How to eat mussels correctly. How to eat mussels

Mussels Mollusks with bivalve shells, have an oval shape, and can grow up to 20 cm in length. Mussels live in large groups, tightly attached to coastal stones, and feed on plankton.

The average lifespan of these mollusks ranges from six to twelve years, and the age of Pacific mussels can reach 30 years. Female mussels are very fertile - during spawning they release up to twenty eggs, and within a day they form viable larvae.

Mussels are a valuable seafood product and an exquisite delicacy. They are absolutely immune to living conditions and live in large groups, attaching to stones

Mussels live in the oceans, especially in northern waters. This delicacy is loved in all countries, and its annual turnover around the world amounts to about 1.5 million tons. The body of the mollusk, or muscle, which is located between the mother-of-pearl shells of the mussel, is eaten.

The benefits of mussels lie in their unique composition and a huge number of substances that are beneficial to humans in any form. This seafood contains the following elements:

Vitamins PP, A, B2, B1, C, E Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids Ash, water Cholesterol Trace elements Ca, Mg, Na, K, P, S Iron

The nutritional value of one hundred grams of the product is low - within 77 calories. The lion's share is made up of proteins (within 11g), and there are only 2-3 grams of fat and carbohydrates in mussels.

The main world suppliers of this delicacy are Spain, Australia, Chile and Scotland. Many countries, such as Japan, Belgium and France, are engaged in industrial cultivation of mussels. In Russia, the main seafood production is concentrated on Sakhalin.

Damage to mussels

Along with shrimp and oysters, mussels play an important role in the ecosystem of the World Ocean, being its natural purifiers and filters. They exist in any environment, without reacting to temperature changes or the salinity level of the reservoir.

A dangerous poison, saxitoxin, accumulates in mussels, which can cause nerve damage to the body.

Tons of water pass through one mollusk, leaving millions of microorganisms, not always beneficial, on its pearlescent walls and insides. This is the harm of mussels. They are reservoirs of toxic substances secreted by the simplest microorganisms of the ocean. If mussels are consumed incorrectly, the concentrated poison, which is called saxitoxin, has a detrimental effect on the body and can cause nerve damage.

Mussels are contraindicated:

In case of severe intolerance to one or more components of the product If an allergy is diagnosed In case of diseases of the circulatory system (blood clotting disorders) In case of gout

To prevent harm to mussels, conscientious producers keep them in special conditions before sending them for sale. They are left in clean running water for more than a month (then these mollusks are completely free of toxic components), and only then are they frozen and packaged. Basically, all shellfish that arrive on store shelves are peeled and boiled. Such seafood is completely suitable for consumption.

Freshly caught mussels should absolutely not be cooked or consumed by yourself! The dangerous toxins contained inside the shellfish are not afraid of heat treatment and alkaline compounds! Such mussels will only bring harm, not benefit, and the amount of accumulated poisons in the body of a mollusk can be so colossal that it will provoke intoxication of the entire body!

Benefits of mussels

First of all, this delicious delicacy is a source of high-quality protein. The main benefit of mussels is to enrich the body with polyunsaturated acids and valuable vitamins, which are found in low concentrations in other products. Shellfish are also rich in arachidonic acid, a substance responsible for normal metabolism in the body.

Eating mussels enriches the body with beneficial vitamins and elements, reduces the risk of cancer and improves potency

Mussel meat has a number of beneficial properties, including:

Improving the condition of the epidermis, hair, nails Strengthening the body's defenses Removing harmful deposits, toxins and toxic compounds Treatment and prevention of arthritis Protecting the body from dangerous radicals Reducing the risk of cancer Improving the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems Normalizing digestive functions Strengthening the skeletal system

In addition, mussels take pride of place on the list of popular aphrodisiac foods. Eating this delicacy increases potency, improves sexual function and ignites passion in men.

Mussels have a special effect on a woman’s body. The valuable microelements that this product is rich in have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women and several times increase the chances of a normal pregnancy.

How to cook mussels

To prepare this aromatic delicacy, you can find unpeeled, live shellfish on sale.

You should be very careful when preparing live mussels in their shells. And boiled-frozen shellfish are absolutely harmless and ready to eat Important!

