How to cook buckwheat porridge cutlets. A dish for everyone: from children to adults – buckwheat cutlets. Buckwheat cutlets with egg

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Every housewife should know how to make buckwheat cutlets, because this appetizer helps out when you lack time and don’t want to cook meat dishes. Buckwheat left over after dinner or lunch goes well with mushrooms or eggs; cutlets are formed from it and fried in butter.

What to cook from buckwheat porridge

There are a lot of options for what can be prepared from buckwheat porridge. It serves not only as a side dish for meat, fish or poultry, but also serves as an independent dish. They make pancakes and zrazy from buckwheat, stuff pumpkin or chicken with it, and combine porridge with meat, lard and mushrooms. Even cutlets made from buckwheat are tasty and satisfying, and serve as an excellent idea for a snack or a meal on their own.

How to cook buckwheat cutlets

To properly prepare buckwheat cutlets, you need to know some features. The first of these is food preparation. You will need crumbly buckwheat, pre-boiled in the usual way, a bouillon cube for flavor or spices as desired, onions to add an appetizing aroma and eggs for binding. You can season the meatballs (grechaniky) with garlic, dry paprika, or roll in breadcrumbs or flour.

Do not forget about salt - it will give the dish a complete taste. Cooled ready-made buckwheat needs to be seasoned with spices, break an egg, add fried or raw onion and grated garlic. You can mix the finished minced meat with your hands, but it is more convenient to do this with an immersion blender. The mixture is ready - all that remains is to form the cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter or vegetable oil.

Cutlets with buckwheat in the oven

If you want to get a lean snack, then cutlets with buckwheat in the oven will come in handy. They lend themselves well to freezing, storing for future use and then frying or baking. Boiled cereal, which may be left over from another meal, should be seasoned with spices to taste and chopped in a blender. For flavor, the appetizer is seasoned with dill, garlic and onion, and ground black pepper. After kneading, cutlets are formed from the minced meat, placed on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and baked in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Buckwheat cutlets recipe – recipe

If a cook needs a recipe for buckwheat cutlets, then it is better to turn to trusted sources. It is optimal to choose a buckwheat recipe with a photo in order to control the correctness of each cooking step. Beginners should first practice forming lean cutlets with onions, and then mix minced meat, eggs, spices and other additional products into the cutlet mass, and make filled meatballs.

Cutlets with buckwheat and minced meat

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 150 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.

Cutlets with buckwheat and minced meat are considered the best dish to serve to a child for lunch, because they perfectly satiate and energize. Healthy cereals in combination with meat components are practically no different from pork or beef due to the harmony of taste and aroma. You can use not only raw buckwheat for cutlets, but also the rest of yesterday’s buckwheat.


  • minced meat - half a kilo;
  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • water – 2.5 cups;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • flour – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the buckwheat, wash it, cook in salted water until tender. Twist twice with a meat grinder.
  2. Mix with onions, potatoes and minced meat minced through a meat grinder. Beat two eggs, mix, season with salt and pepper.
  3. Form into oblong cutlets, bread in flour, dip in beaten egg. Fry in a heated oiled frying pan until done. Simmer under the lid closed for 15 minutes or spend the same time baking in the oven.
  4. Add sour cream when serving.
  5. You can add a little milk to the minced meat for softness and sugar for taste.

Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 146 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms serve as an excellent dinner; they are made with porcini mushrooms or champignons, seasoned with black pepper and dried paprika. If desired, you can add a clove of garlic or fresh dill to give the appetizer a pleasant aroma. The dish is served with tomato sauce, fresh or stewed vegetables, it looks good hot or cold. How to cook buckwheat cutlets is described below.


  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • champignons – 750 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • breadcrumbs – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the buckwheat, add cold water, boil, cook until tender and moisture evaporates. Leave to rise for 15 minutes, add salt.
  2. Fry mushroom slices with chopped onion for 15 minutes, pepper, cool, and chop in a blender. Add buckwheat little by little to obtain a thick mass, season with chopped herbs.
  3. Form into balls, roll in breadcrumbs, fry on both sides until golden brown, cover with a lid and simmer for four minutes over low heat.

