepared no less tasty.

Depending on what dish is needed - dietary, festive or everyday, char fish is prepared in different ways:

  • fry and bake until golden brown in a frying pan, oven or slow cooker;
  • stewed with aromatic herbs and vegetables;
  • cook a hearty and rich fish soup;
  • prepare dietary dishes in a slow cooker and steamer;
  • make amazingly aromatic and healthy dishes with a beautiful brown crust and appetizing stripes using a grill pan or air fryer;
  • smoked and salted to prepare delicious appetizers that can decorate any holiday table.

What to cook from char

Thanks to the variety of cooking methods, there are many recipes for char fish dishes. Appetizers, salads, fillings, first and main courses - all this can be prepared from a small noble fish.

The fish is sold in small sizes, which allows you to place it whole in any frying pan or shape. This fish can not only be fried or baked, but also stuffed with various fillings.

Here are some delicious recipes.

Fried char

Frying this fish is easy and simple. For this dish it is better to use fillet or steak.

Basic cooking recipe:

  • fish is marinated;
  • breaded in flour, egg, breadcrumbs or dipped in batter, this will help make the meat more juicy;
  • Fry until golden brown in a small amount of oil.

First meal

Traditional fish soup is prepared from char. The broth is boiled from the head and tail, vegetables and cereals are added to it, and at the very end, 10-15 minutes before readiness, small pieces of fillet are added. Before turning off the heat, pour vodka into the ear and add herbs.

Whole fish baked in the oven

The char is usually baked whole, so it will turn out juicier and healthier. The fish is rubbed with spices, marinated or coated with sour cream, olive oil or mayonnaise. Onions and lemon, cut into large rings and placed on the fish, will add a special aroma, although this dish is prepared with the addition of various vegetables.

You can use foil for baking in the oven if you are afraid of drying out the fish. Cooking time is 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the char, plus 10 minutes to get a nice crust, with the foil open. More adventurous cooks cook char fish on the grill.

The dish will be even tastier if, before putting the fish in the oven, you stuff it with seafood, vegetables, mushrooms and other fillings.

Braised char

The fish is stewed, cut into small pieces, in various sauces - based on sour cream, broth, mayonnaise or vegetables. This dish is prepared not only on the stove, but also using a slow cooker.

Diet food

Steamed char dishes are considered the healthiest. This fish turns out to be very tender, although it does not hold its shape well and can fall into pieces.

The fish is cooked in a double boiler for 20 minutes, sometimes asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and other healthy vegetables are added to it. Similarly, you can cook char in a slow cooker in the “steam” mode.


Char makes a delicious aspic; sliced ​​fish salted at home will decorate any table; besides, such fish is used for sandwiches, canapés, salads, tartlets and rolls, and is stuffed into pies and pancakes.

Cooking salted fish is simple; to do this, you need to prepare a brine from salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf and vegetable oil, put pieces of fish in the marinade, transfer to a separate container with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. Char salted in this way can be stored in the cold for a week.

For experienced cooks, there is nothing difficult in preparing char fish, but it will not hurt for beginners to learn a few important secrets and tricks for choosing and preparing this delicious fish:

  • it is better to use chilled rather than frozen fish in order to get more benefits and pleasure from the taste of fish dishes;
  • frozen fish is defrosted slowly, over several hours, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • it is easier to separate the fillets from the bones of slightly frozen fish;
  • if the char is cooked in foil, to get a beautiful crust, you need to open it on top 10 minutes before the end of cooking (very carefully so as not to burn your hands with the steam!);
  • It is better to fry char fish in breading, so it will turn out juicier;
  • when buying chilled fish, you need to check the gills, they should be pale pink and fit snugly to the body;
  • when you press a finger on the fish carcass, there should be no dent left;
  • there should be no film on the eyes of fresh char;
  • You can store frozen fish for no longer than six months.

Char is a fish belonging to the salmon family. Its scales are very small, invisible at first glance. This makes the fish appear naked. It is slightly inferior in taste to salmon or other delicacy species. But there will be no problems with how to cook char fish, because... all dishes turn out very tasty. Its meat is tender, light pink and lean.

Small specimens weighing 1 kg are sold in stores. This size makes the fish very convenient for cooking: it will fit in any oven or frying pan. One piece is enough for 3-5 servings, just right for a family dinner. You can make any dish out of it: fry, stew, bake, boil, etc. Below are several recipes for how to cook char fish.

Home Ambassador

The easiest way to cook any fish is salting. It will only take a decent amount of time here. For this recipe - 10-12 hours.


  • char (fish) about 0.5 kg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • half a medium onion;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns, 3-4 pieces per row;
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.


  1. Scrape the fish and remove the entrails. Cut off the head, tail and fins.
  2. Rinse and dry.
  3. Cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick.
  4. Each steak should be rubbed with salt on both sides. There is no need to feel sorry. If the fish is oversalted, you can rinse it, but the shortage cannot be corrected.
  5. Place 2-3 peppercorns, onions and half a bay leaf at the bottom of the container.
  6. A layer of fish is placed on top.
  7. The loach is again covered with spices.
  8. And so on until the end, in layers, until the fish runs out.
  9. Oil is poured over everything on top.
  10. The fish is placed under pressure for 10-12 hours and sent to the refrigerator.

That's it, you can eat. It turns out very tasty. By the way, not only char (fish) can be used. Recipes for salting are universal.

Baked char with lemon

One of the most convenient ways to cook fish. You don’t have to stand all the time checking for doneness, worrying about the food getting burnt, etc. Char fish in the oven turns out just great. This requires a minimum of effort.


  • char (fish) - 0.5 kg;
  • medium bulb;
  • half a lemon;
  • spices.