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They need to be prepared with special care and caution, following a number of simple rules:

Before cooking, all shells must be placed in cold water, and then, with a sharp knife, cut off all deposits and protrusions formed during their growth. To completely exclude harm to mussels, you need to carefully examine each of them - the valves must be tightly closed and have no visible damage. The suitability of shellfish can be checked in this way: when immersed in cold water, the mussels should sink to the bottom of the container and not float up. If the shells are damaged or float to the surface 20 minutes after immersion in water, they should be thrown away without regret - the benefits of mussels in this case are very doubtful. Dishes made from these seafood must be prepared on the day they are purchased, as the very next day they become unfit for consumption. Closed and washed mussels should be boiled over high heat. Ready-to-eat shellfish open and emit a pleasant, rich aroma. If the shellfish shells do not open after boiling, they cannot be consumed. Shelled mussels are used to prepare soups, individual dishes, salads, they are stewed in wine, fried and grilled. Shellfish are served in shells or the meat is removed from them and added to various dishes.
The most delicious are mussels as a separate dish - this is a delicacy for real gourmets

Peeled and frozen mussels are even easier to cook. They need to be defrosted, rinsed well and dried. Then place in a saucepan, add butter or vegetable oil. While frying, add the chopped onion and simmer for a few minutes. Add spices, garlic, salt to taste.

Shellfish meat goes well with lemon juice, rice, spaghetti, white wine, cheeses, chicken and vegetables. But it is best to eat mussels as a separate dish to enjoy the taste and aroma of this exquisite delicacy.

Mussels- This is one of the most common types of sea or river mollusks. Currently, there are a large number of special farms where mussels are grown for further sale.

The appearance of mussels is distinguished by a dark oval-shaped shell (see photo). The color of the shell may vary depending on where it lives. Most often, the mussel shell is purple, brown or greenish.

Gourmets around the world love to eat mussels, which vaguely resemble oysters, but the taste of these two shellfish differs significantly. In addition, oysters have a muscle that holds the valves together, while mussels do not have such muscles, which makes opening the shell much easier. Therefore, the cost of mussels is much lower than the cost of oysters.

Types of mussels

At the moment, there are a large number of different types of mussels, some of which are very difficult to distinguish from each other without opening the shell. But in general, there are three main types of mussels:

Black Sea, edible, Gray mussel.

These types of mussels differ in their habitat, shape and color. Thus, the Black Sea mussel lives or is grown in the Black Sea. The edible mussel comes from the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gray mussel comes from Japan. These mussels live at a depth of five meters, the maximum depth is twenty meters.

How to choose?

In order to cook mussels correctly and tasty, you first need to choose them correctly so as not to buy spoiled goods. To do this, we decided to give you a list of recommendations, using which you can choose the right mussels and then prepare a tasty and healthy dish.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the integrity of the mussel shell. It must not be damaged, scratched or cracked. Also, the shell should be closed, since open mussels cannot be stored for a long time. If you do not hear a loud click when opening the shell, this means that the mussel is probably stale. If you want to buy frozen mussels, then make sure that they do not stick together in the bag or in a box. The color of the clam inside the shell should be white, cream or pink. If you see mussel meat of any other color, this means that the product is stale. The mussels you buy should smell only of the sea or iodine, but not other foreign odors. Be suspicious of mussels that weigh too much. It is possible that there may be sand inside the sink.

There are several varieties of mussels that can be seen at the market: frozen, canned and fresh. Be very careful when purchasing so as not to spoil the impression of the dish.

How to cook and eat mussels?

There are several ways to cook mussels. First of all, it is necessary to clarify that Mussels should be cooked no later than 36 hours after purchase, otherwise they may spoil. Before cooking, you should always open the mussels, remove the shellfish and rinse it thoroughly in water to remove any dirt and sand that may be contained there.

Next, the mussels should be boiled in a large saucepan. In order to diversify the taste of ready-made mussels, you can add herbs, spices and salt to boiling water. Add everything to your liking, but don't overdo it. Cook the mussels for at least seven minutes if they are fresh, and for at least ten minutes if they are frozen.

You can also cook mussels in the sink, but to do this you will need to rinse them thoroughly, then put them in boiling water and boil for about ten minutes. After this, you will need to drain the water, boil new water, add spices, and put the mussels in there again. They will be ready when their shells open on their own.

There are a large number of recipes for dishes with mussels. You can make paella, salad, soup, puree, sauce with them, you can stew them, fry them or marinate them. In any case, you need to eat mussels with wine, which will perfectly complement their amazing taste. In our article you can see a photo of the finished dish to make sure that the mussels look very appetizing!

Benefits and harms

The benefits of mussels are undeniable, since, thanks to their unique composition, it is possible to restore damaged sectors of the nervous system and provide the body with the necessary energy. Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements in mussels, they have a beneficial effect on the human immune system, help in the treatment of colds or viral diseases, and have a positive effect on blood vessels and the process of hematopoiesis in general.