Buckwheat and potato cutlets

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 143 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Cutlets made from buckwheat and potatoes taste like potato pancakes, but look more attractive due to the formation of an appetizing crispy crust. They are good to combine with thick sour cream or tomato sauce, sun-dried tomatoes. This dish is best served with fresh vegetables, mashed potatoes or boiled rice, seasoned with garlic and fresh dill.


  • buckwheat – half a glass;
  • water - glass;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the buckwheat, add salt, add water, and boil. Over low heat until tender, mash with a fork and cool.
  2. Peel the potatoes, grate, squeeze out the juice, mix with buckwheat, form into cutlets.
  3. Fry until golden brown and crispy, garnish with chopped herbs.

Buckwheat cutlets with cheese

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 158 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Buckwheat cutlets with cheese have a rich creamy taste and delicate taste with a soft texture. To make them, it is better to take soft cheese so that it melts evenly during frying, forming a beautiful crust and an appetizing appearance that attracts the attention of all guests or household members. If you show your imagination, you can stuff the cutlets with cheese so that it flows out appetizingly when cut.


  • buckwheat – half a glass;
  • water - glass;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • soft cheese – 100 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 20 g;
  • vegetable oil – 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour salted water over buckwheat, cook until tender, cool.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes, fry until soft, add to the cereal.
  3. Add coarsely grated cheese, eggs and pepper there. Stir in the minced meat until smooth and soft, form into cutlets. Roll in flour, fry on all sides until golden.
  4. Serve hot.

Homemade buckwheat cutlets

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 175 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Homemade buckwheat porridge cutlets contain meat in a 1:1 ratio. Due to this, the snack acquires a new taste and increased satiety, so it is perfect for lunch for an adult or child. To give it a pleasant aroma, a chicken egg and fried onions are used, and the cutlets themselves are fried in butter or lard.


  • meat – 100 g;
  • buckwheat – half a glass;
  • water - glass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 20 g;
  • eggs – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat until cooked, cut into small pieces.
  2. Pour water over buckwheat, add salt, cook until tender, cool.
  3. Grind the cereal with meat in a meat grinder, add chopped fried onion and beaten egg. Add some salt and pepper.
  4. Make balls, bread them in breadcrumbs, fry in melted butter until browned.

Lenten buckwheat cutlets

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 121 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Buckwheat balls with a lean character will appeal to vegetarians, people who are fasting, or simply losing weight and watching their figure. They can diversify your diet. Chicken eggs and other animal products are not used in their production. So that they do not fall apart during frying and maintain the consistency of minced meat, the buckwheat needs to be cooked until “smeared” - add plenty of water and keep until done.


  • water - glass;
  • buckwheat – half a glass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cereal into a dry frying pan, heat it, cover it with salted boiling water, and cook until tender. Drain the remaining liquid and place the porridge in the refrigerator until it cools completely.
  2. Chop the onion and fry until golden.
  3. Cut the resulting mass into pieces, lightly fry each piece in oil until lightly browned.
  4. Sprinkle the veggie balls with fried onions when serving.

Buckwheat cutlets - cooking secrets

Famous chefs reveal the features using which any home cook will be able to prepare buckwheat cutlets:

  • a recipe for buckwheat cutlets may include the addition of hot red pepper, soft cottage cheese, pumpkin or fried carrots;
  • proper cooking of buckwheat will give the cutlets the desired consistency - it is optimal to use thick-walled dishes for this, and before the process, heat the cereal in a dry frying pan without oil, but you can also oil the bottom a little;
  • The optimal cooking time for buckwheat is 15 minutes; it should be cooked under a closed lid, without stirring during the process;
  • after readiness, which is determined by the absorption of water, the porridge should be kept without heat under the lid for about 10 minutes - this way it will rest and reveal the taste better;
  • right during the cooking process, you can season the buckwheat porridge with chopped onions, dry mushrooms or butter so that the cutlets can be sculpted without additional additives.