  1. Scrape the loach, gut it, remove the head and fins.
  2. Salt and pepper. Spices are used according to your taste.
  3. Cut the onion and lemon into thick rings.
  4. Place about 1/3 of the onion on the foil. Top with a char carcass.
  5. Onions and lemon are also placed inside the fish.
  6. The rest is sprinkled on top.
  7. The foil is sealed tightly and the package is sent to the oven.
  8. You need to bake for about 20-30 minutes (this depends on the size of the fish) at 200°.

Char baked in mustard sauce with potatoes

A more satisfying option, and also comes with a side dish. The result is a very tasty char (fish). Recipes can be changed to suit your tastes.


  • 1 small loach;
  • 6-8 medium-sized potatoes;
  • 200 g cream;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard, you can use whole grains or plain mustard, at your personal discretion;
  • salt and pepper to the taste of the cook.


  1. Scrape the fish and remove the entrails.
  2. Grease the mold with oil.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Place in a baking tray, salt, pepper, and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  4. Cut the fish into large pieces and place on the potatoes. Add a little salt.
  5. Prepare the sauce. To do this, mix finely chopped parsley, mustard and cream in a cup.
  6. Pour sauce over fish and potatoes.
  7. Bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180°.

Char baked in wine sauce

There is another way to prepare a very tasty dish at minimal cost. This option is more festive.


  • loach - 1 piece;
  • dry or semi-dry white wine - ½ cup;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. The loach needs to be cleaned, the entrails removed, and the fins cut off. After all preparatory operations, rinse and dry the carcass.
  2. The fish is rubbed with salt on all sides.
  3. A deep baking tray is greased with vegetable oil, and the loach is placed there. The form is sent to the oven, heated to 180°.
  4. After some time, juice will begin to stand out. They need to water the fish every 3-5 minutes.
  5. After 20 minutes you need to add wine.
  6. After another 15-20 minutes, sour cream is added.
  7. After 5-6 minutes, you need to remove the baking sheet from the oven - the dish is ready.
  8. Must be served with a side dish. Vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice go very well with char, you can add vinegar.

In this case, you get a very tender char (fish). The photo shows how delicious it looks.

Char in a slow cooker

For lovers of modern technology, we can offer the following recipe. It is quite simple to implement, but the multicooker must be able to steam and cook pilaf. In principle, you can do without rice and use any other side dish at your discretion.


  • char (fish) - 1 pc.;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • medium bulb;
  • brown rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.


  1. Prepare the char and cut into large pieces.
  2. The steaming dish is covered with foil. The loach is laid out on it.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. The onion is cut into half rings.
  5. The fish is covered with vegetables and loosely covered with foil.
  6. A glass of rice is poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water.
  7. A container with fish is placed on top.
  8. The multicooker switches on to the pilaf and steam cooking modes.
  9. After 50 minutes the dish is ready.

Steamed char turns out juicy and tender. Onions and carrots give it a special aroma. By the way, steamed dishes are very beneficial for the body.

Fried char

One of the simplest and most delicious ways to prepare fish is frying. Small fish are suitable for this, because... They are easy to clean and wash.

The loaches are scraped and the insides are removed. Then rub with salt, pepper and various spices; you can use seasonings for fish. The loach is left to marinate for 15-20 minutes. Then the pieces are rolled in a large amount of flour and fried. When serving, you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

The result is a flavorful char (fish). Photos give an idea of ​​this simple but tasty dish. You can use various vegetables as a side dish, for example, potatoes, mushrooms, etc. Salads will also be good.

Char is a fish of which there are several varieties, and each of them is suitable for consumption and has an unsurpassed taste. You just need to find a recipe you like that will tell you how to cook char so that all family members will like it. Char is distinguished by its small size (this is the kind of fish that can be found in stores and supermarkets), which is very convenient.

Fried char fish

Before you start preparing it, you should correctly calculate the required amount of fish, based on the fact that there are usually 1-2 loaches per eater. The fish, which is most often fried or baked, turns out delicious, covered with a crispy crust. Char is a fish for which quite a lot of recipes are known, but we offer you several of them, which even inexperienced cooks can handle.

Char fish (the recipe for this fish will not leave connoisseurs of red fish indifferent) is marinated before frying. Lemon juice is best suited for this, and in order for the fish to have a fragrant crispy crust, it must be breaded. But first things first. First, you need to determine what is needed to make the char (the recipes here and below indicate the exact quantities of ingredients) to be appetizing and tasty:

  • 1 kg of char carcasses;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. wheat or rice flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt.

Before pickling the loach, cut off the fins and tail, remove small scales and rinse it under running water. To make it easier and faster to fry char fish (this recipe is recommended by the best chefs), it is first cut along the spine, and then crosswise into portioned pieces. Then place them in a suitable bowl and pour over the juice of one lemon. Marinate for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the flour with a little salt, beat the egg with 1 tablespoon of cold water and heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. First dip each piece in a beaten egg, then roll in breading and fry on both sides until golden brown. Serve with a side dish of potatoes and fresh vegetable salad.

How to cook stuffed char

Char is a fish that is not only fried or used for fish soup, but also stuffed. You can choose your version of stuffed char fish based on your taste preferences. We offer you an unusual recipe that even the most fastidious gourmets will appreciate. To prepare this original dish, you will need:

Clean the fish, rinse, dry and prepare for filling with minced meat. Cut the ham into cubes and chop the peppers, after removing the skin. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and mix it with pepper and breadcrumbs. Add chopped dill to the filling and stuff the carcasses. Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, grease it with butter, place the fish and bake in the oven preheated to 180C. Serve hot.

Cake with apple “roses” and butter cream Squid stewed with potatoes and tomatoes