Also mussels have long been are a powerful aphrodisiac. Regular consumption of mussels increases sexual desire and also increases stress resistance. Also, mussels can act as a dietary product, since their calorie content is quite low.

Mussels can only cause harm if this product is overused. Mussels are beneficial only if you eat them wisely.

Composition of mussels

The energy composition of mussels explains their usefulness to us. These shellfish contain a large amount of vitamins, such as A, E, C, D and the B group of vitamins. In addition to them, mussels contain various microelements: zinc, iron, iodine, potassium and calcium, and many others. Thanks to such a rich composition, mussels can undoubtedly benefit the human body.

One of the most delicious delicacies obtained from the depths of the sea. It has such a rich vitamin composition and original taste that even the ancient Greeks consumed it. Modern people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and diet have long included mussels in their diet. What are sea mussels, what are their benefits and how to cook them? Let's find out!

Scientific definition

Mussels are marine molluscs belonging to the Mytilius family, a class of bivalves. In total, 6 varieties of these organisms are known, among which there are edible species. Mussels live in all seas of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Their habitat is the intertidal zone, where sandy or rocky soils predominate. During low tide, shellfish thrown ashore are attached to small rocks in groups, thereby reducing overheating. After all, in summer, water evaporation from a large number of mussel shells occurs faster than from the surface of the shells of a small colony.

Distinctive features: size and structure of mussels

Mussels are mollusks that have an elongated wedge-like shape; on average, their size ranges from 3 to 7 cm. The mussel shell usually has a dark greenish or brown color, the inner surface is covered with a mother-of-pearl layer. The structure of mussels resembles that of a scallop: they also have a bicuspid shape, that is, the inside of the mussels is in two halves of one shell, which opens and closes during the ebb and flow of the tides. Thanks to this structure, mussels manage to survive on the shore until the next tide, because when they are thrown onto the rocks by a wave, the shell valves close tightly, thereby maintaining a sufficient supply of water in the internal mantle cavity for several days.

Biological purpose

Recently, numerous discussions have flared up on the topic of the benefits and harms of mussels. The fact is that mussels are natural ocean cleaners, in other words, they are a filter. In one day, one mussel is capable of passing through about 90 liters of sea water, trapping any bio-debris (plankton and detritus) inside. It is precisely because of the sestonophagic mode of nutrition that some consider mussels harmful to the human body, but scientific research has proven the opposite: zoo- and phytoplankton eaten are processed in finely latticed gills, and then completely absorbed by mussels (i.e., no bacteria reside in mantle cavity of mussels).

Mussels can often be confused with scallops, because they are both very similar in appearance and lead approximately the same lifestyle. The shell of scallops and mussels is a natural cleanser of the world's oceans. This fact was the impetus for the fact that these mollusks began to be grown artificially to purify and filter sea waters.

Composition and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of mussels are due to the fact that they contain a number of useful trace elements and minerals:

Magnesium (Mg) - is involved in important life processes: glucose absorption, energy production, bone tissue building. Potassium (K) - is responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and muscle tissue, regulates blood pressure and is involved in the removal of toxins from the intestines. Calcium (Ca) – is involved in the formation of bone tissue (teeth, skeleton), its deficiency leads to osteoporosis (brittle bones). Vitamin A – is responsible for the functioning of the immune system, is involved in skin regeneration, how effectively the body will fight depends on its quantity with infection and viruses. Groups of vitamins B (B3, B5, B6) are indispensable in the processes of production, distribution and transfer of energy, and are involved in the formation of the visual system. It has been proven that a lack of these elements leads to emotional disorders (sharp mood swings, rapid fatigue, frequent stress due to trifles). Vitamin E - is involved in metabolism, improves the metabolic process, the elasticity of the skin depends on its amount in the body, this means that with a lack of vitamin E, the aging process accelerates.

The similarities between scallops and mussels lie in the fact that in many respects they have a similar chemical composition. Although from a scientific point of view they have many differences (for example, mussels lead an almost motionless lifestyle, and scallops can move thanks to an impulsive pattern of movements).

Preparing mussels for consumption

Mussel meat is a dietary product containing only 50 kcal per 100 g of product, so this delicacy is not contraindicated even for those who have problems with excess weight. The main element is protein enriched with phosphatides and healthy fat, which has a beneficial effect on the visual system. So, how to clean mussels and cook them at home?

There are several ways to cook mussels: frying them directly over an open fire, boiling them in a saucepan, or adding them raw to salads. In any case, you need to clean them from the sink. The best way to do this is as follows: first, you should select unspoiled mussels and soak them in a container with running water to get rid of sand and small debris. After 20 minutes, you can begin the process of cleaning the mussels: under running water, use a brush to clean the surface of the shells, and then carefully pull out the “beard” (this is a collection of fibers that attach the mussels to the pebbles).