Video: Buckwheat cutlets

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Now millions of people across the planet are beginning to reconsider their diet, because it’s no secret that we are what we eat, and this is not an exaggeration. Food can heal as well as destroy our health. When people are young, they strive to try everything - here there is alcohol and junk food, but with age comes wisdom and understanding that the diet needs to be changed. For everyone who has decided to change their diet, lifestyle, who is looking for new recipes, who takes care of themselves and their children, we offer an excellent dish option for all occasions - buckwheat cutlets.

Why for all occasions? Yes, it’s simple - if you have a small child, who is very difficult to feed with the right food, and even more so with healthy cereals, then cutlets can be an excellent alternative. If your husband likes something tastier and more satisfying, then he will also like the food, besides, there are very, very many recipes, and do not think that preparing buckwheat cutlets is just boiling porridge, shaping and frying. Not at all, since there will be a lot of ingredients in different recipes, and every picky gourmet in your house will be satisfied.

If you are fasting or want to lose weight, but the porridge is already a lump in your throat, then for you the menu will be a way out of the situation. And, of course, you can make these cutlets quickly without going to the store before your guests arrive, and everyone will praise you.

A little about the benefits of buckwheat

Of course, many of us have heard since childhood that we need to eat porridge, and especially buckwheat. She's very helpful. But few could convey to us what exactly it was. We also explain to our children that it’s healthy and that’s it, eat in silence. But this approach is completely wrong, if you can clearly tell your family what the product is for, what benefits eating buckwheat cutlets or the cereal itself will give to health, then it is more likely that they will hear you and think about it, and maybe the truth is worth it more correctly eat.

So, we won’t say much, because buckwheat is such a grain that we can talk about it for a long time, let’s highlight the main aspects of its benefits:

  • Buckwheat fills our body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, as it contains vitamins B, E, C, PP, P, phosphorus, copper, boron, iron (a large percentage), calcium, potassium, zinc, cobalt and iodine. There are also amino acids and antioxidants. All of them help our immunity, nervous system, protect the cardiovascular system;
  • due to its high iron content, buckwheat is a godsend for people with anemia;
  • cereal contains a lot of coarse fiber or so-called fiber, which serves as a cleaning sponge for our gastrointestinal tract, it also serves as a preventative for a number of diseases, improves digestion, prevents hunger, and helps to lose weight;
  • contains fatty acids - essential for us Omega-3;
  • the protein in buckwheat is completely digestible, can replace animal protein, and does not harm health;
  • cereal is useful for people with low hemoglobin, high cholesterol, excess weight, diabetes, suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids, diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and those who have blood ailments and congestion in the body.

This is briefly what simple buckwheat and, of course, buckwheat cutlets can do, the recipes for which you will learn further. We hope you like this version of the dish and it is suitable for the diet of the whole family.

Why cutlets made from buckwheat?

Well, you already understand about the benefits. This dish can be an excellent solution for anyone who doesn’t eat meat, to diversify the menu in general. There are many recipes, including meatless cutlets for those who still cannot live without meat. Buckwheat is very well suited as a component for cutlets, and the dish is light, healthy, and tasty. The color of the food will not differ from traditional cutlets, every housewife can cook them, because everyone always has cereal in stock, it is very budget-friendly, affordable, the dish is simple to make, you don’t even have to run to the store.

For information! The calorie content of cereal is 329 kcal per 100 grams of product. A lot, but buckwheat is a product that is completely, easily and quickly digested. Its components will not be deposited in fat.

To ensure that your cutlets turn out excellent, you can take into account our recommendations:

  • It is best to cook buckwheat in a pan with thick walls;
  • Before cooking, the cereal is slightly calcined on a baking sheet in the oven or in a frying pan without any additives;
  • you can add any of your favorite spices and vegetables to your dishes. Don't be afraid to experiment;
  • buckwheat is cooked without stirring until all the water has evaporated, usually this takes 15-20 minutes;
  • immediately after turning off the stove, do not remove the pan from it and do not start cooking; let the cereal simmer under the lid for some more time - this will make the taste perfect;
  • You can also cook the buckwheat itself with spices, carrots or onions, all this gives different tastes, again, your kitchen and you can conduct any experiments with taste in it;
  • You can simply steam the cereal instead of boiling it. To do this, pour it with warm, boiled water or milk or kefir overnight. In the morning, the buckwheat will either be completely ready, or it will only need to be simmered for 5 minutes to remove excess liquid;
  • you can, according to the recipes that we will tell you later, not only fry cutlets from buckwheat porridge in oil in a frying pan, but also steam them, stew them, bake them in the oven;
  • make more cutlets and put them in the freezer - ideal for unexpected guests.
So, it's time to move on to the most interesting and delicious section.