Recipes with mussels

Mussel meat has a delicate taste, which, combined with the right sauce, will not leave even the most spoiled gourmet indifferent. Mussels are becoming more and more popular every day, and in each country they are prepared differently. Here are the best recipes for dishes with mussel meat from world-class chefs!

To prepare fried mussels you will need 200 g of shellfish, 1 medium-sized onion, l. butter - 70 g, herbs, cardamom and some spices (black pepper or Italian herbs).
Step 1. Prepare mussels, remove shells. Cut the onion into cubes, add cardamom to it.

Step 2. Place butter in a preheated frying pan, wait until it melts, and then add mussel meat and prepared onions. Fry over medium heat for no more than 7 minutes. Salt and pepper.

Step 3. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and serve hot.

This appetizer, combined with lemon juice or wine sauce, will become a real decoration for any table!

How to eat mussels

Once upon a time, only peasants in the coastal zones of the seas and oceans ate mussels; today, gourmets feast on dishes made from these seafood in the best restaurants in the world. The bivalve mollusk, prepared according to all the rules of cooking, has a unique taste. Mussels live throughout the world's oceans; in many countries they are specially bred on commercial farms. How to eat mussels correctly?

Shellfish passport

The mussel or mytilidae (lat. Mytilidae) belongs to the animal kingdom, a type of mollusk, and the family of marine bivalves. This sea dweller has many genera, some of which are of commercial importance. In appearance, all types of these mollusks have almost the same shell with symmetrical valves. Inside the shell there is a large adductor muscle, which, by contracting, isolates the mussel from the environment. The mollusk lives by clinging to any objects with the help of a byssus - a special gland.

When the valves open, the mollusk amazes with the beauty of its inner mother-of-pearl layer, as if a divine hand had touched the creation of such perfection. This natural mother of pearl is used in making buttons and other household items, and is an excellent material for creativity, sculpture, figurines and paintings.

Mussels live in colonies on coastal rocks in clean water. More than one and a half million tons of shells are bred and collected in the world every year. Mussel farms were invented in 1234 in Ireland. Sailors lowered oak poles into the sea and planted mussels with eggs on them; after breeding, they were collected and eaten. Today the farm has a modern look and consists of special platforms or ropes strewn with shell rock. Typically, adult mussels reach their commercial size after eighteen months.

How to properly cook and eat mussels?

It is best to cook mussels the day you catch or purchase them. The next day they are still edible, but the taste is lost and the clock ticks. The most delicious mussels are fresh. If the shellfish were collected from the sea or bought in a store together with the shells, uncleaned, they need to be placed under running water, the adhering mud and dirt should be cleaned off the shell and the “beard” sticking out of it should be torn off.

If the shell is slightly open and does not close after knocking on it, such mussels cannot be eaten. All shellfish that do not open their shells after heat treatment should also be thrown away - these are damaged mussels, unsuitable for eating. These shell rocks release a sufficient amount of moisture when treated with boiling water, so you don’t need to pour a lot of water into the pan. Place the mussels in a large saucepan with a thick bottom, add water and place on the fire. It only takes a few minutes for the shells to open and the kitchen to be filled with the unique aroma of fresh mussels.

They eat them immediately, without leaving them for the next day. Stale mussels can easily cause poisoning. Take the open shell in one hand, take a small fork in the other and use it to pry the tender meat of the mussel, separating it from the leg with rotational movements. Sometimes, instead of a fork, the shells of already eaten mussels are used as scoops. In restaurants, special tongs are used for mussels, which are used to open the shell and trim the leg of the muscle. The main rule is when cleaning the sash, act carefully so as not to splash the juice and accidentally hit your neighbors with a delicate shellfish. The opened mussel is brought to the mouth and the juice is quietly sucked in and the meat is eaten.

Typically, all seafood is served with dry white wine at room temperature or light beer. When serving mussels in shells, it is common to set the table with cups of clean water and lemon slices for hand washing, paper towels or wet wipes.

Sometimes mussels are served marinated or smoked as an appetizer on cocktail sticks. In the case of this serving, there are no secrets to eating a tasty shellfish: they are put into the mouth using the same chopsticks.

This is interesting

It turns out that Media is also the name of an ancient state in the territory of modern western Iran, which existed since 670 BC. to 550 BC Today, Kurds, Talysh and speakers of Central Iranian dialects consider themselves to be the heirs and streams of the ancient Medes.

In a cave on the coast of South Africa, archaeologists have discovered the oldest lunch on Earth. These were the remains of shellfish eaten by people. The discovery showed that one hundred and sixty-four thousand years ago, people first introduced seafood into their regular diet, including mussels, which people still eat with pleasure.

Freshwater mussels do not have a byssus and are therefore unable to attach to rocks. It is in such mussels that small pearls are sometimes found, but, alas, of imperfect shape.

An increasing number of exotic dishes are gradually becoming part of the everyday life of Russian citizens. Many people sooner or later have situations where they have to eat mussels and combine them with other products. It is important to do it correctly, without violating gastronomic etiquette and without creating health problems.

What it is?

The vast majority of residents of our country, where a sharply continental climate predominates, have a vague idea of ​​mussels. At best, 90% will answer that these are sea creatures, and after thinking about it, they will indicate that these are mollusks. But we need to understand the topic more deeply in order to clearly understand what exactly is being put on the table. Table mussels are bivalves with a pair of flattened, oval-shaped shells. Mussel meat has a salty and at the same time sweet taste.

Skilled cooks, by poaching shellfish in butter, create an imitation of porcini mushrooms. You can eat mussels in the second year of development, not earlier than 18 months. In stores you can find both frozen and canned shellfish. There can be from 40 to 60 individuals per 1 kg. The unique chemical composition of mollusks is associated with their lifestyle.

Animals take in:

  • unicellular algae;
  • dissolved organic matter;
  • microscopic organisms.

Mussel meat contains first-class proteins. The concentration of carbohydrates is low. The proportion of protein is 100% higher than in the “standard” chicken egg. There are more amino acids here than in river fish and beef. Mussels are recommended for athletes for whom building muscle mass and rapid recovery after physical activity is very important.

Shellfish are rich in microelements:

  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • boron (suppresses unreasonably rapid aging);
  • cobalt (useful for hematopoietic function);
  • phosphorus and potassium (help the heart muscle, brain, nails and hair);
  • iodine

There are quite a lot of vitamins in mussels: from carotene to thiamine and folic acid. Thanks to the presence of glycogen, the best glucose levels in the blood are ensured. Shellfish meat contains many antioxidants that suppress the germs of malignant tumors. Those who eat mussels are less likely to suffer from arthritis, immune disorders, and are less likely to experience deterioration in body tone. Additional benefits from the product may include:

  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • optimization of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reducing the risk of arterial and venous blood clots;
  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease and liver disorders.

But it is worth considering that shellfish abundantly accumulate not only useful, but also harmful components. Of particular danger is saxitoxin, which can paralyze the nervous system. To be able to consume seafood, it is kept in sea water for 30 days. Fluid flow is required.

People with gout should not eat mussels. The proteins that make up these organisms are very often transformed into uric acid. You must remember that you can develop an allergy to mussels. They sometimes cause harm due to insufficient blood clotting. You also need to carefully select the product so as not to encounter stomach problems.

How to eat mussels correctly?

First, let's talk about those principles of etiquette that cannot be violated. They eat only the peeled part of the shellfish. The shell is placed on a special plate. If it is not there, go to the edge of the main plate. As with any product, you should not take too large a portion - this is both inconvenient and wrong for other people.

When eating mussels, you need to have a vase of clean, warm water ready. It is used to rinse your hands, which will inevitably become dirty. To make it easier to pull the clam out of its shell, it is sometimes poured with sauce. In this case, the slightest noise (sipping) should be avoided. If shells with mussels swim in the soup, they are removed one by one, eaten, and only then the soup itself is eaten; You can eat not all mussels, but only those that meet the quality requirements.


Frozen shellfish should not have a thick layer of ice in their shells. If yellowish deposits or frost appear on the surface of the ice crust, these are sure signs that the seafood has been frozen and defrosted several times. Frozen meat can be stored for a maximum of 8 months. If this period has passed, the product should be thrown away. To save here is to provoke an unjustified risk.

When choosing shellfish, you should definitely look at the shells. They should not have split areas or even small cracks. It is imperative to check the smell of the meat - it should not resemble ammonia. The meat should not be too light, and loss of elasticity is also unacceptable. Fillet that is excessively flabby and has holes should not be consumed.

The mussel shell should open freely, but not too easily. The proportionality of mass and size is very important: both very heavy and extremely light mollusks are bad. Preserves should be surrounded by completely clear brine.

The slightest blood clots and traces of mold are unacceptable. The presence of other foreign particles is also not allowed.

The shells are washed in tap water immediately before use. Cleaning from mechanical impurities is done with a knife or a brush with stiff bristles. The intestines must be removed. It looks like a black tube hiding under the mantle. Shellfish are sometimes eaten raw, but it is still much more correct to process them, albeit to a limited extent.