We prepare buckwheat cutlets and more

Recipe one “Economy”

We gave the name for a reason, because this is the simplest, traditional and very budget option.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 500 grams. You can also take the green variety, then the cutlets will be even more healthy and less caloric;
  • eggs - two medium ones;
  • oil - take vegetable sunflower or olive or corn;
  • onions - two medium pieces;
  • butter – 60 grams;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs for dipping cutlets before frying.

We prepare delicious cutlets.

Let's start with the onion - peel it, dice it, simmer in butter (butter) until golden brown. Pour the buckwheat into a colander, then rinse and remove all unnecessary inclusions. We cook buckwheat in any way, you can simply pour boiling water over it overnight, you just need to salt the water. Place the cooled boiled cereal in a blender or meat grinder and grind until you obtain the usual mass for cutlets. Separately, beat the eggs, add spices, add a little salt and combine the ingredients with buckwheat. Mix. Now we form the cutlets, dip them in breading on all sides, heat the vegetable oil and fry.

Advice! To make the dish as healthy as possible for you and help you lose weight, serve buckwheat cutlets with stewed or grilled vegetables. Very tasty and healthy.

To prepare an equally economical dish, yes, and also to make lean buckwheat cutlets, you simply cook the cereal, chop the onion, fry it, mix everything in a blender with salt, herbs and spices. Then cook either by steaming or in a frying pan. The dietary, vegetarian and lenten dish is ready.

Recipe two “Tender”

This dish will win the hearts of everyone, because these are buckwheat cutlets with cheese. Very delicate taste, delicate dish, suitable for a child's menu.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – again 500 grams;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • cheese - take the one you like, it can be “Russian” and feta cheese - 200 grams;
  • egg - two medium ones;
  • onion - one medium onion;
  • greens - to your taste;
  • butter – 90 grams;
  • potatoes - 3 medium pieces;
  • salt and spices - to your taste;
  • flour or breadcrumbs for dipping.

We prepare delicious cutlets.

We cook or steam our buckwheat overnight so that it is salted. You can cook it with spices. Then you need to grind the cereal in a blender or food processor, add butter here. Now wash and peel our potatoes, put them in a blender and grind them to make a puree. If there is a lot of liquid, drain it so that the cutlets can be formed without them falling apart. Separately, beat the eggs and crush the garlic into them. Then combine it with ground buckwheat and mix everything well, adding spices and salt.

Three cheese on a coarse grater, peel the onion, cut and saute in butter (butter), chop the greens. Mix all three components. You can add onions and cheese not to the filling, but to the buckwheat minced meat. We make cutlets by putting the filling inside, then dip them in breading and fry. You can also use the oven.

Recipe three “Hearty”

These are buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms, which are very nutritious, tasty and are an excellent substitute for meat products.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 250 grams;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • eggs - two medium ones;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • cream – 60 grams;
  • herbs and salt - to your taste;
  • mushrooms – you can take champignons – 500 grams;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • bread - a piece;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

We prepare delicious cutlets.

Cook buckwheat, as in the first recipes. Wash the mushrooms, peel the onions, cut and fry everything, peel and cook the carrots. Then we first grind the mushrooms and onions in a blender, then the buckwheat with garlic and herbs, and then the carrots. Now we connect all the components together. Beat the eggs with salt and spices, pour into the minced meat and stir. Then add a piece of bread to the whole mass, which has been soaked in cream for about 15 minutes. Mix everything very well, form cutlets, dip in flour or breadcrumbs and fry.

Advice! You can do it a little differently - fry carrots, onions, mushrooms together.

Recipe four “Meat”

This recipe is for those who cannot imagine their diet without meat, it is especially suitable for men. But at the same time, the cutlets will still be light and healthy.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet – 250 grams;
  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • onion – one medium onion;
  • greens - according to your taste and preferences;
  • salt and spices - similar to herbs;
  • oil for frying – any vegetable oil;
  • breadcrumbs or flour;
  • egg - one medium.