If Normandy mussels are prepared (according to a special recipe), then the shells should be unopened. When they open, you can suspect that the dish is not fresh. Important: even slightly opened shellfish are unacceptable. The maximum cooking time is 5 minutes. Longer processing of mussels can make the meat tough and worsen the taste.

If the shells are slightly open, you should eat the mussels using tongs and a special fork. In restaurants, as well as in preparation for receiving guests, they are placed on the table. The tongs are taken in the left hand, using them to clamp the mollusk. The second tool allows you to pull it out. You can replace the spoon with an open door - there is no error in this against the norms of etiquette.

The sequence is:

  • seafood is flavored with sauce;
  • the sash is carried to the mouth;
  • carefully absorb the contents;
  • put the empty shells on a separate plate;
  • carefully ensure that the juice does not splash or get on other people.
  • It should be borne in mind that the method of removing the mollusk may vary due to its solid or liquid state. Solid seafood is sometimes removed "without social manners." A picnic in nature or a home environment most often favors this decision:
  • holding the shell with your hand;
  • cutting the leg with a table knife;
  • removing the main part using a spoon or fork.

Sometimes they make do with one cutlery tool: a fork. It is carefully rotated, separating the shellfish, and then with the same fork, it is placed in the mouth. Eating mussels with a knife is not only unsightly, but also downright dangerous. The spoon does not separate and hold seafood well.

The fine dining method is much more convenient because it eliminates the risk of hand contamination. In addition, once you get used to it at home, you can eliminate awkwardness in a restaurant or at a banquet. Attention: you need to firmly fix the tongs on the shell. If they start to slip, you need to change your grip rather than apply maximum effort.

Liquid mussels are easier to eat. But we must not forget that the “exotic” is sprinkled with lemon juice or coated with sauce. You need to drink liquid from the sink so that it does not spill on your clothes, even in the smallest amount. Conclusion: pressing the flap tightly to your mouth is not enough; you also need to secure it with a napkin below. It is a violation of etiquette to be excessively loud when retracting.


Sometimes mussels are removed from their shells, after which a variety of dishes are prepared:

  • salad;
  • pilaf;
  • pate;
  • shashlik.

Clean shellfish meat can be baked, stewed, fried or marinated. It is used both as a main dish and as an additive to other foods. So that the mussels open their doors and release their delicious salty juice, they are sautéed. The frying obtained according to this recipe is sprinkled with white wine.

The amount of wine is selected individually.

The easiest way to eat mussels is on skewers or toothpicks. Canned shellfish are most often served peeled. Important: this product should be consumed in limited quantities, otherwise body weight may increase. There are subtleties when consuming smoked seafood in oil.

One by one, all specimens are transferred to a sieve. Wait for the oil to drain. The remains are removed with a paper towel. Greenish threads are removed from each mussel. A well-processed product in production does not have such a thread.

Wipe all specimens again with a paper towel. Clams that have not been pickled (simply covered in oil) are mixed with lemon juice. The taste of this dish is very pleasant. It is completely ready for use. The only problem, judging by the reviews of gourmets, is developing a habit.

What do they combine with?

The approach to mixing mussels with other foods is the same as for other seafood. Mussels go harmoniously together:

  • with lemon;
  • with garlic;
  • with vegetable greens;
  • with bulgur, couscous, rice and other side dishes.

With what wine?

Usually, along with mussels, they drink light beer or dry white wine. Note: Both drinks should be at room temperature. Those who for some reason do not drink alcohol (including children) eat mussels with grape juice. The use of other drinks is not recommended.

With what sauce?

The choice and preparation of the sauce is no less important than the selection of suitable drinks. Professional chefs often serve mussels with a saffron-based sauce. This supplement is easy to make at home. Using a creamy sauce, you can add tenderness and sophistication to a seafood product. The optimal gravy includes white pepper and nutmeg.

How to serve seafood?

Mussels can be served with a wide variety of foods. Sometimes they are placed on the table with vegetables, cereals, and potatoes in various forms. But in any case, a maximum of 12 hours should pass between preparation and consumption. This requirement is associated not only with culinary considerations, but also with safety requirements. Shellfish that sit for too long can accumulate toxic substances.

If shellfish soup is made, it is usually served with boiled rice. Having decided to prepare an exotic lok-varnish, you need to provide a wooden stand for a heated frying pan in advance. The sauce is poured onto the prepared dish. Serve very quickly (the sauce should emit a characteristic hiss on the table). In other cases, you need to serve dishes as required by a specific recipe and culinary tact.