We prepare delicious cutlets.

We make the cereal as before. We peel and fry the onion, put it in the bowl of a food processor and process it together with the fillet and buckwheat. We also add our favorite spices here; cumin will go very well with meat. We also add an essential spice – black pepper. Beat the egg with salt and pour it into the minced meat, stirring again. Then we make cutlets of the shape you are accustomed to, dip them in breadcrumbs or flour and fry them in a frying pan.

Advice! You can not only fry the cutlets, but also stew them with tomato paste. To do this, add a little water, ketchup or paste to the almost finished dish and let it simmer under the lid.

Recipe five “Useful”

We gave this symbolic name to the dish, since this time we will be making buckwheat cutlets in the oven. There won't be anything fried here.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 250 grams;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • one egg;
  • greenery;
  • onion - one piece;
  • salt, black pepper and other spices to your taste.

We prepare delicious cutlets.

Simple buckwheat cutlets are a dietary dish that can be easily and quickly prepared at home: with cheese, minced meat, garlic, onions, and potatoes.

A great variety of cereals for everyday cutlets! Why not?! After all, it’s essentially two in one: a side dish, a main dish and even a salad. Buckwheat for minced meat is an ideal gastronomic companion. To be honest, this was my first time cooking buckwheat cutlets, but I didn’t even expect how interesting, juicy and fragrant they would turn out. As a small but useful piece of advice, add a pinch of sugar to the minced meat; it will reveal both the meat and the buckwheat in a special gastronomic light. Look, these cutlets will become “regular” and loved.

  • Buckwheat 1 cup
  • Minced meat 450 grams
  • Onions 2 pcs
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Dill bunch
  • Creamy horseradish 2 tbsp
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Premium wheat flour 3-4 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar a pinch
  • Ground black pepper pinch
  • Grapeseed oil for frying
  • Sour cream for serving
  • Greens for serving

Boil the buckwheat and prepare a crumbly porridge.

Mix the minced meat with onions, season with black pepper and sugar - knead well and beat lightly.

Mix minced meat and buckwheat.

Prepare the filling for the cutlets: boil the eggs, grate on a medium grater, chop the dill and garlic, mix everything with creamy horseradish.

Divide all the minced meat into portions, form a flat cake, place 1-2 tablespoons of egg-dill filling in the center of each.

Form cutlets, bread them in flour.

Fry the cutlets in grape seed oil on both sides until lightly browned. Bring to readiness in the oven and serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Recipe 2: simple and delicious buckwheat cutlets

These wonderful buckwheat cutlets can be prepared if you have leftover buckwheat porridge from yesterday. But I assure you that having cooked them at least once, you will specially cook the cereal and make this dish quite often. And although there is not an ounce of meat in them, oddly enough, the cutlets taste delicious.

They have a pleasant buckwheat aroma, delicate and juicy texture, crispy crust and are liked by everyone without exception. Despite the fact that this dish is made from cereals, it turns out to be very nutritious and satisfying. By the way, such delicious buckwheat cutlets are perfect for eating during fasting, you just need to exclude the egg from the recipe.

  • 450 g boiled buckwheat
  • 225 g peeled potatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 raw carrot
  • 1 medium egg
  • 2 heaped tablespoons breadcrumbs + for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying

Three peeled potatoes on the finest grater and squeeze out excess juice (if you make a lean version, then leave everything as is).

Add boiled buckwheat, chopped onion, grated carrots, salt, pepper, raw egg and crackers (they can be replaced with flour). Stir the cutlet mixture until smooth.

With slightly damp hands, form cutlets of any shape. Carefully bread each one on all sides.

Fry in the usual way in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the cutlets over low heat without a lid for 7 - 10 minutes on each side until beautifully browned. Bon appetit.

Recipe 3, step by step: buckwheat porridge cutlets

You can easily and quickly prepare dietary buckwheat cutlets that are very tasty at home.