To learn how to eat mussels correctly, watch the following video.

There are many varieties of mussels, but our restaurants usually serve three main ones: Black Sea mussels, edible mussels and Gray mussels. True, Black Sea fish are brought only a few months a year - this is due to their collection. Chefs try to purchase medium-sized shellfish (weighing 10-12 grams, 5-6 cm in length). As a rule, they are delivered to restaurants frozen, since refrigerated mussels have a very short shelf life.

What to eat with and how to prepare it

Dry white wine is ideal for mussels (it’s also good to add when cooking). Be sure to serve the shellfish with lemon, French fries, and croutons made from unleavened bread with garlic and classic herbs - thyme and basil. Mussels go well with lemongrass, coconut milk and other Asian ingredients. Shellfish are prepared in different ways, even on the grill and fire, but the most common option is in a creamy or tomato sauce.

How to eat mussels

If mussels are served on a platter in shells and with sauce, then according to etiquette you can eat them with your hands: you need to take half a shell with meat, pour sauce over it and eat the shellfish as if you were using a spoon. But at the same time, the table setting should include a special bowl with a slice of lemon or wet towels for hands. And a separate bowl for empty sinks. You can also use tongs and an oyster fork, but mussels, unlike oysters, open easily and do not require any special equipment. If after you have eaten all the mussels and there is still sauce left, then the shellfish, cooked in the form of kebabs on skewers or without shells, are eaten with a regular fork.

You will need:

chicken broth - 250 ml tom yam paste - 10 g sugar - 5 g ginger root - 5 g coconut milk - 30 ml champignons - 20 g or 3-4 pcs.

chum salmon fillet - 25 g blue mussels (in shells) - 36 g or 3-4 pcs.

squid (carcass) - 15 g tiger shrimp - 22 g or 2 pcs.

tomatoes - 20 g bean sprouts - 15 g boiled rice - 60 g cilantro (leaves) - 2 g chili pepper - 1 g Preparation:

Peel the chum salmon fillet, remove the bones and cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cut the squid meat in half. Wash the champignons and cut into small segments. Thaw the shrimp in advance, remove the tail, intestinal vein and rinse. Thaw the squid, cut into rectangular pieces.

Remove the seeds from the chili and cut at an angle into rings (1.5-2 mm). Rinse bean sprouts in cold running water. Pour chicken broth into a saucepan, add tom yum paste, sugar and ginger root slices. Bring to a boil and add coconut milk.

Add the mushrooms and simmer over low heat for one minute. Add seafood and cook for another minute and a half over low heat. Add tomato cubes and bean sprouts. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Carefully pour the soup into a plate, garnish with a sprig of fresh cilantro and add chili for spiciness. Serve the soup with hot boiled rice.

Lok-lak with seafood

You will need:

tiger shrimps - 50 g or 4 pcs.

vegetable oil - 15 ml squid carcass - 50 g blue mussels in shells - 50 g or 5 pcs.

chum salmon fillet - 100 g ginger root - to taste

rice - 110 g iceberg lettuce - 25 g cherry tomatoes - 12 g red chili pepper - 2 g lok-lak sauce - 65 g Ingredients for lok-lak sauce:

packaged apple juice - 120 ml soy sauce - 20 ml fish sauce - 20 ml black peppercorns - 1 g Preparation:

Defrost the shrimp, remove the shells, leaving one link with a tail. Cut along the back, remove the esophagus. Rinse under running water. Thaw the squid, cut it, unwrap the fillet, remove any remaining entrails, and rinse. On the inside of the squid fillet, make cross cuts with a knife, then cut the fillet into rectangles 2.5-3 cm long and 2.5-3 cm wide.

Remove skin and bones from chum salmon fillets. Cut the fish into small rectangles. Peel the ginger root, cut into slices 1-2 mm thick, and then cut crosswise into 3-4 cm long and 8-10 mm wide.

Defrost the mussels and rinse thoroughly in cold running water. Remove plaque from the shell. Boil the rice in advance.

Prepare the sauce: pour apple juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce heat. Boil by half (about 5-7 minutes over medium heat). Add soy and fish sauces, freshly ground black pepper and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat.

In a frying pan with heated vegetable oil, fry seafood and ginger root on all sides. The process will take about a minute. Add 15 ml of sauce to the pan, stir and remove from heat.

Heat a cast iron frying pan and place hot boiled rice in it. Place a leaf of iceberg lettuce on the edge of the pan, and fried seafood on top. Garnish the dish with cherry halves and chili rings. Place the hot frying pan on a wooden stand and pour the sauce over the seafood (the sauce should sizzle when served).