  • Buckwheat porridge – 2 cups, 250 ml each
  • Quail eggs - 4 pieces, or regular chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Onions – 1 pc. medium in size.
  • Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • A little spice: salt, dill, a mixture of peppers.

My buckwheat porridge was already cooked, I poured deep buckwheat into a bowl. I mashed the grains as best I could with a spoon, but didn’t try too hard. Yes, there are recipes where buckwheat is passed through a meat grinder, but as I imagined - how much to wash everything, I became lazy, and decided to do it my own way. Next, I finely chopped the onion. I put these gifts of nature and stores in a large dish, beat the eggs into the buckwheat, and added flour.

I peppered and salted the cutlet mixture just a little bit, since the buckwheat porridge was lightly salted before. I mixed everything thoroughly, pressing the buckwheat with a spoon again. I formed the buckwheat mince into a hemisphere for ease of forming cutlets.

I put a frying pan on the stove to heat up. I made cutlets from the minced meat, simply forming them in my palms. Added vegetable oil to the frying pan and carefully placed the future buckwheat yummy in it. I turned down the heat to low so that the food didn’t burn. I fried it on one side, turned it on its side - rib. Once again it gave the edge the opportunity to undergo heat treatment.

When the side of the cutlet began to brown, I turned it over to the other unfried side. It took me about 12-15 minutes to fry with a low flame.

Recipe 4: Buckwheat cutlets with garlic and sour cream

You can prepare a wide variety of dishes with buckwheat. I recommend you a recipe for preparing delicious, and most importantly healthy buckwheat cutlets. The minced meat for such cutlets is prepared on the basis of buckwheat porridge with the addition of vegetable ingredients. Preparing our dish does not require much time or expensive ingredients. But despite this, the cutlets turn out tasty, light and tender. They will be a great treat at your dinner table.

  • Buckwheat 200–250 grams
  • Medium sized onions 1–2 pieces
  • Medium sized garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Sour cream 20% fat content 1 tablespoon
  • Chicken egg 1 piece
  • Wheat flour 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Breadcrumbs for breading cutlets

Pour buckwheat onto a paper towel and distribute evenly over its entire surface. We sort out the buckwheat by hand and set aside any pebbles or dry grass that may be in the grain. Then you need to rinse it well. To do this, transfer the sorted buckwheat into a saucepan and pour running water into the same container. We drain several times and fill the container with water again. Afterwards, pour the cereal with the liquid into a sieve and let the water drain.

Transfer the buckwheat into a free pan and fill it with water at room temperature. It is very important to maintain the proportions of buckwheat and water. They should correspond to 1 to 2, that is, for 200 grams of buckwheat you need to take 400 milliliters of water, respectively, if there are 250 grams of buckwheat ingredient, then we take liquid at the rate of 500 milliliters.

Place the pan on medium heat and when the water with buckwheat boils, add a little salt to taste and mix everything lightly with a tablespoon. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat until the amount of water is reduced by half. Then turn the heat down to low and cook the porridge for another 5-7 minutes. During this time, all the liquid should evaporate.

Afterwards, turn off the burner and wrap the pan with buckwheat porridge in a towel for 20 minutes so that it soaks well. Attention: since we will be preparing cutlets from buckwheat porridge, there is no need to add butter to our ingredient.

Using a kitchen knife, peel the onion. We rinse the vegetable under running water and transfer it to a cutting board; using a kitchen knife, cut the onion into 4 parts. Then place the onion pieces in a free bowl.

Place the garlic cloves on a cutting board and, pressing them with the handle of a knife, remove the husks.

When the buckwheat porridge has cooled to room temperature, grind it together with the onion and garlic into an electric meat grinder. Then add sour cream and flour to the same container and use a knife to break the shell of one egg over the bowl. After that, add salt and pepper, and then, using a tablespoon, mix all the ingredients well until smooth.

The minced meat is ready. Now we begin to form cutlets from buckwheat minced meat. To do this, we wet our hands with water, and then use them to take some minced meat from the bowl and manually form a small cutlet of 40-50 grams each. Then lightly press on it, making the cutlet flatter. The cutlets must be formed from minced meat into small ones so that they are well fried. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and place the container on medium heat.

There is no need to pour too much oil into the container, as this will make the cutlets very crumbly. When the oil is well heated, transfer the buckwheat cutlets into this container at a short distance from each other. Attention: before frying the cutlets, you can roll them in wheat flour or breadcrumbs.

First fry the cutlets over high heat on one side until golden brown, and then using a kitchen metal spatula, turn them over to the other side and also fry until golden brown on the other side. Afterwards, reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Be sure to fry the cutlets under the lid. When the cutlets are ready, turn off the burner and, holding the pan with an oven mitt, use a metal spatula to remove them from the container. Transfer the buckwheat cutlets to an empty plate.

After the buckwheat cutlets have cooled a little, transfer them to a wide dish and serve. It is better to serve our cutlets with sour cream, sauce and vegetable salads. By the way, our buckwheat cutlets are good both hot and cold. This dish will conquer any gourmet. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: buckwheat and potato cutlets (with photo)

Let's prepare cutlets from buckwheat and potatoes. You can add onion and egg to the resulting minced meat, just like in regular cutlets. Add spices to the minced meat according to your taste. We shape the cutlets as you wish, small or large, round or oval, etc. The cutlets turn out very fluffy and tasty. When the cutlets are hot, you won’t even immediately understand why they were cooked! You can even take these cutlets on a picnic. Let's start making buckwheat and potato cutlets!

  • Boiled buckwheat - 1 cup.
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 50 grams.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Paprika - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - to taste.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.

Peel the onion, cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil. Mix boiled buckwheat and fried onions.

Boiled potatoes, mash with a fork or potato masher.

Add potatoes, vegetable oil (1 tbsp) to the buckwheat and mix. Then add the egg to the minced meat and mix again.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add to the minced meat and mix.

Salt and pepper the minced meat, add paprika and mix.

Using wet hands, form the minced meat into cutlets and roll them in flour.

Place the cutlets in a heated frying pan and fry in oil until golden brown, first on one side.

Then turn the cutlets over and fry on the other side until cooked.

Place the fried cutlets on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Buckwheat and potato cutlets, served hot with sour cream or sauce. The cutlets turned out tender, fluffy and very tasty! Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: minced meat and buckwheat cutlets (step by step)

Buckwheat cutlets with minced meat, very tasty, a recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I offer, are perfectly garnished with mashed potatoes, pasta or boiled rice. It’s very tasty if you prepare a sauce separately, such as bechamel or tomato, and serve it with these cutlets.

  • minced meat (pork and beef) - 500 g,
  • buckwheat - 1 cup,
  • water - 2 glasses,
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • salt,
  • spices,
  • flour for breading,
  • vegetable oil.

We sort out the buckwheat from the garbage and pierce it in the frying pan.

Then add salt and water to it, cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let stand covered for another 5 minutes.

Finely chop the peeled onion and sauté with butter until golden brown.

Add buckwheat, sautéed onions to the prepared minced meat, beat in an egg and add spices.

Mix the minced meat and form cutlets.

Pour oil into a heated frying pan and fry the cutlets on all sides, first over high heat to form a crust, and then turn off the heat and simmer under the lid.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: delicious buckwheat cutlets with cheese

Sometimes you want to arrange fasting days for yourself. But at the same time, cook something nutritious and tasty. The ideal dish would be buckwheat cutlets with cheese, which even children will enjoy eating. They are easy to prepare. Even a culinary beginner can handle this dish. So let's start cooking according to our recipe.

  • buckwheat – 1 glass;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour or breadcrumbs;
  • salt pepper

First you need to boil the buckwheat. To do this, you need to bring the water to a boil and add the cereal. Cook the buckwheat until the water has completely evaporated.

Buckwheat cutlets are an excellent option for those who like to constantly diversify their table and follow a proper diet. Buckwheat porridge cutlets are nutritious, satiating, but at the same time provide a minimal amount of calories.

The recipes described below with photos show step by step how to prepare simple and tasty buckwheat cutlets.

This recipe will not take much time and effort. And another advantage is that buckwheat cutlets can be made from that part of the buckwheat that you simply didn’t eat. It’s a shame to throw away food, so if you can still make a tasty dish out of it, why not do this useful thing?