You will need:

vegetable oil - to taste

Mussel (mytilid) - a type of bivalve mollusk, has a black smooth surface. There are freshwater mussels (reaching a length of more than 5 cm) and sea mussels (about 5 cm long).

Even when these shellfish ceased to be a delicacy and became part of the everyday diet of many people, not everyone learned how to cook and eat them correctly. A the process of preparing and serving mussels to the table has its own rules.

Health benefits of mussels

  • Boiled shell meat is a bit like the white of a hard-boiled egg and is yellow in color with a black edging. Since mussels contain a lot of starch, the meat has a sweet taste.
  • This is a storehouse of minerals: there is magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, boron, manganese, cobalt. Cobalt is very important for the process of hematopoiesis, and there is much more of it in mussels than in liver - pork, chicken and beef. There is also an unusual animal starch - glycogen, which is an energy storage device that also serves to maintain acceptable levels of glucose in human blood, as well as digestive enzymes and other substances.
  • The calorie content of mussels is low - only 75 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, their meat is recommended for older people as a dietary product for people with atherosclerosis, in order to prevent obesity in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, diabetes, and anemia.

  • Scientists have proven that this particular mollusk can reduce the risk of cancer. It also helps in preventing arthritis.
  • By consuming boiled-frozen mytilid meat, you will not only enrich your body with microelements, but also give yourself the pleasure of the delicate and unique taste of the product.

How to cook mussels correctly?

It is better to use fresh, just caught mytilid for food. The next day it is still suitable, but the taste is lost. Remember The healthiest seafood is fresh.

If you bought unpeeled shellfish, you need to rinse them with running water and clean off any adhering mud and dirt. Please note that if the shell remains slightly open after knocking on it, then such shellfish cannot be eaten.

And one more thing: if after thermal treatment they do not open, then it is also better to throw them away. Never reheat mussels, this may lead to poisoning.

Shell rocks release a large amount of moisture, so do not add a lot of water for cooking. They are placed in a large saucepan, filled with water, then put on fire for just a few minutes. Add spices. The kitchen is filled with the fresh, delicious smell of mussels. Served with hot broth and herbs.

Shell shells can also be served dried, pickled, smoked, as part of salads, already peeled and in closed shells.

  • The simplest way is to serve shellfish strung on skewers, which are simply removed with a fork or eaten immediately from the skewer.
  • It's more difficult when mussels are served slightly open with soup or as a separate dish.
  • To properly eat mytilids in this form, you will need special tools: an oyster fork and tweezers. The tweezers should be taken in your left hand, and the fork in your right, this is so that your hands do not get dirty. The only difficulty will be to secure the tweezers well to the edge of the sink. Therefore, it is recommended to check the security of the fastening several times before starting to eat the treat.

  • When mussels are served in liquid form, then the eating strategy becomes a little simpler. The only thing is, be sure to squeeze lemon on the clam or brush it with sauce before eating it. Empty shells are placed in a pre-prepared plate.
  • There are two types of eating: “drinking” the contents and using a spoon or shell flap.
  • If you chose the first option, then make sure that the liquid from the sink does not drip onto your clothes; to do this, press the valve closer to your mouth and use a napkin. Keep it below your chin. When drinking a mussel, make sure that the contents are not absorbed too loudly.
  • If you don’t like this type of eating mussels, there is a second way - using an empty shell as a spoon.

As a rule, seafood dishes are served with dry white wine, light beer, and grape juice at room temperature.

If you want to serve shellfish in shells, then there must be cups of clean water and chopped lemon on the table. Lemon is needed to treat hands from odor. You can use regular napkins, paper towels, or wet wipes.

Mussel meat goes well with all vegetables, especially with potatoes, mayonnaise in various salads, various grains (rice, buckwheat).

You can prepare any dish from shellfish if you fry or stew them with vegetables, add tomato paste and spices.

But many connoisseurs of this product prefer to cook them alone so that other ingredients do not interrupt their taste. You can also make mussel salad.

Mussel salad


  1. Mussels - 1 kg
  2. Onions - 2 pcs.
  3. Tomato - 4 pcs.
  4. Olives - 10 pcs.
  5. Parsley sprigs - 3 pcs.
  6. Vegetable (corn) oil - 2 tbsp.
  7. Lemon juice (vinegar)
  8. Ground black pepper


Overcooked shellfish meat should be mixed with pieces of tomatoes, onions, parsley, and olives. Add a little lemon juice (vinegar). Add salt and pepper to taste.

A little practice - and you will no longer have the problem of how to eat mussels. You can truly enjoy this truly delicious dish in any company.