  • It will take no more than 30-40 minutes to prepare.
  • And the calorie content is minimal: 110 kcal per 100 g.


  • 1 cup buckwheat;
  • 1 onion and carrot each;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 large spoons of flour or breadcrumbs;

How to cook buckwheat cutlets

Step 1. Cook buckwheat porridge: sort and wash the cereal, add water (2 cups of water per 1 cup of buckwheat), add a little salt and cook from a boil over high heat for 7 minutes.

Step 2. Chop the onion quite finely, and the carrots can be grated on a fine grater. Add vegetables to the cooked buckwheat, and beat in 2 eggs. You can also add a little flour (or semolina) - then the finished cutlets will definitely not fall apart.

Step 3. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and form cutlets. You can also roll them in breadcrumbs for reliability and to get a nice crust. Another option is to make a crust for buckwheat cutlets from wheat flour.

Step 4. And fry our cutlets over high heat (in any vegetable oil) - literally 3 minutes on each side. The buckwheat is already ready, so there is no point in keeping the cutlets on the fire for too long.

The result is an excellent dish that will appeal to vegetarians, as well as those who fast or watch their figure. And gourmets will be able to appreciate these buckwheat cutlets for their unusualness and appetizing appearance.

You can serve buckwheat cutlets with sour cream and vegetables; boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are appropriate as a side dish.

How to cook buckwheat and potato cutlets

Many may be confused by the fact that they have to add flour or semolina to the “minced meat”. So let's see how to make buckwheat cutlets using potatoes.


  • 1 glass of buckwheat (cook in 2 glasses of water);
  • 3 small potatoes;
  • vegetable oil – 2 large spoons;
  • salt and spices at your discretion.

How to cook step by step

Step 1. First, cook the buckwheat until tender - to do this, after boiling, cook it over high heat for literally 7-10 minutes.

Step 2. The next step is to grate the potatoes on a fine grater. We squeeze it carefully by hand - the moisture needs to be removed as much as possible.

Step 3. Mix buckwheat with potatoes.

Step 4. Forming cutlets. You can also roll them in breadcrumbs.

Step 5. All that remains is to fry them in a frying pan - 5 minutes on each side will be enough.

Buckwheat cutlets with cheese


  • 125 g buckwheat;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 1 large onion;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 70 g.

How to cook

Step 1. Wash the buckwheat thoroughly under running water. Pour the cereal into a pan of boiling salted water and cook for about half an hour over low heat. Transfer the porridge to a blender container and grind until smooth.

Step 2. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

Step 3. Transfer the fried onions into the warm buckwheat mixture. Coarsely grate the cheese and add it to the buckwheat and onions. When the mass has cooled completely, add eggs to it and season everything with pepper, salt and spices. Mix the minced meat well with your hands.

Step 4. Pour breadcrumbs into a flat plate. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. We form small cutlets from buckwheat minced meat, bread them in breadcrumbs and place them in a frying pan with heated oil.

Step 5. Fry the cutlets over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Transfer the finished cutlets to a serving plate and serve with tomato sauce.

Buckwheat cutlets with cheese

And now a recipe in which a frying pan with hot oil is not needed. You can take the technologies described above as a basis - just bake the cutlets in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C. But there is a more interesting option.


  • buckwheat 500 g;
  • the same amount of any minced meat (meat, chicken or fish);
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • some greenery;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and spices at your discretion.

How to cook

Step 1. First, boil the buckwheat until half cooked - 5 minutes from boiling.

Step 2. Mix it with minced meat.

Step 3. We cut onions and greens.

Step 4. Now mix everything, form cutlets from the minced meat and place them on foil or on a baking sheet (in this case, you must grease it with oil). Bake for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C (the oven must first be preheated).

The result is a very tasty and interesting dish in its own way - buckwheat cutlets in the oven.

Buckwheat cutlets cooked in the oven

You can serve these cutlets with mashed potatoes, pasta or any other side dish. They are especially tasty with stewed cabbage - after all, this combination of flavors is one of the best.

And one more useful tip - you can initially add a little stewed mushrooms to the minced meat. Then the taste of the dish is significantly enriched.

Bon appetit!
